mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:31 -06:00
915 lines
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915 lines
34 KiB
'sources/gettext', 'sources/url_for', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone',
'pgadmin.alertifyjs', 'sources/pgadmin', 'pgadmin.browser',
'pgadmin.backgrid', 'wcdocker',
], function(
gettext, url_for, $, _, Backbone, Alertify, pgAdmin, pgBrowser, Backgrid
) {
var wcDocker = window.wcDocker;
* Function used to return the respective Backgrid control based on the data type
* of function input argument.
var cellFunction = function(model) {
var variable_type = model.get('type');
// if variable type is an array then we need to render the custom control to take the input from user.
if (variable_type.indexOf('[]') != -1) {
if (variable_type.indexOf('integer') != -1) {
return Backgrid.Extension.InputIntegerArrayCell;
return Backgrid.Extension.InputStringArrayCell;
switch (variable_type) {
case 'bool':
return Backgrid.BooleanCell;
case 'integer':
// As we are getting this value as text from sqlite database so we need to type cast it.
if (model.get('value') != undefined) {
'value': parseInt(model.get('value')),
}, {
silent: true,
return Backgrid.IntegerCell;
case 'real':
// As we are getting this value as text from sqlite database so we need to type cast it.
if (model.get('value') != undefined) {
'value': parseFloat(model.get('value')),
}, {
silent: true,
return Backgrid.NumberCell;
case 'string':
return Backgrid.StringCell;
case 'date':
return Backgrid.DateCell;
return Backgrid.Cell;
* Function used to return the respective Backgrid string or boolean control based on the data type
* of function input argument.
var cellExprControlFunction = function(model) {
var variable_type = model.get('type');
if (variable_type.indexOf('[]') != -1) {
return Backgrid.StringCell;
return Backgrid.BooleanCell;
* DebuggerInputArgsModel used to represent input parameters for the function to debug
* for function objects.
var DebuggerInputArgsModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
name: undefined,
type: undefined,
is_null: undefined,
expr: undefined,
value: undefined,
use_default: undefined,
default_value: undefined,
validate: function() {
if (_.isUndefined(this.get('value')) ||
_.isNull(this.get('value')) ||
String(this.get('value')).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') == '') {
var msg = gettext('Please enter a value for the parameter.');
this.errorModel.set('value', msg);
return msg;
} else {
return null;
// Collection which contains the model for function informations.
var DebuggerInputArgCollections = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: DebuggerInputArgsModel,
// function will enable/disable the use_default column based on the value received.
var disableDefaultCell = function(d) {
if (d instanceof Backbone.Model) {
return d.get('use_default');
return false;
// Enable/Disable the control based on the array data type of the function input arguments
var disableExpressionControl = function(d) {
if (d instanceof Backbone.Model) {
var argType = d.get('type');
if (argType.indexOf('[]') != -1) {
return false;
return true;
var res = function(args, restart_debug) {
if (!Alertify.debuggerInputArgsDialog) {
Alertify.dialog('debuggerInputArgsDialog', function factory() {
return {
main: function(title, data, restart_debug) {
this.set('title', title);
this.data = data;
this.restart_debug = restart_debug;
// Variables to store the data sent from sqlite database
var func_args_data = this.func_args_data = [];
// As we are not getting pgBrowser.tree when we debug again
// so tree info will be updated from the server data
if (restart_debug == 0) {
var t = pgBrowser.tree,
i = t.selected(),
d = i && i.length == 1 ? t.itemData(i) : undefined,
node = d && pgBrowser.Nodes[d._type];
if (!d)
var treeInfo = node.getTreeNodeHierarchy.apply(node, [i]),
if (d._type == 'function') {
// Get the existing function parameters available from sqlite database
_Url = url_for('debugger.get_arguments', {
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.function._id,
} else if (d._type == 'procedure') {
