mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 13:29:11 -06:00
Prevent flickering of large tooltips on the Graphical EXPLAIN canvas. Fixes #4224 EXPLAIN options should be Query Tool instance-specific. Fixes #4395
987 lines
31 KiB
987 lines
31 KiB
// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2019, The pgAdmin Development Team
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
define('pgadmin.misc.explain', [
'sources/url_for', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'underscore.string',
'sources/pgadmin', 'backbone', 'snapsvg', 'explain_statistics',
'svg_downloader', 'image_maper',
], function(url_for, $, _, S, pgAdmin, Backbone, Snap, StatisticsModel,
svgDownloader, imageMapper) {
pgAdmin = pgAdmin || window.pgAdmin || {};
svgDownloader = svgDownloader.default;
var pgBrowser = pgAdmin.Browser;
// Snap.svg plug-in to write multitext as image name
Snap.plugin(function(Snap, Element, Paper) {
Paper.prototype.multitext = function(x, y, txt, max_width, attributes) {
var svg = Snap(),
abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
temp = svg.text(0, 0, abc);
* Find letter width in pixels and
* index from where the text should be broken
var letter_width = temp.getBBox().width / abc.length,
word_break_index = Math.round((max_width / letter_width)) - 1;
var words = txt.split(' '),
width_so_far = 0,
lines = [],
curr_line = '',
* Function to divide string into multiple lines
* and store them in an array if it size crosses
* the max-width boundary.
splitTextInMultiLine = function(leading, so_far, line) {
var l = line.length,
res = [];
if (l == 0)
return res;
if (so_far && (so_far + (l * letter_width) > max_width)) {
res = res.concat(splitTextInMultiLine('', 0, line));
} else if (so_far) {
res.push(leading + ' ' + line);
} else {
if (leading)
if (line.length > word_break_index + 1)
res.push(line.slice(0, word_break_index) + '-');
res = res.concat(splitTextInMultiLine('', 0, line.slice(word_break_index)));
return res;
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
var tmpArr = splitTextInMultiLine(
curr_line, width_so_far, words[i]
if (curr_line) {
lines = lines.slice(0, lines.length - 1);
lines = lines.concat(tmpArr);
curr_line = lines[lines.length - 1];
width_so_far = (curr_line.length * letter_width);
// Create multiple tspan for each string in array
var t = this.text(x, y, lines).attr(attributes);
dy: '1.2em',
x: x,
return t;
if (pgAdmin.Explain)
return pgAdmin.Explain;
var pgExplain = pgAdmin.Explain = {
// Prefix path where images are stored
prefix: url_for('misc.index') + 'static/explain/img/',
totalNodes: 0,
totalDownloadedNodes: 0,
isDownloaded: false,
// Some predefined constants used to calculate image location and its border
var pWIDTH = 100.;
var pHEIGHT = 100.;
var IMAGE_WIDTH = 50;
var IMAGE_HEIGHT = 50;
var offsetX = 200,
offsetY = 60;
var ARROW_WIDTH = 10,
var TXT_ALIGN = 5,
TXT_SIZE = '15px';
var xMargin = 25,
yMargin = 25;
var MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR = 0.01,
var ZOOM_RATIO = 0.05;
// Backbone model for each plan property of input JSON object
var PlanModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
'Plans': [],
level: [],
'image': undefined,
'image_text': undefined,
xpos: undefined,
ypos: undefined,
width: pWIDTH,
height: pHEIGHT,
parse: function(data) {
var idx = 1,
lvl = data.level = data.level || [idx],
plans = [],
node_type = data['Node Type'],
// Calculating relative xpos of current node from top node
