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1964 lines
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1964 lines
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// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2019, The pgAdmin Development Team
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
define('pgadmin.browser', [
'sources/gettext', 'sources/url_for', 'require', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'underscore.string',
'bootstrap', 'sources/pgadmin', 'pgadmin.alertifyjs', 'bundled_codemirror',
'sources/check_node_visibility', './toolbar', 'pgadmin.help', 'pgadmin.browser.utils',
'wcdocker', 'jquery.contextmenu', 'jquery.aciplugin', 'jquery.acitree',
'pgadmin.browser.preferences', 'pgadmin.browser.messages',
'pgadmin.browser.menu', 'pgadmin.browser.panel',
'pgadmin.browser.error', 'pgadmin.browser.frame',
'pgadmin.browser.node', 'pgadmin.browser.collection',
'pgadmin.browser.keyboard', 'sources/tree/pgadmin_tree_save_state',
], function(
gettext, url_for, require, $, _, S,
Bootstrap, pgAdmin, Alertify, codemirror,
checkNodeVisibility, toolBar, help
) {
window.jQuery = window.$ = $;
// Some scripts do export their object in the window only.
// Generally the one, which do no have AMD support.
var wcDocker = window.wcDocker;
$ = $ || window.jQuery || window.$;
Bootstrap = Bootstrap || window.Bootstrap;
var CodeMirror = codemirror.default;
var pgBrowser = pgAdmin.Browser = pgAdmin.Browser || {};
var select_object_msg = gettext('Please select an object in the tree view.');
var panelEvents = {};
panelEvents[wcDocker.EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGED] = function() {
if (this.isVisible()) {
var obj = pgAdmin.Browser,
i = obj.tree ? obj.tree.selected() : undefined,
d = i && i.length == 1 ? obj.tree.itemData(i) : undefined;
if (d && obj.Nodes[d._type].callbacks['selected'] &&
_.isFunction(obj.Nodes[d._type].callbacks['selected'])) {
return obj.Nodes[d._type].callbacks['selected'].apply(
obj.Nodes[d._type], [i, d, obj]);
var processTreeData = function(payload) {
var data = JSON.parse(payload).data;
if (data.length && data[0]._type !== 'column' &&
data[0]._type !== 'catalog_object_column') {
data = data.sort(function(a, b) {
return pgAdmin.natural_sort(a.label, b.label);
_.each(data, function(d){
d._label = d.label;
d.label = _.escape(d.label);
return data;
var initializeBrowserTree = pgAdmin.Browser.initializeBrowserTree =
function(b) {
ajax: {
url: url_for('browser.nodes'),
converters: {
'text json': processTreeData,
ajaxHook: function(item, settings) {
if (item != null) {
var d = this.itemData(item);
var n = b.Nodes[d._type];
if (n)
settings.url = n.generate_url(item, 'children', d, true);
loaderDelay: 100,
show: {
duration: 75,
hide: {
duration: 75,
view: {
duration: 75,
animateRoot: true,
unanimated: false,
b.tree = $('#tree').aciTree('api');
// Extend the browser class attributes
_.extend(pgAdmin.Browser, {
// The base url for browser
URL: url_for('browser.index'),
// We do have docker of type wcDocker to take care of different
// containers. (i.e. panels, tabs, frames, etc.)
// Reversed Engineer query for the selected database node object goes
// here
// Left hand browser tree
treeMenu: new tree.Tree(),
// list of script to be loaded, when a certain type of node is loaded
// It will be used to register extensions, tools, child node scripts,
// etc.
scripts: {},
// Standard Widths and Height for dialogs in px
stdW: {
sm: 500,
md: 700,
lg: 900,
default: 500,
stdH: {
sm: 200,
md: 400,
lg: 550,
default: 550,
// Default panels
panels: {
// Panel to keep the left hand browser tree
'browser': new pgAdmin.Browser.Panel({
name: 'browser',
title: gettext('Browser'),
showTitle: true,
isCloseable: false,
isPrivate: true,
icon: '',
content: '<div id="tree" class="aciTree"></div>',
onCreate: function(panel) {
toolBar.initializeToolbar(panel, wcDocker);
// Properties of the object node
'properties': new pgAdmin.Browser.Panel({
name: 'properties',
title: gettext('Properties'),
icon: '',
width: 500,
isCloseable: false,
isPrivate: true,
elContainer: true,
content: '<div class="obj_properties container-fluid"><div class="alert alert-info pg-panel-message">' + select_object_msg + '</div></div>',
events: panelEvents,
onCreate: function(myPanel, $container) {
// Statistics of the object
'statistics': new pgAdmin.Browser.Panel({
name: 'statistics',
title: gettext('Statistics'),
icon: '',
width: 500,
isCloseable: false,
isPrivate: true,
content: '<div class="negative-space p-2"><div class="alert alert-info pg-panel-message pg-panel-statistics-message">' + select_object_msg + '</div><div class="pg-panel-statistics-container d-none"></div></div>',
events: panelEvents,
// Reversed engineered SQL for the object
'sql': new pgAdmin.Browser.Panel({
name: 'sql',
title: gettext('SQL'),
icon: '',
width: 500,
isCloseable: false,
isPrivate: true,
content: '<div class="sql_textarea"><textarea id="sql-textarea" name="sql-textarea"></textarea></div>',
// Dependencies of the object
'dependencies': new pgAdmin.Browser.Panel({
name: 'dependencies',
title: gettext('Dependencies'),
icon: '',
width: 500,
isCloseable: false,
isPrivate: true,
content: '<div class="negative-space p-2"><div class="alert alert-info pg-panel-message pg-panel-depends-message">' + select_object_msg + '</div><div class="pg-panel-dependencies-container d-none"></div></div>',
events: panelEvents,
// Dependents of the object
'dependents': new pgAdmin.Browser.Panel({
name: 'dependents',
title: gettext('Dependents'),
icon: '',
width: 500,
isCloseable: false,
isPrivate: true,
content: '<div class="negative-space p-2"><div class="alert alert-info pg-panel-message pg-panel-depends-message">' + select_object_msg + '</div><div class="pg-panel-dependents-container d-none"></div></div>',
events: panelEvents,
// We also support showing dashboards, HTML file, external URL
frames: {},
/* Menus */
// pgAdmin.Browser.MenuItem.add_menus(...) will register all the menus
// in this container
menus: {
// All context menu goes here under certain menu types.
