mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 15:36:06 -06:00
Fixed following issues: 1. If the database name contains escape characters then PSQL unable to connect. 2. If the user terminates the connection by typing the 'exit' command, PSQL will show the connection termination msg. Fixes #2341
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522 lines
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// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2021, The pgAdmin Development Team
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
'sources/gettext', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'sources/pgadmin',
'backbone', 'alertify', 'backform', 'backgrid', 'sources/browser/generate_url',
'pgadmin.backform', 'pgadmin.backgrid',
'pgadmin.browser.node', 'backgrid.select.all',
], function(gettext, $, _, pgAdmin, Backbone, Alertify, Backform, Backgrid, generateUrl) {
var pgBrowser = pgAdmin.Browser = pgAdmin.Browser || {};
// It has already been defined.
// Avoid running this script again.
if (pgBrowser.Collection)
return pgBrowser.Collection;
pgBrowser.Collection = function() {};
_.clone(pgBrowser.Node), {
// Initialization function
// Generally - used to register the menus for this type of node.
// Also, look at pgAdmin.Browser.add_menus(...) function.
// Collection will not have 'Properties' menu.
// NOTE: Override this for each node for initialization purpose
Init: function() {
if (this.node_initialized)
this.node_initialized = true;
name: 'refresh', node: this.type, module: this,
applies: ['object', 'context'], callback: 'refresh',
priority: 1, label: gettext('Refresh...'),
icon: 'fa fa-sync-alt',
// show query tool only in context menu of supported nodes.
if (pgAdmin.unsupported_nodes && _.indexOf(pgAdmin.unsupported_nodes, this.type) == -1) {
if ((this.type == 'database' && this.allowConn) || this.type != 'database') {
name: 'show_query_tool', node: this.type, module: this,
applies: ['context'], callback: 'show_query_tool',
priority: 998, label: gettext('Query Tool'),
icon: 'pg-font-icon icon-query_tool',
// show search objects same as query tool
name: 'search_objects', node: this.type, module: this,
applies: ['context'], callback: 'show_search_objects',
priority: 997, label: gettext('Search Objects...'),
icon: 'fa fa-search',
// show psql tool same as query tool.
if(pgAdmin['enable_psql']) {
name: 'show_psql_tool', node: this.type, module: this,
applies: ['context'], callback: 'show_psql_tool',
priority: 998, label: gettext('PSQL Tool (Beta)'),
icon: 'fas fa-terminal',
hasId: false,
is_collection: true,
collection_node: true,
// A collection will always have a collection of statistics, when the node
// it represent will have some statistics.
hasCollectiveStatistics: true,
canDrop: true,
canDropCascade: true,
showProperties: function(item, data, panel) {
var that = this,
j = panel.$container.find('.obj_properties').first(),
view = j.data('obj-view'),
content = $('<div></div>')
.addClass('pg-prop-content col-12 has-pg-prop-btn-group'),
node = pgBrowser.Nodes[that.node],
$msgContainer = '',
// This will be the URL, used for object manipulation.
urlBase = this.generate_url(item, 'properties', data),
info = this.getTreeNodeHierarchy.apply(this, [item]),
gridSchema = Backform.generateGridColumnsFromModel(
info, node.model, 'properties', that.columns
createButtons = function(buttonsList, location, extraClasses) {
// Arguments must be non-zero length array of type
// object, which contains following attributes:
// label, type, extraClasses, register
if (buttonsList && _.isArray(buttonsList) && buttonsList.length > 0) {
// All buttons will be created within a single
// div area.
var btnGroup =
$('<div class="pg-prop-btn-group"></div>'),
// Template used for creating a button
tmpl = _.template([
'<button tabindex="0" type="<%= type %>" ',
'class="btn <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>"',
'<% if (disabled) { %> disabled="disabled"<% } %> title="<%-tooltip%>">',
'<span class="<%= icon %>" role="img"></span><% if (label != "") { %> <%-label%><% } %><span class="sr-only"><%-tooltip%></span></button>',
].join(' '));
if (location == 'header') {
} else {
if (extraClasses) {
_.each(buttonsList, function(btn) {
// Create the actual button, and append to
// the group div
// icon may not present for this button
if (!btn.icon) {
btn.icon = '';
var b = $(tmpl(btn));
// Register is a callback to set callback
// for certain operation for this button.
return btnGroup;
return null;
that.collection = new (node.Collection.extend({
url: urlBase,
model: node.model,
// Add the new column for the multi-select menus
if((_.isFunction(that.canDrop) ?
that.canDrop.apply(that, [data, item]) : that.canDrop) ||
(_.isFunction(that.canDropCascade) ?