xpos = data.xpos = data.xpos - pWIDTH,
// Calculating relative ypos of current node from top node
ypos = data.ypos,
maxChildWidth = 0;
data['width'] = pWIDTH;
data['height'] = pHEIGHT;
* calculating xpos, ypos, width and height if current node is a subplan
if (data['Parent Relationship'] === 'SubPlan') {
data['width'] += (xMargin * 2) + (xMargin / 2);
data['height'] += (yMargin * 2);
data['ypos'] += yMargin;
xpos -= xMargin;
ypos += yMargin;
if (S.startsWith(node_type, '(slice'))
node_type = node_type.substring(0, 7);
// Get the image information for current node
let imageStore = imageMapper.default;
var mappedImage = (_.isFunction(imageStore[node_type]) &&
imageStore[node_type].apply(undefined, [data])) ||
imageStore[node_type] || {
'image': 'ex_unknown.svg',
'image_text': node_type,
data['image'] = mappedImage['image'];
data['image_text'] = mappedImage['image_text'];
// Start calculating xpos, ypos, width and height for child plans if any
if ('Plans' in data) {
data['width'] += offsetX;
_.each(data['Plans'], function(p) {
var level = _.clone(lvl),
plan = new PlanModel();
p, {
'level': level,
xpos: xpos - offsetX,
ypos: ypos,
if (maxChildWidth < plan.get('width')) {
maxChildWidth = plan.get('width');
var childHeight = plan.get('height');
if (idx !== 1) {
data['height'] = data['height'] + childHeight + offsetY;
} else if (childHeight > data['height']) {
data['height'] = childHeight;
ypos += childHeight + offsetY;
// Final Width and Height of current node
data['width'] += maxChildWidth;
data['Plans'] = plans;
return data;
* Required to parse and include non-default params of
* plan into backbone model
toJSON: function(non_recursive) {
var res = Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, arguments);
if (non_recursive) {
delete res['Plans'];
} else {
var plans = [];
_.each(res['Plans'], function(p) {
res['Plans'] = plans;
return res;
// Draw an arrow to parent node
drawPolyLine: function(g, startX, startY, endX, endY, opts, arrowOpts) {
// Calculate end point of first starting straight line (startx1, starty1)
// Calculate start point of 2nd straight line (endx1, endy1)
var midX1 = startX + ((endX - startX) / 3),
midX2 = startX + (2 * ((endX - startX) / 3));
//create arrow head
var arrow = g.polygon(
(ARROW_HEIGHT / 4), 0,
var marker = arrow.marker(
// First straight line
startX, startY, midX1, startY
// Diagonal line
midX1 - 1, startY, midX2, endY
// Last straight line
var line = g.line(
midX2, endY, endX, endY
markerEnd: marker,
// Draw image, its name and its tooltip
draw: function(s, xpos, ypos, pXpos, pYpos, graphContainer, toolTipContainer) {
var g = s.g();
var currentXpos = xpos + this.get('xpos'),
currentYpos = ypos + this.get('ypos'),
isSubPlan = (this.get('Parent Relationship') === 'SubPlan');
// Draw the subplan rectangle
if (isSubPlan) {
currentXpos - this.get('width') + pWIDTH + xMargin,
currentYpos - this.get('height') + pHEIGHT + yMargin - TXT_ALIGN,
this.get('width') - xMargin,
this.get('height') + (currentYpos - yMargin),
stroke: '#444444',
'strokeWidth': 1.2,
fill: 'gray',
fillOpacity: 0.2,
// Provide subplan name
currentXpos + pWIDTH - (this.get('width') / 2) - xMargin,
currentYpos + pHEIGHT - (this.get('height') / 2) - yMargin,
this.get('Subplan Name')
fontSize: TXT_SIZE,
'text-anchor': 'start',
fill: 'red',
this.draw_image(g, pgExplain.prefix + this.get('image'), currentXpos, currentYpos, graphContainer, toolTipContainer);
// Draw text below the node
var node_label = this.get('Schema') == undefined ?