// i.e. context: {'server': [...], 'server-group': [...]}
context: {},
// File menus
file: {},
// Edit menus
edit: {},
// Object menus
object: {},
// Management menus
management: {},
// Tools menus
tools: {},
// Help menus
help: {},
add_panels: function() {
/* Add hooked-in panels by extensions */
var panels = JSON.parse(pgBrowser.panels_items);
_.each(panels, function(panel) {
if (panel.isIframe) {
pgBrowser.frames[panel.name] = new pgBrowser.Frame({
name: panel.name,
title: panel.title,
icon: panel.icon,
width: panel.width,
height: panel.height,
showTitle: panel.showTitle,
isCloseable: panel.isCloseable,
isPrivate: panel.isPrivate,
url: panel.content,
} else {
pgBrowser.panels[panel.name] = new pgBrowser.Panel({
name: panel.name,
title: panel.title,
icon: panel.icon,
width: panel.width,
height: panel.height,
showTitle: panel.showTitle,
isCloseable: panel.isCloseable,
isPrivate: panel.isPrivate,
content: (panel.content) ? panel.content : '',
events: (panel.events) ? panel.events : '',
canHide: (panel.canHide) ? panel.canHide : '',
menu_categories: {
/* name, label (pair) */
'create': {
label: gettext('Create'),
priority: 1,
/* separator above this menu */
above: false,
below: true,
/* icon: 'fa fa-magic', */
single: true,
// A callback to load/fetch a script when a certain node is loaded
register_script: function(n, m, p) {
var scripts = this.scripts;
scripts[n] = _.isArray(scripts[n]) ? scripts[n] : [];
scripts[n].push({'name': m, 'path': p, loaded: false});
// Build the default layout
buildDefaultLayout: function(docker) {
var browserPanel = docker.addPanel('browser', wcDocker.DOCK.LEFT);
var dashboardPanel = docker.addPanel(
'dashboard', wcDocker.DOCK.RIGHT, browserPanel);
docker.addPanel('properties', wcDocker.DOCK.STACKED, dashboardPanel, {
tabOrientation: wcDocker.TAB.TOP,
docker.addPanel('sql', wcDocker.DOCK.STACKED, dashboardPanel);
'statistics', wcDocker.DOCK.STACKED, dashboardPanel);
'dependencies', wcDocker.DOCK.STACKED, dashboardPanel);
'dependents', wcDocker.DOCK.STACKED, dashboardPanel);
// Enable/disable menu options
enable_disable_menus: function(item) {
// Mechanism to enable/disable menus depending on the condition.
var obj = this,
// menu navigation bar
navbar = $('#navbar-menu > ul').first(),
// Drop down menu for objects
$obj_mnu = navbar.find('li#mnu_obj .dropdown-menu').first(),
// data for current selected object
d = obj.tree.itemData(item),
update_menuitem = function(m) {
if (m instanceof pgAdmin.Browser.MenuItem) {
m.update(d, item);
} else {
for (var key in m) {
toolBar.enable(gettext('View Data'), false);
toolBar.enable(gettext('Filtered Rows'), false);
// All menus from the object menus (except the create drop-down
// menu) needs to be removed.
// All menus (except for the object menus) are already present.
// They will just require to check, wheather they are
// enabled/disabled.
{m: 'file', id: '#mnu_file'},
{m: 'edit', id: '#mnu_edit'},
{m: 'management', id: '#mnu_management'},
{m: 'tools', id: '#mnu_tools'},
{m: 'help', id:'#mnu_help'}], function(o) {
_.each( obj.menus[o.m], function(m) { update_menuitem(m); });
// Create the object menu dynamically
if (item && obj.menus['object'] && obj.menus['object'][d._type]) {
$obj_mnu, obj.menus['object'][d._type], obj.menu_categories, d, item
} else {
// Create a dummy 'no object seleted' menu
var create_submenu = pgAdmin.Browser.MenuGroup(
obj.menu_categories['create'], [{
$el: $('<li><a class="dropdown-item disabled" href="#">' + gettext('No object selected') + '</a></li>'),
priority: 1,
category: 'create',
update: function() {},
}], false);
save_current_layout: function(layout_id, docker) {
if(docker) {
var layout = docker.save();
var settings = { setting: layout_id, value: layout };
type: 'POST',
url: url_for('settings.store_bulk'),
data: settings,
restore_layout: function(docker, layout, defaultLayoutCallback) {
// Try to restore the layout if there is one
if (layout != '') {
try {
catch(err) {
if(defaultLayoutCallback) {
} else {
if(defaultLayoutCallback) {
init: function() {
var obj=this;
if (obj.initialized) {
obj.initialized = true;
// Cache preferences
// Initialize the Docker
obj.docker = new wcDocker(
'#dockerContainer', {
allowContextMenu: true,
allowCollapse: false,
loadingClass: 'pg-sp-icon',
themePath: url_for('static', {
'filename': 'css',
theme: 'webcabin.overrides.css',
if (obj.docker) {
// Initialize all the panels
_.each(obj.panels, function(panel, name) {
// Initialize all the frames
_.each(obj.frames, function(frame, name) {
// Stored layout in database from the previous session
var layout = pgBrowser.utils.layout;
obj.restore_layout(obj.docker, layout, obj.buildDefaultLayout.bind(obj));
