// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 // Copyright (C) 2021 Martin Whitaker. #include #include #include #include "memrw32.h" #include "memsize.h" #include "pmem.h" #include "memory.h" #include "unistd.h" #include "usbkbd.h" #include "usb.h" #include "ohci.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constants //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Values defined by the OHCI specification. // HcRevision register #define OHCI_CTRL_CBSR 0x00000003 // Control Bulk Service Ratio #define OHCI_CTRL_CBSR0 0x00000000 // Control Bulk Service Ratio 0 #define OHCI_CTRL_CBSR1 0x00000001 // Control Bulk Service Ratio 1 #define OHCI_CTRL_CBSR2 0x00000002 // Control Bulk Service Ratio 2 #define OHCI_CTRL_CBSR3 0x00000003 // Control Bulk Service Ratio 2 #define OHCI_CTRL_PLE 0x00000004 // Periodic List Enable #define OHCI_CTRL_IE 0x00000008 // Isochronous Enable #define OHCI_CTRL_CLE 0x00000010 // Control List Enable #define OHCI_CTRL_BLE 0x00000020 // Bulk List Enable #define OHCI_CTRL_HCFS 0x000000c0 // Host Controller Functional State #define OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RST 0x00000000 // Host Controller Functional State is Reset #define OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RES 0x00000040 // Host Controller Functional State is Resume #define OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RUN 0x00000080 // Host Controller Functional State is Run #define OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_SUS 0x000000c0 // Host Controller Functional State is Suspend #define OHCI_CTRL_IR 0x00000100 // Interrupt Routing #define OHCI_CTRL_RWC 0x00000200 // Remote Wakeup Connected #define OHCI_CTRL_RWE 0x00000400 // Remote Wakeup Enable // HcCommandStatus register #define OHCI_CMD_HCR 0x00000001 // Host Controller Reset #define OHCI_CMD_CLF 0x00000002 // Control List Filled #define OHCI_CMD_BLF 0x00000004 // Bulk List Filled #define OHCI_CMD_OCR 0x00000008 // Ownership Change Request // HcInterruptStatus register #define OHCI_INTR_SC 0x00000001 // Scheduling Overrun #define OHCI_INTR_WDH 0x00000002 // Writeback Done Head #define OHCI_INTR_SOF 0x00000004 // Start of Frame #define OHCI_INTR_RD 0x00000008 // Resume Detected #define OHCI_INTR_UE 0x00000010 // Unrecoverable Error #define OHCI_INTR_FNO 0x00000020 // Frame Number Overflow #define OHCI_INTR_RHSC 0x00000040 // Root Hub Status Change #define OHCI_INTR_OC 0x40000000 // Ownership Change #define OHCI_INTR_MIE 0x80000000 // Master Interrupt Enable // HcRhDescriptorA register #define OHCI_RHDA_PSM 0x00000100 // Power Switching Mode #define OHCI_RHDA_NPS 0x00000200 // No Power Switching #define OHCI_RHDA_OCPM 0x00000800 // Over Current Protection Mode #define OHCI_RHDA_NOCP 0x00001000 // No Over Current Protection // HcRhDescriptorB register #define OHCI_RHDB_DR 0x0000ffff // Device Removable #define OHCI_RHDB_PPCM 0xffff0000 // Port Power Control Mask // HcRhStatus register #define OHCI_RHS_LPS 0x00000001 // Local Power Status #define OHCI_RHS_OCI 0x00000002 // Over-Current Indicator #define OHCI_RHS_DRWE 0x00008000 // Device Remote Wakeup Enable #define OHCI_RHS_LPSC 0x00010000 // Local Power Status Change #define OHCI_RHS_OCIC 0x00020000 // Over-Current Indicator Change #define OHCI_RHS_CRWE 0x80000000 // Clear Remote Wakeup Enable #define OHCI_SET_GLOBAL_POWER 0x00010000 #define OHCI_CLR_GLOBAL_POWER 0x00000001 // HcRhPortStatus registers #define OHCI_PORT_CONNECTED 0x00000001 #define OHCI_PORT_ENABLED 0x00000002 #define OHCI_PORT_SUSPENDED 0x00000004 #define OHCI_PORT_OCI 0x00000008 #define OHCI_PORT_RESETING 0x00000010 #define OHCI_PORT_POWERED 0x00000100 #define OHCI_PORT_LOW_SPEED 