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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:24 -06:00
415 lines
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415 lines
17 KiB
#ifdef AMD
#include "gputypes.h"
amd::amd() {}
bool amd::setupGPU()
bool retb = false;
qDebug("setting up amd gpu");
// Check if the amdgpu driver is present on any of the cards in /dev/dri
QDir devdir("/dev/dri");
QStringList filelist = devdir.entryList();
// First check for /dev/dri/renderD(128 + n)
int fd = 0;
for (int i=0; i<filelist.size(); i++) {
QFileInfo info(devdir, "renderD"+QString::number(128+i));
//qDebug() << info.exists();
if (info.exists()) {
// Get file descriptor for the device
// Convert info.path to char
char *path;
QString abspath = "/dev/dri/renderD"+QString::number(128 + i);
QByteArray arr = abspath.toLocal8Bit();
path = arr.data();
fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
qDebug() << info.fileName() << fd;
// Attempt to initialize the GPU
uint32_t major = 0;
uint32_t minor = 0;
amdgpu_device_handle *handle = new amdgpu_device_handle;
int ret = amdgpu_device_initialize(fd, &major, &minor, handle);
qDebug() << major;
if (ret == 0) {
// Create a gpu object with the correct paremeters
GPU gpu;
gpu.fsindex = i;
gpu.gputype = Type::AMDGPU;
// Get the hwmon folder name
QString monpath = "/sys/class/drm/card"+QString::number(i)+"/device/hwmon";
QDir mondir(monpath);
qDebug() << mondir.entryList() << "mondir";
QStringList list = mondir.entryList();
for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
if (list[i].contains("hwmon")) {
qDebug() << list[i];
gpu.hwmonpath = monpath+"/"+list[i];
qDebug() << gpu.hwmonpath;
const char *name = amdgpu_get_marketing_name(*handle);
char tempname[64];
strcpy(tempname, name);
gpu.name = tempname;
gpu.displayName = QString::fromUtf8(name);
gpu.dev = handle;
qDebug() << gpu.name;
int reading = 0;
uint size = sizeof (int);
ret = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*handle, AMDGPU_INFO_SENSOR_GFX_SCLK, size, &reading);
qDebug() << "coreclk" << reading << ret;
retb = true;
if (!retb) {
qDebug("No AMD GPUs using amdgpu found");
} else {
return retb;
void amd::calculateUIProperties(int GPUIndex)
GPUList[GPUIndex].voltageSliderMin = GPUList[GPUIndex].minVoltageLimit;
GPUList[GPUIndex].voltageSliderMax = GPUList[GPUIndex].maxVoltageLimit;
GPUList[GPUIndex].coreClkSliderMin = GPUList[GPUIndex].minCoreClkLimit;
GPUList[GPUIndex].coreClkSliderMax = GPUList[GPUIndex].maxCoreClkLimit;
GPUList[GPUIndex].memClkSliderMin = GPUList[GPUIndex].minMemClkLimit;
GPUList[GPUIndex].memClkSliderMax = GPUList[GPUIndex].maxMemClkLimit;
GPUList[GPUIndex].powerLimSliderMax = static_cast<int>(GPUList[GPUIndex].maxPowerLim);
GPUList[GPUIndex].powerLimSliderMin = static_cast<int>(GPUList[GPUIndex].minPowerLim);
/*GPUList[GPUIndex].voltageSliderCur = GPUList[GPUIndex].corevolts[GPUList[GPUIndex].corevolts.size()-1];
GPUList[GPUIndex].powerLimSliderCur = static_cast<int>(GPUList[GPUIndex].powerLim);
GPUList[GPUIndex].memClkSliderCur = GPUList[GPUIndex].memvolts[GPUList[GPUIndex].memclocks.size()-1];
GPUList[GPUIndex].coreClkSliderCur = GPUList[GPUIndex].coreclocks[GPUList[GPUIndex].coreclocks.size()-1];*/
void amd::calculateDisplayValues(int GPUIndex)
GPUList[GPUIndex].displayTemp = GPUList[GPUIndex].temp/1000;
GPUList[GPUIndex].displayPowerDraw = GPUList[GPUIndex].powerDraw;
GPUList[GPUIndex].displayCoreFreq = GPUList[GPUIndex].coreFreq;
GPUList[GPUIndex].displayMemFreq = GPUList[GPUIndex].memFreq;
