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// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2021, The pgAdmin Development Team
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
'sources/gettext', 'underscore', 'jquery',
'backbone', 'backform', 'backgrid', 'codemirror', 'sources/sqleditor_utils',
'sources/keyboard_shortcuts', 'sources/window', 'sources/select2/configure_show_on_scroll',
'color-picker', 'pgadmin.backgrid', 'select2', 'bootstrap.toggle',
], function(gettext, _, $, Backbone, Backform, Backgrid, CodeMirror,
SqlEditorUtils, keyboardShortcuts, pgWindow, configure_show_on_scroll,
Pickr) {
var pgAdmin = (window.pgAdmin = window.pgAdmin || {}),
pgBrowser = pgAdmin.Browser;
pgAdmin.editableCell = function() {
if (this.attributes && !_.isUndefined(this.attributes.disabled) &&
!_.isNull(this.attributes.disabled)) {
if (_.isFunction(this.attributes.disabled)) {
return !(this.attributes.disabled.apply(this, arguments));
if (_.isBoolean(this.attributes.disabled)) {
return !this.attributes.disabled;
// HTML markup global class names. More can be added by individual controls
// using _.extend. Look at RadioControl as an example.
_.extend(Backform, {
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-3 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-9 pg-el-12',
controlContainerClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-9 pg-el-12',
groupClassName: 'pgadmin-control-group form-group row pg-el-12',
setGroupClassName: 'set-group pg-el-12',
tabClassName: 'backform-tab pg-el-12',
setGroupContentClassName: 'fieldset-content pg-el-12',
accordianGroupClassName: 'accordian-group pg-el-12',
accordianContentClassName: 'accordian-content pg-el-12',
hiddenClassName: 'd-none',
helpMessageClassName: 'form-text text-muted help-block',
helpBlockControlClass: 'pgadmin-controls offset-sm-3 pg-el-sm-9 pg-el-12',
Backform.controlMapper = {
'int': ['uneditable-input', 'numeric', 'integer'],
'text': ['uneditable-input', 'input', 'string'],
'numeric': ['uneditable-input', 'numeric', 'numeric'],
'date': 'datepicker',
'datetime': 'datetimepicker',
'boolean': 'boolean',
'options': ['readonly-option', 'select', Backgrid.Extension.PGSelectCell],
'multiline': ['textarea', 'textarea', 'string'],
'collection': ['sub-node-collection', 'sub-node-collection', 'string'],
'uniqueColCollection': ['unique-col-collection', 'unique-col-collection', 'string'],
'switch': 'switch',
'select2': 'select2',
'note': 'note',
'color': 'color',
'radioModern': 'radioModern',
Backform.getMappedControl = function(type, mode) {
if (type in Backform.controlMapper) {
var m = Backform.controlMapper[type];
if (!_.isArray(m)) {
return m;
var idx = 1,
len = _.size(m);
switch (mode) {
case 'properties':
idx = 0;
case 'edit':
case 'create':
case 'control':
idx = 1;
case 'cell':
idx = 2;
idx = 0;
return m[idx > len ? 0 : idx];
return type;
/* Returns raw data as it is */
var RawFormatter = Backform.RawFormatter = function() {};
_.extend(RawFormatter.prototype, {
fromRaw: function(rawData) {
return rawData;
toRaw: function(formattedData) {
return formattedData;
var BackformControlInit = Backform.Control.prototype.initialize,
BackformControlRemove = Backform.Control.prototype.remove;
// Override the Backform.Control to allow to track changes in dependencies,
// and rerender the View element
_.extend(Backform.Control.prototype, {
defaults: _.extend(Backform.Control.prototype.defaults, {
helpMessage: null,
initialize: function() {
BackformControlInit.apply(this, arguments);
// Listen to the dependent fields in the model for any change
var deps = this.field.get('deps');
var self = this;
if (deps && _.isArray(deps)) {
_.each(deps, function(d) {
var attrArr = d.split('.');
var name = attrArr.shift();
self.listenTo(self.model, 'change:' + name, self.render);
remove: function() {
// Remove the events for the dependent fields in the model
var self = this,
deps = self.field.get('deps');
var attrArr = this.field.get('name').split('.');
var name = attrArr.shift();
self.stopListening(self.model, 'change:' + name, self.render);
if (self.model.errorModel instanceof Backbone.Model) {
self.model.errorModel, 'change:' + name, self.updateInvalid
if (deps && _.isArray(deps)) {
_.each(deps, function(d) {
var attrArray = d.split('.');
var depname = attrArray.shift();
self.stopListening(self.model, 'change:' + depname, self.render);
if (this.cleanup) {
if (BackformControlRemove) {
BackformControlRemove.apply(self, arguments);
} else {
Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(self, arguments);
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>" for="<%=cId%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%>">',
' <input id="<%=cId%>" class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> uneditable-input" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "readonly aria-readonly=true" : ""%> id="<%=cId%>" value="<%-value%>" />',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
clearInvalid: function() {
return this;
updateInvalid: function() {
var self = this,
errorModel = this.model.errorModel;
if (!(errorModel instanceof Backbone.Model)) return this;
* Find input which have name attribute.
this.$el.find(':input[name]').not('button').each(function(ix, el) {
var error = self.keyPathAccessor(
errorModel.toJSON(), $(el).attr('name')
if (_.isEmpty(error)) return;
* Overriding the render function of the control to allow us to eval the
* values properly.
render: function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter,
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, and required option
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(data.disabled, data, this.model),
readonly: evalF(data.readonly, data, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, data, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, data, this.model),
data.cId = data.cId || _.uniqueId('pgC_');
// Clean up first
if (!data.visible)
return this;
* Override the input control events in order to reslove the issue related to
* not updating the value sometimes in the input control.
Backform.InputControl.prototype, {
defaults: _.extend(Backform.InputControl.prototype.defaults, {
controlLabelClassName: Backform.controlLabelClassName,
controlsClassName: Backform.controlsClassName,
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=controlLabelClassName%>" for="<%=cId%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=controlsClassName%>">',
' <input type="<%=type%>" id="<%=cId%>" class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>" name="<%=name%>" maxlength="<%=maxlength%>" value="<%-value%>" placeholder="<%-placeholder%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "readonly aria-readonly=true" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%> />',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
events: {
'change input': 'onChange',
'blur input': 'onChange',
'keyup input': 'onKeyUp',
'focus input': 'clearInvalid',
onKeyUp: function(ev) {
if (this.key_timeout) {
this.keyup_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}.bind(this), 400);
* Override the textarea control events in order to resolve the issue related
* to not updating the value in model on certain browsers in few situations
* like copy/paste, deletion using backspace.
* Reference:
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11338592/how-can-i-bind-to-the-change-event-of-a-textarea-in-jquery
Backform.TextareaControl.prototype, {
defaults: _.extend(
Backform.TextareaControl.prototype.defaults, {
rows: 5,
helpMessage: null,
maxlength: null,
events: {
'change textarea': 'onChange',
'keyup textarea': 'onKeyUp',
'paste textarea': 'onChange',
'selectionchange textarea': 'onChange',
'focus textarea': 'clearInvalid',
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>" for="<%=cId%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%>">',
' <textarea id="<%=cId%>"',
' class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>" name="<%=name%>" aria-label="<%=name%>"',
' <% if (maxlength) { %>',
' maxlength="<%=maxlength%>"',
' <% } %>',
' placeholder="<%-placeholder%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "readonly aria-readonly=true" : ""%>',
' rows=<%=rows ? rows : ""%>',
' <%=required ? "required" : ""%>><%-value%></textarea>',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
onKeyUp: function(ev) {
if (this.key_timeout) {
this.keyup_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}.bind(this), 400);
* Overriding the render function of the select control to allow us to use
* options as function, which should return array in the format of
* (label, value) pair.
Backform.SelectControl.prototype.render = function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter,
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, and required option
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(data.disabled, data, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, data, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, data, this.model),
// Evaluation the options
if (_.isFunction(data.options)) {
try {
data.options = data.options(this);
} catch (e) {
// Do nothing
data.options = [];
this.model.trigger('pgadmin-view:transform:error', this.model, this.field, e);
data.cId = data.cId || _.uniqueId('pgC_');
// Clean up first
if (!data.visible)
return this;
Backform.SelectControl.prototype.template = _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>" for="<%=cId%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlContainerClassName%>">',
' <select id="<%=cId%>" class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>" name="<%=name%>" value="<%-value%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%> >',
' <% for (var i=0; i < options.length; i++) { %>',
' <% var option = options[i]; %>',
' <option value="<%-formatter.fromRaw(option.value)%>" <%=option.value === rawValue ? "selected=\'selected\'" : ""%> <%=option.disabled ? "disabled=\'disabled\'" : ""%>><%-option.label%></option>',
' <% } %>',
' </select>',
_.extend(Backform.SelectControl.prototype.defaults, {
helpMessage: null,
Backform.ReadonlyOptionControl = Backform.SelectControl.extend({
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>" for="<%=cId%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%>">',
'<% for (var i=0; i < options.length; i++) { %>',
' <% var option = options[i]; %>',
' <% if (option.value === rawValue) { %>',
' <input id="<%=cId%>" class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> uneditable-input" readonly value="<%-option.label%>"></span>',
' <% } %>',
'<% } %>',
'<% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
'<% } %>',
events: {},
getValueFromDOM: function() {
return this.formatter.toRaw(this.$el.find('span').text(), this.model);
* Override the function 'updateInvalid' of the radio control to resolve an
* issue, which will not render the error block multiple times for each
* options.
