2016-07-26 15:05:14 +01:00

1374 lines
53 KiB

# pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016, The pgAdmin Development Team
# This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
"""A blueprint module implementing the debugger"""
MODULE_NAME = 'debugger'
import simplejson as json
import random
from flask import url_for, Response, render_template, request, session, current_app
from flask_babel import gettext
from flask_security import login_required
from pgadmin.utils import PgAdminModule
from pgadmin.utils.ajax import bad_request
from pgadmin.utils.ajax import make_json_response, \
from pgadmin.utils.driver import get_driver
from config import PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER
from pgadmin.model import db, DebuggerFunctionArguments
# Constants
class DebuggerModule(PgAdminModule):
class DebuggerModule(PgAdminModule)
A module class for debugger which is derived from PgAdminModule.
* get_own_javascripts(self)
- Method is used to load the required javascript files for debugger module
def get_own_javascripts(self):
scripts = list()
for name, script in [
['', 'js/debugger'],
['', 'js/debugger_ui'],
['', 'js/direct']
'name': name,
'path': url_for('debugger.index') + script,
'when': None
return scripts
blueprint = DebuggerModule(MODULE_NAME, __name__)
def index():
return bad_request(errormsg=gettext("This URL can not be called directly!"))
def script():
"""render the main debugger javascript file"""
return Response(response=render_template("debugger/js/debugger.js", _=gettext),
def script_debugger_js():
"""render the debugger UI javascript file"""
return Response(response=render_template("debugger/js/debugger_ui.js", _=gettext),
def script_debugger_direct_js():
"""render the javascript file required send and receive the response from server for debugging"""
return Response(response=render_template("debugger/js/direct.js", _=gettext),
def update_session_debugger_transaction(trans_id, data):
"""Update the session variables required for debugger with transaction ID"""
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
debugger_data[str(trans_id)] = data
session['debuggerData'] = debugger_data
def update_session_function_transaction(trans_id, data):
"""Update the session variables of functions required to debug with transaction ID"""
function_data = session['functionData']
function_data[str(trans_id)] = data
session['functionData'] = function_data
@blueprint.route('/init/<node_type>/<int:sid>/<int:did>/<int:scid>/<int:fid>', methods=['GET'])
def init_function(node_type, sid, did, scid, fid):
init_function(node_type, sid, did, scid, fid)
This method is responsible to initialize the function required for debugging.
This method is also responsible for storing the all functions data to session variable.
This is only required for direct debugging. As Indirect debugging does not require these data because user will
provide all the arguments and other functions information through another session to invoke the target.
- Node type - Function or Procedure
- Server Id
- Database Id
- Schema Id
- Function Id
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(sid)
conn = manager.connection(did=did)
# Get the server version, server type and user information
ver = manager.version
server_type = manager.server_type
user = manager.user_info
# Check server type is ppas or not
ppas_server = False
if server_type == 'ppas':
ppas_server = True
# Set the template path required to read the sql files
template_path = 'debugger/sql'
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, 'get_function_debug_info.sql']), is_ppas_database=ppas_server,
hasFeatureFunctionDefaults=True, fid=fid)
status, r_set = conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
current_app.logger.debug("Error retrieving function information from database")
return internal_server_error(errormsg=r_set)
ret_status = status
# Check the condition that function is actually debuggable or not....
if r_set['rows'][0]:
# Function with a colon in the name cannot be debugged.
# If this is an EDB wrapped function, no debugging allowed
# Function with return type "trigger" can not be debugged.
if ":" in r_set['rows'][0]['name']:
ret_status = False
elif r_set['rows'][0]['rettype'] == 'trigger':
ret_status = False
elif ppas_server and r_set['rows'][0]['prosrc'].lstrip().startswith('$__EDBwrapped__$'):
ret_status = False
# If user is super user then we should check debugger library is loaded or not
if user['is_superuser']:
status_in, rid_pre = conn.execute_scalar("SHOW shared_preload_libraries")
if not status_in:
return internal_server_error(gettext("Could not fetch debugger plugin information."))
