diff --git a/virtinst/support.py b/virtinst/support.py
index 6a00925b8..a175624a3 100644
--- a/virtinst/support.py
+++ b/virtinst/support.py
@@ -23,342 +23,6 @@ import libvirt
from virtinst import util
-# Flags for check_conn_support
-# Flags for check_domain_support
- SUPPORT_DOMAIN_CPU_HOST_MODEL) = range(1000, 1010)
-# Flags for check_pool_support
- SUPPORT_STORAGE_ISACTIVE) = range(2000, 2003)
-# Flags for check_nodedev_support
-(SUPPORT_NODEDEV_PCI_DETACH,) = range(3000, 3001)
-# Flags for check_interface_support
- SUPPORT_INTERFACE_ISACTIVE) = range(4000, 4002)
-# Flags for check_conn_hv_support
- SUPPORT_CONN_HV_FILESYSTEM) = range(5000, 5008)
-# Flags for check_stream_support
-(SUPPORT_STREAM_UPLOAD,) = range(6000, 6001)
-# Flags for check_net_support
-(SUPPORT_NET_ISACTIVE,) = range(7000, 7001)
-# Possible keys:
-# "version" : Minimum libvirt version required for this feature. Not used
-# if 'args' provided
-# "force_version" : Demand that version check is met for the checked
-# libvirt version. Normally we will make a best effort
-# attempt, because determining the daemon version depends
-# on an api call from 2010. So for things like
-# testing API availability (e.g. createXMLFrom) we won't
-# force the check, but for things like XML options (AC97)
-# we want to be ABSOLUTELY SURE it is supported so we
-# don't enable it by default and break guest creation.
-# This isn't required for versions after >= 0.7.3
-# "function" : Function name to check exists. If object not specified,
-# function is checked against libvirt module.
-# "args": Argument tuple to actually test object.function with.
-# "flag": A flag to check exists. This will be appended to the argument
-# list if args are provided, otherwise we will only check against
-# the local libvirt version.
-# "drv_version" : A list of tuples of the form
-# (driver name (e.g qemu, xen, lxc), minimum supported version)
-# If a hypervisor is not listed, it is assumed to be NOT
-# "drv_libvirt_version" : List of tuples, similar to drv_version, but
-# the version number is minimum supported _libvirt_
-# version
-# "hv_version" : A list of tuples of the same form as drv_version, however
-# listing the actual from the XML.
-# example: 'kvm'
-_support_dict = {
- "function" : "virConnect.listStoragePools",
- "args" : (),
- },
- "function" : "virConnect.listDevices",
- "args" : (None, 0),
- },
- "function" : "virConnect.findStoragePoolSources",
- },
- "drv_version" : [("qemu", 11000)],
- },
- "function" : "virConnect.getHostname()",
- "args" : (),
- },
- "version" : 6005,
- },
- "function" : "virConnect.listNetworks",
- "args" : (),
- },
- "function" : "virConnect.listInterfaces",
- "args" : (),
- },
- "version" : 8005,
- },
- # Earliest version with working bindings
- "version" : 9003,
- "function" : "virConnect.newStream",
- "args" : (0,),
- },
- "function": "virConnect.getVersion",
- "args": (),
- },
- "function": "virConnect.getLibVersion",
- "args": (),
- },
- "function": "virConnect.listAllDomains",
- "args": (),
- },
- "function": "virConnect.listAllNetworks",
- "args": (),
- },
- "function": "virConnect.listAllStoragePools",
- "args": (),
- },
- "function": "virConnect.listAllInterfaces",
- "args": (),
- },
- #################
- # Domain checks #
- #################
- "function" : "virDomain.vcpus",
- "args" : (),
- },
- "function" : "virDomain.XMLDesc",
- "args" : (),
- },
- "function" : "virDomain.XMLDesc",
- "args" : (),
- },