// Get the existing function parameters available from sqlite database
_Url = url_for('debugger.get_arguments', {
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.procedure._id,
} else if (d._type == 'edbfunc') {
// Get the existing function parameters available from sqlite database
_Url = url_for('debugger.get_arguments', {
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.edbfunc._id,
} else if (d._type == 'edbproc') {
// Get the existing function parameters available from sqlite database
_Url = url_for('debugger.get_arguments', {
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.edbproc._id,
} else {
// Get the existing function parameters available from sqlite database
_Url = url_for('debugger.get_arguments', {
'sid': this.data.server_id,
'did': this.data.database_id,
'scid': this.data.schema_id,
'func_id': this.data.function_id,
url: _Url,
method: 'GET',
async: false,
.done(function(res) {
if (res.data.args_count != 0) {
for (i = 0; i < res.data.result.length; i++) {
// Below will format the data to be stored in sqlite database
'arg_id': res.data.result[i]['arg_id'],
'is_null': res.data.result[i]['is_null'],
'is_expression': res.data.result[i]['is_expression'],
'use_default': res.data.result[i]['use_default'],
'value': res.data.result[i]['value'],
.fail(function() {
gettext('Debugger Error'),
gettext('Unable to fetch the arguments from server')
var argname, argtype, argmode, default_args_count, default_args, arg_cnt;
var value_header = Backgrid.HeaderCell.extend({
// Add fixed width to the "value" column
className: 'width_percent_25',
var def_val_list = [],
gridCols = [{
name: 'name',
label: gettext('Name'),
type: 'text',
editable: false,
cell: 'string',
name: 'type',
label: gettext('Type'),
type: 'text',
editable: false,
cell: 'string',
name: 'is_null',
label: gettext('Null?'),
type: 'boolean',
cell: 'boolean',
name: 'expr',
label: gettext('Expression?'),
type: 'boolean',
cellFunction: cellExprControlFunction,
editable: disableExpressionControl,
name: 'value',
label: gettext('Value'),
type: 'text',
editable: true,
cellFunction: cellFunction,
headerCell: value_header,
name: 'use_default',
label: gettext('Use Default?'),
type: 'boolean',
cell: 'boolean',
editable: disableDefaultCell,
name: 'default_value',
label: gettext('Default value'),
type: 'text',
editable: false,
cell: 'string',
var my_obj = [];
var func_obj = [];
// Below will calculate the input argument id required to store in sqlite database
var input_arg_id = this.input_arg_id = [],
if (this.data['proargmodes'] != null) {
var argmode_1 = this.data['proargmodes'].split(',');
for (k = 0; k < argmode_1.length; k++) {
if (argmode_1[k] == 'i' || argmode_1[k] == 'b') {
} else {
var argtype_1 = this.data['proargtypenames'].split(',');
for (k = 0; k < argtype_1.length; k++) {
argtype = this.data['proargtypenames'].split(',');
if (this.data['proargmodes'] != null) {
argmode = this.data['proargmodes'].split(',');
if (this.data['pronargdefaults']) {
default_args_count = this.data['pronargdefaults'];
default_args = this.data['proargdefaults'].split(',');
arg_cnt = default_args_count;
var vals, values, index, use_def_value, j;
if (this.data['proargnames'] != null) {
argname = this.data['proargnames'].split(',');
// It will assign default values to "Default value" column
for (j = (argname.length - 1); j >= 0; j--) {
if (this.data['proargmodes'] != null) {
if (arg_cnt && (argmode[j] == 'i' || argmode[j] == 'b')) {
arg_cnt = arg_cnt - 1;
def_val_list[j] = default_args[arg_cnt];
} else {
def_val_list[j] = '<No default value>';
} else {
if (arg_cnt) {
arg_cnt = arg_cnt - 1;
def_val_list[j] = default_args[arg_cnt];
} else {
def_val_list[j] = '<No default value>';
if (argtype.length != 0) {
for (i = 0; i < argtype.length; i++) {
if (this.data['proargmodes'] != null) {
if (argmode[i] == 'i' || argmode[i] == 'b') {
use_def_value = false;
if (def_val_list[i] != '<No default value>') {
use_def_value = true;
'name': argname[i],
'type': argtype[i],
'use_default': use_def_value,
'default_value': def_val_list[i],
} else {
use_def_value = false;
if (def_val_list[i] != '<No default value>') {
use_def_value = true;
