Harshal Dhumal 208ee4da8c Fixed debugger execution issues:
1. Allow debugging of EPAS package procedures/functions with INOUT params.
 2. Add support for indirect debugging for EPAS package procedures/functions.
 3. Allow debugging with NULL param values.
 4. Remove saved debug arguments.

Fixes #3191
2018-08-29 17:44:37 +05:30

35 lines
716 B

# pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018, The pgAdmin Development Team
# This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
Deleting old debug logs
Revision ID: ca00ec32581b
Revises: aa86fb60b73d
Create Date: 2018-08-29 15:33:57.855491
from pgadmin.model import db
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = 'ca00ec32581b'
down_revision = 'aa86fb60b73d'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None
def upgrade():
'DELETE FROM debugger_function_arguments'
def downgrade():