Multi-line RUN instructions are unsupported by default docker (works
with buildkit) and buildah, instead one has to use other tricks like
ANSI-C quoting for the shell via \n\ and multiple echo commands.
Includes a buildah github workflow to help ensure future
Move the vagrant-libvirt plugin into being combined directly with
vagrant which both prevents the plugin from being reinstalled by any
subsequent call to `vagrant plugin install <plugin>` and avoids the need
to create and manage symlinks to a /vagrant.d directory for boxes.
Switch to publishing the image containing all of the libraries and build
dependencies needed to support the plugin being reinstalled as that is
the default behaviour when vagrant installs a new plugin.
This should allow the default image to be extended with additional
plugins and if needed, the authors of the new image may follow and use
the slim version as a base to provide a reduced size docker image.
Fixes: #1198
Depending on load order of libraries as well as version of ruby, need to
require open3 before attempting to reference `Open3`.
There is an additional dependency on qemu-utils to dynamically retrieve
the image information to provide the virtual size and format
automatically. Add this to the docker image to ensure it's available for
users of this distribution format.
Fixes: #1305
To be able to use 'vagrant ssh' from within the docker container, it is
necessary to run within the host network context.
Include a helper alias suggestion and a note about a current issue in
passing arguments to vagrant options which impacts the 'vagrant ssh -c
...' syntax with an alternative.
Provide a docker image that supports execution of vagrant-libvirt
provided the host system has docker and libvirt installed. This can help
side step many of the library compatibility issues experienced by users
by providing an alternative way to run the latest code should their
distribution not have a natively packaged vagrant.