Aditya Toshniwal 862f101772
Significant changes to use ReactJS extensively.
1. Replace the current layout library wcDocker with ReactJS based rc-dock. #6479
2. Have close buttons on individual panel tabs instead of common. #2821
3. Changes in the context menu on panel tabs - Add close, close all and close others menu items. #5394
4. Allow closing all the tabs, including SQL and Properties. #4733
5. Changes in docking behaviour of different tabs based on user requests and remove lock layout menu.
6. Fix an issue where the scroll position of panels was not remembered on Firefox. #2986
7. Reset layout now will not require page refresh and is done spontaneously.
8. Use the zustand store for storing preferences instead of plain JS objects. This will help reflecting preferences immediately.
9. The above fix incorrect format (no indent) of SQL stored functions/procedures. #6720
10. New version check is moved to an async request now instead of app start to improve startup performance.
11. Remove jQuery and Bootstrap completely.
12. Replace jasmine and karma test runner with jest. Migrate all the JS test cases to jest. This will save time in writing and debugging JS tests.
13. Other important code improvements and cleanup.
2023-10-23 17:43:17 +05:30

443 lines
14 KiB

// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2023, The pgAdmin Development Team
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
import { Box, makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core';
import React, { useState, useMemo, useCallback } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import HelpIcon from '@material-ui/icons/HelpRounded';
import SearchRoundedIcon from '@material-ui/icons/SearchRounded';
import pgAdmin from 'sources/pgadmin';
import gettext from 'sources/gettext';
import url_for from 'sources/url_for';
import Loader from 'sources/components/Loader';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import getApiInstance, { parseApiError } from '../../../../static/js/api_instance';
import { PrimaryButton, PgIconButton } from '../../../../static/js/components/Buttons';
import { useModalStyles } from '../../../../static/js/helpers/ModalProvider';
import { FormFooterMessage, InputSelect, InputText, MESSAGE_TYPE } from '../../../../static/js/components/FormComponents';
import PgReactDataGrid from '../../../../static/js/components/PgReactDataGrid';
const pgBrowser = pgAdmin.Browser;
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme)=>({
grid: {
fontSize: '13px',
'& .rdg-header-row': {
'& .rdg-cell': {
padding: '0px 4px',
'& .rdg-cell': {
padding: '0px 4px',
'&[aria-colindex="1"]': {
padding: '0px 4px',
'&.rdg-editor-container': {
padding: '0px',
toolbar: {
padding: '4px',
display: 'flex',
inputSearch: {
lineHeight: 1,
footer1: {
justifyContent: 'space-between',
padding: '4px 8px',
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
borderTop: `1px solid ${theme.otherVars.inputBorderColor}`,
footer: {
borderTop: `1px solid ${theme.otherVars.inputBorderColor} !important`,
padding: '0.5rem',
display: 'flex',
width: '100%',
background: theme.otherVars.headerBg,
gridCell: {
display: 'inline-block',
height: '1.3rem',
width: '1.3rem',
funcArgs: {
cursor: 'pointer',
cellMuted: {
color: `${theme.otherVars.textMuted} !important`,
cursor: 'default !important',
textWrap: {
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
overflow: 'hidden'
function ObjectNameFormatter({row}) {
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<div className='rdg-cell-value'>
<Box className={row.show_node ? '' : classes.cellMuted}>
<span className={clsx(classes.gridCell, row.icon)}></span>
{row.other_info != null && row.other_info != '' && <>
<span className={classes.funcArgs}onClick={()=>{row.showArgs = true;}}> {row?.showArgs ? `(${row.other_info})` : '(...)'}</span>
ObjectNameFormatter.propTypes = {
row: PropTypes.object,
function TypePathFormatter({row, column}) {
const classes = useStyles();
let val = '';
if(column.key == 'type') {
val = row.type_label;
} else if(column.key == 'path') {
val = row.path;
return (
<Box className={clsx(classes.textWrap, row.show_node ? '' : classes.cellMuted)}>{val}</Box>
TypePathFormatter.propTypes = {
row: PropTypes.object,
column: PropTypes.object,
const columns = [
key: 'name',
name: gettext('Object name'),
width: 250,
formatter: ObjectNameFormatter,
key: 'type',
name: gettext('Type'),
width: 30,
formatter: TypePathFormatter,
key: 'path',
name: gettext('Object path'),
sortable: false,
formatter: TypePathFormatter,
/* This function is used to get the final data with the proper icon
* based on the type and translated path.
