
918 lines
34 KiB

# pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2024, The pgAdmin Development Team
# This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
"""Directory comparison"""
import copy
import string
from flask import current_app
from flask_babel import gettext
from pgadmin.utils.constants import PGADMIN_STRING_SEPARATOR
count = 1
list_keys_array = ['name', 'colname', 'argid', 'token', 'option', 'conname',
'member_name', 'label', 'attname', 'fdwoption',
'fsrvoption', 'umoption']
SPECIAL_NODES = ['table', 'view', 'mview']
VIEW_NODES = ['view', 'mview']
def _get_user_mapping_name(user_mapping_name):
This function is used to check the pgadmin string separator in the
specific string and split that.
mapping_name = user_mapping_name
if mapping_name.find(PGADMIN_STRING_SEPARATOR):
mapping_name = mapping_name.split(PGADMIN_STRING_SEPARATOR)[0]
return mapping_name
def _get_source_list(**kwargs):
Get only source list.
:param kwargs
:return: list of source dict.
added = kwargs.get('added')
source_dict = kwargs.get('source_dict')
node = kwargs.get('node')
source_params = kwargs.get('source_params')
view_object = kwargs.get('view_object')
node_label = kwargs.get('node_label')
group_name = kwargs.get('group_name')
source_schema_name = kwargs.get('source_schema_name')
target_schema = kwargs.get('target_schema')
global count
source_only = []
for item in added:
source_object_id = None
if 'oid' in source_dict[item]:
source_object_id = source_dict[item]['oid']
if node in SPECIAL_NODES:
temp_src_params = copy.deepcopy(source_params)
temp_src_params['tid'] = source_object_id
temp_src_params['json_resp'] = False
temp_src_params['add_not_exists_clause'] = True
if node in VIEW_NODES:
source_ddl = \
temp_src_params.update({'target_schema': target_schema})
diff_ddl = (
source_dependencies = \
source_ddl = \
temp_src_params.update({'target_schema': target_schema})
diff_ddl = (
source_dependencies = \
temp_src_params = copy.deepcopy(source_params)
temp_src_params['oid'] = source_object_id
# Provide Foreign Data Wrapper ID
if 'fdwid' in source_dict[item]:
temp_src_params['fdwid'] = source_dict[item]['fdwid']
# Provide Foreign Server ID
if 'fsid' in source_dict[item]:
temp_src_params['fsid'] = source_dict[item]['fsid']
source_ddl = view_object.get_sql_from_diff(**temp_src_params)
temp_src_params.update({'target_schema': target_schema})
diff_ddl = view_object.get_sql_from_diff(**temp_src_params)
source_dependencies = view_object.get_dependencies(
view_object.conn, source_object_id, where=None,
show_system_objects=None, is_schema_diff=True)
title = item
if node == 'user_mapping':
title = _get_user_mapping_name(item)
'id': count,
'type': node,
'label': node_label,
'title': title,
'oid': source_object_id,
'status': gettext('Source Only'),
'source_ddl': source_ddl,
'target_ddl': '',
'diff_ddl': diff_ddl,
'group_name': group_name,
'dependencies': source_dependencies,
'source_schema_name': source_schema_name
count += 1
return source_only
def _delete_keys(temp_tgt_params):
Delete keys from temp target parameters.
:param temp_tgt_params:
:type temp_tgt_params:
if 'gid' in temp_tgt_params:
del temp_tgt_params['gid']
if 'json_resp' in temp_tgt_params:
del temp_tgt_params['json_resp']
if 'add_not_exists_clause' in temp_tgt_params:
del temp_tgt_params['add_not_exists_clause']
def _get_target_list(removed, target_dict, node, target_params, view_object,
node_label, group_name):
Get only target list.
:param removed: removed list.
:param target_dict: target dict.
:param node: node type.
:param target_params: target parameters.
:param view_object: view object for get sql.
:param node_label: node label.
:param group_name: group name.
