mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:31 -06:00
Moving the javascripts for the following modules: - About - Browser nodes - Dashboard - FileManager - Vendor/snap.svg - Preferences - Settings - Backup - Datagrid - Debugger - Sqleditor - Grant Wizard - Import & Export - Maintenance - Restore and - User Management
1579 lines
53 KiB
1579 lines
53 KiB
'pgadmin.browser.node', [
'sources/gettext', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'underscore.string', 'pgadmin',
'pgadmin.browser.menu', 'backbone', 'alertify', 'pgadmin.browser.datamodel',
'backform', 'pgadmin.browser.utils', 'pgadmin.backform', 'pgadmin.alertifyjs'
], function(gettext, $, _, S, pgAdmin, Menu, Backbone, Alertify, pgBrowser, Backform) {
var wcDocker = window.wcDocker,
keyCode = {
ENTER: 13,
F1: 112
// It has already been defined.
// Avoid running this script again.
if (pgBrowser.Node)
return pgBrowser.Node;
pgBrowser.Nodes = pgBrowser.Nodes || {};
// A helper (base) class for all the nodes, this has basic
// operations/callbacks defined for basic operation.
pgBrowser.Node = function() {};
// Helper function to correctly set up the property chain, for subclasses.
// Uses a hash of class properties to be extended.
// It is unlikely - we will instantiate an object for this class.
// (Inspired by Backbone.extend function)
pgBrowser.Node.extend = function(props) {
var parent = this;
var child;
// The constructor function for the new subclass is defined to simply call
// the parent's constructor.
child = function(){ return parent.apply(this, arguments); };
// Add static properties to the constructor function, if supplied.
_.extend(child, parent, _.omit(props, 'callbacks'));
// Make sure - a child have all the callbacks of the parent.
child.callbacks = _.extend({}, parent.callbacks, props.callbacks);
var bindToChild = function(cb) {
if (typeof(child.callbacks[cb]) == 'function') {
child.callbacks[cb] = child.callbacks[cb].bind(child);
callbacks = _.keys(child.callbacks);
for(var idx = 0; idx < callbacks.length; idx++) bindToChild(callbacks[idx]);
// Registering the node by calling child.Init(...) function
// Initialize the parent
return child;
_.extend(pgAdmin.Browser.Node, Backbone.Events, {
// Node type
type: undefined,
// Label
label: '',
// Help pages
sqlAlterHelp: '',
sqlCreateHelp: '',
dialogHelp: '',
title: function(o, d) {
return o.label + (d ? (' - ' + d.label) : '');
hasId: true,
// Initialization function
// Generally - used to register the menus for this type of node.
// Also, look at pgAdmin.Browser.add_menus(...) function.
// NOTE: Override this for each node for initialization purpose
Init: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.node_initialized)
self.node_initialized = true;
name: 'refresh', node: self.type, module: self,
applies: ['object', 'context'], callback: 'refresh',
priority: 1, label: gettext('Refresh...'),
icon: 'fa fa-refresh'
if (self.canEdit) {
name: 'show_obj_properties', node: self.type, module: self,
applies: ['object', 'context'], callback: 'show_obj_properties',
priority: 999, label: gettext('Properties...'),
data: {'action': 'edit'}, icon: 'fa fa-pencil-square-o'
if (self.canDrop) {
name: 'delete_object', node: self.type, module: self,
applies: ['object', 'context'], callback: 'delete_obj',
priority: 2, label: gettext('Delete/Drop'),
data: {'url': 'drop'}, icon: 'fa fa-trash',
enable: _.isFunction(self.canDrop) ?
function() {
return !!(self.canDrop.apply(self, arguments));
} : (!!self.canDrop)
if (self.canDropCascade) {
name: 'delete_object_cascade', node: self.type, module: self,
applies: ['object', 'context'], callback: 'delete_obj',
priority: 3, label: gettext('Drop Cascade'),
data: {'url': 'delete'}, icon: 'fa fa-trash',
enable: _.isFunction(self.canDropCascade) ?
function() { return self.canDropCascade.apply(self, arguments); } : (!!self.canDropCascade)
// show query tool only in context menu of supported nodes.