obj.docker.on(wcDocker.EVENT.LAYOUT_CHANGED, function() {
obj.save_current_layout('Browser/Layout', obj.docker);
// Syntax highlight the SQL Pane
obj.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(
document.getElementById('sql-textarea'), {
lineNumbers: true,
mode: 'text/x-pgsql',
readOnly: true,
extraKeys: pgAdmin.Browser.editor_shortcut_keys,
/* Cache may take time to load for the first time
* Reflect the changes once cache is available
let cacheIntervalId = setInterval(()=> {
let sqlEditPreferences = obj.get_preferences_for_module('sqleditor');
if(sqlEditPreferences) {
}, 500);
/* Check for sql editor preference changes */
obj.onPreferencesChange('sqleditor', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
obj.editor.setValue('-- ' + select_object_msg);
}, 10);
// Initialise the treeview
// Build the treeview context menu
selector: '.aciTreeLine',
autoHide: false,
build: function(element) {
var item = obj.tree.itemFrom(element),
d = obj.tree.itemData(item),
menus = obj.menus['context'][d._type],
$div = $('<div></div>'),
context_menu = {};
$div, menus, obj.menu_categories, d, item, context_menu
return {
autoHide: false,
items: context_menu,
events: {
hide: function() {
// Return focus to the tree
// Treeview event handler
$('#tree').on('acitree', function(event, api, item, eventName, options) {
var d = item ? obj.tree.itemData(item) : null;
var node;
if (d && obj.Nodes[d._type]) {
node = obj.Nodes[d._type];
/* If the node specific callback returns false, we will also return
* false for further processing.
if (_.isObject(node.callbacks) &&
eventName in node.callbacks &&
typeof node.callbacks[eventName] == 'function' &&
node, [item, d, obj, options, eventName])) {
return false;
/* Raise tree events for the nodes */
try {
'browser-node.' + eventName, node, item, d
} catch (e) {
console.warn(e.stack || e);
try {
'pgadmin-browser:tree', eventName, item, d
'pgadmin-browser:tree:' + eventName, item, d, node
} catch (e) {
console.warn(e.stack || e);
return true;
// Register scripts and add menus
// Ping the server every 5 minutes
setInterval(function() {
url: url_for('misc.cleanup'),
.done(function() {})
.fail(function() {});
}, 300000);
obj.Events.on('pgadmin:browser:tree:add', obj.onAddTreeNode, obj);
obj.Events.on('pgadmin:browser:tree:update', obj.onUpdateTreeNode, obj);
obj.Events.on('pgadmin:browser:tree:refresh', obj.onRefreshTreeNode, obj);
add_menu_category: function(
id, label, priority, icon, above_separator, below_separator, single
) {
this.menu_categories[id] = {
label: label,
priority: priority,
icon: icon,
above: (above_separator === true),
below: (below_separator === true),
single: single,
// Add menus of module/extension at appropriate menu
add_menus: function(menus) {
var self = this,
pgMenu = this.menus,
MenuItem = pgAdmin.Browser.MenuItem;
_.each(menus, function(m) {
_.each(m.applies, function(a) {
/* We do support menu type only from this list */
if ($.inArray(a, [
'context', 'file', 'edit', 'object',
'management', 'tools', 'help']) >= 0) {
var menus;
// If current node is not visible in browser tree
// then return from here
if(!checkNodeVisibility(self, m.node)) {
} else if(_.has(m, 'module') && !_.isUndefined(m.module)) {
// If module to which this menu applies is not visible in
// browser tree then also we do not display menu
if(!checkNodeVisibility(self, m.module.type)) {
pgMenu[a] = pgMenu[a] || {};
if (_.isString(m.node)) {
menus = pgMenu[a][m.node] = pgMenu[a][m.node] || {};
} else if (_.isString(m.category)) {
menus = pgMenu[a][m.category] = pgMenu[a][m.category] || {};
else {
menus = pgMenu[a];
if (!_.has(menus, m.name)) {
menus[m.name] = new MenuItem({
name: m.name, label: m.label, module: m.module,
category: m.category, callback: m.callback,
priority: m.priority, data: m.data, url: m.url || '#',
target: m.target, icon: m.icon,
enable: (m.enable == '' ? true : (_.isString(m.enable) &&
m.enable.toLowerCase() == 'false') ?
false : m.enable),
node: m.node,
} else {
'Developer warning: Category \'' +
a +
'\' is not supported!\nSupported categories are: context, file, edit, object, tools, management, help'
// Create the menus
create_menus: function() {
/* Create menus */
var navbar = $('#navbar-menu > ul').first();
var obj = this;
{menu: 'file', id: '#mnu_file'},
{menu: 'edit', id: '#mnu_edit'},
{menu: 'management', id: '#mnu_management'},
{menu: 'tools', id: '#mnu_tools'},
{menu: 'help', id:'#mnu_help'}],
function(o) {
var $mnu = navbar.children(o.id).first(),
$dropdown = $mnu.children('.dropdown-menu').first();
if (pgAdmin.Browser.MenuCreator(
$dropdown, obj.menus[o.menu], obj.menu_categories
)) {
// General function to handle callbacks for object or dialog help.