:return: list of target dict.
global count
target_only = []
for item in removed:
target_object_id = None
if 'oid' in target_dict[item]:
target_object_id = target_dict[item]['oid']
if node in SPECIAL_NODES:
temp_tgt_params = copy.deepcopy(target_params)
temp_tgt_params['tid'] = target_object_id
temp_tgt_params['json_resp'] = False
temp_tgt_params['add_not_exists_clause'] = True
if node in VIEW_NODES:
target_ddl = (
{'drop_sql': True})
diff_ddl = (
target_ddl = (
diff_ddl = view_object.get_drop_sql(**temp_tgt_params)
temp_tgt_params = copy.deepcopy(target_params)
temp_tgt_params['oid'] = target_object_id
# Provide Foreign Data Wrapper ID
if 'fdwid' in target_dict[item]:
temp_tgt_params['fdwid'] = target_dict[item]['fdwid']
# Provide Foreign Server ID
if 'fsid' in target_dict[item]:
temp_tgt_params['fsid'] = target_dict[item]['fsid']
target_ddl = view_object.get_sql_from_diff(**temp_tgt_params)
{'drop_sql': True})
diff_ddl = view_object.get_sql_from_diff(**temp_tgt_params)
title = item
if node == 'user_mapping':
title = _get_user_mapping_name(item)
'id': count,
'type': node,
'label': node_label,
'title': title,
'oid': target_object_id,
'status': gettext('Target Only'),
'source_ddl': '',
'target_ddl': target_ddl,
'diff_ddl': diff_ddl,
'group_name': group_name,
'dependencies': []
count += 1
return target_only
def _check_add_req_ids(source_dict, target_dict, key, temp_src_params,
Check for Foreign Data Wrapper ID and Foreign Server ID and update it
in req parameters.
:param source_dict: Source dict for compare schema.
:param target_dict: Target dict for compare schema.
:param key: Key for get obj.
:param temp_src_params:
:param temp_tgt_params:
if 'fdwid' in source_dict[key]:
temp_src_params['fdwid'] = source_dict[key]['fdwid']
temp_tgt_params['fdwid'] = target_dict[key]['fdwid']
# Provide Foreign Server ID
if 'fsid' in source_dict[key]:
temp_src_params['fsid'] = source_dict[key]['fsid']
temp_tgt_params['fsid'] = target_dict[key]['fsid']
def get_source_target_oid(source_dict, target_dict, key):
Get source and target object ID.
:param source_dict: Source schema diff data.
:param target_dict: Target schema diff data.
:param key: Key.
:return: source and target object ID.
source_object_id = None
target_object_id = None
if 'oid' in source_dict[key]:
source_object_id = source_dict[key]['oid']
target_object_id = target_dict[key]['oid']
return source_object_id, target_object_id
def _get_identical_and_different_list(intersect_keys, source_dict, target_dict,
node, node_label, view_object,
get lists of identical and different keys list.
:param intersect_keys:
:param source_dict:
:param target_dict:
:param node:
:param node_label:
:param view_object:
:param other_param:
:return: return list of identical and different dict.
global count
identical = []
different = []
dict1 = kwargs['dict1']
dict2 = kwargs['dict2']
ignore_keys = kwargs['ignore_keys']
source_params = kwargs['source_params']
target_params = kwargs['target_params']
group_name = kwargs['group_name']
target_schema = kwargs.get('target_schema')
ignore_whitespaces = kwargs.get('ignore_whitespaces')
ignore_grants = kwargs.get('ignore_grants', False)
for key in intersect_keys:
source_object_id, target_object_id = \
get_source_target_oid(source_dict, target_dict, key)
# Recursively Compare the two dictionary
"Schema Diff: Source Dict: {0}".format(dict1[key]))
"Schema Diff: Target Dict: {0}".format(dict2[key]))
if are_dictionaries_identical(dict1[key], dict2[key], ignore_keys,
title = key
if node == 'user_mapping':
title = _get_user_mapping_name(key)
'id': count,
'type': node,
'label': node_label,
'title': title,
'oid': source_object_id,
'source_oid': source_object_id,
'target_oid': target_object_id,
'status': gettext('Identical'),
'group_name': group_name,
'dependencies': [],
'source_scid': source_params['scid']
if 'scid' in source_params else 0,
'target_scid': target_params['scid']
if 'scid' in target_params else 0,
if node in SPECIAL_NODES:
temp_src_params = copy.deepcopy(source_params)
temp_tgt_params = copy.deepcopy(target_params)
# Add submodules into the ignore keys so that directory
# difference won't include those in added, deleted and changed
sub_module = ['index', 'rule', 'trigger', 'compound_trigger']