if (true) {
if (_.indexOf(pgAdmin.unsupported_nodes, self.type) == -1) {
name: 'show_query_tool', node: self.type, module: self,
applies: ['context'], callback: 'show_query_tool',
priority: 998, label: gettext('Query Tool...'),
icon: 'fa fa-bolt',
enable: function(itemData, item, data) {
if (itemData._type == 'database' && itemData.allowConn)
return true;
else if(itemData._type != 'database')
return true;
return false;
// This will add options of scripts eg:'CREATE Script'
if (self.hasScriptTypes && _.isArray(self.hasScriptTypes)
&& self.hasScriptTypes.length > 0) {
// For each script type create menu
_.each(self.hasScriptTypes, function(stype) {
var type_label = S(
gettext("%s Script")
stype = stype.toLowerCase();
// Adding menu for each script type
name: 'show_script_' + stype, node: self.type, module: self,
applies: ['object', 'context'], callback: 'show_script',
priority: 4, label: type_label, category: 'Scripts',
data: {'script': stype}, icon: 'fa fa-pencil',
enable: self.check_user_permission
// Checks if Script Type is allowed to user
// First check if role node & create role allowed
// Otherwise test rest of database objects
// if no permission matched then do not allow create script
check_user_permission: function(itemData, item, data) {
// Do not display CREATE script on server group and server node
if (itemData._type == 'server_group' || itemData._type == 'server') {
return false;
// Do not display the menu if the database connection is not allowed
if (itemData._type == 'database' && !itemData.allowConn)
return false;
var node = pgBrowser.Nodes[itemData._type],
parentData = node.getTreeNodeHierarchy(item);
if ( _.indexOf(['create','insert','update', 'delete'], data.script) != -1) {
if (itemData.type == 'role' &&
parentData.server.user.can_create_role) {
return true;
} else if (
parentData.server && (
parentData.server.user.is_superuser ||
) ||
parentData.schema && parentData.schema.can_create
) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Generate a Backform view using the node's model type
// Used to generate view for the particular node properties, edit,
// creation.
getView: function(item, type, el, node, formType, callback, ctx, cancelFunc) {
var that = this;
if (!this.type || this.type == '')
// We have no information, how to generate view for this type.
return null;
if (this.model) {
// This will be the URL, used for object manipulation.
// i.e. Create, Update in these cases
var urlBase = this.generate_url(item, type, node, false);
if (!urlBase)
// Ashamed of myself, I don't know how to manipulate this
// node.
return null;
var attrs = {};
// In order to get the object data from the server, we must set
// object-id in the model (except in the create mode).
if (type !== 'create') {
attrs[this.model.idAttribute || this.model.prototype.idAttribute ||
'id'] = node._id;
// We know - which data model to be used for this object.
var info = this.getTreeNodeHierarchy.apply(this, [item]),
newModel = new (this.model.extend({urlRoot: urlBase})) (
attrs, {node_info: info}
fields = Backform.generateViewSchema(
info, newModel, type, this, node
if (type == 'create' || type == 'edit') {
if (callback && ctx) {
callback = callback.bind(ctx);
} else {
callback = function() {
console.log("Broke something!!! Why we don't have the callback or the context???");
var onSessionInvalid = function(msg) {
var alertMessage = '\
<div class="media error-in-footer bg-red-1 border-red-2 font-red-3 text-14">\
<div class="media-body media-middle">\
<div class="alert-icon error-icon">\
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden="true"></i>\
<div class="alert-text">' + msg + '</div>\
if(!_.isUndefined(that.statusBar)) {
that.statusBar.html(alertMessage).css("visibility", "visible");
return true;
var onSessionValidated = function(sessHasChanged) {
if(!_.isUndefined(that.statusBar)) {
that.statusBar.empty().css("visibility", "hidden");
callback(false, sessHasChanged);
callback(false, false);
newModel.on('pgadmin-session:valid', onSessionValidated);
newModel.on('pgadmin-session:invalid', onSessionInvalid);
// 'schema' has the information about how to generate the form.
if (_.size(fields)) {
// This will contain the actual view
var view;
if (formType == 'fieldset') {
// It is used to show, edit, create the object in the
// properties tab.
view = new Backform.Fieldset({
el: el, model: newModel, schema: fields
} else {
// This generates a view to be used by the node dialog
// (for create/edit operation).
view = new Backform.Dialog({
el: el, model: newModel, schema: fields
var setFocusOnEl = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
if (!newModel.isNew()) {
// This is definetely not in create mode
var msgDiv = '<div class="alert alert-info pg-panel-message pg-panel-properties-message">'+
gettext("Retrieving data from the server...") + '</div>',
$msgDiv = $(msgDiv);
var timer = setTimeout(function(ctx) {
// notify user if request is taking longer than 1 second
if (!_.isUndefined(ctx)) {
}, 1000, ctx);
success: function(res, msg, xhr) {
// clear timeout and remove message
// We got the latest attributes of the
// object. Render the view now.
error: function(xhr, error, message) {
var _label = that && item ?
