Aditya Toshniwal 8180403f97 1) Added support for custom theme creation and selection. Fixes #4348.
2) Added Dark(Beta) UI Theme option. Fixes #3741.
3) Fix an issue where a black arrow-kind image is displaying at the background of browser tree images. Fixes #4171

Changes include:
  1) New theme option in preferences - Miscellaneous -> Themes. You can select the theme from the dropdown.
     It also has a preview of the theme just below the dropdown. Note that, a page refresh is needed to apply changes.
     On saving, a dialog appears to ask for refresh.
  2) You can create your own theme and submit to hackers. README is updated to help you create a theme. Theme will be available only after the bundle.
  3) Correction of SASS variables at few places and few other CSS corrections.
  4) Added iconfont-webpack-plugin, which will convert all the SVG files(monochrome) used as icons for buttons to font icons.
     This will allow us to change the color of the icon by using CSS color property.
  5) All the .css files will bundle into a separate file now- This will help reduce the size of
     theme CSS files as CSS in .css files will not change with the change of SASS variables.
2019-11-07 18:51:03 +05:30

1558 lines
50 KiB

// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2019, The pgAdmin Development Team
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
define('pgadmin.misc.explain', [
'sources/url_for', 'jquery', 'underscore',
'sources/pgadmin', 'backbone', 'explain_statistics',
'svg_downloader', 'image_maper', 'sources/gettext', 'bootstrap',
], function(
url_for, $, _, pgAdmin, Backbone, StatisticsModel,
svgDownloader, imageMapper, gettext
) {
pgAdmin = pgAdmin || window.pgAdmin || {};
svgDownloader = svgDownloader.default;
var Snap = null;
var initSnap = function(snapModule) {
Snap = snapModule;
// Snap.svg plug-in to write multitext as image name
Snap.plugin(function(Snap, Element, Paper) {
Paper.prototype.multitext = function(x, y, txt, max_width, attributes) {
var svg = Snap(),
abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
temp = svg.text(0, 0, abc);
* Find letter width in pixels and
* index from where the text should be broken
var letter_width = temp.getBBox().width / abc.length,
word_break_index = Math.round((max_width / letter_width)) - 1;
var words = txt.split(' '),
width_so_far = 0,
lines = [],
curr_line = '',
* Function to divide string into multiple lines
* and store them in an array if it size crosses
* the max-width boundary.
splitTextInMultiLine = function(leading, so_far, line) {
var l = line.length,
res = [];
if (l == 0)
return res;
if (so_far && (so_far + (l * letter_width) > max_width)) {
res = res.concat(splitTextInMultiLine('', 0, line));
} else if (so_far) {
res.push(leading + ' ' + line);
} else {
if (leading)
if (line.length > word_break_index + 1)
res.push(line.slice(0, word_break_index) + '-');
res = res.concat(splitTextInMultiLine('', 0, line.slice(word_break_index)));
return res;
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
var tmpArr = splitTextInMultiLine(
curr_line, width_so_far, words[i]
if (curr_line) {
lines = lines.slice(0, lines.length - 1);
lines = lines.concat(tmpArr);
curr_line = lines[lines.length - 1];
width_so_far = (curr_line.length * letter_width);
// Create multiple tspan for each string in array
var t = this.text(x, y, lines).attr(attributes);
dy: '1.2em',
x: x,
return t;
if (pgAdmin.Explain)
return pgAdmin.Explain;
var pgExplain = pgAdmin.Explain = {
// Prefix path where images are stored
prefix: url_for('misc.index') + 'static/explain/img/',
// Some predefined constants used to calculate image location and its border
var pWIDTH = 100.;
var pHEIGHT = 100.;
var IMAGE_WIDTH = 50;
var IMAGE_HEIGHT = 50;
var offsetX = 200,
offsetY = 60;
var ARROW_WIDTH = 10,
var TXT_ALIGN = 5,
TXT_SIZE = '15px';
var xMargin = 25,
yMargin = 25;
var MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR = 0.01,
var ZOOM_RATIO = 0.05;
var _createExplainTable = () => {
return $([
'<table class="backgrid table presentation table-bordered ',
' table-noouter-border table-hover">',
' <thead>',
' <tr>',
' <th class="renderable pga-ex-collapsible" rowspan="2"></th>',
' <th class="renderable" rowspan="2"><button disabled>',
gettext('#'), '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable" rowspan="2"><button disabled>',
gettext('Node'), '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable timings d-none" colspan="2"><button disabled>',
gettext('Timings'), '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable rowsx rows plan_rows d-none" colspan="3">',
'<button disabled>', gettext('Rows') ,'</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable rows rowsx d-none" rowspan="2">',
'<button disabled>', gettext('Loops') ,'</button></th>',
* TODO:: Remove the 'd-none' class, when showing the extra info row
* implemented.
