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Copyright (c) 2014 Amilia Inc.
Written by Martin Drapeau
Licensed under the MIT @license
(function(root, factory) {
// Set up Backform appropriately for the environment. Start with AMD.
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
'underscore', 'jquery', 'backbone', 'backform', 'backgrid',
'codemirror', 'pgadmin.backgrid', 'codemirror.sql', 'select2'
function(_, $, Backbone, Backform, Backgrid, CodeMirror) {
// Export global even in AMD case in case this script is loaded with
// others that may still expect a global Backform.
return factory(root, _, $, Backbone, Backform, Backgrid, CodeMirror);
// Next for Node.js or CommonJS. jQuery may not be needed as a module.
} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
var _ = require('underscore') || root._,
$ = root.jQuery || root.$ || root.Zepto || root.ender,
Backbone = require('backbone') || root.Backbone,
Backform = require('backform') || root.Backform,
Backgrid = require('backgrid') || root.Backgrid;
CodeMirror = require('codemirror') || root.CodeMirror;
pgAdminBackgrid = require('pgadmin.backgrid');
factory(root, _, $, Backbone, Backform, Backgrid, CodeMirror);
// Finally, as a browser global.
} else {
factory(root, root._, (root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender || root.$), root.Backbone, root.Backform, root.Backgrid, root.CodeMirror);
}(this, function(root, _, $, Backbone, Backform, Backgrid, CodeMirror) {
var pgAdmin = (window.pgAdmin = window.pgAdmin || {});
pgAdmin.editableCell = function() {
if (this.attributes && !_.isUndefined(this.attributes.disabled) &&
!_.isNull(this.attributes.disabled)) {
if(_.isFunction(this.attributes.disabled)) {
return !(this.attributes.disabled.apply(this, arguments));
if (_.isBoolean(this.attributes.disabled)) {
return !this.attributes.disabled;
// HTML markup global class names. More can be added by individual controls
// using _.extend. Look at RadioControl as an example.
_.extend(Backform, {
controlLabelClassName: "control-label col-sm-4",
controlsClassName: "pgadmin-controls col-sm-8",
groupClassName: "pgadmin-control-group form-group col-xs-12",
setGroupClassName: "set-group col-xs-12",
tabClassName: "backform-tab col-xs-12",
setGroupContentClassName: "fieldset-content col-xs-12"
var controlMapper = Backform.controlMapper = {
'int': ['uneditable-input', 'input', 'integer'],
'text': ['uneditable-input', 'input', 'string'],
'numeric': ['uneditable-input', 'input', 'number'],
'date': 'datepicker',
'boolean': 'boolean',
'options': ['readonly-option', 'select', Backgrid.Extension.PGSelectCell],
'multiline': ['textarea', 'textarea', 'string'],
'collection': ['sub-node-collection', 'sub-node-collection', 'string'],
'uniqueColCollection': ['unique-col-collection', 'unique-col-collection', 'string'],
'switch' : 'switch'
var getMappedControl = Backform.getMappedControl = function(type, mode) {
if (type in Backform.controlMapper) {
var m = Backform.controlMapper[type];
if (!_.isArray(m)) {
return m;
var idx = 1, len = _.size(m);
switch (mode) {
case 'properties':
idx = 0;
case 'edit':
case 'create':
case 'control':
idx = 1;
case 'cell':
idx = 2;
idx = 0;
return m[idx > len ? 0 : idx];
alert ("Developer: did you forget to put/implement the control type - '" + type + "' in mapper");
return null;
// Override the Backform.Control to allow to track changes in dependencies,
// and rerender the View element
var BackformControlInit = Backform.Control.prototype.initialize;
Backform.Control.prototype.initialize = function() {
BackformControlInit.apply(this, arguments);
// Listen to the dependent fields in the model for any change
var deps = this.field.get('deps');
var that = this;
if (deps && _.isArray(deps))
_.each(deps, function(d) {
attrArr = d.split('.');
name = attrArr.shift();
that.listenTo(that.model, "change:" + name, that.render);
Backform.Control.prototype.template = _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%>">',
' <span class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> uneditable-input" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%>>',
' <%=value%>',
' </span>',
Backform.Control.prototype.clearInvalid = function() {
return this;
Backform.Control.prototype.updateInvalid = function() {
var self = this;
var errorModel = this.model.errorModel;
if (!(errorModel instanceof Backbone.Model)) return this;
this.$el.find(':input').not('button').each(function(ix, el) {
var attrArr = $(el).attr('name').split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
error = self.keyPathAccessor(errorModel.toJSON(), $(el).attr('name'));
if (_.isEmpty(error)) return;
$("<div></div>").addClass('pgadmin-control-error-message col-xs-12 help-block').text(error)
* Overriding the render function of the control to allow us to eval the
* values properly.
