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# pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016, The pgAdmin Development Team
# This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
"""Schema collection node helper class"""
import json
from flask import render_template
from pgadmin.browser.collection import CollectionNodeModule
from pgadmin.utils.ajax import internal_server_error
from config import PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER
class SchemaChildModule(CollectionNodeModule):
Base class for the schema child node.
Some of the node may be/may not be allowed in certain catalog nodes.
Do not show the schema objects under pg_catalog, pgAgent, etc.
Schema child objects like catalog_objects are only supported for
'pg_catalog', and objects like 'jobs' & 'schedules' are only supported for
the 'pgagent' schema.
For catalog_objects, we should set:
SUPPORTED_SCHEMAS = ['pg_catalog']
For jobs & schedules, we should set:
def BackendSupported(self, manager, **kwargs):
return (
kwargs['is_catalog'] and ((
self.CATALOG_DB_SUPPORTED and kwargs['db_support']
) or (
not kwargs['db_support'] and
self.SUPPORTED_SCHEMAS is None or (
kwargs['schema_name'] in self.SUPPORTED_SCHEMAS
) or (
not kwargs['is_catalog'] and self.CATALOG_DB_SUPPORTED
) and CollectionNodeModule.BackendSupported(
self, manager, **kwargs
class DataTypeReader:
DataTypeReader Class.
This class includes common utilities for data-types.
* get_types(conn, condition):
- Returns data-types on the basis of the condition provided.
def get_types(self, conn, condition, add_serials=False):
Returns data-types including calculation for Length and Precision.
conn: Connection Object
condition: condition to restrict SQL statement
add_serials: If you want to serials type
res = []
sql_template_path = ''
if conn.manager.version >= 90100:
sql_template_path = 'datatype/sql/9.1_plus'
SQL = render_template("/".join([sql_template_path,
status, rset = conn.execute_2darray(SQL)
if not status:
return status, rset
for row in rset['rows']:
# Attach properties for precision
# & length validation for current type
precision = False
length = False
min_val = 0
max_val = 0
# Check against PGOID for specific type
if row['elemoid']:
if row['elemoid'] in (1560, 1561, 1562, 1563, 1042, 1043,
1014, 1015):
typeval = 'L'
elif row['elemoid'] in (1083, 1114, 1115, 1183, 1184, 1185,
1186, 1187, 1266, 1270):
typeval = 'D'
elif row['elemoid'] in (1231, 1700):
typeval = 'P'
typeval = ' '
# Set precision & length/min/max values
if typeval == 'P':
precision = True
if precision or typeval in ('L', 'D'):
length = True
min_val = 0 if typeval == 'D' else 1
if precision:
max_val = 1000
elif min_val:
# Max of integer value
max_val = 2147483647
max_val = 10
'label': row['typname'], 'value': row['typname'],
'typval': typeval, 'precision': precision,
'length': length, 'min_val': min_val, 'max_val': max_val,
'is_collatable': row['is_collatable']
except Exception as e:
return False, str(e)
return True, res
def get_full_type(self, nsp, typname, isDup, numdims, typmod):
Returns full type name with Length and Precision.