Backform.RadioControl.prototype, {
updateInvalid: function() {
var self = this,
errorModel = this.model.errorModel;
if (!(errorModel instanceof Backbone.Model)) return this;
* Find input which have name attribute.
this.$el.find(':input[name]').not('button').each(function(ix, el) {
var error = self.keyPathAccessor(
errorModel.toJSON(), $(el).attr('name')
if (_.isEmpty(error)) return;
'pgadmin-control-error-message pg-el-offset-4 pg-el-8 pg-el-8 help-block'
Backform.RadioModernControl = Backform.RadioControl.extend({
defaults: {
controlLabelClassName: Backform.controlLabelClassName,
controlsClassName: Backform.controlsClassName,
extraClasses: [],
helpMessage: '',
name: '',
events: _.extend({}, Backform.InputControl.prototype.events, {
'click label.btn': 'toggle',
toggle: function(e) {
/* Toggle the other buttons to unchecked and current to checked */
let $curr = $(e.currentTarget),
$btn_group = $curr.closest('.btn-group');
.prop('checked', false);
.prop('checked', true)
template: _.template([
'<% if (label) { %>',
'<label class="<%=controlLabelClassName%>" id="<%=cId%>_grplabel"><%=label%></label>',
'<% } %>',
'<div class="<%=controlsClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>">',
' <div class="btn-group pgadmin-controls-radio-none<% if (disabled) {%> disabled <%}%>" role="radiogroup" <% if (label) {%> aria-labelledby="<%=cId%>_grplabel" <%}%>>',
' <% for (var i=0; i < options.length; i++) { %>',
' <% var option = options[i]; %>',
' <label role="radio" class="btn btn-radiomodern <% if (option.value == value) { %> btn-primary <%} else {%> btn-secondary <%}%> <% if (!option.disabled && !disabled) { %>" tabindex="0"<% } else { %> disabled"<% } %>>',
' <i class="fa fa-check <% if (option.value != value) { %>visibility-hidden <%}%>" role="img"></i>',
' <input type="radio" name="<%=name%>" autocomplete="off" value=<%-formatter.fromRaw(option.value)%> <% if (option.value == value) { %> checked<%}%> <% if (option.disabled || disabled) { %> disabled <%}%>> <%-option.label%>',
' </label>',
' <% } %>',
' </div>',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
formatter: RawFormatter,
getValueFromDOM: function() {
return this.formatter.toRaw(this.$el.find('input[type="radio"]:checked').attr('value'), this.model);
render: function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter,
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, and required option
evalF = function evalF(f, d, m) {
return _.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f;
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(data.disabled, data, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, data, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, data, this.model),
}); // Clean up first
data.cId = data.cId || _.uniqueId('pgC_');
data.options = _.isFunction(data.options) ?
data.options.apply(data, [this.model]) : data.options;
if (!data.visible) this.$el.addClass(Backform.hiddenClassName);
this.$el.find('.btn').on('keyup', (e)=>{
/* Spacebar click */
if (e.keyCode == 32) {
return this;
// Requires the Bootstrap Switch to work.
Backform.SwitchControl = Backform.InputControl.extend({
defaults: {
label: '',
options: {
onText: gettext('Yes'),
offText: gettext('No'),
onColor: 'success',
offColor: 'ternary',
size: 'mini',
width: null,
height: null,
controlLabelClassName: Backform.controlLabelClassName,
controlsClassName: Backform.controlsClassName,
extraClasses: [],
helpMessage: null,
extraToggleClasses: null,
template: _.template([
'<span class="<%=controlLabelClassName%>"><%=label%></span>',
'<div class="<%=controlsClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>">',
' <input tabindex="-1" type="checkbox" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="' + gettext('Toggle button') + '" data-style="quick" data-toggle="toggle"',
' data-size="<%=options.size%>" data-height="<%=options.height%>" ',
' data-on="<%=options.onText%>" data-off="<%=options.offText%>" ',
' data-onstyle="<%=options.onColor%>" data-offstyle="<%=options.offColor%>" data-width="<%=options.width%>" ',
' name="<%=name%>" <%=value ? "checked=\'checked\'" : ""%> <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%> />',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
getValueFromDOM: function() {
return this.formatter.toRaw(
events: {
'change input': 'onChange',
'keyup': 'toggleSwitch',
setSrValue: function() {
let {onText, offText} = _.defaults(this.field.get('options'), this.defaults.options);
let label = this.field.get('label');
if(this.$el.find('.toggle.btn').hasClass('off')) {
${label}, ${offText}, ` + gettext('Toggle') + `
} else {
${label}, ${onText}, ` + gettext('Toggle') + `
onChange: function() {
Backform.InputControl.prototype.onChange.apply(this, arguments);
toggleSwitch: function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 32) {
render: function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter,
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, and required option
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(field.disabled, field, this.model),
readonly: evalF(field.readonly, field, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, field, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, field, this.model),
data.cId = data.cId || _.uniqueId('pgC_');
// Clean up first
if (!data.visible)
if(Backform.requiredInputClassName) {
if (data.required) {
/* Set disabled for both disabled and readonly */
data.options = _.defaults({
disabled: data.disabled || data.readonly,
}, this.field.get('options'), this.defaults.options,
// Add Extra Toggle classes to render multiple toggles in a single row
if(!_.isNull(field.extraToggleClasses)) this.$el.addClass(field.extraToggleClasses);
this.$input = this.$el.find('input[type=checkbox]').first();
// When disable then set tabindex value to -1
.attr('tabindex', data.disabled ? '-1' : '0')
.attr('id', data.cId);
this.$el.find('.toggle.btn .toggle-group .btn').attr('aria-hidden', true);
this.$el.find('div.toggle').append('<label class="sr-value sr-only" for="<%=cId%>"></label>');
/* Bootstrap toggle does not have option for readonly
* If readonly, then let it focus.
if(data.readonly) {
this.$el.find('.select2-selection').attr('tabindex', 0);
return this;
// Backform Dialog view (in bootstrap tabbular form)
// A collection of field models.
Backform.Dialog = Backform.Form.extend({
/* Array of objects having attributes [label, fields] */
schema: undefined,
tagName: 'div',
legend: true,
className: function() {
return 'pg-el-sm-12 pg-el-md-12 pg-el-lg-12 pg-el-12';
tabPanelClassName: function() {
return Backform.tabClassName;
tabIndex: 0,
initialize: function(opts) {
var s = opts.schema;
if (s && _.isArray(s)) {
this.schema = _.each(s, function(o) {
if (o.fields && !(o.fields instanceof Backbone.Collection))
o.fields = new Backform.Fields(o.fields);
o.cId = o.cId || _.uniqueId('pgC_');
o.hId = o.hId || _.uniqueId('pgH_');
o.disabled = o.disabled || false;
o.legend = opts.legend;
if (opts.tabPanelClassName && _.isFunction(opts.tabPanelClassName)) {
this.tabPanelClassName = opts.tabPanelClassName;
this.model.errorModel = opts.errorModel || this.model.errorModel || new Backbone.Model();
this.controls = [];
template: {
'header': _.template([
'<li class="nav-item" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%>>',
' <a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" role="tab" tabindex="-1" data-tab-index="<%=tabIndex%>" href="#<%=cId%>"',
' id="<%=hId%>" aria-controls="<%=cId%>">',
].join(' ')),
'panel': _.template(
'<div role="tabpanel" tabindex="-1" class="tab-pane <%=label%> <%=tabPanelCodeClass%> pg-el-sm-12 pg-el-md-12 pg-el-lg-12 pg-el-12 fade" id="<%=cId%>" aria-labelledby="<%=hId%>"></div>'
render: function() {
var c = this.$el
m = this.model,
controls = this.controls,
tmpls = this.template,
self = this,
idx = (this.tabIndex * 100),
evalF = function(f, d, model) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [model]) : !!f);
.attr('role', 'tabpanel')
.attr('class', _.result(this, 'tabPanelClassName'));
m.panelEl = this.$el;
var tabHead = $('<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"></ul>')
var tabContent = $('<div class="tab-content pg-el-sm-12 pg-el-md-12 pg-el-lg-12 pg-el-12"></div>')
_.each(this.schema, function(o) {
if (!o.version_compatible || !evalF(o.visible, o, m)) {
var el = $((tmpls['panel'])(_.extend(o, {
'tabIndex': idx,
'tabPanelCodeClass': o.tabPanelCodeClass ? o.tabPanelCodeClass : '',
o.fields.each(function(f) {
var cntr = new(f.get('control'))({
field: f,
model: m,
dialog: self,
tabIndex: idx,
function() {
self.hidden_tab = $(this).data('tabIndex');
}).on('shown.bs.tab', function() {
var ctx = this;
ctx.shown_tab = $(ctx).data('tabIndex');
m.trigger('pg-property-tab-changed', {
'model': m,
'shown': ctx.shown_tab,
'hidden': ctx.hidden_tab,
'tab': ctx,
var makeActive = tabHead.find('[id="' + c + '"]').first();
if (makeActive.length == 1) {
makeActive.addClass('active show');
tabContent.find('#' + makeActive.attr('aria-controls'))
.addClass('active show');
} else {
tabHead.find('.nav-link').first().addClass('active show');
tabContent.find('.tab-pane').first().addClass('active show');
return this;
remove: function(opts) {
if (opts && opts.data) {
if (this.model) {
if (this.model.reset) {
validate: false,
silent: true,
stop: true,
validate: false,
silent: true,
stop: true,
if (this.errorModel) {
validate: false,
silent: true,
stop: true,
Backform.Form.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
Backform.Accordian = Backform.Dialog.extend({
className: function() {
return 'set-group pg-el-12';
tabPanelClassName: function() {
return Backform.tabClassName;
legendClass: 'badge',
contentClass: Backform.accordianContentClassName + ' collapse show',
template: {
'header': _.template([
'<div class="<%=Backform.accordianGroupClassName%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%>>',
' <% if (legend != false) { %>',
' <div class="<%=legendClass%>" <%=collapse ? "data-toggle=\'collapse\'" : ""%> data-target="#<%=cId%>" aria-controls="<%=cId%>" aria-level="3" role="heading"><%=collapse ? "<span class=\'caret\'></span>" : "" %><%=label%></legend>',
' <% } %>',
'content': _.template(
' <div id="<%= cId %>" class="<%=contentClass%>"></div>'
collapse: true,
render: function() {
var m = this.model,
$el = this.$el,
tmpl = this.template,
controls = this.controls,
data = {
'className': _.result(this, 'className'),
'legendClass': _.result(this, 'legendClass'),
'contentClass': _.result(this, 'contentClass'),
'collapse': _.result(this, 'collapse'),
idx = (this.tabIndex * 100),
evalF = function(f, d, model) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [model]) : !!f);
_.each(this.schema, function(o) {
if (!o.version_compatible || !evalF(o.visible, o, m)) {
if (!o.fields)
var d = _.extend({}, data, o),
h = $((tmpl['header'])(d)).appendTo($el),
el = $((tmpl['content'])(d)).appendTo(h);
o.fields.each(function(f) {
var cntr = new(f.get('control'))({
field: f,
model: m,
tabIndex: idx,
return this;
getValueFromDOM: function() {
return '';
events: {},
Backform.Fieldset = Backform.Dialog.extend({
className: function() {
return 'set-group pg-el-12';
tabPanelClassName: function() {
return Backform.tabClassName;
fieldsetClass: Backform.setGroupClassName,
legendClass: 'badge',
contentClass: Backform.setGroupContentClassName + ' collapse show',
template: {
'header': _.template([
'<fieldset class="<%=fieldsetClass%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%>>',
' <% if (legend != false) { %>',
' <legend class="<%=legendClass%>" <%=collapse ? "data-toggle=\'collapse\'" : ""%> data-target="#<%=cId%>"><%=collapse ? "<span class=\'caret\'></span>" : "" %><%=label%></legend>',
' <% } %>',
'content': _.template(
' <div id="<%= cId %>" class="<%=contentClass%>"></div>'
collapse: true,
render: function() {
var m = this.model,
$el = this.$el,
tmpl = this.template,
controls = this.controls,
data = {
'className': _.result(this, 'className'),
'fieldsetClass': _.result(this, 'fieldsetClass'),
'legendClass': _.result(this, 'legendClass'),
'contentClass': _.result(this, 'contentClass'),
'collapse': _.result(this, 'collapse'),
idx = (this.tabIndex * 100),
evalF = function(f, d, model) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [model]) : !!f);
_.each(this.schema, function(o) {
if (!o.version_compatible || !evalF(o.visible, o, m)) {
if (!o.fields)
var d = _.extend({}, data, o),
h = $((tmpl['header'])(d)).appendTo($el),
el = $((tmpl['content'])(d)).appendTo(h);
o.fields.each(function(f) {
var cntr = new(f.get('control'))({
field: f,
model: m,
tabIndex: idx,
return this;
getValueFromDOM: function() {
return '';
events: {},
Backform.generateGridColumnsFromModel =
function(node_info, m, type, cols, node) {
var groups = Backform.generateViewSchema(
node_info, m, type, node, true, true
schema = [],
columns = [],
idx = 0;
// Create another array if cols is of type object & store its keys in that array,
// If cols is object then chances that we have custom width class attached with in.