0x00000200 #define OHCI_PORT_CONNECT_CHG 0x00010000 #define OHCI_PORT_ENABLE_CHG 0x00020000 #define OHCI_PORT_SUSPEND_CHG 0x00040000 #define OHCI_PORT_OCI_CHG 0x00080000 #define OHCI_PORT_RESET_CHG 0x00100000 #define OHCI_CLR_PORT_ENABLE 0x00000001 #define OHCI_SET_PORT_ENABLE 0x00000002 #define OHCI_SET_PORT_SUSPEND 0x00000004 #define OHCI_CLR_PORT_SUSPEND 0x00000008 #define OHCI_SET_PORT_RESET 0x00000010 #define OHCI_SET_PORT_POWER 0x00000100 #define OHCI_CLR_PORT_POWER 0x00000200 // Endpoint Descriptor data structure #define OHCI_ED_FA 0x0000007f // Function Address #define OHCI_ED_EN 0x00000780 // Endpoint Number #define OHCI_ED_DIR 0x00001800 // Direction #define OHCI_ED_DIR_TD 0x00000000 // Direction is From TD #define OHCI_ED_DIR_OUT 0x00000800 // Direction is OUT #define OHCI_ED_DIR_IN 0x00001000 // Direction is IN #define OHCI_ED_SPD 0x00002000 // Speed #define OHCI_ED_SPD_FULL 0x00000000 // Speed is Full Speed #define OHCI_ED_SPD_LOW 0x00001000 // Speed is Low Speed #define OHCI_ED_SKIP 0x00004000 // Skip #define OHCI_ED_FMT 0x00008000 // Format #define OHCI_ED_FMT_GEN 0x00000000 // Format is General TD #define OHCI_ED_FMT_ISO 0x00008000 // Format is Isochronous TD #define OHCI_ED_MPS 0x07ff0000 // Max Packet Size #define OHCI_ED_HALTED 0x00000001 // Halted flag #define OHCI_ED_TOGGLE 0x00000002 // Toggle carry bit // Transfer Descriptor data structure #define OHCI_TD_BR 0x00040000 // Buffer Rounding #define OHCI_TD_DP 0x00180000 // Direction/PID #define OHCI_TD_DP_SETUP 0x00000000 // Direction/PID is SETUP #define OHCI_TD_DP_OUT 0x00080000 // Direction/PID is OUT #define OHCI_TD_DP_IN 0x00100000 // Direction/PID is IN #define OHCI_TD_DI 0x00e00000 // Delay Interrupt #define OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY 0x00000000 // Delay Interrupt is 0 (no delay) #define OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT 0x00e00000 // Delay Interrupt is 7 (no interrupt) #define OHCI_TD_DT 0x03000000 // Data Toggle #define OHCI_TD_DT_0 0x00000000 // Data Toggle LSB is 0 #define OHCI_TD_DT_1 0x01000000 // Data Toggle LSB is 1 #define OHCI_TD_DT_USE_ED 0x00000000 // Data Toggle MSB is 0 #define OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD 0x02000000 // Data Toggle MSB is 1 #define OHCI_TD_EC 0x0c000000 // Error Count #define OHCI_TD_CC 0xf0000000 // Condition Code #define OHCI_TD_CC_NO_ERR 0x00000000 // Condition Code is No Error #define OHCI_TD_CC_NEW 0xe0000000 // Condition Code is Not Accessed // Miscellaneous values #define OHCI_MAX_INTERVAL 32 // Values specific to this implementation. #define MAX_KEYBOARDS 8 // per host controller #define WS_ED_SIZE (1 + MAX_KEYBOARDS) // Endpoint Descriptors #define WS_TD_SIZE (3 + MAX_KEYBOARDS) // Transfer Descriptors #define WS_DATA_SIZE 1024 // bytes #define WS_KC_BUFFER_SIZE 8 // keycodes #define MILLISEC 1000 // in microseconds //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Types //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Register sets defined by the OHCI specification. typedef volatile struct { uint32_t revision; uint32_t control; uint32_t command_status; uint32_t interrupt_status; uint32_t interrupt_enable; uint32_t interrupt_disable; uint32_t hcca; uint32_t period_current_ed; uint32_t ctrl_head_ed; uint32_t ctrl_current_ed; uint32_t bulk_head_ed; uint32_t bulk_current_ed; uint32_t done_head; uint32_t fm_interval; uint32_t fm_remaining; uint32_t fm_number; uint32_t periodic_start; uint32_t ls_threshold; uint32_t rh_descriptor_a; uint32_t rh_descriptor_b; uint32_t rh_status; uint32_t rh_port_status[]; } ohci_op_regs_t; // Data structures defined by the OHCI specification. typedef volatile struct { uint32_t intr_head_ed[32]; uint16_t frame_num; uint16_t pad; uint32_t done_head; uint32_t reserved[30]; } ohci_hcca_t __attribute__ ((aligned (256))); typedef volatile struct { uint32_t control; uint32_t tail_ptr; uint32_t head_ptr; uint32_t next_ed; } ohci_ed_t __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); typedef volatile struct { uint32_t control; uint32_t curr_buff; uint32_t next_td; uint32_t buff_end; } ohci_td_t __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); // Data structures specific to this implementation. typedef struct { // System memory data structures used by the host controller. ohci_hcca_t hcca; ohci_ed_t ed [WS_ED_SIZE]; ohci_td_t td [WS_TD_SIZE]; // Data transfer buffers. union { volatile uint8_t data [WS_DATA_SIZE]; hid_kbd_rpt_t kbd_rpt [MAX_KEYBOARDS]; }; // Pointer to the host controller registers. ohci_op_regs_t *op_regs; // Values shared between functions during USB device initialisation. int ep0_max_packet_size; int config_total_length; // Circular buffer for received keycodes. uint8_t kc_buffer [WS_KC_BUFFER_SIZE]; int kc_index_i; int kc_index_o; } workspace_t __attribute__ ((aligned (256))); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private Functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) static size_t num_pages(size_t size) { return (size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT; } static bool reset_ohci_port(ohci_op_regs_t *regs, int port_idx) { // The OHCI reset lasts for 10ms, but the USB specification calls for 50ms (but not necessarily continuously). // So do it 5 times. for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { write32(®s->rh_port_status[port_idx], OHCI_PORT_CONNECT_CHG | OHCI_PORT_RESET_CHG); write32(®s->rh_port_status[port_idx], OHCI_SET_PORT_RESET); if (!wait_until_set(®s->rh_port_status[port_idx], OHCI_PORT_RESET_CHG, 500*MILLISEC)) return false; } write32(®s->rh_port_status[port_idx], OHCI_PORT_RESET_CHG); usleep(10*MILLISEC); // USB reset recovery time // Check the port is now active. uint32_t status = read32(®s->rh_port_status[port_idx]); if ( status & OHCI_PORT_RESETING) return false; if (~status & OHCI_PORT_CONNECTED) return false; if (~status & OHCI_PORT_ENABLED) return false; return true; } static ohci_td_t *get_ohci_done_head(workspace_t *ws) { if (!wait_until_set(&ws->op_regs->interrupt_status, OHCI_INTR_WDH, 10*MILLISEC)) { return NULL; } uintptr_t done_head = ws->hcca.done_head & 0xfffffffe; write32(&ws->op_regs->interrupt_status, OHCI_INTR_WDH); return (ohci_td_t *)done_head; } static bool wait_for_ohci_done(workspace_t *ws, int td_expected) { int td_completed = 0; ohci_td_t *td = get_ohci_done_head(ws); while (td != NULL) { td_completed++; if ((td->control & OHCI_TD_CC) != OHCI_TD_CC_NO_ERR) { return false; } td = (ohci_td_t *)((uintptr_t)td->next_td); } return td_completed == td_expected; } static void build_ohci_td(ohci_td_t *td, uint32_t control, volatile void *buffer, size_t length) { td->control = OHCI_TD_CC_NEW | control; td->curr_buff = (uintptr_t)buffer; td->buff_end = (uintptr_t)buffer + length - 1; td->next_td = (uintptr_t)(td + 1); } static void build_ohci_ed(ohci_ed_t *ed, uint32_t control, ohci_td_t *head_td, ohci_td_t *tail_td) { // Set the skip flag before modifying the head and tail pointers, in case we are modifying an active ED. // Use write32() to make sure the compiler doesn't reorder the writes. write32(&ed->control, OHCI_ED_SKIP); ed->head_ptr = (uintptr_t)head_td; ed->tail_ptr = (uintptr_t)tail_td; write32(&ed->control, control); } static uint32_t ohci_ed_control(int device_idx, int endpoint_idx, int max_packet_size, bool is_low_speed) { uint32_t control = OHCI_ED_FMT_GEN | OHCI_ED_DIR_TD | max_packet_size << 16 | endpoint_idx << 7 | device_idx; if (is_low_speed) { control |= OHCI_ED_SPD_LOW; } else { control |= OHCI_ED_SPD_FULL; } return control; } static bool initialise_device(workspace_t *ws, int port_idx, int device_num, bool is_low_speed) { // The device should currently be in Default state. We first fetch the first 8 bytes of the device descriptor to // discover the maximum packet size for the control endpoint. We then set the device address, which moves the // device into Addressed state, and fetch the full device descriptor. We don't currently make use of any of the // other fields of the device descriptor, but some USB devices may not work correctly if we don't fetch it. ohci_op_regs_t *regs = ws->op_regs; int usb_address = 0; int fetch_length = 8; int max_packet_size = 8; goto fetch_device_descriptor; set_address: build_setup_packet(ws->data, 0x00, 0x05, usb_address, 0, 0); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[0], OHCI_TD_DP_SETUP | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_0 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT, ws->data, sizeof(usb_setup_pkt_t)); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[1], OHCI_TD_DP_IN | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_1 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY, 0, 0); build_ohci_ed(&ws->ed[0], ohci_ed_control(0, 0, max_packet_size, is_low_speed), &ws->td[0], &ws->td[2]); write32(®s->command_status, OHCI_CMD_CLF); if (!wait_for_ohci_done(ws, 2)) { return false; } usleep(2*MILLISEC); // USB set address recovery time. fetch_device_descriptor: build_setup_packet(ws->data, 0x80, 0x06, USB_DESC_DEVICE << 8, 0, fetch_length); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[0], OHCI_TD_DP_SETUP | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_0 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT, ws->data, sizeof(usb_setup_pkt_t)); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[1], OHCI_TD_DP_IN | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_1 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT, ws->data, fetch_length); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[2], OHCI_TD_DP_OUT | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_1 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY, 0, 0); build_ohci_ed(&ws->ed[0], ohci_ed_control(usb_address, 0, max_packet_size, is_low_speed), &ws->td[0], &ws->td[3]); write32(®s->command_status, OHCI_CMD_CLF); if (!wait_for_ohci_done(ws, 3) || !valid_usb_device_descriptor(ws->data)) { return false; } if (usb_address == 0) { usb_device_desc_t *device = (usb_device_desc_t *)ws->data; max_packet_size = device->max_packet_size; if (!valid_usb_max_packet_size(max_packet_size, is_low_speed)) { return false; } if (usb_init_options & USB_EXTRA_RESET) { if (!reset_ohci_port(regs, port_idx)) { return false; } } usb_address = device_num; fetch_length = sizeof(usb_device_desc_t); goto set_address; } ws->ep0_max_packet_size = max_packet_size; // Fetch the first configuration descriptor and the associated interface and endpoint descriptors. Start by // requesting just the configuration descriptor. Then read the descriptor to determine whether we need to fetch // more data. fetch_length = sizeof(usb_config_desc_t); fetch_config_descriptor: build_setup_packet(ws->data, 0x80, 0x06, USB_DESC_CONFIG << 8, 0, fetch_length); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[0], OHCI_TD_DP_SETUP | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_0 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT, ws->data, sizeof(usb_setup_pkt_t)); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[1], OHCI_TD_DP_IN | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_1 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT, ws->data, fetch_length); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[2], OHCI_TD_DP_OUT | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_1 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY, 0, 0); build_ohci_ed(&ws->ed[0], ohci_ed_control(usb_address, 0, max_packet_size, is_low_speed), &ws->td[0], &ws->td[3]); write32(®s->command_status, OHCI_CMD_CLF); if (!wait_for_ohci_done(ws, 3) || !valid_usb_config_descriptor(ws->data)) { return false; } usb_config_desc_t *config = (usb_config_desc_t *)ws->data; int total_length = MIN(config->total_length, WS_DATA_SIZE); if (total_length > fetch_length) { fetch_length = total_length; goto fetch_config_descriptor; } ws->config_total_length = total_length; return true; } static bool configure_interface(workspace_t *ws, usb_keyboard_info_t *kbd) { ohci_op_regs_t *regs = ws->op_regs; // Set the device configuration. build_setup_packet(ws->data, 0x00, 0x09, 1, 0, 0); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[0], OHCI_TD_DP_SETUP | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_0 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT, ws->data, sizeof(usb_setup_pkt_t)); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[1], OHCI_TD_DP_IN | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_1 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY, 0, 0); build_ohci_ed(&ws->ed[0], ohci_ed_control(kbd->device_num, 0, ws->ep0_max_packet_size, kbd->port_speed), &ws->td[0], &ws->td[2]); write32(®s->command_status, OHCI_CMD_CLF); if (!wait_for_ohci_done(ws, 2)) { return false; } // Set the idle duration to infinite. build_setup_packet(ws->data, 0x21, 0x0a, 0, kbd->interface_num, 0); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[0], OHCI_TD_DP_SETUP | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_0 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT, ws->data, sizeof(usb_setup_pkt_t)); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[1], OHCI_TD_DP_IN | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_1 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY, 0, 0); build_ohci_ed(&ws->ed[0], ohci_ed_control(kbd->device_num, 0, ws->ep0_max_packet_size, kbd->port_speed), &ws->td[0], &ws->td[2]); write32(®s->command_status, OHCI_CMD_CLF); if (!wait_for_ohci_done(ws, 2)) { return false; } // Select the boot protocol. build_setup_packet(ws->data, 0x21, 0x0b, 0, kbd->interface_num, 0); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[0], OHCI_TD_DP_SETUP | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_0 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT, ws->data, sizeof(usb_setup_pkt_t)); build_ohci_td(&ws->td[1], OHCI_TD_DP_IN | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_1 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY, 0, 0); build_ohci_ed(&ws->ed[0], ohci_ed_control(kbd->device_num, 0, ws->ep0_max_packet_size, kbd->port_speed), &ws->td[0], &ws->td[2]); write32(®s->command_status, OHCI_CMD_CLF); if (!wait_for_ohci_done(ws, 2)) { return false; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void *ohci_init(uintptr_t base_addr) { ohci_op_regs_t *regs = (ohci_op_regs_t *)base_addr; // Check the host controller revison. if ((read32(®s->revision) & 0xff) != 0x10) { return NULL; } // Take ownership from the SMM if necessary. if (read32(®s->control) & OHCI_CTRL_IR) { write32(®s->interrupt_enable, OHCI_INTR_OC); flush32(®s->command_status, OHCI_CMD_OCR); if (!wait_until_clr(®s->control, OHCI_CTRL_IR, 1000*MILLISEC)) { return NULL; } } // Preserve the FM interval