Backform.Control.prototype.render = function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, and required option
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(data.disabled, data, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, data, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, data, this.model)
// Clean up first
if (!data.visible)
return this;
* Overriding the render function of the select control to allow us to use
* options as function, which should return array in the format of
* (label, value) pair.
Backform.SelectControl.prototype.render = function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter
evalF = function(f, d, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f.apply(d, [m]) : !!f);
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, and required option
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(data.disabled, data, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, data, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, data, this.model)
// Evaluation the options
if (_.isFunction(data.options)) {
try {
data.options = data.options.apply(this)
} catch(e) {
// Do nothing
data = []
this.model.trigger('pgadmin-view:transform:error', m, self.field, e);
// Clean up first
if (!data.visible)
return this;
var ReadonlyOptionControl = Backform.ReadonlyOptionControl = Backform.SelectControl.extend({
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%>">',
'<% for (var i=0; i < options.length; i++) { %>',
' <% var option = options[i]; %>',
' <% if (option.value === rawValue) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> uneditable-input" disabled><%-option.label%></span>',
' <% } %>',
'<% } %>',
events: {},
getValueFromDOM: function() {
return this.formatter.toRaw(this.$el.find("span").text(), this.model);
// Requires the Bootstrap Switch to work.
var SwitchControl = Backform.SwitchControl = Backform.InputControl.extend({
defaults: {
label: "",
options: {
onText: 'True',
offText: 'False',
onColor: 'success',
offColor: 'default',
size: 'small'
extraClasses: []
template: _.template([
'<label class="<%=Backform.controlLabelClassName%>"><%=label%></label>',
'<div class="<%=Backform.controlsClassName%>">',
' <div class="checkbox">',
' <label>',
' <input type="checkbox" class="<%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>" name="<%=name%>" <%=value ? "checked=\'checked\'" : ""%> <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%> />',
' </label>',
' </div>',
getValueFromDOM: function() {
return this.formatter.toRaw(
events: {'switchChange.bootstrapSwitch': 'onChange'},
render: function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults, {options: $.fn.bootstrapSwitch.defaults}),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path);
Backform.InputControl.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
this.$input = this.$el.find("input[type=checkbox]").first();
//Check & set additional properties
_.extend(field.options, {'state': rawValue})
return this;
// Backform Dialog view (in bootstrap tabbular form)
// A collection of field models.
