mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:27 -06:00
clone: Bunch of API cleanup
Simplify imports, drop back compat stuff, drop needless property handling.
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ import logging
from tests import utils
from virtinst import CloneManager
CloneDesign = CloneManager.CloneDesign
from virtinst import Cloner
ORIG_NAME = "clone-orig"
CLONE_NAME = "clone-new"
@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ class TestClone(unittest.TestCase):
infile = os.path.join(clonexml_dir, filebase + "-in.xml")
in_content = utils.read_file(infile)
cloneobj = CloneDesign(conn=useconn or conn)
cloneobj = Cloner(useconn or conn)
cloneobj.original_xml = in_content
for force in force_list or []:
cloneobj.force_target = force
@ -90,20 +89,14 @@ class TestClone(unittest.TestCase):
cloneobj.clone_name = "clone-new"
cloneobj.clone_uuid = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
cloneobj.clone_mac = "22:23:45:67:89:00"
cloneobj.clone_mac = "22:23:45:67:89:01"
cloneobj.clone_macs = ["22:23:45:67:89:00", "22:23:45:67:89:01"]
if disks is not None:
for disk in disks:
cloneobj.clone_devices = disk
cloneobj.clone_devices = "/dev/loop0"
cloneobj.clone_devices = "/tmp/clone2.img"
cloneobj.clone_devices = "/tmp/clone3.img"
cloneobj.clone_devices = "/tmp/clone4.img"
cloneobj.clone_devices = "/tmp/clone5.img"
cloneobj.clone_devices = None
if disks is None:
disks = ["/dev/loop0", "/tmp/clone2.img",
"/tmp/clone3.img", "/tmp/clone4.img",
"/tmp/clone5.img", None]
cloneobj.clone_paths = disks
return cloneobj
def _clone_compare(self, cloneobj, outbase):
@ -133,7 +126,7 @@ class TestClone(unittest.TestCase):
vm = conn.defineXML(utils.read_file(infile))
cloneobj = CloneDesign(conn=conn)
cloneobj = Cloner(conn)
cloneobj.original_guest = ORIG_NAME
cloneobj = self._default_clone_values(cloneobj)
@ -210,9 +210,8 @@ args = {
'valid' : ['some.valid-name_9']},
'clone_uuid': {'invalid' : [0],
'valid' : ['12345678123456781234567812345678']},
'clone_mac' : {'invalid' : ['badformat'],
'clone_macs' : {'invalid' : ['badformat'],
'valid' : ['AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF']},
'clone_bs' : {'invalid' : [], 'valid' : ['valid']},
'inputdev' : {
@ -492,11 +491,11 @@ class TestValidation(unittest.TestCase):
#self._testArgs(inst_obj, virtinst.ImageInstaller, 'installer')
self._testArgs(inst_obj, virtinst.ImageInstaller, label)
def testCloneManager(self):
def testCloner(self):
label = 'clonedesign'
for conn in self._getInitConns(label):
cman = virtinst.CloneManager.CloneDesign(conn)
self._testArgs(cman, virtinst.CloneManager.CloneDesign, label)
cman = virtinst.Cloner(conn)
self._testArgs(cman, virtinst.Cloner, label)
def testInputDev(self):
label = 'inputdev'
@ -20,15 +20,14 @@
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import optparse
from optparse import OptionGroup
import sys
import logging
import optparse
import sys
import urlgrabber.progress as progress
import virtinst.CloneManager as clmgr
import virtinst.cli as cli
from virtinst import Cloner
from virtinst.cli import fail, print_stdout, print_stderr
from virtinst.User import User
@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ from virtinst.User import User
def get_clone_name(new_name, auto_clone, design):
if not new_name and auto_clone:
# Generate a name to use
new_name = clmgr.generate_clone_name(design)
new_name = design.generate_clone_name()
logging.debug("Auto-generated clone name '%s'", new_name)
prompt_txt = _("What is the name for the cloned virtual machine?")
