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602 lines
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['jquery', 'underscore', 'pgadmin', 'backbone', 'backform', 'alertify', 'pgadmin.browser.node'],
function($, _, pgAdmin, Backbone, Backform, Alertify, Node) {
var pgBrowser = pgAdmin.Browser;
// Store value in DOM as stringified JSON.
var StringOrJSONFormatter = function() {};
_.extend(StringOrJSONFormatter.prototype, {
fromRaw: function(rawData, model) {
return JSON.stringify(_.escape(rawData));
toRaw: function(formattedData, model) {
if (typeof(formattedData) == 'string') {
return _.unescape(formattedData);
if (formattedData instanceof Array) {
return JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(formattedData)));
return JSON.parse(formattedData);
* NodeAjaxOptionsControl
* This control will fetch the options required to render the select
* control, from the url specific to the pgAdmin.Browser node object.
* In order to use this properly, schema require to set the 'url' property,
* which exposes the data for this node.
* In case the url is not providing the data in proper format, we can
* specify the 'transform' function too, which will convert the fetched
* data to proper 'label', 'value' format.
var NodeAjaxOptionsControl = Backform.NodeAjaxOptionsControl =
defaults: _.extend(Backform.SelectControl.prototype.defaults, {
url: undefined,
transform: undefined,
url_with_id: false,
first_empty: false,
empty_value: '-- None --',
select2: {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: 'Select from the list',
width: 'style'
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>">',
' <select class="pgadmin-node-select form-control" name="<%=name%>" style="width:100%;" value="<%-value%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%> >',
' <% if (first_empty) { %>',
' <option value="" <%="" === rawValue ? "selected" : "" %>><%- empty_value %></option>',
' <% } %>',
' <% for (var i=0; i < options.length; i++) { %>',
' <% var option = options[i]; %>',
' <option <% if (option.image) { %> data-image=<%= option.image %> <% } %> value=<%= formatter.fromRaw(option.value) %> <%=option.value === rawValue ? "selected=\'selected\'" : "" %>><%-option.label%></option>',
' <% } %>',
' </select>',
formatter: StringOrJSONFormatter,
initialize: function() {
* Initialization from the original control.
Backform.SelectControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
* We're about to fetch the options required for this control.
var self = this,
url = self.field.get('url') || self.defaults.url,
m = self.model.top || self.model;
// Hmm - we found the url option.
// That means - we needs to fetch the options from that node.
if (url) {
var node = this.field.get('schema_node'),
node_info = this.field.get('node_info'),
full_url = node.generate_url.apply(
node, [
null, url, this.field.get('node_data'),
this.field.get('url_with_id') || false, node_info
cache_level = this.field.get('cache_level') || node.type,
cache_node = this.field.get('cache_node');
cache_node = (cache_node && pgAdmin.Browser.Nodes['cache_node']) || node;
* We needs to check, if we have already cached data for this url.
* If yes - use that, and do not bother about fetching it again,
* and use it.
var data = cache_node.cache(url, node_info, cache_level);
if (this.field.get('version_compatible') &&
(_.isUndefined(data) || _.isNull(data))) {
m.trigger('pgadmin:view:fetching', m, self.field);
async: false,
url: full_url,
success: function(res) {
* We will cache this data for short period of time for avoiding
* same calls.
data = cache_node.cache(url, node_info, cache_level, res.data);
error: function() {
m.trigger('pgadmin:view:fetch:error', m, self.field);
m.trigger('pgadmin:view:fetched', m, self.field);
// To fetch only options from cache, we do not need time from 'at'
// attribute but only options.
// It is feasible that the data may not have been fetched.
data = (data && data.data) || [];
* Transform the data
transform = this.field.get('transform') || self.defaults.transform;
if (transform && _.isFunction(transform)) {
// We will transform the data later, when rendering.
// It will allow us to generate different data based on the
// dependencies.
self.field.set('options', transform.bind(self, data));
} else {
self.field.set('options', data);
render: function() {
* Let SelectControl render it, we will do our magic on the
* select control in it.
Backform.SelectControl.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
var d = this.field.toJSON(),
select2_opts = _.defaults({}, d.select2, this.defaults.select2),
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
* If select2 options do not have any disabled property on this field
* and schema has disabled property then we need to apply it
if(!_.has(select2_opts, 'disabled') && (d && d.disabled)) {
_.extend(select2_opts, {
disabled: evalF(d.disabled, d, this.model)
* Add empty option as Select2 requires any empty '<option><option>' for
* some of its functionality to work and initialize select2 control.
return this;
var formatNode = function(opt) {
if (!opt.id) {
return opt.text;
var optimage = $(opt.element).data('image');
return opt.text;
} else {
return $(
'<span><span class="wcTabIcon ' + optimage + '"/>' + opt.text + '</span>'
var NodeListByIdControl = Backform.NodeListByIdControl = NodeAjaxOptionsControl.extend({
controlClassName: 'pgadmin-node-select form-control',
defaults: _.extend({}, NodeAjaxOptionsControl.prototype.defaults, {
first_empty: true,
empty_value: '-- None --',
url: 'nodes',
filter: undefined,
transform: function(rows) {
var self = this,
node = self.field.get('schema_node'),
res = [],
filter = self.field.get('filter') || function() { return true; };
filter = filter.bind(self);
_.each(rows, function(r) {
if (filter(r)) {
var l = (_.isFunction(node['node_label']) ?
