I thought CICD's working directory was in the project root but the release
failed to find the scripts. I've changed the script executions to absolute
paths. There's a directory is named for the runner's ID, is different on
each machine, and changes if the runner is replaced. There's a variable
that should overcome this, CI_RUNNER_ID, which I've used in the asbolute
paths. Fingers crossed, let's try it again.
Copied CICD scripts into the repository so that the community can make
contributions to the build system. Wrote a brief description of the
build and distribute process. Modified the CICD config to use the repo
hosted scripts. [ci skip]
1. Update `ANDROID_SDK_ROOT` to `ANDROID_HOME`. The former variable is
deprecated. (see https://developer.android.com/tools/variables#envar)
2. Remove `ANDROID_NDK_HOME` environment variable. This should allow the
build script to work out of the box for more folks.
3. Check that Java is on the `PATH` as opposed to just installing it.
`asdf` and other runtime management tools are pretty popular, and all
we care about is that the Java version is accessible.
4. Remove calls to `sudo`. Check to see if CocoaPods exists, if it
doesn't install it using Homebrew which doesn't require `sudo`.