that.canDropCascade.apply(that, [data, item]) : that.canDropCascade)) {
name: 'oid',
cell: Backgrid.Extension.SelectRowCell.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
this.column = options.column;
if (!(this.column instanceof Backgrid.Column)) {
this.column = new Backgrid.Column(this.column);
var column = this.column, model = this.model, $el = this.$el;
this.listenTo(column, 'change:renderable', function (col, renderable) {
$el.toggleClass('renderable', renderable);
if (Backgrid.callByNeed(column.renderable(), column, model)) $el.addClass('renderable width_percent_3');
this.listenTo(model, 'backgrid:select', this.toggleCheckbox);
toggleCheckbox: function(model, selected) {
if (this.checkbox().prop('disabled') === false) {
this.checkbox().prop('checked', selected).change();
render: function() {
let model = this.model.toJSON();
// canDrop can be set to false for individual row from the server side to disable the checkbox
let disabled = ('canDrop' in model && model.canDrop === false);
let id = `row-${_.uniqueId(model.oid || model.name)}`;
<div class="custom-control custom-checkbox custom-checkbox-no-label">
<input tabindex="-1" type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="${id}" ${disabled?'disabled':''}/>
<label class="custom-control-label" for="${id}">
<span class="sr-only">` + gettext('Select') + `<span>
return this;
headerCell: Backgrid.Extension.SelectAllHeaderCell,
/* Columns should be always non-editable */
col.disabled = true;
// Get the list of selected models, before initializing the grid
// again.
var selectedModels = [];
if(!_.isUndefined(that.grid) && 'collection' in that.grid){
selectedModels = that.grid.getSelectedModels();
// Initialize a new Grid instance
that.grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
emptyText: gettext('No data found'),
columns: gridSchema.columns,
collection: that.collection,
className: 'backgrid table presentation table-bordered table-noouter-border table-hover',
var gridView = {
'remove': function() {
if (this.grid) {
if (this.grid.collection) {
this.grid.collection.reset([], {silent: true});
delete (this.grid.collection);
delete (this.grid);
this.grid = null;
grid: that.grid,
if (view) {
// Cache the current IDs for next time
$(panel).data('node-prop', urlBase);
// Reset the data object
j.data('obj-view', null);
// Make sure the HTML element is empty.
j.data('obj-view', gridView);
$msgContainer = '<div role="status" class="pg-panel-message pg-panel-properties-message">' +
gettext('Retrieving data from the server...') + '</div>';
$msgContainer = $($msgContainer).appendTo(j);
that.header = $('<div></div>').addClass(
// Render the buttons
var buttons = [];
label: '',
type: 'delete',
tooltip: gettext('Delete/Drop'),
extraClasses: ['btn-primary-icon m-1', 'delete_multiple'],
icon: 'fa fa-trash-alt',
disabled: (_.isFunction(that.canDrop)) ? !(that.canDrop.apply(self, [data, item])) : (!that.canDrop),
register: function(btn) {
btn.on('click',() => {
label: '',
type: 'delete',
tooltip: gettext('Drop Cascade'),
extraClasses: ['btn-primary-icon m-1', 'delete_multiple_cascade'],
icon: 'pg-font-icon icon-drop_cascade',
disabled: (_.isFunction(that.canDropCascade)) ? !(that.canDropCascade.apply(self, [data, item])) : (!that.canDropCascade),
register: function(btn) {
btn.on('click',() => {
createButtons(buttons, 'header', 'pg-prop-btn-group-above');
// Render subNode grid
content.append('<div class="pg-prop-coll-container"></div>');
var timer;
var getAjaxHook = function() {
url: urlBase,
type: 'GET',
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(pgAdmin.csrf_token_header, pgAdmin.csrf_token);
// Generate a timer for the request
timer = setTimeout(function() {
// notify user if request is taking longer than 1 second
if (!$msgContainer.text()== 'Failed to retrieve data from the server.')
$msgContainer.text(gettext('Retrieving data from the server...'));
if (self.grid) {
}, 1000);
}).done(function(res) {
if (_.isUndefined(that.grid) || _.isNull(that.grid)) return;
that.data = res;
if (that.data.length > 0) {
if (!$msgContainer.hasClass('d-none')) {
// Listen scroll event to load more rows
$('.pg-prop-content').on('scroll', that.__loadMoreRows.bind(that));
that.collection.reset(that.data.splice(0, 50));
// Listen to select all checkbox event
that.collection.on('backgrid:select-all', that.__loadAllRows.bind(that));
// Trigger the backgrid:select event for already selected items
// as we have created a new grid instance.