if (_.isNull(cols) || _.isUndefined(cols)) {
func = function(f) {
f.cell_priority = idx;
idx = idx + 1;
// We can also provide custom header cell class in schema itself,
// But we will give priority to extraClass attached in cols
// If headerCell property is already set by cols then skip extraClass property from schema
if (!(f.headerCell) && f.cellHeaderClasses) {
f.headerCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell;
} else if (_.isArray(cols)) {
func = function(f) {
f.cell_priority = _.indexOf(cols, f.name);
// We can also provide custom header cell class in schema itself,
// But we will give priority to extraClass attached in cols
// If headerCell property is already set by cols then skip extraClass property from schema
if ((!f.headerCell) && f.cellHeaderClasses) {
f.headerCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell;
} else if (_.isObject(cols)) {
var tblCols = Object.keys(cols);
func = function(f) {
var val = (f.name in cols) && cols[f.name],
if (_.isNull(val) || _.isUndefined(val)) {
f.cell_priority = -1;
if (_.isObject(val)) {
if ('index' in val) {
f.cell_priority = val['index'];
idx = (idx > val['index']) ? idx + 1 : val['index'];
} else {
i = _.indexOf(tblCols, f.name);
f.cell_priority = idx = ((i > idx) ? i : idx);
idx = idx + 1;
// We can also provide custom header cell class in schema itself,
// But we will give priority to extraClass attached in cols
// If headerCell property is already set by cols then skip extraClass property from schema
if (!f.headerCell) {
if (f.cellHeaderClasses) {
f.headerCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell;
if ('class' in val && _.isString(val['class'])) {
f.headerCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell;
f.cellHeaderClasses = (f.cellHeaderClasses || '') + ' ' + val['class'];
if (_.isString(val)) {
i = _.indexOf(tblCols, f.name);
f.cell_priority = idx = ((i > idx) ? i : idx);
idx = idx + 1;
if (!f.headerCell) {
f.headerCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell;
f.cellHeaderClasses = (f.cellHeaderClasses || '') + ' ' + val;
// Prepare columns for backgrid
_.each(groups, function(group) {
_.each(group.fields, function(f) {
if (!f.cell) {
// Check custom property in cols & if it is present then attach it to current cell
if (f.cell_priority != -1) {
return {
'columns': _.sortBy(columns, function(c) {
return c.cell_priority;
'schema': schema,
Backform.BinaryPathsGridControl = Backform.Control.extend({
initialize: function() {
Backform.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
var BinaryPathModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
idAttribute: 'serverType',
defaults: {
serverType: undefined,
binaryPath: undefined,
isDefault: false
this.gridColumns = [{
name: 'isDefault',
label: gettext('Set as default'),
sortable: false,
cell: Backgrid.RadioCell,
cellHeaderClasses: 'width_percent_10',
headerCell: Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell,
deps: ['binaryPath'],
editable: function(m) {
if (!_.isUndefined(m.get('binaryPath')) && !_.isNull(m.get('binaryPath')) && m.get('binaryPath') !== '') {
return true;
} else if (!_.isUndefined(m.get('isDefault')) && !_.isNull(m.get('isDefault'))){
setTimeout(function() {
m.set('isDefault', false);
}, 10);
return false;
}, {
name: 'serverType',
label: gettext('Database Server'),
editable: false,
cell: 'string',
cellHeaderClasses: 'width_percent_20',
headerCell: Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell,
}, {
name: 'binaryPath',
label: gettext('Binary Path'),
sortable: false,
cell: Backgrid.Extension.SelectFileCell,
dialog_type: 'select_folder',
dialog_title: gettext('Select Folder'),
placeholder: pgAdmin.server_mode === 'False' ? gettext('Select binary path...') : pgAdmin.enable_binary_path_browsing ? gettext('Select binary path...') : gettext('Enter binary path...'),
browse_btn_label: gettext('Select path'),
check_btn_label: gettext('Validate utilities'),
browse_btn_visible: pgAdmin.server_mode === 'False' ? true : pgAdmin.enable_binary_path_browsing ? true : false
var BinPathCollection = this.BinPathCollection = new (Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: BinaryPathModel
let bin_value = JSON.parse(this.model.get(this.field.get('name')));
this.listenTo(BinPathCollection, 'change', this.binPathCollectionChanged);
render: function() {
var self = this,
gridHeader = ['<div class=\'subnode-header\'>',
' <span class=\'control-label pg-el-sm-12\'>' + gettext(this.field.get('label')) + '</span>',
gridBody = $('<div class=\'pgadmin-control-group backgrid form-group pg-el-12 object subnode\'></div>').append(gridHeader);
self.grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: self.gridColumns,
collection: self.BinPathCollection,
className: 'backgrid table presentation table-bordered table-noouter-border table-hover',
this.$el.append(['<span class="pg-el-sm-12 form-text text-muted help-block">' +
gettext('Enter the directory in which the psql, pg_dump, pg_dumpall, and pg_restore' +
' utilities can be found for the corresponding database server version.' +
' The default path will be used for server versions that do not have a' +
' path specified.') + '</span>'].join('\n'));
return this;
binPathCollectionChanged: function() {
let bin_value = JSON.stringify(this.BinPathCollection.toJSON());
this.model.set(this.field.get('name'), bin_value, {
silent: false
Backform.UniqueColCollectionControl = Backform.Control.extend({
initialize: function() {
Backform.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
var uniqueCol = this.field.get('uniqueCol') || [],
m = this.field.get('model'),
schema = m.prototype.schema || m.__super__.schema,
columns = [],
self = this;
_.each(schema, function(s) {
// Check if unique columns provided are also in model attributes.
if (uniqueCol.length > _.intersection(columns, uniqueCol).length) {
var errorMsg = 'Developer: Unique columns [ ' + _.difference(uniqueCol, columns) + ' ] not found in collection model [ ' + columns + ' ].';
throw errorMsg;
var collection = self.collection = self.model.get(self.field.get('name'));
if (!collection) {
collection = self.collection = new(pgAdmin.Browser.Node.Collection)(
null, {
model: self.field.get('model'),
silent: true,
handler: self.model,
top: self.model.top || self.model,
attrName: self.field.get('name'),
self.model.set(self.field.get('name'), collection, {
silent: true,
if (this.field.get('version_compatible')) {
self.listenTo(collection, 'add', self.collectionChanged);
self.listenTo(collection, 'change', self.collectionChanged);
cleanup: function() {
this.stopListening(this.collection, 'change', this.collectionChanged);
if (this.field.get('version_compatible')) {
this.stopListening(self.collection, 'add', this.collectionChanged);
this.stopListening(self.collection, 'change', this.collectionChanged);
if (this.grid) {
delete this.grid;
collectionChanged: function(newModel, coll, op) {
var uniqueCol = this.field.get('uniqueCol') || [],
uniqueChangedAttr = [],
self = this;
// Check if changed model attributes are also in unique columns. And then only check for uniqueness.
if (newModel.attributes) {
_.each(uniqueCol, function(col) {
if (_.has(newModel.attributes, col)) {
if (uniqueChangedAttr.length == 0) {
} else {
var collection = this.model.get(this.field.get('name'));
this.stopListening(collection, 'change', this.collectionChanged);
// Check if changed attribute's value of new/updated model also exist for another model in collection.
