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# pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2023, The pgAdmin Development Team
# This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
import os
import sys
import json
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import attrgetter
from flask import Blueprint, current_app, url_for
from flask_babel import gettext
from flask_security import current_user, login_required
from flask_security.utils import get_post_login_redirect
from threading import Lock
from .paths import get_storage_directory
from .preferences import Preferences
from pgadmin.utils.constants import UTILITIES_ARRAY, USER_NOT_FOUND, \
from pgadmin.utils.ajax import make_json_response
from pgadmin.model import db, User, ServerGroup, Server
from urllib.parse import unquote
ADD_SERVERS_MSG = "Added %d Server Group(s) and %d Server(s)."
class PgAdminModule(Blueprint):
Base class for every PgAdmin Module.
This class defines a set of method and attributes that
every module should implement.
def __init__(self, name, import_name, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('url_prefix', '/' + name)
kwargs.setdefault('template_folder', 'templates')
kwargs.setdefault('static_folder', 'static')
self.submodules = []
self.parentmodules = []
super().__init__(name, import_name, **kwargs)
def create_module_preference():
# Create preference for each module by default
if hasattr(self, 'LABEL'):
self.preference = Preferences(self.name, self.LABEL)
self.preference = Preferences(self.name, None)
# Create and register the module preference object and preferences for
# it just before the first request
def register_preferences(self):
# To be implemented by child classes
def register(self, app, options):
Override the default register function to automagically register
sub-modules at once.
super().register(app, options)
for module in self.submodules:
if app.blueprints.get(module.name) is None:
def get_own_stylesheets(self):
list: the stylesheets used by this module, not including any
stylesheet needed by the submodules.
return []
def get_own_messages(self):
dict: the i18n messages used by this module, not including any
messages needed by the submodules.
return dict()
def get_own_menuitems(self):
dict: the menuitems for this module, not including
any needed from the submodules.
return defaultdict(list)
def get_panels(self):
list: a list of panel objects to add
return []
def get_exposed_url_endpoints(self):
list: a list of url endpoints exposed to the client.
return []
def stylesheets(self):
stylesheets = self.get_own_stylesheets()
for module in self.submodules:
return stylesheets
def messages(self):
res = self.get_own_messages()
for module in self.submodules:
return res
def menu_items(self):
menu_items = self.get_own_menuitems()
for module in self.submodules:
for key, value in module.menu_items.items():
menu_items = dict((key, sorted(value, key=attrgetter('priority')))
for key, value in menu_items.items())
return menu_items
def exposed_endpoints(self):
res = self.get_exposed_url_endpoints()
for module in self.submodules:
res += module.exposed_endpoints
return res
IS_WIN = (os.name == 'nt')
sys_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
if not sys_encoding or sys_encoding == 'ascii':
# Fall back to 'utf-8', if we couldn't determine the default encoding,
# or 'ascii'.
sys_encoding = 'utf-8'
fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
if not fs_encoding or fs_encoding == 'ascii':
# Fall back to 'utf-8', if we couldn't determine the file-system encoding,
# or 'ascii'.
fs_encoding = 'utf-8'
def u_encode(_s, _encoding=sys_encoding):
return _s
def file_quote(_p):
return _p
if IS_WIN:
import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes
def env(name):
if name in os.environ:
return os.environ[name]
return None
_GetShortPathNameW = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetShortPathNameW
_GetShortPathNameW.argtypes = [
wintypes.LPCWSTR, wintypes.LPWSTR, wintypes.DWORD
_GetShortPathNameW.restype = wintypes.DWORD
def fs_short_path(_path):
Gets the short path name of a given long path.
buf_size = len(_path)
while True:
res = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(buf_size)