if(selectedModels.length > 0) {
that.collection.each(function (model) {
for(var inx=0; inx < selectedModels.length; inx++){
if (selectedModels[inx].id == model.id){
model.trigger('backgrid:select', model, true);
} else {
// Do not listen the scroll event
$('.pg-prop-content').off('scroll', that.__loadMoreRows);
$msgContainer.text(gettext('No properties are available for the selected object.'));
selectedModels = [];
}).fail(function(xhr, error) {
'pgadmin:node:retrieval:error', 'properties', xhr, error.message, item, that
if (!Alertify.pgHandleItemError(xhr, error.message, {
item: item,
info: info,
})) {
error, xhr, gettext('Error retrieving properties - %s', error.message || that.label),
function(msg) {
if(msg === 'CRYPTKEY_SET') {
} else {
// show failed message.
$msgContainer.text(gettext('Failed to retrieve data from the server.'));
var onDrop = function(type, confirm=true) {
let sel_row_models = this.grid.getSelectedModels(),
sel_rows = [],
sel_item = pgBrowser.tree.selected(),
d = sel_item ? pgBrowser.tree.itemData(sel_item) : null,
sel_node = d && pgBrowser.Nodes[d._type],
url = undefined,
msg = undefined,
title = undefined;
if (sel_node && sel_node.type && sel_node.type == 'coll-constraints') {
// In order to identify the constraint type, the type should be passed to the server
sel_rows = sel_row_models.map(row => ({id: row.get('oid'), _type: row.get('_type')}));
else {
sel_rows = sel_row_models.map(row => row.id);
if (sel_rows.length === 0) {
Alertify.alert(gettext('Drop Multiple'),
gettext('Please select at least one object to delete.')
if (!sel_node)
if (type === 'dropCascade') {
url = sel_node.generate_url(sel_item, 'delete');
msg = gettext('Are you sure you want to drop all the selected objects and all the objects that depend on them?');
title = gettext('DROP CASCADE multiple objects?');
} else {
url = sel_node.generate_url(sel_item, 'drop');
msg = gettext('Are you sure you want to drop all the selected objects?');
title = gettext('DROP multiple objects?');
let dropAjaxHook = function() {
url: url,
type: 'DELETE',
data: JSON.stringify({'ids': sel_rows}),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
}).done(function(res) {
if (res.success == 0) {
pgBrowser.report_error(res.errormsg, res.info);
} else {
'pgadmin:browser:tree:refresh', sel_item || pgBrowser.tree.selected(), {
success: function() {
sel_node.callbacks.selected.apply(sel_node, [sel_item]);
return true;
}).fail(function(xhr, error) {
error, xhr,
gettext('Error dropping %s', d._label.toLowerCase()),
function(alertMsg) {
if (alertMsg == 'CRYPTKEY_SET') {
onDrop(type, false);
} else {
'pgadmin:browser:tree:refresh', sel_item || pgBrowser.tree.selected(), {
success: function() {
sel_node.callbacks.selected.apply(sel_node, [sel_item]);
if(confirm) {
Alertify.confirm(title, msg, dropAjaxHook, null).show();
} else {
__loadMoreRows: function(e) {
let elem = e.currentTarget;
if ((elem.scrollHeight - 10) < elem.scrollTop + elem.offsetHeight) {
if (this.data.length > 0) {
this.collection.add(this.data.splice(0, 50));
__loadAllRows: function(tmp, checked) {
if (this.data.length > 0) {
this.collection.each(function (model) {
model.trigger('backgrid:select', model, checked);
generate_url: function(item, type) {
* Using list, and collection functions of a node to get the nodes
* under the collection, and properties of the collection respectively.
var opURL = {
'properties': 'obj',
'children': 'nodes',
'drop': 'obj',
self = this;
var collectionPickFunction = function (treeInfoValue, treeInfoKey) {
return (treeInfoKey != self.type);
var treeInfo = this.getTreeNodeHierarchy(item);
var actionType = type in opURL ? opURL[type] : type;
return generateUrl.generate_url(
pgAdmin.Browser.URL, treeInfo, actionType, self.node,
show_query_tool: function() {
if(pgAdmin.DataGrid) {
pgAdmin.DataGrid.show_query_tool('', pgAdmin.Browser.tree.selected());
show_search_objects: function() {
if(pgAdmin.SearchObjects) {
pgAdmin.SearchObjects.show_search_objects('', pgAdmin.Browser.tree.selected());
show_psql_tool: function(args) {
var input = args || {},
t = pgBrowser.tree,
i = input.item || t.selected(),
d = i && i.length == 1 ? t.itemData(i) : undefined;
pgBrowser.psql.psql_tool(d, i, true);
return pgBrowser.Collection;