temp_ignore_keys = ignore_keys + sub_module
diff_dict = directory_diff(
dict1[key], dict2[key],
# No need to parse acl if ignore_grants is set to True.
if not ignore_grants:
parse_acl(dict1[key], dict2[key], diff_dict)
temp_src_params['tid'] = source_object_id
temp_tgt_params['tid'] = target_object_id
if node in VIEW_NODES:
source_ddl = \
diff_dependencies = \
target_ddl = \
temp_src_params['json_resp'] = \
temp_tgt_params['json_resp'] = False
source_ddl = \
diff_dependencies = \
target_ddl = \
diff_ddl = view_object.get_sql_from_submodule_diff(
source=dict1[key], target=dict2[key], diff_dict=diff_dict,
temp_src_params = copy.deepcopy(source_params)
temp_tgt_params = copy.deepcopy(target_params)
diff_dict = directory_diff(
dict1[key], dict2[key],
ignore_keys=ignore_keys, difference={}
# No need to parse acl if ignore_grants is set to True.
if not ignore_grants:
parse_acl(dict1[key], dict2[key], diff_dict)
temp_src_params['oid'] = source_object_id
temp_tgt_params['oid'] = target_object_id
# Provide Foreign Data Wrapper ID
_check_add_req_ids(source_dict, target_dict, key,
temp_src_params, temp_tgt_params)
source_ddl = view_object.get_sql_from_diff(**temp_src_params)
diff_dependencies = view_object.get_dependencies(
view_object.conn, source_object_id, where=None,
show_system_objects=None, is_schema_diff=True)
target_ddl = view_object.get_sql_from_diff(**temp_tgt_params)
{'data': diff_dict, 'target_schema': target_schema})
diff_ddl = view_object.get_sql_from_diff(**temp_tgt_params)
title = key
if node == 'user_mapping':
title = _get_user_mapping_name(key)
'id': count,
'type': node,
'label': node_label,
'title': title,
'oid': source_object_id,
'source_oid': source_object_id,
'target_oid': target_object_id,
'status': gettext('Different'),
'source_ddl': source_ddl,
'target_ddl': target_ddl,
'diff_ddl': diff_ddl,
'group_name': group_name,
'dependencies': diff_dependencies
count += 1
return identical, different
def compare_dictionaries(**kwargs):
This function will compare the two dictionaries.
:param kwargs:
view_object = kwargs.get('view_object')
source_params = kwargs.get('source_params')
target_params = kwargs.get('target_params')
target_schema = kwargs.get('target_schema')
group_name = kwargs.get('group_name')
source_dict = kwargs.get('source_dict')
target_dict = kwargs.get('target_dict')
node = kwargs.get('node')
node_label = kwargs.get('node_label')
ignore_keys = kwargs.get('ignore_keys', None)
source_schema_name = kwargs.get('source_schema_name')
ignore_owner = kwargs.get('ignore_owner')
ignore_whitespaces = kwargs.get('ignore_whitespaces')
ignore_tablespace = kwargs.get('ignore_tablespace')
ignore_grants = kwargs.get('ignore_grants')
dict1 = copy.deepcopy(source_dict)
dict2 = copy.deepcopy(target_dict)
# Find the duplicate keys in both the dictionaries
dict1_keys = set(dict1.keys())
dict2_keys = set(dict2.keys())
intersect_keys = dict1_keys.intersection(dict2_keys)
# Add gid to the params
source_params['gid'] = target_params['gid'] = 1
# Keys that are available in source and missing in target.
added = dict1_keys - dict2_keys
source_only = _get_source_list(added=added, source_dict=source_dict,
node=node, source_params=source_params,
target_only = []