)[that.type].label : '';
'pgadmin:node:retrieval:error', 'properties',
xhr, error, message, item
if (
xhr, error, message, {item: item, info: info}
) {
error, xhr,
gettext("Error retrieving properties - %s")
).sprintf(message || _label).value(),
function() {
// Close the panel (if could not fetch properties)
if (cancelFunc) {
} else {
// Yay - render the view now!
// $(el).focus();
return view;
return null;
register_node_panel: function() {
var w = pgBrowser.docker,
p = w.findPanels('node_props');
if (p && p.length == 1)
var events = {};
events[wcDocker.EVENT.RESIZE_ENDED] = function() {
var $container = this.$container.find('.obj_properties').first(),
v = $container.data('obj-view');
if (v && v.model && v.model) {
'pg-browser-resized', {
'view': v, 'panel': this, 'container': $container
p = new pgBrowser.Panel({
name: 'node_props',
showTitle: true,
isCloseable: true,
isPrivate: true,
elContainer: true,
content: '<div class="obj_properties"><div class="alert alert-info pg-panel-message">' + gettext('Please wait while we fetch information about the node from the server!') + '</div></div>',
onCreate: function(myPanel, $container) {
events: events
* Default script type menu for node.
* Override this, to show more script type menus (e.g hasScriptTypes: ['create', 'select', 'insert', 'update', 'delete'])
* Or set it to empty array to disable script type menu on node (e.g hasScriptTypes: [])
hasScriptTypes: ['create'],
* This function determines the given item is editable or not.
* Override this, when a node is not editable.
canEdit: true,
* This function determines the given item is deletable or not.
* Override this, when a node is not deletable.
canDrop: false,
* This function determines the given item and children are deletable or
* not.
* Override this, when a node is not deletable.
canDropCascade: false,
// List of common callbacks - that can be used for different
// operations!
callbacks: {
* This function allows to create/edit/show properties of any
* object depending on the arguments provided.
* args must be a object containing:
* action - create/edit/properties
* item - The properties of the item (tree ndoe item)
* if item is not provided, the action will be done on the
* currently selected tree item node.
show_obj_properties: function(args, item) {
var t = pgBrowser.tree,
i = args.item || item || t.selected(),
d = i && i.length == 1 ? t.itemData(i) : undefined,
o = this,
l = o.title.apply(this, [d]);
// Make sure - the properties dialog type registered
// No node selected.
if (!d)
var self = this,
isParent = (_.isArray(this.parent_type) ?
function(d) {
return (_.indexOf(self.parent_type, d._type) != -1);
} : function(d) {
return (self.parent_type == d._type);
addPanel = function() {
var d = window.document,
b = d.body,
el = d.createElement('div');
d.body.insertBefore(el, d.body.firstChild);
var pW = screen.width < 800 ? '95%' : '500px',
pH = screen.height < 600 ? '95%' : '550px',
w = pgAdmin.toPx(el, self.width || pW, 'width', true),
h = pgAdmin.toPx(el, self.height|| pH, 'height', true),
x = (b.offsetWidth - w) / 2,
y = (b.offsetHeight - h) / 2;
var p = pgBrowser.docker.addPanel(
'node_props', wcDocker.DOCK.FLOAT, undefined,
{w: w + 'px', h: h + 'px', x: x + 'px', y: y + 'px'}
// delete(el);
return p;
if (args.action == 'create') {
// If we've parent, we will get the information of it for
// proper object manipulation.
// You know - we're working with RDBMS, relation is everything
// for us.
if (self.parent_type && !isParent(d)) {
// In browser tree, I can be under any node, But - that
// does not mean, it is my parent.
// We have some group nodes too.
// i.e.
// Tables, Views, etc. nodes under Schema node
// And, actual parent of a table is schema, not Tables.
while (i && t.hasParent(i)) {
i = t.parent(i);
var pd = t.itemData(i);
if (isParent(pd)) {
// Assign the data, this is my actual parent.
d = pd;
// Seriously - I really don't have parent data present?
// The only node - which I know - who does not have parent
// node, is the Server Group (and, comes directly under root
// node - which has no parent.)
if (!d || (this.parent_type != null && !isParent(d))) {
// It should never come here.