@ -66,13 +65,9 @@ def get_original_guest(guest_name, origfile, design):
def get_clone_macaddr(new_mac, design):
if new_mac is None:
elif new_mac[0] == "RANDOM":
new_mac = None
for i in new_mac:
design.clone_mac = i
if new_mac is None or new_mac[0] == "RANDOM":
design.clone_macs = new_mac
def get_clone_uuid(new_uuid, design):
@ -80,15 +75,14 @@ def get_clone_uuid(new_uuid, design):
design.clone_uuid = new_uuid
def get_clone_diskfile(new_diskfiles, design, conn, preserve=False,
def get_clone_diskfile(new_diskfiles, design, preserve=False,
if new_diskfiles is None:
new_diskfiles = [None]
conn = design.original_conn
newidx = 0
for origdev in design.original_devices:
clonepaths = []
for origpath in [d.path for d in design.original_disks]:
if len(new_diskfiles) <= newidx:
# Extend the new/passed paths list with None if it's not
# long enough
@ -96,16 +90,17 @@ def get_clone_diskfile(new_diskfiles, design, conn, preserve=False,
disk = new_diskfiles[newidx]
if disk is None and auto_clone:
disk = clmgr.generate_clone_disk_path(origdev, design)
disk = design.generate_clone_disk_path(origpath)
if origdev is None:
if origpath is None:
devpath = None
dev = _check_disk(conn, disk, origdev, preserve)
dev = _check_disk(design.conn, disk, origpath, preserve)
devpath = dev.path
design.clone_devices = devpath
newidx += 1
design.clone_paths = clonepaths
def _check_disk(conn, clone_path, orig_path, preserve):
@ -140,7 +135,7 @@ def parse_args():
"like MAC address, name, etc. The VM contents are not altered."))
geng = OptionGroup(parser, _("General Options"))
geng = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("General Options"))
geng.add_option("-o", "--original", dest="original_guest",
help=_("Name of the original guest; "
"The status must be shut off or paused."))
@ -156,7 +151,7 @@ def parse_args():
"randomly generated UUID"))
stog = OptionGroup(parser, _("Storage Configuration"))
stog = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("Storage Configuration"))
stog.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="new_diskfile", action="append",
help=_("New file to use as the disk image for the "
"new guest"))
@ -173,13 +168,13 @@ def parse_args():
"via --file are preserved unchanged"))
netg = OptionGroup(parser, _("Networking Configuration"))
netg = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("Networking Configuration"))
netg.add_option("-m", "--mac", dest="new_mac", action="append",
help=_("New fixed MAC address for the clone guest. "
"Default is a randomly generated MAC"))
misc = OptionGroup(parser, _("Miscellaneous Options"))
misc = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("Miscellaneous Options"))
misc.add_option("", "--print-xml", action="store_true", dest="xmlonly",
help=_("Print the generated domain XML rather than define "
"and clone the guest."))
@ -227,7 +222,7 @@ def main(conn=None):
if not User.current().has_priv(User.PRIV_CLONE, conn.getURI()):
fail(_("Must be privileged to clone Xen guests"))
design = clmgr.CloneDesign(conn=conn)
design = Cloner(conn)
design.clone_running = options.clone_running
design.replace = bool(options.replace)
@ -245,7 +240,7 @@ def main(conn=None):
# get_clone_diskfile knows how many new disk paths it needs
get_clone_diskfile(options.new_diskfile, design, conn,
get_clone_diskfile(options.new_diskfile, design,
not options.preserve, options.auto_clone)
# setup design object
@ -256,7 +251,7 @@ def main(conn=None):
# start cloning
meter = progress.TextMeter(fo=sys.stdout)
clmgr.start_duplicate(design, meter)
print_stdout(_("Clone '%s' created successfully.") % design.clone_name)
@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ from virtManager.storagebrowse import vmmStorageBrowser
from virtManager import util
import virtinst
from virtinst import CloneManager
from virtinst.CloneManager import CloneDesign
from virtinst import Cloner
from virtinst import VirtualNetworkInterface
@ -256,17 +255,16 @@ class vmmCloneVM(vmmGObjectUI):
self.clone_design = self.build_new_clone_design()
def build_new_clone_design(self, new_name=None):
cd = CloneDesign(self.conn.vmm)
cd.original_guest = self.orig_vm.get_name()
design = Cloner(self.conn.vmm)
design.original_guest = self.orig_vm.get_name()
if not new_name:
new_name = virtinst.CloneManager.generate_clone_name(cd)
cd.clone_name = new_name
new_name = design.generate_clone_name()
