tests: Drop validation.py, largely useless at this point.

This commit is contained in:
Cole Robinson 2013-07-13 16:52:03 -04:00
parent 4ce1774d53
commit c78c358662

View File

@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import virtinst
from virtinst import Interface
from tests import utils
import unittest
import logging
import traceback
import os
# Template for adding arguments to test
# {'label' : {\
# 'VAR' : {\
# 'invalid' : [param],
# 'valid' : [param]},
# '__init__' : {\
# 'invalid' : [{'initparam':val}],
# 'valid' : [{'initparam':val}]}
# Anything in 'valid' should throw no error
# Anything in 'invalid' should throw ValueError or TypeError
# We install several storage pools on the connection to ensure
# we aren't bumping up against errors in that department.
testconn = utils.open_testdriver()
testcaps = testconn.caps
virtimage = virtinst.ImageParser.parse_file("tests/image-xml/image.xml")
volinst = virtinst.Storage.StorageVolume(conn=testconn,
tmppool = testconn.storagePoolLookupByName("inactive-pool")
iface_proto1 = Interface.InterfaceProtocol.protocol_class_for_family(
iface_proto2 = Interface.InterfaceProtocol.protocol_class_for_family(
iface_ip1 = Interface.InterfaceProtocolIPAddress("")
iface_ip2 = Interface.InterfaceProtocolIPAddress("fe80::215:58ff:fe6e:5",
args = {
'guest' : {
'name' : {
'invalid' : ['123456789', 'im_invalid!', '', 0,
'longnameveryvery', "test",
'valid' : ['Valid_name.01']},
'memory' : {
'invalid' : [-1, 0, ''],
'valid' : [200, 2000]},
'maxmemory' : {
'invalid' : [-1, 0, ''],
'valid' : [200, 2000], },
'uuid' : {
'invalid' : ['', 0, '1234567812345678123456781234567x'],
'valid' : ['12345678123456781234567812345678',
'vcpus' : {
'invalid' : [-1, 0, ''],
'valid' : [1, 32]},
'type' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ['sometype']},
'cdrom' : {
'invalid' : ['', 0, '/somepath'],
'valid' : ['/dev/loop0']
'arch' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ["i386", 'i686', 'x86_64'],
'os_type' : {
'invalid' : ['notpresent', 0, ''],
'valid' : ['other', 'windows', 'unix', 'linux']},
'os_variant': {
'invalid' : ['', 0, 'invalid'],
'valid' : ['rhel5', 'sles10']},
'network' : {
'init_conns' : [testconn],
'__init__' : {
'invalid' : [{'macaddr' : 0}, {'macaddr' : ''}, {'macaddr' : '$%XD'},
{'type' : 'network'}],
'valid' : []}
'installer' : {
'init_conns' : [testconn],
'extraargs' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ['someargs']},
'arch' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ['i686', 'i386', 'x86_64'],
'distroinstaller' : {
'init_conns' : [testconn],
'location' : {
'invalid' : ['nogood', 'http:/nogood', [], None,
'valid' : ['/dev/null', 'http://web', 'ftp://ftp', 'nfs:nfsserv',
'livecdinstaller' : {
'init_conns' : [testconn],
'location' : {
'invalid' : ['path-noexist',
'valid' : ['/dev/null',
'clonedesign' : {
'original_guest' : {
'invalid' : ['idontexist'],
'valid' : ['test']},
'clone_name': {'invalid' : [0, 'test'],
'valid' : ['some.valid-name_9']},
'clone_uuid': {'invalid' : [0],
'valid' : ['12345678123456781234567812345678']},
'clone_macs' : {'invalid' : ['badformat'],
'valid' : ['AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF']},
'inputdev' : {
'init_conns' : [testconn],
'type' : {
'valid' : ["mouse", "tablet"],
'invalid' : ["foobar", 1234]},
'bus' : {
'valid' : ["ps2", "xen", "usb"],
'invalid' : ["foobar", 1234]},
'chardev' : {
'init_conns' : [testconn],
'source_path': {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ["/some/path"]},
'source_mode': {
'invalid' : [None],
'valid' : virtinst.VirtualCharDevice.char_modes},
'source_host': {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ["some.source.host"]},
'source_port': {
'invalid' : ["foobar"],
'valid' : [1234]},
'connect_host': {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ["some.connect.com"]},
'connect_port': {
'invalid' : ["foobar"],
'valid' : [1234]},