- "function" : "virDomain.hasManagedSaveImage",
- "args" : (0,),
- },
- "function" : "virDomain.migrateSetMaxDowntime",
- # Use a bogus flags value, so that we don't overwrite existing
- # downtime value
- "args" : (30, 12345678),
- },
- "function" : "virDomain.jobInfo",
- "args" : (),
- },
- "version" : 9003,
- },
- "version" : 9010,
- },
- "version" : 9010,
- },
- ###############
- # Pool checks #
- ###############
- # This can't ever require a pool object for back compat reasons
- "function" : "virStoragePool.createXMLFrom",
- "version" : 6004,
- },
- "function" : "virStoragePool.isActive",
- "args": (),
- },
- ##################
- # Nodedev checks #
- ##################
- # This can't ever require a nodedev object for back compat reasons
- "function" : "virNodeDevice.dettach",
- "version" : 6001,
- },
- ####################
- # Interface checks #
- ####################
- "function" : "virInterface.XMLDesc",
- "args" : (),
- },
- "function" : "virInterface.isActive",
- "args": (),
- },
- ##################
- # Conn HV checks #
- ##################
- "drv_version": [("qemu", 0)],
- "hv_version" : [("kvm", 0)],
- },
- "drv_version" : [("xen", -3001000)],
- },
- "version" : 6000,
- "force_version" : True,
- "drv_version" : [("qemu", 11000), ],
- },
- "version" : 8008,
- "drv_version" : [("qemu", 14000), ],
- "rhel6_drv_version" : [("qemu", 12001)],
- "rhel6_version" : 8007,
- },
- "version" : 8006,
- "drv_version" : [("qemu", 14000), ],
- },
- "version" : 8008,
- "drv_version" : [("qemu", 14000), ],
- },
- "version" : 8007,
- "drv_version" : [("qemu", 0), ],
- },
- "drv_version" : [("qemu", 13000),
- ("lxc", 0),
- ("openvz", 0),
- ("test", 0)],
- "drv_libvirt_version" : [("qemu", 8005),
- ("lxc", 0),
- ("openvz", 0),
- ("test", 0)],
- },
- #################
- # Stream checks #
- #################
- # Latest I tested with, and since we will use it by default
- # for URL installs, want to be sure it works
- "version" : 9004,
- },
- ##################
- # Network checks #
- ##################
- "function" : "virNetwork.isActive",
- "args": (),
- },
# RHEL6 has lots of feature backports, and since libvirt doesn't
# really offer any XML feature introspection, we have to use hacks to
@@ -437,6 +101,295 @@ def _split_function_name(function):
return (output[0], output[1])
+class _SupportCheck(object):
+ """
+ @version: Minimum libvirt version required for this feature. Not used
+ if 'args' provided
+ @force_version: Demand that version check is met for the checked
+ libvirt version. Normally we will make a best effort
+ attempt, because determining the daemon version depends
+ on an api call from 2010. So for things like
+ testing API availability (e.g. createXMLFrom) we won't
+ force the check, but for things like XML options (AC97)
+ we want to be ABSOLUTELY SURE it is supported so we
+ don't enable it by default and break guest creation.
+ This isn't required for versions after >= 0.7.3
+ @function: Function name to check exists. If object not specified,
+ function is checked against libvirt module.
+ @args: Argument tuple to actually test object.function with.
+ @flag: A flag to check exists. This will be appended to the argument
+ list if args are provided, otherwise we will only check against
+ the local libvirt version.
+ @drv_version: A list of tuples of the form
+ (driver name (e.g qemu, xen, lxc), minimum supported version)
+ If a hypervisor is not listed, it is assumed to be NOT SUPPORTED.