// If it is here, that means - we do have some bug in code.
if (!d)
l = S( gettext('Create - %s')).sprintf(
p = addPanel();
setTimeout(function() {
o.showProperties(i, d, p, args.action);
}, 10);
} else {
if (pgBrowser.Node.panels && pgBrowser.Node.panels[d.id] &&
pgBrowser.Node.panels[d.id].$container) {
var p = pgBrowser.Node.panels[d.id];
/** TODO ::
* Run in edit mode (if asked) only when it is
* not already been running edit mode
var mode = p.$container.attr('action-mode');
if (mode) {
var msg = gettext('Are you sure want to stop editing the properties of %s "%s"?');
if (args.action == 'edit') {
msg = gettext('Are you sure want to reset the current changes and re-open the panel for %s "%s"?');
gettext('Edit in progress?'),
S(msg).sprintf(o.label.toLowerCase(), d.label).value(),
function() {
setTimeout(function() {
o.showProperties(i, d, p, args.action);
}, 10);
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
o.showProperties(i, d, p, args.action);
}, 10);
} else {
pgBrowser.Node.panels = pgBrowser.Node.panels || {};
p = pgBrowser.Node.panels[d.id] = addPanel();
setTimeout(function() {
o.showProperties(i, d, p, args.action);
}, 10);
p.icon('icon-' + this.type);
// Make sure the properties dialog is visible
// Delete the selected object
delete_obj: function(args, item) {
var input = args || {'url':'drop'},
obj = this,
t = pgBrowser.tree,
i = input.item || item || t.selected(),
d = i && i.length == 1 ? t.itemData(i) : undefined;
if (!d)
* Make sure - we're using the correct version of node
obj = pgBrowser.Nodes[d._type];
var objName = d.label;
var msg, title;
if (input.url == 'delete') {
msg = S( gettext('Are you sure you want to drop %s "%s" and all the objects that depend on it?'))
.sprintf(obj.label.toLowerCase(), d.label).value();
title = S( gettext('DROP CASCADE %s?')).sprintf(obj.label).value();
if (!(_.isFunction(obj.canDropCascade) ?
obj.canDropCascade.apply(obj, [d, i]) : obj.canDropCascade)) {
var alertifyWrapper = new AlertifyWrapper();
S('The %s "%s" cannot be dropped!')
.sprintf(obj.label, d.label).value(),
} else {
msg = S( gettext('Are you sure you want to drop %s "%s"?'))
.sprintf(obj.label.toLowerCase(), d.label).value();
title = S( gettext('DROP %s?')).sprintf(obj.label).value();
if (!(_.isFunction(obj.canDrop) ?
obj.canDrop.apply(obj, [d, i]) : obj.canDrop)) {
var alertifyWrapper = new AlertifyWrapper();
S('The %s "%s" cannot be dropped!')
.sprintf(obj.label, d.label).value(),
Alertify.confirm(title, msg,
function() {
url: obj.generate_url(i, input.url, d, true),
success: function(res) {
if (res.success == 0) {
pgBrowser.report_error(res.errormsg, res.info);
} else {
pgBrowser.removeTreeNode(i, true);
return true;
error: function(jqx) {
var msg = jqx.responseText;
/* Error from the server */
if (jqx.status == 417 || jqx.status == 410 || jqx.status == 500) {
try {
var data = $.parseJSON(jqx.responseText);
msg = data.errormsg;
} catch (e) {}
S( gettext('Error dropping %s: "%s"'))
.sprintf(obj.label, objName)
.value(), msg);
// Callback for creating script(s) & opening them in Query editor
show_script: function(args, item) {
var scriptType = args.script,
obj = this,
t = pgBrowser.tree,
i = item || t.selected(),
d = i && i.length == 1 ? t.itemData(i) : undefined;
if (!d)
* Make sure - we're using the correct version of node
obj = pgBrowser.Nodes[d._type];
var objName = d.label,
// URL for script type
if(scriptType == 'insert') {
sql_url = 'insert_sql';
} else if(scriptType == 'update') {
sql_url = 'update_sql';
} else if(scriptType == 'delete') {
sql_url = 'delete_sql';
} else if(scriptType == 'select') {
sql_url = 'select_sql';
} else if(scriptType == 'exec') {
sql_url = 'exec_sql';
} else {
// By Default get CREATE SQL
sql_url = 'sql';
// Open data grid & pass the URL for fetching
obj.generate_url(i, sql_url, d, true),
i, scriptType
// Callback to render query editor
show_query_tool: function(args, item) {
var obj = this,
t = pgBrowser.tree,
i = item || t.selected(),
d = i && i.length == 1 ? t.itemData(i) : undefined;
if (!d)
// Here call data grid method to render query tool
pgAdmin.DataGrid.show_query_tool('', i);
added: function(item, data, browser) {
var b = browser || pgBrowser,
t = b.tree,
pItem = t.parent(item),
pData = pItem && t.itemData(pItem),
pNode = pData && pgBrowser.Nodes[pData._type];
// Check node is a collection or not.