const finaliseData = (nodeData, datum)=> {
datum.icon = 'icon-' + datum.type;
/* finalise path */
[datum.path, datum.id_path] = translateSearchObjectsPath(nodeData, datum.path, datum.catalog_level);
/* id is required by dataview */ = datum.id_path ? datum.id_path.join('.') : _.uniqueId(;
datum.other_info = datum.other_info ? _.escape(datum.other_info) : datum.other_info;
return datum;
const getCollNode = (node_type)=> {
if('coll-'+node_type in pgBrowser.Nodes) {
return pgBrowser.Nodes['coll-'+node_type];
} else if(node_type in pgBrowser.Nodes &&
typeof(pgBrowser.Nodes[node_type].collection_type) === 'string') {
return pgBrowser.Nodes[pgBrowser.Nodes[node_type].collection_type];
return null;
/* This function will translate the path given by search objects API into two parts
* 1. The display path on the UI
* 2. The tree search path to locate the object on the tree.
* Sample path returned by search objects API
* :schema.11:/pg_catalog/:table.2604:/pg_attrdef
* Sample path required by tree locator
* Normal object - server_group/1.server/3.coll-database/3.database/13258.coll-schema/13258.schema/2200.coll-table/2200.table/41773
* pg_catalog schema - server_group/1.server/3.coll-database/3.database/13258.coll-catalog/13258.catalog/11.coll-table/11.table/2600
* Information Schema, dbo, sys:
* server_group/1.server/3.coll-database/3.database/13258.coll-catalog/13258.catalog/12967.coll-catalog_object/12967.catalog_object/13204
* server_group/1.server/11.coll-database/11.database/13258.coll-catalog/13258.catalog/12967.coll-catalog_object/12967.catalog_object/12997.coll-catalog_object_column/12997.catalog_object_column/13
* Column catalog_level has values as
* N - Not a catalog schema
* D - Catalog schema with DB support - pg_catalog
* O - Catalog schema with object support only - info schema, dbo, sys
const translateSearchObjectsPath = (nodeData, path, catalog_level)=> {
if (path === null) {
return [null, null];
catalog_level = catalog_level || 'N';
/* path required by tree locator */
/* the path received from the backend is after the DB node, initial path setup */
let id_path = [
getCollNode('database').type + '_' + nodeData?.server?._id,
let prev_node_id = nodeData?.database?._id;
/* add the slash to match regex, remove it from display path later */
path = '/' + path;
/* the below regex will match all /:schema.2200:/ */
let new_path = path.replace(/\/:[a-zA-Z_]+\.\d+:\//g, (token)=>{
let orig_token = token;
/* remove the slash and colon */
token = token.slice(2, -2);
let [node_type, node_oid, others] = token.split('.');
if(typeof(others) !== 'undefined') {
return token;
/* schema type is "catalog" for catalog schemas */
node_type = (['D', 'O'].indexOf(catalog_level) != -1 && node_type == 'schema') ? 'catalog' : node_type;
/* catalog like info schema will only have views and tables AKA catalog_object except for pg_catalog */
node_type = (catalog_level === 'O' && ['view', 'table'].indexOf(node_type) != -1) ? 'catalog_object' : node_type;
/* catalog_object will have column node as catalog_object_column */
node_type = (catalog_level === 'O' && node_type == 'column') ? 'catalog_object_column' : node_type;
/* If collection node present then add it */
let coll_node = getCollNode(node_type);
if(coll_node) {
/* Add coll node to the path */
if(prev_node_id != null) id_path.push(`${coll_node.type}_${prev_node_id}`);
/* Add the node to the path */
/* This will be needed for coll node */
prev_node_id = node_oid;
/* This will be displayed in the grid */
return `/${coll_node.label}/`;
} else if(node_type in pgBrowser.Nodes) {
/* Add the node to the path */
/* This will be need for coll node id path */
prev_node_id = node_oid;
/* Remove the token and replace with slash. This will be displayed in the grid */
return '/';
prev_node_id = null;
return orig_token;
/* Remove the slash we had added */
new_path = new_path.substring(1);
return [new_path, id_path];
// This function is used to sort the column.