showHelp: function(type, url, node, item) {
if (type == 'object_help') {
// Construct the URL
var server = node.getTreeNodeHierarchy(item).server;
var baseUrl = pgBrowser.utils.pg_help_path;
if (server.server_type == 'ppas') {
baseUrl = pgBrowser.utils.edbas_help_path;
var fullUrl = help.getHelpUrl(baseUrl, url, server.version);
window.open(fullUrl, 'postgres_help');
} else if(type == 'dialog_help') {
window.open(url, 'pgadmin_help');
_findTreeChildNode: function(_i, _d, _o) {
var loaded = _o.t.wasLoad(_i),
onLoad = function() {
var items = _o.t.children(_i),
i, d, n, idx = 0, size = items.length;
for (; idx < size; idx++) {
i = items.eq(idx);
d = _o.t.itemData(i);
if (d._type === _d._type) {
if (!_o.hasId || d._id == _d._id) {
_o.i = i;
_o.d = _d;
_o.pathOfTreeItems.push({coll: false, item: i, d: _d});
} else {
n = _o.b.Nodes[d._type];
// Are we looking at the collection node for the given node?
if (
n && n.collection_node && d.nodes &&
_.indexOf(d.nodes, _d._type) != -1
) {
_o.i = i;
_o.d = null;
_o.pathOfTreeItems.push({coll: true, item: i, d: d});
// Set load to false when the current collection node's inode is false
if (!_o.t.isInode(i)) {
_o.load = false;
_o.b._findTreeChildNode(i, _d, _o);
_o.notFound && typeof(_o.notFound) == 'function' &&
if (!loaded && _o.load) {
_o.t.open(_i, {
success: onLoad,
unanimated: true,
fail: function() {
var fail = _o && _o.o && _o.o.fail;
if (
fail && typeof(fail) == 'function'
) {
fail.apply(_o.t, []);
} else if (loaded) {
} else {
_o.notFound && typeof(_o.notFound) == 'function' &&
onAddTreeNode: function(_data, _hierarchy, _opts) {
var ctx = {
b: this, // Browser
d: null, // current parent
hasId: true,
i: null, // current item
p: _.toArray(_hierarchy || {}).sort(
function(a, b) {
return (a.priority === b.priority) ? 0 : (
a.priority < b.priority ? -1 : 1
), // path of the parent
pathOfTreeItems: [], // path Item
t: this.tree, // Tree Api
o: _opts,
traversePath = function() {
var ctx = this, data;
ctx.success = traversePath;
if (ctx.p.length) {
data = ctx.p.shift();
// This is the parent node.
// Replace the parent-id of the data, which could be different
// from the given hierarchy.
if (!ctx.p.length) {
data._id = _data._pid;
ctx.success = addItemNode;
ctx.i, data, ctx
// if parent node is null
if (!_data._pid) {
addItemNode.apply(ctx, arguments);
return true;
addItemNode = function() {
// Append the new data in the tree under the current item.
// We may need to pass it to proper collection node.
var ctx = this,
first = (ctx.i || this.t.wasLoad(ctx.i)) &&
findChildNode = function(success, notFound) {
var ctx = this;
ctx.success = success;
ctx.notFound = notFound;
ctx.b._findTreeChildNode(ctx.i, _data, ctx);
selectNode = function() {
if (
ctx.o && ctx.o.success && typeof(ctx.o.success) == 'function'
) {
ctx.o.success.apply(ctx.t, [ctx.i, _data]);
addNode = function() {
var ctx = this,
items = ctx.t.children(ctx.i),
s = 0, e = items.length - 1, i,
linearSearch = function() {
while (e >= s) {
i = items.eq(s);
var d = ctx.t.itemData(i);
if (
d._label, _data._label
) == 1
return true;
if (e != items.length - 1) {
i = items.eq(e);
return true;
i = null;
return false;
binarySearch = function() {
var d, m, res;
// Binary search only outperforms Linear search for n > 44.
// Reference:
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_algorithm#cite_note-30
// We will try until it's half.
while (e - s > 22) {
i = items.eq(s);
d = ctx.t.itemData(i);
if (
d._label, _data._label
) != -1
return true;
i = items.eq(e);
d = ctx.t.itemData(i);
if (
d._label, _data._label
) != 1
return true;
m = s + Math.round((e - s) / 2);
i = items.eq(m);
d = ctx.t.itemData(i);
res = pgAdmin.natural_sort(d._label, _data._label);
if (res == 0)
return true;
if (res == -1) {
s = m + 1;
} else {
e = m - 1;
return linearSearch();
if (binarySearch()) {
ctx.t.before(i, {
itemData: _data,
success: function() {
if (
ctx.o && ctx.o.success && typeof(ctx.o.success) == 'function'
) {
ctx.o.success.apply(ctx.t, [i, _data]);
fail: function() {
console.warn('Failed to add before...', arguments);
if (
ctx.o && ctx.o.fail && typeof(ctx.o.fail) == 'function'
) {
ctx.o.fail.apply(ctx.t, [i, _data]);
} else {
var _append = function() {
var ctx = this,
is_parent_loaded_before = ctx.t.wasLoad(ctx.i),
_parent_data = ctx.t.itemData(ctx.i);
ctx.t.append(ctx.i, {
itemData: _data,
success: function(item, options) {
var i = $(options.items[0]);
// Open the item path only if its parent is loaded
// or parent type is same as nodes
is_parent_loaded_before &&
_parent_data && _parent_data._type.search(
) > -1
) {
} else {
if (_parent_data) {
// Unload the parent node so that we'll get
// latest data when we try to expand it
ctx.t.unload(ctx.i, {
success: function (item) {
// Lets try to load it now
if (
ctx.o && ctx.o.success &&
typeof(ctx.o.success) == 'function'
) {
ctx.o.success.apply(ctx.t, [i, _data]);
fail: function() {
console.warn('Failed to append...', arguments);
if (
ctx.o && ctx.o.fail &&
typeof(ctx.o.fail) == 'function'
) {
ctx.o.fail.apply(ctx.t, [ctx.i, _data]);
if (ctx.i && !ctx.t.isInode(ctx.i)) {
ctx.t.setInode(ctx.i, {success: _append});
} else {
// Handle case for node without parent i.e. server-group
// or if parent node's inode is true.
