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synced 2024-11-24 09:40:21 -06:00
Restructured these modules for ease of maintenance and apply the single responsibility principle (wherever applicable). * SchemaView - Split the code based on the functionality and responsibility. - Introduced a new View 'InlineView' instead of using the 'nextInline' configuration of the fields to have a better, and manageable view. - Using the separate class 'SchemaState' for managing the data and states of the SchemaView (separated from the 'useSchemaState' custom hook). - Introduced three new custom hooks 'useFieldValue', 'useFieldOptions', 'useFieldError' for the individual control to use for each Schema Field. - Don't pass value as the parameter props, and let the 'useFieldValue' and other custom hooks to decide, whether to rerender the control itself or the whole dialog/view. (single responsibility principle) - Introduced a new data store with a subscription facility. - Moving the field metadata (option) evaluation to a separate place for better management, and each option can be defined for a particular kind of field (for example - collection, row, cell, general, etc). - Allow to provide custom control for all kind of Schema field. * DataGridView - Same as SchemaView, split the DataGridView call into smaller, manageable chunks. (For example - grid, row, mappedCell, etc). - Use context based approach for providing the row and table data instead of passing them as parameters to every component separately. - Have a facility to extend this feature separately in future. (for example - selectable cell, column grouping, etc.) - Separated the features like deletable, editable, reorder, expandable etc. cells using the above feature support. - Added ability to provide the CustomHeader, and CustomRow through the Schema field, which will extend the ability to customize better. - Removed the 'DataGridViewWithHeaderForm' as it has been achieved through providing 'CustomHeader', and also introduced 'DataGridFormHeader' (a custom header) to achieve the same feature as 'DataGridViewWithHeaderForm'.
182 lines
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182 lines
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"defaults and fully supports es6-module"