GPUList[GPUIndex].displayCoreUtil = static_cast <int> (GPUList[GPUIndex].coreUtil);
// Not available on AMD
GPUList[GPUIndex].displayMemUtil = 0;
GPUList[GPUIndex].displayVoltage = GPUList[GPUIndex].voltage;
GPUList[GPUIndex].displayFanSpeed = GPUList[GPUIndex].fanSpeed;
bool amd::setupGPUSecondary(int GPUIndex){return true;}
void amd::queryGPUCount(){}
void amd::queryGPUNames()
/*for (int i=0; i<GPUList.size(); i++) {
if (GPUList[i].gputype == Type::AMDGPU) {
const char *name;
name = amdgpu_get_marketing_name(*GPUList[GPUIndex].dev);
//strcpy(GPUList[i].name, name);
qDebug() << name;
void amd::queryGPUUIDs(){}
void amd::queryGPUFeatures()
// Read the pp_od_clk_voltage file and parse output
QRegularExpression numexp("\\d+\\d");
int type = 0;
int column = 0;
int breakcount = 0;
for (int i=0; i<gpuCount; i++) {
QString path;
QString line;
if (GPUList[i].gputype == Type::AMDGPU) {
path = "/sys/class/drm/card"+QString::number(GPUList[i].fsindex)+"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage";
QFile tablefile(path);
bool ret = tablefile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text);
if (ret) {
QTextStream str(&tablefile);
while (!str.atEnd() && breakcount < 30) {
line = str.readLine();
if (line.contains("OD_SCLK")) type = 1;
if (line.contains("OD_MCLK")) type = 2;
if (line.contains("OD_RANGE")) type = 3;
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = numexp.globalMatch(line);
// Read all matches for the line
while (iter.hasNext()) {
QRegularExpressionMatch nummatch = iter.next();
QString capline = nummatch.captured();
int num = capline.toInt();
if (type == 1) {
if (column == 0) {
} else {
if (type == 2) {
if (column == 0) {
} else {
if (type == 3) {
if (line.contains("sclk", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
if (column == 0) {
GPUList[i].minCoreClkLimit = num;
} else {
GPUList[i].maxCoreClkLimit = num;
if (line.contains("mclk", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
if (column == 0) {
GPUList[i].minMemClkLimit = num;
} else {
GPUList[i].maxMemClkLimit = num;
if (line.contains("vdd", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
if (column == 0) {
GPUList[i].minVoltageLimit = num;
} else {
GPUList[i].maxVoltageLimit = num;
column = 0;
// Check if voltage is readable
int reading;
int retval = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*GPUList[i].dev,
sizeof (int),
if (retval != 0) {
GPUList[i].voltageReadable = false;
qDebug() << "voltage unreadable for GPU" << i;
} else {
GPUList[i].voltageReadable = true;
// Core clock
retval = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*GPUList[i].dev,
sizeof (int),
if (retval != 0) {
GPUList[i].coreClkReadable = false;
} else {
GPUList[i].coreClkReadable = true;
// Memory clock
retval = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*GPUList[i].dev,
sizeof (int),
if (retval != 0) {
GPUList[i].memClkReadable = false;
} else {
GPUList[i].memClkReadable = true;
// GPU Utilization
retval = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*GPUList[i].dev,
sizeof (int),
if (retval != 0) {
GPUList[i].coreUtilReadable= false;
qDebug() << "utilization unreadable for GPU" << i;
} else {
GPUList[i].coreUtilReadable = true;
// Power draw
retval = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*GPUList[i].dev,
sizeof (int),
if (retval != 0) {
GPUList[i].powerDrawReadable = false;
} else {
GPUList[i].powerDrawReadable = true;
// Check if min/max power limits were readable (does this indicate it's writable though?)
