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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:31 -06:00
will result in multiple rows. Fixes #5526 Fixed an old issue where quotes are not escaped when copying the cells. As per CSV standards, if the string is in double quotes and there are double quotes inside the string then they should be escaped with extra double-quotes.
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169 lines
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// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020, The pgAdmin Development Team
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
define(['sources/selection/range_selection_helper', 'json-bignumber'],
function (RangeSelectionHelper, JSONBigNumber) {
return {
getUnion: function (allRanges) {
if (_.isEmpty(allRanges)) {
return [];
var unionedRanges = [allRanges[0]];
allRanges.forEach(function (range) {
var maxBeginningOfRange = _.last(unionedRanges);
if (isStartInsideRange(range, maxBeginningOfRange)) {
if (!isEndInsideRange(range, maxBeginningOfRange)) {
maxBeginningOfRange[1] = range[1];
} else {
return unionedRanges;
function firstElementNumberComparator(a, b) {
return a[0] - b[0];
function isStartInsideRange(range, surroundingRange) {
return range[0] <= surroundingRange[1] + 1;
function isEndInsideRange(range, surroundingRange) {
return range[1] <= surroundingRange[1];
mapDimensionBoundaryUnion: function (unionedDimensionBoundaries, iteratee) {
var mapResult = [];
unionedDimensionBoundaries.forEach(function (subrange) {
for (var index = subrange[0]; index <= subrange[1]; index += 1) {
return mapResult;
mapOver2DArray: function (rowRangeBounds, colRangeBounds, processCell, rowCollector) {
var unionedRowRanges = this.getUnion(rowRangeBounds);
var unionedColRanges = this.getUnion(colRangeBounds);
return this.mapDimensionBoundaryUnion(unionedRowRanges, function (rowId) {
var rowData = this.mapDimensionBoundaryUnion(unionedColRanges, function (colId) {
return processCell(rowId, colId);
return rowCollector(rowData);
getHeaderData: function (columnDefinitions, CSVOptions) {
var headerData = [],
field_separator = CSVOptions.field_separator || '\t',
quote_char = CSVOptions.quote_char || '"';
_.each(columnDefinitions, function(col) {
if(col.display_name && col.selected) {
headerData.push(quote_char + col.display_name + quote_char);
return headerData.join(field_separator);
rangesToCsv: function (data, columnDefinitions, selectedRanges, CSVOptions, copyWithHeader) {
var rowRangeBounds = selectedRanges.map(function (range) {
return [range.fromRow, range.toRow];
var colRangeBounds = selectedRanges.map(function (range) {
return [range.fromCell, range.toCell];
if (!RangeSelectionHelper.isFirstColumnData(columnDefinitions)) {
colRangeBounds = this.removeFirstColumn(colRangeBounds);
var csvRows = this.mapOver2DArray(rowRangeBounds, colRangeBounds, this.csvCell.bind(this, data, columnDefinitions, CSVOptions), function (rowData) {
var field_separator = CSVOptions.field_separator || '\t';
return rowData.join(field_separator);
if (copyWithHeader) {
var headerData = '';
headerData = this.getHeaderData(columnDefinitions, CSVOptions);
return headerData + '\n' + csvRows.join('\n');
return csvRows.join('\n');
removeFirstColumn: function (colRangeBounds) {
var unionedColRanges = this.getUnion(colRangeBounds);
if(unionedColRanges.length == 0) {
return [];
var firstSubrangeStartsAt0 = function () {
return unionedColRanges[0][0] == 0;
function firstSubrangeIsJustFirstColumn() {
return unionedColRanges[0][1] == 0;
if (firstSubrangeStartsAt0()) {
if (firstSubrangeIsJustFirstColumn()) {
} else {
unionedColRanges[0][0] = 1;
return unionedColRanges;
csvCell: function (data, columnDefinitions, CSVOptions, rowId, colId) {
var val = data[rowId][columnDefinitions[colId].field],
cell_type = columnDefinitions[colId].cell || '',
quoting = CSVOptions.quoting || 'strings',
quote_char = CSVOptions.quote_char || '"';
const escape = (iStr) => {
return (quote_char == '"') ?
iStr.replace(/\"/g, '""') : iStr.replace(/\'/g, '\'\'');
if (quoting == 'all') {
if (val && _.isObject(val)) {
val = quote_char + JSONBigNumber.stringify(val) + quote_char;
} else if (val) {
val = quote_char + escape(val.toString()) + quote_char;
} else if (_.isNull(val) || _.isUndefined(val)) {
val = '';
else if(quoting == 'strings') {
if (val && _.isObject(val)) {
val = quote_char + JSONBigNumber.stringify(val) + quote_char;
} else if (val && cell_type != 'number' && cell_type != 'boolean') {
val = quote_char + escape(val.toString()) + quote_char;
} else if (_.isNull(val) || _.isUndefined(val)) {
val = '';
return val;