this.get('image_text') :
(this.get('Schema') + '.' + this.get('image_text'));
currentXpos + (pWIDTH / 2) + TXT_ALIGN,
currentYpos + pHEIGHT - TXT_ALIGN,
150, {
'font-size': TXT_SIZE,
'text-anchor': 'middle',
// Draw Arrow to parent only its not the first node
if (!_.isUndefined(pYpos)) {
var startx = currentXpos + pWIDTH;
var starty = currentYpos + (pHEIGHT / 2);
var endx = pXpos - ARROW_WIDTH;
var endy = pYpos + (pHEIGHT / 2);
var start_cost = this.get('Startup Cost'),
total_cost = this.get('Total Cost');
var arrow_size = DEFAULT_ARROW_SIZE;
// Calculate arrow width according to cost of a particular plan
if (start_cost != undefined && total_cost != undefined) {
arrow_size = Math.round(Math.log((start_cost + total_cost) / 2 + start_cost));
arrow_size = arrow_size < 1 ? 1 : arrow_size > 10 ? 10 : arrow_size;
var arrow_view_box = [0, 0, 2 * ARROW_WIDTH, 2 * ARROW_HEIGHT];
var opts = {
stroke: '#000000',
strokeWidth: arrow_size + 2,
subplanOpts = {
stroke: '#866486',
strokeWidth: arrow_size + 2,
arrowOpts = {
viewBox: arrow_view_box.join(' '),
// Draw an arrow from current node to its parent
g, startx, starty, endx, endy,
isSubPlan ? subplanOpts : opts, arrowOpts
var plans = this.get('Plans');
// Draw nodes for current plan's children
_.each(plans, function(p) {
p.draw(s, xpos, ypos, currentXpos, currentYpos, graphContainer, toolTipContainer);
draw_image: function(g, image_content, currentXpos, currentYpos, graphContainer, toolTipContainer) {
// Draw the actual image for current node
var image = g.image(
currentXpos + (pWIDTH - IMAGE_WIDTH) / 2,
currentYpos + (pHEIGHT - IMAGE_HEIGHT) / 2,
// Draw tooltip
var image_data = this.toJSON();
var title = '<title>';
_.each(image_data, function(value, key) {
if (key !== 'image' && key !== 'Plans' &&
key !== 'level' && key !== 'image' &&
key !== 'image_text' && key !== 'xpos' &&
key !== 'ypos' && key !== 'width' &&
key !== 'height') {
title += `${key}: ${value}\n`;
title += '</title>';
image.mouseover(() => {
// Empty the tooltip content if it has any and add new data
// Remove the title content so that we can show our custom build tooltips.
image.node.textContent = '';
var tooltip = $('<table></table>', {
class: 'pgadmin-tooltip-table',
_.each(image_data, function(value, key) {
if (key !== 'image' && key !== 'Plans' &&
key !== 'level' && key !== 'image' &&
key !== 'image_text' && key !== 'xpos' &&
key !== 'ypos' && key !== 'width' &&
key !== 'height') {
key = _.escape(key);
value = _.escape(value);
<td class="label explain-tooltip">${key}</td>
<td class="label explain-tooltip-val">${value}</td>
var zoomFactor = graphContainer.data('zoom-factor');
// Calculate co-ordinates for tooltip
var toolTipX = ((currentXpos + pWIDTH) * zoomFactor - graphContainer.scrollLeft());
var toolTipY = ((currentYpos) * zoomFactor - graphContainer.scrollTop());
toolTipX = toolTipX < 0 ? 0 : (toolTipX);
toolTipY = toolTipY < 0 ? 0 : (toolTipY);
// Show toolTip at respective x,y coordinates
'opacity': '0.8',
toolTipContainer.css('left', toolTipX);
toolTipContainer.css('top', toolTipY);
$('.pgadmin-explain-tooltip').css('padding', '5px');
$('.pgadmin-explain-tooltip').css('border', '1px solid white');
// Remove tooltip when mouse is out from node's area
image.mouseout(() => {
/* Append the title again which we have removed on mouse over event, so
* that our custom tooltip should be visible.
'opacity': '0',
toolTipContainer.css('left', 0);
toolTipContainer.css('top', 0);
* NOTE: embedding using .toDataURL() method hits the performance of the
* plan rendering a lot, that is why we have written seprate Model for the same
* which is used only when downloading of SVG is called
// We override the PlanModel's draw() function so that we can embbed all the
// svg in to main one SVG so that we can download it.