// If duplicate value exists then set the attribute's value of new/updated model to its previous values.
var m = undefined,
oldModel = undefined;
collection.each(function(model) {
if (newModel != model) {
var duplicateAttrValues = [];
_.each(uniqueCol, function(attr) {
var attrValue = newModel.get(attr);
if (!_.isUndefined(attrValue) && attrValue == model.get(attr)) {
if (duplicateAttrValues.length == uniqueCol.length) {
m = newModel;
// Keep reference of model to make it visible in dialog.
oldModel = model;
if (m) {
if (op && op.add) {
// Remove duplicate model.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
} else {
* Set model value to its previous value as its new value is
* conflicting with another model value.
m.set(uniqueChangedAttr[0], m.previous(uniqueChangedAttr[0]));
if (oldModel) {
var idx = collection.indexOf(oldModel);
if (idx > -1) {
var newRow = self.grid.body.rows[idx].$el;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
this.listenTo(collection, 'change', this.collectionChanged);
render: function() {
// Clean up existing elements
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter,
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, required, canAdd, & canDelete option
_.extend(data, {
disabled: (field.version_compatible &&
evalF.apply(this.field, [data.disabled, data, this.model])
visible: evalF.apply(this.field, [data.visible, data, this.model]),
required: evalF.apply(this.field, [data.required, data, this.model]),
canAdd: (field.version_compatible &&
evalF.apply(this.field, [data.canAdd, data, this.model])
canAddRow: data.canAddRow,
canDelete: evalF.apply(this.field, [data.canDelete, data, this.model]),
canEdit: evalF.apply(this.field, [data.canEdit, data, this.model]),
_.extend(data, {
add_label: '',
// This control is not visible, we should remove it.
if (!data.visible) {
return this;
this.control_data = _.clone(data);
// Show Backgrid Control
var grid = this.showGridControl(data);
return this;
showGridControl: function(data) {
data.cId = data.cId || _.uniqueId('pgC_');
var self = this,
gridHeader = _.template([
'<div class="subnode-header">',
' <span class="control-label pg-el-sm-10" id="<%=cId%>"><%-label%></span>',
' <button aria-label="' + gettext('Add new row') + '" class="btn btn-sm-sq btn-primary-icon add fa fa-plus" <%=canAdd ? "" : "disabled=\'disabled\'"%> title="' + gettext('Add new row') + '"><%-add_label%></button>',
gridBody = $('<div class="pgadmin-control-group backgrid form-group pg-el-12 object subnode "></div>').append(
// Clean up existing grid if any (in case of re-render)
if (self.grid) {
if (!(data.subnode)) {
return '';
var subnode = data.subnode.schema ? data.subnode : data.subnode.prototype,
gridSchema = Backform.generateGridColumnsFromModel(
data.node_info, subnode, this.field.get('mode'), data.columns
// Set visibility of Add button
if (data.mode == 'properties') {
// Insert Delete Cell into Grid
if (!data.disabled && data.canDelete) {
name: 'pg-backform-delete',
label: '',
cell: Backgrid.Extension.DeleteCell,
editable: false,
cell_priority: -1,
canDeleteRow: data.canDeleteRow,
// Insert Edit Cell into Grid
if (data.disabled == false && data.canEdit) {
var editCell = Backgrid.Extension.ObjectCell.extend({
schema: gridSchema.schema,
name: 'pg-backform-edit',
label: '',
cell: editCell,
cell_priority: -2,
canEditRow: data.canEditRow,
var collection = this.model.get(data.name);
var cellEditing = function(args) {
var that = this,
cell = args[0];
// Search for any other rows which are open.
this.each(function(m) {
// Check if row which we are about to close is not current row.
if (cell.model != m) {
var idx = that.indexOf(m);
if (idx > -1) {
var row = self.grid.body.rows[idx],
rowEditCell = row.$el.find('.subnode-edit-in-process').parent();
// Only close row if it's open.
if (rowEditCell.length > 0) {
var event = new Event('click');
// Listen for any row which is about to enter in edit mode.
collection.on('enteringEditMode', cellEditing, collection);
// Initialize a new Grid instance
self.grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: gridSchema.columns,
collection: collection,
className: 'backgrid table presentation table-bordered table-noouter-border table-hover',
attr: {
'aria-labelledby': data.cId,
for(let i = 0; i < (collection.length); i++) {
collection.at(i).parentTr = self.grid.body.rows[i].$el;
// Render subNode grid
var subNodeGrid = self.grid.render().$el;
// Combine Edit and Delete Cell
if (data.canDelete && data.canEdit) {
$(subNodeGrid).find('th.pg-backform-edit').attr('colspan', '2');
var $dialog = gridBody.append(subNodeGrid);
let tmp_browser = pgBrowser;
if (pgBrowser.preferences_cache.length == 0)
tmp_browser = pgWindow.default.pgAdmin.Browser;
let preferences = tmp_browser.get_preferences_for_module('browser');
if (preferences) {
let addBtn = $dialog.find('.add');
// Add title to the buttons
keyboardShortcuts.shortcut_title(gettext('Add new row'),preferences.add_grid_row));
// Add button callback
if (!(data.disabled || data.canAdd == false)) {
$dialog.find('button.add').first().on('click',(e) => {
var canAddRow = _.isFunction(data.canAddRow) ?
data.canAddRow.apply(self, [self.model]) : true;
if (canAddRow) {
// Close any existing expanded row before adding new one.
_.each(self.grid.body.rows, function(row) {
var rowEditCell = row.$el.find('.subnode-edit-in-process').parent();
// Only close row if it's open.
if (rowEditCell.length > 0) {
var event = new Event('click');
var allowMultipleEmptyRows = !!self.field.get('allowMultipleEmptyRows');
// If allowMultipleEmptyRows is not set or is false then don't allow second new empty row.
// There should be only one empty row.
if (!allowMultipleEmptyRows && collection) {
var isEmpty = false;
collection.each(function(model) {
var modelValues = [];
_.each(model.attributes, function(val) {
if (!_.some(modelValues, _.identity)) {
isEmpty = true;
if (isEmpty) {
return false;
var m = new(data.model)(null, {
silent: true,
handler: collection,
top: self.model.top || self.model,
collection: collection,
node_info: self.model.node_info,
if(data.beforeAdd) {
m = data.beforeAdd.apply(self, [m]);
var idx = collection.indexOf(m),
newRow = self.grid.body.rows[idx].$el;
collection.get(m).parentTr = newRow;
m.parentTr = newRow;
// We can have subnode controls in Panels
return false;
return $dialog;
clearInvalid: function() {
return this;
updateInvalid: function() {
var self = this,
errorModel = self.model.errorModel;
if (!(errorModel instanceof Backbone.Model)) return this;
Backform.SubNodeCollectionControl = Backform.Control.extend({
row: Backgrid.Row,
render: function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter,
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, required, canAdd, cannEdit & canDelete option
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(data.disabled, data, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, data, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, data, this.model),
canAdd: evalF(data.canAdd, data, this.model),
canAddRow: data.canAddRow,
canEdit: evalF(data.canEdit, data, this.model),
canDelete: evalF(data.canDelete, data, this.model),
showError: data.showError || true,
// Show Backgrid Control
var grid = (data.subnode == undefined) ? '' : this.showGridControl(data);
// Clean up first
if (!data.visible)
return this;
updateInvalid: function() {
var self = this;
var errorModel = this.model.errorModel;
if (!(errorModel instanceof Backbone.Model)) return this;
var attrArr = self.field.get('name').split('.'),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
error = self.keyPathAccessor(errorModel.toJSON(), path);
if (_.isEmpty(error)) return;
if (self.field.get('showError')) {
$('<div></div>').addClass('pgadmin-control-error-message pg-el-offset-4 pg-el-8 help-block').text(error)
cleanup: function() {
// Clean up existing grid if any (in case of re-render)
if (this.grid) {
if (this.collection) {
clearInvalid: function() {
if (this.field.get('showError')) {
return this;
showGridControl: function(data) {
var self = this,
gridHeader = ['<div class=\'subnode-header\'>',
' <span class=\'control-label pg-el-sm-10\'>' + data.label + '</span>',
' <button aria-label="' + gettext('Add') + '" class=\'btn btn-sm-sq btn-primary-icon add fa fa-plus\' title=\'' + gettext('Add new row') + '\'></button>',
gridBody = $('<div class=\'pgadmin-control-group backgrid form-group pg-el-12 object subnode\'></div>').append(gridHeader);
var subnode = data.subnode.schema ? data.subnode : data.subnode.prototype,
gridSchema = Backform.generateGridColumnsFromModel(
data.node_info, subnode, this.field.get('mode'), data.columns, data.schema_node
// Clean up existing grid if any (in case of re-render)
if (self.grid) {
// Set visibility of Add button
if (data.disabled || data.canAdd == false) {
// Insert Delete Cell into Grid
if (data.disabled == false && data.canDelete) {
name: 'pg-backform-delete',
label: '',
cell: Backgrid.Extension.DeleteCell,
editable: false,
cell_priority: -1,
canDeleteRow: data.canDeleteRow,
customDeleteMsg: data.customDeleteMsg,
customDeleteTitle: data.customDeleteTitle,
// Insert Edit Cell into Grid
if (data.disabled == false && data.canEdit) {
var editCell = Backgrid.Extension.ObjectCell.extend({
schema: gridSchema.schema,
canEdit = self.field.has('canEdit') &&
self.field.get('canEdit') || true;
name: 'pg-backform-edit',
label: '',
cell: editCell,
cell_priority: -2,
editable: canEdit,
canEditRow: data.canEditRow,
var collection = self.model.get(data.name);
if (!collection) {
collection = new(pgBrowser.Node.Collection)(null, {
handler: self.model.handler || self.model,
model: data.model,
top: self.model.top || self.model,
silent: true,
self.model.set(data.name, collection, {
silent: true,
var cellEditing = function(args) {
var ctx = this,
cell = args[0];
// Search for any other rows which are open.
this.each(function(m) {
// Check if row which we are about to close is not current row.
if (cell.model != m) {
var idx = ctx.indexOf(m);
if (idx > -1) {
var row = grid.body.rows[idx],
rowEditCell = row.$el.find('.subnode-edit-in-process').parent();
// Only close row if it's open.
if (rowEditCell.length > 0) {
var event = new Event('click');
// Listen for any row which is about to enter in edit mode.
collection.on('enteringEditMode', cellEditing, collection);
// Initialize a new Grid instance
var grid = self.grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: gridSchema.columns,
collection: collection,
row: this.row,
className: 'backgrid table presentation table-bordered table-noouter-border table-hover',
// Render subNode grid
var subNodeGrid = grid.render().$el;
// Combine Edit and Delete Cell
if (data.canDelete && data.canEdit) {
$(subNodeGrid).find('th.pg-backform-edit').attr('colspan', '2');
var $dialog = gridBody.append(subNodeGrid);
let tmp_browser = pgBrowser;
if (pgBrowser.preferences_cache.length == 0)
tmp_browser = pgWindow.default.pgAdmin.Browser;
let preferences = tmp_browser.get_preferences_for_module('browser');
if (preferences) {
let addBtn = $dialog.find('.add');
// Add title to the buttons
keyboardShortcuts.shortcut_title(gettext('Add new row'),preferences.add_grid_row));
// Add button callback
$dialog.find('button.add').on('click',(e) => {
var canAddRow = _.isFunction(data.canAddRow) ?
data.canAddRow.apply(self, [self.model]) : true;
if (canAddRow) {
// Close any existing expanded row before adding new one.
_.each(grid.body.rows, function(row) {
var rowEditCell = row.$el.find('.subnode-edit-in-process').parent();
// Only close row if it's open.
if (rowEditCell.length > 0) {
var event = new Event('click');
var newRow = $(grid.body.rows[collection.length - 1].$el);
newRow.attr('class', 'new').on('click',() => {
$(this).attr('class', 'editable');
// We can have subnode controls in Panels
return false;
return $dialog;
* SQL Tab Control for showing the modified SQL for the node with the
* property 'hasSQL' is set to true.