// Parent node do not have any children, let me unload it.
if (!first && ctx.t.wasLoad(ctx.i)) {
ctx.t.unload(ctx.i, {
success: function() {
function() {
var o = this && this.o;
if (
o && o.fail && typeof(o.fail) == 'function'
) {
o.fail.apply(this.t, [this.i, _data]);
fail: function() {
var o = this && this.o;
if (
o && o.fail && typeof(o.fail) == 'function'
) {
o.fail.apply(this.t, [this.i, _data]);
// We can find the collection node using _findTreeChildNode
// indirectly.
findChildNode(selectNode, addNode);
if (!ctx.t.wasInit() || !_data) {
_data._label = _data.label;
_data.label = _.escape(_data.label);
onUpdateTreeNode: function(_old, _new, _hierarchy, _opts) {
var ctx = {
b: this, // Browser
d: null, // current parent
i: null, // current item
hasId: true,
p: _.toArray(_hierarchy || {}).sort(
function(a, b) {
return (a.priority === b.priority) ? 0 : (
a.priority < b.priority ? -1 : 1
), // path of the old object
pathOfTreeItems: [], // path items
t: this.tree, // Tree Api
o: _opts,
load: true,
old: _old,
new: _new,
op: null,
errorOut = function() {
var fail = this.o && this.o.fail;
if (fail && typeof(fail) == 'function') {
fail.apply(this.t, [this.i, _new, _old]);
deleteNode = function() {
var self = this,
pathOfTreeItems = this.pathOfTreeItems,
findParent = function() {
if (pathOfTreeItems.length) {
var length = pathOfTreeItems.length;
this.i = (length && pathOfTreeItems[length - 1].item) || null;
this.d = (length && pathOfTreeItems[length - 1].d) || null;
// It is a collection item, let's find the node item
if (length && pathOfTreeItems[length - 1].coll) {
length = pathOfTreeItems.length;
this.i = (length && pathOfTreeItems[length - 1].item) || null;
this.d = (length && pathOfTreeItems[length - 1].d) || null;
} else {
this.i = null;
this.d = null;
var _item_parent = (this.i
&& this.t.hasParent(this.i)
&& this.t.parent(this.i)) || null,
_item_grand_parent = _item_parent ?
&& this.t.parent(_item_parent))
: null;
// Remove the current node first.
if (
this.i && this.d && this.old._id == this.d._id &&
this.old._type == this.d._type
) {
var _parent = this.t.parent(this.i) || null;
// If there is no parent then just update the node
if(_parent.length == 0 && ctx.op == 'UPDATE') {
} else {
var postRemove = function() {
// If item has parent but no grand parent
if (_item_parent && !_item_grand_parent) {
var parent = null;
// We need to search in all parent siblings (eg: server groups)
var parents = this.t.siblings(this.i) || [];
_.each(parents, function (p) {
var d = self.t.itemData($(p));
// If new server group found then assign it parent
if(d._id == self.new._pid) {
parent = p;
self.pathOfTreeItems.push({coll: true, item: parent, d: d});
if (parent) {
this.load = true;
this.success = function() {
// We can refresh the collection node, but - let's not bother about
// it right now.
this.notFound = errorOut;
// var _d = {_id: this.new._pid, _type: self.d._type};
parent = $(parent);
var loaded = this.t.wasLoad(parent),
onLoad = function() {
self.i = parent;
self.d = self.d;
self.pathOfTreeItems.push({coll: false, item: parent, d: self.d});
if (!loaded && self.load) {
self.t.open(parent, {
success: onLoad,
unanimated: true,
fail: function() {
var fail = self && self.o && self.o.fail;
if (
fail && typeof(fail) == 'function'
) {
fail.apply(self.t, []);
} else {
} else {
// This is for rest of the nodes
var _parentData = this.d;
// Find the grand-parent, or the collection node of parent.
if (this.i) {
this.load = true;
this.success = function() {
// We can refresh the collection node, but - let's not bother about
// it right now.
this.notFound = errorOut;
// Find the new parent
this.i, {_id: this.new._pid, _type: _parentData._type}, this
} else {
// If there is a parent then we can remove the node
this.t.remove(this.i, {
success: function() {
// Find the parent
// If server group have no children then close it and set inode
// and unload it so it can fetch new data on next expand
if (_item_parent && !_item_grand_parent && _parent
&& self.t.children(_parent).length == 0) {
self.t.setInode(_parent, {
success: function() {
self.t.unload(_parent, {success: function() {
} else {
return true;
findNewParent = function(_d) {
var findParent = function() {
var pathOfTreeItems = this.pathOfTreeItems;
if (pathOfTreeItems.length) {
var length = pathOfTreeItems.length;
this.i = (length && pathOfTreeItems[length - 1].item) || null;
this.d = (length && pathOfTreeItems[length - 1].d) || null;
// It is a collection item, let's find the node item
if (length && pathOfTreeItems[length - 1].coll) {
length = pathOfTreeItems.length;
this.i = (length && pathOfTreeItems[length - 1].item) || null;
this.d = (length && pathOfTreeItems[length - 1].d) || null;
} else {
this.i = null;
this.d = null;
// old parent was not found, can we find the new parent?
if (this.i) {
this.load = true;
this.success = function() {
if (_d._type == this.old._type) {
// We were already searching the old object under the parent.