# Note:- _GetShortPathNameW may return empty value
# if directory doesn't exist.
needed = _GetShortPathNameW(_path, res, buf_size)
if buf_size >= needed:
return res.value
buf_size += needed
def document_dir():
CSIDL_PERSONAL = 5 # My Documents
SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = 0 # Get current, not default value
buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(wintypes.MAX_PATH)
return buf.value
def env(name):
if name in os.environ:
return os.environ[name]
return None
def fs_short_path(_path):
return _path
def document_dir():
return os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser('~/'))
def get_complete_file_path(file, validate=True):
file: File returned by file manager
Full path for the file
if not file:
return None
# If desktop mode
if current_app.PGADMIN_RUNTIME or not current_app.config['SERVER_MODE']:
return file if os.path.isfile(file) else None
storage_dir = get_storage_directory()
if storage_dir:
file = os.path.join(
if IS_WIN:
file = file.replace('\\', '/')
file = fs_short_path(file)
if validate:
return file if os.path.isfile(file) else None
return file
def filename_with_file_manager_path(_file, create_file=False,
file: File name returned from client file manager
create_file: Set flag to False when file creation doesn't required
Filename to use for backup with full path taken from preference
# retrieve storage directory path
last_storage = Preferences.module('file_manager').preference(
except Exception as e:
last_storage = MY_STORAGE
if last_storage != MY_STORAGE:
selDirList = [sdir for sdir in current_app.config['SHARED_STORAGE']
if sdir['name'] == last_storage]
selectedDir = selDirList[0] if len(
selDirList) == 1 else None
if selectedDir:
if selectedDir['restricted_access'] and \
not current_user.has_role("Administrator"):
return make_json_response(success=0,
storage_dir = get_storage_directory(
storage_dir = get_storage_directory()
from pgadmin.misc.file_manager import Filemanager
storage_dir, _file, skip_permission_check)
if storage_dir:
_file = os.path.join(storage_dir, _file.lstrip('/').lstrip('\\'))
elif not os.path.isabs(_file):
_file = os.path.join(document_dir(), _file)
def short_filepath():
short_path = fs_short_path(_file)
# fs_short_path() function may return empty path on Windows
# if directory doesn't exists. In that case we strip the last path
# component and get the short path.
if os.name == 'nt' and short_path == '':
base_name = os.path.basename(_file)
dir_name = os.path.dirname(_file)
short_path = fs_short_path(dir_name) + '\\' + base_name
return short_path
if create_file:
# Touch the file to get the short path of the file on windows.
with open(_file, 'a'):
return short_filepath()
return short_filepath()
def does_utility_exist(file):
This function will check the utility file exists on given path.
error_msg = None
if file is None:
error_msg = gettext("Utility file not found. Please correct the Binary"
" Path in the Preferences dialog")
return error_msg
if not os.path.exists(file):
error_msg = gettext("'%s' file not found. Please correct the Binary"
" Path in the Preferences dialog" % file)
return error_msg
def get_server(sid):
# Fetch the server etc
:param sid:
:return: server
server = Server.query.filter_by(id=sid).first()
return server
def set_binary_path(binary_path, bin_paths, server_type,
version_number=None, set_as_default=False):
This function is used to iterate through the utilities and set the
default binary path.
path_with_dir = binary_path if "$DIR" in binary_path else None
# Check if "$DIR" present in binary path
binary_path = replace_binary_path(binary_path)
for utility in UTILITIES_ARRAY:
full_path = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(binary_path, (utility if os.name != 'nt' else
(utility + '.exe'))))
# if version_number is provided then no need to fetch it.
if version_number is None:
# Get the output of the '--version' command
version_string = \
subprocess.getoutput('"{0}" --version'.format(full_path))
# Get the version number by splitting the result string
version_number = \
version_string.split(") ", 1)[1].split('.', 1)[0]
elif version_number.find('.'):
version_number = version_number.split('.', 1)[0]
# Get the paths array based on server type
if 'pg_bin_paths' in bin_paths or 'as_bin_paths' in bin_paths:
paths_array = bin_paths['pg_bin_paths']
if server_type == 'ppas':
paths_array = bin_paths['as_bin_paths']
paths_array = bin_paths
for path in paths_array:
if path['version'].find(version_number) == 0 and \
path['binaryPath'] is None:
path['binaryPath'] = path_with_dir \
if path_with_dir is not None else binary_path
if set_as_default:
path['isDefault'] = True
except Exception:
def replace_binary_path(binary_path):
This function is used to check if $DIR is present in
the binary path. If it is there then replace it with
if "$DIR" in binary_path:
# When running as an WSGI application, we will not find the
# '__file__' attribute for the '__main__' module.
main_module_file = getattr(
sys.modules['__main__'], '__file__', None
if main_module_file is not None:
binary_path = binary_path.replace(
"$DIR", os.path.dirname(main_module_file)
return binary_path
def add_value(attr_dict, key, value):
"""Add a value to the attribute dict if non-empty.
attr_dict (dict): The dictionary to add the values to
key (str): The key for the new value
value (str): The value to add
The updated attribute dictionary
if value != "" and value is not None:
attr_dict[key] = value
return attr_dict
def dump_database_servers(output_file, selected_servers,
dump_user=current_user, from_setup=False):
"""Dump the server groups and servers.