design.clone_name = new_name
# Erase any clone_policy from the original design, so that we
# get the entire device list.
cd.clone_policy = []
return cd
design.clone_policy = []
return design
def populate_network_list(self):
net_box = self.widget("clone-network-box")
@ -420,8 +418,8 @@ class vmmCloneVM(vmmGObjectUI):
logging.debug("Original path: %s\nGenerated clone path: %s",
path, clone_path)
cd.clone_devices = clone_path
size = cd.original_virtual_disks[0].size
cd.clone_paths = clone_path
size = cd.original_disks[0].size
except Exception, e:
logging.exception("Error setting generated path '%s'",
@ -438,8 +436,8 @@ class vmmCloneVM(vmmGObjectUI):
cd = self.clone_design
if not newname:
newname = cd.clone_name
clone_path = CloneManager.generate_clone_disk_path(origpath, cd,
clone_path = cd.generate_clone_disk_path(origpath,
return clone_path
def set_paths_from_clone_name(self):
@ -582,7 +580,7 @@ class vmmCloneVM(vmmGObjectUI):
self.clone_design.skip_target = skip_targets
self.clone_design.clone_devices = new_disks
self.clone_design.clone_paths = new_disks
# If any storage cannot be cloned or shared, don't allow cloning
clone = True
@ -707,7 +705,7 @@ class vmmCloneVM(vmmGObjectUI):
new_path = self.widget("change-storage-new").get_text()
if virtinst.VirtualDisk.path_exists(self.clone_design.original_conn,
if virtinst.VirtualDisk.path_exists(self.clone_design.conn,
res = self.err.yes_no(_("Cloning will overwrite the existing "
@ -718,7 +716,7 @@ class vmmCloneVM(vmmGObjectUI):
self.clone_design.clone_devices = new_path
self.clone_design.clone_paths = new_path
row[STORAGE_INFO_NEW_PATH] = new_path
@ -742,10 +740,11 @@ class vmmCloneVM(vmmGObjectUI):
cd = self.build_new_clone_design(name)
# Set MAC addresses
clonemacs = []
for mac in self.mac_list:
row = self.net_list[mac]
new_mac = row[NETWORK_INFO_NEW_MAC]
cd.clone_mac = new_mac
cd.clone_macs = clonemacs
skip_targets = []
new_paths = []
@ -770,7 +769,7 @@ class vmmCloneVM(vmmGObjectUI):
cd.skip_target = skip_targets
cd.clone_devices = new_paths
cd.clone_paths = new_paths
if warn_str:
res = self.err.ok_cancel(
@ -802,7 +801,7 @@ class vmmCloneVM(vmmGObjectUI):
title = (_("Creating virtual machine clone '%s'") %
text = title
if self.clone_design.clone_devices:
if self.clone_design.clone_disks:
text = title + _(" and selected storage (this may take a while)")
progWin = vmmAsyncJob(self._async_clone, [], title, text, self.topwin)
@ -831,11 +830,11 @@ class vmmCloneVM(vmmGObjectUI):
meter = asyncjob.get_meter()
self.clone_design.orig_connection = newconn
for d in self.clone_design.clone_virtual_disks:
for d in self.clone_design.clone_disks:
d.conn = newconn
CloneManager.start_duplicate(self.clone_design, meter)
@ -18,20 +18,6 @@
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
Module for cloning an existing virtual machine
General workflow for cloning:
- Instantiate CloneDesign. Requires at least a libvirt connection and
either the name of an existing domain to clone (original_guest), or
a string of libvirt xml representing the guest to clone
- Run 'setup' from the CloneDesign instance to prep for cloning
- Run 'CloneManager.start_duplicate', passing the CloneDesign instance
import logging
import re
@ -47,113 +33,44 @@ from virtinst import Storage
from virtinst import util
def _listify(val):
Return (was_val_a_list, listified_val)
if type(val) is list:
return True, val
return False, [val]
def generate_clone_disk_path(origpath, design, newname=None):
origname = design.original_guest
newname = newname or design.clone_name
path = origpath
suffix = ""