# Keys that are available in target and missing in source.
removed = dict2_keys - dict1_keys
target_only = _get_target_list(removed, target_dict, node, target_params,
view_object, node_label, group_name)
# if ignore_owner is True then add all the possible owner keys to the
# ignore keys.
if ignore_owner:
owner_keys = ['owner', 'eventowner', 'funcowner', 'fdwowner',
'fsrvowner', 'lanowner', 'relowner', 'seqowner',
ignore_keys = ignore_keys + owner_keys
# if ignore_tablespace is True then add all the possible tablespace keys
# to the ignore keys.
if ignore_tablespace:
tablespace_keys = ['spcname', 'spcoid']
ignore_keys = ignore_keys + tablespace_keys
# if ignore_grants is True then add all the possible grants keys
# to the ignore keys.
if ignore_grants:
grant_keys = ['relacl', 'acl', 'datacl', 'fdwacl', 'lanacl', 'fsrvacl']
ignore_keys = ignore_keys + grant_keys
# Compare the values of duplicates keys.
other_param = {
"dict1": dict1,
"dict2": dict2,
"ignore_keys": ignore_keys,
"source_params": source_params,
"target_params": target_params,
"group_name": group_name,
"target_schema": target_schema,
"ignore_whitespaces": ignore_whitespaces,
"ignore_grants": ignore_grants
identical, different = _get_identical_and_different_list(
intersect_keys, source_dict, target_dict, node, node_label,
view_object, **other_param)
return source_only + target_only + different + identical
def are_lists_identical(source_list, target_list, ignore_keys,
This function is used to compare two list.
:param source_list:
:param target_list:
:param ignore_keys: ignore keys to compare
:param ignore_whitespaces:
if source_list is None or target_list is None or \
len(source_list) != len(target_list):
return False
for index in range(len(source_list)):
# Check the type of the value if it is an dictionary then
# call are_dictionaries_identical() function.
if isinstance(source_list[index], dict):
if not are_dictionaries_identical(source_list[index],
return False
if source_list[index] != target_list[index]:
return False
return True
def are_dictionaries_identical(source_dict, target_dict, ignore_keys,
This function is used to recursively compare two dictionaries with
same keys.
:param source_dict: source dict
:param target_dict: target dict
:param ignore_keys: ignore keys to compare
:param ignore_whitespaces: ignore whitespaces while comparing
src_keys = set(source_dict.keys())
tar_keys = set(target_dict.keys())
igr_keys = set(ignore_keys)
# Keys that are available in source and missing in target.
src_only = (src_keys - igr_keys) - tar_keys
# Keys that are available in target and missing in source.
tar_only = (tar_keys - igr_keys) - src_keys
# If number of keys are different in source and target then
# return False
if len(src_only) != len(tar_only):
current_app.logger.debug("Schema Diff: Number of keys are different "
"in source and target")
return False
# If number of keys are same but key is not present in target then
# return False
for key in src_only:
if key not in tar_only:
"Schema Diff: Number of keys are same but key is not"
" present in target")
return False
for key in source_dict.keys():
# Continue if key is available in ignore_keys
if key in ignore_keys:
if isinstance(source_dict[key], dict):
if not are_dictionaries_identical(source_dict[key],
return False
elif isinstance(source_dict[key], list):
# Sort the source and target list on the basis of
# list key array.
source_dict[key], target_dict[key] = sort_list(source_dict[key],
# Compare the source and target lists
if not are_lists_identical(source_dict[key], target_dict[key],
ignore_keys, ignore_whitespaces):
return False
source_value = source_dict[key]
target_value = target_dict[key]
# Check if ignore whitespaces or not.
source_value, target_value = check_for_ignore_whitespaces(
ignore_whitespaces, source_value, target_value)
# We need a proper solution as sometimes we observe that
# source_value is '' and target_value is None or vice versa
# in such situation we shown the comparison as different
# which is wrong.
if (source_value == '' and target_value is None) or \
(source_value is None and target_value == ''):
if source_value != target_value:
"Schema Diff: Object name: '{0}', Source Value: '{1}', "
"Target Value: '{2}', Key: '{3}'".format(
source_dict['name'] if 'name' in source_dict else '',
source_value, target_value, key))
return False
return True
def check_for_ignore_whitespaces(ignore_whitespaces, source_value,
If ignore_whitespaces is True then check the source_value and
target_value if of type string. If the values is of type string
then using translate function ignore all the whitespaces.
