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# pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017, The pgAdmin Development Team
# This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
"""A blueprint module implementing the sqleditor frame."""
import simplejson as json
import os
import pickle
import random
import codecs
from flask import Response, url_for, render_template, session, request
from flask_babel import gettext
from flask_security import login_required
from pgadmin.tools.sqleditor.command import QueryToolCommand
from pgadmin.utils import PgAdminModule
from pgadmin.utils import get_storage_directory
from pgadmin.utils.ajax import make_json_response, bad_request, \
success_return, internal_server_error
from pgadmin.utils.driver import get_driver
from pgadmin.utils.sqlautocomplete.autocomplete import SQLAutoComplete
from pgadmin.misc.file_manager import Filemanager
from config import PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER
MODULE_NAME = 'sqleditor'
# import unquote from urllib for python2.x and python3.x
from urllib import unquote
except ImportError:
from urllib.parse import unquote
# Async Constants
# Transaction status constants
class SqlEditorModule(PgAdminModule):
class SqlEditorModule(PgAdminModule)
A module class for SQL Grid derived from PgAdminModule.
LABEL = gettext("SQL Editor")
def get_own_menuitems(self):
return {}
def get_own_javascripts(self):
return [{
'name': 'pgadmin.sqleditor',
'path': url_for('sqleditor.index') + "sqleditor",
'when': None
def get_panels(self):
return []
def register_preferences(self):
self.info_notifier_timeout = self.preference.register(
'display', 'info_notifier_timeout',
gettext("Query info notifier timeout"), 'integer', 5,
help_str=gettext('The length of time to display the query info notifier after execution has completed. '
'A value of -1 disables the notifier and a value of 0 displays it until clicked. '
'Values greater than 1 display the notifier for the number of seconds specified.')
self.open_in_new_tab = self.preference.register(
'display', 'new_browser_tab',
gettext("Open in new browser tab"), 'boolean', False,
help_str=gettext('If set to True, the Query Tool '
'will be opened in a new browser tab.')
self.explain_verbose = self.preference.register(
'Explain', 'explain_verbose',
gettext("Verbose output?"), 'boolean', False,
self.explain_costs = self.preference.register(
'Explain', 'explain_costs',
gettext("Show costs?"), 'boolean', False,
self.explain_buffers = self.preference.register(
'Explain', 'explain_buffers',
gettext("Show buffers?"), 'boolean', False,
self.explain_timing = self.preference.register(
'Explain', 'explain_timing',
gettext("Show timing?"), 'boolean', False,
self.auto_commit = self.preference.register(
'Options', 'auto_commit',
gettext("Auto commit?"), 'boolean', True,
self.auto_rollback = self.preference.register(
'Options', 'auto_rollback',
gettext("Auto rollback?"), 'boolean', False,
self.sql_font_size = self.preference.register(
'Options', 'sql_font_size',
gettext("Font size"), 'numeric', '1',
help_str=gettext('The font size to use for the SQL text boxes and editors. '
'The value specified is in "em" units, in which 1 is the default relative font size. '
'For example, to increase the font size by 20 percent use a value of 1.2, or to reduce '
'by 20 percent, use a value of 0.8. Minimum 0.1, maximum 10.')
self.tab_size = self.preference.register(
'Options', 'tab_size',
gettext("Tab size"), 'integer', 4,
help_str=gettext('The number of spaces per tab. Minimum 2, maximum 8.')
self.use_spaces = self.preference.register(
'Options', 'use_spaces',
gettext("Use spaces?"), 'boolean', False,
help_str=gettext('Specifies whether or not to insert spaces instead of tabs when the tab key is used.')
self.wrap_code = self.preference.register(
'Options', 'wrap_code',
gettext("Line wrapping?"), 'boolean', False,
help_str=gettext('Specifies whether or not to wrap SQL code in editor.')
blueprint = SqlEditorModule(MODULE_NAME, __name__, static_url_path='/static')
def index():
return bad_request(errormsg=gettext('This URL cannot be requested directly.'))