# Try to split the suffix off the existing disk name. Ex.
# foobar.img -> foobar-clone.img
# If the suffix is greater than 7 characters, assume it isn't
# a file extension and is part of the disk name, at which point
# just stick '-clone' on the end.
if origpath.count(".") and len(origpath.rsplit(".", 1)[1]) <= 7:
path, suffix = origpath.rsplit(".", 1)
suffix = "." + suffix
dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
basename = os.path.basename(path)
clonebase = basename + "-clone"
if origname and basename == origname:
clonebase = newname
clonebase = os.path.join(dirname, clonebase)
return util.generate_name(
lambda p: VirtualDisk.path_exists(design.original_conn, p),
def generate_clone_name(design):
# If the orig name is "foo-clone", we don't want the clone to be
# "foo-clone-clone", we want "foo-clone1"
basename = design.original_guest
match = re.search("-clone[1-9]*$", basename)
start_num = 0
if match:
num_match = re.search("[1-9]+$", match.group())
if num_match:
start_num = int(str(num_match.group()))
basename = basename.replace(match.group(), "")
basename = basename + "-clone"
return util.generate_name(basename,
sep="", start_num=start_num)
# This class is the design paper for a clone virtual machine.
class CloneDesign(object):
class Cloner(object):
# Reasons why we don't default to cloning.
def __init__(self, connection=None, conn=None):
conn = conn or connection
if not isinstance(conn, libvirt.virConnect):
raise ValueError(_("Connection must be a 'virConnect' instance."))
self._hyper_conn = conn
def __init__(self, conn):
self.conn = conn
# original guest name or uuid
self._original_guest = None
self._original_dom = None
self._original_virtual_disks = []
self._original_xml = None
self._guest = None
self._original_guest = None
self.original_dom = None
self._original_disks = []
self._original_xml = None
self._guest = None
# clone guest
self._clone_name = None
self._clone_devices = []
self._clone_virtual_disks = []
self._clone_bs = 1024 * 1024 * 10
self._clone_mac = []
self._clone_uuid = None
self._clone_sparse = True
self._clone_xml = None
self._clone_name = None
self._clone_disks = []
self._clone_macs = []
self._clone_uuid = None
self._clone_sparse = True
self._clone_xml = None
self._force_target = []
self._skip_target = []
self._preserve = True
self._clone_running = False
self._force_target = []
self._skip_target = []
self._preserve = True
self._clone_running = False
# Default clone policy for back compat: don't clone readonly,
# shareable, or empty disks
self._clone_policy = [self.CLONE_POLICY_NO_READONLY,
self._clone_policy = [self.CLONE_POLICY_NO_READONLY,
# Throwaway guest to use for easy validation
self._valid_guest = Guest(conn=conn)
self._valid_guest = Guest(conn=conn)
# Generate a random UUID at the start
self.clone_uuid = util.generate_uuid(conn)
@ -198,7 +115,7 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
except ValueError, e:
raise ValueError(_("Invalid uuid for new guest: %s") % e)
if util.vm_uuid_collision(self._hyper_conn, uuid):
if util.vm_uuid_collision(self.conn, uuid):
raise ValueError(_("UUID '%s' is in use by another guest.") %
self._clone_uuid = uuid
@ -207,107 +124,50 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
clone_uuid = property(get_clone_uuid, set_clone_uuid,
doc="UUID to use for the new guest clone")
def set_clone_devices(self, devpath):
# Devices here is a string path. Every call to set_clone_devices
# Adds the path (if valid) to the internal _clone_devices list
def set_clone_paths(self, paths):
disklist = []
is_list, pathlist = _listify(devpath)
# Check path is valid
for path in pathlist:
for path in util.listify(paths):
device = VirtualDisk.DEVICE_DISK
if not path:
device = VirtualDisk.DEVICE_CDROM
disk = VirtualDisk(path, size=.0000001,
except Exception, e:
raise ValueError(_("Could not use path '%s' for cloning: %s") %
(path, str(e)))
if is_list:
self._clone_virtual_disks = []
self._clone_devices = []
def get_clone_devices(self):
return self._clone_devices
clone_devices = property(get_clone_devices, set_clone_devices,
self._clone_disks = disklist
def get_clone_paths(self):
return [d.path for d in self.clone_disks]
clone_paths = property(get_clone_paths, set_clone_paths,
doc="Paths to use for the new disk locations.")