+ @drv_libvirt_version: List of tuples, similar to drv_version, but
+ the version number is minimum supported _libvirt_ version
+ @hv_version: A list of tuples of the same form as drv_version, however
+ listing the actual from the XML. example: 'kvm'
+ @rhel6_version
+ @rhel6_drv_version: Analog of the above params, but for versions for
+ RHEL6 qemu, and only if virt-manager is configured with the
+ rhel defaults switch
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ function=None, args=None, flag=None,
+ version=None, force_version=None,
+ drv_version=None, drv_libvirt_version=None, hv_version=None,
+ rhel6_drv_version=None, rhel6_version=None):
+ self.function = function
+ self.args = args
+ self.flag = flag
+ self.version = version and int(version) or 0
+ self.force_version = bool(force_version)
+ self.drv_version = drv_version or []
+ self.drv_libvirt_version = drv_libvirt_version or []
+ self.hv_version = hv_version or []
+ self.rhel6_version = rhel6_version and int(rhel6_version) or 0
+ self.rhel6_drv_version = rhel6_drv_version or []
+ def _get_min_lib_version(self):
+ ret = self.version
+ rhel6_min = self.rhel6_version or ret
+ if get_rhel6():
+ ret = rhel6_min
+ return ret
+ def _get_drv_version(self):
+ ret = self.drv_version
+ rhel6_drv_version = self.rhel6_drv_version or ret
+ if get_rhel6():
+ ret = rhel6_drv_version
+ return ret
+ def check_support(self, conn, data):
+ minimum_libvirt_version = self._get_min_lib_version()
+ drv_version = self._get_drv_version()
+ object_name, function_name = _split_function_name(self.function)
+ if function_name:
+ # Make sure function is present in either libvirt module or
+ # object_name class
+ flag_tuple = ()
+ if not _has_command(function_name, objname=object_name):
+ return False
+ if self.flag:
+ found_flag = _get_flag(self.flag)
+ if not bool(found_flag):
+ return False
+ flag_tuple = (found_flag,)
+ if self.args is not None:
+ classobj = None
+ # If function requires an object, make sure the passed obj
+ # is of the correct type
+ if object_name:
+ classobj = _get_command(object_name)
+ if not isinstance(data, classobj):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Passed obj %s with args must be of type %s, was %s" %
+ (data, str(classobj), type(data)))
+ cmd = _get_command(function_name, obj=data)
+ # Function with args specified is all the proof we need
+ ret = _try_command(cmd, self.args + flag_tuple,
+ check_all_error=bool(flag_tuple))
+ return ret
+ # Do this after the function check, since there's an ordering issue
+ # with VirtualConnection
+ drv_type = conn.get_uri_driver()
+ actual_lib_ver = conn.local_libvirt_version()
+ actual_daemon_ver = conn.daemon_version()
+ actual_drv_ver = conn.conn_version()
+ if (actual_daemon_ver == 0 and not self.force_version):
+ # This means the API may not be supported, but we don't care
+ actual_daemon_ver = 1000000000
+ # Check that local libvirt version is sufficient
+ if minimum_libvirt_version > actual_lib_ver:
+ return False
+ # Check that daemon version is sufficient
+ if minimum_libvirt_version > actual_daemon_ver:
+ return False
+ # If driver specific version info specified, try to verify
+ if drv_version:
+ found = False
+ for drv, min_drv_ver in drv_version:
+ if drv != drv_type:
+ continue
+ if min_drv_ver < 0:
+ if actual_drv_ver <= -min_drv_ver:
+ found = True
+ break
+ else:
+ if actual_drv_ver >= min_drv_ver:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ return False
+ if self.drv_libvirt_version:
+ found = False
+ for drv, min_lib_ver in self.drv_libvirt_version:
+ if drv != drv_type:
+ continue
+ if min_lib_ver < 0:
+ if actual_lib_ver <= -min_lib_ver:
+ found = True
+ break
+ else:
+ if actual_lib_ver >= min_lib_ver:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ return False
+ if self.hv_version:
+ found = False
+ hv_type = data
+ for hv, min_hv_ver in self.hv_version:
+ if hv != hv_type:
+ continue
+ # No HV specific version info, just use driver version
+ if min_hv_ver < 0:
