martinwhitaker 407fb811c2
Take ownership of all USB controllers before probing for devices. (#167)
When two controllers are attached to a physical port (e.g. in the
case of EHCI and its companion controllers, problems can occur if
the BIOS still has control of one controller when we try to use the
other one. So perform a first pass to scan the PCI bus and take
ownership of and reset all the controllers we find, and perform a
second pass to initialise the controllers and probe for attached

As we don't support hot plugging, split the second pass into two,
with the first probing the EHCI controllers and handing over any
low and full speed devices to the companion controllers, and the
second probing the remaining controller types.
2022-10-07 09:32:09 +01:00

639 lines
24 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
// Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Martin Whitaker.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "heap.h"
#include "memrw32.h"
#include "memsize.h"
#include "usb.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "unistd.h"
#include "ohci.h"
// Constants
// Values defined by the OHCI specification.
// HcControl register
#define OHCI_CTRL_CBSR 0x00000003 // Control Bulk Service Ratio
#define OHCI_CTRL_CBSR0 0x00000000 // Control Bulk Service Ratio 0
#define OHCI_CTRL_CBSR1 0x00000001 // Control Bulk Service Ratio 1
#define OHCI_CTRL_CBSR2 0x00000002 // Control Bulk Service Ratio 2
#define OHCI_CTRL_CBSR3 0x00000003 // Control Bulk Service Ratio 2
#define OHCI_CTRL_PLE 0x00000004 // Periodic List Enable
#define OHCI_CTRL_IE 0x00000008 // Isochronous Enable
#define OHCI_CTRL_CLE 0x00000010 // Control List Enable
#define OHCI_CTRL_BLE 0x00000020 // Bulk List Enable
#define OHCI_CTRL_HCFS 0x000000c0 // Host Controller Functional State
#define OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RST 0x00000000 // Host Controller Functional State is Reset
#define OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RES 0x00000040 // Host Controller Functional State is Resume
#define OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RUN 0x00000080 // Host Controller Functional State is Run
#define OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_SUS 0x000000c0 // Host Controller Functional State is Suspend
#define OHCI_CTRL_IR 0x00000100 // Interrupt Routing
#define OHCI_CTRL_RWC 0x00000200 // Remote Wakeup Connected
#define OHCI_CTRL_RWE 0x00000400 // Remote Wakeup Enable
// HcCommandStatus register
#define OHCI_CMD_HCR 0x00000001 // Host Controller Reset
#define OHCI_CMD_CLF 0x00000002 // Control List Filled
#define OHCI_CMD_BLF 0x00000004 // Bulk List Filled
#define OHCI_CMD_OCR 0x00000008 // Ownership Change Request
// HcInterruptStatus register
#define OHCI_INTR_SC 0x00000001 // Scheduling Overrun
#define OHCI_INTR_WDH 0x00000002 // Writeback Done Head
#define OHCI_INTR_SOF 0x00000004 // Start of Frame
#define OHCI_INTR_RD 0x00000008 // Resume Detected
#define OHCI_INTR_UE 0x00000010 // Unrecoverable Error
#define OHCI_INTR_FNO 0x00000020 // Frame Number Overflow
#define OHCI_INTR_RHSC 0x00000040 // Root Hub Status Change
#define OHCI_INTR_OC 0x40000000 // Ownership Change
#define OHCI_INTR_MIE 0x80000000 // Master Interrupt Enable
// HcFmIntervalRegister
#define OHCI_FIT 0x80000000 // Frame Interval Toggle
// HcRhDescriptorA register
#define OHCI_RHDA_PSM 0x00000100 // Power Switching Mode
#define OHCI_RHDA_NPS 0x00000200 // No Power Switching
#define OHCI_RHDA_OCPM 0x00000800 // Over Current Protection Mode