def get_clone_virtual_disks(self):
return self._clone_virtual_disks
clone_virtual_disks = property(get_clone_virtual_disks,
doc="VirtualDisk instances for the new"
" disk paths")
def set_clone_mac(self, mac):
is_list, maclist = _listify(mac)
def get_clone_disks(self):
return self._clone_disks
clone_disks = property(get_clone_disks,
doc="VirtualDisk instances for the new"
" disk paths")
def set_clone_macs(self, mac):
maclist = util.listify(mac)
for m in maclist:
VirtualNetworkInterface(m, conn=self.original_conn)
VirtualNetworkInterface(m, conn=self.conn)
if is_list:
self._clone_mac = []
self._clone_macs = maclist
def get_clone_macs(self):
return self._clone_macs
clone_macs = property(get_clone_macs, set_clone_macs,
doc="MAC address for the new guest clone.")
def get_clone_mac(self):
return self._clone_mac
clone_mac = property(get_clone_mac, set_clone_mac,
doc="MAC address for the new guest clone.")
def get_clone_bs(self):
return self._clone_bs
def set_clone_bs(self, rate):
self._clone_bs = rate
clone_bs = property(get_clone_bs, set_clone_bs,
doc="Block size to use when cloning guest storage.")
def get_original_devices_size(self):
ret = []
for disk in self.original_virtual_disks:
return ret
original_devices_size = property(get_original_devices_size,
doc="Size of the original guest's disks."
" DEPRECATED: Get this info from"
" original_virtual_disks")
def get_original_devices(self):
ret = []
for disk in self.original_virtual_disks:
return ret
original_devices = property(get_original_devices,
doc="Original disk paths that will be cloned. "
"DEPRECATED: Get this info from "
def get_original_virtual_disks(self):
return self._original_virtual_disks
original_virtual_disks = property(get_original_virtual_disks,
doc="VirtualDisk instances of the "
"original disks being cloned.")
def get_hyper_conn(self):
return self._hyper_conn
def set_hyper_conn(self, conn):
self._hyper_conn = conn
original_conn = property(get_hyper_conn, set_hyper_conn,
doc="Libvirt virConnect instance we are cloning "
def get_original_dom(self):
return self._original_dom
original_dom = property(get_original_dom,
doc="Libvirt virDomain instance of the original "
"guest. May not be available if cloning from "
def get_original_disks(self):
return self._original_disks
original_disks = property(get_original_disks,
doc="VirtualDisk instances of the "
"original disks being cloned.")
def get_clone_xml(self):
return self._clone_xml
@ -337,7 +197,7 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
doc="It true, preserve ALL disk devices for the "
"NEW guest. This means no storage cloning. "
"This is a convenience access for "
"(not CloneManager.preserve)")
"(not Cloner.preserve)")
def set_force_target(self, dev):
if type(dev) is list:
@ -348,7 +208,7 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
return self._force_target
force_target = property(get_force_target, set_force_target,
doc="List of disk targets that we force cloning "
"despite CloneManager's recommendation.")
"despite Cloner's recommendation.")
def set_skip_target(self, dev):
if type(dev) is list:
@ -359,7 +219,7 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
return self._skip_target
skip_target = property(get_skip_target, set_skip_target,
doc="List of disk targets that we skip cloning "
"despite CloneManager's recommendation. This "
"despite Cloner's recommendation. This "
"takes precedence over force_target.")
def set_clone_policy(self, policy_list):
@ -386,7 +246,7 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
def _set_replace(self, val):
self._valid_guest.replace = bool(val)
replace = property(_get_replace, _set_replace,
doc="f enabled, don't check for clone name collision, "
doc="If enabled, don't check for clone name collision, "
"simply undefine any conflicting guest.")