' <th class="renderable d-none" rowspan="2"><button disabled>',
' </tr>',
' <tr>',
' <th class="renderable timings d-none"><button disabled>',
gettext('Exclusive') , '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable timings d-none"><button disabled>',
gettext('Inclusive') , '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable rowsx d-none"><button disabled>',
gettext('Rows X'), '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable rows rowsx d-none"><button disabled>',
gettext('Actual'), '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable plan_rows rowsx d-none"><button disabled>',
gettext('Plan'), '</button></th>',
' </tr>',
' </thead>',
var _renderExplainTable = (_data, $_container) => {
var $explainTableData = $('<tbody></tbody>');
_.each(_data.rows, (_row) => {
var $tblRow = $(_row);
if (_data.show_timings === true) {
if (_data.show_rowsx === true) {
} else if (_data.show_rows === true) {
$_container.find('thead .rows[colspan=3]').attr('colspan', 1);
} else if (_data.show_plan_rows === true) {
$_container.find('thead .rows[colspan=3]').attr('colspan', 1);
var _createStatisticsTables = () => {
return $([
'<div class="row row-eq-height">',
' <div class="col-sm-6 col-xs-6">',
' <div class="col-xs-12 badge">',
gettext('Statistics per Node Type'),
' </div>',
' <table class="backgrid table presentation table-bordered ',
' table-hover" for="per_node_type">',
' <thead>',
' <tr>',
' <th class="renderable"><button disabled>',
gettext('Node type') , '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable"><button disabled>',
gettext('Count'), '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable timings d-none"><button disabled>',
gettext('Time spent') ,'</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable timings d-none"><button disabled>',
gettext('%% of query') ,'</button></th>',
' </tr>',
' </thead>',
' </table>',
' </div>',
' <div class="col-sm-6 col-xs-6">',
' <div class="col-xs-12 badge">',
gettext('Statistics per Table'),
' </div>',
' <table class="backgrid table presentation table-bordered ',
' table-hover" for="per_table">',
' <thead>',
' <tr>',
' <th class="renderable"><button disabled>',
gettext('Table name') , '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable"><button disabled>',
gettext('Scan count'), '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable timings d-none"><button disabled>',
gettext('Total time') ,'</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable timings d-none"><button disabled>',
gettext('%% of query') ,'</button></th>',
' </tr>',
' <tr>',
' <th class="renderable"><button disabled>',
gettext('Node type') , '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable"><button disabled>',
gettext('Count'), '</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable timings d-none"><button disabled>',
gettext('Sum of times') ,'</button></th>',
' <th class="renderable timings d-none"><button disabled>',
gettext('%% of table') ,'</button></th>',
' </tr>',
' </thead>',
' </table>',
' </div>',
var _statisticRowTemplate = _.template([
'<tr<% if (className) {%> class="<%=className%>"<%}%>>',
' <td class="renderable name"><%- %></td>',
' <td class="renderable text-right"><%- data.count %></td>',
' <td class="renderable timings d-none text-right">',
'<%=Math.ceil10(data.sum_of_times, -3)%> ms',
' <td class="renderable timings d-none text-right">',
'<%=Math.ceil10(((data.sum_of_times||0)/(total_time||1)) * 100, -2)%>%',
var _renderStatisticsTable = (_data, $_container) => {
var $perTableTbl = $_container.find('table[for="per_table"]'),
$perNodeTbl = $_container.find('table[for="per_node_type"]');
_.sortBy(_.values(_data.statistics.nodes), 'name'),
(_node) => (
'data': _node, 'total_time': _data.total_time,
'className': '',
_.sortBy(_.values(_data.statistics.tables), 'name'),
(_table) => {
_table.sum_of_times = 0;
_.each(_table.nodes, (_node) => (
_table.sum_of_times += _node.sum_of_times
'data': _table, 'total_time': _data.total_time,
'className': 'table',
_.sortBy(_.values(_table.nodes), 'name'),
(_node) => {
'data': _node, 'total_time': _table.sum_of_times,
'className': 'node',
if (_data.show_timings) {
var _explainRowTemplate = _.template([
'<tr class="pga-ex-row',
'<% if (data["Plans"] && data["Plans"].length > 0) {%>',
' pga-ex-collapsible',
'<% if (data["exclusive_flag"] !== "undefined") {%>',
' pga-ex-exclusive-', '<%- data["exclusive_flag"] %>',
'<% if (data["inclusive_flag"] !== "undefined") {%>',
' pga-ex-inclusive-', '<%- data["inclusive_flag"] %>',
'<% if (data["rowsx_flag"] !== "undefined") {%>',
' pga-ex-rowsx-', '<%- data["rowsx_flag"] %>',
'<% if (data["parent_node"]) {%>',
' data-parent="pga_ex_<%= data["parent_node"] %>"',
' data-ex-id="pga_ex_<%= data["level"].join("_") %>">',
' <td class="renderable pg-ex-highlighter clickable">',
' <i class="fa fa-circle invisible"></i>',
' <td class="renderable clickable serial text-right">',
'<%= (data["_serial"]) %>.</td>',
' <td class="renderable clickable" style="padding-left: ',
'<%= (data["level"].length) * 30%>px"',
'title="<%= tooltip_text %>"',
' <i class="pg-ex-subplans fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i>',
'<%= display_text %>',
'<%if (node_extra_info && node_extra_info.length > 0 ) {%>',
'<% for (var node_info_idx=0; ',
' node_info_idx<node_extra_info.length;node_info_idx++) {%>',