_d = this.d;
// Find the grand parent
_d = this.new._pid;
// We can refresh the collection node, but - let's not bother about
// it right now.
this.notFound = errorOut;
// Find the new parent
this.b._findTreeChildNode(this.i, _d, this);
} else {
updateNode = function() {
if (
this.i && this.d && this.new._type == this.d._type
) {
var self = this,
_id = this.d._id;
if (this.new._id != this.d._id) {
// Found the new oid, update its node_id
var node_data = this.t.itemData(ctx.i);
node_data._id = _id = this.new._id;
if (this.new._id == _id) {
// Found the current
_.extend(this.d, {
'_id': this.new._id,
'_label': this.new._label,
'label': this.new.label,
this.t.setLabel(ctx.i, {label: this.new.label});
this.t.addIcon(ctx.i, {icon: this.new.icon});
this.t.setId(ctx.i, {id: this.new.id});
// select tree item after few milliseconds
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
var success = this.o && this.o.success;
if (success && typeof(success) == 'function') {
success.apply(this.t, [this.i, _old, _new]);
traversePath = function() {
var ctx = this, data;
ctx.success = traversePath;
if (ctx.p.length) {
data = ctx.p.shift();
// This is the node, we can now do the required operations.
// We should first delete the existing node, if the parent-id is
// different.
if (!ctx.p.length) {
if (ctx.op == 'RECREATE') {
ctx.load = false;
ctx.success = deleteNode;
ctx.notFound = findNewParent;
} else {
ctx.success = updateNode;
ctx.notFound = errorOut;
ctx.i, data, ctx
} else if (ctx.p.length == 1) {
ctx.notFound = findNewParent;
return true;
addItemNode = function() {
var ctx = this,
first = (ctx.i || this.t.wasLoad(ctx.i)) &&
findChildNode = function(success, notFound) {
var ctx = this;
ctx.success = success;
ctx.notFound = notFound;
ctx.b._findTreeChildNode(ctx.i, _new, ctx);
selectNode = function() {
if (
ctx.o && ctx.o.success && typeof(ctx.o.success) == 'function'
) {
ctx.o.success.apply(ctx.t, [ctx.i, _new]);
addNode = function() {
var ctx = this,
items = ctx.t.children(ctx.i),
s = 0, e = items.length - 1, i,
linearSearch = function() {
while (e >= s) {
i = items.eq(s);
var d = ctx.t.itemData(i);
if (
d._label, _new._label
) == 1
return true;
if (e != items.length - 1) {
i = items.eq(e);
return true;
i = null;
return false;
binarySearch = function() {
while (e - s > 22) {
i = items.eq(s);
var d = ctx.t.itemData(i);
if (
d._label, _new._label
) != -1
return true;
i = items.eq(e);
d = ctx.t.itemData(i);
if (
d._label, _new._label
) != 1
return true;
var m = s + Math.round((e - s) / 2);
i = items.eq(m);
d = ctx.t.itemData(i);
var res = pgAdmin.natural_sort(d._label, _new._label);
if (res == 0)
return true;
if (res == -1) {
s = m + 1;
} else {
e = m - 1;
return linearSearch();
if (binarySearch()) {
ctx.t.before(i, {
itemData: _new,
success: function() {
var new_item = $(arguments[1].items[0]);
if (
ctx.o && ctx.o.success && typeof(ctx.o.success) == 'function'
) {
ctx.o.success.apply(ctx.t, [i, _old, _new]);
fail: function() {
console.warn('Failed to add before..', arguments);
if (
ctx.o && ctx.o.fail && typeof(ctx.o.fail) == 'function'
) {
ctx.o.fail.apply(ctx.t, [i, _old, _new]);
} else {
var _appendNode = function() {
ctx.t.append(ctx.i, {
itemData: _new,
success: function() {
var new_item = $(arguments[1].items[0]);
if (
ctx.o && ctx.o.success && typeof(ctx.o.success) == 'function'
) {
ctx.o.success.apply(ctx.t, [ctx.i, _old, _new]);
fail: function() {
console.warn('Failed to append...', arguments);
if (
ctx.o && ctx.o.fail && typeof(ctx.o.fail) == 'function'
) {
ctx.o.fail.apply(ctx.t, [ctx.i, _old, _new]);
// If the current node's inode is false
if (ctx.i && !ctx.t.isInode(ctx.i)) {
ctx.t.setInode(ctx.i, {success: _appendNode});
} else {
// Handle case for node without parent i.e. server-group
// or if parent node's inode is true.
// Parent node do not have any children, let me unload it.
if (!first && ctx.t.wasLoad(ctx.i)) {
ctx.t.unload(ctx.i, {
success: function() {
function() {
var o = this && this.o;
if (
o && o.fail && typeof(o.fail) == 'function'
) {
o.fail.apply(this.t, [this.i, _old, _new]);
fail: function() {
var o = this && this.o;
if (
o && o.fail && typeof(o.fail) == 'function'
) {
o.fail.apply(this.t, [this.i, _old, _new]);
// We can find the collection node using _findTreeChildNode
// indirectly.