var Dialog = Backform.Dialog = Backform.Form.extend({
/* Array of objects having attributes [label, fields] */
schema: undefined,
tagName: "form",
className: function() {
return 'col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 col-xs-12';
tabPanelClassName: function() {
return Backform.tabClassName;
initialize: function(opts) {
var s = opts.schema;
if (s && _.isArray(s)) {
this.schema = _.each(s, function(o) {
if (o.fields && !(o.fields instanceof Backbone.Collection))
o.fields = new Backform.Fields(o.fields);
o.cId = o.cId || _.uniqueId('pgC_');
o.hId = o.hId || _.uniqueId('pgH_');
o.disabled = o.disabled || false;
if (opts.tabPanelClassName && _.isFunction(opts.tabPanelClassName)) {
this.tabPanelClassName = opts.tabPanelClassName;
this.model.errorModel = opts.errorModel || this.model.errorModel || new Backbone.Model();
this.controls = [];
template: {
'header': _.template([
'<li role="presentation" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%>>',
' <a data-toggle="tab" data-tab-index="<%=tabIndex%>" href="#<%=cId%>"',
' id="<%=hId%>" aria-controls="<%=cId%>">',
'<%=label%></a></li>'].join(" ")),
'panel': _.template(
'<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 col-xs-12 fade" id="<%=cId%>" aria-labelledby="<%=hId%>"></div>'
render: function() {
var c = this.$el
m = this.model,
controls = this.controls,
tmpls = this.template,
self = this,
.attr('role', 'tabpanel')
.attr('class', this.tabPanelClassName());
m.panelEl = this.$el;
var tabHead = $('<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"></ul>')
var tabContent = $('<ul class="tab-content col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 col-xs-12"></ul>')
_.each(this.schema, function(o) {
var el = $((tmpls['panel'])(_.extend(o, {'tabIndex': idx})))
h = $((tmpls['header'])(o)).appendTo(tabHead);
o.fields.each(function(f) {
var cntr = new (f.get("control")) ({
field: f,
model: m,
dialog: self,
tabIndex: idx
'hidden.bs.tab', function() {
self.hidden_tab = $(this).data('tabIndex');
}).on('shown.bs.tab', function() {
var that = this;
self.shown_tab = $(that).data('tabIndex');
m.trigger('pg-property-tab-changed', {
'model': m, 'shown': self.shown_tab, 'hidden': self.hidden_tab,
'tab': that
var makeActive = tabHead.find('[id="' + c + '"]').first();
if (makeActive.length == 1) {
tabContent.find('#' + makeActive.attr("aria-controls"))
.addClass('in active');
} else {
tabContent.find('[role="tabpanel"]').first().addClass('in active');
return this;
var Fieldset = Backform.Fieldset = Backform.Dialog.extend({
template: {
'header': _.template([
'<fieldset class="<%=Backform.setGroupClassName%>"<%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%>>',
' <legend class="badge" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#<%=cId%>"><span class="caret"></span> <%=label%></legend>',
' ',
'content': _.template(
' <div id="<%= cId %>" class="<%=Backform.setGroupContentClassName%> collapse in"></div>'
render: function() {
var m = this.model,
$el = this.$el,
tmpl = this.template,
controls = this.controls;
_.each(this.schema, function(o) {
if (!o.fields)
var h = $((tmpl['header'])(o)).appendTo($el),
el = $((tmpl['content'])(o))
o.fields.each(function(f) {
var cntr = new (f.get("control")) ({
field: f,
model: m
return this;
getValueFromDOM: function() {
return "";
events: {}
var generateGridColumnsFromModel = Backform.generateGridColumnsFromModel =
function(node_info, m, type, cols) {
var groups = Backform.generateViewSchema(node_info, m, type),
schema = [],
columns = [],
idx = 0;
// Create another array if cols is of type object & store its keys in that array,
// If cols is object then chances that we have custom width class attached with in.