+ if actual_drv_ver <= -min_hv_ver:
+ found = True
+ break
+ else:
+ if actual_drv_ver >= min_hv_ver:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ return False
+ return True
+_support_id = 0
+_support_objs = []
+def _make(*args, **kwargs):
+ global _support_id
+ _support_id += 1
+ obj = _SupportCheck(*args, **kwargs)
+ _support_objs.append(obj)
+ return _support_id
+SUPPORT_CONN_STORAGE = _make(function="virConnect.listStoragePools",
+ args=())
+SUPPORT_CONN_NODEDEV = _make(function="virConnect.listDevices", args=(None, 0))
+ function="virConnect.findStoragePoolSources")
+SUPPORT_CONN_KEYMAP_AUTODETECT = _make(drv_version=[("qemu", 11000)])
+SUPPORT_CONN_GETHOSTNAME = _make(function="virConnect.getHostname", args=())
+SUPPORT_CONN_DOMAIN_VIDEO = _make(version=6005)
+SUPPORT_CONN_NETWORK = _make(function="virConnect.listNetworks", args=())
+SUPPORT_CONN_INTERFACE = _make(function="virConnect.listInterfaces", args=())
+SUPPORT_CONN_MAXVCPUS_XML = _make(version=8005)
+# Earliest version with working bindings
+SUPPORT_CONN_STREAM = _make(version=9003,
+ function="virConnect.newStream",
+ args=(0,))
+SUPPORT_CONN_GETVERSION = _make(function="virConnect.getVersion", args=())
+SUPPORT_CONN_LIBVERSION = _make(function="virConnect.getLibVersion", args=())
+SUPPORT_CONN_LISTALLDOMAINS = _make(function="virConnect.listAllDomains",
+ args=())
+SUPPORT_CONN_LISTALLNETWORKS = _make(function="virConnect.listAllNetworks",
+ args=())
+ function="virConnect.listAllStoragePools",
+ args=())
+SUPPORT_CONN_LISTALLINTERFACES = _make(function="virConnect.listAllInterfaces",
+ args=())
+# Domain checks
+SUPPORT_DOMAIN_GETVCPUS = _make(function="virDomain.vcpus", args=())
+SUPPORT_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE = _make(function="virDomain.XMLDesc", args=(),
+SUPPORT_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE = _make(function="virDomain.XMLDesc", args=(),
+SUPPORT_DOMAIN_MANAGED_SAVE = _make(function="virDomain.hasManagedSaveImage",
+ args=(0,))
+ function="virDomain.migrateSetMaxDowntime",
+ # Use a bogus flags value, so that we don't overwrite existing
+ # downtime value
+ args=(30, 12345678))
+SUPPORT_DOMAIN_JOB_INFO = _make(function="virDomain.jobInfo", args=())
+SUPPORT_DOMAIN_CONSOLE_STREAM = _make(version=9003)
+SUPPORT_DOMAIN_SET_METADATA = _make(version=9010)
+SUPPORT_DOMAIN_CPU_HOST_MODEL = _make(version=9010)
+# Pool checks
+# This can't ever require a pool object for back compat reasons
+SUPPORT_STORAGE_CREATEVOLFROM = _make(function="virStoragePool.createXMLFrom",
+ version=6004)
+SUPPORT_STORAGE_ISACTIVE = _make(function="virStoragePool.isActive", args=())
+# Nodedev checks
+# This can't ever require a nodedev object for back compat reasons
+SUPPORT_NODEDEV_PCI_DETACH = _make(function="virNodeDevice.dettach",
+ version=6001)
+# Interface checks
+SUPPORT_INTERFACE_XML_INACTIVE = _make(function="virInterface.XMLDesc",
+ args=())
+SUPPORT_INTERFACE_ISACTIVE = _make(function="virInterface.isActive", args=())
+# Conn HV checks
+SUPPORT_CONN_HV_VIRTIO = _make(drv_version=[("qemu", 0)],
+ hv_version=[("kvm", 0)])
+SUPPORT_CONN_HV_SKIP_DEFAULT_ACPI = _make(drv_version=[("xen", -3001000)])
+SUPPORT_CONN_HV_SOUND_AC97 = _make(version=6000,
+ force_version=True,
+ drv_version=[("qemu", 11000)])
+SUPPORT_CONN_HV_SOUND_ICH6 = _make(version=8008,
+ drv_version=[("qemu", 14000)],
+ rhel6_drv_version=[("qemu", 12001)],
+ rhel6_version=8007)
+SUPPORT_CONN_HV_GRAPHICS_SPICE = _make(version=8006,
+ drv_version=[("qemu", 14000)])
+SUPPORT_CONN_HV_CHAR_SPICEVMC = _make(version=8008,
+ drv_version=[("qemu", 14000)])
+ drv_version=[("qemu", 0)])
+ drv_version=[("qemu", 13000), ("lxc", 0), ("openvz", 0), ("test", 0)],
+ drv_libvirt_version=[("qemu", 8005), ("lxc", 0),
+ ("openvz", 0), ("test", 0)])
+# Stream checks
+# Latest I tested with, and since we will use it by default
+# for URL installs, want to be sure it works
+SUPPORT_STREAM_UPLOAD = _make(version=9004)
+# Network checks
