mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:31 -06:00
1) Find/Replace both opens the same dialogue box.(by clicking menu option) 2) Add New Server Connection > Server options keep loading(For multiple Server groups & should have some server) 3) Fixed CSS issues of slickgrid at various places. 4) C should be captial in ’<New connection…>' 5) In pop title for New Connection, all words should be capital.(Add new connection) 6) Explain > Analaysis tab > Column heading missing ROWS PLAN with cost & In explain only. 7) Explain > Analaysis tab > with cost enabled > Upward arrow size does not match with font of number. Arrow is little bigger than number. 8) Boolean default is not considered while ading new row.(try table from feature test defaults) 9) In query history , when not query history present, warning icon size big. Match it to warning message - No history found 10) Select table/db object > Open query tool from Tools menu > NOT FOUND error is shown. Existing issue, fixed. 11) Any cell just open by clicking it > Do NOT change any thing > Click Ok > Cell is shown as edited. refs #6131
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533 lines
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// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2022, The pgAdmin Development Team
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
import { Box, Tab, Tabs } from '@material-ui/core';
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import Graphical from './Graphical';
import TabPanel from '../components/TabPanel';
import gettext from 'sources/gettext';
import ImageMapper from './ImageMapper';
import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
import Analysis from './Analysis';
import ExplainStatistics from './ExplainStatistics';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import EmptyPanelMessage from '../components/EmptyPanelMessage';
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme)=>({
tabPanel: {
padding: 0,
backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.default,
// Some predefined constants used to calculate image location and its border
var pWIDTH = 100.;
var pHEIGHT = 100.;
var offsetX = 200,
offsetY = 60;
var xMargin = 25,
yMargin = 25;
function nodeExplainTableData(_planData, _ctx) {
let node_info,
display_text = [],
tooltip = [],
node_extra_info = [],
info = _ctx.explainTable;
// Display: <NODE>[ using <Index> ] [ on <Schema>.<Table>[ as <Alias>]]
if (/Scan/.test(_planData['Node Type'])) {
display_text.push(_planData['Node Type']);
tooltip.push(_planData['Node Type']);
} else {
node_info = tooltip.join('');
if (typeof(_planData['Index Name']) !== 'undefined') {
display_text.push(' using ');
tooltip.push(' using ');
display_text.push(_.escape(_planData['Index Name']));
tooltip.push(_planData['Index Name']);
if (typeof(_planData['Relation Name']) !== 'undefined') {
display_text.push(' on ');
tooltip.push(' on ');
if (typeof(_planData['Schema']) !== 'undefined') {
display_text.push(_.escape(_planData['Relation Name']));
tooltip.push(_planData['Relation Name']);
if (typeof(_planData['Alias']) !== 'undefined') {
display_text.push(' as ');
tooltip.push(' as ');
if (
typeof(_planData['Plan Rows']) !== 'undefined' &&
typeof(_planData['Plan Width']) !== 'undefined'
) {
let cost = [
' (cost=',
(typeof(_planData['Startup Cost']) !== 'undefined' ?
_planData['Startup Cost'] : ''),
(typeof(_planData['Total Cost']) !== 'undefined' ?
_planData['Total Cost'] : ''),
' rows=',
_planData['Plan Rows'],
' width=',
_planData['Plan Width'],
if (
typeof(_planData['Actual Startup Time']) !== 'undefined' ||
typeof(_planData['Actual Total Time']) !== 'undefined' ||
typeof(_planData['Actual Rows']) !== 'undefined'
) {
let actual = [
' (',
(typeof(_planData['Actual Startup Time']) !== 'undefined' ?
('actual=' + _planData['Actual Startup Time']) + '..' : ''
(typeof(_planData['Actual Total Time']) !== 'undefined' ?
_planData['Actual Total Time'] + ' ' : ''
(typeof(_planData['Actual Rows']) !== 'undefined' ?
('rows=' + _planData['Actual Rows']) : ''
(typeof(_planData['Actual Loops']) !== 'undefined' ?