function getComparator(sortColumn) {
const key = sortColumn?.columnKey;
const dir = sortColumn?.direction == 'ASC' ? 1 : -1;
if (!key) return ()=>0;
return (a, b) => {
return dir*(a[key].localeCompare(b[key]));
export default function SearchObjects({nodeData}) {
const classes = useStyles();
const modalClasses = useModalStyles();
const [type, setType] = React.useState('all');
const [loaderText, setLoaderText] = useState('');
const [search, setSearch] = useState('');
const [footerText, setFooterText] = useState('0 matches found.');
const [searchData, setSearchData] = useState([]);
const [sortColumns, setSortColumns] = useState([]);
const [errorMsg, setErrorMsg] = useState('');
const api = getApiInstance();
const onDialogHelp = ()=> {'help.static', { 'filename': 'search_objects.html' }), 'pgadmin_help');
const sortedItems = useMemo(()=>(
), [searchData, sortColumns]);
const onItemEnter = useCallback((rowData)=>{
let tree = pgBrowser.tree;
if(!rowData.show_node) {
gettext('%s objects are disabled in the browser. You can enable them in the <a id="prefdlgid" class="pref-dialog-link">preferences dialog</a>.', rowData.type_label));
setTimeout(()=> {
document.getElementById('prefdlgid').addEventListener('click', ()=>{
if(pgAdmin.Preferences) {;
}, 100);
return false;
setTimeout(() => {, true, 'center');
}, 100);
setErrorMsg(gettext('Unable to locate this object in the browser.'));
}, []);
const onSearch = ()=> {
// If user press the Enter key and the search characters are
// less than 3 characters then return from the function.
if (search.length < 3)
let searchType = type;
if(type === 'constraints') {
searchType = ['constraints', 'check_constraint', 'foreign_key', 'primary_key', 'unique_constraint', 'exclusion_constraint'];
sid: nodeData?.server?._id,
did: nodeData?.database?._id,
}), { params: {
text: search,
type: searchType,
let finalData = [];
// Get the finalise list of data.
res?.data?.data.forEach((element) => {
finalData.push(finaliseData(nodeData, element));
setFooterText(res?.data?.data?.length + ' matches found');
const onEnterPress = (e) => {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
const typeOptions = ()=> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
try {
api.get(url_for('search_objects.types', {
sid: nodeData?.server?._id,
did: nodeData?.database?._id,
let typeOpt = [{label:gettext('All types'), value:'all'}];
let typesRes = Object.entries(;
typesRes.forEach((element) => {
typeOpt.push({label:gettext(element[1]), value:element[0]});
} catch (error) {
return (
<Box display="flex" flexDirection="column" height="100%" className={modalClasses.container}>
<Box flexGrow="1" display="flex" flexDirection="column" position="relative" overflow="hidden">
<Loader message={loaderText} />
<Box className={classes.toolbar}>
<InputText type="search" className={classes.inputSearch} data-label="search" placeholder={gettext('Type at least 3 characters')} value={search} onChange={setSearch} onKeyPress={onEnterPress}/>
<Box style={{marginLeft: '4px', width: '50%'}}>
<InputSelect value={type} controlProps={{allowClear: false}} options={typeOptions} onChange={(v)=>setType(v)}/>
<PrimaryButton style={{width: '120px'}} data-test="search" className={modalClasses.margin} startIcon={<SearchRoundedIcon />}
onClick={onSearch} disabled={search.length >= 3 ? false : true}>{gettext('Search')}</PrimaryButton>
<Box flexGrow="1" display="flex" flexDirection="column" position="relative" overflow="hidden">
sortable: true,
resizable: true
<Box className={classes.footer1}>
<FormFooterMessage type={MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR} message={errorMsg} closable onClose={()=>setErrorMsg('')} />
<Box className={classes.footer}>
<PgIconButton data-test="dialog-help" onClick={onDialogHelp} icon={<HelpIcon />} title={gettext('Help for this dialog.')} />
SearchObjects.propTypes = {
onClose: PropTypes.func,
nodeData: PropTypes.object,