:param ignore_whitespaces: flag to check ignore whitespace.
:param source_value: source schema diff value
:param target_value: target schema diff value
:return: return source and target values.
if ignore_whitespaces:
if isinstance(source_value, str):
source_value = source_value.translate(
str.maketrans('', '', string.whitespace))
if isinstance(target_value, str):
target_value = target_value.translate(
str.maketrans('', '', string.whitespace))
return source_value, target_value
def directory_diff(source_dict, target_dict, ignore_keys=[], difference=None):
This function is used to recursively compare two dictionaries and
return the difference.
The difference is from source to target
:param source_dict: source dict
:param target_dict: target dict
:param ignore_keys: ignore keys to compare
:param difference:
difference = {} if difference is None else difference
src_keys = set(source_dict.keys())
tar_keys = set(target_dict.keys())
igr_keys = set(ignore_keys)
# Keys that are available in source and missing in target.
src_only = (src_keys - igr_keys) - tar_keys
# Keys that are available in target and missing in source.
tar_only = (tar_keys - igr_keys) - src_keys
for key in source_dict.keys():
added = []
deleted = []
updated = []
source = None
# ignore the keys if available.
if key in ignore_keys:
elif key in tar_only:
if isinstance(target_dict[key], list):
difference[key] = {}
difference[key]['deleted'] = target_dict[key]
elif key in src_only:
# Source only values in the newly added list
if isinstance(source_dict[key], list):
difference[key] = {}
difference[key]['added'] = source_dict[key]
elif isinstance(source_dict[key], dict):
directory_diff(source_dict[key], target_dict[key],
ignore_keys, difference)
elif isinstance(source_dict[key], list):
tmp_target = None
tmp_list = [x for x in source_dict[key]
if isinstance(x, (list, dict))]
if tmp_list:
tmp_target = copy.deepcopy(target_dict[key])
for index in range(len(source_dict[key])):
source = copy.deepcopy(source_dict[key][index])
if isinstance(source, list):
# This block is empty will figure out some scenario
elif isinstance(source, dict):
# Check the above keys are exist in the dictionary
tmp_key = is_key_exists(list_keys_array, source)
if tmp_key is not None:
# Compare the two list by ignoring the keys.
compare_list_by_ignoring_keys(source, tmp_target,
added, updated,
tmp_key, ignore_keys)
difference[key] = {}
if len(added) > 0:
difference[key]['added'] = added
if len(updated) > 0:
difference[key]['changed'] = updated
elif target_dict[key] is None or \
(isinstance(target_dict[key], list) and
len(target_dict[key]) < index and
source != target_dict[key][index]):
difference[key] = source
elif isinstance(target_dict[key], list) and\
len(target_dict[key]) > index:
difference[key] = source
elif len(source_dict[key]) > 0:
difference[key] = source_dict[key]
elif key in target_dict and isinstance(target_dict[key], list):
# If no element in source dict then check for the element
# is available in target and the type is of list.
# Added such elements as a deleted.
tmp_tar_list = [x for x in target_dict[key]
if isinstance(x, (list, dict))]
if tmp_tar_list:
difference[key] = {'deleted': target_dict[key]}
if isinstance(source, dict) and tmp_target and key in tmp_target \
and tmp_target[key] and len(tmp_target[key]) > 0:
if isinstance(tmp_target[key], list) and \
isinstance(tmp_target[key][0], dict):
deleted = deleted + tmp_target[key]
deleted.append({key: tmp_target[key]})
difference[key]['deleted'] = deleted
elif tmp_target and isinstance(tmp_target, list):
difference[key]['deleted'] = tmp_target
# No point adding empty list into difference.
if key in difference and len(difference[key]) == 0:
if source_dict[key] != target_dict[key]:
if (key == 'comment' or key == 'description') and \
source_dict[key] is None:
difference[key] = ''
difference[key] = source_dict[key]
if len(src_only) == 0 and len(tar_only) > 0:
for key in tar_only:
if isinstance(target_dict[key], list):
difference[key] = {}
difference[key]['deleted'] = target_dict[key]
return difference
def is_key_exists(key_list, target_dict):
This function is used to iterate the key list and check that key is
present in the given dictionary
:param key_list:
:param target_dict:
for key in key_list:
if key in target_dict:
return key
return None
def _check_key_in_source_target(key, acl_keys, target, source):
Check if key is present in source if not then check it's present in target.