' <li>', '<%= node_extra_info[node_info_idx] %>', '</li>',
'<% }%>',
' </td>',
' <td class="renderable timings d-none text-right ',
'<% if (data["exclusive_flag"] !== "undefined") {%>',
'pga-ex-exclusive-', '<%- data["exclusive_flag"] %>',
'<% if (typeof(data["exclusive"]) !== "undefined") {%>', '<%= data["exclusive"] %> ms', '<%}%>',
' </td>',
' <td class="renderable timings d-none text-right ',
'<% if (data["inclusive_flag"] !== "undefined") {%>',
'pga-ex-inclusive-', '<%- data["inclusive_flag"] %>',
'<% if (typeof(data["inclusive"]) !== "undefined") {%>', '<%= data["inclusive"] %> ms', '<%}%>',
' </td>',
' <td class="renderable rowsx d-none text-right ',
'<% if (data["rowsx_flag"] !== "undefined") {%>',
'pga-ex-rowsx-', '<%- data["rowsx_flag"] %>',
'<% if (data["rowsx_direction"] === "positive") {%>',
'<%} else {%>',
'<%}%> ',
'<% if (typeof(data["rowsx"]) !== "undefined") {%>',
'<%- data["rowsx"] %>',
'<%}%> ',
' </td>',
' <td class="renderable rowsx rows d-none text-right">',
'<% if (typeof(data["Actual Rows"]) !== "undefined") {%>',
'<%= data["Actual Rows"] %>',
' </td>',
' <td class="renderable rowsx plan_rows d-none text-right">',
'<%= data["Plan Rows"] %>',
' </td>',
' <td class="renderable rows rowsx d-none text-right">',
'<% if (typeof(data["Actual Loops"]) !== "undefined") {%>',
'<%= data["Actual Loops"] %>',
' </td>',
' <td class="renderable d-none">',
' <i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h"></i>',
' </td>',
var _nodeExplainTableData = (_planData, _ctx) => {
let node_info,
display_text = ['<span class="pg-explain-text-name">'],
tooltip = [],
node_extra_info = [],
info = _ctx._explainTable;
// Display: <NODE>[ using <Index> ] [ on <Schema>.<Table>[ as <Alias>]]
if (/Scan/.test(_planData['Node Type'])) {
display_text.push(_planData['Node Type']);
tooltip.push(_planData['Node Type']);
} else {
node_info = tooltip.join('');
if (typeof(_planData['Index Name']) !== 'undefined') {
display_text.push(' using ');
tooltip.push(' using ');
display_text.push('<span class="pg-explain-text-name">');
display_text.push(_.escape(_planData['Index Name']));
tooltip.push(_planData['Index Name']);
if (typeof(_planData['Relation Name']) !== 'undefined') {
display_text.push(' on ');
tooltip.push(' on ');
if (typeof(_planData['Schema']) !== 'undefined') {
display_text.push('<span class="pg-explain-text-name">');
display_text.push('<span class="pg-explain-text-name">');
display_text.push(_.escape(_planData['Relation Name']));
tooltip.push(_planData['Relation Name']);
if (typeof(_planData['Alias']) !== 'undefined') {
display_text.push(' as ');
tooltip.push(' as ');
display_text.push('<span class="pg-explain-text-name">');
if (
typeof(_planData['Plan Rows']) !== 'undefined' &&
typeof(_planData['Plan Width']) !== 'undefined'
) {
let cost = [
' (cost=',
(typeof(_planData['Startup Cost']) !== 'undefined' ?
_planData['Startup Cost'] : ''),
(typeof(_planData['Total Cost']) !== 'undefined' ?
_planData['Total Cost'] : ''),
' rows=',
_planData['Plan Rows'],
' width=',
_planData['Plan Width'],
if (
typeof(_planData['Actual Startup Time']) !== 'undefined' ||
typeof(_planData['Actual Total Time']) !== 'undefined' ||
typeof(_planData['Actual Rows']) !== 'undefined'
) {
let actual = [
' (',
(typeof(_planData['Actual Startup Time']) !== 'undefined' ?
('actual=' + _planData['Actual Startup Time']) + '..' : ''
(typeof(_planData['Actual Total Time']) !== 'undefined' ?
_planData['Actual Total Time'] + ' ' : ''
(typeof(_planData['Actual Rows']) !== 'undefined' ?
('rows=' + _planData['Actual Rows']) : ''
(typeof(_planData['Actual Loops']) !== 'undefined' ?
(' loops=' + _planData['Actual Loops']) : ''
if ('Join Filter' in _planData) {
'<b>Join Filter</b>: ' + _.escape(_planData['Join Filter'])
if ('Filter' in _planData) {
node_extra_info.push('<b>Filter</b>: ' + _.escape(_planData['Filter']));
if ('Index Cond' in _planData) {
node_extra_info.push('<b>Index Cond</b>: ' + _.escape(_planData['Index Cond']));
if ('Hash Cond' in _planData) {
node_extra_info.push('<b>Hash Cond</b>: ' + _.escape(_planData['Hash Cond']));
if ('Rows Removed by Filter' in _planData) {
'<b>Rows Removed by Filter</b>: ' +
_.escape(_planData['Rows Removed by Filter'])
if ('Peak Memory Usage' in _planData) {
var buffer = [
'<b>Buckets</b>:', _.escape(_planData['Hash Buckets']),
'<b>Batches</b>:', _.escape(_planData['Hash Batches']),
'<b>Memory Usage</b>:', _.escape(_planData['Peak Memory Usage']), 'kB',
].join(' ');
if ('Recheck Cond' in _planData) {
node_extra_info.push('<b>Recheck Cond</b>: ' + _planData['Recheck Cond']);
if ('Exact Heap Blocks' in _planData) {
node_extra_info.push('<b>Heap Blocks</b>: exact=' + _planData['Exact Heap Blocks']);
data: _planData,
display_text: display_text.join(''),
tooltip_text: tooltip.join(''),
node_extra_info: node_extra_info,
if (typeof(_planData['exclusive_flag']) !== 'undefined') {
info.show_timings = true;
if (typeof(_planData['rowsx_flag']) !== 'undefined') {
info.show_rowsx = true;
if (typeof(_planData['Actual Loops']) !== 'undefined') {
info.show_rows = true;
if (typeof(_planData['Plan Rows']) !== 'undefined') {
info.show_plan_rows = true;
if (typeof(_planData['total_time']) !== 'undefined') {
info.total_time = _planData['total_time'];
let node;
if (typeof(_planData['Relation Name']) !== 'undefined') {
let relationName = (
typeof(_planData['Schema']) !== 'undefined' ?
