Ashesh Vashi 5799ac14ba Improvement in the look and feel of the whole application
Changed the SCSS/CSS for the below third party libraries to adopt the
new look 'n' feel:
- wcDocker
- Alertify dialogs, and notifications
- AciTree
- Bootstrap Navbar
- Bootstrap Tabs
- Bootstrap Drop-Down menu
- Backgrid
- Select2

Adopated the new the look 'n' feel for the dialogs, wizard, properties,
tab panels, tabs, fieldset, subnode control, spinner control, HTML
table, and other form controls.

- Font is changed to Roboto
- Using SCSS variables to define the look 'n' feel
- Designer background images for the Login, and Forget password pages in
  'web' mode
- Improved the look 'n' feel for the key selection in the preferences
- Table classes consistency changes across the application
- File Open and Save dialog list view changes

Author(s): Aditya Toshniwal & Khushboo Vashi
2018-12-21 17:14:55 +05:30

378 lines
14 KiB

//import * as commonUtils from '../../../static/js/utils';
//import Mousetrap from 'mousetrap';
'sources/gettext', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'underscore.string', 'sources/pgadmin',
'backbone', 'alertify', 'backform', 'backgrid', 'sources/browser/generate_url',
'pgadmin.backform', 'pgadmin.backgrid',
'pgadmin.browser.node', '',
], function(gettext, $, _, S, pgAdmin, Backbone, Alertify, Backform, Backgrid, generateUrl) {
var pgBrowser = pgAdmin.Browser = pgAdmin.Browser || {};
// It has already been defined.
// Avoid running this script again.
if (pgBrowser.Collection)
return pgBrowser.Collection;
pgBrowser.Collection = function() {};
_.clone(pgBrowser.Node), {
// Initialization function
// Generally - used to register the menus for this type of node.
// Also, look at pgAdmin.Browser.add_menus(...) function.
// Collection will not have 'Properties' menu.
// NOTE: Override this for each node for initialization purpose
Init: function() {
if (this.node_initialized)
this.node_initialized = true;
name: 'refresh', node: this.type, module: this,
applies: ['object', 'context'], callback: 'refresh',
priority: 1, label: gettext('Refresh...'),
icon: 'fa fa-refresh',
// show query tool only in context menu of supported nodes.
if (pgAdmin.DataGrid && pgAdmin.unsupported_nodes) {
if (_.indexOf(pgAdmin.unsupported_nodes, this.type) == -1) {
name: 'show_query_tool', node: this.type, module: this,
applies: ['context'], callback: 'show_query_tool',
priority: 998, label: gettext('Query Tool...'),
icon: 'fa fa-bolt',
hasId: false,
is_collection: true,
collection_node: true,
// A collection will always have a collection of statistics, when the node
// it represent will have some statistics.
hasCollectiveStatistics: true,
canDrop: true,
canDropCascade: true,
showProperties: function(item, data, panel) {
var that = this,
j = panel.$container.find('.obj_properties').first(),
view ='obj-view'),
content = $('<div></div>')
.addClass('pg-prop-content col-12 has-pg-prop-btn-group'),
node = pgBrowser.Nodes[that.node],
// This will be the URL, used for object manipulation.
urlBase = this.generate_url(item, 'properties', data),
collection = new (node.Collection.extend({
url: urlBase,
model: node.model,
info = this.getTreeNodeHierarchy.apply(this, [item]),
gridSchema = Backform.generateGridColumnsFromModel(
info, node.model, 'properties', that.columns
createButtons = function(buttons, location, extraClasses) {
// Arguments must be non-zero length array of type
// object, which contains following attributes:
// label, type, extraClasses, register
if (buttons && _.isArray(buttons) && buttons.length > 0) {
// All buttons will be created within a single
// div area.
var btnGroup =
// Template used for creating a button
tmpl = _.template([
'<button type="<%= type %>" ',
'class="btn <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>"',
'<% if (disabled) { %> disabled="disabled"<% } %> title="<%-tooltip%>">',
'<span class="<%= icon %>"></span><% if (label != "") { %>&nbsp;<%-label%><% } %></button>',
].join(' '));
if (location == 'header') {
} else {
if (extraClasses) {
_.each(buttons, function(btn) {
// Create the actual button, and append to
// the group div
// icon may not present for this button
if (!btn.icon) {
btn.icon = '';
var b = $(tmpl(btn));
// Register is a callback to set callback
// for certain operation for this button.
return btnGroup;
return null;
// Add the new column for the multi-select menus
if((_.isFunction(that.canDrop) ?
that.canDrop.apply(that, [data, item]) : that.canDrop) ||
(_.isFunction(that.canDropCascade) ?
that.canDropCascade.apply(that, [data, item]) : that.canDropCascade)) {
name: 'oid',
cell: Backgrid.Extension.SelectRowCell.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
this.column = options.column;
if (!(this.column instanceof Backgrid.Column)) {
this.column = new Backgrid.Column(this.column);
var column = this.column, model = this.model, $el = this.$el;
this.listenTo(column, 'change:renderable', function (column, renderable) {
$el.toggleClass('renderable', renderable);