def update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, data):
grid_data = session['gridData']
grid_data[str(trans_id)] = data
session['gridData'] = grid_data
def check_transaction_status(trans_id):
This function is used to check the transaction id
is available in the session object and connection
Returns: status and connection object
grid_data = session['gridData']
# Return from the function if transaction id not found
if str(trans_id) not in grid_data:
return False, gettext('Transaction ID not found in the session.'), None, None, None
# Fetch the object for the specified transaction id.
# Use pickle.loads function to get the command object
session_obj = grid_data[str(trans_id)]
trans_obj = pickle.loads(session_obj['command_obj'])
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(trans_obj.sid)
conn = manager.connection(did=trans_obj.did, conn_id=trans_obj.conn_id)
except Exception as e:
return False, internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e)), None, None, None
if conn.connected():
return True, None, conn, trans_obj, session_obj
return False, gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.'), \
None, trans_obj, session_obj
@blueprint.route('/view_data/start/<int:trans_id>', methods=["GET"])
def start_view_data(trans_id):
This method is used to execute query using asynchronous connection.
trans_id: unique transaction id
limit = -1
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
# Fetch the sql and primary_keys from the object
sql = trans_obj.get_sql()
pk_names, primary_keys = trans_obj.get_primary_keys()
# Fetch the applied filter.
filter_applied = trans_obj.is_filter_applied()
# Fetch the limit for the SQL query
limit = trans_obj.get_limit()
can_edit = trans_obj.can_edit()
can_filter = trans_obj.can_filter()
# Store the primary keys to the session object
session_obj['primary_keys'] = primary_keys
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
# Execute sql asynchronously
status, result = conn.execute_async(sql)
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
status = False
result = error_msg
filter_applied = False
can_edit = False
can_filter = False
sql = None
return make_json_response(
'status': status, 'result': result,
'filter_applied': filter_applied,
'limit': limit, 'can_edit': can_edit,
'can_filter': can_filter, 'sql': sql,
'info_notifier_timeout': blueprint.info_notifier_timeout.get()
@blueprint.route('/query_tool/start/<int:trans_id>', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def start_query_tool(trans_id):
This method is used to execute query using asynchronous connection.
trans_id: unique transaction id
if request.data:
sql = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
sql = request.args or request.form
grid_data = session['gridData']
# Return from the function if transaction id not found
if str(trans_id) not in grid_data:
return make_json_response(
'status': False, 'result': gettext('Transaction ID not found in the session.'),
'can_edit': False, 'can_filter': False
# Fetch the object for the specified transaction id.
# Use pickle.loads function to get the command object
session_obj = grid_data[str(trans_id)]
trans_obj = pickle.loads(session_obj['command_obj'])
can_edit = False
can_filter = False
if trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
conn_id = trans_obj.conn_id
# if conn_id is None then we will have to create a new connection
if conn_id is None:
# Create asynchronous connection using random connection id.
conn_id = str(random.randint(1, 9999999))
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(trans_obj.sid)
conn = manager.connection(did=trans_obj.did, conn_id=conn_id)
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
# Connect to the Server if not connected.
if not conn.connected():
status, msg = conn.connect()
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(msg))
if conn.connected():
# on successful connection set the connection id to the
# transaction object
# As we changed the transaction object we need to
# restore it and update the session variable.
session_obj['command_obj'] = pickle.dumps(trans_obj, -1)
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
# If auto commit is False and transaction status is Idle
# then call is_begin_not_required() function to check BEGIN
# is required or not.
if not trans_obj.auto_commit \
and conn.transaction_status() == TX_STATUS_IDLE \
and is_begin_required(sql):
# Execute sql asynchronously with params is None
# and formatted_error is True.
status, result = conn.execute_async(sql)
# If the transaction aborted for some reason and
# Auto RollBack is True then issue a rollback to cleanup.
trans_status = conn.transaction_status()
if trans_status == TX_STATUS_INERROR and trans_obj.auto_rollback:
status = False
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
can_edit = trans_obj.can_edit()
can_filter = trans_obj.can_filter()
status = False
result = gettext('Either transaction object or session object not found.')