if (pNode && pNode.is_collection) {
/* If 'collection_count' is not present in data
* it means tree node expanded first time, so we will
* kept collection count and label in data itself.
if (!('collection_count' in pData)) {
pData.collection_count = 0;
pItem, {
label: (
_.escape(pData._label) + ' <span>(' + pData.collection_count + ')</span>'
// Callback called - when a node is selected in browser tree.
selected: function(item, data, browser) {
// Show the information about the selected node in the below panels,
// which are visible at this time:
// + Properties
// + Query (if applicable, otherwise empty)
// + Dependents
// + Dependencies
// + Statistics
var b = browser || pgBrowser,
t = b.tree,
d = data || t.itemData(item);
// Update the menu items
pgAdmin.Browser.enable_disable_menus.apply(b, [item]);
if (d && b) {
if ('properties' in b.panels &&
b.panels['properties'] &&
b.panels['properties'].panel &&
b.panels['properties'].panel.isVisible()) {
// Show object properties (only when the 'properties' tab
// is active).
this.showProperties(item, d, b.panels['properties'].panel);
if ('sql' in b.panels &&
b.panels['sql'] &&
b.panels['sql'].panel &&
b.panels['sql'].panel.isVisible()) {
// TODO:: Show reverse engineered query for this object (when 'sql'
// tab is active.)
if ('statistics' in b.panels &&
b.panels['statistics'] &&
b.panels['statistics'].panel &&
b.panels['statistics'].panel.isVisible()) {
// TODO:: Show statistics for this object (when the 'statistics'
// tab is active.)
if ('dependencies' in b.panels &&
b.panels['dependencies'] &&
b.panels['dependencies'].panel &&
b.panels['dependencies'].panel.isVisible()) {
// TODO:: Show dependencies for this object (when the
// 'dependencies' tab is active.)
if ('dependents' in b.panels &&
b.panels['dependents'] &&
b.panels['dependents'].panel &&
b.panels['dependents'].panel.isVisible()) {
// TODO:: Show dependents for this object (when the 'dependents'
// tab is active.)
return true;
removed: function(item) {
var self = this,
t = pgBrowser.tree,
pItem = t.parent(item),
pData = pItem && t.itemData(pItem),
pNode = pData && pgBrowser.Nodes[pData._type];
// Check node is a collection or not.
if (
pNode && pNode.is_collection && 'collection_count' in pData
) {
pItem, {
label: (
_.escape(pData._label) + ' <span>(' + pData.collection_count + ')</span>'
setTimeout(function() { self.clear_cache.apply(self, item); }, 0);
unloaded: function(item) {
var self = this,
t = pgBrowser.tree,
data = item && t.itemData(item);
// In case of unload remove the collection counter
if (self.is_collection && 'collection_count' in data)
delete data.collection_count;
t.setLabel(item, {label: _.escape(data._label)});
refresh: function(cmd, i) {
var self = this,
t = pgBrowser.tree,
item = i || t.selected(),
d = t.itemData(item);
pgBrowser.Events.trigger('pgadmin:browser:tree:refresh', item);
* A hook (not a callback) to show object properties in given HTML
* element.
* This has been used for the showing, editing properties of the node.
* This has also been used for creating a node.
showProperties: function(item, data, panel, action) {
var that = this,
tree = pgAdmin.Browser.tree,
j = panel.$container.find('.obj_properties').first(),
view = j.data('obj-view'),
content = $('<div tabindex="1"></div>')
.addClass('pg-prop-content col-xs-12');
// Handle key press events for Cancel, save and help button
var handleKeyDown = function(event, context) {
// If called on panel other than node_props, return
if (panel && panel['_type'] !== 'node_props') return;
switch (event.which) {
case keyCode.ESCAPE:
case keyCode.ENTER:
// Return if event is fired from child element
if (event.target !== context) return;
if (view && view.model && view.model.sessChanged()) {
onSave.call(this, view);
case keyCode.F1:
setTimeout(function() {
// Register key press events with panel element
panel.$container.find('.backform-tab').on("keydown", function(event) {
handleKeyDown(event, this);
}, 200); // wait for panel tab to render
// Template function to create the status bar
var createStatusBar = function(location){
var statusBar = $('<div></div>').addClass(
statusBar.css("visibility", "hidden");
if (location == "header") {
} else {
that.statusBar = statusBar;
return statusBar;
// Template function to create the button-group
createButtons = function(buttons, location, extraClasses) {
var panel = this;
// arguments must be non-zero length array of type
// object, which contains following attributes:
// label, type, extraClasses, register
if (buttons && _.isArray(buttons) && buttons.length > 0) {
// All buttons will be created within a single
// div area.
