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2020-04-04 12:58:09 -05:00
# Installation
## Dependencies
boost-system, boost-filesystem, qtdbus
## Meson options
--prefix=<path> (install location prefix, usually '/usr')
-Ddaemon=<true/false> (builds and installs 'tuxclockerd' binary/daemon)
git clone https://github.com/Lurkki14/tuxclocker
cd tuxclocker
git checkout cpplib
git submodule init
git submodule update
meson build <meson options>
cd build
ninja && sudo ninja install
2023-07-24 10:54:05 -05:00
2020-04-04 12:58:09 -05:00
2023-07-24 10:54:05 -05:00
# Developing
There are a few scripts in `dev/` for development convenience, mainly to deal with DBus. A separate DBus instance and custom config file is used, so the TuxClocker daemon is able to be registered without installing service files into the system.
Note: the following scripts assume TuxClocker is installed to `inst/`, so `meson` should be called as follows:
`meson build --prefix=$(pwd)/inst`
The scripts should be used in this order (they all have to be running simultaneously, so probably best to run in separate terminals):
`dev/dbus-start.sh` Starts a separate DBus instance.
`dev/tuxclockerd-start.sh` Launches `tuxclockerd` making it connect to our separate DBus instance and LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to find the built `libtuxclocker`.
`dev/gui-start.sh` Launches the TuxClocker GUI making it connect to our separate DBus instance, so it can find the TuxClocker DBus service.
You can also use a program like `d-feet` if you are only making changes to the daemon. (To be documented)
2023-08-02 12:03:23 -05:00
# Screenshots
### Main view
![Main view](screenshots/mainview.png)
### Editing an item
![Editing an item](screenshots/itemedit.png)