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['underscore', 'underscore.string', 'jquery', 'pgadmin.browser'],
function(_, S, $, pgBrowser) {
if (pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends)
return pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends;
pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends = pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends || {};
_.extend(pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends, {
init: function() {
if (this.initialized) {
this.initialized = true;
/* Parameter is used to set the proper label of the
* backgrid header cell.
var dependent = true,
dependentGrid = null, // Refer to the backgrid object render under Dependents tab
dependenciesGrid = null; // Refer to the backgrid object render under Dependencies tab
_.bindAll(this, 'showDependents', 'dependentsPanelVisibilityChanged',
'showDependencies', 'dependenciesPanelVisibilityChanged', '__updateCollection'
// Find the panels to render the grid.
var dependenciesPanels = this.dependenciesPanels = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('dependencies');
var dependentsPanels = this.dependentsPanels = pgBrowser.docker.findPanels('dependents');
// We will listened to the visibility change of the Dependencies and Dependents panel
pgBrowser.Events.on('pgadmin-browser:panel-dependencies:' + wcDocker.EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGED,
pgBrowser.Events.on('pgadmin-browser:panel-dependents:' + wcDocker.EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGED,
// If Dependencies panel exists and is focused then we need to listen the browser tree selection events.
if ((dependenciesPanels.length == 1 && dependenciesPanels[0].isVisible()) || dependenciesPanels.length != 1) {
pgBrowser.Events.on('pgadmin-browser:tree:selected', this.showDependencies);
// If Dependents panel exists and is focused then we need to listen the browser tree selection events.
if ((dependentsPanels.length == 1 && dependentsPanels[0].isVisible()) || dependentsPanels.length != 1) {
pgBrowser.Events.on('pgadmin-browser:tree:selected', this.showDependents);
// Defining Backbone Model for Dependencies and Dependents.
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
icon: 'icon-unknown',
type: undefined,
name: undefined,
/* field contains 'Database Name' for 'Tablespace and Role node',
* for other node it contains 'Restriction'.
field: undefined
// This function is used to fetch/set the icon for the type(Function, Role, Database, ....)
parse: function(res) {
var node = pgBrowser.Nodes[res.type];
res.icon = node ? (_.isFunction(node['node_image']) ?
(node['node_image']).apply(node, [null, null]) :
(node['node_image'] || ('icon-' + res.type))) :
('icon-' + res.type);
res.type = S.capitalize(res.type, true);
return res;
// Defining Backbone Collection for Dependents.
this.dependentCollection = new (Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Model
// Defining Backbone Collection for Dependencies.
this.dependenciesCollection = new (Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Model
var self = this;
/* Function is used to create and render backgrid with
* empty collection. We just want to add backgrid into the
* panel only once.
var appendGridToPanel = function(collection, panel, is_dependent) {
var $container = panel[0].layout().$table.find('.pg-panel-content'),
$gridContainer = $container.find('.pg-panel-depends-container'),
grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: [
name : 'type',
label: 'Type',
// Extend it to render the icon as per the type.
cell: Backgrid.Cell.extend({
render: function() {
Backgrid.Cell.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
this.$el.addClass(this.model.get('icon')).css({"padding-left": "18px"});
return this;
editable: false
name : 'name',
label: 'Name',
cell: 'string',
editable: false
name : 'field',
label: '', // label kept blank, it will change dynamically
cell: 'string',
editable: false
collection: collection,
className: "backgrid table-bordered"
// Condition is used to save grid object to change the label of the header.
if (is_dependent)
self.dependentGrid = grid;
self.dependenciesGrid = grid;
appendGridToPanel(this.dependentCollection, this.dependentsPanels, true);
appendGridToPanel(this.dependenciesCollection, this.dependenciesPanels, false);
// Fetch the actual data and update the collection
__updateCollection: function(collection, panel, url, messages, node) {
var msg = messages[0],
$container = panel[0].layout().$table.find('.pg-panel-content'),
$msgContainer = $container.find('.pg-panel-depends-message'),
$gridContainer = $container.find('.pg-panel-depends-container');
// Hide the grid container and show the default message container
if (!$gridContainer.hasClass('hidden'))
if (node) {
msg = messages[1];
/* We fetch the Dependencies and Dependents tab only for
* those node who set the parameter hasDepends to true.
if (node.hasDepends) {
/* Set the message because ajax request may take time to
* fetch the information from the server.
msg = messages[2];
/* Updating the label for the 'field' type of the backbone model.
* Label should be "Database" if the node type is tablespace or role
* and dependent tab is selected. For other nodes and dependencies tab
* it should be 'Restriction'.
if (this.dependent && (node.type == 'tablespace' || node.type == 'role'))
this.dependentGrid.columns.models[2].set({'label': 'Database'});
else {
this.dependenciesGrid.columns.models[2].set({'label': 'Restriction'});
this.dependentGrid.columns.models[2].set({'label': 'Restriction'});
// Set the url, fetch the data and update the collection
collection.url = url;
reset: true,
success: function(res) {
// In case of success hide the message container and show the grid container.
error: function() {
if (msg != '') {
showDependents: function(item, data, node) {
* We can't start fetching the Dependents immediately, it is possible the user
* is just using the keyboard to select the node, and just traversing
* through. We will wait for some time before fetching the Dependents
var self = this;
self.dependent = true;
if (self.timeout) {
self.timeout = setTimeout(
node.generate_url(item, 'dependent', data, true),
['-- No object selected!', '-- No dependent information is available for the current selection.',
'-- Please wait while we fetch the dependent information from the server.'],
), 400
dependentsPanelVisibilityChanged: function(panel) {
if (panel.isVisible()) {
var t = pgBrowser.tree,
i = t.selected(),
d = i && t.itemData(i),
n = i && d && pgBrowser.Nodes[d._type];
pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends.showDependents.apply(pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends, [i, d, n]);
// We will start listening the tree selection event.
pgBrowser.Events.on('pgadmin-browser:tree:selected', pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends.showDependents);
} else {
// We don't need to listen the tree item selection event.
pgBrowser.Events.off('pgadmin-browser:tree:selected', pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends.showDependents);
showDependencies: function(item, data, node) {
* We can't start fetching the Dependencies immediately, it is possible the user
* is just using the keyboard to select the node, and just traversing
* through. We will wait for some time before fetching the Dependencies
var self = this;
self.dependent = false;
if (self.timeout) {
self.timeout = setTimeout(
node.generate_url(item, 'dependency', data, true),
['-- No object selected!', '-- No dependency information is available for the current selection.',
'-- Please wait while we fetch the dependency information from the server.'],
), 400
dependenciesPanelVisibilityChanged: function(panel) {
if (panel.isVisible()) {
var t = pgBrowser.tree,
i = t.selected(),
d = i && t.itemData(i),
n = i && d && pgBrowser.Nodes[d._type];
pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends.showDependencies.apply(pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends, [i, d, n]);
// We will start listening the tree selection event.
pgBrowser.Events.on('pgadmin-browser:tree:selected', pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends.showDependencies);
} else {
// We don't need to listen the tree item selection event.
pgBrowser.Events.off('pgadmin-browser:tree:selected', pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends.showDependencies);
return pgBrowser.ShowNodeDepends;