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// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2023, The pgAdmin Development Team
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
import * as BrowserFS from 'browserfs';
import url_for from 'sources/url_for';
import pgAdmin from 'sources/pgadmin';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { FileType } from 'react-aspen';
import { findInTree } from './tree';
import Notify from '../../../static/js/helpers/Notifier';
import gettext from 'sources/gettext';
import { unix } from 'path-fx';
export class ManageTreeNodes {
constructor() {
this.tree = {};
this.tempTree = new TreeNode(undefined, {});
public init = (_root: string) => new Promise((res) => {
const node = {parent: null, children: [], data: null};
this.tree = {};
this.tree[_root] = {name: 'root', type: FileType.Directory, metadata: node};
public updateNode = (_path, _data) => new Promise((res) => {
const item = this.findNode(_path);
if (item) {
item.name = _data.label;
item.metadata.data = _data;
public removeNode = async (_path) => {
const item = this.findNode(_path);
if (item && item.parentNode) {
item.children = [];
item.parentNode.children.splice(item.parentNode.children.indexOf(item), 1);
return true;
findNode(path) {
if (path === null || path === undefined || path.length === 0 || path == '/browser') {
return this.tempTree;
return findInTree(this.tempTree, path);
public addNode = (_parent: string, _path: string, _data: []) => new Promise((res) => {
_data.type = _data.inode ? FileType.Directory : FileType.File;
_data._label = _data.label;
_data.label = _.escape(_data.label);
_data.is_collection = isCollectionNode(_data._type);
const nodeData = {parent: _parent, children: [], data: _data};
const tmpParentNode = this.findNode(_parent);
const treeNode = new TreeNode(_data.id, _data, {}, tmpParentNode, nodeData, _data.type);
if (tmpParentNode !== null && tmpParentNode !== undefined) tmpParentNode.children.push(treeNode);
public readNode = (_path: string) => new Promise<string[]>((res, rej) => {
let temp_tree_path = _path;
const node = this.findNode(_path);
const base_url = pgAdmin.Browser.URL;
if (node && node.children.length > 0) {
if (!node.type === FileType.File) {
rej('It\'s a leaf node');
else {
if (node.children.length != 0) res(node.children);
const self = this;
async function loadData() {
let url = '';
if (_path == '/browser') {
url = url_for('browser.nodes');
} else {
const _parent_url = self.generate_url(_path);
if (node.metadata.data._pid == null ) {
url = node.metadata.data._type + '/children/' + node.metadata.data._id;
else {
if (node.metadata.data._type.includes('coll-')) {
const _type = node.metadata.data._type.replace('coll-', '');
url = _type + '/nodes/' + _parent_url + '/';
else {
url = node.metadata.data._type + '/children/' + _parent_url + '/' + node.metadata.data._id;
url = base_url + url;
temp_tree_path = node.path;
if (node.metadata.data._type == 'server' && !node.metadata.data.connected) {
url = null;
async function jsonData(fetch_url) {
const result = await fetch(fetch_url, {
headers: {
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'X-pgA-CSRFToken': pgAdmin.csrf_token
if (result.status == 200) {
try {
const json = await result.json();
return json.data;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Node Load Error...');
let treeData = null;
if (url) treeData = await jsonData(url);
const Path = BrowserFS.BFSRequire('path');
const fill = async (tree) => {
for (const idx in tree) {
const _node = tree[idx];
const _pathl = Path.join(_path, _node.id);
await self.addNode(temp_tree_path, _pathl, _node);
await fill(treeData);
if (node.children.length > 0) res(node.children);
else {
if (node.data && node.data._type == 'server' && node.data.connected) {
Notify.info(gettext('Server children are not available.'
+' Please check these nodes are not hidden through the preferences setting `Browser > Nodes`.'));
public generate_url = (path: string) => {
let _path = path;
const _parent_path = [];
let _partitions = [];
while(_path != '/') {
const node = this.findNode(_path);
const _parent = unix.dirname(_path);
if(node.parentNode && node.parentNode.path == _parent) {
if (node.parentNode.metadata.data !== null && !node.parentNode.metadata.data._type.includes('coll-'))
if(node.parentNode.metadata.data._type.includes('partition')) {
} else {
_path = _parent;
_partitions = _partitions.reverse();
// Replace the table with the last partition as in reality partition node is not child of the table
if(_partitions.length > 0) _parent_path[0] = _partitions[_partitions.length-1];
return _parent_path.reverse().join('/');
export class TreeNode {
constructor(id, data, domNode, parent, metadata, type) {
this.id = id;
this.data = data;
this.children = [];
this.domNode = domNode;
this.metadata = metadata;
this.name = metadata ? metadata.data.label : '';
this.type = type ? type : undefined;
hasParent() {
return this.parentNode !== null && this.parentNode !== undefined;
parent() {
return this.parentNode;
setParent(parent) {
this.parentNode = parent;
this.path = this.id;
if (this.id)
if (parent !== null && parent !== undefined && parent.path !== undefined) {
this.path = parent.path + '/' + this.id;
} else {
this.path = '/browser/' + this.id;
getData() {
if (this.data === undefined) {
return undefined;
} else if (this.data === null) {
return null;
return Object.assign({}, this.data);
getHtmlIdentifier() {
return this.domNode;
* Find the ancestor with matches this condition
ancestorNode(condition) {
let node = this;
while (node.hasParent()) {
node = node.parent();
if (condition(node)) {
return node;
return null;
* Given a condition returns true if the current node
* or any of the parent nodes condition result is true
anyFamilyMember(condition) {
if(condition(this)) {
return true;
return this.ancestorNode(condition) !== null;
anyParent(condition) {
return this.ancestorNode(condition) !== null;
reload(tree) {
return new Promise((resolve)=>{
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
unload(tree) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
this.children = [];
open(tree, suppressNoDom) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
if(suppressNoDom && (this.domNode == null || typeof(this.domNode) === 'undefined')) {
} else if(tree.isOpen(this.domNode)) {
} else {
tree.open(this.domNode).then(() => resolve(true), () => reject(true));
export function isCollectionNode(node) {
if (pgAdmin.Browser.Nodes && node in pgAdmin.Browser.Nodes) {
if (pgAdmin.Browser.Nodes[node].is_collection !== undefined) return pgAdmin.Browser.Nodes[node].is_collection;
else return false;
return false;