'protocol': {
'invalid' : [None],
'valid' : virtinst.VirtualCharDevice.char_protocols},
'interface' : {
'init_conns' : [testconn],
'name' : {
'invalid' : ["eth0", None, 1234],
'valid' : ["foobar"], },
'mtu' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : [None, 0, 1, 1234, "1234"], },
'start_mode' : {
'invalid' : ["foobar", None],
'valid' : [Interface.Interface.INTERFACE_START_MODE_ONBOOT], },
'macaddr' : {
'invalid' : [0, 100, "22:22:33", "foobar"],
'valid' : [None, "22:22:33:44:55:66"], },
'protocols' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : [[], [iface_proto1, iface_proto2]], },
# Bond params
'bond_mode' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ["active-backup", "broadcast"], },
'monitor_mode' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' :
Interface.InterfaceBond.INTERFACE_BOND_MONITOR_MODE_MII], },
'mii_frequency' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ["123", 123], },
'mii_updelay' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ["123", 123], },
'mii_downdelay' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ["123", 123], },
'mii_carrier_mode' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ["ioctl", "netif"], },
'arp_interval' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : [123, "123"], },
'arp_target' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : [""], },
'arp_validate_mode' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : ["active", "backup"], },
# VLAN params
'tag' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : [123, "123"], },
'parent_interface' : {
'invalid' : [None],
'valid' : ["eth1", testconn.interfaceLookupByName("eth1")], },
# Bridge params
'stp' : {
'invalid' : [0, 1, "foo"],
'valid' : [True, False], },
'delay' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : [0, 1, "4"], },
'interface_proto' : {
'gateway' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : [""], },
'autoconf' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : [True, False], },
'dhcp' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : [True, False], },
'peerdns' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : [True, False], },
'ips' : {
'invalid' : [],
'valid' : [[], [iface_ip1, iface_ip2]], },
} # End of validation dict
class TestValidation(unittest.TestCase):
def _getInitConns(self, label):
if "init_conns" in args[label]:
return args[label]["init_conns"]
return [testconn]
def _runObjInit(self, testclass, valuedict, defaultsdict=None):
if defaultsdict:
for key in defaultsdict.keys():
if key not in valuedict:
valuedict[key] = defaultsdict.get(key)
return testclass(*(), **valuedict)
def _testInvalid(self, name, obj, testclass, paramname, paramvalue):
if paramname == '__init__':
self._runObjInit(testclass, paramvalue)
setattr(obj, paramname, paramvalue)
if hasattr(obj, "validate"):
msg = ("Expected TypeError or ValueError: None Raised.\n"
"For '%s' object, paramname '%s', val '%s':" %
(name, paramname, paramvalue))
raise AssertionError(msg)
except AssertionError:
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# This is an expected error
except Exception, e:
msg = ("Unexpected exception raised: %s\n" % e +
"Original traceback was: \n%s\n" % traceback.format_exc() +
"For '%s' object, paramname '%s', val '%s':" %
(name, paramname, paramvalue))
raise AssertionError(msg)
def _testValid(self, name, obj, testclass, paramname, paramvalue):
if paramname is '__init__':
conns = self._getInitConns(name)
if "conn" in paramvalue:
conns = [paramvalue["conn"]]
for conn in conns:
paramvalue["conn"] = conn
self._runObjInit(testclass, paramvalue)
setattr(obj, paramname, paramvalue)
if hasattr(obj, "validate"):
except Exception, e:
msg = ("Validation case failed, expected success.\n" +
"Exception received was: %s\n" % e +
"Original traceback was: \n%s\n" % traceback.format_exc() +
"For '%s' object, paramname '%s', val '%s':" %