(node['node_label']).apply(node, [r, self.model, self]) :
image= (_.isFunction(node['node_image']) ?
node, [r, self.model, self]
) :
(node['node_image'] || ('icon-' + node.type)));
'value': r._id,
'image': image,
'label': l
return res;
select2: {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: 'Select from the list',
width: 'style',
templateResult: formatNode,
templateSelection: formatNode
var NodeListByNameControl = Backform.NodeListByNameControl = NodeListByIdControl.extend({
defaults: _.extend({}, NodeListByIdControl.prototype.defaults, {
transform: function(rows) {
var self = this,
node = self.field.get('schema_node'),
res = [],
filter = self.field.get('filter') || function() { return true; };
filter = filter.bind(self);
_.each(rows, function(r) {
if (filter(r)) {
var l = (_.isFunction(node['node_label']) ?
(node['node_label']).apply(node, [r, self.model, self]) :
image = (_.isFunction(node['node_image']) ?
node, [r, self.model, self]
) :
(node['node_image'] || ('icon-' + node.type)));
'value': r.label,
'image': image,
'label': l
return res;
* Global function to make visible particular dom element in it's parent
* with given class.
$.fn.pgMakeVisible = function( cls ) {
return this.each(function() {
if (!this || !$(this.length))
var top, p = $(this), hasScrollbar = function(j) {
if (j && j.length > 0) {
return j.get(0).scrollHeight > j.height();
return false;
while(p) {
top = p.get(0).offsetTop + p.height();
p = p.parent();
if (hasScrollbar(p)) {
if (p.hasClass(cls)) //'backform-tab'
* NodeAjaxOptionsCell
* This cell will fetch the options required to render the select
* cell, from the url specific to the pgAdmin.Browser node object.
* In order to use this properly, schema require to set the 'url' property,
* which exposes the data for this node.
* In case the url is not providing the data in proper format, we can
* specify the 'transform' function too, which will convert the fetched
* data to proper 'label', 'value' format.
var NodeAjaxOptionsCell = Backgrid.Extension.NodeAjaxOptionsCell = Backgrid.Extension.Select2Cell.extend({
defaults: _.extend({}, Backgrid.Extension.Select2Cell.prototype.defaults, {
url: undefined,
transform: undefined,
url_with_id: false,
select2: {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: 'Select from the list',
width: 'style'
template: _.template(
'<option <% if (image) { %> data-image=<%= image %> <% } %> value="<%- value %>" <%= selected ? \'selected="selected"\' : "" %>><%- text %></option>'
initialize: function () {
Backgrid.Extension.Select2Cell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
var url = this.column.get('url') || this.defaults.url,
options_cached = this.column.get('options_cached');
// Hmm - we found the url option.
// That means - we needs to fetch the options from that node.
if (url && !options_cached) {
var self = this,
m = this.model, column = this.column,
eventHandler = m.top || m,
node = column.get('schema_node'),
node_info = column.get('node_info'),
full_url = node.generate_url.apply(
node, [
null, url, column.get('node_data'),
column.get('url_with_id') || false, node_info
cache_level = column.get('cache_level') || node.type,
cache_node = column.get('cache_node');
cache_node = (cache_node && pgAdmin.Browser.Nodes['cache_node']) || node;
* We needs to check, if we have already cached data for this url.
* If yes - use that, and do not bother about fetching it again,
* and use it.
var data = cache_node.cache(url, node_info, cache_level);
if (column.get('version_compatible') &&
(_.isUndefined(data) || _.isNull(data))) {
eventHandler.trigger('pgadmin:view:fetching', m, column);
async: false,
url: full_url,
success: function(res) {
* We will cache this data for short period of time for avoiding
* same calls.
data = cache_node.cache(url, node_info, cache_level, res.data);
error: function() {
eventHandler.trigger('pgadmin:view:fetch:error', m, column);
eventHandler.trigger('pgadmin:view:fetched', m, column);
// To fetch only options from cache, we do not need time from 'at'
// attribute but only options.
// It is feasible that the data may not have been fetched.
data = (data && data.data) || [];
* Transform the data
transform = column.get('transform') || self.defaults.transform;
if (transform && _.isFunction(transform)) {
// We will transform the data later, when rendering.