# Need to check if plugin is really loaded or not with "plugin_debugger" string
if rid_pre:
if "plugin_debugger" not in rid_pre:
ret_status = False
status_in, rid_tar = conn.execute_scalar(
"SELECT count(*) FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'pldbg_get_target_info'")
if not status_in:
current_app.logger.debug("Could not fetch debugger target information.")
return internal_server_error(gettext("Could not fetch debugger target information."))
if rid_tar == 0:
ret_status = False
ret_status = False
# Return the response that function can not be debug...
if not ret_status:
current_app.logger.debug(".Function/Procedure can not be debugged.")
return internal_server_error(gettext("Function/Procedure cannot be debugged."))
# Store the function information in session variable
if 'funcData' not in session:
function_data = dict()
function_data = session['funcData']
data = {}
data['name'] = r_set['rows'][0]['proargnames']
data['type'] = r_set['rows'][0]['proargtypenames']
data['use_default'] = r_set['rows'][0]['pronargdefaults']
data['default_value'] = r_set['rows'][0]['proargdefaults']
data['require_input'] = True
# Below will check do we really required for the user input arguments and show input dialog
if not r_set['rows'][0]['proargtypenames']:
data['require_input'] = False
if r_set['rows'][0]['pkg'] != 0 and r_set['rows'][0]['pkgconsoid'] != 0:
data['require_input'] = True
if r_set['rows'][0]['proargmodes']:
pro_arg_modes = r_set['rows'][0]['proargmodes'].split(",")
for pr_arg_mode in pro_arg_modes:
if pr_arg_mode == 'o' or pr_arg_mode == 't':
data['require_input'] = False
data['require_input'] = True
r_set['rows'][0]['require_input'] = data['require_input']
function_data = {
'oid': fid,
'name': r_set['rows'][0]['name'],
'is_func': r_set['rows'][0]['isfunc'],
'is_callable': False,
'schema': r_set['rows'][0]['schemaname'],
'language': r_set['rows'][0]['lanname'],
'return_type': r_set['rows'][0]['rettype'],
'args_type': r_set['rows'][0]['proargtypenames'],
'args_name': r_set['rows'][0]['proargnames'],
'arg_mode': r_set['rows'][0]['proargmodes'],
'use_default': r_set['rows'][0]['pronargdefaults'],
'default_value': r_set['rows'][0]['proargdefaults'],
'pkg': r_set['rows'][0]['pkg'],
'require_input': data['require_input'],
'args_value': ''
session['funcData'] = function_data
return make_json_response(
@blueprint.route('/direct/<int:trans_id>', methods=['GET'])
def direct_new(trans_id):
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
# Return from the function if transaction id not found
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(data={'status': True})
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
# if indirect debugging pass value 0 to client and for direct debugging pass it to 1
debug_type = 0 if obj['debug_type'] == 'indirect' else 1
Animations and transitions are not automatically GPU accelerated and by default use browser's slow rendering engine.
We need to set 'translate3d' value of '-webkit-transform' property in order to use GPU.
After applying this property under linux, Webkit calculates wrong position of the elements so panel contents are not visible.
To make it work, we need to explicitly set '-webkit-transform' property to 'none' for .ajs-notifier, .ajs-message, .ajs-modal classes.
This issue is only with linux runtime application and observed in Query tool and debugger.
When we open 'Open File' dialog then whole Query-tool panel content is not visible though it contains HTML element in back end.
The port number should have already been set by the runtime if we're running in desktop mode.
is_linux_platform = False
from sys import platform as _platform
if "linux" in _platform:
is_linux_platform = True
return render_template(
stylesheets=[url_for('debugger.static', filename='css/debugger.css')]
methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def initialize_target(debug_type, sid, did, scid, func_id):
initialize_target(debug_type, sid, did, scid, func_id)
This method is responsible for creating an asynchronous connection.
It will also create a unique transaction id and store the information
into session variable.
- Type of debugging (Direct or Indirect)