(' loops=' + _planData['Actual Loops']) : ''
if ('Join Filter' in _planData) {
'<strong>' + gettext('Join Filter') + '</strong>: ' + _.escape(_planData['Join Filter'])
if ('Filter' in _planData) {
node_extra_info.push('<strong>' + gettext('Filter') + '</strong>: ' + _.escape(_planData['Filter']));
if ('Index Cond' in _planData) {
node_extra_info.push('<strong>' + gettext('Index Cond') + '</strong>: ' + _.escape(_planData['Index Cond']));
if ('Hash Cond' in _planData) {
node_extra_info.push('<strong>' + gettext('Hash Cond') + '</strong>: ' + _.escape(_planData['Hash Cond']));
if ('Rows Removed by Filter' in _planData) {
'<strong>' + gettext('Rows Removed by Filter') + '</strong>: ' +
_.escape(_planData['Rows Removed by Filter'])
if ('Peak Memory Usage' in _planData) {
var buffer = [
'<strong>' + gettext('Buckets') + '</strong>:', _.escape(_planData['Hash Buckets']),
'<strong>' + gettext('Batches') + '</strong>:', _.escape(_planData['Hash Batches']),
'<strong>' + gettext('Memory Usage') + '</strong>:', _.escape(_planData['Peak Memory Usage']), 'kB',
].join(' ');
if ('Recheck Cond' in _planData) {
node_extra_info.push('<strong>' + gettext('Recheck Cond') + '</strong>: ' + _planData['Recheck Cond']);
if ('Exact Heap Blocks' in _planData) {
node_extra_info.push('<strong>' + gettext('Heap Blocks') + '</strong>: exact=' + _planData['Exact Heap Blocks']);
data: _planData,
display_text: display_text.join(''),
tooltip_text: tooltip.join(''),
node_extra_info: node_extra_info,
if (typeof(_planData['exclusive_flag']) !== 'undefined') {
info.show_timings = true;
if (typeof(_planData['rowsx_flag']) !== 'undefined') {
info.show_rowsx = true;
if (typeof(_planData['Actual Loops']) !== 'undefined') {
info.show_rows = true;
if (typeof(_planData['Plan Rows']) !== 'undefined') {
info.show_plan_rows = true;
if (typeof(_planData['total_time']) !== 'undefined') {
info.total_time = _planData['total_time'];
let node;
if (typeof(_planData['Relation Name']) !== 'undefined') {
let relationName = (
typeof(_planData['Schema']) !== 'undefined' ?
(_planData['Schema'] + '.') : ''
) + _planData['Relation Name'],
table = info.statistics.tables[relationName] || {
name: relationName,
count: 0,
sum_of_times: 0,
nodes: {},
node = table.nodes[node_info] || {
name: node_info,
count: 0,
sum_of_times: 0,
table.sum_of_times += _planData['exclusive'];
node.sum_of_times += _planData['exclusive'];
table.nodes[node_info] = node;
info.statistics.tables[relationName] = table;
node = info.statistics.nodes[node_info] || {
name: node_info,
count: 0,
sum_of_times: 0,
node.sum_of_times += _planData['exclusive'];
info.statistics.nodes[node_info] = node;
function parseExplainTableData(plan, ctx) {
nodeExplainTableData(plan, ctx);
parseExplainTableData(p, ctx);
function parsePlan(data, ctx) {
var idx = 1,
lvl = data.level = data.level || [idx],
plans = [],
nodeType = data['Node Type'],
// Calculating relative xpos of current node from top node
xpos = data.xpos = data.xpos - pWIDTH,
// Calculating relative ypos of current node from top node
ypos = data.ypos,
maxChildWidth = 0;
ctx.explainTable.total_time = data['total_time'] || data['Actual Total Time'];
data['_serial'] = ctx.totalNodes;
data['width'] = pWIDTH;
data['height'] = pHEIGHT;
// Calculate arrow width according to cost of a particular plan
let arrowSize = DEFAULT_ARROW_SIZE;
let startCost = data['Startup Cost'],
totalCost = data['Total Cost'];
if (startCost != undefined && totalCost != undefined) {
arrowSize = Math.round(Math.log((startCost + totalCost) / 2 + startCost));
if (arrowSize < 1) {
arrowSize = 1;
} else if (arrowSize > 10) {
arrowSize = 10;
data['arr_id'] = _.uniqueId('arr');
ctx.arrows[data['arr_id']] = arrowSize;
* calculating xpos, ypos, width and height if current node is a subplan
if (data['Parent Relationship'] === 'SubPlan') {
data['width'] += (xMargin * 2) + (xMargin / 2);
data['height'] += (yMargin * 2);
data['ypos'] += yMargin;
xpos -= xMargin;
ypos += yMargin;
if (nodeType.startsWith('(slice'))
nodeType = nodeType.substring(0, 7);
// Get the image information for current node
var mappedImage = (_.isFunction(ImageMapper[nodeType]) &&
ImageMapper[nodeType].apply(undefined, [data])) ||
ImageMapper[nodeType] || {
'image': 'ex_unknown.svg',
'image_text': nodeType,
data['image'] = mappedImage['image'];
data['image_text'] = mappedImage['image_text'];
if ('Actual Total Time' in data && 'Actual Loops' in data) {
data['inclusive'] = Math.ceil10(
data['Actual Total Time'], -3
data['exclusive'] = data['inclusive'];
data['inclusive_factor'] = data['inclusive'] / (
data['total_time'] || data['Actual Total Time']
if (data['inclusive_factor'] <= 0.1) {