+SUPPORT_NET_ISACTIVE = _make(function="virNetwork.isActive", args=())
def check_support(virtconn, feature, data=None):
Attempt to determine if a specific libvirt feature is support given
@@ -454,145 +407,5 @@ def check_support(virtconn, feature, data=None):
if "VirtualConnection" in repr(data):
data = data.libvirtconn
- support_info = _support_dict[feature]
- key_list = support_info.keys()
- def get_value(key):
- if key in key_list:
- key_list.remove(key)
- return support_info.get(key)
- is_rhel6 = get_rhel6()
- force_version = get_value("force_version") or False
- minimum_libvirt_version = get_value("version") or 0
- rhel6_min = get_value("rhel6_version") or minimum_libvirt_version
- if is_rhel6:
- minimum_libvirt_version = rhel6_min
- drv_version = get_value("drv_version") or []
- rhel6_drv_version = get_value("rhel6_drv_version") or drv_version
- if is_rhel6:
- drv_version = rhel6_drv_version
- drv_libvirt_version = get_value("drv_libvirt_version") or []
- hv_version = get_value("hv_version") or []
- object_name, function_name = _split_function_name(get_value("function"))
- args = get_value("args")
- flag = get_value("flag")
- # Make sure there are no keys left in the key_list. This will
- # ensure we didn't mistype anything above, or in the support_dict
- if key_list:
- raise RuntimeError("Unknown keys in the support_dict: %s" % key_list)
- if function_name:
- # Make sure function is present in either libvirt module or
- # object_name class
- flag_tuple = ()
- if not _has_command(function_name, objname=object_name):
- return False
- if flag:
- found_flag = _get_flag(flag)
- if not bool(found_flag):
- return False
- flag_tuple = (found_flag,)
- if args is not None:
- classobj = None
- # If function requires an object, make sure the passed obj
- # is of the correct type
- if object_name:
- classobj = _get_command(object_name)
- if not isinstance(data, classobj):
- raise ValueError(
- "Passed obj %s with args must be of type %s, was %s" %
- (data, str(classobj), type(data)))
- cmd = _get_command(function_name, obj=data)
- # Function with args specified is all the proof we need
- ret = _try_command(cmd, args + flag_tuple,
- check_all_error=bool(flag_tuple))
- return ret
- # Do this after the function check, since there's an ordering issue
- # with VirtualConnection
- drv_type = virtconn.get_uri_driver()
- actual_lib_ver = virtconn.local_libvirt_version()
- actual_daemon_ver = virtconn.daemon_version()
- actual_drv_ver = virtconn.conn_version()
- if (actual_daemon_ver == 0 and not force_version):
- # This means the API may not be supported, but we don't care
- actual_daemon_ver = 1000000000
- # Check that local libvirt version is sufficient
- if minimum_libvirt_version > actual_lib_ver:
- return False
- # Check that daemon version is sufficient
- if minimum_libvirt_version > actual_daemon_ver:
- return False
- # If driver specific version info specified, try to verify
- if drv_version:
- found = False
- for drv, min_drv_ver in drv_version:
- if drv != drv_type:
- continue
- if min_drv_ver < 0:
- if actual_drv_ver <= -min_drv_ver:
- found = True
- break
- else:
- if actual_drv_ver >= min_drv_ver:
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- return False
- if drv_libvirt_version:
- found = False
- for drv, min_lib_ver in drv_libvirt_version:
- if drv != drv_type:
- continue
- if min_lib_ver < 0:
- if actual_lib_ver <= -min_lib_ver:
- found = True
- break
- else:
- if actual_lib_ver >= min_lib_ver:
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- return False
- if hv_version:
- found = False
- hv_type = data
- for hv, min_hv_ver in hv_version:
- if hv != hv_type:
- continue
- # No HV specific version info, just use driver version
- if min_hv_ver < 0:
- if actual_drv_ver <= -min_hv_ver:
- found = True
- break
- else:
- if actual_drv_ver >= min_hv_ver:
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- return False
- return True
+ sobj = _support_objs[feature - 1]
+ return sobj.check_support(virtconn, data)