#define OHCI_RHDA_NOCP 0x00001000 // No Over Current Protection
// HcRhDescriptorB register
#define OHCI_RHDB_DR 0x0000ffff // Device Removable
#define OHCI_RHDB_PPCM 0xffff0000 // Port Power Control Mask
// HcRhStatus register
#define OHCI_RHS_LPS 0x00000001 // Local Power Status
#define OHCI_RHS_OCI 0x00000002 // Over-Current Indicator
#define OHCI_RHS_DRWE 0x00008000 // Device Remote Wakeup Enable
#define OHCI_RHS_LPSC 0x00010000 // Local Power Status Change
#define OHCI_RHS_OCIC 0x00020000 // Over-Current Indicator Change
#define OHCI_RHS_CRWE 0x80000000 // Clear Remote Wakeup Enable
#define OHCI_SET_GLOBAL_POWER 0x00010000
#define OHCI_CLR_GLOBAL_POWER 0x00000001
// HcRhPortStatus registers
#define OHCI_PORT_CONNECTED 0x00000001
#define OHCI_PORT_ENABLED 0x00000002
#define OHCI_PORT_SUSPENDED 0x00000004
#define OHCI_PORT_OCI 0x00000008
#define OHCI_PORT_RESETING 0x00000010
#define OHCI_PORT_POWERED 0x00000100
#define OHCI_PORT_LOW_SPEED 0x00000200
#define OHCI_PORT_CONNECT_CHG 0x00010000
#define OHCI_PORT_ENABLE_CHG 0x00020000
#define OHCI_PORT_SUSPEND_CHG 0x00040000
#define OHCI_PORT_OCI_CHG 0x00080000
#define OHCI_PORT_RESET_CHG 0x00100000
#define OHCI_CLR_PORT_ENABLE 0x00000001
#define OHCI_SET_PORT_ENABLE 0x00000002
#define OHCI_SET_PORT_SUSPEND 0x00000004
#define OHCI_CLR_PORT_SUSPEND 0x00000008
#define OHCI_SET_PORT_RESET 0x00000010
#define OHCI_SET_PORT_POWER 0x00000100
#define OHCI_CLR_PORT_POWER 0x00000200
// Endpoint Descriptor data structure
#define OHCI_ED_FA 0x0000007f // Function Address
#define OHCI_ED_EN 0x00000780 // Endpoint Number
#define OHCI_ED_DIR 0x00001800 // Direction
#define OHCI_ED_DIR_TD 0x00000000 // Direction is From TD
#define OHCI_ED_DIR_OUT 0x00000800 // Direction is OUT
#define OHCI_ED_DIR_IN 0x00001000 // Direction is IN
#define OHCI_ED_SPD 0x00002000 // Speed
#define OHCI_ED_SPD_FULL 0x00000000 // Speed is Full Speed
#define OHCI_ED_SPD_LOW 0x00002000 // Speed is Low Speed
#define OHCI_ED_SKIP 0x00004000 // Skip
#define OHCI_ED_FMT 0x00008000 // Format
#define OHCI_ED_FMT_GEN 0x00000000 // Format is General TD
#define OHCI_ED_FMT_ISO 0x00008000 // Format is Isochronous TD
#define OHCI_ED_MPS 0x07ff0000 // Max Packet Size
#define OHCI_ED_HALTED 0x00000001 // Halted flag
#define OHCI_ED_TOGGLE 0x00000002 // Toggle carry bit
// Transfer Descriptor data structure
#define OHCI_TD_BR 0x00040000 // Buffer Rounding
#define OHCI_TD_DP 0x00180000 // Direction/PID
#define OHCI_TD_DP_SETUP 0x00000000 // Direction/PID is SETUP
#define OHCI_TD_DP_OUT 0x00080000 // Direction/PID is OUT
#define OHCI_TD_DP_IN 0x00100000 // Direction/PID is IN
#define OHCI_TD_DI 0x00e00000 // Delay Interrupt
#define OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY 0x00000000 // Delay Interrupt is 0 (no delay)
#define OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT 0x00e00000 // Delay Interrupt is 7 (no interrupt)
#define OHCI_TD_DT 0x03000000 // Data Toggle
#define OHCI_TD_DT_0 0x00000000 // Data Toggle LSB is 0
#define OHCI_TD_DT_1 0x01000000 // Data Toggle LSB is 1
#define OHCI_TD_DT_USE_ED 0x00000000 // Data Toggle MSB is 0
#define OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD 0x02000000 // Data Toggle MSB is 1
#define OHCI_TD_EC 0x0c000000 // Error Count
#define OHCI_TD_CC 0xf0000000 // Condition Code
#define OHCI_TD_CC_NO_ERR 0x00000000 // Condition Code is No Error
#define OHCI_TD_CC_NEW 0xe0000000 // Condition Code is Not Accessed
// Miscellaneous values
// Values specific to this driver.