'name': argname[i],
'type': argtype[i],
'use_default': use_def_value,
'default_value': def_val_list[i],
// Need to update the func_obj variable from sqlite database if available
if (func_args_data.length != 0) {
for (i = 0; i < func_args_data.length; i++) {
index = func_args_data[i]['arg_id'];
values = [];
if (argtype[index].indexOf('[]') != -1) {
vals = func_args_data[i]['value'].split(',');
if (argtype[index].indexOf('integer') != -1) {
_.each(vals, function(val) {
'value': parseInt(val),
_.each(vals, function(val) {
'value': val,
} else {
values = func_args_data[i]['value'];
'name': argname[index],
'type': argtype[index],
'is_null': func_args_data[i]['is_null'] ? true : false,
'expr': func_args_data[i]['is_expression'] ? true : false,
'value': values,
'use_default': func_args_data[i]['use_default'] ? true : false,
'default_value': def_val_list[index],
} else {
Generate the name parameter if function do not have arguments name
like dbgparam1, dbgparam2 etc.
var myargname = [];
for (i = 0; i < argtype.length; i++) {
myargname[i] = 'dbgparam' + (i + 1);
// If there is no default arguments
if (!this.data['pronargdefaults']) {
for (i = 0; i < argtype.length; i++) {
'name': myargname[i],
'type': argtype[i],
'use_default': false,
'default_value': '<No default value>',
def_val_list[i] = '<No default value>';
} else {
// If there is default arguments
//Below logic will assign default values to "Default value" column
for (j = (myargname.length - 1); j >= 0; j--) {
if (this.data['proargmodes'] == null) {
if (arg_cnt) {
arg_cnt = arg_cnt - 1;
def_val_list[j] = default_args[arg_cnt];
} else {
def_val_list[j] = '<No default value>';
} else {
if (arg_cnt && (argmode[j] == 'i' || argmode[j] == 'b')) {
arg_cnt = arg_cnt - 1;
def_val_list[j] = default_args[arg_cnt];
} else {
def_val_list[j] = '<No default value>';
for (i = 0; i < argtype.length; i++) {
if (this.data['proargmodes'] == null) {
use_def_value = false;
if (def_val_list[i] != '<No default value>') {
use_def_value = true;
'name': myargname[i],
'type': argtype[i],
'use_default': use_def_value,
'default_value': def_val_list[i],
} else {
if (argmode[i] == 'i' || argmode[i] == 'b') {
use_def_value = false;
if (def_val_list[i] != '<No default value>') {
use_def_value = true;
'name': myargname[i],
'type': argtype[i],
'use_default': use_def_value,
'default_value': def_val_list[i],
// Need to update the func_obj variable from sqlite database if available
if (func_args_data.length != 0) {
for (i = 0; i < func_args_data.length; i++) {
index = func_args_data[i]['arg_id'];
values = [];
if (argtype[index].indexOf('[]') != -1) {
vals = func_args_data[i]['value'].split(',');
if (argtype[index].indexOf('integer') != -1) {
_.each(vals, function(val) {
'value': parseInt(val),
_.each(vals, function(val) {
'value': val,
} else {
values = func_args_data[i]['value'];
'name': myargname[index],
'type': argtype[index],
'is_null': func_args_data[i]['is_null'] ? true : false,
'expr': func_args_data[i]['is_expression'] ? true : false,
'value': values,
'use_default': func_args_data[i]['use_default'] ? true : false,
'default_value': def_val_list[index],
// Check if the arguments already available in the sqlite database
// then we should use the existing arguments
if (func_args_data.length == 0) {
this.debuggerInputArgsColl =
new DebuggerInputArgCollections(my_obj);
} else {
this.debuggerInputArgsColl =
new DebuggerInputArgCollections(func_obj);
// Initialize a new Grid instance
if (this.grid) {
this.grid = null;
var grid = this.grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: gridCols,
collection: this.debuggerInputArgsColl,
className: 'backgrid table-bordered',
// For keyboard navigation in the grid
// we'll set focus on checkbox from the first row if any
var grid_checkbox = $(grid.el).find('input:checkbox').first();
if (grid_checkbox.length) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 250);
setup: function() {
return {
buttons: [{
text: gettext('Debug'),
key: 13,
className: 'btn btn-primary',
text: gettext('Cancel'),
key: 27,
className: 'btn btn-primary',
// Set options for dialog
options: {
//disable both padding and overflow control.