# Functional methods
@ -400,25 +260,27 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
raise RuntimeError(_("Original guest name or xml is required."))
if self.original_guest is not None and not self.original_xml:
self._original_dom = self._lookup_vm(self.original_guest)
self.original_xml = self._original_dom.XMLDesc(0)
self.original_dom = self._lookup_vm(self.original_guest)
self.original_xml = self.original_dom.XMLDesc(0)
logging.debug("Original XML:\n%s", self.original_xml)
self._guest = Guest(conn=self._hyper_conn,
self._guest = Guest(conn=self.conn,
self._guest.replace = self.replace
# Pull clonable storage info from the original xml
self._original_virtual_disks = self._get_original_devices_info()
self._original_disks = self._get_original_disks_info()
logging.debug("Original paths: %s", self.original_devices)
logging.debug("Original sizes: %s", self.original_devices_size)
logging.debug("Original paths: %s",
[d.path for d in self.original_disks])
logging.debug("Original sizes: %s",
[d.size for d in self.original_disks])
# If domain has devices to clone, it must be 'off' or 'paused'
if (not self.clone_running and
(self._original_dom and len(self.original_devices) != 0)):
status = self._original_dom.info()[0]
(self.original_dom and len(self.original_disks) != 0)):
status = self.original_dom.info()[0]
if status not in [libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF,
@ -481,17 +343,17 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
self._clone_xml = self.original_xml
if len(self.clone_virtual_disks) < len(self.original_virtual_disks):
if len(self.clone_disks) < len(self.original_disks):
raise ValueError(_("More disks to clone than new paths specified. "
"(%(passed)d specified, %(need)d needed") %
{"passed" : len(self.clone_virtual_disks),
"need" : len(self.original_virtual_disks)})
{"passed" : len(self.clone_disks),
"need" : len(self.original_disks)})
logging.debug("Clone paths: %s", self._clone_devices)
logging.debug("Clone paths: %s", [d.path for d in self.clone_disks])
self._guest.name = self._clone_name
self._guest.uuid = self._clone_uuid
for dev in self._guest.get_devices("graphics"):
if dev.port and dev.port != -1:
logging.warn(_("Setting the graphics device port to autoport, "
@ -500,12 +362,12 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
for iface in self._guest.get_devices("interface"):
iface.target_dev = None
if self._clone_mac:
mac = self._clone_mac.pop()
if self._clone_macs:
mac = self._clone_macs.pop()
while 1:
mac = util.randomMAC(self.original_conn.getType().lower(),
mac = util.randomMAC(self.conn.getType().lower(),
ignore, msg = self._check_mac(mac)
if msg is not None:
@ -515,9 +377,9 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
iface.macaddr = mac
# Changing storage XML
for i in range(len(self._original_virtual_disks)):
orig_disk = self._original_virtual_disks[i]
clone_disk = self._clone_virtual_disks[i]
for i in range(len(self._original_disks)):
orig_disk = self._original_disks[i]
clone_disk = self._clone_disks[i]
for disk in self._guest.get_devices("disk"):
if disk.target == orig_disk.target:
@ -546,17 +408,111 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
def remove_original_vm(self, force=None):
return self._valid_guest.remove_original_vm(force=force)
# Private helper functions
def start_duplicate(self, meter=None):
Actually perform the duplication: cloning disks if needed and defining
the new clone xml.
logging.debug("Starting duplicate.")
if not meter:
meter = progress.BaseMeter()
dom = None
# Replace orig VM if required
# Define domain early to catch any xml errors before duping storage
dom = self.conn.defineXML(self.clone_xml)
if self.preserve:
for dst_dev in self.clone_disks:
if dst_dev.clone_path == "/dev/null":
# Not really sure why this check is here,
# but keeping for compat
logging.debug("Source dev was /dev/null. Skipping")
elif dst_dev.clone_path == dst_dev.path:
logging.debug("Source and destination are the "
"same. Skipping.")