var btnGroup =
// Template used for creating a button
tmpl = _.template([
'<button type="<%= type %>" ',
'class="btn <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>"',
'<% if (disabled) { %> disabled="disabled"<% } %> title="<%-tooltip%>">',
'<span class="<%= icon %>"></span><% if (label != "") { %> <%-label%><% } %></button>'
].join(' '));
if (location == "header"){
if (extraClasses) {
_.each(buttons, function(btn) {
// Create the actual button, and append to
// the group div
// icon may not present for this button
if (!btn.icon) {
btn.icon = "";
var b = $(tmpl(btn));
// Register is a callback to set callback
// for certain operation for this button.
return btnGroup;
return null;
// Callback to show object properties
properties = function() {
// Avoid unnecessary reloads
var panel = this,
i = tree.selected(),
d = i && tree.itemData(i),
n_type = d._type,
n_value = -1,
n = i && d && pgBrowser.Nodes[d._type],
treeHierarchy = n.getTreeNodeHierarchy(i);
if (_.isEqual($(panel).data('node-prop'), treeHierarchy)) {
// Cache the current IDs for next time
$(panel).data('node-prop', treeHierarchy);
if (!content.hasClass('has-pg-prop-btn-group'))
// We need to release any existing view, before
// creating new view.
if (view) {
// Release the view
view.remove({data: true, internal: true, silent: true});
// Deallocate the view
// delete view;
view = null;
// Reset the data object
j.data('obj-view', null);
// Make sure the HTML element is empty.
that.header = $('<div></div>').addClass(
that.footer = $('<div></div>').addClass(
// Create a view to show the properties in fieldsets
view = that.getView(item, 'properties', content, data, 'fieldset', undefined, j);
if (view) {
// Save it for release it later
j.data('obj-view', view);
// Create proper buttons
var buttons = [];
label: '', type: 'edit',
tooltip: gettext('Edit'),
extraClasses: ['btn-default'],
icon: 'fa fa-lg fa-pencil-square-o',
disabled: !that.canEdit,
register: function(btn) {
btn.click(function() {
label: '', type: 'help',
tooltip: gettext('SQL help for this object type.'),
extraClasses: ['btn-default', 'pull-right'],
icon: 'fa fa-lg fa-info',
disabled: (that.sqlAlterHelp == '' && that.sqlCreateHelp == '') ? true : false,
register: function(btn) {
btn.click(function() {
createButtons(buttons, 'header', 'pg-prop-btn-group-above bg-gray-2 border-gray-3');
onSqlHelp = function() {
var panel = this;
// See if we can find an existing panel, if not, create one
var pnlSqlHelp = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('pnl_sql_help')[0];
if (pnlSqlHelp == null) {
var pnlProperties = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('properties')[0];
pgBrowser.docker.addPanel('pnl_sql_help', wcDocker.DOCK.STACKED, pnlProperties);
pnlSqlHelp = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('pnl_sql_help')[0];
// Construct the URL
var server = that.getTreeNodeHierarchy(item).server;
var url = pgBrowser.utils.pg_help_path;
if (server.server_type == 'ppas') {
url = pgBrowser.utils.edbas_help_path;
var major = Math.floor(server.version / 10000),
minor = Math.floor(server.version / 100) - (major * 100);
url = url.replace('$VERSION$', major + '.' + minor);
if (!S(url).endsWith('/')) {
url = url + '/'
if (that.sqlCreateHelp == '' && that.sqlAlterHelp != '') {
url = url + that.sqlAlterHelp
} else if (that.sqlCreateHelp != '' && that.sqlAlterHelp == '') {
url = url + that.sqlCreateHelp
} else {
if (view.model.isNew()) {
url = url + that.sqlCreateHelp
} else {
url = url + that.sqlAlterHelp
// Update the panel
var iframe = $(pnlSqlHelp).data('embeddedFrame');
pnlSqlHelp.title('SQL: ' + that.label);
onDialogHelp = function() {
var panel = this;
// See if we can find an existing panel, if not, create one
var pnlDialogHelp = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('pnl_online_help')[0];
if (pnlDialogHelp == null) {
var pnlProperties = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('properties')[0];
pgBrowser.docker.addPanel('pnl_online_help', wcDocker.DOCK.STACKED, pnlProperties);
pnlDialogHelp = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('pnl_online_help')[0];
// Update the panel
var iframe = $(pnlDialogHelp).data('embeddedFrame');
onSave = function(view) {
var m = view.model,
d = m.toJSON(true),
// Generate a timer for the request
timer = setTimeout(function(){
}, 1000);
if (d && !_.isEmpty(d)) {
m.save({}, {
attrs: d,
validate: false,
cache: false,
success: function() {
// Hide progress cursor
// Removing the node-prop property of panel
// so that we show updated data on panel
var pnlProperties = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('properties')[0],
pnlSql = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('sql')[0],
pnlStats = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('statistics')[0],
pnlDependencies = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('dependencies')[0],
pnlDependents = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('dependents')[0];
error: function(m, jqxhr) {
"error", jqxhr,
gettext("Error saving properties: %s")
// Hide progress cursor
editFunc = function() {
var panel = this;
if (action && action == 'properties') {
action = 'edit';
panel.$container.attr('action-mode', action);
// We need to release any existing view, before
// creating the new view.