- Server Id
- Database Id
- Schema Id
- Function Id
# Create asynchronous connection using random connection id.
conn_id = str(random.randint(1, 9999999))
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(sid)
conn = manager.connection(did=did, conn_id=conn_id)
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
# Connect the Server
status, msg = conn.connect()
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(msg))
# Create a unique id for the transaction
trans_id = str(random.randint(1, 9999999))
# If there is no debugging information in session variable then create the store that information
if 'debuggerData' not in session:
debugger_data = dict()
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
status = True
# Find out the debugger version and store it in session variables
status, rid = conn.execute_scalar(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p \
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON p.pronamespace = n.oid \
WHERE n.nspname = ANY(current_schemas(false)) AND p.proname = 'pldbg_get_proxy_info';"
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=rid)
if rid == 0:
debugger_version = 1
status, rid = conn.execute_scalar("SELECT proxyapiver FROM pldbg_get_proxy_info();")
if status:
if rid == 2 or rid == 3:
debugger_version = rid
status = False
# Add the debugger version information to pgadmin4 log file
current_app.logger.debug("Debugger version is: %d", debugger_version)
# We need to pass the value entered by the user in dialog for direct debugging
# Here we get the value in case of direct debugging so update the session variables accordingly
# For indirect debugging user will provide the data from another session so below condition will be be required
if request.method == 'POST':
data = json.loads(request.values['data'], encoding='utf-8')
if data:
d = session['funcData']
d['args_value'] = data
session['funcData'] = d
# Update the debugger data session variable
# Here frame_id is required when user debug the multilevel function. When user select the frame from client we
# need to update the frame here and set the breakpoint information on that function oid
debugger_data[str(trans_id)] = {
'conn_id': conn_id,
'server_id': sid,
'database_id': did,
'schema_id': scid,
'function_id': func_id,
'debug_type': debug_type,
'debugger_version': debugger_version,
'frame_id': 0,
'restart_debug': 0
# Store the grid dictionary into the session variable
session['debuggerData'] = debugger_data
# Update the function session information with same transaction id
func_data = session['funcData']
# Store the function information in session variable
if 'functionData' not in session:
function_data = dict()
function_data = session['functionData']
function_data[str(trans_id)] = {
'oid': func_data['oid'],
'name': func_data['name'],
'is_func': func_data['is_func'],
'is_callable': func_data['is_callable'],
'schema': func_data['schema'],
'language': func_data['language'],
'return_type': func_data['return_type'],
'args_type': func_data['args_type'],
'args_name': func_data['args_name'],
'arg_mode': func_data['arg_mode'],
'use_default': func_data['use_default'],
'default_value': func_data['default_value'],
'pkg': func_data['pkg'],
'require_input': func_data['require_input'],
'args_value': func_data['args_value']
# Update the session variable of function information
session['functionData'] = function_data
# Delete the 'funcData' session variables as it is not used now as target is initialized
del session['funcData']
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'debuggerTransId': trans_id})
@blueprint.route('/close/<int:trans_id>', methods=["GET"])
def close(trans_id):
This method is used to close the asynchronous connection
and remove the information of unique transaction id from
the session variable.
- unique transaction id.
# As debugger data is not in session that means we have already deleted and close the target
if 'debuggerData' not in session:
return make_json_response(data={'status': True})
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
# Return from the function if transaction id not found
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(data={'status': True})
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['conn_id'])
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
# find the debugger version and execute the query accordingly
dbg_version = obj['debugger_version']
if dbg_version <= 2:
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v1'
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v2'
# Release the connection
if conn.connected():
# on successful connection cancel the running transaction
status, result = conn.cancel_transaction(obj['conn_id'], obj['database_id'])
# Delete the existing debugger data in session variable
del session['debuggerData'][str(trans_id)]
del session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]
# Release the connection acquired during the debugging
manager.release(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['conn_id'])
return make_json_response(data={'status': True})
return make_json_response(data={'status': False})
@blueprint.route('/restart/<int:trans_id>', methods=['GET'])
def restart_debugging(trans_id):
This method is responsible to restart the same function for the debugging.
- Transaction ID
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(
data={'status': False,
'result': gettext('Not connected to server Or connection with the server has been closed.')}
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['conn_id'])
if conn.connected():
# Update the session variable "restart_debug" to know that same function debugging has been restarted.
# Delete the existing debugger data in session variable and update with new data
if obj['restart_debug'] == 0:
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
session_obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
session_obj['restart_debug'] = 1
update_session_debugger_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
# Store the function information in session variable
if 'functionData' not in session:
function_data = dict()
function_data = {
'server_id': obj['server_id'],
'database_id': obj['database_id'],
'schema_id': obj['schema_id'],
'function_id': obj['function_id'],
'trans_id': str(trans_id),
'proargmodes': session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['arg_mode'],
'proargtypenames': session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['args_type'],
'pronargdefaults': session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['use_default'],
'proargdefaults': session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['default_value'],
'proargnames': session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['args_name'],
'require_input': session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['require_input']
return make_json_response(data={'status': True, 'restart_debug': True, 'result': function_data})
status = False
result = gettext('Not connected to server Or connection with the server has been closed.')