padding: !1,
overflow: !1,
model: 0,
resizable: true,
maximizable: true,
pinnable: false,
closableByDimmer: false,
modal: false,
// Callback functions when click on the buttons of the Alertify dialogs
callback: function(e) {
if (e.button.text === gettext('Debug')) {
// Initialize the target once the debug button is clicked and
// create asynchronous connection and unique transaction ID
var self = this;
// If the debugging is started again then treeInfo is already
// stored in this.data so we can use the same.
if (self.restart_debug == 0) {
var t = pgBrowser.tree,
i = t.selected(),
d = i && i.length == 1 ? t.itemData(i) : undefined,
node = d && pgBrowser.Nodes[d._type];
if (!d)
var treeInfo = node.getTreeNodeHierarchy.apply(node, [i]);
var args_value_list = [];
var sqlite_func_args_list = this.sqlite_func_args_list = [];
var int_count = 0;
this.grid.collection.each(function(m) {
// Check if value is set to NULL then we should ignore the value field
if (m.get('is_null')) {
'name': m.get('name'),
'type': m.get('type'),
'value': 'NULL',
} else {
// Check if default value to be used or not
if (m.get('use_default')) {
'name': m.get('name'),
'type': m.get('type'),
'value': m.get('default_value'),
} else {
'name': m.get('name'),
'type': m.get('type'),
'value': m.get('value'),
if (self.restart_debug == 0) {
var f_id;
if (d._type == 'function') {
f_id = treeInfo.function._id;
} else if (d._type == 'procedure') {
f_id = treeInfo.procedure._id;
} else if (d._type == 'edbfunc') {
f_id = treeInfo.edbfunc._id;
} else if (d._type == 'edbproc') {
f_id = treeInfo.edbproc._id;
// Below will format the data to be stored in sqlite database
'server_id': treeInfo.server._id,
'database_id': treeInfo.database._id,
'schema_id': treeInfo.schema._id,
'function_id': f_id,
'arg_id': self.input_arg_id[int_count],
'is_null': m.get('is_null') ? 1 : 0,
'is_expression': m.get('expr') ? 1 : 0,
'use_default': m.get('use_default') ? 1 : 0,
'value': m.get('value'),
} else {
// Below will format the data to be stored in sqlite database
'server_id': self.data.server_id,
'database_id': self.data.database_id,
'schema_id': self.data.schema_id,
'function_id': self.data.function_id,
'arg_id': self.input_arg_id[int_count],
'is_null': m.get('is_null') ? 1 : 0,
'is_expression': m.get('expr') ? 1 : 0,
'use_default': m.get('use_default') ? 1 : 0,
'value': m.get('value'),
int_count = int_count + 1;
var baseUrl;
// If debugging is not started again then we should initialize the target otherwise not
if (self.restart_debug == 0) {
if (d._type == 'function') {
baseUrl = url_for('debugger.initialize_target_for_function', {
'debug_type': 'direct',
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.function._id,
} else if (d._type == 'procedure') {
baseUrl = url_for('debugger.initialize_target_for_function', {
'debug_type': 'direct',
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.procedure._id,
} else if (d._type == 'edbfunc') {
baseUrl = url_for('debugger.initialize_target_for_function', {
'debug_type': 'direct',
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.edbfunc._id,
} else if (d._type == 'edbproc') {
baseUrl = url_for('debugger.initialize_target_for_function', {
'debug_type': 'direct',
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.edbproc._id,
url: baseUrl,
method: 'POST',
data: {
'data': JSON.stringify(args_value_list),
.done(function(res) {
var url = url_for(
'debugger.direct', {
'trans_id': res.data.debuggerTransId,
if (res.data.newBrowserTab) {
window.open(url, '_blank');
} else {
function(frame) {
// Create the debugger panel as per the data received from user input dialog.
