# # Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2009 Cole Robinson # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301 USA. # import logging import os # pylint: disable=E0611 from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk # pylint: enable=E0611 from virtManager.baseclass import vmmGObjectUI from virtManager.asyncjob import vmmAsyncJob from virtManager.storagebrowse import vmmStorageBrowser import virtinst from virtinst import Cloner from virtinst import VirtualNetworkInterface STORAGE_COMBO_CLONE = 0 STORAGE_COMBO_SHARE = 1 STORAGE_COMBO_SEP = 2 STORAGE_COMBO_DETAILS = 3 STORAGE_INFO_ORIG_PATH = 0 STORAGE_INFO_NEW_PATH = 1 STORAGE_INFO_TARGET = 2 STORAGE_INFO_SIZE = 3 STORAGE_INFO_DEVTYPE = 4 STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE = 5 STORAGE_INFO_CAN_CLONE = 6 STORAGE_INFO_CAN_SHARE = 7 STORAGE_INFO_DO_DEFAULT = 8 STORAGE_INFO_DEFINFO = 9 STORAGE_INFO_FAILINFO = 10 STORAGE_INFO_COMBO = 11 STORAGE_INFO_MANUAL_PATH = 12 NETWORK_INFO_LABEL = 0 NETWORK_INFO_ORIG_MAC = 1 NETWORK_INFO_NEW_MAC = 2 # XXX: Some method to check all storage size # XXX: What to do for cleanup if clone fails? # XXX: Disable mouse scroll for combo boxes def can_we_clone(conn, vol, path): """Is the passed path even clone-able""" ret = True msg = None if not path: msg = _("No storage to clone.") elif vol: # Managed storage if not conn.check_pool_support( vol.get_parent_pool().get_backend(), conn.SUPPORT_POOL_CREATEVOLFROM): if conn.is_remote() or not os.access(path, os.R_OK): msg = _("Connection does not support managed storage cloning.") else: is_dev = path.startswith("/dev") if conn.is_remote(): msg = _("Cannot clone unmanaged remote storage.") elif not os.access(path, os.R_OK): if is_dev: msg = _("Block devices to clone must be libvirt\n" "managed storage volumes.") else: msg = _("No write access to parent directory.") elif not os.path.exists(path): msg = _("Path does not exist.") if msg: ret = False return (ret, msg) def do_we_default(conn, vol, path, ro, shared, devtype): """ Returns (do we clone by default?, info string if not)""" ignore = conn info = "" def append_str(str1, str2, delim=", "): if not str2: return str1 if str1: str1 += delim str1 += str2 return str1 if (devtype == virtinst.VirtualDisk.DEVICE_CDROM or devtype == virtinst.VirtualDisk.DEVICE_FLOPPY): info = append_str(info, _("Removable")) if ro: info = append_str(info, _("Read Only")) elif not vol and path and not os.access(path, os.W_OK): info = append_str(info, _("No write access")) if shared: info = append_str(info, _("Shareable")) return (not info, info) class vmmCloneVM(vmmGObjectUI): def __init__(self, orig_vm): vmmGObjectUI.__init__(self, "clone.ui", "vmm-clone") self.orig_vm = orig_vm self.conn = self.orig_vm.conn self.clone_design = None self.storage_list = {} self.target_list = [] self.net_list = {} self.mac_list = [] self.storage_browser = None self.change_mac = self.widget("vmm-change-mac") self.change_mac.set_transient_for(self.topwin) self.change_storage = self.widget("vmm-change-storage") self.change_storage.set_transient_for(self.topwin) self.builder.connect_signals({ "on_clone_delete_event" : self.close, "on_clone_cancel_clicked" : self.close, "on_clone_ok_clicked" : self.finish, # Change mac dialog "on_vmm_change_mac_delete_event": self.change_mac_close, "on_change_mac_cancel_clicked" : self.change_mac_close, "on_change_mac_ok_clicked" : self.change_mac_finish, # Change storage dialog "on_vmm_change_storage_delete_event": self.change_storage_close, "on_change_storage_cancel_clicked" : self.change_storage_close, "on_change_storage_ok_clicked" : self.change_storage_finish, "on_change_storage_doclone_toggled" : self.change_storage_doclone_toggled, "on_change_storage_browse_clicked" : self.change_storage_browse, }) self.bind_escape_key_close() self.set_initial_state() def show(self, parent): logging.debug("Showing clone wizard") self.reset_state() self.topwin.set_transient_for(parent) self.topwin.resize(1, 1) self.topwin.present() def close(self, ignore1=None, ignore2=None): logging.debug("Closing clone wizard") self.change_mac_close() self.change_storage_close() self.topwin.hide() self.orig_vm = None self.clone_design = None self.storage_list = {} self.target_list = [] self.net_list = {} self.mac_list = [] return 1 def _cleanup(self): self.conn = None self.change_mac.destroy() self.change_mac = None