return make_json_response(data={'status': status})
@blueprint.route('/start_listener/<int:trans_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def start_debugger_listener(trans_id):
This method is responsible to listen and get the required information requested by user during debugging
- Transaction ID
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(
data={'status': False,
'result': gettext('Not connected to server Or connection with the server has been closed.')}
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
driver = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER)
manager = driver.connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['conn_id'])
ver = manager.version
server_type = manager.server_type
# find the debugger version and execute the query accordingly
dbg_version = obj['debugger_version']
if dbg_version <= 2:
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v1'
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v2'
# If user again start the same debug function with different arguments then we need to save that values to session
# variable and database.
if request.method == 'POST':
data = json.loads(request.values['data'], encoding='utf-8')
if data:
function_data = session['functionData']
session_obj = function_data[str(trans_id)]
session_obj['args_value'] = data
update_session_function_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
if conn.connected():
# For the direct debugging extract the function arguments values from user and pass to jinja template
# to create the query for execution.
if obj['debug_type'] == 'direct':
str_query = ''
# Form the function name with schema name
func_name = driver.qtIdent(conn, session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['schema']) + '.' + driver.qtIdent(
conn, session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['name'])
if obj['restart_debug'] == 0:
# render the SQL template and send the query to server
if session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['language'] == 'plpgsql':
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, 'debug_plpgsql_execute_target.sql']),
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, 'debug_spl_execute_target.sql']),
status, res = conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
if session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['arg_mode']:
# In EDBAS 90, if an SPL-function has both an OUT-parameter
# and a return value (which is not possible on PostgreSQL otherwise),
# the return value is transformed into an extra OUT-parameter
# named "_retval_"
if session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['args_name']:
arg_name = session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['args_name'].split(",")
if '_retval_' in arg_name:
arg_mode = session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['arg_mode'].split(",")
arg_mode = session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['arg_mode'].split(",")
arg_mode = session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['arg_mode'].split(",")
arg_mode = ['i'] * len(session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['args_type'].split(","))
if session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['args_type']:
if session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['args_name']:
arg_name = session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['args_name'].split(",")
if '_retval_' in arg_name:
arg_type = session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['args_type'].split(",")
arg_type = session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['args_type'].split(",")
arg_type = session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['args_type'].split(",")
# Below are two different template to execute and start executer
if manager.server_type != 'pg' and manager.version < 90300:
str_query = render_template("/".join(['debugger/sql', 'execute_edbspl.sql']),
str_query = render_template("/".join(['debugger/sql', 'execute_plpgsql.sql']),
status, result = conn.execute_async(str_query)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=result)
if conn.connected():
# For indirect debugging first create the listener and then wait for the target
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, 'create_listener.sql']))
status, res = conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
# Get and store the session variable which is required to fetch other information during debugging
int_session_id = res['rows'][0]['pldbg_create_listener']
# In EnterpriseDB versions <= 9.1 the
# pldbg_set_global_breakpoint function took five arguments,
# the 2nd argument being the package's OID, if any. Starting
# with 9.2, the package OID argument is gone, and the function
# takes four arguments like the community version has always
# done.
if server_type == 'ppas' and ver <= 90100:
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, 'add_breakpoint_edb.sql']),
status, res = conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, 'add_breakpoint_pg.sql']),
status, res = conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
# wait for the target
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, 'wait_for_target.sql']),
status, res = conn.execute_async(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
session_obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
session_obj['exe_conn_id'] = obj['conn_id']
session_obj['restart_debug'] = 1
session_obj['frame_id'] = 0
session_obj['session_id'] = int_session_id
update_session_debugger_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': res})
status = False
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': result})
status = False
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': result})
@blueprint.route('/execute_query/<int:trans_id>/<query_type>', methods=['GET'])
def execute_debugger_query(trans_id, query_type):
execute_debugger_query(trans_id, query_type)
This method is responsible to execute the query and return value. As this method is generic so user has to pass the
query_type to get the required information for debugging.
e.g. If user want to execute 'step_into' then query_type='step_into'.