* When the user clicks on the SQL tab, we will send the modified data to the
* server and fetch the SQL for it.
Backform.SqlTabControl = Backform.Control.extend({
defaults: {
label: '',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-12 SQL',
extraClasses: [],
helpMessage: null,
template: _.template([
'<label for="<%=cId%>" class="sr-only"><%=(label==""?"SQL":label)%></label>',
'<div class="<%=controlsClassName%>">',
' <textarea id="<%=cId%>" class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>" name="<%=name%>" aria-label="<%=name%>" placeholder="<%-placeholder%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "readonly aria-readonly=true" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%>><%-value%></textarea>',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
* Initialize the SQL Tab control properly
initialize: function(o) {
Backform.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
// Save the required information for using it later.
this.dialog = o.dialog;
this.tabIndex = o.tabIndex;
_.bindAll(this, 'onTabChange', 'onPanelResized');
getValueFromDOM: function() {
return this.formatter.toRaw(this.$el.find('textarea').val(), this.model);
reflectPreferences: function() {
var self = this;
/* self.sqlCtrl is null when SQL tab is not active */
if(self.sqlCtrl) {
let sqlEditPreferences = pgAdmin.Browser.get_preferences_for_module('sqleditor');
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('tabSize', sqlEditPreferences.tab_size);
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('lineWrapping', sqlEditPreferences.wrap_code);
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('autoCloseBrackets', sqlEditPreferences.insert_pair_brackets);
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('matchBrackets', sqlEditPreferences.brace_matching);
render: function() {
if (this.sqlCtrl) {
delete this.sqlCtrl;
this.sqlCtrl = null;
this.model.off('pg-property-tab-changed', this.onTabChange, this);
this.model.off('pg-browser-resized', this.onPanelResized, this);
// Use the Backform Control's render function
Backform.Control.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
this.sqlCtrl = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(
(this.$el.find('textarea')[0]), {
lineNumbers: true,
mode: 'text/x-pgsql',
readOnly: true,
extraKeys: pgAdmin.Browser.editor_shortcut_keys,
screenReaderLabel: 'SQL',
/* Check for sql editor preference changes */
let self = this;
this.$el.find('textarea').attr('tabindex', -1);
pgBrowser.onPreferencesChange('sqleditor', function() {
* We will listen to the tab change event to check, if the SQL tab has
* been clicked or, not.
this.model.on('pg-property-tab-changed', this.onTabChange, this);
this.model.on('pg-browser-resized', this.onPanelResized, this);
return this;
onTabChange: function(obj) {
// Fetch the information only if the SQL tab is visible at the moment.
if (this.dialog && obj.shown == this.tabIndex) {
// We will send a request to the sever only if something has changed
// in a model and also it does not contain any error.
if (this.model.sessChanged()) {
if (_.size(this.model.errorModel.attributes) == 0) {
var self = this,
node = self.field.get('schema_node'),
msql_url = node.generate_url.apply(
node, [
null, 'msql', this.field.get('node_data'), !self.model.isNew(),
this.field.get('node_info'), node.url_jump_after_node,
// Fetching the modified SQL
self.model.trigger('pgadmin-view:msql:fetching', self.method, node);
url: msql_url,
type: 'GET',
cache: false,
data: self.model.toJSON(true, 'GET'),
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
}).done(function(res) {
}).fail(function() {
self.model.trigger('pgadmin-view:msql:error', self.method, node, arguments);
}).always(function() {
self.model.trigger('pgadmin-view:msql:fetched', self.method, node, arguments);
} else {
this.sqlCtrl.setValue('-- ' + gettext('Definition incomplete.'));
} else {
this.sqlCtrl.setValue('-- ' + gettext('No updates.'));
onPanelResized: function(o) {
if (o && o.container) {
var $tabContent = o.container.find(
'.backform-tab > .tab-content'
$sqlPane = $tabContent.find(
if ($sqlPane.hasClass('active')) {
'height: ' + ($tabContent.height() + 8) + 'px !important;'
remove: function() {
if (this.sqlCtrl) {
delete this.sqlCtrl;
this.sqlCtrl = null;
this.model.off('pg-property-tab-changed', this.onTabChange, this);
this.model.off('pg-browser-resized', this.onPanelResized, this);
Backform.Control.__super__.remove.apply(this, arguments);
* Numeric input Control functionality just like backgrid
Backform.NumericControl = Backform.InputControl.extend({
defaults: {
type: 'number',
label: '',
min: undefined,
max: undefined,
maxlength: 255,
extraClasses: [],
helpMessage: null,
template: _.template([
'<label for="<%=cId%>" class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%> text-wrap"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%>">',
' <input type="<%=type%>" id="<%=cId%>" class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>" name="<%=name%>" min="<%=min%>" max="<%=max%>"maxlength="<%=maxlength%>" value="<%-value%>" placeholder="<%-placeholder%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "readonly aria-readonly=true" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%> />',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
// Generate a schema (as group members) based on the model's schema
// It will be used by the grid, properties, and dialog view generation
// functions.
Backform.generateViewSchema = function(
node_info, Model, mode, node, treeData, noSQL, subschema
) {
var proto = (Model && Model.prototype) || Model,
schema = subschema || (proto && proto.schema),
fields = [],
groupInfo = {};
// 'schema' has the information about how to generate the form.
if (schema && _.isArray(schema)) {
var evalASFunc = evalASFunc = function(prop) {
return ((prop && proto[prop] &&
typeof proto[prop] == 'function') ? proto[prop] : prop);
var groups = {},
server_info = node_info && ('server' in node_info) &&
pgBrowser.serverInfo && pgBrowser.serverInfo[node_info.server._id],
in_catalog = node_info && ('catalog' in node_info),
_.each(schema, function(s) {
// Do we understand - what control, we're creating
// here?
if (s.type == 'group') {
var visible = true;
ver_in_limit = (_.isUndefined(server_info) ? true :
((_.isUndefined(s.server_type) ? true :
(server_info.type in s.server_type)) &&
(_.isUndefined(s.min_version) ? true :
(server_info.version >= s.min_version)) &&
(_.isUndefined(s.max_version) ? true :
(server_info.version <= s.max_version))));
if (s.mode && _.isObject(s.mode))
visible = (_.indexOf(s.mode, mode) > -1);
if (visible)
visible = evalASFunc(s.visible);
groupInfo[s.id] = {
label: s.label || s.id,
version_compatible: ver_in_limit,
visible: visible,
tabPanelCodeClass: '',
if (!s.mode || (s && s.mode && _.isObject(s.mode) &&
_.indexOf(s.mode, mode) != -1)) {
// Each field is kept in specified group, or in
// 'General' category.
var group = s.group || gettext('General'),
control = s.control || Backform.getMappedControl(s.type, mode),
cell = s.cell || Backform.getMappedControl(s.type, 'cell');
if (control == null) {
// Generate the empty group list (if not exists)
groups[group] = (groups[group] || []);
ver_in_limit = (_.isUndefined(server_info) ? true :
((_.isUndefined(s.server_type) ? true :
(server_info.type in s.server_type)) &&
(_.isUndefined(s.min_version) ? true :
(server_info.version >= s.min_version)) &&
(_.isUndefined(s.max_version) ? true :
(server_info.version <= s.max_version))));
var disabled = (
!ver_in_limit || in_catalog
readonly = (mode == 'properties'),
schema_node = (s.node && _.isString(s.node) &&
s.node in pgBrowser.Nodes && pgBrowser.Nodes[s.node]) || node;
var o = _.extend(_.clone(s), {
name: s.id,
// This can be disabled in some cases (if not hidden)
disabled: (disabled ? true : evalASFunc(s.disabled)),
readonly: (readonly ? true : evalASFunc(s.readonly)),
editable: _.isUndefined(s.editable) ?
pgAdmin.editableCell : evalASFunc(s.editable),
subnode: ((_.isString(s.model) && s.model in pgBrowser.Nodes) ?
pgBrowser.Nodes[s.model].model : s.model),
canAdd: (disabled || readonly) ? false : evalASFunc(s.canAdd),
canAddRow: (disabled || readonly) ? false : evalASFunc(s.canAddRow),
canEdit: (disabled || readonly) ? false : evalASFunc(s.canEdit),
canDelete: (disabled || readonly) ? false : evalASFunc(s.canDelete),
canEditRow: (disabled || readonly) ? false : evalASFunc(s.canEditRow),
canDeleteRow: (disabled || readonly) ? false : evalASFunc(s.canDeleteRow),
transform: evalASFunc(s.transform),
mode: mode,
control: control,
cell: cell,
node_info: node_info,
schema_node: schema_node,
// Do we need to show this control in this mode?
visible: evalASFunc(s.visible),
node: node,
node_data: treeData,
version_compatible: ver_in_limit,
delete o.id;
// Temporarily store in dictionary format for
// utilizing it later.
if (s.type == 'nested') {
delete o.name;
delete o.cell;
o.schema = Backform.generateViewSchema(
node_info, Model, mode, node, treeData, true, s.schema
o.control = o.control || 'tab';
// Do we have fields to genreate controls, which we
// understand?
if (_.isEmpty(groups)) {
return null;
if (!noSQL && node && node.hasSQL && (mode == 'create' || mode == 'edit')) {
groups[gettext('SQL')] = [{
name: 'sql',
visible: true,
disabled: false,
type: 'text',
control: 'sql-tab',
node_info: node_info,
schema_node: node,
node_data: treeData,
// Create an array from the dictionary with proper required
// structure.
_.each(groups, function(val, key) {
let tabPanelCodeClass = _.pluck(val, 'tabPanelCodeClass');
if (tabPanelCodeClass) {
tabPanelCodeClass = tabPanelCodeClass.join(' ').trim();
groupInfo[key] || {
label: key,
tabPanelCodeClass: tabPanelCodeClass,
}, {
version_compatible: true,
visible: true,
), {
fields: val,
return fields;
var Select2Formatter = function() {};
_.extend(Select2Formatter.prototype, {
fromRaw: function(rawData) {
return encodeURIComponent(rawData);
toRaw: function(formattedData, model, opts) {
if (_.isArray(formattedData)) {
if (opts && opts.tags)
return formattedData;
return _.map(formattedData, decodeURIComponent);
} else {
if (!_.isNull(formattedData) && !_.isUndefined(formattedData)) {
return decodeURIComponent(formattedData);
} else {
return null;
* Backform Select2 control.