if (view) {
// Release the view
view.remove({data: true, internal: true, silent: true});
// Deallocate the view
view = null;
// Reset the data object
j.data('obj-view', null);
// Make sure the HTML element is empty.
that.header = $('<div></div>').addClass(
that.footer = $('<div></div>').addClass(
var updateButtons = function(hasError, modified) {
var btnGroup = this.find('.pg-prop-btn-group'),
btnSave = btnGroup.find('button.btn-primary'),
btnReset = btnGroup.find('button.btn-warning');
if (hasError || !modified) {
btnSave.prop('disabled', true);
btnSave.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
btnSave.prop('disabled', false);
if (!modified) {
btnReset.prop('disabled', true);
btnReset.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
btnReset.prop('disabled', false);
// Create a view to edit/create the properties in fieldsets
view = that.getView(item, action, content, data, 'dialog', updateButtons, j, onCancelFunc);
if (view) {
// Save it to release it later
j.data('obj-view', view);
_.isFunction(that['node_image']) ?
(that['node_image']).apply(that, [data, view.model]) :
(that['node_image'] || ('icon-' + that.type))
// Create proper buttons
label: '', type: 'help',
tooltip: gettext('SQL help for this object type.'),
extraClasses: ['btn-default', 'pull-left'],
icon: 'fa fa-lg fa-info',
disabled: (that.sqlAlterHelp == '' && that.sqlCreateHelp == '') ? true : false,
register: function(btn) {
btn.click(function() {
label: '', type: 'help',
tooltip: gettext('Help for this dialog.'),
extraClasses: ['btn-default', 'pull-left'],
icon: 'fa fa-lg fa-question',
disabled: (that.dialogHelp == '') ? true : false,
register: function(btn) {
btn.click(function() {
label: gettext('Save'), type: 'save',
tooltip: gettext('Save this object.'),
extraClasses: ['btn-primary'],
icon: 'fa fa-lg fa-save',
disabled: true,
register: function(btn) {
// Save the changes
btn.click(function() {
onSave.call(this, view);
label: gettext('Cancel'), type: 'cancel',
tooltip: gettext('Cancel changes to this object.'),
extraClasses: ['btn-danger'],
icon: 'fa fa-lg fa-close',
disabled: false,
register: function(btn) {
btn.click(function() {
// Removing the action-mode
label: gettext('Reset'), type: 'reset',
tooltip: gettext('Reset the fields on this dialog.'),
extraClasses: ['btn-warning'],
icon: 'fa fa-lg fa-recycle',
disabled: true,
register: function(btn) {
btn.click(function() {
setTimeout(function() { editFunc.call(); }, 0);
}],'footer' ,'pg-prop-btn-group-below bg-gray-2 border-gray-3');
// Create status bar.
// Add some space, so that - button group does not override the
// space
// Show contents before buttons
closePanel = function() {
// Closing this panel
updateTreeItem = function(that) {
var _old = data,
_new = _.clone(view.model.tnode),
info = _.clone(view.model.node_info);
// Clear the cache for this node now.
setTimeout(function() { that.clear_cache.apply(that, item); }, 0);
_old, _new, info, {
success: function(_item, _newNodeData, _oldNodeData) {
'pgadmin:browser:node:updated', _item, _newNodeData,
'pgadmin:browser:node:' + _newNodeData._type + ':updated',
_item, _newNodeData, _oldNodeData
saveNewNode = function(that) {
var panel = this,
j = panel.$container.find('.obj_properties').first(),
view = j.data('obj-view');
// Clear the cache for this node now.
setTimeout(function() { that.clear_cache.apply(that, item); }, 0);
try {
'pgadmin:browser:tree:add', _.clone(view.model.tnode),
} catch (e) {
}.bind(panel, that),
editInNewPanel = function() {
// Open edit in separate panel
setTimeout(function() {
that.callbacks.show_obj_properties.apply(that, [{
'action': 'edit',
'item': item
}, 0);
onCancelFunc = closePanel,
onSaveFunc = updateTreeItem.bind(panel, that),
onEdit = editFunc.bind(panel);
if (action) {
if (action == 'create'){
onCancelFunc = closePanel;
onSaveFunc = saveNewNode;
if (action != 'properties') {
// We need to keep track edit/create mode for this panel.
