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# Copyright 2006-2009 Red Hat, Inc.
# Jeremy Katz <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import logging
import random
import libvirt
from virtinst import util
from virtinst.VirtualDevice import VirtualDevice
from virtinst import XMLBuilderDomain
from virtinst.XMLBuilderDomain import _xml_property
def _random_mac(conn):
"""Generate a random MAC address.
00-16-3E allocated to xensource
52-54-00 used by qemu/kvm
The OUI list is available at
The remaining 3 fields are random, with the first bit of the first
random field set 0.
@return: MAC address string
ouis = {'xen': [0x00, 0x16, 0x3E], 'qemu': [0x52, 0x54, 0x00]}
oui = ouis[conn.getType().lower()]
except KeyError:
oui = ouis['xen']
mac = oui + [
random.randint(0x00, 0xff),
random.randint(0x00, 0xff),
random.randint(0x00, 0xff)]
return ':'.join(["%02x" % x for x in mac])
class VirtualPort(XMLBuilderDomain.XMLBuilderDomain):
def __init__(self, conn, parsexml=None, parsexmlnode=None):
XMLBuilderDomain.XMLBuilderDomain.__init__(self, conn, parsexml,
self._type = None
self._managerid = None
self._typeid = None
self._typeidversion = None
self._instanceid = None
def get_type(self):
return self._type
def set_type(self, val):
self._type = val
type = _xml_property(get_type, set_type,
def get_managerid(self):
return self._managerid
def set_managerid(self, val):
self._managerid = val
managerid = _xml_property(get_managerid, set_managerid,
def get_typeid(self):
return self._typeid
def set_typeid(self, val):
self._typeid = val
typeid = _xml_property(get_typeid, set_typeid,
def get_typeidversion(self):
return self._typeidversion
def set_typeidversion(self, val):
self._typeidversion = val
typeidversion = _xml_property(get_typeidversion, set_typeidversion,
def get_instanceid(self):
return self._instanceid
def set_instanceid(self, val):
self._instanceid = val
instanceid = _xml_property(get_instanceid, set_instanceid,
def _get_xml_config(self):
# FIXME: This should be implemented, currently we can only parse
return ""
class VirtualNetworkInterface(VirtualDevice):
_virtual_device_type = VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_NET
TYPE_BRIDGE = "bridge"
TYPE_VIRTUAL = "network"
TYPE_USER = "user"
TYPE_ETHERNET = "ethernet"
TYPE_DIRECT = "direct"
def get_network_type_desc(net_type):
Return human readable description for passed network type
desc = net_type.capitalize()
if net_type == VirtualNetworkInterface.TYPE_BRIDGE:
desc = _("Shared physical device")
elif net_type == VirtualNetworkInterface.TYPE_VIRTUAL:
desc = _("Virtual networking")
elif net_type == VirtualNetworkInterface.TYPE_USER:
desc = _("Usermode networking")
return desc
def generate_mac(conn):
Generate a random MAC that doesn't conflict with any VMs on
the connection.
if hasattr(conn, "_virtinst__fake_conn_predictable"):
# Testing hack
return "00:11:22:33:44:55"
for ignore in range(256):
mac = _random_mac(conn)
ret = VirtualNetworkInterface.is_conflict_net(conn, mac)
if ret[1] is None:
return mac
logging.debug("Failed to generate non-conflicting MAC")
return None
def is_conflict_net(conn, searchmac):
@returns: a two element tuple:
first element is True if fatal collision occured
second element is a string description of the collision.
Non fatal collisions (mac addr collides with inactive guest) will
return (False, "description of collision")
if searchmac is None:
return (False, None)
vms = conn.fetch_all_guests()
for vm in vms:
for nic in vm.get_devices("interface"):
nicmac = nic.macaddr or ""
if nicmac.lower() == searchmac.lower():
return (True, _("The MAC address '%s' is in use "
"by another virtual machine.") % searchmac)
return (False, None)
def __init__(self, conn, macaddr=None, type=TYPE_BRIDGE, bridge=None,
network=None, model=None,
parsexml=None, parsexmlnode=None):
# pylint: disable=W0622
# Redefining built-in 'type', but it matches the XML so keep it
VirtualDevice.__init__(self, conn, parsexml, parsexmlnode)
self._network = None
self._bridge = None
self._macaddr = None
self._type = None
self._model = None
self._target_dev = None
self._source_dev = None
self._source_mode = "vepa"
self._virtualport = VirtualPort(conn, parsexml, parsexmlnode)
# Generate _random_mac
self._random_mac = None
self._default_bridge = None
if self._is_parse():
self.type = type
self.macaddr = macaddr
self.bridge = bridge
self.source_dev = bridge = network
self.model = model
if self.type == self.TYPE_VIRTUAL:
if network is None:
raise ValueError(_("A network name was not provided"))
def _generate_default_bridge(self):
ret = self._default_bridge
if ret is None:
ret = False
default = util.default_bridge(self.conn)
if default:
ret = default[1]
self._default_bridge = ret
return ret or None
def get_source(self):
Convenince function, try to return the relevant <source> value
per the network type.