Backform.Select2Control = Backform.SelectControl.extend({
defaults: _.extend({}, Backform.SelectControl.prototype.defaults, {
select2: {
first_empty: true,
multiple: false,
emptyOptions: false,
preserveSelectionOrder: false,
isDropdownParent: false,
// To accept the label and conrol classes while extending control if
// required(e.g. if we want to show label and control in 50-50% or in
//different width of dialog/form) otherwise default classes will be added
controlLabelClassName: Backform.controlLabelClassName,
controlsClassName: Backform.controlsClassName,
events: function() {
// Inherit all default events of InputControl
return _.extend({}, Backform.SelectControl.prototype.events, {
'select2:select': 'onSelect',
onSelect: function (evt) {
var sel2Options = this.field.get('select2');
if (!_.isUndefined(sel2Options) && !_.isNull(sel2Options) &&
sel2Options.multiple && sel2Options.preserveSelectionOrder) {
var element = evt.params.data.element;
var $element = $(element);
let new_value = _.findWhere(this.field.get('options'), {value: evt.params.data.id});
if(new_value && !_.isUndefined(new_value.preview_src) && new_value.preview_src) {
this.$el.find('.preview-img img').attr('src', new_value.preview_src);
formatter: Select2Formatter,
template: _.template([
'<% if(label == false) {} else {%>',
' <label class="<%=controlLabelClassName%>" for="<%=cId%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<% }%>',
'<div class="<%=controlsClassName%>">',
' <select title="<%=name%>" id="<%=cId%>" class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>"',
' name="<%=name%>" value="<%-value%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "disabled" : ""%>',
' <%=required ? "required" : ""%><%= select2.multiple ? " multiple>" : ">" %>',
' <%=select2.first_empty ? " <option></option>" : ""%>',
' <% for (var i=0; i < options.length; i++) {%>',
' <% var option = options[i]; %>',
' <option ',
' <% if (option.image) { %> data-image=<%=option.image%> <%}%>',
' value=<%- formatter.fromRaw(option.value) %>',
' <% if (option.selected) {%>selected="selected"<%} else {%>',
' <% if (!select2.multiple && option.value === rawValue) {%>selected="selected"<%}%>',
' <% if (select2.multiple && rawValue && rawValue.indexOf(option.value) != -1){%>selected="selected" data-index="rawValue.indexOf(option.value)"<%}%>',
' <%}%>',
' <%= disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "disabled" : ""%>><%-option.label%></option>',
' <%}%>',
' </select>',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
' <% for (var i=0; i < options.length; i++) {%>',
' <% var option = options[i]; %>',
' <% if (option.preview_src && option.value === rawValue) { %>',
' <div class="preview-img mt-2">',
' <img src="<%=option.preview_src%>" class="img-fluid mx-auto d-block w-50 border" alt="'+gettext('Preview not available...')+'">',
' </div>',
' <%}%>',
' <%}%>',
render: function() {
if (this.$sel && this.$sel.select2 &&
this.$sel.select2.hasOwnProperty('destroy')) {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter,
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
data.select2 = data.select2 || {};
_.defaults(data.select2, this.defaults.select2, {
first_empty: true,
multiple: false,
emptyOptions: false,
preserveSelectionOrder: false,
isDropdownParent: false,
showOnScroll: true,
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, and required option
// disable for readonly also and later handle readonly programmatically.
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(data.disabled, data, this.model),
readonly: evalF(data.readonly, data, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, data, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, data, this.model),
// Evaluation the options
if (_.isFunction(data.options)) {
try {
data.options = data.options(this);
} catch (e) {
// Do nothing
data.options = [];
'pgadmin-view:transform:error', this.model, this.field, e
data.cId = data.cId || _.uniqueId('pgC_');
// Clean up first
if (!data.visible)
var select2Opts = _.extend({
disabled: data.disabled || data.readonly,
}, field.select2, {
options: (this.field.get('options') || this.defaults.options),
// Dropdown body can be render at user given location
// If isDropdownParent flag is set to true then, By default we will
// display it on the control itself.
if (data.select2.isDropdownParent) {
select2Opts.dropdownParent = data.select2.dropdownParent || this.$el;
// If disabled then no need to show placeholder
if (data.disabled || data.readonly) {
select2Opts['placeholder'] = '';
* Add empty option as Select2 requires any empty '<option><option>' for
* some of its functionality to work and initialize select2 control.
if (data.select2.tags && data.select2.emptyOptions) {
select2Opts.data = data.rawValue;
/* Configure show on scroll if required */
select2Opts = configure_show_on_scroll.default(select2Opts);
this.$sel = this.$el.find('select').select2(select2Opts);
// Add or remove tags from select2 control
if (data.select2.tags && data.select2.emptyOptions) {
this.$sel.on('select2:unselect', function(evt) {
$(this).find('option[value="' + evt.params.data.text.replace('\'', '\\\'').replace('"', '\\"') + '"]').remove();
if ($(this).val() == null) {
// Select the highlighted item on Tab press.
if (this.$sel) {
this.$sel.data('select2').on('keypress', function(ev) {
var self = this;
// keycode 9 is for TAB key
if (ev.which === 9 && self.isOpen()) {
self.trigger('results:select', {});
/* Select2 does not have option for readonly
* If readonly, then let it focus.
if(data.readonly && !data.disabled) {
this.$el.find('.select2-selection').attr('tabindex', 0);
}, 500);
return this;
getValueFromDOM: function() {
var select2Opts = _.extend({}, this.field.get('select2') || this.defaults.select2),
val = this.formatter.toRaw(this.$sel.val(), this.model, select2Opts);
if (select2Opts.multiple && val == null) {
return [];
return val;
Backform.FieldsetControl = Backform.Fieldset.extend({
initialize: function(opts) {
this, arguments
this, [{
schema: opts.field.get('schema'),
this.dialog = opts.dialog;
this.tabIndex = opts.tabIndex;
this.contentClass = opts.field.get('contentClass')?opts.field.get('contentClass'):'';
// Listen to the dependent fields in the model for any change
var deps = this.field.get('deps');
var self = this;
if (deps && _.isArray(deps)) {
_.each(deps, function(d) {
var attrArr = d.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift();
self.listenTo(self.model, 'change:' + name, self.render);
// Render using Backform.Fieldset (only if this control is visible)
orig_render: Backform.Fieldset.prototype.render,
render: function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
if (!field.version_compatible ||
!evalF(field.visible, field, this.model)) {
} else {
this.orig_render.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
formatter: function() {},
cleanup: function() {
remove: function() {
Backform.Control.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
Backform.Dialog.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
className: function() {
return 'set-group';
tabPanelClassName: function() {
return Backform.tabClassName;
fieldsetClass: 'inline-fieldset',
legendClass: '',
collapse: false,
// Backform Tab Control (in bootstrap tabbular)
// A collection of field models.
Backform.TabControl = Backform.FieldsetControl.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'inline-tab-panel',
tabPanelClassName: 'inline-tab-panel',
tabPanelExtraClasses: '',
initialize: function(opts) {
this, arguments
this.tabIndex = (opts.tabIndex || parseInt(Math.random() * 1000)) + 1;
if(opts.field.get('tabPanelExtraClasses')) {
this.tabPanelExtraClasses = opts.field.get('tabPanelExtraClasses');
this.tabPanelClassName = this.tabPanelClassName + ' ' + this.tabPanelExtraClasses;
// Render using Backform.Dialog (tabular UI) (only if this control is
// visible).
orig_render: Backform.Dialog.prototype.render,
template: Backform.Dialog.prototype.template,
// Backform Tab Control (in bootstrap tabbular)
// A collection of field models.
Backform.PlainFieldsetControl = Backform.FieldsetControl.extend({
initialize: function() {
Backform.FieldsetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
template: {
'header': _.template([
'<fieldset class="<%=fieldsetClass%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%>>',
' <% if (legend != false) { %>',
' <div><legend class="<%=legendClass%>" <%=collapse ? "data-toggle=\'collapse\'" : ""%> data-target="#<%=cId%>"><%=collapse ? "<span class=\'caret\'></span>" : "" %></legend></div>',
' <% } %>',
'content': _.template(
' <div id="<%= cId %>" class="<%=contentClass%>"></div>'
fieldsetClass: 'inline-fieldset-without-border',
legend: false,
* Control For Code Mirror SQL text area.
Backform.SqlFieldControl = Backform.TextareaControl.extend({
defaults: {
label: '',
extraClasses: [], // Add default control height
helpMessage: null,
maxlength: 4096,
rows: undefined,
// Customize template to add new styles
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>" for="<%=cId%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%> sql_field_layout <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>">',
' <textarea id="<%=cId%>"',
' class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> " name="<%=name%>" aria-label="<%=name%>"',
' maxlength="<%=maxlength%>" placeholder="<%-placeholder%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "readonly aria-readonly=true" : ""%>',
' rows=<%=rows%>',
' <%=required ? "required" : ""%>><%-value%></textarea>',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
* Initialize the SQL Field control properly
initialize: function() {
Backform.TextareaControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.sqlCtrl = null;
_.bindAll(this, 'onFocus', 'onBlur', 'refreshTextArea');
getValueFromDOM: function() {
return this.sqlCtrl.getValue();
reflectPreferences: function() {
var self = this;
/* self.sqlCtrl is null when Definition tab is not active */
if(self.sqlCtrl) {
/* This control is used by filter dialog in query editor, so taking preferences from window
* SQL Editor can be in different tab
let browser = pgWindow.default.pgAdmin.Browser;
let sqlEditPreferences = browser.get_preferences_for_module('sqleditor');
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('indentWithTabs', !sqlEditPreferences.use_spaces);
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('indentUnit', sqlEditPreferences.tab_size);
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('tabSize', sqlEditPreferences.tab_size);
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('lineWrapping', sqlEditPreferences.wrap_code);
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('autoCloseBrackets', sqlEditPreferences.insert_pair_brackets);
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('matchBrackets', sqlEditPreferences.brace_matching);
setTimeout(function() {
if (self.sqlCtrl) self.sqlCtrl.refresh();
}, 500);
render: function() {
// Clean up the existing sql control
if (this.sqlCtrl) {
this.model.off('pg-property-tab-changed', this.refreshTextArea, this);
this.sqlCtrl.off('focus', this.onFocus);
this.sqlCtrl.off('blur', this.onBlur);
delete this.sqlCtrl;
this.sqlCtrl = null;
// Use the Backform TextareaControl's render function
Backform.TextareaControl.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter,
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
data.cId = data.cId || _.uniqueId('pgC_');
// Evaluate the disabled, visible option
var isDisabled = evalF(data.disabled, data, this.model),
isVisible = evalF(data.visible, data, this.model),
isReadonly = evalF(data.readonly, data, this.model),
self = this;
self.sqlCtrl = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(
(self.$el.find('textarea')[0]), {
lineNumbers: true,
mode: 'text/x-pgsql',
extraKeys: pgAdmin.Browser.editor_shortcut_keys,
screenReaderLabel: data.label,
/* Check for sql editor preference changes */
pgBrowser.onPreferencesChange('sqleditor', function() {
// Disable editor
if (isDisabled || isReadonly) {
// set read only mode to true instead of 'nocursor', and hide cursor using a class so that copying is enabled
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('readOnly', true);
self.sqlCtrl.setOption('extraKeys', {
Tab: false,
'Shift-Tab': false,
var cm = self.sqlCtrl.getWrapperElement();
if (cm) {
cm.className += ' cm_disabled hide-cursor-workaround';
if (!isVisible)
// There is an issue with the Code Mirror SQL.