set by the SMM or BIOS. // If not set, use the default value. uint32_t fm_interval = read32(®s->fm_interval) & 0x3fff; if (fm_interval == 0) { fm_interval = 0x2edf; } // Prepare for host controller setup (see section of the OHCI spec.). switch (read32(®s->control) & OHCI_CTRL_HCFS) { case OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RST: usleep(50*MILLISEC); break; case OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_SUS: case OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RES: flush32(®s->control, OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_SUS); usleep(10*MILLISEC); break; default: // operational break; } // Reset the host controller. write32(®s->command_status, OHCI_CMD_HCR); if (!wait_until_clr(®s->command_status, OHCI_CMD_HCR, 30)) { return NULL; } // Check we are now in SUSPEND state. if ((read32(®s->control) & OHCI_CTRL_HCFS) != OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_SUS) { return NULL; } // Allocate and initialise a workspace for this controller. This needs to be permanently mapped into virtual // memory, so allocate it in the first segment. // TODO: check for segment overflow. pm_map[0].end -= num_pages(sizeof(workspace_t)); uintptr_t workspace_addr = pm_map[0].end << PAGE_SHIFT; workspace_t *ws = (workspace_t *)workspace_addr; memset(ws, 0, sizeof(workspace_t)); // Initialise the control list ED. ws->ed[0].control = OHCI_ED_SKIP; ws->ed[0].next_ed = 0; // Initialise the pointer to the device registers. ws->op_regs = regs; // Initialise the keycode buffer. ws->kc_index_i = 0; ws->kc_index_o = 0; // Initialise the host controller. uint32_t max_packet_size = ((fm_interval - 210) * 6) / 7; write32(®s->fm_interval, 1 << 31 | max_packet_size << 16 | fm_interval); write32(®s->periodic_start, (fm_interval * 9) / 10); write32(®s->hcca, (uintptr_t)(&ws->hcca)); write32(®s->ctrl_head_ed, (uintptr_t)(&ws->ed[0])); write32(®s->bulk_head_ed, 0); write32(®s->ctrl_current_ed, 0); write32(®s->bulk_current_ed, 0); write32(®s->control, OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RUN | OHCI_CTRL_CLE | OHCI_CTRL_CBSR0); flush32(®s->interrupt_status, ~0); // Power up the ports. uint32_t rh_descriptor_a = read32(®s->rh_descriptor_a); uint32_t rh_descriptor_b = read32(®s->rh_descriptor_b); if (~rh_descriptor_a & OHCI_RHDA_NPS) { // If we have individual port power control, clear the port power control mask to allow us to power up all // ports now. if (rh_descriptor_a & OHCI_RHDA_PSM) { write32(®s->rh_descriptor_b, rh_descriptor_b & OHCI_RHDB_DR); } // Power up all ports. flush32(®s->rh_status, OHCI_RHS_LPSC); int port_power_up_delay = (rh_descriptor_a >> 24) * 2*MILLISEC; usleep(port_power_up_delay); usleep(100*MILLISEC); // USB maximum device attach time. } // Scan the ports, looking for keyboards. usb_keyboard_info_t keyboard_info[MAX_KEYBOARDS]; int num_keyboards = 0; int num_devices = 0; int device_num = 0; int min_interval = OHCI_MAX_INTERVAL; int num_ports = rh_descriptor_a & 0xf; for (int port_idx = 0; port_idx < num_ports; port_idx++) { if (num_keyboards >= MAX_KEYBOARDS) continue; uint32_t port_status = read32(®s->rh_port_status[port_idx]); // Check the port is powered up. if (~port_status & OHCI_PORT_POWERED) continue; // Check if anything is connected to this port. if (~port_status & OHCI_PORT_CONNECTED) continue; num_devices++; // Reset the port. if (!reset_ohci_port(regs, port_idx)) continue; // Now the port has been reset, we can determine the device speed. port_status = read32(®s->rh_port_status[port_idx]); bool is_low_speed = port_status & OHCI_PORT_LOW_SPEED; // Initialise the USB device. If successful, this leaves a set of configuration