#define MAX_KEYBOARDS 8 // per host controller
#define WS_ED_SIZE (1 + MAX_KEYBOARDS) // Endpoint Descriptors
#define WS_TD_SIZE (3 + MAX_KEYBOARDS) // Transfer Descriptors
#define MILLISEC 1000 // in microseconds
// Types
// Register sets defined by the OHCI specification.
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t revision;
uint32_t control;
uint32_t command_status;
uint32_t interrupt_status;
uint32_t interrupt_enable;
uint32_t interrupt_disable;
uint32_t hcca;
uint32_t period_current_ed;
uint32_t ctrl_head_ed;
uint32_t ctrl_current_ed;
uint32_t bulk_head_ed;
uint32_t bulk_current_ed;
uint32_t done_head;
uint32_t fm_interval;
uint32_t fm_remaining;
uint32_t fm_number;
uint32_t periodic_start;
uint32_t ls_threshold;
uint32_t rh_descriptor_a;
uint32_t rh_descriptor_b;
uint32_t rh_status;
uint32_t rh_port_status[];
} ohci_op_regs_t;
// Data structures defined by the OHCI specification.
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t intr_head_ed[32];
uint16_t frame_num;
uint16_t pad;
uint32_t done_head;
uint32_t reserved[30];
} ohci_hcca_t __attribute__ ((aligned (256)));
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t control;
uint32_t tail_ptr;
uint32_t head_ptr;
uint32_t next_ed;
} ohci_ed_t __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
typedef volatile struct {
uint32_t control;
uint32_t curr_buff;
uint32_t next_td;
uint32_t buff_end;
} ohci_td_t __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
// Data structures specific to this implementation.
typedef struct {
hcd_workspace_t base_ws;
// System memory data structures used by the host controller.
ohci_hcca_t hcca __attribute__ ((aligned (256)));
ohci_ed_t ed[WS_ED_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
ohci_td_t td[WS_TD_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
// Keyboard data transfer buffers.
hid_kbd_rpt_t kbd_rpt[MAX_KEYBOARDS];
// Saved keyboard reports.
hid_kbd_rpt_t prev_kbd_rpt[MAX_KEYBOARDS];
// Pointer to the host controller registers.
ohci_op_regs_t *op_regs;
} workspace_t __attribute__ ((aligned (256)));
// Private Functions
static bool reset_host_controller(ohci_op_regs_t *op_regs)
// Prepare for host controller setup (see section of the OHCI spec.).
switch (read32(&op_regs->control) & OHCI_CTRL_HCFS) {
flush32(&op_regs->control, OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RES);
default: // operational
// Reset the host controller.
write32(&op_regs->command_status, OHCI_CMD_HCR);
if (!wait_until_clr(&op_regs->command_status, OHCI_CMD_HCR, 30)) {
return false;
// Check we are now in SUSPEND state.
if ((read32(&op_regs->control) & OHCI_CTRL_HCFS) != OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_SUS) {
return false;
return true;
static bool reset_ohci_port(ohci_op_regs_t *op_regs, int port_idx)
// The OHCI reset lasts for 10ms, but the USB specification calls for 50ms (but not necessarily continuously).
// So do it 5 times.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
write32(&op_regs->rh_port_status[port_idx], OHCI_PORT_CONNECT_CHG | OHCI_PORT_RESET_CHG);
write32(&op_regs->rh_port_status[port_idx], OHCI_SET_PORT_RESET);
if (!wait_until_set(&op_regs->rh_port_status[port_idx], OHCI_PORT_RESET_CHG, 1000*MILLISEC)) {
return false;
write32(&op_regs->rh_port_status[port_idx], OHCI_PORT_RESET_CHG);
return true;
static ohci_td_t *get_ohci_done_head(const workspace_t *ws)
ohci_op_regs_t *op_regs = ws->op_regs;
if (~read32(&op_regs->interrupt_status) & OHCI_INTR_WDH) {
return NULL;
uintptr_t done_head = ws->hcca.done_head & 0xfffffffe;
write32(&op_regs->interrupt_status, OHCI_INTR_WDH);
return (ohci_td_t *)done_head;
static bool wait_for_ohci_done(const workspace_t *ws, int td_expected)
int td_completed = 0;
// Rely on the controller to timeout if the device doesn't respond.