if self.type == self.TYPE_VIRTUAL:
if self.type == self.TYPE_BRIDGE:
return self.bridge
if self.type == self.TYPE_ETHERNET or self.type == self.TYPE_DIRECT:
return self.source_dev
if self.type == self.TYPE_USER:
return None
return or self.bridge or self.source_dev
def set_source(self, newsource):
Conveninece function, try to set the relevant <source> value
per the network type
if self.type == self.TYPE_VIRTUAL: = newsource
elif self.type == self.TYPE_BRIDGE:
self.bridge = newsource
elif self.type == self.TYPE_ETHERNET or self.type == self.TYPE_DIRECT:
self.source_dev = newsource
source = property(get_source, set_source)
def _get_virtualport(self):
return self._virtualport
virtualport = property(_get_virtualport)
def get_type(self):
return self._type
def set_type(self, val):
if val not in self.network_types:
raise ValueError(_("Unknown network type %s") % val)
self._type = val
type = _xml_property(get_type, set_type,
def get_macaddr(self):
# Don't generate a random MAC if parsing XML, since it can be slow
if self._macaddr or self._is_parse():
return self._macaddr
if not self._random_mac:
self._random_mac = self.generate_mac(self.conn)
return self._random_mac
def set_macaddr(self, val):
self._macaddr = val
macaddr = _xml_property(get_macaddr, set_macaddr,
def get_network(self):
return self._network
def set_network(self, newnet):
def _is_net_active(netobj):
# Apparently the 'info' command was never hooked up for
# libvirt virNetwork python apis.
if not self.conn:
return True
return self.conn.listNetworks().count(
if newnet is not None and self.conn:
net = self.conn.networkLookupByName(newnet)
except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
raise ValueError(_("Virtual network '%s' does not exist: %s")
% (newnet, str(e)))
if not _is_net_active(net):
raise ValueError(_("Virtual network '%s' has not been "
"started.") % newnet)
self._network = newnet
network = _xml_property(get_network, set_network,
def get_bridge(self):
if (not self._is_parse() and
not self._bridge and
self.type == self.TYPE_BRIDGE):
return self._generate_default_bridge()
return self._bridge
def set_bridge(self, val):
self._bridge = val
bridge = _xml_property(get_bridge, set_bridge,
def get_model(self):
return self._model
def set_model(self, val):
self._model = val
model = _xml_property(get_model, set_model,
def get_target_dev(self):
return self._target_dev
def set_target_dev(self, val):
self._target_dev = val
target_dev = _xml_property(get_target_dev, set_target_dev,
def get_source_dev(self):
return self._source_dev
def set_source_dev(self, val):
self._source_dev = val
source_dev = _xml_property(get_source_dev, set_source_dev,
def get_source_mode(self):
return self._source_mode
def set_source_mode(self, newmode):
self._source_mode = newmode
source_mode = _xml_property(get_source_mode, set_source_mode,
def setup(self, meter=None):
if self.macaddr:
ret, msg = self.is_conflict_net(self.conn, self.macaddr)
if msg is not None:
if ret is False:
raise RuntimeError(msg)
def _get_xml_config(self):
src_xml = ""
model_xml = ""
target_xml = ""
addr_xml = ""
if self.type == self.TYPE_BRIDGE:
src_xml = " <source bridge='%s'/>\n" % self.bridge
elif self.type == self.TYPE_VIRTUAL:
src_xml = " <source network='%s'/>\n" %
elif self.type == self.TYPE_ETHERNET and self.source_dev:
src_xml = " <source dev='%s'/>\n" % self.source_dev
elif self.type == self.TYPE_DIRECT and self.source_dev:
src_xml = " <source dev='%s' mode='%s'/>\n" % (self.source_dev, self.source_mode)
if self.model:
model_xml = " <model type='%s'/>\n" % self.model
if self.address:
addr_xml = self.indent(self.address.get_xml_config(), 6)
if self.target_dev:
target_xml = " <target dev='%s'/>\n" % self.target_dev
xml = " <interface type='%s'>\n" % self.type
xml += src_xml
xml += " <mac address='%s'/>\n" % self.macaddr
xml += target_xml
xml += model_xml
xml += addr_xml
xml += " </interface>"
return xml