if (_.isNull(cols) || _.isUndefined(cols)) {
func = function(f) {
f.cell_priority = idx;
idx = idx + 1;
// We can also provide custom header cell class in schema itself,
// But we will give priority to extraClass attached in cols
// If headerCell property is already set by cols then skip extraClass property from schema
if (!(f.headerCell) && f.cellHeaderClasses) {
f.headerCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell;
} else if (_.isArray(cols)) {
func = function(f) {
f.cell_priority = _.indexOf(cols, f.name);
// We can also provide custom header cell class in schema itself,
// But we will give priority to extraClass attached in cols
// If headerCell property is already set by cols then skip extraClass property from schema
if ((!f.headerCell) && f.cellHeaderClasses) {
f.headerCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell;
} else if(_.isObject(cols)) {
var tblCols = Object.keys(cols);
func = function(f) {
var val = (f.name in cols) && cols[f.name];
if (_.isNull(val) || _.isUndefined(val)) {
f.cell_priority = -1;
if (_.isObject(val)) {
if ('index' in val) {
f.cell_priority = val['index'];
idx = (idx > val['index']) ? idx + 1 : val['index'];
} else {
var i = _.indexOf(tblCols, f.name);
f.cell_priority = idx = ((i > idx) ? i : idx);
idx = idx + 1;
// We can also provide custom header cell class in schema itself,
// But we will give priority to extraClass attached in cols
// If headerCell property is already set by cols then skip extraClass property from schema
if (!f.headerCell) {
if (f.cellHeaderClasses) {
f.headerCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell;
if ('class' in val && _.isString(val['class'])) {
f.headerCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell;
f.cellHeaderClasses = (f.cellHeaderClasses || '') + ' ' + val['class'];
if (_.isString(val)) {
var i = _.indexOf(tblCols, f.name);
f.cell_priority = idx = ((i > idx) ? i : idx);
idx = idx + 1;
if (!f.headerCell) {
f.headerCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell;
f.cellHeaderClasses = (f.cellHeaderClasses || '') + ' ' + val;
// Prepare columns for backgrid
_.each(groups, function(fields, key) {
_.each(fields, function(f) {
if (!f.control && !f.cell) {
// Check custom property in cols & if it is present then attach it to current cell
if (f.cell_priority != -1) {
schema.push({label: key, fields: fields});
return {
'columns': _.sortBy(columns, function(c) {
return c.cell_priority;
'schema': schema
var UniqueColCollectionControl = Backform.UniqueColCollectionControl = Backform.Control.extend({
initialize: function() {
Backform.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
var uniqueCol = this.field.get('uniqueCol') || [],
m = this.field.get('model'),
schema = m.prototype.schema || m.__super__.schema,
columns = [];
_.each(schema, function(s) {
// Check if unique columns provided are also in model attributes.
if (uniqueCol.length > _.intersection(columns, uniqueCol).length){
errorMsg = "Developer: Unique column/s [ "+_.difference(uniqueCol, columns)+" ] not found in collection model [ " + columns +" ]."
alert (errorMsg);
var collection = this.model.get(this.field.get('name')),
self = this;
if (!collection) {
collection = new (pgAdmin.Browser.Node.Collection)(null, {
model: self.field.get('model'),
silent: true,
handler: self.model.handler || self.model
self.model.set(self.field.get('name'), collection, {silent: true});
self.listenTo(collection, "add", self.collectionChanged);
self.listenTo(collection, "change", self.collectionChanged);
collectionChanged: function(newModel, coll, op) {
var uniqueCol = this.field.get('uniqueCol') || [],
uniqueChangedAttr = [],
changedAttr = newModel.changedAttributes();
// Check if changed model attributes are also in unique columns. And then only check for uniqueness.
if (changedAttr) {
_.each(uniqueCol, function(col) {
if ( _.has(changedAttr,col))
if(uniqueChangedAttr.length == 0) {
} else {
var collection = this.model.get(this.field.get('name'));
this.stopListening(collection, "change", this.collectionChanged);
// Check if changed attribute's value of new/updated model also exist for another model in collection.
// If duplicate value exists then set the attribute's value of new/updated model to it's previous values.
collection.each(function(model) {
if (newModel != model) {
var duplicateAttrValues = []
_.each(uniqueCol, function(attr) {
attrValue = newModel.get(attr);
if (!_.isUndefined(attrValue) && attrValue == model.get(attr)) {
if (duplicateAttrValues.length == uniqueCol.length){
newModel.set(uniqueChangedAttr[0], newModel.previous(uniqueChangedAttr[0]), {silent: true});
// TODO- Need to add notification in status bar for unique column.
this.listenTo(collection, "change", this.collectionChanged);
render: function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter
evalF = function(f, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f(m) : !!f);
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, required, canAdd, & canDelete option
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(data.disabled, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, this.model),
canAdd: evalF(data.canAdd, this.model),
canDelete: evalF(data.canDelete, this.model)
// Show Backgrid Control
grid = (data.subnode == undefined) ? "" : this.showGridControl(data);
return this;
showGridControl: function(data) {
var gridHeader = ["<div class='subnode-header'>",
" <label class='control-label col-sm-4'>" + data.label + "</label>" ,
" <button class='btn-sm btn-default add'>Add</buttton>",
gridBody = $("<div class='pgadmin-control-group backgrid form-group col-xs-12 object subnode'></div>").append(gridHeader);
var subnode = data.subnode.schema ? data.subnode : data.subnode.prototype,
gridSchema = Backform.generateGridColumnsFromModel(
data.node_info, subnode, this.field.get('mode'), data.columns
self = this;
// Set visibility of Add button
if (data.disabled || data.canAdd == false) {
// Insert Delete Cell into Grid
if (data.disabled == false && data.canDelete) {
name: "pg-backform-delete", label: "",
cell: Backgrid.Extension.DeleteCell,
editable: false, cell_priority: -1
var collection = this.model.get(data.name);
// Initialize a new Grid instance
var grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: gridSchema.columns,
collection: collection,
className: "backgrid table-bordered"
// Render subNode grid
subNodeGrid = grid.render().$el;
// Combine Edit and Delete Cell
if (data.canDelete && data.canEdit) {
$dialog = gridBody.append(subNodeGrid);
// Add button callback
if (!(data.disabled || data.canAdd == false)) {
$dialog.find('button.add').first().click(function(e) {
var allowMultipleEmptyRows = !!self.field.get('allowMultipleEmptyRows');
// If allowMultipleEmptyRows is not set or is false then don't allow second new empty row.
// There should be only one empty row.
if (!allowMultipleEmptyRows && collection){
var isEmpty = false;
var modelValues = [];
_.each(model.attributes, function(val, key){
if(!_.some(modelValues, _.identity)){
isEmpty = true;
return false;
var m = new (data.model)(null, {silent: true});
var idx = collection.indexOf(m);
newRow = grid.body.rows[idx].$el;
return false;
return $dialog;
var SubNodeCollectionControl = Backform.SubNodeCollectionControl = Backform.Control.extend({
render: function() {
var field = _.defaults(this.field.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr = field.name.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
rawValue = this.keyPathAccessor(attributes[name], path),
data = _.extend(field, {
rawValue: rawValue,
value: this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model),
attributes: attributes,
formatter: this.formatter
evalF = function(f, m) {
return (_.isFunction(f) ? !!f(m) : !!f);
// Evaluate the disabled, visible, required, canAdd, cannEdit & canDelete option
_.extend(data, {
disabled: evalF(data.disabled, this.model),
visible: evalF(data.visible, this.model),
required: evalF(data.required, this.model),
canAdd: evalF(data.canAdd, this.model),
canEdit: evalF(data.canEdit, this.model),
canDelete: evalF(data.canDelete, this.model)
// Show Backgrid Control
grid = (data.subnode == undefined) ? "" : this.showGridControl(data);
return this;
updateInvalid: function() {