let DownloadPlanModel = PlanModel.extend({
// Draw image, its name and its tooltip
parse: function(data) {
var idx = 1,
lvl = data.level = data.level || [idx],
plans = [],
node_type = data['Node Type'],
// Calculating relative xpos of current node from top node
xpos = data.xpos = data.xpos - pWIDTH,
// Calculating relative ypos of current node from top node
ypos = data.ypos,
maxChildWidth = 0;
data['width'] = pWIDTH;
data['height'] = pHEIGHT;
* calculating xpos, ypos, width and height if current node is a subplan
if (data['Parent Relationship'] === 'SubPlan') {
data['width'] += (xMargin * 2) + (xMargin / 2);
data['height'] += (yMargin * 2);
data['ypos'] += yMargin;
xpos -= xMargin;
ypos += yMargin;
if (S.startsWith(node_type, '(slice'))
node_type = node_type.substring(0, 7);
// Get the image information for current node
let imageStore = imageMapper.default;
var mappedImage = (_.isFunction(imageStore[node_type]) &&
imageStore[node_type].apply(undefined, [data])) ||
imageStore[node_type] || {
'image': 'ex_unknown.svg',
'image_text': node_type,
data['image'] = mappedImage['image'];
data['image_text'] = mappedImage['image_text'];
// Start calculating xpos, ypos, width and height for child plans if any
if ('Plans' in data) {
data['width'] += offsetX;
_.each(data['Plans'], function(p) {
var level = _.clone(lvl),
plan = new DownloadPlanModel({ 'parse': true });
p, {
'level': level,
xpos: xpos - offsetX,
ypos: ypos,
if (maxChildWidth < plan.get('width')) {
maxChildWidth = plan.get('width');
var childHeight = plan.get('height');
if (idx !== 1) {
data['height'] = data['height'] + childHeight + offsetY;
} else if (childHeight > data['height']) {
data['height'] = childHeight;
ypos += childHeight + offsetY;
// Final Width and Height of current node
data['width'] += maxChildWidth;
data['Plans'] = plans;
return data;
draw: function(s, xpos, ypos, pXpos, pYpos, graphContainer, toolTipContainer) {
var g = s.g();
var currentXpos = xpos + this.get('xpos'),
currentYpos = ypos + this.get('ypos'),
isSubPlan = (this.get('Parent Relationship') === 'SubPlan');
// Draw the subplan rectangle
if (isSubPlan) {
currentXpos - this.get('width') + pWIDTH + xMargin,
currentYpos - this.get('height') + pHEIGHT + yMargin - TXT_ALIGN,
this.get('width') - xMargin,
this.get('height') + (currentYpos - yMargin),
stroke: '#444444',
'strokeWidth': 1.2,
fill: 'gray',
fillOpacity: 0.2,
// Provide subplan name
currentXpos + pWIDTH - (this.get('width') / 2) - xMargin,
currentYpos + pHEIGHT - (this.get('height') / 2) - yMargin,
this.get('Subplan Name')
fontSize: TXT_SIZE,
'text-anchor': 'start',
fill: 'red',
/* Check the current browser, if it is Internet Explorer then we will not
* embed the SVG files for download feature as we are not bale to figure
* out the solution for IE.
var current_browser = pgAdmin.Browser.get_browser();
if (current_browser.name === 'IE' ||
(current_browser.name === 'Safari' && parseInt(current_browser.version) < 10)) {
this.draw_image(g, pgExplain.prefix + this.get('image'), currentXpos, currentYpos, graphContainer, toolTipContainer);
} else {
/* This function is a callback function called when we load any svg file
* using Snap. In this function we append the SVG binary data to the new
* temporary Snap object and then embedded it to the original Snap() object.
var that = this;
var onSVGLoaded = function(data) {
var svg_image = Snap();
that.draw_image(g, svg_image.toDataURL(), currentXpos, currentYpos, graphContainer, toolTipContainer);
// This attribute is required to download the file as SVG image.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
var svg_file = pgExplain.prefix + this.get('image');
// Load the SVG file for explain plan
Snap.load(svg_file, onSVGLoaded);
// Draw text below the node
var node_label = this.get('Schema') == undefined ?