(_planData['Schema'] + '.') : ''
) + _planData['Relation Name'],
table = info.statistics.tables[relationName] || {
name: relationName,
count: 0,
sum_of_times: 0,
nodes: {},
node = table.nodes[node_info] || {
name: node_info,
count: 0,
sum_of_times: 0,
table.sum_of_times += _planData['exclusive'];
node.sum_of_times += _planData['exclusive'];
table.nodes[node_info] = node;
info.statistics.tables[relationName] = table;
node = info.statistics.nodes[node_info] || {
name: node_info,
count: 0,
sum_of_times: 0,
node.sum_of_times += _planData['exclusive'];
info.statistics.nodes[node_info] = node;
// Backbone model for each plan property of input JSON object
var PlanModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
'Plans': [],
level: [],
'image': undefined,
'image_text': undefined,
xpos: undefined,
ypos: undefined,
width: pWIDTH,
height: pHEIGHT,
_createSame: function() {
return new PlanModel();
parse: function(data, _opt) {
var idx = 1,
lvl = data.level = data.level || [idx],
plans = [],
node_type = data['Node Type'],
// Calculating relative xpos of current node from top node
xpos = data.xpos = data.xpos - pWIDTH,
// Calculating relative ypos of current node from top node
ypos = data.ypos,
maxChildWidth = 0;
_opt.ctx._explainTable.total_time = data['total_time'] || data['Actual Total Time'];
data['_serial'] = _opt.ctx.totalNodes;
data['width'] = pWIDTH;
data['height'] = pHEIGHT;
* calculating xpos, ypos, width and height if current node is a subplan
if (data['Parent Relationship'] === 'SubPlan') {
data['width'] += (xMargin * 2) + (xMargin / 2);
data['height'] += (yMargin * 2);
data['ypos'] += yMargin;
xpos -= xMargin;
ypos += yMargin;
if (node_type.startsWith('(slice'))
node_type = node_type.substring(0, 7);
// Get the image information for current node
let imageStore = imageMapper.default;
var mappedImage = (_.isFunction(imageStore[node_type]) &&
imageStore[node_type].apply(undefined, [data])) ||
imageStore[node_type] || {
'image': 'ex_unknown.svg',
'image_text': node_type,
data['image'] = mappedImage['image'];
data['image_text'] = mappedImage['image_text'];
if ('Actual Total Time' in data && 'Actual Loops' in data) {
data['inclusive'] = Math.ceil10(
data['Actual Total Time'] * data['Actual Loops'], -3
data['exclusive'] = data['inclusive'];
data['inclusive_factor'] = data['inclusive'] / (
data['total_time'] || data['Actual Total Time']
data['inclusive_flag'] = data['inclusive_factor'] <= 0.1 ? '1' :
data['inclusive_factor'] < 0.5 ? '2' :
data['inclusive_factor'] <= 0.9 ? '3' : '4';
if ('Actual Rows' in data && 'Plan Rows' in data) {
if (
data['Actual Rows'] === 0 || data['Actual Rows'] > data['Plan Rows']
) {
data['rowsx'] = data['Plan Rows'] === 0 ? 0 :
(data['Actual Rows'] / data['Plan Rows']);
data['rowsx_direction'] = 'negative';
} else {
data['rowsx'] = data['Actual Rows'] === 0 ? 0 : (
data['Plan Rows'] / data['Actual Rows']
data['rowsx_direction'] = 'positive';
data['rowsx_flag'] = data['rowsx'] <= 10 ? '1' : (
data['rowsx'] <= 100 ? '2' : (data['rowsx'] <= 1000 ? '3' : '4')
data['rowsx'] = Math.ceil10(data['rowsx'], -2);
// Start calculating xpos, ypos, width and height for child plans if any
if ('Plans' in data) {
var obj = this,
data['width'] += offsetX;
_.each(data['Plans'], function(p) {
var level = _.clone(lvl),
plan = obj._createSame();
p, {
'level': level,
xpos: xpos - offsetX,
ypos: ypos,
total_time: data['total_time'] || data['Actual Total Time'],
parent_node: lvl.join('_'),
}), _opt));
if (maxChildWidth < plan.get('width')) {
maxChildWidth = plan.get('width');
if ('exclusive' in data) {
inclusive = plan.get('inclusive');
if (inclusive) {
data['exclusive'] -= inclusive;
var childHeight = plan.get('height');
if (idx !== 1) {
data['height'] = data['height'] + childHeight + offsetY;
} else if (childHeight > data['height']) {
data['height'] = childHeight;
ypos += childHeight + offsetY;
if ('exclusive' in data) {
data['exclusive'] = Math.ceil10(data['exclusive'], -3);
data['exclusive_factor'] = (
data['exclusive'] / (data['total_time'] || data['Actual Total Time'])
data['exclusive_flag'] = data['exclusive_factor'] <= 0.1 ? '1' :
data['exclusive_factor'] < 0.5 ? '2' :
data['exclusive_factor'] <= 0.9 ? '3' : '4';
// Final Width and Height of current node
data['width'] += maxChildWidth;
data['Plans'] = plans;