return make_json_response(
'status': status, 'result': result,
'can_edit': can_edit, 'can_filter': can_filter,
'info_notifier_timeout': blueprint.info_notifier_timeout.get()
@blueprint.route('/query_tool/preferences/<int:trans_id>', methods=["GET", "PUT"])
def preferences(trans_id):
This method is used to get/put explain options from/to preferences
trans_id: unique transaction id
if request.method == 'GET':
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
# Call the set_auto_commit and set_auto_rollback method of transaction object
# As we changed the transaction object we need to
# restore it and update the session variable.
session_obj['command_obj'] = pickle.dumps(trans_obj, -1)
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
return make_json_response(
'explain_verbose': blueprint.explain_verbose.get(),
'explain_costs': blueprint.explain_costs.get(),
'explain_buffers': blueprint.explain_buffers.get(),
'explain_timing': blueprint.explain_timing.get(),
'auto_commit': blueprint.auto_commit.get(),
'auto_rollback': blueprint.auto_rollback.get()
data = None
if request.data:
data = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
data = request.args or request.form
for k, v in data.items():
v = bool(v)
if k == 'explain_verbose':
elif k == 'explain_costs':
elif k == 'explain_buffers':
elif k == 'explain_timing':
return success_return()
@blueprint.route('/columns/<int:trans_id>', methods=["GET"])
def get_columns(trans_id):
This method will returns list of columns of last async query.
trans_id: unique transaction id
columns = dict()
columns_info = None
primary_keys = None
rset = None
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None and session_obj is not None:
ver = conn.manager.version
# Get the template path for the column
template_path = 'column/sql/#{0}#'.format(ver)
command_obj = pickle.loads(session_obj['command_obj'])
if hasattr(command_obj, 'obj_id'):
SQL = render_template("/".join([template_path,
# rows with attribute not_null
status, rset = conn.execute_2darray(SQL)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=rset)
# Check PK column info is available or not
if 'primary_keys' in session_obj:
primary_keys = session_obj['primary_keys']
# Fetch column information
columns_info = conn.get_column_info()
if columns_info is not None:
for key, col in enumerate(columns_info):
col_type = dict()
col_type['type_code'] = col['type_code']
col_type['type_name'] = None
if rset:
col_type['not_null'] = col['not_null'] = \
col_type['has_default_val'] = col['has_default_val'] = \
columns[col['name']] = col_type
# As we changed the transaction object we need to
# restore it and update the session variable.
session_obj['columns_info'] = columns
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
return make_json_response(data={'status': True,
'columns': columns_info,
'primary_keys': primary_keys})
@blueprint.route('/poll/<int:trans_id>', methods=["GET"])
def poll(trans_id):
This method polls the result of the asynchronous query and returns the result.
trans_id: unique transaction id
result = None
rows_affected = 0
additional_result = []
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None and session_obj is not None:
status, result = conn.poll(formatted_exception_msg=True)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(result)
elif status == ASYNC_OK:
status = 'Success'
rows_affected = conn.rows_affected()
# if transaction object is instance of QueryToolCommand
# and transaction aborted for some reason then issue a
# rollback to cleanup
if isinstance(trans_obj, QueryToolCommand):
trans_status = conn.transaction_status()
if (trans_status == TX_STATUS_INERROR and
status = 'Cancel'
status = 'Busy'
messages = conn.messages()
if messages and len(messages) > 0:
result = ''.join(messages)
status = 'NotConnected'
result = error_msg
# Procedure/Function output may comes in the form of Notices from the
# database server, so we need to append those outputs with the
# original result.
if status == 'Success' and result is None:
result = conn.status_message()
messages = conn.messages()
if messages:
additional_result = ''.join(messages)
additional_result = ''
if result != 'SELECT 1' and result is not None:
result = additional_result + result
result = additional_result
# There may be additional messages even if result is present
# eg: Function can provide result as well as RAISE messages
additional_messages = None
if status == 'Success' and result is not None:
messages = conn.messages()
if messages:
additional_messages = ''.join(messages)
return make_json_response(
'status': status, 'result': result,
'rows_affected': rows_affected,
'additional_messages': additional_messages
@blueprint.route('/fetch/types/<int:trans_id>', methods=["GET"])
def fetch_pg_types(trans_id):
This method is used to fetch the pg types, which is required
to map the data type comes as a result of the query.