If user want to execute 'continue' then query_type='continue'
- Transaction ID
- Type of query to execute
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(
data={'status': False,
'result': gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')}
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['exe_conn_id'])
# find the debugger version and execute the query accordingly
dbg_version = obj['debugger_version']
if dbg_version <= 2:
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v1'
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v2'
if conn.connected():
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, query_type + ".sql"]), session_id=obj['session_id'])
# As the query type is continue or step_into or step_over then we may get result after some time so poll the
# result. We need to update the frame id variable when user move the next step for debugging.
if query_type == 'continue' or query_type == 'step_into' or query_type == 'step_over':
# We should set the frame_id to 0 when execution starts.
if obj['frame_id'] != 0:
session_obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
session_obj['frame_id'] = 0
update_session_debugger_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
status, result = conn.execute_async(sql)
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': result})
elif query_type == 'abort_target':
status, result = conn.execute_dict(sql)
manager.release(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['conn_id'])
# Delete the existing debugger data in session variable
del session['debuggerData'][str(trans_id)]
del session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=result)
return make_json_response(info=gettext('Target Aborted.'), data={'status': status, 'result': result})
status, result = conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=result)
status = False
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
return make_json_response(data={'status': 'Success', 'result': result['rows']})
@blueprint.route('/messages/<int:trans_id>/', methods=["GET"])
def messages(trans_id):
This method polls the messages returned by the database server.
- unique transaction id.
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(
data={'status': 'NotConnected',
'result': gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')}
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['conn_id'])
port_number = ''
if conn.connected():
status, result, my_result = conn.poll()
notify = conn.messages()
if notify:
# In notice message we need to find "PLDBGBREAK" string to find the port number to attach.
# Notice message returned by the server is "NOTICE: PLDBGBREAK:7".
# From the above message we need to find out port number as "7" so below logic will find 7 as port number
# and attach listened to that port number
offset = notify[0].find('PLDBGBREAK')
str_len = len('PLDBGBREAK')
str_len = str_len + 1
tmpOffset = 0
tmpFlag = False
while notify[0][offset + str_len + tmpOffset].isdigit():
status = 'Success'
tmpFlag = True
port_number = port_number + notify[0][offset + str_len + tmpOffset]
tmpOffset = tmpOffset + 1
if tmpFlag == False:
status = 'Busy'
status = 'Busy'
status = 'NotConnected'
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': port_number})
@blueprint.route('/start_execution/<int:trans_id>/<int:port_num>', methods=['GET'])
def start_execution(trans_id, port_num):
start_execution(trans_id, port_num)
This method is responsible for creating an asynchronous connection for execution thread.
Also store the session id into session return with attach port query for the direct debugging.
- Transaction ID
- Port number to attach
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(
data={'status': 'NotConnected',
'result': gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')}
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
dbg_version = obj['debugger_version']
# Create asynchronous connection using random connection id.
exe_conn_id = str(random.randint(1, 9999999))
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=exe_conn_id)
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
# Connect the Server
status, msg = conn.connect()
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(msg))
if 'debuggerData' not in session:
debugger_data = dict()
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
# find the debugger version and execute the query accordingly
dbg_version = obj['debugger_version']
if dbg_version <= 2:
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v1'
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v2'
# connect to port and store the session ID in the session variables
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, 'attach_to_port.sql']), port=port_num)
status_port, res_port = conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status_port:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res_port)
session_obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
session_obj['restart_debug'] = 0
session_obj['frame_id'] = 0
session_obj['exe_conn_id'] = exe_conn_id
session_obj['debugger_version'] = dbg_version
session_obj['session_id'] = res_port['rows'][0]['pldbg_attach_to_port']
update_session_debugger_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
return make_json_response(data={'status': 'Success', 'result': res_port['rows'][0]['pldbg_attach_to_port']})
@blueprint.route('/set_breakpoint/<int:trans_id>/<int:line_no>/<int:set_type>', methods=['GET'])
def set_clear_breakpoint(trans_id, line_no, set_type):
set_clear_breakpoint(trans_id, line_no, set_type)
This method is responsible to set and clean the breakpoint
- Transaction ID
- Line number to set
- 0 - clear the breakpoint, 1 - set the breakpoint
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(
data={'status': False,
'result': gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')}
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['exe_conn_id'])
# find the debugger version and execute the query accordingly
dbg_version = obj['debugger_version']
if dbg_version <= 2:
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v1'
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v2'
query_type = ''
