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.. _import_export_data:
`Import/Export data Dialog`:index:
Use the *Import/Export data* dialog to copy data from a table to a file, or copy data from a file into a table.
The *Import/Export data* dialog organizes the import/export of data through the *Options* and *Columns* tabs.
.. image:: images/import_export_options.png
:alt: Import Export data dialog options tab
Use the fields in the *Options* tab to specify import and export preferences:
* Move the *Import/Export* switch to the *Import* position to specify that the server should import data to a table from a file. The default is *Export*.
* Use the fields in the *File Info* field box to specify information about the source or target file:
* Enter the name of the source or target file in the *Filename* field. Optionally, select the *Browser* icon (ellipsis) to the right to navigate into a directory and select a file.
* Use the drop-down listbox in the *Format* field to specify the file type. Select:
* *binary* for a .bin file.
* *csv* for a .csv file.
* *text* for a .txt file.
* Use the drop-down listbox in the *Encoding* field to specify the type of character encoding.
.. image:: images/import_export_miscellaneous.png
:alt: Import Export data dialog miscellaneous tab
* Use the fields in the *Miscellaneous* field box to specify additional information:
* Move the *OID* switch to the *Yes* position to include the *OID* column. The *OID* is a system-assigned value that may not be modified. The default is *No*.
* Move the *Header* switch to the *Yes* position to include the table header with the data rows. If you include the table header, the first row of the file will contain the column names.
* If you are exporting data, specify the delimiter that will separate the columns within the target file in the *Delimiter* field. The separating character can be a colon, semicolon, a vertical bar, or a tab.
* Specify a quoting character used in the *Quote* field. Quoting can be applied to string columns only (i.e. numeric columns will not be quoted) or all columns regardless of data type. The character used for quoting can be a single quote or a double quote.
* Specify a character that should appear before a data character that matches the *QUOTE* value in the *Escape* field.
Click the *Columns* tab to continue.
.. image:: images/import_export_columns.png
:alt: Import Export data dialog columns tab
Use the fields in the *Columns* tab to select the columns that will be imported or exported:
* Click inside the *Columns to export/import* field to deselect one or more columns from the drop-down listbox. To delete a selection, click the *x* to the left of the column name. Click an empty spot inside the field to access the drop-down list.
* Use the *NULL Strings* field to specify a string that will represent a null value within the source or target file.
* If enabled, click inside the *Not null columns* field to select one or more columns that will not be checked for a NULL value. To delete a column, click the *x* to the left of the column name.
After completing the *Import/Export data* dialog, click the *OK* button to perform the import or export. pgAdmin will inform you when the background process completes:
.. image:: images/import_export_complete.png
:alt: Import Export data completion notification
Use the **Stop Process** button to stop the Import/Export process.
Use the *Click here for details* link on the notification to open the *Process Watcher* and review detailed information about the execution of the command that performed the import or export:
.. image:: images/import_export_pw.png
:alt: Import Export data process watcher