findChildNode(selectNode, addNode);
if (!ctx.t.wasInit() || !_new || !_old) {
_new._label = _new.label;
_new.label = _.escape(_new.label);
// We need to check if this is collection node and have
// children count, if yes then add count with label too
if(ctx.b.Nodes[_new._type].is_collection) {
if ('collection_count' in _old && _old['collection_count'] > 0) {
_new.label = _.escape(_new._label) +
' <span>(' + _old['collection_count'] + ')</span>';
// If server icon/background changes then also we need to re-create it
if(_old._type == 'server' && _new._type == 'server' &&
( _old._pid != _new._pid ||
_old._label != _new._label ||
_old.icon != _new.icon )
) {
ctx.op = 'RECREATE';
} else if (_old._pid != _new._pid || _old._label != _new._label) {
ctx.op = 'RECREATE';
} else {
ctx.op = 'UPDATE';
onRefreshTreeNode: function(_i, _opts) {
var d = _i && this.tree.itemData(_i),
n = d && d._type && this.Nodes[d._type],
ctx = {
b: this, // Browser
d: d, // current parent
i: _i, // current item
p: null, // path of the old object
pathOfTreeItems: [], // path items
t: this.tree, // Tree Api
o: _opts,
idx = -1;
this.Events.trigger('pgadmin-browser:tree:refreshing', _i, d, n);
if (!n) {
_i = null;
ctx.i = null;
ctx.d = null;
} else {
isOpen = (this.tree.isInode(_i) && this.tree.isOpen(_i));
ctx.branch = ctx.t.serialize(
_i, {}, function(i, el, d) {
if (!idx || (d.inode && d.open)) {
return {
_id: d._id, _type: d._type, branch: d.branch, open: d.open,
if (!n) {
success: function() {
ctx.t = ctx.b.tree;
ctx.i = null;
ctx.b._refreshNode(ctx, ctx.branch);
error: function() {
var fail = (_opts.o && _opts.o.fail) || _opts.fail;
if (typeof(fail) == 'function') {
var fetchNodeInfo = function(_i, _d, _n) {
var info = _n.getTreeNodeHierarchy(_i),
url = _n.generate_url(_i, 'nodes', _d, true);
url: url,
type: 'GET',
cache: false,
dataType: 'json',
.done(function(res) {
// Node information can come as result/data
var newData = res.result || res.data;
newData._label = newData.label;
newData.label = _.escape(newData.label);
ctx.t.setLabel(ctx.i, {label: newData.label});
ctx.t.addIcon(ctx.i, {icon: newData.icon});
ctx.t.setId(ctx.i, {id: newData.id});
if (newData.inode)
ctx.t.setInode(ctx.i, {inode: true});
// This will update the tree item data.
var itemData = ctx.t.itemData(ctx.i);
_.extend(itemData, newData);
if (
_n.can_expand && typeof(_n.can_expand) == 'function'
) {
if (!_n.can_expand(itemData)) {
ctx.b._refreshNode(ctx, ctx.branch);
var success = (ctx.o && ctx.o.success) || ctx.success;
if (success && typeof(success) == 'function') {
.fail(function(xhr, error, status) {
if (
xhr, error, status, {item: _i, info: info}
) {
var contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type'),
jsonResp = (
contentType &&
contentType.indexOf('application/json') == 0 &&
) || {};
if (xhr.status == 410 && jsonResp.success == 0) {
var p = ctx.t.parent(ctx.i);
ctx.t.remove(ctx.i, {
success: function() {
if (p) {
// Try to refresh the parent on error
try {
'pgadmin:browser:tree:refresh', p
} catch (e) { console.warn(e.stack || e); }
error, xhr, gettext('Error retrieving details for the node.'),
function() { console.warn(arguments); }
if (n && n.collection_node) {
var p = ctx.i = this.tree.parent(_i),
unloadNode = function() {
this.tree.unload(_i, {
success: function() {
_i = p;
d = ctx.d = ctx.t.itemData(ctx.i);
n = ctx.b.Nodes[d._type];
_i = p;
fetchNodeInfo(_i, d, n);
fail: function() { console.warn(arguments); },
if (!this.tree.isInode(_i)) {
this.tree.setInode(_i, { success: unloadNode });
} else {
} else if (isOpen) {
this.tree.unload(_i, {
success: fetchNodeInfo.bind(this, _i, d, n),
fail: function() {
} else if (!this.tree.isInode(_i) && d.inode) {
this.tree.setInode(_i, {
success: fetchNodeInfo.bind(this, _i, d, n),
fail: function() {
} else {
fetchNodeInfo(_i, d, n);
removeChildTreeNodesById: function(_parentNode, _collType, _childIds) {
var tree = pgBrowser.tree;
if(_parentNode && _collType) {
var children = tree.children(_parentNode),
idx = 0, size = children.length,
childNode, childNodeData;
_parentNode = null;
for (; idx < size; idx++) {
childNode = children.eq(idx);
childNodeData = tree.itemData(childNode);
if (childNodeData._type == _collType) {
_parentNode = childNode;
if (_parentNode) {
children = tree.children(_parentNode);
idx = 0;
size = children.length;
for (; idx < size; idx++) {
childNode = children.eq(idx);
childNodeData = tree.itemData(childNode);
if (_childIds.indexOf(childNodeData._id) != -1) {
pgBrowser.removeTreeNode(childNode, false, _parentNode);
return true;
return false;
removeTreeNode: function(_node, _selectNext, _parentNode) {
var tree = pgBrowser.tree,
nodeToSelect = null;
if (!_node)
return false;
if (_selectNext) {
nodeToSelect = tree.next(_node);
if (!nodeToSelect || !nodeToSelect.length) {
nodeToSelect = tree.prev(_node);
if (!nodeToSelect || !nodeToSelect.length) {
if (!_parentNode) {
nodeToSelect = tree.parent(_node);
} else {
nodeToSelect = _parentNode;
if (nodeToSelect)
return true;
findSiblingTreeNode: function(_node, _id) {
var tree = pgBrowser.tree,
parentNode = tree.parent(_node),
siblings = tree.children(parentNode),