trans_id: unique transaction id
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
res = {}
if 'columns_info' in session_obj \
and session_obj['columns_info'] is not None:
oids = [session_obj['columns_info'][col]['type_code'] for col in session_obj['columns_info']]
if oids:
status, res = conn.execute_dict(
u"""SELECT oid, format_type(oid,null) as typname FROM pg_type WHERE oid IN %s ORDER BY oid;
""", [tuple(oids)])
if status:
# iterate through pg_types and update the type name in session object
for record in res['rows']:
for col in session_obj['columns_info']:
type_obj = session_obj['columns_info'][col]
if type_obj['type_code'] == record['oid']:
type_obj['type_name'] = record['typname']
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
status = False
res = error_msg
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
@blueprint.route('/save/<int:trans_id>', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def save(trans_id):
This method is used to save the changes to the server
trans_id: unique transaction id
if request.data:
changed_data = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
changed_data = request.args or request.form
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
setattr(trans_obj, 'columns_info', session_obj['columns_info'])
# If there is no primary key found then return from the function.
if len(session_obj['primary_keys']) <= 0 or len(changed_data) <= 0:
return make_json_response(
'status': False,
'result': gettext('No primary key found for this object, so unable to save records.')
status, res, query_res, _rowid = trans_obj.save(changed_data)
status = False
res = error_msg
query_res = None
return make_json_response(
'status': status,
'result': res,
'query_result': query_res,
'_rowid': _rowid
@blueprint.route('/filter/get/<int:trans_id>', methods=["GET"])
def get_filter(trans_id):
This method is used to get the existing filter.
trans_id: unique transaction id
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
res = trans_obj.get_filter()
status = False
res = error_msg
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
@blueprint.route('/filter/apply/<int:trans_id>', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def apply_filter(trans_id):
This method is used to apply the filter.
trans_id: unique transaction id
if request.data:
filter_sql = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
filter_sql = request.args or request.form
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
status, res = trans_obj.set_filter(filter_sql)
# As we changed the transaction object we need to
# restore it and update the session variable.
session_obj['command_obj'] = pickle.dumps(trans_obj, -1)
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
status = False
res = error_msg
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
@blueprint.route('/filter/inclusive/<int:trans_id>', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def append_filter_inclusive(trans_id):
This method is used to append and apply the filter.
trans_id: unique transaction id
if request.data:
filter_data = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
filter_data = request.args or request.form
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
res = None
filter_sql = ''
driver = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER)
for column_name in filter_data:
column_value = filter_data[column_name]
if column_value is None:
filter_sql = driver.qtIdent(conn, column_name) + ' IS NULL '
filter_sql = driver.qtIdent(conn, column_name) + ' = ' + driver.qtLiteral(column_value)
# As we changed the transaction object we need to
# restore it and update the session variable.
session_obj['command_obj'] = pickle.dumps(trans_obj, -1)
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
status = False
res = error_msg
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
@blueprint.route('/filter/exclusive/<int:trans_id>', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def append_filter_exclusive(trans_id):
This method is used to append and apply the filter.
trans_id: unique transaction id
if request.data:
filter_data = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
filter_data = request.args or request.form
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
res = None
filter_sql = ''
driver = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER)
for column_name in filter_data:
column_value = filter_data[column_name]
if column_value is None:
filter_sql = driver.qtIdent(conn, column_name) + ' IS NOT NULL '
filter_sql = driver.qtIdent(conn, column_name) + ' IS DISTINCT FROM ' + driver.qtLiteral(column_value)
# Call the append_filter method of transaction object
# As we changed the transaction object we need to
# restore it and update the session variable.
session_obj['command_obj'] = pickle.dumps(trans_obj, -1)
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
status = False
res = error_msg
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
@blueprint.route('/filter/remove/<int:trans_id>', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def remove_filter(trans_id):
This method is used to remove the filter.