if (Backgrid.callByNeed(column.renderable(), column, model)) $el.addClass('renderable');
this.listenTo(model, 'backgrid:select', this.toggleCheckbox);
toggleCheckbox: function(model, selected) {
if (this.checkbox().prop('disabled') === false) {
this.checkbox().prop('checked', selected).change();
render: function() {
let model = this.model.toJSON();
// canDrop can be set to false for individual row from the server side to disable the checkbox
if ('canDrop' in model && model.canDrop === false)
this.$el.empty().append('<input tabindex="-1" type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"/>');
this.$el.empty().append('<input tabindex="-1" type="checkbox" />');
return this;
headerCell: Backgrid.Extension.SelectAllHeaderCell,
// Initialize a new Grid instance
that.grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
emptyText: 'No data found',
columns: gridSchema.columns,
collection: collection,
className: 'backgrid table presentation table-bordered table-noouter-border table-hover',
var gridView = {
'remove': function() {
if (this.grid) {
if (this.grid.collection) {
this.grid.collection.reset(null, {silent: true});
delete (this.grid.collection);
delete (this.grid);
this.grid = null;
grid: that.grid,
if (view) {
// Avoid unnecessary reloads
if (_.isEqual($(panel).data('node-prop'), urlBase)) {
// Cache the current IDs for next time
$(panel).data('node-prop', urlBase);
// Reset the data object'obj-view', null);
// Make sure the HTML element is empty.
j.empty();'obj-view', gridView);
that.header = $('<div></div>').addClass(
// Render the buttons
var buttons = [];
label: '',
type: 'delete',
tooltip: gettext('Delete/Drop'),
extraClasses: ['btn-secondary m-1', 'delete_multiple'],
icon: 'fa fa-lg fa-trash-o',
disabled: (_.isFunction(that.canDrop)) ? !(that.canDrop.apply(self, [data, item])) : (!that.canDrop),
register: function(btn) {
btn.on('click',() => {
label: '',
type: 'delete',
tooltip: gettext('Drop Cascade'),
extraClasses: ['btn-secondary m-1', 'delete_multiple_cascade'],
icon: 'icon-delete_multiple_cascade',
disabled: (_.isFunction(that.canDropCascade)) ? !(that.canDropCascade.apply(self, [data, item])) : (!that.canDropCascade),
register: function(btn) {
btn.on('click',() => {
createButtons(buttons, 'header', 'pg-prop-btn-group-above');
// Render subNode grid
content.append('<div class="pg-prop-coll-container"></div>');
// Fetch Data
reset: true,
error: function(model, error, xhr) {
'pgadmin:collection:retrieval:error', 'properties', xhr, error,
error.message, item, that
if (!Alertify.pgHandleItemError(
xhr, error, error.message, {item: item, info: info}
)) {
Alertify.pgNotifier(error, xhr, S(
gettext('Error retrieving properties - %s.')
).sprintf(error.message || that.label).value(), function() {
var onDrop = function(type) {
let sel_row_models = this.grid.getSelectedModels(),
sel_rows = [],
item = pgBrowser.tree.selected(),
d = item ? pgBrowser.tree.itemData(item) : null,
node = pgBrowser.Nodes[d._type],
url = undefined,
msg = undefined,
title = undefined;
_.each(sel_row_models, function(r){ sel_rows.push(; });
if (sel_rows.length === 0) {
Alertify.alert(gettext('Drop Multiple'),
gettext('Please select at least one object to delete.')
if (type === 'dropCascade') {
url = node.generate_url(item, 'delete'),
msg = gettext('Are you sure you want to drop all the selected objects and all the objects that depend on them?'),
title = gettext('DROP CASCADE multiple objects?');
} else {
url = node.generate_url(item, 'drop');
msg = gettext('Are you sure you want to drop all the selected objects?');
title = gettext('DROP multiple objects?');
Alertify.confirm(title, msg,
function() {
url: url,
type: 'DELETE',
data: JSON.stringify({'ids': sel_rows}),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
.done(function(res) {
if (res.success == 0) {
} else {
'pgadmin:browser:tree:refresh', item || pgBrowser.tree.selected(), {
success: function() {
node.callbacks.selected.apply(node, [item]);
return true;
.fail(function(jqx) {
var msg = jqx.responseText;
/* Error from the server */
if (jqx.status == 417 || jqx.status == 410 || jqx.status == 500) {
try {
var data = JSON.parse(jqx.responseText);
msg = data.errormsg;
} catch (e) {
console.warn(e.stack || e);
S(gettext('Error dropping %s'))
.value(), msg);
'pgadmin:browser:tree:refresh', item || pgBrowser.tree.selected(), {
success: function() {
node.callbacks.selected.apply(node, [item]);
generate_url: function(item, type) {
* Using list, and collection functions of a node to get the nodes
* under the collection, and properties of the collection respectively.
var opURL = {
'properties': 'obj',
'children': 'nodes',
'drop': 'obj',
self = this;
var collectionPickFunction = function (treeInfoValue, treeInfoKey) {
return (treeInfoKey != self.type);
var treeInfo = this.getTreeNodeHierarchy(item);
var actionType = type in opURL ? opURL[type] : type;
return generateUrl.generate_url(
pgAdmin.Browser.URL, treeInfo, actionType, self.node,
return pgBrowser.Collection;