user = _does_user_exist(dump_user, from_setup)
if user is None:
return False, USER_NOT_FOUND % dump_user
user_id = user.id
# Dict to collect the output
object_dict = {}
# Counters
servers_dumped = 0
# Dump servers
servers = Server.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id).all()
server_dict = {}
for server in servers:
if selected_servers is None or str(server.id) in selected_servers:
# Get the group name
group_name = ServerGroup.query.filter_by(
user_id=user_id, id=server.servergroup_id).first().name
attr_dict = {}
add_value(attr_dict, "Name", server.name)
add_value(attr_dict, "Group", group_name)
add_value(attr_dict, "Host", server.host)
add_value(attr_dict, "Port", server.port)
add_value(attr_dict, "MaintenanceDB", server.maintenance_db)
add_value(attr_dict, "Username", server.username)
add_value(attr_dict, "Role", server.role)
add_value(attr_dict, "Comment", server.comment)
add_value(attr_dict, "Shared", server.shared)
add_value(attr_dict, "DBRestriction", server.db_res)
add_value(attr_dict, "BGColor", server.bgcolor)
add_value(attr_dict, "FGColor", server.fgcolor)
add_value(attr_dict, "Service", server.service)
add_value(attr_dict, "UseSSHTunnel", server.use_ssh_tunnel)
add_value(attr_dict, "TunnelHost", server.tunnel_host)
add_value(attr_dict, "TunnelPort", server.tunnel_port)
add_value(attr_dict, "TunnelUsername", server.tunnel_username)
add_value(attr_dict, "TunnelAuthentication",
add_value(attr_dict, "KerberosAuthentication",
add_value(attr_dict, "ConnectionParameters",
servers_dumped = servers_dumped + 1
server_dict[servers_dumped] = attr_dict
object_dict["Servers"] = server_dict
file_path = filename_with_file_manager_path(
unquote(output_file), skip_permission_check=from_setup)
except Exception as e:
return _handle_error(str(e), from_setup)
# write to file
file_content = json.dumps(object_dict, indent=4)
error_str = "Error: {0}"
with open(file_path, 'w') as output_file:
except IOError as e:
err_msg = error_str.format(e.strerror)
return _handle_error(err_msg, from_setup)
except Exception as e:
err_msg = error_str.format(e.strerror)
return _handle_error(err_msg, from_setup)
msg = gettext("Configuration for %s servers dumped to %s" %
(servers_dumped, output_file.name))
return True, msg
def validate_json_data(data, is_admin):
Used internally by load_servers to validate servers data.
:param data: servers data
:param is_admin:
:return: error message if any
skip_servers = []
# Loop through the servers...
if "Servers" not in data:
return gettext("'Servers' attribute not found in the specified file.")
for server in data["Servers"]:
obj = data["Servers"][server]
# Check if server is shared.Won't import if user is non-admin
if obj.get('Shared', None) and not is_admin:
print("Won't import the server '%s' as it is shared " %
def check_attrib(attrib):
if attrib not in obj:
return gettext("'%s' attribute not found for server '%s'" %
(attrib, server))
return None
def check_is_integer(value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
return gettext("Port must be integer for server '%s'" % server)
return None
for attrib in ("Group", "Name"):
errmsg = check_attrib(attrib)
if errmsg:
return errmsg
is_service_attrib_available = obj.get("Service", None) is not None
if not is_service_attrib_available:
for attrib in ("Port", "Username"):
errmsg = check_attrib(attrib)
if errmsg:
return errmsg
if attrib == 'Port':
errmsg = check_is_integer(obj[attrib])
if errmsg:
return errmsg
errmsg = check_attrib("MaintenanceDB")
if errmsg:
return errmsg
if "Host" not in obj and not is_service_attrib_available:
return gettext("'Host' or 'Service' attribute not "
"found for server '%s'" % server)
for server in skip_servers:
del data["Servers"][server]
return None
def load_database_servers(input_file, selected_servers,
load_user=current_user, from_setup=False):
"""Load server groups and servers.
user = _does_user_exist(load_user, from_setup)
if user is None:
return False, USER_NOT_FOUND % load_user
# generate full path of file
if from_setup:
file_path = unquote(input_file)
file_path = filename_with_file_manager_path(unquote(input_file))
except Exception as e:
return _handle_error(str(e), from_setup)
with open(file_path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
return _handle_error(gettext("Error parsing input file %s: %s" %
(file_path, e)), from_setup)
except Exception as e:
return _handle_error(gettext("Error reading input file %s: [%d] %s" %
(file_path, e.errno, e.strerror)), from_setup)
user_id = user.id
# Counters
groups_added = 0
servers_added = 0
# Get the server groups
groups = ServerGroup.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id)
# Validate server data
error_msg = validate_json_data(data, user.has_role("Administrator"))
if error_msg is not None and from_setup:
print(ADD_SERVERS_MSG % (groups_added, servers_added))
return _handle_error(error_msg, from_setup)
for server in data["Servers"]:
if selected_servers is None or str(server) in selected_servers:
obj = data["Servers"][server]
# Get the group. Create if necessary
group_id = next(
(g.id for g in groups if g.name == obj["Group"]), -1)
if group_id == -1:
new_group = ServerGroup()
new_group.name = obj["Group"]
new_group.user_id = user_id
except Exception as e:
if from_setup:
print(ADD_SERVERS_MSG % (groups_added, servers_added))
return _handle_error(
gettext("Error creating server group '%s': %s" %
(new_group.name, e)), from_setup)
group_id = new_group.id
groups_added = groups_added + 1
groups = ServerGroup.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id)
# Create the server
new_server = Server()
new_server.name = obj["Name"]
new_server.servergroup_id = group_id
new_server.user_id = user_id
new_server.maintenance_db = obj["MaintenanceDB"]
new_server.host = obj.get("Host", None)
new_server.port = obj.get("Port", None)
new_server.username = obj.get("Username", None)
new_server.role = obj.get("Role", None)
new_server.comment = obj.get("Comment", None)
new_server.db_res = obj.get("DBRestriction", None)
if 'ConnectionParameters' in obj:
new_server.connection_params = \
obj.get("ConnectionParameters", None)