while (true) {
ohci_td_t *td = get_ohci_done_head(ws);
while (td != NULL) {
if ((td->control & OHCI_TD_CC) != OHCI_TD_CC_NO_ERR) {
return false;
td = (ohci_td_t *)((uintptr_t)td->next_td);
if (td_completed == td_expected) break;
return true;
static void build_ohci_td(ohci_td_t *td, uint32_t control, const void *buffer, size_t length)
td->control = OHCI_TD_CC_NEW | control;
td->curr_buff = (uintptr_t)buffer;
td->buff_end = (uintptr_t)buffer + length - 1;
td->next_td = (uintptr_t)(td + 1);
static void build_ohci_ed(ohci_ed_t *ed, uint32_t control, const ohci_td_t *head_td, const ohci_td_t *tail_td)
// Set the skip flag before modifying the head and tail pointers, in case we are modifying an active ED.
// Use write32() to make sure the compiler doesn't reorder the writes.
write32(&ed->control, OHCI_ED_SKIP);
ed->head_ptr = (uintptr_t)head_td;
ed->tail_ptr = (uintptr_t)tail_td;
write32(&ed->control, control);
static uint32_t ohci_ed_control(const usb_ep_t *ep)
uint32_t ed_speed = (ep->device_speed == USB_SPEED_LOW) ? OHCI_ED_SPD_LOW : OHCI_ED_SPD_FULL;
uint32_t control = OHCI_ED_FMT_GEN
| ed_speed
| ep->max_packet_size << 16
| ep->endpoint_num << 7
| ep->device_id;
return control;
// Driver Methods
static bool reset_root_hub_port(const usb_hcd_t *hcd, int port_num)
const workspace_t *ws = (const workspace_t *)hcd->ws;
return reset_ohci_port(ws->op_regs, port_num - 1);
static bool setup_request(const usb_hcd_t *hcd, const usb_ep_t *ep, const usb_setup_pkt_t *setup_pkt)
workspace_t *ws = (workspace_t *)hcd->ws;
build_ohci_td(&ws->td[0], OHCI_TD_DP_SETUP | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_0 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT, setup_pkt, sizeof(usb_setup_pkt_t));
build_ohci_td(&ws->td[1], OHCI_TD_DP_IN | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_1 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY, 0, 0);
build_ohci_ed(&ws->ed[0], ohci_ed_control(ep), &ws->td[0], &ws->td[2]);
write32(&ws->op_regs->command_status, OHCI_CMD_CLF);
return wait_for_ohci_done(ws, 2);
static bool get_data_request(const usb_hcd_t *hcd, const usb_ep_t *ep, const usb_setup_pkt_t *setup_pkt,
const void *buffer, size_t length)
workspace_t *ws = (workspace_t *)hcd->ws;
build_ohci_td(&ws->td[0], OHCI_TD_DP_SETUP | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_0 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT, setup_pkt, sizeof(usb_setup_pkt_t));
build_ohci_td(&ws->td[1], OHCI_TD_DP_IN | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_1 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_INT, buffer, length);
build_ohci_td(&ws->td[2], OHCI_TD_DP_OUT | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_1 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY, 0, 0);
build_ohci_ed(&ws->ed[0], ohci_ed_control(ep), &ws->td[0], &ws->td[3]);
write32(&ws->op_regs->command_status, OHCI_CMD_CLF);
return wait_for_ohci_done(ws, 3);
static void poll_keyboards(const usb_hcd_t *hcd)
workspace_t *ws = (workspace_t *)hcd->ws;
ohci_td_t *td = get_ohci_done_head(ws);
while (td != NULL) {
int kbd_idx = td - ws->td - 3;
hid_kbd_rpt_t *kbd_rpt = &ws->kbd_rpt[kbd_idx];
if ((td->control & OHCI_TD_CC) == OHCI_TD_CC_NO_ERR) {
hid_kbd_rpt_t *prev_kbd_rpt = &ws->prev_kbd_rpt[kbd_idx];
if (process_usb_keyboard_report(hcd, kbd_rpt, prev_kbd_rpt)) {
*prev_kbd_rpt = *kbd_rpt;
ohci_td_t *next_td = (ohci_td_t *)((uintptr_t)td->next_td);
ohci_ed_t *ed = &ws->ed[1 + kbd_idx];
build_ohci_td(td, td->control & ~OHCI_TD_CC, kbd_rpt, sizeof(hid_kbd_rpt_t));
build_ohci_ed(ed, ed->control, td+0, td+1);
td = next_td;
// Driver Method Table
static const hcd_methods_t methods = {
.reset_root_hub_port = reset_root_hub_port,
.allocate_slot = NULL,
.release_slot = NULL,
.assign_address = assign_usb_address, // use the base implementation for this method
.configure_hub_ep = NULL,
.configure_kbd_ep = NULL,
.setup_request = setup_request,
.get_data_request = get_data_request,
.poll_keyboards = poll_keyboards
// Public Functions
bool ohci_reset(uintptr_t base_addr)
ohci_op_regs_t *op_regs = (ohci_op_regs_t *)base_addr;
// Check the host controller revision.