descriptors in the workspace // data buffer. if (!initialise_device(ws, port_idx, ++device_num, is_low_speed)) { goto disable_port; } // Scan the descriptors to see if this device has one or more keyboard interfaces and if so, record that // information in the keyboard info table. usb_keyboard_info_t *new_keyboard_info = &keyboard_info[num_keyboards]; int new_keyboards = get_usb_keyboard_info_from_descriptors(ws->data, ws->config_total_length, new_keyboard_info, MAX_KEYBOARDS - num_keyboards); // Complete the new entries in the keyboard info table and configure the keyboard interfaces. for (int kbd_idx = 0; kbd_idx < new_keyboards; kbd_idx++) { usb_keyboard_info_t *kbd = &new_keyboard_info[kbd_idx]; kbd->port_speed = is_low_speed; kbd->device_num = device_num; if (kbd->interval < min_interval) { min_interval = kbd->interval; } configure_interface(ws, kbd); print_usb_info(" Keyboard found on port %i interface %i endpoint %i", 1 + port_idx, kbd->interface_num, kbd->endpoint_num); } if (new_keyboards > 0) { num_keyboards += new_keyboards; continue; } // If we didn't find any keyboard interfaces, we can disable the port. disable_port: write32(®s->rh_port_status[port_idx], OHCI_CLR_PORT_ENABLE); } print_usb_info(" Found %i device%s, %i keyboard%s", num_devices, num_devices != 1 ? "s" : "", num_keyboards, num_keyboards != 1 ? "s" : ""); if (num_keyboards == 0) { // Shut down the host controller and the root hub. flush32(®s->control, OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RST); // Delay to allow the controller to reset. usleep(10); // Deallocate the workspace for this controller. pm_map[0].end += num_pages(sizeof(workspace_t)); return NULL; } // Initialise the interrupt ED and TD for each keyboard interface. ohci_ed_t *last_kbd_ed = NULL; for (int kbd_idx = 0; kbd_idx < num_keyboards; kbd_idx++) { usb_keyboard_info_t *kbd = &keyboard_info[kbd_idx]; ohci_ed_t *kbd_ed = &ws->ed[1 + kbd_idx]; ohci_td_t *kbd_td = &ws->td[3 + kbd_idx]; hid_kbd_rpt_t *kbd_rpt = &ws->kbd_rpt[kbd_idx]; build_ohci_td(kbd_td, OHCI_TD_DP_IN | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_0 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY, kbd_rpt, sizeof(hid_kbd_rpt_t)); build_ohci_ed(kbd_ed, ohci_ed_control(kbd->device_num, kbd->endpoint_num, kbd->max_packet_size, kbd->port_speed), kbd_td+0, kbd_td+1); kbd_ed->next_ed = (uintptr_t)last_kbd_ed; last_kbd_ed = kbd_ed; } // Initialise the interrupt table. for (int i = 0; i < OHCI_MAX_INTERVAL; i += min_interval) { ws->hcca.intr_head_ed[i] = (uintptr_t)last_kbd_ed; } write32(®s->control, OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RUN | OHCI_CTRL_CLE | OHCI_CTRL_PLE | OHCI_CTRL_CBSR0); flush32(®s->interrupt_status, ~0); return ws; } uint8_t ohci_get_keycode(void *workspace) { workspace_t *ws = (workspace_t *)workspace; ohci_td_t *td = get_ohci_done_head(ws); while (td != NULL) { int kbd_idx = td - ws->td - 3; hid_kbd_rpt_t *kbd_rpt = &ws->kbd_rpt[kbd_idx]; if ((td->control & OHCI_TD_CC) == OHCI_TD_CC_NO_ERR) { uint8_t keycode = kbd_rpt->key_code[0]; if (keycode != 0) { int kc_index_i = ws->kc_index_i; int kc_index_n = (kc_index_i + 1) % WS_KC_BUFFER_SIZE; if (kc_index_n != ws->kc_index_o) { ws->kc_buffer[kc_index_i] = keycode; ws->kc_index_i = kc_index_n; } } } ohci_td_t *next_td = (ohci_td_t *)((uintptr_t)td->next_td); ohci_ed_t *ed = &ws->ed[1 + kbd_idx]; build_ohci_td(td, td->control & ~OHCI_TD_CC, kbd_rpt, sizeof(hid_kbd_rpt_t)); build_ohci_ed(ed, ed->control, td+0, td+1); td = next_td; } int kc_index_o = ws->kc_index_o; if (kc_index_o != ws->kc_index_i) { ws->kc_index_o = (kc_index_o + 1) % WS_KC_BUFFER_SIZE; return ws->kc_buffer[kc_index_o]; } return 0; }