variables: NO_DOCKER: 1 FORCE_COLOR: 1 EARTHLY_EXEC_CMD: "/bin/sh" GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: normal stages: - prepare - test - build_packages - release - distribute # base earthly setup for jobs .base: tags: [ saas-linux-medium-amd64 ] image: docker services: - docker:dind .earthly: &earthly_setup - apk update && apk add git - wget -O /usr/local/bin/earthly - chmod +x /usr/local/bin/earthly - earthly bootstrap - echo $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD | docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER --password-stdin $CI_REGISTRY - test "$CI_PROJECT_PATH" != "veilid/veilid" && project_args="--CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE=$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE" # Create the build container if: # - no container in the registry # - run as part of a schedule # - run manually from the pipelines web page build_cache: extends: .base stage: prepare script: - apk update && apk add jq && apk add curl - if ! docker manifest inspect $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/build-cache:latest > /dev/null; then - CACHE_EPOCH=0 - else - 'CONT_REPO_ID=$(curl "" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data "{\"query\": \"query { project(fullPath: \\\"$CI_PROJECT_PATH\\\" ) { containerRepositories( name: \\\"build-cache\\\" ) { nodes { id }}}} \"}" | jq -r ".data.project.containerRepositories.nodes[0].id")' - echo "CONTAINER REPO ID = $CONT_REPO_ID" - 'CACHE_TS=$(curl "" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data "{\"query\": \"query { containerRepository(id: \\\"$CONT_REPO_ID\\\") { tags( first: 1 name: \\\"latest\\\" ) { nodes { location publishedAt }}}} \"}" | jq -r ".data.containerRepository.tags.nodes[0].publishedAt" | cut -d "+" -f1 | sed "s/T/ /g" )' - CACHE_EPOCH=$(date -d "$CACHE_TS" +%s) - fi - EARTHLY_EPOCH=$(git log -1 --format=%ct Earthfile) - echo "CACHE EPOCH = $CACHE_EPOCH, EARTHLY EPOCH = $EARTHLY_EPOCH" - if [[ $EARTHLY_EPOCH -gt $CACHE_EPOCH ]] || [[ "$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE" == "schedule" ]] || [[ "$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE" == "web" ]] ; then - *earthly_setup - earthly --use-inline-cache --save-inline-cache --strict --push -P +build-linux-cache $project_args - else - echo "No need to rebuild" - fi rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[ci dryrun]/ when: never - if: $IS_NIGHTLY == "true" when: never - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH # Runs a basic unit test build, this task will use the `build-cache:latest` as set up in the projects Container Registry test_build: extends: .base stage: test script: - *earthly_setup - earthly --use-inline-cache +unit-tests-linux --BASE=container $project_args resource_group: test rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[ci dryrun]/ when: never - if: $IS_NIGHTLY == "true" when: never - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH # Actual release -- triggered by pushing a new version tag release_job: stage: release image: script: - echo "running release_job" release: # See for available properties tag_name: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG' description: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG' rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v\d.+/' create_build_machines: stage: build_packages tags: - build-orchestration script: - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ create amd64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ create arm64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ create amd64-rpm rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v\d.+/' package_amd64_deb: stage: build_packages needs: - create_build_machines tags: - build-amd64-deb script: - earthly bootstrap - earthly +package-linux-amd64-deb --IS_NIGHTLY=$IS_NIGHTLY - bash scripts/cicd/build-machine/ rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v\d.+/' package_arm64_deb: stage: build_packages needs: - create_build_machines tags: - build-arm64-deb script: - earthly bootstrap - earthly +package-linux-arm64-deb --IS_NIGHTLY=$IS_NIGHTLY - bash scripts/cicd/build-machine/ rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v\d.+/' package_amd64_rpm: stage: build_packages needs: - create_build_machines tags: - build-amd64-rpm script: - earthly bootstrap - earthly +package-linux-amd64-rpm --IS_NIGHTLY=$IS_NIGHTLY - bash scripts/cicd/build-machine/ rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v\d.+/' publish_crates: stage: build_packages tags: - build-amd64-deb script: - vlt login - vlt run --command="cargo publish -p veilid-tools --dry-run" - vlt run --command="cargo publish -p veilid-tools" - vlt run --command="cargo publish -p veilid-core --dry-run" - vlt run --command="cargo publish -p veilid-core" rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v\d.+/' publish_python: stage: build_packages tags: - build-amd64-deb script: - vlt login - cd veilid-python && /home/gitlab-runner/.local/bin/poetry build - vlt run --command="/home/gitlab-runner/.local/bin/poetry publish" rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v\d.