if (GPUList[i].minPowerLim == GPUList[i].maxPowerLim) {
GPUList[i].powerLimitAvailable = false;
} else {
GPUList[i].powerLimitAvailable = true;
// Assume manual fan control is always avilable for AMD
GPUList[i].manualFanCtrlAvailable = true;
void amd::queryGPUVoltage(int GPUIndex)
int ret = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*GPUList[GPUIndex].dev,
sizeof (GPUList[GPUIndex].voltage),
if (ret != 0) qDebug("Failed to query voltage");
void amd::queryGPUTemp(int GPUIndex)
qDebug() << "querying GPU" << GPUIndex << GPUList[GPUIndex].displayName;
int ret = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*GPUList[GPUIndex].dev,
sizeof (GPUList[GPUIndex].temp),
if (ret != 0) qDebug("Failed to query GPU temperature");
void amd::queryGPUFrequencies(int GPUIndex)
int reading;
int ret = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*GPUList[GPUIndex].dev,
sizeof (GPUList[GPUIndex].coreFreq),
qDebug() << reading << ret;
if (ret != 0) qDebug("Failed to query GPU core clock");
ret = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*GPUList[GPUIndex].dev,
sizeof (GPUList[GPUIndex].memFreq),
if (ret != 0) qDebug("Failed to query GPU memory clock");
void amd::queryGPUFanSpeed(int GPUIndex)
QFile pwmfile(GPUList[GPUIndex].hwmonpath+"/pwm1");
bool ret = pwmfile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text);
if (ret) {
QString fanspeed = pwmfile.readLine().trimmed();
double percspeed = (fanspeed.toDouble()/255)*100;
GPUList[GPUIndex].fanSpeed = static_cast<int>(percspeed);
qDebug() << GPUList[GPUIndex].fanSpeed << "fanspeed";
else qDebug("Failed to query fan speed");
void amd::queryGPUUsedVRAM(int GPUIndex){}
void amd::queryGPUFreqOffset(int GPUIndex){}
void amd::queryGPUMemClkOffset(int GPUIndex){}
void amd::queryGPUVoltageOffset(int GPUIndex){}
void amd::queryGPUUtils(int GPUIndex)
int ret = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*GPUList[GPUIndex].dev,
sizeof (GPUList[GPUIndex].coreUtil),
if (ret != 0) qDebug("Failed to query GPU Utilization");
void amd::queryGPUPowerDraw(int GPUIndex)
int ret = amdgpu_query_sensor_info(*GPUList[GPUIndex].dev,
sizeof (GPUList[GPUIndex].powerDraw),
if (ret != 0) qDebug("failed to query GPU power draw");
else qDebug() << GPUList[GPUIndex].powerDraw << "power draw";
void amd::queryGPUPowerLimit(int GPUIndex)
QFile pcapfile(GPUList[GPUIndex].hwmonpath+"/power1_cap");
bool ret = pcapfile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text);
if (ret) {
QString pcap = pcapfile.readLine();
GPUList[GPUIndex].powerLim = static_cast<uint>(pcap.toInt()/1000000);
qDebug() << GPUList[GPUIndex].powerLim << "current power limit";
else qDebug("Failed to query power limit");
void amd::queryGPUPowerLimitLimits(int GPUIndex)
QFile maxpcapfile(GPUList[GPUIndex].hwmonpath+"/power1_cap_max");
bool ret = maxpcapfile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text);
if (ret) {
QString maxpcap = maxpcapfile.readLine();
GPUList[GPUIndex].maxPowerLim = static_cast<uint>(maxpcap.toInt()/1000000);
qDebug() << GPUList[GPUIndex].maxPowerLim << "max power limit";
QFile mincapfile(GPUList[GPUIndex].hwmonpath+"/power1_cap_min");
ret = mincapfile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text);
if (ret) {
QString minpcap = mincapfile.readLine();
GPUList[GPUIndex].minPowerLim = static_cast<uint>(minpcap.toInt()/1000000);
qDebug() << GPUList[GPUIndex].minPowerLim << "min power limit";
void amd::queryGPUCurrentMaxClocks(int GPUIndex)
/*amdgpu_gpu_info info;
int ret = amdgpu_query_gpu_info(*GPUList[GPUIndex].dev, &info);
if (ret < 0) qDebug("Failed to query GPU maximum clocks");
else {
uint clock = static_cast<uint>(info.max_engine_clk);
GPUList[GPUIndex].maxCoreClk = clock/1000;
clock = static_cast<uint>(info.max_memory_clk);
GPUList[GPUIndex].maxMemClk = clock/1000;
void amd::queryGPUPowerLimitAvailability(int GPUIndex){}
bool amd::assignGPUFanSpeed(int GPUIndex, int targetValue)
QProcess proc;
bool ret = false;
proc.start("pkexec /bin/sh -c \"echo '" + QString::number(targetValue*2.55) + "' > " + GPUList[GPUIndex].hwmonpath + "/pwm1");
if (proc.exitCode() == 0) {
ret = true;
return ret;
bool amd::assignGPUFanCtlMode(int GPUIndex, bool manual)
QProcess proc;
bool ret = false;
if (manual) {
proc.start("pkexec /bin/sh -c \"echo '1' > " + GPUList[GPUIndex].hwmonpath + "/pwm1_enable");
if (proc.exitCode() == 0) {
ret = true;
} else {
proc.start("pkexec /bin/sh -c \"echo '0' > " + GPUList[GPUIndex].hwmonpath + "/pwm1_enable");
if (proc.exitCode() == 0) {
ret = true;
return ret;
bool amd::assignGPUFreqOffset(int GPUIndex, int targetValue){}
bool amd::assignGPUMemClockOffset(int GPUIndex, int targetValue){}
bool amd::assignGPUVoltageOffset(int GPUIndex, int targetValue){}
bool amd::assignGPUPowerLimit(uint targetValue){}