trans_id: unique transaction id
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
res = None
# Call the remove_filter method of transaction object
# As we changed the transaction object we need to
# restore it and update the session variable.
session_obj['command_obj'] = pickle.dumps(trans_obj, -1)
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
status = False
res = error_msg
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
@blueprint.route('/limit/<int:trans_id>', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def set_limit(trans_id):
This method is used to set the limit for the SQL.
trans_id: unique transaction id
if request.data:
limit = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
limit = request.args or request.form
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
res = None
# Call the set_limit method of transaction object
# As we changed the transaction object we need to
# restore it and update the session variable.
session_obj['command_obj'] = pickle.dumps(trans_obj, -1)
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
status = False
res = error_msg
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
@blueprint.route('/cancel/<int:trans_id>', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def cancel_transaction(trans_id):
This method is used to cancel the running transaction
trans_id: unique transaction id
grid_data = session['gridData']
# Return from the function if transaction id not found
if str(trans_id) not in grid_data:
return make_json_response(
'status': False, 'result': gettext('Transaction ID not found in the session.')
# Fetch the object for the specified transaction id.
# Use pickle.loads function to get the command object
session_obj = grid_data[str(trans_id)]
trans_obj = pickle.loads(session_obj['command_obj'])
if trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
# Fetch the main connection object for the database.
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(trans_obj.sid)
conn = manager.connection(did=trans_obj.did)
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
delete_connection = False
# Connect to the Server if not connected.
if not conn.connected():
status, msg = conn.connect()
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(msg))
delete_connection = True
if conn.connected():
# on successful connection cancel the running transaction
status, result = conn.cancel_transaction(trans_obj.conn_id, trans_obj.did)
# Delete connection if we have created it to
# cancel the transaction
if delete_connection:
status = False
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
status = False
result = gettext('Either transaction object or session object not found.')
return make_json_response(
'status': status, 'result': result
@blueprint.route('/object/get/<int:trans_id>', methods=["GET"])
def get_object_name(trans_id):
This method is used to get the object name
trans_id: unique transaction id
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
res = trans_obj.object_name
status = False
res = error_msg
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
@blueprint.route('/auto_commit/<int:trans_id>', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def set_auto_commit(trans_id):
This method is used to set the value for auto commit .
trans_id: unique transaction id
if request.data:
auto_commit = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
auto_commit = request.args or request.form
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
res = None
# Call the set_auto_commit method of transaction object
# Set Auto commit in preferences
# As we changed the transaction object we need to
# restore it and update the session variable.
session_obj['command_obj'] = pickle.dumps(trans_obj, -1)
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
status = False
res = error_msg
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
@blueprint.route('/auto_rollback/<int:trans_id>', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def set_auto_rollback(trans_id):
This method is used to set the value for auto commit .
trans_id: unique transaction id
if request.data:
auto_rollback = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
auto_rollback = request.args or request.form
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
res = None
# Call the set_auto_rollback method of transaction object
# Set Auto Rollback in preferences
# As we changed the transaction object we need to
# restore it and update the session variable.
session_obj['command_obj'] = pickle.dumps(trans_obj, -1)
update_session_grid_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
status = False
res = error_msg
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
@blueprint.route('/autocomplete/<int:trans_id>', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def auto_complete(trans_id):
This method implements the autocomplete feature.