conn: Connection Object
condition: condition to restrict SQL statement
needSchema = isDup
schema = nsp if nsp is not None else ''
name = ''
array = ''
length = ''
# Above 7.4, format_type also sends the schema name if it's not included
# in the search_path, so we need to skip it in the typname
if typname.find(schema + '".') >= 0:
name = typname[len(schema) + 3]
elif typname.find(schema + '.') >= 0:
name = typname[len(schema) + 1]
name = typname
if name.startswith('_'):
if not numdims:
numdims = 1
name = name[1:]
if name.endswith('[]'):
if not numdims:
numdims = 1
name = name[:-2]
if name.startswith('"') and name.endswith('"'):
name = name[1:-1]
if numdims > 0:
while numdims:
array += '[]'
numdims -= 1
if typmod != -1:
length = '('
if name == 'numeric':
_len = (typmod - 4) >> 16;
_prec = (typmod - 4) & 0xffff;
length += str(_len)
if (_prec):
length += ',' + str(_prec)
elif name == 'time' or \
name == 'timetz' or \
name == 'time without time zone' or \
name == 'time with time zone' or \
name == 'timestamp' or \
name == 'timestamptz' or \
name == 'timestamp without time zone' or \
name == 'timestamp with time zone' or \
name == 'bit' or \
name == 'bit varying' or \
name == 'varbit':
_prec = 0
_len = typmod
length += str(_len)
elif name == 'interval':
_prec = 0
_len = typmod & 0xffff
length += str(_len)
elif name == 'date':
# Clear length
length = ''
_len = typmod - 4
_prec = 0
length += str(_len)
if len(length) > 0:
length += ')'
if name == 'char' and schema == 'pg_catalog':
return '"char"' + array
elif name == 'time with time zone':
return 'time' + length + ' with time zone' + array
elif name == 'time without time zone':
return 'time' + length + ' without time zone' + array
elif name == 'timestamp with time zone':
return 'timestamp' + length + ' with time zone' + array
elif name == 'timestamp without time zone':
return 'timestamp' + length + ' without time zone' + array
return name + length + array
def trigger_definition(data):
This function will set the trigger definition details from the raw data
data: Properties data
Updated properties data with trigger definition
# Here we are storing trigger definition
# We will use it to check trigger type definition
trigger_definition = {
'TRIGGER_TYPE_ROW': (1 << 0),
# Fires event definition
if data['tgtype'] & trigger_definition['TRIGGER_TYPE_BEFORE']:
data['fires'] = 'BEFORE'
elif data['tgtype'] & trigger_definition['TRIGGER_TYPE_INSTEAD']:
data['fires'] = 'INSTEAD OF'
data['fires'] = 'AFTER'
# Trigger of type definition
if data['tgtype'] & trigger_definition['TRIGGER_TYPE_ROW']:
data['is_row_trigger'] = True
data['is_row_trigger'] = False
# Event definition
if data['tgtype'] & trigger_definition['TRIGGER_TYPE_INSERT']:
data['evnt_insert'] = True
data['evnt_insert'] = False
if data['tgtype'] & trigger_definition['TRIGGER_TYPE_DELETE']:
data['evnt_delete'] = True
data['evnt_delete'] = False
if data['tgtype'] & trigger_definition['TRIGGER_TYPE_UPDATE']:
data['evnt_update'] = True
data['evnt_update'] = False
if data['tgtype'] & trigger_definition['TRIGGER_TYPE_TRUNCATE']:
data['evnt_truncate'] = True
data['evnt_truncate'] = False
return data
def parse_rule_definition(res):
This function extracts:
- events
- do_instead
- statements
- condition
from the defintion row, forms an array with fields and returns it.
res_data = []
res_data = res['rows'][0]
data_def = res_data['definition']
import re
# Parse data for event
e_match = re.search(r"ON\s+(.*)\s+TO", data_def)
event_data = e_match.group(1) if e_match is not None else None
event = event_data if event_data is not None else ''
# Parse data for do instead
inst_match = re.search(r"\s+(INSTEAD)\s+", data_def)
instead_data = inst_match.group(1) if inst_match is not None else None
instead = True if instead_data is not None else False
# Parse data for condition
condition_match = re.search(r"(?:WHERE)\s+(.*)\s+(?:DO)", data_def)
condition_data = condition_match.group(1) \
if condition_match is not None else None
condition = condition_data if condition_data is not None else ''
# Parse data for statements
statement_match = re.search(
r"(?:DO\s+)(?:INSTEAD\s+)?((.|\n)*)", data_def)
statement_data = statement_match.group(1) if statement_match else None
statement = statement_data if statement_data is not None else ''
# set columns parse data
res_data['event'] = event.lower().capitalize()
res_data['do_instead'] = instead
res_data['statements'] = statement
res_data['condition'] = condition
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
return res_data
class VacuumSettings:
VacuumSettings Class.
