import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:change_case/change_case.dart'; import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart'; import 'veilid_encoding.dart'; import 'veilid.dart'; part 'veilid_state.freezed.dart'; part 'veilid_state.g.dart'; ////////////////////////////////////// /// AttachmentState enum AttachmentState { detached, attaching, attachedWeak, attachedGood, attachedStrong, fullyAttached, overAttached, detaching; String toJson() => name.toPascalCase(); factory AttachmentState.fromJson(String j) => AttachmentState.values.byName(j.toCamelCase()); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidLogLevel enum VeilidLogLevel { error, warn, info, debug, trace; String toJson() => name.toPascalCase(); factory VeilidLogLevel.fromJson(String j) => VeilidLogLevel.values.byName(j.toCamelCase()); } //////////// @freezed class LatencyStats with _$LatencyStats { const factory LatencyStats({ required TimestampDuration fastest, required TimestampDuration average, required TimestampDuration slowest, }) = _LatencyStats; factory LatencyStats.fromJson(Map json) => _$LatencyStatsFromJson(json); } //////////// @freezed class TransferStats with _$TransferStats { const factory TransferStats({ required BigInt total, required BigInt maximum, required BigInt average, required BigInt minimum, }) = _TransferStats; factory TransferStats.fromJson(Map json) => _$TransferStatsFromJson(json); } //////////// @freezed class TransferStatsDownUp with _$TransferStatsDownUp { const factory TransferStatsDownUp({ required TransferStats down, required TransferStats up, }) = _TransferStatsDownUp; factory TransferStatsDownUp.fromJson(Map json) => _$TransferStatsDownUpFromJson(json); } //////////// @freezed class RPCStats with _$RPCStats { const factory RPCStats({ required int messagesSent, required int messagesRcvd, required int questionsInFlight, required Timestamp? lastQuestion, required Timestamp? lastSeenTs, required Timestamp? firstConsecutiveSeenTs, required int recentLostAnswers, required int failedToSend, }) = _RPCStats; factory RPCStats.fromJson(Map json) => _$RPCStatsFromJson(json); } //////////// @freezed class PeerStats with _$PeerStats { const factory PeerStats({ required Timestamp timeAdded, required RPCStats rpcStats, LatencyStats? latency, required TransferStatsDownUp transfer, }) = _PeerStats; factory PeerStats.fromJson(Map json) => _$PeerStatsFromJson(json); } //////////// @freezed class PeerTableData with _$PeerTableData { const factory PeerTableData({ required List nodeIds, required String peerAddress, required PeerStats peerStats, }) = _PeerTableData; factory PeerTableData.fromJson(Map json) => _$PeerTableDataFromJson(json); } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidUpdate abstract class VeilidUpdate { factory VeilidUpdate.fromJson(dynamic json) { switch (json["kind"]) { case "Log": { return VeilidLog( logLevel: VeilidLogLevel.fromJson(json["log_level"]), message: json["message"], backtrace: json["backtrace"]); } case "AppMessage": { return VeilidAppMessage( sender: json["sender"], message: json["message"]); } case "AppCall": { return VeilidAppCall( sender: json["sender"], message: json["message"], callId: json["call_id"]); } case "Attachment": { return VeilidUpdateAttachment( state: VeilidStateAttachment.fromJson(json)); } case "Network": { return VeilidUpdateNetwork(state: VeilidStateNetwork.fromJson(json)); } case "Config": { return VeilidUpdateConfig(state: VeilidStateConfig.fromJson(json)); } case "RouteChange": { return VeilidUpdateRouteChange( deadRoutes: List.from(json['dead_routes'].map((j) => j)), deadRemoteRoutes: List.from(json['dead_remote_routes'].map((j) => j))); } case "ValueChange": { return VeilidUpdateValueChange( key: TypedKey.fromJson(json['key']), subkeys: List.from( json['subkeys'].map((j) => ValueSubkeyRange.fromJson(j))), count: json['count'], valueData: ValueData.fromJson(json['value_data'])); } default: { throw VeilidAPIExceptionInternal( "Invalid VeilidAPIException type: ${json['kind']}"); } } } Map toJson(); } class VeilidLog implements VeilidUpdate { final VeilidLogLevel logLevel; final String message; final String? backtrace; // VeilidLog({ required this.logLevel, required this.message, required this.backtrace, }); @override