var self = this;
var errorModel = this.model.errorModel;
if (!(errorModel instanceof Backbone.Model)) return this;
var attrArr = self.field.get('name').split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
error = self.keyPathAccessor(errorModel.toJSON(), path);
if (_.isEmpty(error)) return;
$("<div></div>").addClass('pgadmin-control-error-message col-xs-12 help-block').text(error)
showGridControl: function(data) {
var gridHeader = ["<div class='subnode-header'>",
" <label class='control-label col-sm-4'>" + data.label + "</label>" ,
" <button class='btn-sm btn-default add'>Add</buttton>",
gridBody = $("<div class='pgadmin-control-group backgrid form-group col-xs-12 object subnode'></div>").append(gridHeader);
var subnode = data.subnode.schema ? data.subnode : data.subnode.prototype,
gridSchema = Backform.generateGridColumnsFromModel(
data.node_info, subnode, this.field.get('mode'), data.columns
), self = this,
pgBrowser = window.pgAdmin.Browser;
// Set visibility of Add button
if (data.disabled || data.canAdd == false) {
// Insert Delete Cell into Grid
if (data.disabled == false && data.canDelete) {
name: "pg-backform-delete", label: "",
cell: Backgrid.Extension.DeleteCell,
editable: false, cell_priority: -1
// Insert Edit Cell into Grid
if (data.disabled == false && data.canEdit) {
var editCell = Backgrid.Extension.ObjectCell.extend({
schema: gridSchema.schema
name: "pg-backform-edit", label: "", cell : editCell,
cell_priority: -2
var collection = self.model.get(data.name);
if (!collection) {
collection = new (pgBrowser.Node.Collection)(null, {
handler: self.model.handler || self,
model: data.model,
silent: true
self.model.set(data.name, collection, {silent: true});
// Initialize a new Grid instance
var grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: gridSchema.columns,
collection: collection,
className: "backgrid table-bordered"
// Render subNode grid
subNodeGrid = grid.render().$el;
// Combine Edit and Delete Cell
if (data.canDelete && data.canEdit) {
$(subNodeGrid).find("th.pg-backform-edit").attr("colspan", "2");
$dialog = gridBody.append(subNodeGrid);
// Add button callback
$dialog.find('button.add').click(function(e) {
newRow = $(grid.body.rows[collection.length - 1].$el);
newRow.attr("class", "new").click(function(e) {
$(this).attr("class", "");
return false;
return $dialog;
* SQL Tab Control for showing the modified SQL for the node with the
* property 'hasSQL' is set to true.
* When the user clicks on the SQL tab, we will send the modified data to the
* server and fetch the SQL for it.
var SqlTabControl = Backform.SqlTabControl = Backform.Control.extend({
defaults: {
label: "",
controlsClassName: "pgadmin-controls col-sm-12",
extraClasses: [],
helpMessage: null
template: _.template([
'<div class="<%=controlsClassName%>">',
' <textarea class="<%=Backform.controlClassName%> <%=extraClasses.join(\' \')%>" name="<%=name%>" placeholder="<%-placeholder%>" <%=disabled ? "disabled" : ""%> <%=required ? "required" : ""%>><%-value%></textarea>',
' <% if (helpMessage && helpMessage.length) { %>',
' <span class="<%=Backform.helpMessageClassName%>"><%=helpMessage%></span>',
' <% } %>',
* Initialize the SQL Tab control properly
initialize: function(o) {
Backform.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
// Save the required information for using it later.
this.dialog = o.dialog;
this.tabIndex = o.tabIndex;
* We will listen to the tab change event to check, if the SQL tab has
* been clicked or, not.
this.model.on('pg-property-tab-changed', this.onTabChange, this);
getValueFromDOM: function() {
return this.formatter.toRaw(this.$el.find("textarea").val(), this.model);
render: function() {
// Use the Backform Control's render function
Backform.Control.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
var sqlTab = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(
(this.$el.find("textarea")[0]), {
lineNumbers: true,
mode: "text/x-sql",
readOnly: true
this.sqlTab = sqlTab;
return this;
onTabChange: function() {
// Fetch the information only if the SQL tab is visible at the moment.