return data;
// Draw image, its name and its tooltip
draw: function(
s, xpos, ypos, pXpos, pYpos, graphContainer, toolTipContainer,
) {
var g = s.g();
var currentXpos = xpos + this.get('xpos'),
currentYpos = ypos + this.get('ypos'),
isSubPlan = (this.get('Parent Relationship') === 'SubPlan');
var planData = this.toJSON();
_nodeExplainTableData(planData, _ctx);
// Draw the subplan rectangle
if (isSubPlan) {
currentXpos - this.get('width') + pWIDTH + xMargin,
currentYpos - this.get('height') + pHEIGHT + yMargin - TXT_ALIGN,
this.get('width') - xMargin,
this.get('height') + (currentYpos - yMargin),
stroke: '#444444',
'strokeWidth': 1.2,
fill: 'gray',
fillOpacity: 0.2,
// Provide subplan name
currentXpos + pWIDTH - (this.get('width') / 2) - xMargin,
currentYpos + pHEIGHT - (this.get('height') / 2) - yMargin,
this.get('Subplan Name')
fontSize: TXT_SIZE,
'text-anchor': 'start',
fill: 'red',
s, g, pgExplain.prefix + this.get('image'), currentXpos, currentYpos,
graphContainer, toolTipContainer, _ctx
// Draw text below the node
var node_label = this.get('Schema') == undefined ?
this.get('image_text') :
(this.get('Schema') + '.' + this.get('image_text'));
currentXpos + (pWIDTH / 2) + TXT_ALIGN,
currentYpos + pHEIGHT - TXT_ALIGN,
150, {
'font-size': TXT_SIZE,
'text-anchor': 'middle',
// Draw Arrow to parent only its not the first node
if (!_.isUndefined(pYpos)) {
var startx = currentXpos + pWIDTH;
var starty = currentYpos + (pHEIGHT / 2);
var endx = pXpos - ARROW_WIDTH;
var endy = pYpos + (pHEIGHT / 2);
var start_cost = this.get('Startup Cost'),
total_cost = this.get('Total Cost');
var arrow_size = DEFAULT_ARROW_SIZE;
// Calculate arrow width according to cost of a particular plan
if (start_cost != undefined && total_cost != undefined) {
arrow_size = Math.round(Math.log((start_cost + total_cost) / 2 + start_cost));
arrow_size = arrow_size < 1 ? 1 : arrow_size > 10 ? 10 : arrow_size;
var arrow_view_box = [0, 0, 2 * ARROW_WIDTH, 2 * ARROW_HEIGHT];
var opts = {
stroke: '#000000',
strokeWidth: arrow_size + 2,
subplanOpts = {
stroke: '#866486',
strokeWidth: arrow_size + 2,
arrowOpts = {
viewBox: arrow_view_box.join(' '),
// Draw an arrow from current node to its parent
g, startx, starty, endx, endy,
isSubPlan ? subplanOpts : opts, arrowOpts
var plans = this.get('Plans');
// Draw nodes for current plan's children
_.each(plans, function(p) {
s, xpos, ypos, currentXpos, currentYpos, graphContainer,
toolTipContainer, _ctx
_drawImage: function(
s, g, image_url, startX, startY, graphContainer, toolTipContainer /*,
) {
g, image_url, startX, startY, graphContainer, toolTipContainer
* Required to parse and include non-default params of
* plan into backbone model
toJSON: function(non_recursive) {
var res = Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, arguments);
if (non_recursive) {
delete res['Plans'];
} else {
var plans = [];
_.each(res['Plans'], function(p) {
res['Plans'] = plans;
return res;
// Draw an arrow to parent node
drawPolyLine: function(g, startX, startY, endX, endY, opts, arrowOpts) {
// Calculate end point of first starting straight line (startx1, starty1)
// Calculate start point of 2nd straight line (endx1, endy1)
var midX1 = startX + ((endX - startX) / 3),
midX2 = startX + (2 * ((endX - startX) / 3));
//create arrow head
var arrow = g.polygon(
(ARROW_HEIGHT / 4), 0,
var marker = arrow.marker(
// First straight line
startX, startY, midX1, startY
// Diagonal line
midX1 - 1, startY, midX2, endY
// Last straight line
var line = g.line(
midX2, endY, endX, endY
markerEnd: marker,
drawImage: function(
g, image_content, currentXpos, currentYpos, graphContainer,
) {
// Draw the actual image for current node
var image = g.image(
currentXpos + (pWIDTH - IMAGE_WIDTH) / 2,
currentYpos + (pHEIGHT - IMAGE_HEIGHT) / 2,
// Draw tooltip
var image_data = this.toJSON();
var title = '<title>';
_.each(image_data, function(value, key) {
if (key !== 'image' && key !== 'Plans' &&
key !== 'level' && key !== 'image' &&
key !== 'image_text' && key !== 'xpos' &&
key !== 'ypos' && key !== 'width' &&
key !== 'height') {
title += `${key}: ${value}\n`;
title += '</title>';
image.mouseover(() => {
// Empty the tooltip content if it has any and add new data
// Remove the title content so that we can show our custom build tooltips.