this.get('image_text') :
(this.get('Schema') + '.' + this.get('image_text'));
currentXpos + (pWIDTH / 2) + TXT_ALIGN,
currentYpos + pHEIGHT - TXT_ALIGN,
150, {
'font-size': TXT_SIZE,
'text-anchor': 'middle',
// Draw Arrow to parent only its not the first node
if (!_.isUndefined(pYpos)) {
var startx = currentXpos + pWIDTH;
var starty = currentYpos + (pHEIGHT / 2);
var endx = pXpos - ARROW_WIDTH;
var endy = pYpos + (pHEIGHT / 2);
var start_cost = this.get('Startup Cost'),
total_cost = this.get('Total Cost');
var arrow_size = DEFAULT_ARROW_SIZE;
// Calculate arrow width according to cost of a particular plan
if (start_cost != undefined && total_cost != undefined) {
arrow_size = Math.round(Math.log((start_cost + total_cost) / 2 + start_cost));
arrow_size = arrow_size < 1 ? 1 : arrow_size > 10 ? 10 : arrow_size;
var arrow_view_box = [0, 0, 2 * ARROW_WIDTH, 2 * ARROW_HEIGHT];
var opts = {
stroke: '#000000',
strokeWidth: arrow_size + 2,
subplanOpts = {
stroke: '#866486',
strokeWidth: arrow_size + 2,
arrowOpts = {
viewBox: arrow_view_box.join(' '),
// Draw an arrow from current node to its parent
g, startx, starty, endx, endy,
isSubPlan ? subplanOpts : opts, arrowOpts
var plans = this.get('Plans');
// Draw nodes for current plan's children
_.each(plans, function(p) {
p.draw(s, xpos, ypos, currentXpos, currentYpos, graphContainer, toolTipContainer);
// Main backbone model to store JSON object
var MainPlanModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
'Plan': undefined,
xpos: 0,
ypos: 0,
initialize: function() {
this.set('Plan', new PlanModel());
this.set('Statistics', new StatisticsModel());
// Parse the JSON data and fetch its children plans
parse: function(data) {
if (data && 'Plan' in data) {
var plan = this.get('Plan');
data['Plan'], {
xpos: 0,
ypos: 0,
data['xpos'] = 0;
data['ypos'] = 0;
data['width'] = plan.get('width') + (xMargin * 2);
data['height'] = plan.get('height') + (yMargin * 4);
delete data['Plan'];
var statistics = this.get('Statistics');
if (data && 'JIT' in data) {
statistics.set('JIT', data['JIT']);
delete data ['JIT'];
if (data && 'Triggers' in data) {
statistics.set('Triggers', data['Triggers']);
delete data ['Triggers'];
if(data) {
let summKeys = ['Planning Time', 'Execution Time'],
summary = {};
if (key in data) {
summary[key] = data[key];
statistics.set('Summary', summary);
return data;
toJSON: function() {
var res = Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, arguments);
if (res.Plan) {
res.Plan = res.Plan.toJSON();
return res;
draw: function(s, xpos, ypos, graphContainer, toolTipContainer) {
var g = s.g();
//draw the border
0, 0, this.get('width') - 10, this.get('height') - 10, 5
fill: '#FFF',
var plan = this.get('Plan');
// Draw explain graph
g, xpos, ypos, undefined, undefined, graphContainer, toolTipContainer
//Set the Statistics as tooltip
var statistics = this.get('Statistics');
// Parse and draw full graphical explain
_.extend(pgExplain, {
// Assumption container is a jQuery object
DrawJSONPlan: function(container, plan, isDownload) {
pgExplain.totalNodes = 0;
pgExplain.totalDownloadedNodes = 0;
pgExplain.isDownloaded = false;
var orignalPlan = $.extend(true, [], plan);
var curr_zoom_factor = 1.0;
var zoomArea = $('<div></div>', {
class: 'pg-explain-zoom-area btn-group',
role: 'group',
zoomInBtn = $('<button></button>', {
class: 'btn btn-secondary pg-explain-zoom-btn badge',
title: 'Zoom in',
tabindex: 0,
$('<i></i>', {
class: 'fa fa-search-plus',
zoomToNormal = $('<button></button>', {
class: 'btn btn-secondary pg-explain-zoom-btn badge',
title: 'Zoom to original',
tabindex: 0,
$('<i></i>', {
class: 'fa fa-arrows-alt',
zoomOutBtn = $('<button></button>', {
class: 'btn btn-secondary pg-explain-zoom-btn badge',
title: 'Zoom out',
tabindex: 0,
$('<i></i>', {
class: 'fa fa-search-minus',
var downloadArea = $('<div></div>', {
class: 'pg-explain-download-area btn-group',
role: 'group',
downloadBtn = $('<button></button>', {
id: 'btn-explain-download',
class: 'btn btn-secondary pg-explain-download-btn badge',
title: 'Download',
tabindex: 0,
disabled: function() {