if (this.dialog && this.dialog.shown_tab == this.tabIndex) {
// We will send request to sever only if something is changed in model
if(_.size(this.model.sessAttrs)) {
var self = this,
node = self.field.get('schema_node'),
msql_url = node.generate_url.apply(
node, [
null, 'msql', this.field.get('node_data'), true,
// Fetching the modified SQL
self.model.trigger('pgadmin-view:msql:fetching', self.method, node);
url: msql_url,
type: 'GET',
cache: false,
data: self.model.toJSON(true),
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json"
}).done(function(res) {
}).fail(function() {
self.model.trigger('pgadmin-view:msql:error', self.method, node, arguments);
}).always(function() {
self.model.trigger('pgadmin-view:msql:fetched', self.method, node, arguments);
} else {
remove: function() {
this.model.off('pg-property-tab-changed', this.onTabChange, this);
Backform.Control.__super__.remove.apply(this, arguments);
// Generate a schema (as group members) based on the model's schema
// It will be used by the grid, properties, and dialog view generation
// functions.
var generateViewSchema = Backform.generateViewSchema = function(node_info, Model, mode, node, treeData) {
var proto = (Model && Model.prototype) || Model,
schema = (proto && proto.schema),
groups, pgBrowser = window.pgAdmin.Browser;
// 'schema' has the information about how to generate the form.
if (schema && _.isArray(schema)) {
var evalASFunc = evalASFunc = function(prop) {
return ((prop && proto[prop] &&
typeof proto[prop] == "function") ? proto[prop] : prop);
groups = {},
server_info = node_info && ('server' in node_info) &&
pgBrowser.serverInfo && pgBrowser.serverInfo[node_info.server.id];
_.each(schema, function(s) {
// Do we understand - what control, we're creating
// here?
if (!s.mode || (s && s.mode && _.isObject(s.mode) &&
_.indexOf(s.mode, mode) != -1)) {
// Each field is kept in specified group, or in
// 'General' category.
var group = s.group || pgBrowser.messages.general_cateogty,
control = s.control || Backform.getMappedControl(s.type, mode),
cell = s.cell || Backform.getMappedControl(s.type, 'cell');
if (control == null) {
// Generate the empty group list (if not exists)
groups[group] = (groups[group] || []);
var ver_in_limit = (_.isUndefined(server_info) ? true :
((_.isUndefined(s.server_type) ? true :
(server_info.type in s.server_type)) &&
(_.isUndefined(s.min_version) ? true :
(server_info.version >= s.min_version)) &&
(_.isUndefined(s.max_version) ? true :
(server_info.version <= s.max_version)))),
disabled = ((mode == 'properties') || !ver_in_limit),
schema_node = (s.node && _.isString(s.node) &&
s.node in pgBrowser.Nodes && pgBrowser.Nodes[s.node]) || node;
var o = _.extend(_.clone(s), {
name: s.id,
// Do we need to show this control in this mode?
visible: evalASFunc(s.show),
// This can be disabled in some cases (if not hidden)
disabled: (disabled ? true : evalASFunc(s.disabled)),
editable: (disabled ? false : (_.isUndefined(s.editable) ? pgAdmin.editableCell : !!(s.editable))),
subnode: ((_.isString(s.model) && s.model in pgBrowser.Nodes) ?
pgBrowser.Nodes[s.model].model : s.model),
canAdd: (disabled ? false : evalASFunc(s.canAdd)),
canEdit: (disabled ? false : evalASFunc(s.canEdit)),
canDelete: (disabled ? false : evalASFunc(s.canDelete)),
mode: mode,
control: control,
cell: cell,
node_info: node_info,
schema_node: schema_node,
visible: (mode == 'properties'?
(ver_in_limit ?
(s.version || true) : false) : s.version || true)
delete o.id;
// Temporarily store in dictionaly format for
// utilizing it later.
// Do we have fields to genreate controls, which we
// understand?
if (_.isEmpty(groups)) {
return null;
if (node && node.hasSQL && (mode == 'create' || mode == 'edit')) {
groups[pgBrowser.messages.SQL_TAB] = [{
name: 'sql',
visible: true,
disabled: false,
type: 'text',
control: 'sql-tab',
node_info: node_info,
schema_node: node,
node_data: treeData
return groups;
return Backform;