image.node.textContent = '';
var tooltip = $('<table></table>', {
class: 'pgadmin-tooltip-table',
_.each(image_data, function(value, key) {
if (key !== 'image' && key !== 'Plans' &&
key !== 'level' && key !== 'image' &&
key !== 'image_text' && key !== 'xpos' &&
key !== 'ypos' && key !== 'width' &&
key !== 'height') {
key = _.escape(key);
value = _.escape(value);
<td class="label explain-tooltip">${key}</td>
<td class="label explain-tooltip-val">${value}</td>
var zoomFactor ='zoom-factor');
// Calculate co-ordinates for tooltip
var toolTipX = ((currentXpos + pWIDTH) * zoomFactor - graphContainer.scrollLeft());
var toolTipY = ((currentYpos) * zoomFactor - graphContainer.scrollTop());
toolTipX = toolTipX < 0 ? 0 : (toolTipX);
toolTipY = toolTipY < 0 ? 0 : (toolTipY);
// Show toolTip at respective x,y coordinates
'opacity': '0.8',
toolTipContainer.css('left', toolTipX);
toolTipContainer.css('top', toolTipY);
$('.pgadmin-explain-tooltip').css('padding', '5px');
$('.pgadmin-explain-tooltip').css('border', '1px solid white');
// Remove tooltip when mouse is out from node's area
image.mouseout(() => {
/* Append the title again which we have removed on mouse over event, so
* that our custom tooltip should be visible.
'opacity': '0',
toolTipContainer.css('left', 0);
toolTipContainer.css('top', 0);
* NOTE: embedding using .toDataURL() method hits the performance of the
* plan rendering a lot, that is why we have written seprate Model for the same
* which is used only when downloading of SVG is called
// We override the PlanModel's draw() function so that we can embbed all the
// svg in to main one SVG so that we can download it.
let DownloadPlanModel = PlanModel.extend({
_createSame: function() {
return new DownloadPlanModel({parse: true});
_drawImage: function (
s, g, image_url, startX, startY, graphContainer, toolTipContainer, _ctx
) {
/* Check the current browser, if it is Internet Explorer then we will not
* embed the SVG files for download feature as we are not bale to figure
* out the solution for IE.
var current_browser = pgAdmin.Browser.get_browser();
if ( === 'IE' || ( === 'Safari' &&
parseInt(current_browser.version) < 10
)) {
g, image_url, startX, startY, graphContainer, toolTipContainer
} else {
/* This function is a callback function called when we load any svg
* file using Snap. In this function we append the SVG binary data to
* the new temporary Snap object and then embedded it to the original
* Snap() object.
var that = this;
var onSVGLoaded = function(data) {
var svg_image = Snap();
g, svg_image.toDataURL(), startX, startY, graphContainer,
// This attribute is required to download the file as SVG image.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
var svg_file = pgExplain.prefix + this.get('image');
// Load the SVG file for explain plan
Snap.load(svg_file, onSVGLoaded);
// Main backbone model to store JSON object
var MainPlanModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
'Plan': undefined,
xpos: 0,
ypos: 0,
initialize: function() {
this.set('Plan', new PlanModel());
this.set('Statistics', new StatisticsModel());
// Parse the JSON data and fetch its children plans
parse: function(data, _opt) {
if (data && 'Plan' in data) {
var plan = this.get('Plan');
data['Plan'], {
xpos: 0,
ypos: 0,
}), _opt
data['xpos'] = 0;
data['ypos'] = 0;
data['width'] = plan.get('width') + (xMargin * 2);
data['height'] = plan.get('height') + (yMargin * 4);
delete data['Plan'];
var statistics = this.get('Statistics');
if (data && 'JIT' in data) {
statistics.set('JIT', data['JIT']);
delete data ['JIT'];
if (data && 'Triggers' in data) {
statistics.set('Triggers', data['Triggers']);
delete data ['Triggers'];
if(data) {
let summKeys = ['Planning Time', 'Execution Time'],
summary = {};
if (key in data) {
summary[key] = data[key];
statistics.set('Summary', summary);
if (data && 'Settings' in data) {
statistics.set('Settings', data['Settings']);
delete data ['Settings'];
return data;
toJSON: function() {
var res = Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, arguments);
if (res.Plan) {
res.Plan = res.Plan.toJSON();
return res;
draw: function(s, xpos, ypos, graphContainer, toolTipContainer, _ctx) {
var g = s.g();
//draw the border
0, 0, this.get('width') - 10, this.get('height') - 10, 5
fill: '#FFF',
var plan = this.get('Plan');
// Draw explain graph
g, xpos, ypos, undefined, undefined, graphContainer, toolTipContainer,
//Set the Statistics as tooltip