trans_id: unique transaction id
full_sql = ''
text_before_cursor = ''
if request.data:
data = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
data = request.args or request.form
if len(data) > 0:
full_sql = data[0]
text_before_cursor = data[1]
# Check the transaction and connection status
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
# Create object of SQLAutoComplete class and pass connection object
auto_complete_obj = SQLAutoComplete(sid=trans_obj.sid, did=trans_obj.did, conn=conn)
# Get the auto completion suggestions.
res = auto_complete_obj.get_completions(full_sql, text_before_cursor)
status = False
res = error_msg
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
def script():
"""render the required javascript"""
return Response(response=render_template("sqleditor/js/sqleditor.js",
def is_begin_required(query):
word_len = 0
query = query.strip()
query_len = len(query)
# Check word length (since "beginx" is not "begin").
while (word_len < query_len) and query[word_len].isalpha():
word_len += 1
# Transaction control commands. These should include every keyword that
# gives rise to a TransactionStmt in the backend grammar, except for the
# savepoint-related commands.
# (We assume that START must be START TRANSACTION, since there is
# presently no other "START foo" command.)
keyword = query[0:word_len]
if word_len == 5 and keyword.lower() == "abort":
return False
if word_len == 5 and keyword.lower() == "begin":
return False
if word_len == 5 and keyword.lower() == "start":
return False
if word_len == 6 and keyword.lower() == "commit":
return False
if word_len == 3 and keyword.lower() == "end":
return False
if word_len == 8 and keyword.lower() == "rollback":
return False
if word_len == 7 and keyword.lower() == "prepare":
# PREPARE TRANSACTION is a TC command, PREPARE foo is not
query = query[word_len:query_len]
query = query.strip()
query_len = len(query)
word_len = 0
while (word_len < query_len) and query[word_len].isalpha():
word_len += 1
keyword = query[0:word_len]
if word_len == 11 and keyword.lower() == "transaction":
return False
return True
# Commands not allowed within transactions. The statements checked for
# here should be exactly those that call PreventTransactionChain() in the
# backend.
if word_len == 6 and keyword.lower() == "vacuum":
return False
if word_len == 7 and keyword.lower() == "cluster":
# CLUSTER with any arguments is allowed in transactions
query = query[word_len:query_len]
query = query.strip()
if query[0].isalpha():
return True # has additional words
return False # it's CLUSTER without arguments
if word_len == 6 and keyword.lower() == "create":
query = query[word_len:query_len]
query = query.strip()
query_len = len(query)
word_len = 0
while (word_len < query_len) and query[word_len].isalpha():
word_len += 1
keyword = query[0:word_len]
if word_len == 8 and keyword.lower() == "database":
return False
if word_len == 10 and keyword.lower() == "tablespace":
return False
# CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX CONCURRENTLY isn't allowed in xacts
if word_len == 7 and keyword.lower() == "cluster":
query = query[word_len:query_len]
query = query.strip()
query_len = len(query)
word_len = 0
while (word_len < query_len) and query[word_len].isalpha():
word_len += 1
keyword = query[0:word_len]
if word_len == 5 and keyword.lower() == "index":
query = query[word_len:query_len]
query = query.strip()
query_len = len(query)
word_len = 0
while (word_len < query_len) and query[word_len].isalpha():
word_len += 1
keyword = query[0:word_len]
if word_len == 12 and keyword.lower() == "concurrently":
return False
return True
if word_len == 5 and keyword.lower() == "alter":
query = query[word_len:query_len]
query = query.strip()
query_len = len(query)
word_len = 0
while (word_len < query_len) and query[word_len].isalpha():
word_len += 1
keyword = query[0:word_len]
# ALTER SYSTEM isn't allowed in xacts
if word_len == 6 and keyword.lower() == "system":
return False
return True
# Note: these tests will match DROP SYSTEM and REINDEX TABLESPACE, which
# aren't really valid commands so we don't care much. The other four
# possible matches are correct.
if word_len == 4 and keyword.lower() == "drop" \
or word_len == 7 and keyword.lower() == "reindex":
query = query[word_len:query_len]
query = query.strip()
query_len = len(query)
word_len = 0
while (word_len < query_len) and query[word_len].isalpha():
word_len += 1
keyword = query[0:word_len]
if word_len == 8 and keyword.lower() == "database":
return False
if word_len == 6 and keyword.lower() == "system":
return False
if word_len == 10 and keyword.lower() == "tablespace":