var current_browser = pgAdmin.Browser.get_browser();
if (current_browser.name === 'IE') {
this.title = 'Not supported for Internet Explorer';
return true;
if (current_browser.name === 'Safari' &&
parseInt(current_browser.version) < 10) {
this.title = 'Not supported for Safari version less than 10.1';
return true;
return false;
$('<i></i>', {
class: 'fa fa-download',
var statsArea = $('<div></div>', {
class: 'pg-explain-stats-area d-none',
role: 'group',
$('<button></button>', {
id: 'btn-explain-stats',
class: 'btn btn-secondary pg-explain-stats-btn badge',
title: 'Statistics',
tabindex: 0,
$('<i></i>', {
class: 'fa fa-line-chart',
// Main div to be drawn all images on
var planDiv = $('<div></div>', {
class: 'pgadmin-explain-container',
// Div to draw tool-tip on
toolTip = $('<div></div>', {
id: 'toolTip',
class: 'pgadmin-explain-tooltip',
planDiv.data('zoom-factor', curr_zoom_factor);
var w = 0,
h = yMargin;
_.each(plan, function(p) {
var main_plan;
if(isDownload) {
// If user opt to download then we will use the DownloadPlanModel model
// so that it will embed the images while regenrating the plan
let DownloadMainPlanModel = MainPlanModel.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.set('Plan', new DownloadPlanModel({ parse: true }));
this.set('Statistics', new StatisticsModel());
main_plan = new DownloadMainPlanModel({ 'parse': true });
} else {
main_plan = new MainPlanModel();
// Parse JSON data to backbone model
w = main_plan.get('width');
h = main_plan.get('height');
var s = Snap(w, h),
$svg = $(s.node).detach();
main_plan.draw(s, w - xMargin, yMargin, planDiv, toolTip);
var initPanelWidth = planDiv.width();
* Scale graph in case its width is bigger than panel width
* in which the graph is displayed
if (initPanelWidth < w) {
var width_ratio = initPanelWidth / w;
curr_zoom_factor = width_ratio;
curr_zoom_factor = curr_zoom_factor < MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR ? MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR : curr_zoom_factor;
curr_zoom_factor = curr_zoom_factor > INIT_ZOOM_FACTOR ? INIT_ZOOM_FACTOR : curr_zoom_factor;
var zoomInMatrix = new Snap.matrix();
zoomInMatrix.scale(curr_zoom_factor, curr_zoom_factor);
transform: zoomInMatrix,
'width': w * curr_zoom_factor,
'height': h * curr_zoom_factor,
planDiv.data('zoom-factor', curr_zoom_factor);
zoomInBtn.on('click', function() {
curr_zoom_factor = ((curr_zoom_factor + ZOOM_RATIO) > MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR) ? MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR : (curr_zoom_factor + ZOOM_RATIO);
var zoomInMatrix = new Snap.matrix();
zoomInMatrix.scale(curr_zoom_factor, curr_zoom_factor);
transform: zoomInMatrix,
'width': w * curr_zoom_factor,
'height': h * curr_zoom_factor,
planDiv.data('zoom-factor', curr_zoom_factor);
zoomOutBtn.on('click', function() {
curr_zoom_factor = ((curr_zoom_factor - ZOOM_RATIO) < MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR) ? MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR : (curr_zoom_factor - ZOOM_RATIO);
var zoomInMatrix = new Snap.matrix();
zoomInMatrix.scale(curr_zoom_factor, curr_zoom_factor);
transform: zoomInMatrix,
'width': w * curr_zoom_factor,
'height': h * curr_zoom_factor,
planDiv.data('zoom-factor', curr_zoom_factor);
zoomToNormal.on('click', function() {
curr_zoom_factor = INIT_ZOOM_FACTOR;
var zoomInMatrix = new Snap.matrix();
zoomInMatrix.scale(curr_zoom_factor, curr_zoom_factor);
transform: zoomInMatrix,
'width': w * curr_zoom_factor,
'height': h * curr_zoom_factor,
planDiv.data('zoom-factor', curr_zoom_factor);
downloadBtn.on('click', function() {
// Lets regenrate the plan with embedded images
pgExplain.DrawJSONPlan(container, orignalPlan, true);
pgBrowser.Events.on('pga:explain_plan:node_icon:fetched', function() {
if (!pgExplain.isDownloaded && pgExplain.totalNodes === pgExplain.totalDownloadedNodes) {
pgExplain.isDownloaded = true;
var s = Snap('.pgadmin-explain-container svg');
var today = new Date();
var filename = 'explain_plan_' + today.getTime() + '.svg';
svgDownloader.downloadSVG(s.toString(), filename);
return pgExplain;