// It will allow us to generate different data based on the
// dependencies.
column.set('options', transform.bind(self, data));
} else {
column.set('options', data);
column.set('options_cached', true);
render: function() {
* Let SelectCell render it, we will do our magic on the
* select control in it.
var col = _.defaults(this.column.toJSON(), this.defaults),
model = this.model, column = this.column,
editable = Backgrid.callByNeed(col.editable, column, model),
optionValues = _.clone(this.optionValues ||
_.isFunction(this.column.get('options')) ?
this.column.get('options').apply(this) :
select2_opts = _.defaults({}, col.select2, this.defaults.select2),
evalF = function(f, col, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(col, [m]) : !!f);
if (!_.isArray(optionValues)) throw new TypeError("optionValues must be an array");
* Add empty option as Select2 requires any empty '<option><option>' for
* some of its functionality to work.
optionValues.unshift({'label':null, 'value':null, 'image':null});
var optionText = null,
optionValue = null,
model = this.model,
selectedValues = model.get(this.column.get("name"));
delete this.$select;
this.$select = $("<select>", {tabIndex: -1}).appendTo(this.$el);
for (var i = 0; i < optionValues.length; i++) {
var op = optionValues[i];
optionText = op['label'];
optionValue = op['value'];
optionImage = op['image'];
text: optionText,
value: optionValue,
image: optionImage,
selected: (selectedValues == optionValue) ||
(_.indexOf(selectedValues, optionValue) > -1)
// Initialize select2 control.
{'disabled': !editable},
* If select2 options do not have any disabled property on this cell
* and schema has disabled property then we need to apply it
if(!_.has(select2_opts, 'disabled') && (col && col.disabled)) {
_.extend(select2_opts, {
disabled: evalF(col.disabled, col, this.model)
return this;
var NodeListByIdCell = Backgrid.Extension.NodeListByIdCell = NodeAjaxOptionsCell.extend({
controlClassName: 'pgadmin-node-select backgrid-cell',
defaults: _.extend({}, NodeAjaxOptionsCell.prototype.defaults, {
url: 'nodes',
filter: undefined,
transform: function(rows) {
var self = this,
node = self.column.get('schema_node'),
res = [],
filter = self.column.get('filter') || function() { return true; };
filter = filter.bind(self);
_.each(rows, function(r) {
if (filter(r)) {
var l = (_.isFunction(node['node_label']) ?
(node['node_label']).apply(node, [r, self.model, self]) :
image= (_.isFunction(node['node_image']) ?
node, [r, self.model, self]
) :
(node['node_image'] || ('icon-' + node.type)));
'value': r._id,
'image': image,
'label': l
return res;
select2: {
placeholder: 'Select from the list',
width: 'style',
templateResult: formatNode,
templateSelection: formatNode
var NodeListByNameCell = Backgrid.Extension.NodeListByNameCell = NodeAjaxOptionsCell.extend({
controlClassName: 'pgadmin-node-select backgrid-cell',
defaults: _.extend({}, NodeAjaxOptionsCell.prototype.defaults, {
url: 'nodes',
filter: undefined,
transform: function(rows) {
var self = this,
node = self.column.get('schema_node'),
res = [],
filter = self.column.get('filter') || function() { return true; };
filter = filter.bind(self);
_.each(rows, function(r) {
if (filter(r)) {
var l = (_.isFunction(node['node_label']) ?
(node['node_label']).apply(node, [r, self.model, self]) :
image= (_.isFunction(node['node_image']) ?
node, [r, self.model, self]
) :
(node['node_image'] || ('icon-' + node.type)));
'value': r.label,
'image': image,
'label': l
return res;
select2: {
placeholder: 'Select from the list',
width: 'style',
templateResult: formatNode,
templateSelection: formatNode
* Control to select multiple columns.
var MultiSelectAjaxControl = Backform.MultiSelectAjaxControl = NodeAjaxOptionsControl.extend({
formatter: {
fromRaw: function (rawData, model) {
return (_.isUndefined(rawData) || _.isObject(rawData)) ? rawData : JSON.parse(rawData);
toRaw: function (formattedData, model) {
return formattedData;
template: _.template([
'<label class="control-label col-sm-4"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="pgadmin-controls col-sm-8">',
' <select multiple="multiple" style="width:100%;" class="pgadmin-controls <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>" name="<%=name%>" value="<%-JSON.stringify(value)%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%>>',
' <% for (var i=0; i < options.length; i++) { %>',
' <% var option = options[i]; %>',
' <option value=<%-option.value%> <%=value != null && _.indexOf(value, option.value) != -1 ? "selected" : ""%> <%=option.disabled ? "disabled=\'disabled\'" : ""%>><%-option.label%></option>',
' <% } %>',
' </select>',
getValueFromDOM: function() {
var res = [];
this.$el.find("select").find(':selected').each(function() {
return res;
defaults: _.extend({}, NodeAjaxOptionsControl.prototype.defaults, {
select2: {
multiple: true,
allowClear: true,
width: 'style'
return Backform;