(name, paramname, paramvalue))
raise AssertionError(msg)
def _testArgs(self, obj, testclass, name, exception_check=None,
"""@obj Object to test parameters against
@testclass Full class to test initialization against
@name String name indexing args"""
logging.debug("Testing '%s'", name)
testdict = args[name]
if manual_dict is not None:
testdict = manual_dict
for paramname in testdict.keys():
if paramname == "init_conns":
for val in testdict[paramname]['invalid']:
self._testInvalid(name, obj, testclass, paramname, val)
for val in testdict[paramname]['valid']:
if exception_check:
if exception_check(obj, paramname, val):
self._testValid(name, obj, testclass, paramname, val)
# Actual Tests
def testGuestValidation(self):
g = virtinst.Guest(testconn, type="xen")
self._testArgs(g, virtinst.Guest, 'guest')
def testNetworkValidation(self):
network = virtinst.VirtualNetworkInterface(testconn)
self._testArgs(network, virtinst.VirtualNetworkInterface, 'network')
# Test dynamic MAC/Bridge success
network = virtinst.VirtualNetworkInterface(testconn)
except Exception, e:
raise AssertionError(
"Network setup with no params failed, expected success." +
" Exception was: %s: %s" %
(str(e), "".join(traceback.format_exc())))
def testDistroInstaller(self):
def exception_check(obj, paramname, paramvalue):
if paramname == "location":
# Skip NFS test as non-root
if paramvalue[0:3] == "nfs" and os.geteuid() != 0:
return True
# Don't pass a tuple location if installer has no conn
if not obj.conn and type(paramvalue) == tuple:
return True
return False
label = 'distroinstaller'
for conn in self._getInitConns(label):
dinstall = virtinst.DistroInstaller(conn)
self._testArgs(dinstall, virtinst.DistroInstaller, 'installer',
self._testArgs(dinstall, virtinst.DistroInstaller, label,
def testLiveCDInstaller(self):
def exception_check(obj, paramname, paramvalue):
if paramname == 'location':
# Don't pass a tuple location if installer has no conn
if not obj.conn and type(paramvalue) == tuple:
return True
return False
label = 'livecdinstaller'
for conn in self._getInitConns(label):
dinstall = virtinst.LiveCDInstaller(conn)
self._testArgs(dinstall, virtinst.LiveCDInstaller, 'installer',
self._testArgs(dinstall, virtinst.LiveCDInstaller, label,
def testCloner(self):
label = 'clonedesign'
for conn in self._getInitConns(label):
cman = virtinst.Cloner(conn)
self._testArgs(cman, virtinst.Cloner, label)
def testInputDev(self):
label = 'inputdev'
for conn in self._getInitConns(label):
cman = virtinst.VirtualInputDevice(conn)
self._testArgs(cman, virtinst.VirtualInputDevice, label)
def testCharDev(self):
label = 'chardev'
paramdict = args[label]
devs = []
for conn in self._getInitConns(label):
for dev in virtinst.VirtualCharDevice.dev_types:
for char in virtinst.VirtualCharDevice.char_types:
devs.append(virtinst.VirtualCharDevice.get_dev_instance(conn, dev, char))
for dev in devs:
custom_dict = {}
for key in paramdict.keys():
if hasattr(dev, key):
custom_dict[key] = paramdict[key]
self._testArgs(dev, virtinst.VirtualCharDevice, label,
def testInterface(self):
label = 'interface'
paramdict = args[label]
for itype in Interface.Interface.INTERFACE_TYPES:
custom_dict = {}
iclass = Interface.Interface.interface_class_for_type(itype)
for key in paramdict.keys():
if hasattr(iclass, key):
custom_dict[key] = paramdict[key]
for conn in self._getInitConns(label):
iobj = iclass(conn, "foo-validation-test")
self._testArgs(iobj, iclass, label, manual_dict=custom_dict)
def testInterfaceProtocol(self):
label = 'interface_proto'
paramdict = args[label]
for itype in Interface.InterfaceProtocol.INTERFACE_PROTOCOL_FAMILIES:
custom_dict = {}
iclass = Interface.InterfaceProtocol.protocol_class_for_family(itype)
for key in paramdict.keys():
if hasattr(iclass, key):
custom_dict[key] = paramdict[key]
iobj = iclass()
self._testArgs(iobj, iclass, label, manual_dict=custom_dict)
if __name__ == "__main__":