var dashboardPanel = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('properties'),
panel = pgBrowser.docker.addPanel(
'frm_debugger', wcDocker.DOCK.STACKED, dashboardPanel[0]
// Panel Closed event
panel.on(wcDocker.EVENT.CLOSED, function() {
var closeUrl = url_for('debugger.close', {
'trans_id': res.data.debuggerTransId,
url: closeUrl,
method: 'DELETE',
var _Url;
if (d._type == 'function') {
_Url = url_for('debugger.set_arguments', {
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.function._id,
} else if (d._type == 'procedure') {
_Url = url_for('debugger.set_arguments', {
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.procedure._id,
} else if (d._type == 'edbfunc') {
// Get the existing function parameters available from sqlite database
_Url = url_for('debugger.set_arguments', {
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.edbfunc._id,
} else if (d._type == 'edbproc') {
// Get the existing function parameters available from sqlite database
_Url = url_for('debugger.set_arguments', {
'sid': treeInfo.server._id,
'did': treeInfo.database._id,
'scid': treeInfo.schema._id,
'func_id': treeInfo.edbproc._id,
url: _Url,
method: 'POST',
data: {
'data': JSON.stringify(sqlite_func_args_list),
.done(function() {})
.fail(function() {
gettext('Debugger Error'),
gettext('Unable to set the arguments on the server')
.fail(function(e) {
gettext('Debugger Target Initialization Error'),
} else {
// If the debugging is started again then we should only set the
// arguments and start the listener again
baseUrl = url_for('debugger.start_listener', {
'trans_id': self.data.trans_id,
url: baseUrl,
method: 'POST',
data: {
'data': JSON.stringify(args_value_list),
.done(function() {})
.fail(function(e) {
gettext('Debugger Listener Startup Error'),
// Set the new input arguments given by the user during debugging
var _Url = url_for('debugger.set_arguments', {
'sid': self.data.server_id,
'did': self.data.database_id,
'scid': self.data.schema_id,
'func_id': self.data.function_id,
url: _Url,
method: 'POST',
data: {
'data': JSON.stringify(sqlite_func_args_list),
.done(function() {})
.fail(function() {
gettext('Debugger Error'),
gettext('Unable to set the arguments on the server')
return true;
if (e.button.text === gettext('Cancel')) {
//close the dialog...
return false;
build: function() {
prepare: function() {
// Add our class to alertify
'alertify_tools_dialog_properties obj_properties'
If we already have data available in sqlite database then we should
enable the debug button otherwise disable the debug button.
if (this.func_args_data.length == 0) {
this.__internal.buttons[0].element.disabled = true;
} else {
this.__internal.buttons[0].element.disabled = false;
Listen to the grid change event so that if any value changed by user then we can enable/disable the
debug button.
this.grid.listenTo(this.debuggerInputArgsColl, 'backgrid:edited',
(function(obj) {
return function() {
var enable_btn = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.collection.length; i++) {
// TODO: Need to check the "NULL" and "Expression" column value to
// enable/disable the "Debug" button
if (this.collection.models[i].get('value') == '' ||
this.collection.models[i].get('value') == null ||
this.collection.models[i].get('value') == undefined) {
enable_btn = true;
if (this.collection.models[i].get('use_default')) {
obj.__internal.buttons[0].element.disabled = false;
} else {
obj.__internal.buttons[0].element.disabled = true;
if (!enable_btn)
obj.__internal.buttons[0].element.disabled = false;
gettext('Debugger'), args, restart_debug
).resizeTo('60%', '60%');
return res;