This class includes common utilities to fetch and parse
vacuum defaults settings.
* get_vacuum_table_settings(conn):
- Returns vacuum table defaults settings.
* get_vacuum_toast_settings(conn):
- Returns vacuum toast defaults settings.
* parse_vacuum_data(conn, result, type):
- Returns result of an associated array
of fields name, label, value and column_type.
It adds name, label, column_type properties of table/toast
vacuum into the array and returns it.
* conn - It is db connection object
* result - Resultset of vacuum data
* type - table/toast vacuum type
def __init__(self):
def get_vacuum_table_settings(self, conn):
Fetch the default values for autovacuum
fields, return an array of
- label
- name
- setting
# returns an array of name & label values
vacuum_fields = render_template("vacuum_settings/vacuum_fields.json")
vacuum_fields = json.loads(vacuum_fields)
# returns an array of setting & name values
vacuum_fields_keys = "'" + "','".join(
vacuum_fields['table'].keys()) + "'"
SQL = render_template('vacuum_settings/sql/vacuum_defaults.sql',
status, res = conn.execute_dict(SQL)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
for row in res['rows']:
row_name = row['name']
row['name'] = vacuum_fields['table'][row_name][0]
row['label'] = vacuum_fields['table'][row_name][1]
row['column_type'] = vacuum_fields['table'][row_name][2]
return res
def get_vacuum_toast_settings(self, conn):
Fetch the default values for autovacuum
fields, return an array of
- label
- name
- setting
# returns an array of name & label values
vacuum_fields = render_template("vacuum_settings/vacuum_fields.json")
vacuum_fields = json.loads(vacuum_fields)
# returns an array of setting & name values
vacuum_fields_keys = "'" + "','".join(
vacuum_fields['toast'].keys()) + "'"
SQL = render_template('vacuum_settings/sql/vacuum_defaults.sql',
status, res = conn.execute_dict(SQL)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
for row in res['rows']:
row_name = row['name']
row['name'] = vacuum_fields['toast'][row_name][0]
row['label'] = vacuum_fields['toast'][row_name][1]
row['column_type'] = vacuum_fields['table'][row_name][2]
return res
def parse_vacuum_data(self, conn, result, type):
This function returns result of an associated array
of fields name, label, value and column_type.
It adds name, label, column_type properties of table/toast
vacuum into the array and returns it.
* conn - It is db connection object
* result - Resultset of vacuum data
* type - table/toast vacuum type
# returns an array of name & label values
vacuum_fields = render_template("vacuum_settings/vacuum_fields.json")
vacuum_fields = json.loads(vacuum_fields)
# returns an array of setting & name values
vacuum_fields_keys = "'" + "','".join(
vacuum_fields[type].keys()) + "'"
SQL = render_template('vacuum_settings/sql/vacuum_defaults.sql',
status, res = conn.execute_dict(SQL)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
if type is 'table':
for row in res['rows']:
row_name = row['name']
row['name'] = vacuum_fields[type][row_name][0]
row['label'] = vacuum_fields[type][row_name][1]
row['column_type'] = vacuum_fields[type][row_name][2]
if result[row['name']] is not None:
if row['column_type'] == 'number':
value = float(result[row['name']])
value = int(result[row['name']])
row['value'] = row['setting'] = value
elif type is 'toast':
for row in res['rows']:
row_old_name = row['name']
row_name = 'toast_{0}'.format(vacuum_fields[type][row_old_name][0])
row['name'] = vacuum_fields[type][row_old_name][0]
row['label'] = vacuum_fields[type][row_old_name][1]
row['column_type'] = vacuum_fields[type][row_old_name][2]
if result[row_name] and result[row_name] is not None:
if row['column_type'] == 'number':
value = float(result[row_name])
value = int(result[row_name])
row['value'] = row['setting'] = value
return res['rows']