:param key: key to be checked.
:param acl_keys: acl keys
:param target: target object.
:param source: source object.
:return: return key.
if key is None:
key = is_key_exists(acl_keys, target)
if key is None:
key = 'acl'
elif key is not None and not isinstance(source[key], list):
key = 'acl'
return key
def parse_acl(source, target, diff_dict):
This function is used to parse acl.
:param source: Source Dict
:param target: Target Dict
:param diff_dict: Difference Dict
acl_keys = ['datacl', 'relacl', 'typacl', 'pkgacl', 'fsrvacl']
key = is_key_exists(acl_keys, source)
# If key is not found in source then check the key is available
# in target.
key = _check_key_in_source_target(key, acl_keys, target, source)
tmp_source = source[key] if\
key in source and source[key] is not None else []
tmp_target = copy.deepcopy(target[key]) if\
key in target and target[key] is not None else []
diff = {'added': [], 'deleted': []}
for acl in tmp_source:
if acl in tmp_target:
elif acl not in tmp_target:
diff['deleted'] = tmp_target
# Update the key if there are some element in added or deleted
# else remove that key from diff dict
if len(diff['added']) > 0 or len(diff['deleted']) > 0:
diff_dict.update({key: diff})
elif key in diff_dict:
def sort_list(source, target):
This function is used to sort the source and target list on the
basis of key found in the source and target list.
:param source:
:param target:
# Check the above keys are exist in the dictionary
if source is not None and source and isinstance(source[0], dict):
tmp_key = is_key_exists(list_keys_array, source[0])
if tmp_key is not None:
source = sorted(source, key=lambda k: k[tmp_key])
# Check the above keys are exist in the dictionary
if target is not None and target and isinstance(target[0], dict):
tmp_key = is_key_exists(list_keys_array, target[0])
if tmp_key is not None:
target = sorted(target, key=lambda k: k[tmp_key])
return source, target
def compare_list_by_ignoring_keys(source_list, target_list, added, updated,
key, ignore_keys):
This function is used to compare the two list by ignoring the keys
specified in ignore_keys.
:param source_list:
:param target_list:
:param added:
:param updated:
:param key:
:param ignore_keys:
if isinstance(target_list, list) and target_list:
tmp_target = None
for item in target_list:
if key in item and item[key] == source_list[key]:
tmp_target = copy.deepcopy(item)
if tmp_target is None:
source_with_ignored_keys = copy.deepcopy(source_list)
target_with_ignored_keys = copy.deepcopy(tmp_target)
# Remove ignore keys from source and target before comparison
_remove_keys(ignore_keys, source_with_ignored_keys,
target_with_ignored_keys, source_list,
target_list, updated, tmp_target)
def _remove_keys(ignore_keys, source_with_ignored_keys,
Remove non required keys form both source and target object.
:param ignore_keys: ignore keys list.
:param source_with_ignored_keys: source keys list.
:param target_with_ignored_keys: target keys list.
:return: None
for ig_key in ignore_keys:
if ig_key in source_with_ignored_keys:
del source_with_ignored_keys[ig_key]
if ig_key in target_with_ignored_keys:
del target_with_ignored_keys[ig_key]
def _compare_source_and_target(source_with_ignored_keys,
target_with_ignored_keys, source_list,
target_list, updated, tmp_target):
Compare source and target keys
:param source_with_ignored_keys:
:param target_with_ignored_keys:
:param source_list:
:param target_list:
:param updated:
:param tmp_target:
if source_with_ignored_keys != target_with_ignored_keys:
elif source_with_ignored_keys == target_with_ignored_keys: