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.. _preferences:
pgAdmin Preferences
pgAdmin 4 has a selection of configuration options (*Preferences*) that you can use to customize your pgAdmin client. To open the *Preferences* dialog, select *Preferences* from the *File* menu.
.. image:: images/preferences_tree.png
The left pane of the *Preferences* dialog displays a tree control; each node of the tree control provides access to options that are related to the selected node.
* Use the plus sign (+) to the left of a node to expand a segment of the tree control.
* Click the minus sign (-) to the left of a node to close that node.
Expand the **Browser** node of the tree control to personalize your workspace.
.. image:: images/preferences_browser_display.png
Use the options on the *Display* dialog to specify general display preferences:
Move the *Show system objects* switch to the *True* position to display system objects in the *pgAdmin* tree control. This option instructs pgAdmin to display objects such as system schemas (e.g. pg_temp*) and system columns (e.g. xmin, ctid) in the tree control.
Use the options on the *Nodes* dialog to select the object types that will be displayed in the *pgAdmin* tree control.
.. image:: images/preferences_browser_nodes.png
The right pane of the *Preferences* dialog displays a list of database objects. Slide the switch located next to each object to *Show* or *Hide* the database object. When querying system catalogs, you can reduce the number of object types displayed to increase speed.
Expand the **Dashboards** node to specify your graphing preferences.
.. image:: images/preferences_dashboard_graphs.png
Use the options on the *Graphs* dialog specify a refresh rate for statistics, transaction throughput and tuples. The rate you specify will affect a corresponding graph on the *Dashboard* tab of the *pgAdmin* tabbed browser.
Expand the **Paths** node to specify the locations of supporting files.
.. image:: images/preferences_paths_binary.png
Use the fields in the *Binary paths* node to specify paths to the PostgreSQL binary utilities and EnterpriseDB Postgres Advanced Server binary utilities.
.. image:: images/preferences_paths_help.png
Use the *Help* dialog to customize links to support documentation.
* Use the *EDB Advanced Server Help Path* to find a link path for EnterpriseDB Postgres Advanced Server documentation on the company website. This link is editable: substitute the applicable PostgreSQL version number for *$VERSION$*, or provide an alternate link path.
* Use the *PostgreSQL Help Path* to find a link path to the current set of PostgreSQL core documentation. This link is editable: substitute the applicable PostgreSQL version number for *$VERSION$*, or provide an alternate link path.
Expand the **SQL Editor** node to specify your preferences for the SQL Editor tool.
.. image:: images/preferences_sql_display.png
Use the *Display* dialog to specify your preferences for the SQL Editor display. Specify a value in the *Items per page in grid* to instruct the *SQL Editor* on how many rows to display per page.
The default is *50*.
.. image:: images/preferences_sql_explain_options.png
Use the options on the *Explain Options* dialog to specify the level of detail included in a graphical EXPLAIN.
* Move the *Buffers* switch to the *True* position to include information on buffer usage.
* Move the *Costs* switch to the *True* position to include information on the estimated startup and total cost of each plan, as well as the estimated number of rows and the estimated width of each row.
* Move the *Timing* switch to the *True* position to include actual startup time and time spent in each node in the output.
* Move the *Verbose* switch to the *True* position to display additional information regarding the plan.
.. image:: images/preferences_sql_options.png
Use the options in the *Options* dialog to manage modifications to a SQL statement.
* Move the *Auto-Commit* switch to the *True* position to commit a SQL statement upon completion.
* Move the *Auto-Rollback* switch to the *True* to rollback a SQL statement to the beginning of the statement or to a prior rollback.
Expand the **Storage** node to specify a maximum file size for uploads.
.. image:: images/preferences_storage_options.png
Use the *Maximum file upload size(MB)* in the *Options* node of the **Storage** node to specify the maximum file size for an upload.