# We need to find out function OID before sending the foid to set the breakpoint because it may possible that
# debugging function has multi level function for debugging so we need to save the debug level to session variable
# and pass tha appropriate foid to set the breakpoint.
sql_ = render_template("/".join([template_path, "get_stack_info.sql"]), session_id=obj['session_id'])
status, res_stack = conn.execute_dict(sql_)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res_stack)
# For multilevel function debugging, we need to fetch current selected frame's function oid for setting the
# breakpoint. For single function the frame id will be 0.
foid = res_stack['rows'][obj['frame_id']]['func']
# Check the result of the stack before setting the breakpoint
if conn.connected():
if set_type == 1:
query_type = 'set_breakpoint'
query_type = 'clear_breakpoint'
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, query_type + ".sql"]), session_id=obj['session_id'],
foid=foid, line_number=line_no)
status, result = conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=result)
status = False
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': result['rows']})
@blueprint.route('/clear_all_breakpoint/<int:trans_id>', methods=['POST'])
def clear_all_breakpoint(trans_id):
This method is responsible to clear all the breakpoint
- Transaction ID
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(
data={'status': False,
'result': gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')}
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['exe_conn_id'])
# find the debugger version and execute the query accordingly
dbg_version = obj['debugger_version']
if dbg_version <= 2:
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v1'
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v2'
query_type = ''
if conn.connected():
# get the data sent through post from client
if request.form['breakpoint_list']:
line_numbers = request.form['breakpoint_list'].split(",")
for line_no in line_numbers:
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, "clear_breakpoint.sql"]), session_id=obj['session_id'],
foid=obj['function_id'], line_number=line_no)
status, result = conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=result)
return make_json_response(data={'status': False})
status = False
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': result['rows']})
@blueprint.route('/deposit_value/<int:trans_id>', methods=['POST'])
def deposit_parameter_value(trans_id):
This method is responsible to change the value of variables
- Transaction ID
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(
data={'status': False,
'result': gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')}
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['exe_conn_id'])
# find the debugger version and execute the query accordingly
dbg_version = obj['debugger_version']
if dbg_version <= 2:
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v1'
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v2'
query_type = ''
if conn.connected():
# get the data sent through post from client
data = json.loads(request.values['data'], encoding='utf-8')
if data:
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, "deposit_value.sql"]), session_id=obj['session_id'],
var_name=data[0]['name'], line_number=-1, val=data[0]['value'])
status, result = conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=result)
# Check if value deposited successfully or not and depending on the result, return the message information.
if result['rows'][0]['pldbg_deposit_value']:
info = gettext('Value deposited successfully')
info = gettext('Error while setting the value')
return make_json_response(
data={'status': status, 'info': info, 'result': result['rows'][0]['pldbg_deposit_value']})
status = False
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': result})
@blueprint.route('/select_frame/<int:trans_id>/<int:frame_id>', methods=['GET'])
def select_frame(trans_id, frame_id):
select_frame(trans_id, frame_id)
This method is responsible to select the frame from stack info
- Transaction ID
- Frame id selected
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(
data={'status': False,
'result': gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')}
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['exe_conn_id'])
# find the debugger version and execute the query accordingly
dbg_version = obj['debugger_version']
if dbg_version <= 2:
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v1'
template_path = 'debugger/sql/v2'
session_obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
session_obj['frame_id'] = frame_id
update_session_debugger_transaction(trans_id, session_obj)
if conn.connected():
sql = render_template("/".join([template_path, "select_frame.sql"]), session_id=obj['session_id'],
status, result = conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=result)
status = False
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': result['rows']})
@blueprint.route('/get_arguments/<int:sid>/<int:did>/<int:scid>/<int:func_id>', methods=['GET'])
def get_arguments_sqlite(sid, did, scid, func_id):
get_arguments_sqlite(sid, did, scid, func_id)
This method is responsible to get the function arguments saved to sqlite database during first debugging.