# JSON file format is old before introduction of the
# connection parameters.
conn_param = dict()
for item in ['HostAddr', 'SSLMode', 'PassFile', 'SSLCert',
'SSLKey', 'SSLRootCert', 'SSLCrl', 'Timeout',
if item in obj:
key = item.lower()
if item == 'Timeout':
key = 'connect_timeout'
conn_param[key] = obj.get(item)
new_server.connection_params = conn_param
new_server.bgcolor = obj.get("BGColor", None)
new_server.fgcolor = obj.get("FGColor", None)
new_server.service = obj.get("Service", None)
new_server.use_ssh_tunnel = obj.get("UseSSHTunnel", None)
new_server.tunnel_host = obj.get("TunnelHost", None)
new_server.tunnel_port = obj.get("TunnelPort", None)
new_server.tunnel_username = obj.get("TunnelUsername", None)
new_server.tunnel_authentication = \
obj.get("TunnelAuthentication", None)
new_server.shared = obj.get("Shared", None)
new_server.kerberos_conn = obj.get("KerberosAuthentication", None)
except Exception as e:
if from_setup:
print(ADD_SERVERS_MSG % (groups_added, servers_added))
return _handle_error(gettext("Error creating server '%s': %s" %
(new_server.name, e)), from_setup)
servers_added = servers_added + 1
msg = ADD_SERVERS_MSG % (groups_added, servers_added)
return True, msg
def clear_database_servers(load_user=current_user, from_setup=False):
"""Clear groups and servers configurations.
user = _does_user_exist(load_user, from_setup)
if user is None:
return False
user_id = user.id
# Remove all servers
servers = Server.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id)
for server in servers:
# Remove all groups
groups = ServerGroup.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id)
for group in groups:
servers = Server.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id)
for server in servers:
except Exception as e:
error_msg = \
gettext("Error clearing server configuration with error (%s)" %
if from_setup:
return False, error_msg
def _does_user_exist(user, from_setup):
This function will check user is exist or not. If exist then return
if isinstance(user, User):
user = user.email
new_user = User.query.filter_by(email=user).first()
if new_user is None:
print(USER_NOT_FOUND % user)
if from_setup:
return new_user
def _handle_error(error_msg, from_setup):
This function is used to print the error msg and exit from app if
called from setup.py
if from_setup:
return False, error_msg
# Shortcut configuration for Accesskey
'name': 'key',
'type': 'keyCode',
'label': gettext('Key')
# Shortcut configuration
'name': 'key',
'type': 'keyCode',
'label': gettext('Key')
'name': 'shift',
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': gettext('Shift')
'name': 'control',
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': gettext('Ctrl')
'name': 'alt',
'type': 'checkbox',
'label': gettext('Alt/Option')
class KeyManager:
def __init__(self):
self.users = dict()
self.lock = Lock()
def get(self):
user = self.users.get(current_user.id, None)
if user is not None:
return user.get('key', None)
def set(self, _key, _new_login=True):
with self.lock:
user = self.users.get(current_user.id, None)
if user is None:
self.users[current_user.id] = dict(
session_count=1, key=_key)
if _new_login:
user['session_count'] += 1
user['key'] = _key
def reset(self):
with self.lock:
user = self.users.get(current_user.id, None)
if user is not None:
# This will not decrement if session expired
user['session_count'] -= 1
if user['session_count'] == 0:
del self.users[current_user.id]
def hard_reset(self):
with self.lock:
user = self.users.get(current_user.id, None)
if user is not None:
del self.users[current_user.id]
def get_safe_post_login_redirect():
allow_list = [
if "SCRIPT_NAME" in os.environ and os.environ["SCRIPT_NAME"]:
url = get_post_login_redirect()
for item in allow_list:
if url.startswith(item):
return url
return url_for('browser.index')