data['inclusive_flag'] = '1';
} else if (data['inclusive_factor'] < 0.5) {
data['inclusive_flag'] = '2';
} else if (data['inclusive_factor'] <= 0.9) {
data['inclusive_flag'] = '3';
} else {
data['inclusive_flag'] = '4';
if ('Actual Rows' in data && 'Plan Rows' in data) {
if (
data['Actual Rows'] === 0 || data['Actual Rows'] > data['Plan Rows']
) {
data['rowsx'] = data['Plan Rows'] === 0 ? 0 :
(data['Actual Rows'] / data['Plan Rows']);
data['rowsx_direction'] = 'negative';
} else {
data['rowsx'] = data['Actual Rows'] === 0 ? 0 : (
data['Plan Rows'] / data['Actual Rows']
data['rowsx_direction'] = 'positive';
if (data['rowsx'] <= 10) {
data['rowsx_flag'] = '1';
} else if (data['rowsx'] <= 100 ) {
data['rowsx_flag'] = '2';
} else if (data['rowsx'] <= 1000 ) {
data['rowsx_flag'] = '3';
} else {
data['rowsx_flag'] = '4';
if('loops' in data) {
data['rowsx'] = Math.ceil10(data['rowsx'] / data['loops'] || 1, -2);
} else {
data['rowsx'] = Math.ceil10(data['rowsx'], -2);
// Start calculating xpos, ypos, width and height for child plans if any
if ('Plans' in data) {
data['width'] += offsetX;
data['Plans'].forEach(function(p) {
let level = _.clone(lvl);
let plan = parsePlan({
'level': level,
xpos: xpos - offsetX,
ypos: ypos,
total_time: data['total_time'] || data['Actual Total Time'],
parent_node: lvl.join('_'),
loops: data['Actual Loops']
}, ctx);
if (maxChildWidth < plan.width) {
maxChildWidth = plan.width;
if ('exclusive' in data) {
if (plan.inclusive < data['exclusive']) {
data['exclusive'] -= plan.inclusive;
var childHeight = plan.height;
if (idx !== 1) {
data['height'] = data['height'] + childHeight + offsetY;
} else if (childHeight > data['height']) {
data['height'] = childHeight;
ypos += childHeight + offsetY;
} else{
if('loops' in data && 'exclusive' in data) {
data['inclusive'] = Math.ceil10(data['Actual Total Time'] / data['loops'] || 1, -3);
data['exclusive'] = data['inclusive'];
if ('exclusive' in data) {
data['exclusive'] = Math.ceil10(data['exclusive'], -3);
data['exclusive_factor'] = (
data['exclusive'] / (data['total_time'] || data['Actual Total Time'])
if (data['exclusive_factor'] <= 0.1) {
data['exclusive_flag'] = '1';
} else if (data['exclusive_factor'] < 0.5) {
data['exclusive_flag'] = '2';
} else if (data['exclusive_factor'] <= 0.9) {
data['exclusive_flag'] = '3';
} else {
data['exclusive_flag'] = '4';
// Final Width and Height of current node
data['width'] += maxChildWidth;
data['Plans'] = plans;
return data;
function parsePlanData(data, ctx) {
let retPlan = {};
if(data) {
if ('Plan' in data) {
let plan = parsePlan({
xpos: 0,
ypos: 0,
loops: 1,
}, ctx);
retPlan['Plan'] = plan;
retPlan['xpos'] = 0;
retPlan['ypos'] = 0;
retPlan['width'] = plan.width + (xMargin * 2);
retPlan['height'] = plan.height + (yMargin * 4);
retPlan['Statistics'] = {
'JIT': [],
'Triggers': [],
'Summary': {},
if (data && 'JIT' in data) {
retPlan['Statistics']['JIT'] = retPlan['JIT'];
if (data && 'Triggers' in data) {
retPlan['Statistics']['Triggers'] = retPlan['JITriggersT'];
if(data) {
let summKeys = ['Planning Time', 'Execution Time'],
summary = {};
if (key in data) {
summary[key] = data[key];
retPlan['Statistics']['Summary'] = summary;
if (data && 'Settings' in data) {
retPlan['Statistics']['Settings'] = data['Settings'];
parseExplainTableData(retPlan['Plan'], ctx);
return retPlan;
export default function Explain({plans=[]}) {
const classes = useStyles();
const [tabValue, setTabValue] = React.useState(0);
let ctx = React.useRef({});
let planData = React.useMemo(()=>{
ctx.current = {
totalNodes: 0,
totalDownloadedNodes: 0,
isDownloaded: 0,
explainTable: {
rows: [],
statistics: {
tables: {},
nodes: {},
arrows: {},
return plans && parsePlanData(plans[0], ctx.current);
}, [plans]);
if(_.isEmpty(plans)) {
return <Box height="100%" display="flex" flexDirection="column">
<EmptyPanelMessage text={gettext('Use Explain/Explain analyze button to generate the plan for a query. Alternatively, you can also execute "EXPLAIN (FORMAT JSON) [QUERY]".')} />
return (
<Box height="100%" display="flex" flexDirection="column">
onChange={(_e, selTabValue) => {
// indicatorColor="primary"
action={(ref)=>ref && ref.updateIndicator()}
<Tab label="Graphical" />
<Tab label="Analysis" />
<Tab label="Statistics" />
<TabPanel value={tabValue} index={0} classNameRoot={classes.tabPanel}>
<Graphical planData={planData} ctx={ctx.current}/>
<TabPanel value={tabValue} index={1} classNameRoot={classes.tabPanel}>
<Analysis explainTable={ctx.current.explainTable} />
<TabPanel value={tabValue} index={2} classNameRoot={classes.tabPanel}>
<ExplainStatistics explainTable={ctx.current.explainTable} />
Explain.propTypes = {
plans: PropTypes.array,