idx = 0, nodeData, node;
for(; idx < siblings.length; idx++) {
node = siblings.eq(idx);
nodeData = tree.itemData(node);
if (nodeData && nodeData._id == _id)
return node;
return null;
findParentTreeNodeByType: function(_node, _parentType) {
var tree = pgBrowser.tree,
node = _node;
do {
nodeData = tree.itemData(node);
if (nodeData && nodeData._type == _parentType)
return node;
node = tree.hasParent(node) ? tree.parent(node) : null;
} while (node);
return null;
findChildCollectionTreeNode: function(_node, _collType) {
var tree = pgBrowser.tree,
nodeData, idx = 0,
node = _node,
children = _node && tree.children(_node);
if (!children || !children.length)
return null;
for(; idx < children.length; idx++) {
node = children.eq(idx);
nodeData = tree.itemData(node);
if (nodeData && nodeData._type == _collType)
return node;
return null;
addChildTreeNodes: function(_treeHierarchy, _node, _type, _arrayIds, _callback) {
var module = _type in pgBrowser.Nodes && pgBrowser.Nodes[_type],
childTreeInfo = _arrayIds.length && _.extend(
{}, _.mapObject(_treeHierarchy, function(_val) {
_val.priority -= 1; return _val;
arrayChildNodeData = [],
fetchNodeInfo = function(_callback) {
if (!_arrayIds.length) {
if (_callback) {
var childDummyInfo = {
'_id': _arrayIds.pop(), '_type': _type, 'priority': 0,
childTreeInfo[_type] = childDummyInfo;
childNodeUrl = module.generate_url(
null, 'nodes', childDummyInfo, true, childTreeInfo
url: childNodeUrl,
dataType: 'json',
.done(function(res) {
if (res.success) {
.fail(function(xhr, status, error) {
Alertify.pgRespErrorNotify(xhr, error);
if (!module) {
'Developer: Couldn\'t find the module for the given child: ',
if (pgBrowser.tree.wasLoad(_node) || pgBrowser.tree.isLeaf(_node)) {
fetchNodeInfo(function() {
_.each(arrayChildNodeData, function(_nodData) {
'pgadmin:browser:tree:add', _nodData, _treeHierarchy
if (_callback) {
} else {
if (_callback) {
_refreshNode: function(_ctx, _d) {
var traverseNodes = function(_d) {
var _ctx = this, idx = 0, ctx, d,
size = (_d.branch && _d.branch.length) || 0,
findNode = function(_i, __d, __ctx) {
function() {
__ctx.b._findTreeChildNode(_i, __d, __ctx);
}, 0
for (; idx < size; idx++) {
d = _d.branch[idx];
var n = _ctx.b.Nodes[d._type];
ctx = {
b: _ctx.b,
t: _ctx.t,
pathOfTreeItems: [],
i: _ctx.i,
d: d,
select: _ctx.select,
hasId: n && !n.collection_node,
o: _ctx.o,
load: true,
ctx.success = function() {
this.b._refreshNode.call(this.b, this, this.d);
findNode(_ctx.i, d, ctx);
}.bind(_ctx, _d);
if (!_d || !_d.open)
if (!_ctx.t.isOpen(_ctx.i)) {
_ctx.t.open(_ctx.i, {
unanimated: true,
success: traverseNodes,
fail: function() { /* Do nothing */ },
} else {
editor_shortcut_keys: {
// Autocomplete sql command
'Ctrl-Space': 'autocomplete',
'Cmd-Space': 'autocomplete',
// Select All text
'Ctrl-A': 'selectAll',
'Cmd-A': 'selectAll',
// Redo text
'Ctrl-Y': 'redo',
'Cmd-Y': 'redo',
// Undo text
'Ctrl-Z': 'undo',
'Cmd-Z': 'undo',
// Delete Line
'Ctrl-D': 'deleteLine',
'Cmd-D': 'deleteLine',
// Go to start/end of Line
'Alt-Left': 'goLineStart',
'Alt-Right': 'goLineEnd',
// Move word by word left/right
'Ctrl-Alt-Left': 'goGroupLeft',
'Cmd-Alt-Left': 'goGroupLeft',
'Ctrl-Alt-Right': 'goGroupRight',
'Cmd-Alt-Right': 'goGroupRight',
// Allow user to delete Tab(s)
'Shift-Tab': 'indentLess',
editor_options: {
tabSize: parseInt(pgBrowser.utils.tabSize),
wrapCode: pgBrowser.utils.wrapCode,
insert_pair_brackets: pgBrowser.utils.insertPairBrackets,
brace_matching: pgBrowser.utils.braceMatching,
indent_with_tabs: pgBrowser.utils.is_indent_with_tabs,
// This function will return the name and version of the browser.
get_browser: function() {
var ua=navigator.userAgent,tem,M=ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || [];
if(/trident/i.test(M[1])) {
tem=/\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(ua) || [];
return {name:'IE', version:(tem[1]||'')};
if(M[1]==='Chrome') {
if(tem!=null) {return {name:tem[0], version:tem[1]};}
M=M[2]? [M[1], M[2]]: [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?'];
if((tem=ua.match(/version\/(\d+)/i))!=null) {M.splice(1,1,tem[1]);}
return {
name: M[0],
version: M[1],
/* Remove paste event mapping from CodeMirror's emacsy KeyMap binding
* specific to Mac LineNumber:5797 - lib/Codemirror.js
* It is preventing default paste event(Cmd-V) from triggering
* in runtime.
delete CodeMirror.keyMap.emacsy['Ctrl-V'];
// Use spaces instead of tab
if (pgBrowser.utils.useSpaces == 'True') {
pgAdmin.Browser.editor_shortcut_keys.Tab = 'insertSoftTab';
$(window).on('beforeunload', function(e) {
let tree_save_interval = pgBrowser.get_preference('browser', 'browser_tree_state_save_interval'),
confirm_on_refresh_close = pgBrowser.get_preference('browser', 'confirm_on_refresh_close');
if (!_.isUndefined(tree_save_interval) && tree_save_interval.value !== -1)
if(confirm_on_refresh_close.value) {
/* This message will not be displayed in Chrome, Firefox, Safari as they have disabled it*/
let msg = S(gettext('Are you sure you want to close the %s browser?')).sprintf(pgBrowser.utils.app_name).value();
e.originalEvent.returnValue = msg;
return msg;
return pgAdmin.Browser;