if ((read32(&op_regs->revision) & 0xff) != 0x10) {
return false;
// Take ownership from the SMM if necessary.
if (read32(&op_regs->control) & OHCI_CTRL_IR) {
write32(&op_regs->interrupt_enable, OHCI_INTR_OC);
flush32(&op_regs->command_status, OHCI_CMD_OCR);
if (!wait_until_clr(&op_regs->control, OHCI_CTRL_IR, 1000*MILLISEC)) {
return false;
// Reset the controller, but preserve the frame interval set by the SMM or BIOS.
uint32_t fm_interval = read32(&op_regs->fm_interval);
if (!reset_host_controller(op_regs)) {
return false;
write32(&op_regs->fm_interval, fm_interval);
return true;
bool ohci_probe(uintptr_t base_addr, usb_hcd_t *hcd)
ohci_op_regs_t *op_regs = (ohci_op_regs_t *)base_addr;
// Preserve the frame interval set by the SMM or BIOS.
// If not set, use the default value.
uint32_t frame_interval = read32(&op_regs->fm_interval) & 0x3fff;
if (frame_interval == 0) {
frame_interval = 0x2edf;
// We will have already reset the controller, but can't guarantee to get
// here within the 2ms time limit for moving directly from suspend state
// to operational state. So reset it again.
if (!reset_host_controller(op_regs)) {
return false;
// Record the heap state to allow us to free memory.
uintptr_t initial_heap_mark = heap_mark(HEAP_TYPE_LM_1);
// Allocate and initialise a workspace for this controller. This needs to be permanently mapped into virtual memory.
uintptr_t workspace_addr = heap_alloc(HEAP_TYPE_LM_1, sizeof(workspace_t), PAGE_SIZE);
if (workspace_addr == 0) {
goto no_keyboards_found;
workspace_t *ws = (workspace_t *)workspace_addr;
memset(ws, 0, sizeof(workspace_t));
ws->op_regs = op_regs;
// Initialise the driver object for this controller.
hcd->methods = &methods;
hcd->ws = &ws->base_ws;
// Initialise the control list ED.
ws->ed[0].control = OHCI_ED_SKIP;
ws->ed[0].next_ed = 0;
// Initialise the host controller.
write32(&op_regs->hcca, (uintptr_t)(&ws->hcca));
write32(&op_regs->ctrl_head_ed, (uintptr_t)(&ws->ed[0]));
write32(&op_regs->bulk_head_ed, 0);
write32(&op_regs->ctrl_current_ed, 0);
write32(&op_regs->bulk_current_ed, 0);
write32(&op_regs->control, OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RUN | OHCI_CTRL_CLE | OHCI_CTRL_CBSR0);
flush32(&op_regs->interrupt_status, ~0);
// Some controllers ignore writes to these registers when in suspend state, so write them now.
uint32_t max_packet_size = ((frame_interval - 210) * 6) / 7;
uint32_t frame_interval_toggle = (read32(&op_regs->fm_interval) & OHCI_FIT) ^ OHCI_FIT;
write32(&op_regs->fm_interval, frame_interval_toggle | max_packet_size << 16 | frame_interval);
write32(&op_regs->periodic_start, (frame_interval * 9) / 10);
uint32_t rh_descriptor_a = read32(&op_regs->rh_descriptor_a);
uint32_t rh_descriptor_b = read32(&op_regs->rh_descriptor_b);
// Construct a hub descriptor for the root hub.