var statistics = this.get('Statistics');
var _createContainer = function() {
_createContainer.cnt = (_createContainer.cnt || 0) + 1;
let id = _createContainer.cnt,
createTab = (_idx, _type, _label, _active) => {
return [
' <li class="nav-item" role="presentation">',
' <a class="nav-link ', _active ? 'active' : '', '"',
' data-toggle="tab" tabindex="-1"',
` data-tab-index="${_idx}"`,
' aria-selected="', _active ? 'true' : 'false', '"',
` role="tab" data-explain-role="${_type}"`,
` href="#pga_explain_${_type}_${id}"`,
` aria-controls="pga_explain_${_type}_${id}"`,
` id="pgah_explain_${_type}_${id}"> `,
_label, '</a>', '</li>',
createTabPanel = (_type, _active, _extraClasses) => {
return [
' <div role="tabpanel" tabindex="-1" class="tab-pane pg-el-sm-12',
' pg-el-md-12 pg-el-lg-12 pg-el-12 fade collapse',
_active ? ' active show' : '', ` ${_extraClasses}"`,
` data-explain-tabpanel="${_type}"`,
` id="pga_explain_${_type}_${id}"`,
` aria-labelledby="pgah_explain_${_type}_${id}">`,
' </div>',
return $([
'<div class="obj_properties container-fluid">',
' <div tabindex="1" class="backform-tab pg-el-12" role="tabpanel">',
' <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">',
' </li>',
' <li class="nav-item" role="presentation">',
createTab(1, 'graphical', gettext('Graphical'), true),
createTab(2, 'table', gettext('Analysis'), false),
createTab(3, 'statistics', gettext('Statistics'), false),
' </ul>',
' <div class="tab-content pg-el-sm-12 pg-el-12">',
createTabPanel('graphical', true, 'w-100 h-100 p-0'),
createTabPanel('table', false, 'p-0'),
createTabPanel('statistics', false, ''),
' </div>',
' </div>',
' </div>',
// Parse and draw full graphical explain
_.extend(pgExplain, {
// Assumption container is a jQuery object
DrawJSONPlan: function(container, plan, isDownload, _ctx) {
let self = this;
require.ensure(['snapsvg'], function(require) {
var module = require('snapsvg');
self.goForDraw(container, plan, isDownload, _ctx);
}, function(error){
}, 'snapsvg');
// Assumption container is a jQuery object
goForDraw: function(container, plan, isDownload, _ctx) {
var ctx = _.extend(_ctx || {}, {
totalNodes: 0,
totalDownloadedNodes: 0,
isDownloaded: 0,
.attr('el', 'sm').addClass('pg-no-overflow pg-el-container');
var explainContainer = _createContainer(),
explainTable = _createExplainTable(),
statisticsTables = _createStatisticsTables(),
graphicalContainer = explainContainer.find(
tableContainer = explainContainer.find(
ctx.currentTab = container.find(
var orignalPlan = $.extend(true, [], plan);
var curr_zoom_factor = 1.0;
var zoomArea = $('<div></div>', {
class: 'pg-explain-zoom-area btn-group btn-group-sm',
role: 'group',
zoomInBtn = $('<button></button>', {
class: 'btn btn-secondary pg-explain-zoom-btn',
title: 'Zoom in',
tabindex: 0,
$('<i></i>', {
class: 'fa fa-search-plus',
zoomToNormal = $('<button></button>', {
class: 'btn btn-secondary pg-explain-zoom-btn',
title: 'Zoom to original',
tabindex: 0,
$('<i></i>', {
class: 'fa fa-arrows-alt',
zoomOutBtn = $('<button></button>', {
class: 'btn btn-secondary pg-explain-zoom-btn',
title: 'Zoom out',
tabindex: 0,
$('<i></i>', {
class: 'fa fa-search-minus',
var downloadArea = $('<div></div>', {
class: 'pg-explain-download-area btn-group btn-group-sm',
role: 'group',
downloadBtn = $('<button></button>', {
id: 'btn-explain-download',
class: 'btn btn-secondary pg-explain-download-btn',
title: 'Download',
tabindex: 0,
disabled: function() {
var current_browser = pgAdmin.Browser.get_browser();
if ( === 'IE') {
this.title = 'Not supported for Internet Explorer';
return true;
if ( === 'Safari' &&
parseInt(current_browser.version) < 10) {
this.title = 'Not supported for Safari version less than 10.1';
return true;
return false;
$('<i></i>', {
class: 'fa fa-download',
var statsArea = $('<div></div>', {
class: 'pg-explain-stats-area btn-group btn-group-sm d-none',
role: 'group',
$('<button></button>', {
id: 'btn-explain-stats',
class: 'btn btn-secondary pg-explain-stats-btn',
title: 'Statistics',
tabindex: 0,
$('<i></i>', {
class: 'fa fa-line-chart',
// Main div to be drawn all images on
var planDiv = $('<div></div>', {
class: 'pgadmin-explain-container w-100 h-100 overflow-auto',
// Div to draw tool-tip on
toolTip = $('<div></div>', {
id: 'toolTip',
class: 'pgadmin-explain-tooltip',
toolTip.empty();'zoom-factor', curr_zoom_factor);
var w = 0,
h = yMargin;
ctx._explainTable = {
rows: [],
statistics: {
tables: {},
nodes: {},
ctx._onImageDownloaded = () => {