# VirtualDisk.setup_dev handles everything
except Exception, e:
logging.debug("Duplicate failed: %s", str(e))
if dom:
logging.debug("Duplicating finished.")
def generate_clone_disk_path(self, origpath, newname=None):
origname = self.original_guest
newname = newname or self.clone_name
path = origpath
suffix = ""
# Try to split the suffix off the existing disk name. Ex.
# foobar.img -> foobar-clone.img
# If the suffix is greater than 7 characters, assume it isn't
# a file extension and is part of the disk name, at which point
# just stick '-clone' on the end.
if origpath.count(".") and len(origpath.rsplit(".", 1)[1]) <= 7:
path, suffix = origpath.rsplit(".", 1)
suffix = "." + suffix
dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
basename = os.path.basename(path)
clonebase = basename + "-clone"
if origname and basename == origname:
clonebase = newname
clonebase = os.path.join(dirname, clonebase)
return util.generate_name(
lambda p: VirtualDisk.path_exists(self.conn, p),
def generate_clone_name(self):
# If the orig name is "foo-clone", we don't want the clone to be
# "foo-clone-clone", we want "foo-clone1"
basename = self.original_guest
match = re.search("-clone[1-9]*$", basename)
start_num = 0
if match:
num_match = re.search("[1-9]+$", match.group())
if num_match:
start_num = int(str(num_match.group()))
basename = basename.replace(match.group(), "")
basename = basename + "-clone"
return util.generate_name(basename,
sep="", start_num=start_num)
# Private helper functions #
# Check if new mac address is valid
def _check_mac(self, mac):
nic = VirtualNetworkInterface(macaddr=mac, conn=self.original_conn)
return nic.is_conflict_net(self._hyper_conn)
nic = VirtualNetworkInterface(macaddr=mac, conn=self.conn)
return nic.is_conflict_net(self.conn)
# Parse disk paths that need to be cloned from the original guest's xml
# Return a list of VirtualDisk instances pointing to the original
# storage
def _get_original_devices_info(self):
def _get_original_disks_info(self):
clonelist = []
retdisks = []
@ -571,7 +527,7 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
if (disk.path and validate and
not VirtualDisk.path_exists(self._hyper_conn, disk.path)):
not VirtualDisk.path_exists(self.conn, disk.path)):
raise ValueError(_("Disk '%s' does not exist.") %
@ -580,7 +536,7 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
# Tell VirtualDisk we are a cdrom to allow empty media
device = VirtualDisk.DEVICE_CDROM
d = VirtualDisk(disk.path, conn=self._hyper_conn,
d = VirtualDisk(disk.path, conn=self.conn,
device=device, driverType=disk.driver_type,
d.target = disk.target
@ -625,56 +581,6 @@ class CloneDesign(object):
# Simple wrapper for checking a vm exists and returning the domain
def _lookup_vm(self, name):
return self._hyper_conn.lookupByName(name)
return self.conn.lookupByName(name)
except libvirt.libvirtError:
raise ValueError(_("Domain '%s' was not found.") % str(name))
def start_duplicate(design, meter=None):
Actually perform the duplication: cloning disks if needed and defining
the new clone xml.
logging.debug("Starting duplicate.")
if not meter:
meter = progress.BaseMeter()
dom = None
# Replace orig VM if required
# Define domain early to catch any xml errors before duping storage
dom = design.original_conn.defineXML(design.clone_xml)
if design.preserve:
_do_duplicate(design, meter)
except Exception, e:
logging.debug("Duplicate failed: %s", str(e))
if dom:
logging.debug("Duplicating finished.")
# Iterate over the list of disks, and clone them using the appropriate
# clone method
def _do_duplicate(design, meter):
# Now actually do the cloning
for dst_dev in design.clone_virtual_disks:
if dst_dev.clone_path == "/dev/null":
# Not really sure why this check was here, but keeping for compat
logging.debug("Source dev was /dev/null. Skipping")
elif dst_dev.clone_path == dst_dev.path:
logging.debug("Source and destination are the same. Skipping.")
# VirtualDisk.setup_dev handles everything
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ from virtinst.LiveCDInstaller import LiveCDInstaller
from virtinst.ImportInstaller import ImportInstaller
from virtinst.ImageInstaller import ImageInstaller
from virtinst.Installer import ContainerInstaller
from virtinst.CloneManager import CloneDesign
from virtinst.CloneManager import Cloner
from virtinst.User import User
from virtinst.Clock import Clock
from virtinst.CPU import CPU, CPUFeature
Reference in New Issue
Block a user