usb_hub_t root_hub;
memset(&root_hub, 0, sizeof(root_hub));
root_hub.ep0 = NULL;
root_hub.num_ports = rh_descriptor_a & 0xf;
root_hub.power_up_delay = rh_descriptor_a >> 24;
// Power up all the ports.
if (~rh_descriptor_a & OHCI_RHDA_NPS) {
// If we have individual port power control, clear the port power control mask to allow us to power up all
// ports at once.
if (rh_descriptor_a & OHCI_RHDA_PSM) {
write32(&op_regs->rh_descriptor_b, rh_descriptor_b & OHCI_RHDB_DR);
// Power up all ports.
flush32(&op_regs->rh_status, OHCI_RHS_LPSC);
usleep(root_hub.power_up_delay * 2 * MILLISEC);
usleep(100*MILLISEC); // USB maximum device attach time.
// Scan the ports, looking for hubs and keyboards.
usb_ep_t keyboards[MAX_KEYBOARDS];
int num_keyboards = 0;
int num_devices = 0;
for (int port_idx = 0; port_idx < root_hub.num_ports; port_idx++) {
// If we've filled the keyboard info table, abort now.
if (num_keyboards >= MAX_KEYBOARDS) break;
uint32_t port_status = read32(&op_regs->rh_port_status[port_idx]);
// Check the port is powered up.
if (~port_status & OHCI_PORT_POWERED) continue;
// Check if anything is connected to this port.
if (~port_status & OHCI_PORT_CONNECTED) continue;
// Reset the port.
if (!reset_ohci_port(op_regs, port_idx)) continue;
usleep(10*MILLISEC); // USB reset recovery time
port_status = read32(&op_regs->rh_port_status[port_idx]);
// Check the port is active.
if (~port_status & OHCI_PORT_CONNECTED) continue;
if (~port_status & OHCI_PORT_ENABLED) continue;
// Now the port has been enabled, we can determine the device speed.
usb_speed_t device_speed = (port_status & OHCI_PORT_LOW_SPEED) ? USB_SPEED_LOW : USB_SPEED_FULL;
// Look for keyboards attached directly or indirectly to this port.
if (find_attached_usb_keyboards(hcd, &root_hub, 1 + port_idx, device_speed, num_devices,
&num_devices, keyboards, MAX_KEYBOARDS, &num_keyboards)) {
// If we didn't find any keyboard interfaces, we can disable the port.
write32(&op_regs->rh_port_status[port_idx], OHCI_CLR_PORT_ENABLE);
print_usb_info(" Found %i device%s, %i keyboard%s",
num_devices, num_devices != 1 ? "s" : "",
num_keyboards, num_keyboards != 1 ? "s" : "");
if (num_keyboards == 0) {
// Shut down the host controller and the root hub.
flush32(&op_regs->control, OHCI_CTRL_HCFS_RST);
// Delay to allow the controller to reset.
goto no_keyboards_found;
// Initialise the interrupt ED and TD for each keyboard interface and find the minimum interval.
int min_interval = OHCI_MAX_INTERVAL;
uint32_t intr_head_ed = 0;
for (int kbd_idx = 0; kbd_idx < num_keyboards; kbd_idx++) {
usb_ep_t *kbd = &keyboards[kbd_idx];
ohci_ed_t *kbd_ed = &ws->ed[1 + kbd_idx];
ohci_td_t *kbd_td = &ws->td[3 + kbd_idx];
hid_kbd_rpt_t *kbd_rpt = &ws->kbd_rpt[kbd_idx];
build_ohci_td(kbd_td, OHCI_TD_DP_IN | OHCI_TD_DT_USE_TD | OHCI_TD_DT_0 | OHCI_TD_DI_NO_DLY, kbd_rpt, sizeof(hid_kbd_rpt_t));
build_ohci_ed(kbd_ed, ohci_ed_control(kbd), kbd_td+0, kbd_td+1);
kbd_ed->next_ed = intr_head_ed;
intr_head_ed = (uintptr_t)kbd_ed;
if (kbd->interval < min_interval) {
min_interval = kbd->interval;
// Initialise the interrupt table.
for (int i = 0; i < OHCI_MAX_INTERVAL; i += min_interval) {
ws->hcca.intr_head_ed[i] = intr_head_ed;
flush32(&op_regs->interrupt_status, ~0);
return true;
heap_rewind(HEAP_TYPE_LM_1, initial_heap_mark);
return false;