// It does not initialize the code mirror object completely when the
// referenced textarea is hidden (not visible), hence - we need to
// refresh the code mirror object on 'pg-property-tab-changed' event to
// make it work properly.
self.model.on('pg-property-tab-changed', this.refreshTextArea, this);
this.sqlCtrl.setOption('dragDrop', true);
this.sqlCtrl.on('focus', this.onFocus);
this.sqlCtrl.on('blur', this.onBlur);
this.sqlCtrl.on('drop', this.onDrop);
// Refresh SQL Field to refresh the control lazily after it renders
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
return self;
onDrop: function(editor, e){
var dropDetails = null;
try {
dropDetails = JSON.parse(e.dataTransfer.getData('text'));
/* Stop firefox from redirecting */
if(e.preventDefault) {
if (e.stopPropagation) {
} catch(error) {
/* if parsing fails, it must be the drag internal of codemirror text */
var cursor = editor.coordsChar({
left: e.x,
top: e.y,
editor.replaceRange(dropDetails.text, cursor);
ch: cursor.ch + dropDetails.cur.from,
ch: cursor.ch +dropDetails.cur.to,
onFocus: function() {
var $ctrl = this.$el.find('.pgadmin-controls').first();
if (!$ctrl.hasClass('focused'))
onBlur: function() {
refreshTextArea: function() {
if (this.sqlCtrl) {
remove: function() {
// Clean up the sql control
if (this.sqlCtrl) {
this.sqlCtrl.off('focus', this.onFocus);
this.sqlCtrl.off('blur', this.onBlur);
delete this.sqlCtrl;
this.sqlCtrl = null;
this.model.off('pg-property-tab-changed', this.refreshTextArea, this);
Backform.TextareaControl.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
* Control For Code Mirror with FULL text area.
Backform.SqlCodeControl = Backform.SqlFieldControl.extend({
// Customize template to add new styles
template: _.template([
'<label class="sr-only" for="<%=cId%>"><%=(label==""?"Code":label)%></label>',
'<div class="pgadmin-controls pg-el-12 <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>">',
' <textarea id="<%=cId%>" ',
' class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> " name="<%=name%>" aria-label="<%=name%>"',
' maxlength="<%=maxlength%>" placeholder="<%-placeholder%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "readonly aria-readonly=true" : ""%> ',
' rows=<%=rows%>',
' <%=required ? "required" : ""%>><%-value%></textarea>',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
// We will use this control just as a annotate in Backform
Backform.NoteControl = Backform.Control.extend({
defaults: {
label: gettext('Note'),
text: '',
extraClasses: ['pg-el-12', 'd-flex'],
noteClass: 'backform-note',
faIcon: 'fa-file-alt',
faExtraClass: 'fa-rotate-180 fa-flip-vertical',
iconWidthClass: 'col-0 pr-2',
textWidthClass: 'col-sm',
template: _.template([
'<div class="<%=noteClass%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>">',
' <div class="icon <%=iconWidthClass%>">',
' <i class="fa <%=faIcon%> <%=faExtraClass%>" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
' </div>',
' <div class="<%=textWidthClass%>">',
' <span><%=text%></span>',
' </div>',
* Input File Control: This control is used with Storage Manager Dialog,
* It allows user to perform following operations:
* - Select File
* - Select Folder
* - Create File
* - Opening Storage Manager Dialog itself.
Backform.FileControl = Backform.InputControl.extend({
defaults: {
type: 'text',
label: '',
min: undefined,
max: undefined,
maxlength: 255,
extraClasses: [],
dialog_title: '',
btn_primary: '',
helpMessage: null,
dialog_type: 'select_file',
initialize: function() {
Backform.InputControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>" for="<%=cId%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%>">',
'<div class="input-group">',
'<input type="<%=type%>" id="<%=cId%>" class="form-control <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>" name="<%=name%>" min="<%=min%>" max="<%=max%>"maxlength="<%=maxlength%>" value="<%-value%>" placeholder="<%-placeholder%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "readonly aria-readonly=true" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%> />',
'<div class="input-group-append">',
'<button class="btn btn-primary-icon fa fa-ellipsis-h select_item" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "disabled" : ""%> aria-hidden="true" aria-label="' + gettext('Select file') + '" title="' + gettext('Select file') + '"></button>',
'<% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
'<span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
'<% } %>',
events: function() {
// Inherit all default events of InputControl
return _.extend({}, Backform.InputControl.prototype.events, {
'click .select_item': 'onSelect',
onSelect: function() {
var dialog_type = this.field.get('dialog_type'),
supp_types = this.field.get('supp_types'),
btn_primary = this.field.get('btn_primary'),
dialog_title = this.field.get('dialog_title'),
params = {
supported_types: supp_types,
dialog_type: dialog_type,
dialog_title: dialog_title,
btn_primary: btn_primary,
// Listen click events of Storage Manager dialog buttons
storage_dlg_hander: function(value) {
var attrArr = this.field.get('name').split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift();
// Set selected value into the model
this.model.set(name, decodeURI(value));
storage_close_dlg_hander: function() {
listen_file_dlg_events: function() {
pgAdmin.Browser.Events.on('pgadmin-storage:finish_btn:' + this.field.get('dialog_type'), this.storage_dlg_hander, this);
pgAdmin.Browser.Events.on('pgadmin-storage:cancel_btn:' + this.field.get('dialog_type'), this.storage_close_dlg_hander, this);
remove_file_dlg_event_listeners: function() {
pgAdmin.Browser.Events.off('pgadmin-storage:finish_btn:' + this.field.get('dialog_type'), this.storage_dlg_hander, this);
pgAdmin.Browser.Events.off('pgadmin-storage:cancel_btn:' + this.field.get('dialog_type'), this.storage_close_dlg_hander, this);
clearInvalid: function() {
Backform.InputControl.prototype.clearInvalid.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
updateInvalid: function() {
Backform.InputControl.prototype.updateInvalid.apply(this, arguments);
// Introduce a new class to fix the error icon placement on the control
disable_button: function() {
this.$el.find('button.select_item').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
enable_button: function() {
Backform.DatetimepickerControl =
defaults: {
type: 'text',
label: '',
options: {
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z',
icons: {
time: 'fa fa-clock',
data: 'fa fa-calendar-alt',
today: 'fa fa-calendar-check',
clear: 'fa fa-trash-alt',
buttons: {
showToday: true,
toolbarPlacement: 'top',
widgetPositioning: {
horizontal: 'auto',
vertical: 'bottom',
keepOpen: false,
placeholder: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z',
extraClasses: [],
helpMessage: null,
setMinDate: true,
events: {
'blur input': 'onChange',
'change input': 'onChange',
'changeDate input': 'onChange',
'focus input': 'clearInvalid',
'focusout input': 'closePicker',
'change.datetimepicker': 'onChange',
'click .input-group': 'togglePicker',
'keydown .datetimepicker-input': 'keyboardEvent',
togglePicker: function() {
if (this.has_datepicker) {
closePicker: function() {
if (this.has_datepicker) {
template: _.template([
'<label for="<%=cId%>" class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="input-group <%=Backform.controlsClassName%>">',
' <input id="<%=cId%>" type="text" class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> datetimepicker-input <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>" name="<%=name%>" value="<%-value%>" placeholder="<%-placeholder%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=readonly ? "readonly aria-readonly=true" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%> data-toggle="datetimepicker"/>',
' <div class="input-group-append">',
' <span class="input-group-text fa fa-calendar-alt"></span>',
' </div>',
'<% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.helpBlockControlClass%>">',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
'<% } %>',
keyboardEvent: function(event) {
let stopBubble = false;
if (!event.altKey && event.keyCode == 38) {
if (!event.altKey && event.keyCode == 40) {
if (event.keyCode == 37) {
if (event.keyCode == 39) {
if (event.keyCode == 27){
stopBubble = true;
if (event.keyCode == 13){
if ((this.$el.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) || (this.$el.find('.timepicker').is(':visible'))){
if (event.altKey && event.keyCode == 84) {
if(event.altKey && event.keyCode == 38){
if(event.altKey && event.keyCode == 40){
if(stopBubble) {
down: function() {
let $el = this.$el.find('.datetimepicker-input');
let currdate = $el.data('datetimepicker').date().clone();
if (this.$el.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) {
$el.datetimepicker('date', currdate.add(7, 'd'));
} else {
$el.datetimepicker('date', currdate.subtract(1, 'm'));
up: function() {
let $el = this.$el.find('.datetimepicker-input');
let currdate = $el.data('datetimepicker').date().clone();
if (this.$el.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) {
$el.datetimepicker('date', currdate.subtract(7, 'd'));
} else {
$el.datetimepicker('date', currdate.add(1, 'm'));
left: function() {
let $el = this.$el.find('.datetimepicker-input');
let currdate = $el.data('datetimepicker').date().clone();
if (this.$el.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) {
$el.datetimepicker('date', currdate.subtract(1, 'd'));
right: function() {
let $el = this.$el.find('.datetimepicker-input');
let currdate = $el.data('datetimepicker').date().clone();
if (this.$el.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) {
$el.datetimepicker('date', currdate.add(1, 'd'));
timePicker:function() {
if (this.$el.find('.timepicker').is(':visible')){
controlUp:function() {
let $el = this.$el.find('.datetimepicker-input');
let currdate = $el.data('datetimepicker').date().clone();
$el.datetimepicker('date', currdate.add(1, 'h'));
controlDown:function() {
let $el = this.$el.find('.datetimepicker-input');
let currdate = $el.data('datetimepicker').date().clone();
$el.datetimepicker('date', currdate.subtract(1, 'h'));
render: function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter,
evalF = function(f, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f(m) : !!f);
// disable when mode is properties.