- Server Id
- Database Id
- Schema Id
- Function Id
"""Get the count of the existing data available in sqlite database"""
DbgFuncArgsCount = DebuggerFunctionArguments.query.filter_by(
server_id=sid, database_id=did, schema_id=scid, function_id=func_id).count()
args_data = []
if DbgFuncArgsCount:
"""Update the Debugger Function Arguments settings"""
DbgFuncArgs = DebuggerFunctionArguments.query.filter_by(
server_id=sid, database_id=did, schema_id=scid, function_id=func_id)
args_list = DbgFuncArgs.all()
for i in range(0, DbgFuncArgsCount):
info = {
"arg_id": args_list[i].arg_id,
"is_null": args_list[i].is_null,
"is_expression": args_list[i].is_expression,
"use_default": args_list[i].use_default,
"value": args_list[i].value
# As we do have entry available for that function so we need to add that entry
return make_json_response(data={'result': args_data, 'args_count': DbgFuncArgsCount})
# As we do not have any entry available for that function so we need to add that entry
return make_json_response(data={'result': 'result', 'args_count': DbgFuncArgsCount})
@blueprint.route('/set_arguments/<int:sid>/<int:did>/<int:scid>/<int:func_id>', methods=['POST'])
def set_arguments_sqlite(sid, did, scid, func_id):
set_arguments_sqlite(sid, did, scid, func_id)
This method is responsible for setting the value of function arguments to sqlite database
- Server Id
- Database Id
- Schema Id
- Function Id
if request.values['data']:
data = json.loads(request.values['data'], encoding='utf-8')
for i in range(0, len(data)):
DbgFuncArgsExists = DebuggerFunctionArguments.query.filter_by(
server_id=data[i]['server_id'], database_id=data[i]['database_id'], schema_id=data[i]['schema_id'],
function_id=data[i]['function_id'], arg_id=data[i]['arg_id']).count()
# handle the Array list sent from the client
array_string = ''
if data[i]['value'].__class__.__name__ in ('list') and data[i]['value']:
for k in range(0, len(data[i]['value'])):
array_string += data[i]['value'][k]['value']
if k != (len(data[i]['value']) - 1):
array_string += ','
elif data[i]['value'].__class__.__name__ in ('list') and not data[i]['value']:
array_string = ''
array_string = data[i]['value']
# Check if data is already available in database then update the existing value otherwise add the new value
if DbgFuncArgsExists:
DbgFuncArgs = DebuggerFunctionArguments.query.filter_by(
server_id=data[i]['server_id'], database_id=data[i]['database_id'], schema_id=data[i]['schema_id'],
function_id=data[i]['function_id'], arg_id=data[i]['arg_id']).first()
DbgFuncArgs.is_null = data[i]['is_null']
DbgFuncArgs.is_expression = data[i]['is_expression']
DbgFuncArgs.use_default = data[i]['use_default']
DbgFuncArgs.value = array_string
debugger_func_args = DebuggerFunctionArguments(
except Exception as e:
return make_json_response(
return make_json_response(data={'status': True, 'result': 'Success'})
@blueprint.route('/poll_end_execution_result/<int:trans_id>/', methods=["GET"])
def poll_end_execution_result(trans_id):
This method polls the end of execution result messages returned by the database server.
- unique transaction id.
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(
data={'status': 'NotConnected',
'result': gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')}
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['conn_id'])
if conn.connected():
statusmsg = conn.status_message()
status, result, my_result = conn.poll()
if status == ASYNC_OK and session['functionData'][str(trans_id)]['language'] == 'edbspl':
status = 'Success'
return make_json_response(success=1, info=gettext("Execution Completed."),
data={'status': status, 'status_message': statusmsg})
if result:
if 'ERROR' in result:
status = 'ERROR'
return make_json_response(info=gettext("Execution completed with error"),
data={'status': status, 'status_message': result})
status = 'Success'
data = {}
for i in result:
for k, v in i.items():
data["name"] = k
data.setdefault("value", []).append(v)
return make_json_response(success=1, info=gettext("Execution Completed."),
data={'status': status, 'result': data, 'status_message': statusmsg})
status = 'Busy'
status = 'NotConnected'
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': result})
@blueprint.route('/poll_result/<int:trans_id>/', methods=["GET"])
def poll_result(trans_id):
This method polls the result of the asynchronous query and returns the result.
- unique transaction id.
debugger_data = session['debuggerData']
if str(trans_id) not in debugger_data:
return make_json_response(
data={'status': 'NotConnected',
'result': gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')}
obj = debugger_data[str(trans_id)]
manager = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(obj['server_id'])
conn = manager.connection(did=obj['database_id'], conn_id=obj['exe_conn_id'])
if conn.connected():
status, result, my_result = conn.poll()
if status == ASYNC_OK and result is not None:
status = 'Success'
status = 'Busy'
status = 'NotConnected'
result = gettext('Not connected to server or connection with the server has been closed.')
return make_json_response(data={'status': status, 'result': result})