+/' build_repositories: stage: distribute needs: - publish_python tags: - build-orchestration variables: SECURE_FILES_DOWNLOAD_PATH: '$HOME' script: - cp scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ ~ - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v\d.+/' deploy_repos: stage: distribute needs: - build_repositories tags: - repo-server script: - bash scripts/cicd/repo-server/ rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v\d.+/' delete_build_machines: stage: distribute needs: - deploy_repos tags: - build-orchestration script: - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ delete amd64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ delete arm64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ delete amd64-rpm rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v\d.+/' # Dryrun release -- triggered by changes in .gitlab-ci.yml, CICD scripts, or Earthfile dryrun_create_build_machines: stage: build_packages tags: - build-orchestration script: - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ create amd64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ create arm64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ create amd64-rpm rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[ci dryrun]/ dryrun_package_amd64_deb: stage: build_packages needs: - dryrun_create_build_machines tags: - build-amd64-deb script: - earthly bootstrap - earthly +package-linux-amd64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-machine/ rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[ci dryrun]/ dryrun_package_arm64_deb: stage: build_packages needs: - dryrun_create_build_machines tags: - build-arm64-deb script: - earthly bootstrap - earthly +package-linux-arm64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-machine/ rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[ci dryrun]/ dryrun_package_amd64_rpm: stage: build_packages needs: - dryrun_create_build_machines tags: - build-amd64-rpm script: - earthly bootstrap - earthly +package-linux-amd64-rpm - bash scripts/cicd/build-machine/ rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[ci dryrun]/ dryrun_publish_crates: stage: build_packages needs: - dryrun_create_build_machines tags: - build-amd64-deb script: - vlt login - vlt run --command="cargo publish -p veilid-tools --dry-run" - vlt run --command="cargo publish -p veilid-core --dry-run" rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[ci dryrun]/ dryrun_publish_python: stage: build_packages needs: - dryrun_create_build_machines tags: - build-amd64-deb script: - cd veilid-python && /home/gitlab-runner/.local/bin/poetry build rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[ci dryrun]/ dryrun_build_repositories: stage: distribute tags: - build-orchestration variables: SECURE_FILES_DOWNLOAD_PATH: './' script: - cp scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ ~ - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[ci dryrun]/ dryrun_deploy_repos: stage: distribute needs: - dryrun_build_repositories tags: - repo-server script: - ls -al $HOME/repo.tar rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[ci dryrun]/ dryrun_delete_build_machines: stage: distribute needs: - dryrun_deploy_repos tags: - build-orchestration script: - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ delete amd64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ delete arm64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ delete amd64-rpm rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[ci dryrun]/ # Nightly build pipeline nightly_create_build_machines: stage: build_packages tags: - build-orchestration script: - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ create amd64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ create arm64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ create amd64-rpm rules: - if: $IS_NIGHTLY == "true" nightly_package_amd64_deb: stage: build_packages needs: - nightly_create_build_machines tags: - build-amd64-deb script: - earthly bootstrap - earthly +package-linux-amd64-deb #--IS_NIGHTLY="$IS_NIGHTLY" - bash scripts/cicd/build-machine/ rules: - if: $IS_NIGHTLY == "true" nightly_package_arm64_deb: stage: build_packages needs: - nightly_create_build_machines tags: - build-arm64-deb script: - earthly bootstrap - earthly +package-linux-arm64-deb #--IS_NIGHTLY="$IS_NIGHTLY" - bash scripts/cicd/build-machine/ rules: - if: $IS_NIGHTLY == "true" nightly_package_amd64_rpm: stage: build_packages needs: - nightly_create_build_machines tags: - build-amd64-rpm script: - earthly bootstrap - earthly +package-linux-amd64-rpm #--IS_NIGHTLY="$IS_NIGHTLY" - bash scripts/cicd/build-machine/ rules: - if: $IS_NIGHTLY == "true" nightly_build_repositories: stage: distribute tags: - build-orchestration variables: SECURE_FILES_DOWNLOAD_PATH: '$HOME' script: - cp scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ ~ - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ rules: - if: $IS_NIGHTLY == "true" nightly_delete_build_machines: stage: distribute needs: - nightly_build_repositories tags: - build-orchestration script: - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ delete amd64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ delete arm64-deb - bash scripts/cicd/build-orchestration/ delete amd64-rpm rules: - if: $IS_NIGHTLY == "true"