if(data.mode == 'properties') {
data.disabled = true;
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, and required option
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(data.disabled, this.model),
readonly: evalF(data.readonly, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, this.model),
data.cId = data.cId || _.uniqueId('pgC_');
if (!data.disabled && data.mode != 'properties') {
data.placeholder = data.placeholder || this.defaults.placeholder;
// Clean up first
if (this.has_datepicker)
if (!data.visible) {
this.has_datepicker = false;
} else {
this.has_datepicker = true;
var self = this;
if (!_.isUndefined(data.value) && !_.isNull(data.value)
&& data.value.toLowerCase() === 'infinity') {
data.value = null;
var dateSettings = {};
if (!data.setMinDate) {
dateSettings = {
'date': data.value,
} else {
dateSettings = {
'date': data.value,
'minDate': data.value,
keyBinds: {
enter: function(widget) {
var picker = this;
if (widget) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
tab: function(widget) {
if (!widget) {
// blur the input
function() {
}, 10
escape: function(widget) {
if (widget) {
var picker = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
}, this.defaults.options, this.field.get('options'), dateSettings)
return this;
clearInvalid: function() {
Backform.InputControl.prototype.clearInvalid.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
updateInvalid: function() {
Backform.InputControl.prototype.updateInvalid.apply(this, arguments);
// Introduce a new class to fix the error icon placement on the control
cleanup: function() {
if (this.has_datepicker)
// Color Picker control
Backform.ColorControl = Backform.InputControl.extend({
defaults: {
label: '',
extraClasses: [],
helpMessage: null,
showPalette: true,
allowEmpty: true,
colorFormat: 'HEX',
defaultColor: null,
position: 'right-middle',
clearText: gettext('No color'),
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>" for="<%=cId%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%>">',
' <input id="<%=cId%>" class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%> d-none" name="<%=name%>" value="<%-value%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%> />',
' <p></p>',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
applyColor: function(name, instance, color) {
if(!color) {
this.model.set(name, '', {silent: true});
} else {
this.model.set(name, instance.getSelectedColor().toHEXA().toString(), {silent: true});
render: function() {
// Clear first
if (this.picker) {
this.picker = null;
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter,
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, and required option
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(data.disabled, data, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, data, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, data, this.model),
data.cId = data.cId || _.uniqueId('pgC_');
// Clean up first
if (!data.visible)
data.colorFormat = (data.colorFormat) ? data.colorFormat.toUpperCase() : 'HEX';
data.value = (!data.value || data.value == '') ? data.defaultColor : data.value;
// Creating default Color picker
this.picker = new Pickr({
el: this.$el.find('p')[0],
theme: 'monolith',
swatches: [
'#000', '#666', '#ccc', '#fff', '#f90', '#ff0', '#0f0',
'#f0f', '#f4cccc', '#fce5cd', '#d0e0e3', '#cfe2f3', '#ead1dc', '#ea9999',
'#b6d7a8', '#a2c4c9', '#d5a6bd', '#e06666','#93c47d', '#76a5af', '#c27ba0',
'#f1c232', '#6aa84f', '#45818e', '#a64d79', '#bf9000', '#0c343d', '#4c1130',
position: data.position,
strings: {
clear: data.clearText,
components: {
palette: data.showPalette,
preview: true,
hue: data.showPalette,
interaction: {
clear: data.allowEmpty,
defaultRepresentation: data.colorFormat,
disabled: data.disabled,
this.picker.on('init', instance => {
this.picker.setColor(data.value, true);
data.disabled && this.picker.disable();
const {lastColor} = instance.getRoot().preview;
const {clear} = instance.getRoot().interaction;
/* Cycle the keyboard navigation within the color picker */
clear.addEventListener('keydown', (e)=>{
if(e.keyCode === 9) {
lastColor.addEventListener('keydown', (e)=>{
if(e.keyCode === 9 && e.shiftKey) {
}).on('clear', (instance) => {
this.applyColor(name, instance, null);
}).on('change', (color, source, instance) => {
this.applyColor(name, instance, color);
}).on('show', (color, instance) => {
const {palette} = instance.getRoot().palette;
}).on('hide', (instance) => {
const button = instance.getRoot().button;
return this;
var KeyCodeControlFormatter = Backform.KeyCodeControlFormatter = function() {};
_.extend(KeyCodeControlFormatter.prototype, {
fromRaw: function (rawData) {
return rawData['char'];
// we don't need toRaw
toRaw: undefined,
Backform.KeyCodeControl = Backform.InputControl.extend({
defaults: _.defaults({
escapeKeyCodes: [16, 17, 18, 27], // Shift, Ctrl, Alt/Option, Escape
}, Backform.InputControl.prototype.defaults),
events: {
'keydown input': 'onkeyDown',
'keyup input': 'preventEvent',
'focus select': 'clearInvalid',
formatter: KeyCodeControlFormatter,
preventEvent: function(e) {
var key_code = e.which || e.keyCode,
field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults);
if (field.escapeKeyCodes.indexOf(key_code) != -1) {
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%> keyboard-shortcut-label"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%>">',
' <input aria-label="<%=name%>" type="<%=type%>" class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>" name="<%=name%>" oncopy="return false; oncut="return false; onpaste="return false;" maxlength="<%=maxlength%>" value="<%-value%>" placeholder="<%-placeholder%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%> />',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
onkeyDown: function(e) {
var self = this,
model = this.model,
attrArr = this.field.get('name').split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
changes = {},
key_code = e.which || e.keyCode,
field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults);
if (field.escapeKeyCodes.indexOf(key_code) != -1) {
if (this.model.errorModel instanceof Backbone.Model) {
key = gettext(e.key);
if (key_code == 32) {
key = gettext('Space');
changes = {
'key_code': e.which || e.keyCode,
'char': key,
this.stopListening(this.model, 'change:' + name, this.render);
model.set(name, changes);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + name, this.render);
setTimeout(function() {
keyPathAccessor: function(obj, path) {
var res = obj;
path = path.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (_.isNull(res)) return null;
if (_.isEmpty(path[i])) continue;
if (!_.isUndefined(res[path[i]])) res = res[path[i]];
return res;
Backform.KeyboardShortcutControl = Backform.Control.extend({
initialize: function() {
Backform.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
var fields = this.field.get('fields');
if (!fields) {
throw new ReferenceError('"fields" not found in keyboard shortcut');
this.innerModel = new Backbone.Model();
this.controls = [];
cleanup: function() {
this.stopListening(this.innerModel, 'change', this.onInnerModelChange);
_.each(this.controls, function(c) {
this.controls.length = 0;
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%> d-flex flex-row">',
onInnerModelChange: function() {
var name = this.field.get('name'),
val = $.extend(true, {}, this.model.get(name));
this.stopListening(this.model, 'change:' + name, this.render);
$.extend(true, val, this.innerModel.toJSON())
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + name, this.render);
render: function() {
var self = this,
initial_value = {},
field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
value = self.model.get(field['name']),
innerFields = field['fields'];
var $container = $(self.$el.find('.pgadmin-controls'));
_.each(innerFields, function(inField) {
initial_value[inField['name']] = value[inField['name']];
self.listenTo(self.innerModel, 'change', self.onInnerModelChange);
_.each(innerFields, function(fld) {
var f = new Backform.Field(
_.extend({}, {
id: fld['name'],
name: fld['name'],
control: fld['type'] == 'checkbox' ? 'checkboxWithBox' : fld['type'],
label: fld['label'],
cntr = new (f.get('control')) ({
field: f,
model: self.innerModel,
if(fld['type'] == 'checkbox') {
// Remove control label for keyboard shortcuts to
// align it properly.
let label = cntr.$el.find('label.control-label').text().trim();
if (label.length <= 0) {
if (fld['name'] == 'alt') {
$container.append($('<div class="pg-el-sm-3 pg-el-12"></div>').append(cntr.$el));
} else {
$container.append($('<div class="pg-el-sm-2 pg-el-12"></div>').append(cntr.$el));
} else {
$container.append($('<div class="pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12"></div>').append(cntr.$el));
// We will keep track of all the controls rendered at the
// moment.
return self;
remove: function() {
/* First do the clean up */
Backform.Control.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
Backform.CheckboxWithBoxControl = Backform.CheckboxControl.extend({
events: _.extend({}, Backform.CheckboxControl.prototype.events, {
'click button': 'onButtonClick',
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>"><%=controlLabel%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlContainerClassName%>">',
' <button class="btn btn-secondary btn-checkbox">',
' <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>">',
' <input tabindex="-1" type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="<%=cId%>" name="<%=name%>" <%=value ? "checked=\'checked\'" : ""%> <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%> />',
' <label class="custom-control-label" for="<%=cId%>" aria-label="<%=cId%>">',
' <%=label%>',
' </label>',
' </div>',
' </button>',
onButtonClick: function(e) {
if (e.target.nodeName !== 'BUTTON')
Backform.ThresholdControl = Backform.Control.extend({
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlContainerClassName%>">',
' <span class="control-label pg-el-sm-2 pg-el-12"><%=warning_label%></span>',
' <input type="text" id="warning_threshold" class="pg-el-sm-2" value="<%=warning_value%>" />',
' <span class="control-label pg-el-sm-1 pg-el-12"><%=alert_label%></span>',
' <input type="text" id="alert_threshold" class="pg-el-sm-2" value="<%=alert_value%>" />',
' <span class="control-label pg-el-sm-3 pg-el-12"><%=unit%></span>',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
events: {
'change input#warning_threshold': 'onChange',
'change input#alert_threshold': 'onChange',
initialize: function() {
Backform.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
render: function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
threshold_val = [];
if (!_.isUndefined(this.model.get('value')) && !_.isNull(this.model.get('value'))){
threshold_val = this.model.get('value').split('|');
var data = _.extend(field, {
attributes: attributes,
'warning_value': threshold_val.length > 0 ? threshold_val[0] : '',
'alert_value': threshold_val.length > 1 ? threshold_val[1] : ''
return this;
onChange: function() {
// Get the value from raw jquery and concat it using |
// and set the value
var warning_threshold = $('input#warning_threshold').val(),
alert_threshold = $('input#alert_threshold').val();
var threshold_val = warning_threshold + '|' + alert_threshold;
this.model.set(this.field.get('name'), threshold_val, {
silent: false
return Backform;