return False
return True
# DISCARD ALL isn't allowed in xacts, but other variants are allowed.
if word_len == 7 and keyword.lower() == "discard":
query = query[word_len:query_len]
query = query.strip()
query_len = len(query)
word_len = 0
while (word_len < query_len) and query[word_len].isalpha():
word_len += 1
keyword = query[0:word_len]
if word_len == 3 and keyword.lower() == "all":
return False
return True
return True
@blueprint.route('/load_file/', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def load_file():
This function gets name of file from request data
reads the data and sends back in reponse
if request.data:
file_data = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
file_path = unquote(file_data['file_name'])
if hasattr(str, 'decode'):
file_path = unquote(
# retrieve storage directory path
storage_manager_path = get_storage_directory()
if storage_manager_path:
# generate full path of file
file_path = os.path.join(
status, err_msg, is_binary, \
is_startswith_bom, enc = Filemanager.check_file_for_bom_and_binary(
if not status:
return internal_server_error(
if is_binary:
return internal_server_error(
errormsg=gettext("File type not supported")
with codecs.open(file_path, 'r', encoding=enc) as fileObj:
data = fileObj.read()
return make_json_response(
'status': True, 'result': data,
@blueprint.route('/save_file/', methods=["PUT", "POST"])
def save_file():
This function retrieves file_name and data from request.
and then save the data to the file
if request.data:
file_data = json.loads(request.data, encoding='utf-8')
# retrieve storage directory path
storage_manager_path = get_storage_directory()
# generate full path of file
file_path = unquote(file_data['file_name'])
if hasattr(str, 'decode'):
file_path = unquote(
Filemanager.check_access_permission(storage_manager_path, file_path)
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
if storage_manager_path is not None:
file_path = os.path.join(
if hasattr(str, 'decode'):
file_content = file_data['file_content']
file_content = file_data['file_content'].encode()
# write to file
with open(file_path, 'wb+') as output_file:
if hasattr(str, 'decode'):
except IOError as e:
if e.strerror == 'Permission denied':
err_msg = "Error: {0}".format(e.strerror)
err_msg = "Error: {0}".format(e.strerror)
return internal_server_error(errormsg=err_msg)
except Exception as e:
err_msg = "Error: {0}".format(e.strerror)
return internal_server_error(errormsg=err_msg)
return make_json_response(
'status': True,
@blueprint.route('/query_tool/download/<int:trans_id>', methods=["GET"])
def start_query_download_tool(trans_id):
sync_conn = None
status, error_msg, conn, trans_obj, \
session_obj = check_transaction_status(trans_id)
if status and conn is not None \
and trans_obj is not None and session_obj is not None:
data = request.args if request.args else None
if data and 'query' in data:
sql = data['query']
conn_id = str(random.randint(1, 9999999))
sync_conn = conn.manager.connection(
def cleanup():
del conn.manager.connections[sync_conn.conn_id]
# This returns generator of records.
status, gen = sync_conn.execute_on_server_as_csv(
sql, records=2000
if not status:
r = Response('"{0}"'.format(gen), mimetype='text/csv')
] = "attachment;filename=error.csv"
return r
r = Response(gen(), mimetype='text/csv')
if 'filename' in data and data['filename'] != "":
filename = data['filename']
import time
filename = str(int(time.time())) + ".csv"
# We will try to encode report file name with latin-1
# If it fails then we will fallback to default ascii file name
# werkzeug only supports latin-1 encoding supported values
tmp_file_name = filename
tmp_file_name.encode('latin-1', 'strict')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
filename = "download.csv"
] = "attachment;filename={0}".format(filename)
return r
except Exception as e:
r = Response('"{0}"'.format(e), mimetype='text/csv')
r.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment;filename=error.csv"
return r
return internal_server_error(
errormsg=gettext("Transaction status check failed.")