self.change_storage.destroy() self.change_storage = None if self.storage_browser: self.storage_browser.cleanup() self.storage_browser = None def change_mac_close(self, ignore1=None, ignore2=None): self.change_mac.hide() return 1 def change_storage_close(self, ignore1=None, ignore2=None): self.change_storage.hide() return 1 # First time setup def set_initial_state(self): blue = Gdk.Color.parse("#0072A8")[1] self.widget("header").modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, blue) context = self.topwin.get_style_context() defcolor = context.get_background_color(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL) self.widget("storage-viewport").override_background_color( Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, defcolor) # Populate state def reset_state(self): self.widget("clone-cancel").grab_focus() # Populate default clone values self.setup_clone_info() cd = self.clone_design self.widget("clone-orig-name").set_text(cd.original_guest) self.widget("clone-new-name").set_text(cd.clone_name) # We need to determine which disks fail (and why). self.storage_list, self.target_list = self.check_all_storage() self.populate_storage_lists() self.populate_network_list() return def setup_clone_info(self): self.clone_design = self.build_new_clone_design() def build_new_clone_design(self, new_name=None): design = Cloner(self.conn.get_backend()) design.original_guest = self.orig_vm.get_name() if not new_name: new_name = design.generate_clone_name() design.clone_name = new_name # Erase any clone_policy from the original design, so that we # get the entire device list. design.clone_policy = [] return design def populate_network_list(self): net_box = self.widget("clone-network-box") for c in net_box.get_children(): net_box.remove(c) c.destroy() self.net_list = {} self.mac_list = [] def build_net_row(labelstr, origmac, newmac): label = Gtk.Label(label=labelstr + " (%s)" % origmac) label.set_alignment(0, .5) button = Gtk.Button(_("Details...")) button.connect("clicked", self.net_change_mac, origmac) hbox = Gtk.HBox() hbox.set_spacing(12) hbox.pack_start(label, True, True, 0) hbox.pack_end(button, False, False, False) hbox.show_all() net_box.pack_start(hbox, False, False, False) net_row = [] net_row.insert(NETWORK_INFO_LABEL, labelstr) net_row.insert(NETWORK_INFO_ORIG_MAC, origmac) net_row.insert(NETWORK_INFO_NEW_MAC, newmac) self.net_list[origmac] = net_row self.mac_list.append(origmac) for net in self.orig_vm.get_network_devices(): mac = net.macaddr net_dev = net.source net_type = net.type # Generate a new MAC newmac = VirtualNetworkInterface.generate_mac( self.conn.get_backend()) # [ interface type, device name, origmac, newmac, label ] if net_type == VirtualNetworkInterface.TYPE_USER: label = _("Usermode") elif net_type == VirtualNetworkInterface.TYPE_VIRTUAL: net = self.orig_vm.conn.get_net_by_name(net_dev) if net: label = "" desc = net.pretty_forward_mode() label += "%s" % desc else: label = (_("Virtual Network") + (net_dev and " %s" % net_dev or "")) else: # 'bridge' or anything else label = (net_type.capitalize() + (net_dev and (" %s" % net_dev) or "")) build_net_row(label, mac, newmac) no_net = bool(len(self.net_list.keys()) == 0) self.widget("clone-network-box").set_visible(not no_net) self.widget("clone-no-net").set_visible(no_net) def check_all_storage(self): """ Determine which storage is cloneable, and which isn't """ diskinfos = self.orig_vm.get_disk_devices() cd = self.clone_design storage_list = {} # We need to determine which disks fail (and why). all_targets = [d.target for d in diskinfos] for disk in diskinfos: force_target = disk.target path = disk.path ro = disk.read_only shared = disk.shareable devtype = disk.device size = None clone_path = None failinfo = "" definfo = "" storage_row = [] storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_ORIG_PATH, path or "-") storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_NEW_PATH, clone_path) storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_TARGET, force_target) storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_SIZE, size) storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_DEVTYPE, devtype) storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE, False) storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_CAN_CLONE, False) storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_CAN_SHARE, False) storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_DO_DEFAULT, False) storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_DEFINFO, definfo) storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_FAILINFO, failinfo) storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_COMBO, None) storage_row.insert(STORAGE_INFO_MANUAL_PATH, False) skip_targets = all_targets[:] skip_targets.remove(force_target) vol = self.conn.get_vol_by_path(path) default, definfo = do_we_default(self.conn, vol, path, ro, shared, devtype) def storage_add(failinfo=None): storage_row[STORAGE_INFO_DEFINFO] = definfo storage_row[STORAGE_INFO_DO_DEFAULT] = default storage_row[STORAGE_INFO_CAN_SHARE] = bool(definfo) if failinfo: storage_row[STORAGE_INFO_FAILINFO] = failinfo storage_row[STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE] = False storage_list[force_target] = storage_row # If origdisk is empty, deliberately make it fail if not path: storage_add(_("Nothing to clone.")) continue try: cd.skip_target = skip_targets cd.setup_original() except Exception, e: logging.exception("Disk target '%s' caused clone error", force_target) storage_add(str(e)) continue can_clone, cloneinfo = can_we_clone(self.conn, vol, path) if not can_clone: storage_add(cloneinfo) continue try: # Generate disk path, make sure that works clone_path = self.generate_clone_path_name(path) logging.debug("Original path: %s\nGenerated clone path: %s", path, clone_path) cd.clone_paths = clone_path size = cd.original_disks[0].get_size() except Exception, e: logging.exception("Error setting generated path '%s'", clone_path) storage_add(str(e)) storage_row[STORAGE_INFO_CAN_CLONE] = True storage_row[STORAGE_INFO_NEW_PATH] = clone_path storage_row[STORAGE_INFO_SIZE] = self.pretty_storage(size) storage_add() return storage_list, all_targets def generate_clone_path_name(self, origpath, newname=None): cd = self.clone_design if not newname: newname = cd.clone_name clone_path = cd.generate_clone_disk_path(origpath, newname=newname) return clone_path def set_paths_from_clone_name(self): cd = self.clone_design newname = self.widget("clone-new-name").get_text() if not newname: return if cd.clone_name == newname: return for row in self.storage_list.values(): origpath = row[STORAGE_INFO_ORIG_PATH] if row[STORAGE_INFO_MANUAL_PATH]: continue if not row[STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE]: return try: newpath = self.generate_clone_path_name(origpath, newname) row[STORAGE_INFO_NEW_PATH] = newpath except Exception, e: logging.debug("Generating new path from clone name failed: " + str(e)) def build_storage_entry(self, disk, storage_box): origpath = disk[STORAGE_INFO_ORIG_PATH] devtype = disk[STORAGE_INFO_DEVTYPE] size = disk[STORAGE_INFO_SIZE] can_clone = disk[STORAGE_INFO_CAN_CLONE] do_clone = disk[STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE] can_share = disk[STORAGE_INFO_CAN_SHARE] is_default = disk[STORAGE_INFO_DO_DEFAULT] definfo = disk[STORAGE_INFO_DEFINFO] failinfo = disk[STORAGE_INFO_FAILINFO] target = disk[STORAGE_INFO_TARGET] orig_name = self.orig_vm.get_name() disk_label = os.path.basename(origpath) info_label = None if not can_clone: info_label = Gtk.Label() info_label.set_alignment(0, .5) info_label.set_markup("%s" % failinfo) if not is_default: disk_label += (definfo and " (%s)" % definfo or "") # Build icon icon = Gtk.Image() if devtype == virtinst.VirtualDisk.DEVICE_FLOPPY: iconname = "media-floppy" elif devtype == virtinst.VirtualDisk.DEVICE_CDROM: iconname = "media-optical" else: iconname = "drive-harddisk" icon.set_from_icon_name(iconname, Gtk.IconSize.MENU) disk_name_label = Gtk.Label(label=disk_label) disk_name_label.set_alignment(0, .5) disk_name_box = Gtk.HBox(spacing=9) disk_name_box.pack_start(icon, False, False, 0) disk_name_box.pack_start(disk_name_label, True, True, 0) def sep_func(model, it, combo): ignore = combo return model[it][2] # [String, sensitive, is sep] model = Gtk.ListStore(str, bool, bool) option_combo = Gtk.ComboBox() option_combo.set_model(model) text = Gtk.CellRendererText() option_combo.pack_start(text, True) option_combo.add_attribute(text, "text", 0) option_combo.add_attribute(text, "sensitive", 1) option_combo.set_row_separator_func(sep_func, option_combo) option_combo.connect("changed", self.storage_combo_changed, target) vbox = Gtk.VBox(spacing=1) if can_clone or can_share: model.insert(STORAGE_COMBO_CLONE, [(_("Clone this disk") + (size and " (%s)" % size or "")), can_clone, False]) model.insert(STORAGE_COMBO_SHARE, [_("Share disk with %s") % orig_name, can_share, False]) model.insert(STORAGE_COMBO_SEP, ["", False, True]) model.insert(STORAGE_COMBO_DETAILS, [_("Details..."), True, False]) if (can_clone and is_default) or do_clone: option_combo.set_active(STORAGE_COMBO_CLONE) else: option_combo.set_active(STORAGE_COMBO_SHARE) else: model.insert(STORAGE_COMBO_CLONE, [_("Storage cannot be shared or cloned."), False, False]) option_combo.set_active(STORAGE_COMBO_CLONE) vbox.pack_start(disk_name_box, False, False, 0) vbox.pack_start(option_combo, False, False, 0) if info_label: vbox.pack_start(info_label, False, False, 0) storage_box.pack_start(vbox, False, False, 0) disk[STORAGE_INFO_COMBO] = option_combo def populate_storage_lists(self): storage_box = self.widget("clone-storage-box") for c in storage_box.get_children(): storage_box.remove(c) c.destroy() for target in self.target_list: disk = self.storage_list[target] self.build_storage_entry(disk, storage_box) num_c = min(len(self.target_list), 3) if num_c: scroll = self.widget("clone-storage-scroll") scroll.set_size_request(-1, 80 * num_c) storage_box.show_all() no_storage = not bool(len(self.target_list)) self.widget("clone-storage-box").set_visible(not no_storage) self.widget("clone-no-storage-pass").set_visible(no_storage) skip_targets = [] new_disks = [] for target in self.target_list: do_clone = self.storage_list[target][STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE] new_path = self.storage_list[target][STORAGE_INFO_NEW_PATH] if do_clone: new_disks.append(new_path) else: skip_targets.append(target) self.clone_design.skip_target = skip_targets self.clone_design.clone_paths = new_disks # If any storage cannot be cloned or shared, don't allow cloning clone = True tooltip = "" for row in self.storage_list.values(): can_clone = row[STORAGE_INFO_CAN_CLONE] can_share = row[STORAGE_INFO_CAN_SHARE] if not (can_clone or can_share): clone = False tooltip = _("One or more disks cannot be cloned or shared.") break ok_button = self.widget("clone-ok") ok_button.set_sensitive(clone) ok_button.set_tooltip_text(tooltip) def net_change_mac(self, ignore, origmac): row = self.net_list[origmac] orig_mac = row[NETWORK_INFO_ORIG_MAC] new_mac = row[NETWORK_INFO_NEW_MAC] typ = row[NETWORK_INFO_LABEL] self.widget("change-mac-orig").set_text(orig_mac) self.widget("change-mac-type").set_text(typ) self.widget("change-mac-new").set_text(new_mac) self.change_mac.show_all() def storage_combo_changed(self, src, target): idx = src.get_active() row = self.storage_list[target] if idx == STORAGE_COMBO_CLONE: row[STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE] = True return elif idx == STORAGE_COMBO_SHARE: row[STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE] = False return elif idx != STORAGE_COMBO_DETAILS: return do_clone = row[STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE] if do_clone: src.set_active(STORAGE_COMBO_CLONE) else: src.set_active(STORAGE_COMBO_SHARE) # Show storage row = self.storage_change_path(row) def change_storage_doclone_toggled(self, src): do_clone = src.get_active() self.widget("change-storage-new").set_sensitive(do_clone) self.widget("change-storage-browse").set_sensitive(do_clone) def storage_change_path(self, row): # If storage paths are dependent on manually entered clone name, # make sure they are up to date self.set_paths_from_clone_name() orig = row[STORAGE_INFO_ORIG_PATH] new = row[STORAGE_INFO_NEW_PATH] tgt = row[STORAGE_INFO_TARGET] size = row[STORAGE_INFO_SIZE] can_clone = row[STORAGE_INFO_CAN_CLONE] can_share = row[STORAGE_INFO_CAN_SHARE] do_clone = row[STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE] self.widget("change-storage-doclone").set_active(True) self.widget("change-storage-doclone").toggled() self.widget("change-storage-orig").set_text(orig) self.widget("change-storage-target").set_text(tgt) self.widget("change-storage-size").set_text(size or "-") self.widget("change-storage-doclone").set_active(do_clone) if can_clone: self.widget("change-storage-new").set_text(new or "") else: self.widget("change-storage-new").set_text("") self.widget("change-storage-doclone").set_sensitive(can_clone and can_share) self.widget("vmm-change-storage").show_all() def set_orig_vm(self, new_orig): self.orig_vm = new_orig self.conn = self.orig_vm.conn def change_mac_finish(self, ignore): orig = self.widget("change-mac-orig").get_text() new = self.widget("change-mac-new").get_text() row = self.net_list[orig] try: ignore, msg = VirtualNetworkInterface.is_conflict_net( self.conn.get_backend(), new) if msg: raise RuntimeError(msg) row[NETWORK_INFO_NEW_MAC] = new except Exception, e: self.err.show_err(_("Error changing MAC address: %s") % str(e)) return self.change_mac_close() def change_storage_finish(self, ignore): target = self.widget("change-storage-target").get_text() row = self.storage_list[target] # Sync 'do clone' checkbox, and main dialog combo combo = row[STORAGE_INFO_COMBO] do_clone = self.widget("change-storage-doclone").get_active() if do_clone: combo.set_active(STORAGE_COMBO_CLONE) else: combo.set_active(STORAGE_COMBO_SHARE) row[STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE] = do_clone if not do_clone: self.change_storage_close() return new_path = self.widget("change-storage-new").get_text() if virtinst.VirtualDisk.path_exists(self.clone_design.conn, new_path): res = self.err.yes_no(_("Cloning will overwrite the existing " "file"), _("Using an existing image will overwrite " "the path during the clone process. Are " "you sure you want to use this path?")) if not res: return try: self.clone_design.clone_paths = new_path self.populate_storage_lists() row[STORAGE_INFO_NEW_PATH] = new_path row[STORAGE_INFO_MANUAL_PATH] = True except Exception, e: self.err.show_err(_("Error changing storage path: %s") % str(e)) return self.change_storage_close() def pretty_storage(self, size): if not size: return "" return "%.1f GB" % float(size) # Listeners def validate(self): self.set_paths_from_clone_name() name = self.widget("clone-new-name").get_text() # Make another clone_design cd = self.build_new_clone_design(name) # Set MAC addresses clonemacs = [] for mac in self.mac_list: row = self.net_list[mac] clonemacs.append(row[NETWORK_INFO_NEW_MAC]) cd.clone_macs = clonemacs skip_targets = [] new_paths = [] warn_str = "" for target in self.target_list: path = self.storage_list[target][STORAGE_INFO_ORIG_PATH] new_path = self.storage_list[target][STORAGE_INFO_NEW_PATH] do_clone = self.storage_list[target][STORAGE_INFO_DO_CLONE] do_default = self.storage_list[target][STORAGE_INFO_DO_DEFAULT] if do_clone: new_paths.append(new_path) else: skip_targets.append(target) if not path or path == '-': continue if not do_default: continue warn_str += "%s: %s\n" % (target, path) cd.skip_target = skip_targets cd.setup_original() cd.clone_paths = new_paths if warn_str: res = self.err.ok_cancel( _("Skipping disks may cause data to be overwritten."), _("The following disk devices will not be cloned:\n\n%s\n" "Running the new guest could overwrite data in these " "disk images.") % warn_str) if not res: return False cd.setup_clone() self.clone_design = cd return True def _finish_cb(self, error, details): self.topwin.set_sensitive(True) self.topwin.get_window().set_cursor( Gdk.Cursor.new(Gdk.CursorType.TOP_LEFT_ARROW)) if error is not None: error = (_("Error creating virtual machine clone '%s': %s") % (self.clone_design.clone_name, error)) self.err.show_err(error, details=details) else: self.close() self.conn.schedule_priority_tick(pollvm=True) def finish(self, src_ignore): try: if not self.validate(): return except Exception, e: self.err.show_err(_("Uncaught error validating input: %s") % str(e)) return self.topwin.set_sensitive(False) self.topwin.get_window().set_cursor( Gdk.Cursor.new(Gdk.CursorType.WATCH)) title = (_("Creating virtual machine clone '%s'") % self.clone_design.clone_name) text = title if self.clone_design.clone_disks: text = title + _(" and selected storage (this may take a while)") progWin = vmmAsyncJob(self._async_clone, [], self._finish_cb, [], title, text, self.topwin) progWin.run() def _async_clone(self, asyncjob): try: self.orig_vm.set_cloning(True) meter = asyncjob.get_meter() self.clone_design.setup() self.clone_design.start_duplicate(meter) finally: self.orig_vm.set_cloning(False) def change_storage_browse(self, ignore): def callback(src_ignore, txt): self.widget("change-storage-new").set_text(txt) if self.storage_browser is None: self.storage_browser = vmmStorageBrowser(self.conn) self.storage_browser.connect("storage-browse-finish", callback) self.storage_browser.show(self.topwin, self.conn)