if (!ctx.isDownloaded && ctx.totalNodes === ctx.totalDownloadedNodes) {
ctx.isDownloaded = true;
var s = Snap(
`#${graphicalContainer.attr('id')} .pgadmin-explain-container svg`
var today = new Date();
var filename = 'explain_plan_' + today.getTime() + '.svg';
svgDownloader.downloadSVG(s.toString(), filename);
// Lets regenrate the plan with embedded images
_.each(plan, function(p) {
var main_plan;
if(isDownload) {
// If user opt to download then we will use the DownloadPlanModel model
// so that it will embed the images while regenrating the plan
let DownloadMainPlanModel = MainPlanModel.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.set('Plan', new DownloadPlanModel({ parse: true }));
this.set('Statistics', new StatisticsModel());
main_plan = new DownloadMainPlanModel({ 'parse': true });
} else {
main_plan = new MainPlanModel();
// Parse JSON data to backbone model
main_plan.set(main_plan.parse(p, {ctx: ctx}));
w = main_plan.get('width');
h = main_plan.get('height');
var s = Snap(w, h),
$svg = $(s.node).detach();
main_plan.draw(s, w - xMargin, yMargin, planDiv, toolTip, ctx);
var initPanelWidth = planDiv.width();
* Scale graph in case its width is bigger than panel width
* in which the graph is displayed
if (initPanelWidth < w) {
var width_ratio = initPanelWidth / w;
curr_zoom_factor = width_ratio;
curr_zoom_factor = curr_zoom_factor < MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR ? MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR : curr_zoom_factor;
curr_zoom_factor = curr_zoom_factor > INIT_ZOOM_FACTOR ? INIT_ZOOM_FACTOR : curr_zoom_factor;
var zoomInMatrix = new Snap.matrix();
zoomInMatrix.scale(curr_zoom_factor, curr_zoom_factor);
transform: zoomInMatrix,
'width': w * curr_zoom_factor,
'height': h * curr_zoom_factor,
});'zoom-factor', curr_zoom_factor);
zoomInBtn.on('click', function() {
curr_zoom_factor = ((curr_zoom_factor + ZOOM_RATIO) > MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR) ? MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR : (curr_zoom_factor + ZOOM_RATIO);
var zoomInMatrix = new Snap.matrix();
zoomInMatrix.scale(curr_zoom_factor, curr_zoom_factor);
transform: zoomInMatrix,
'width': w * curr_zoom_factor,
'height': h * curr_zoom_factor,
});'zoom-factor', curr_zoom_factor);
zoomOutBtn.on('click', function() {
curr_zoom_factor = ((curr_zoom_factor - ZOOM_RATIO) < MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR) ? MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR : (curr_zoom_factor - ZOOM_RATIO);
var zoomInMatrix = new Snap.matrix();
zoomInMatrix.scale(curr_zoom_factor, curr_zoom_factor);
transform: zoomInMatrix,
'width': w * curr_zoom_factor,
'height': h * curr_zoom_factor,
});'zoom-factor', curr_zoom_factor);
zoomToNormal.on('click', function() {
curr_zoom_factor = INIT_ZOOM_FACTOR;
var zoomInMatrix = new Snap.matrix();
zoomInMatrix.scale(curr_zoom_factor, curr_zoom_factor);
transform: zoomInMatrix,
'width': w * curr_zoom_factor,
'height': h * curr_zoom_factor,
});'zoom-factor', curr_zoom_factor);
downloadBtn.on('click', function() {
pgExplain.DrawJSONPlan(container, orignalPlan, true);
planDiv.on('explain:svg:downloaded', function() {
if (!ctx.isDownloaded && ctx.totalNodes === ctx.totalDownloadedNodes) {
ctx.isDownloaded = true;
var s = Snap('.pgadmin-explain-container svg');
var today = new Date();
var filename = 'explain_plan_' + today.getTime() + '.svg';
svgDownloader.downloadSVG(s.toString(), filename);
_renderExplainTable(ctx._explainTable, explainTable);
_renderStatisticsTable(ctx._explainTable, statisticsTables);
container.on('', function() {
ctx.currentTab = container.find(
.on('mouseenter', '.pga-ex-row.pga-ex-collapsible', function(ev) {
let $target = $(ev.currentTarget);
'[data-parent=' + $target.attr('data-ex-id') +
'] > > i'
.on('mouseleave', '.pga-ex-row.pga-ex-collapsible', function(ev) {
let $target = $(ev.currentTarget);
'.pga-ex-row[data-parent=' + $target.attr('data-ex-id') +
'] > > i'
.on('click', '.pga-ex-row.pga-ex-collapsible', function(ev) {
let $target = $(ev.currentTarget),
collapsed = ($target.attr('data-collapsed') === 'true');
if (collapsed) {
'.pga-ex-row[data-parent^=' + $target.attr('data-ex-id') + ']'
function(idx, el) {
var $el = $(el);
'.pga-ex-row[data-parent^=' + $el.attr('data-ex-id') + ']'
$target.attr('data-collapsed', 'false');
} else {
'.pga-ex-row[data-parent^=' + $target.attr('data-ex-id') + ']'
$target.attr('data-collapsed', 'true');
return pgExplain;