} else {
} else {
/* Show properties */
onEdit = editInNewPanel.bind(panel);
if (panel.closeable()) {
var onCloseFunc = function() {
var j = this.$container.find('.obj_properties').first(),
view = j && j.data('obj-view');
if (view) {
view.remove({data: true, internal: true, silent: true});
panel.on(wcDocker.EVENT.CLOSED, onCloseFunc);
_find_parent_node: function(t, i, d) {
if (this.parent_type) {
d = d || t.itemData(i);
if (_.isString(this.parent_type)) {
if (this.parent_type == d._type) {
return i;
while(t.hasParent(i)) {
i = t.parent(i);
d = t.itemData(i);
if (this.parent_type == d._type)
return i;
} else {
if (_.indexOf(this.parent_type, d._type) >= 0) {
return i;
while(t.hasParent(i)) {
i = t.parent(i);
d = t.itemData(i);
if (_.indexOf(this.parent_type, d._type) >= 0)
return i;
return null;
* Generate the URL for different operations
* arguments:
* type: Create/drop/edit/properties/sql/depends/statistics
* d: Provide the ItemData for the current item node
* with_id: Required id information at the end?
* Supports url generation for create, drop, edit, properties, sql,
* depends, statistics
generate_url: function(item, type, d, with_id, info) {
var url = pgBrowser.URL + '{TYPE}/{REDIRECT}{REF}',
opURL = {
'create': 'obj', 'drop': 'obj', 'edit': 'obj',
'properties': 'obj', 'statistics': 'stats'
ref = '', self = this,
priority = -Infinity;
info = (_.isUndefined(item) || _.isNull(item)) ?
info || {} : this.getTreeNodeHierarchy(item);
if (self.parent_type) {
if (_.isString(self.parent_type)) {
var p = info[self.parent_type];
if (p) {
priority = p.priority;
} else {
_.each(self.parent_type, function(o) {
var p = info[o];
if (p) {
if (priority < p.priority) {
priority = p.priority;
function(v, k, o) {
return (v.priority <= priority);
function(o) { return o.priority; }
function(o) {
ref = S('%s/%s').sprintf(ref, encodeURIComponent(o._id)).value();
ref = S('%s/%s').sprintf(
ref, with_id && d._type == self.type ? encodeURIComponent(d._id) : ''
var args = {
'TYPE': self.type,
'REDIRECT': (type in opURL ? opURL[type] : type),
'REF': ref
return url.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function(match, arg) {
return args[arg];
// Base class for Node Data Collection
Collection: pgBrowser.DataCollection,
// Base class for Node Data Model
Model: pgBrowser.DataModel,
getTreeNodeHierarchy: function(i) {
var idx = 0,
res = {},
t = pgBrowser.tree,
do {
d = t.itemData(i);
if (d._type in pgBrowser.Nodes && pgBrowser.Nodes[d._type].hasId) {
res[d._type] = _.extend({}, d, {
'priority': idx
idx -= 1;
i = t.hasParent(i) ? t.parent(i) : null;
} while (i);
return res;
cache: function(url, node_info, level, data) {
var cached = this.cached = this.cached || {},
hash = url,
min_priority = (
node_info && node_info[level] && node_info[level].priority
) || 0;
if (node_info) {
function(v, k, o) {
return (v.priority <= min_priority);
function(o) { return o.priority; }),
function(o) {
hash = S('%s/%s').sprintf(hash, encodeURI(o._id)).value();
if (_.isUndefined(data)) {
var res = cached[hash];
if (!_.isUndefined(res) &&
(res.at - Date.now() > 300000)) {
res = undefined;
return res;
res = cached[hash] = {data: data, at: Date.now(), level: level};
return res;
clear_cache: function(item) {
* Reset the cache, when new node is created.
* At the moment, we will clear all the cache for this node. But - we
* would like to clear the cache only this nodes parent, so that - it
* fetches the new data.
this.cached = {};
cache_level: function(node_info, with_id) {
if (node_info) {
if (with_id && this.type in node_info) {
return this.type;
if (_.isArray(this.parent_type)) {
for (var parent in this.parent_type) {
if (parent in node_info) {
return parent;
return this.type;
return this.parent_type;
return pgAdmin.Browser.Node;