Map toJson() { return { 'kind': "Log", 'log_level': logLevel.toJson(), 'message': message, 'backtrace': backtrace }; } } class VeilidAppMessage implements VeilidUpdate { final TypedKey? sender; final Uint8List message; // VeilidAppMessage({ required this.sender, required this.message, }); @override Map toJson() { return { 'kind': "AppMessage", 'sender': sender, 'message': base64UrlNoPadEncode(message) }; } } class VeilidAppCall implements VeilidUpdate { final String? sender; final Uint8List message; final String callId; // VeilidAppCall({ required this.sender, required this.message, required this.callId, }); @override Map toJson() { return { 'kind': "AppCall", 'sender': sender, 'message': base64UrlNoPadEncode(message), 'call_id': callId, }; } } class VeilidUpdateAttachment implements VeilidUpdate { final VeilidStateAttachment state; // VeilidUpdateAttachment({required this.state}); @override Map toJson() { var jsonRep = state.toJson(); jsonRep['kind'] = "Attachment"; return jsonRep; } } class VeilidUpdateNetwork implements VeilidUpdate { final VeilidStateNetwork state; // VeilidUpdateNetwork({required this.state}); @override Map toJson() { var jsonRep = state.toJson(); jsonRep['kind'] = "Network"; return jsonRep; } } class VeilidUpdateConfig implements VeilidUpdate { final VeilidStateConfig state; // VeilidUpdateConfig({required this.state}); @override Map toJson() { var jsonRep = state.toJson(); jsonRep['kind'] = "Config"; return jsonRep; } } class VeilidUpdateRouteChange implements VeilidUpdate { final List deadRoutes; final List deadRemoteRoutes; // VeilidUpdateRouteChange({ required this.deadRoutes, required this.deadRemoteRoutes, }); @override Map toJson() { return { 'dead_routes': => p).toList(), 'dead_remote_routes': => p).toList() }; } } class VeilidUpdateValueChange implements VeilidUpdate { final TypedKey key; final List subkeys; final int count; final ValueData valueData; // VeilidUpdateValueChange({ required this.key, required this.subkeys, required this.count, required this.valueData, }); @override Map toJson() { return { 'key': key.toJson(), 'subkeys': => p.toJson()).toList(), 'count': count, 'value_data': valueData.toJson(), }; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidStateAttachment class VeilidStateAttachment { final AttachmentState state; final bool publicInternetReady; final bool localNetworkReady; VeilidStateAttachment( this.state, this.publicInternetReady, this.localNetworkReady); VeilidStateAttachment.fromJson(dynamic json) : state = AttachmentState.fromJson(json['state']), publicInternetReady = json['public_internet_ready'], localNetworkReady = json['local_network_ready']; Map toJson() { return { 'state': state.toJson(), 'public_internet_ready': publicInternetReady, 'local_network_ready': localNetworkReady, }; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidStateNetwork class VeilidStateNetwork { final bool started; final BigInt bpsDown; final BigInt bpsUp; final List peers; VeilidStateNetwork( {required this.started, required this.bpsDown, required this.bpsUp, required this.peers}); VeilidStateNetwork.fromJson(dynamic json) : started = json['started'], bpsDown = BigInt.parse(json['bps_down']), bpsUp = BigInt.parse(json['bps_up']), peers = List.from( json['peers'].map((j) => PeerTableData.fromJson(j))); Map toJson() { return { 'started': started, 'bps_down': bpsDown.toString(), 'bps_up': bpsUp.toString(), 'peers': => p.toJson()).toList(), }; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidStateConfig class VeilidStateConfig { final VeilidConfig config; VeilidStateConfig({ required this.config, }); VeilidStateConfig.fromJson(dynamic json) : config = VeilidConfig.fromJson(json['config']); Map toJson() { return {'config': config.toJson()}; } } ////////////////////////////////////// /// VeilidState class VeilidState { final VeilidStateAttachment attachment; final VeilidStateNetwork network; final VeilidStateConfig config; VeilidState.fromJson(dynamic json) : attachment = VeilidStateAttachment.fromJson(json['attachment']), network = VeilidStateNetwork.fromJson(json['network']), config = VeilidStateConfig.fromJson(json['config']); Map toJson() { return { 'attachment': attachment.toJson(), 'network': network.toJson(), 'config': config.toJson() }; } }