# # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301 USA. import unittest import time import logging import re import platform import sys import urlgrabber.progress from tests import utils from virtinst import Guest from virtinst import urlfetcher from virtinst.urlfetcher import FedoraDistro from virtinst.urlfetcher import SuseDistro from virtinst.urlfetcher import DebianDistro from virtinst.urlfetcher import CentOSDistro from virtinst.urlfetcher import SLDistro from virtinst.urlfetcher import UbuntuDistro from virtinst.urlfetcher import MandrivaDistro # pylint: disable=W0212 # Access to protected member, needed to unittest stuff # Variable used to store a local iso or dir path to check for a distro # Specified via 'python setup.py test_urls --path" LOCAL_MEDIA = [] OLD_FEDORA_URL = "https://archives.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/%s/Fedora/%s/os/" DEVFEDORA_URL = "http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development/%s/%s/os/" FEDORA_URL = "http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/%s/Fedora/%s/os/" OLD_CENTOS_URL = "http://vault.centos.org/%s/os/%s" CENTOS_URL = "http://ftp.linux.ncsu.edu/pub/CentOS/%s/os/%s/" SCIENTIFIC_URL = "http://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/%s/%s/" OPENSUSE10 = "http://ftp.hosteurope.de/mirror/ftp.opensuse.org/discontinued/10.0" OLD_OPENSUSE_URL = "http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/discontinued/distribution/%s/repo/oss" OPENSUSE_URL = "http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/%s/repo/oss/" OLD_UBUNTU_URL = "http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/%s/main/installer-%s" UBUNTU_URL = "http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/%s/main/installer-%s" OLD_DEBIAN_URL = "http://archive.debian.org/debian/dists/%s/main/installer-%s/" DAILY_DEBIAN_URL = "http://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/%s/" DEBIAN_URL = "http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/dists/%s/main/installer-%s/" MANDRIVA_URL = "http://ftp.uwsg.indiana.edu/linux/mandrake/official/%s/%s/" # Return the expected Distro class for the passed distro label def distroClass(distname): if re.match(r".*fedora.*", distname): return FedoraDistro elif re.match(r".*suse.*", distname): return SuseDistro elif re.match(r".*debian.*", distname): return DebianDistro elif re.match(r".*centos.*", distname): return CentOSDistro elif re.match(r".*ubuntu.*", distname): return UbuntuDistro elif re.match(r".*mandriva.*", distname): return MandrivaDistro elif re.match(r".*sl-.*", distname): return SLDistro raise RuntimeError("distroClass: no distro registered for '%s'" % distname) class _DistroURL(object): def __init__(self, x86_64, detectdistro="linux", i686=None, hasxen=True, hasbootiso=True, name=None): self.x86_64 = x86_64 self.i686 = i686 self.detectdistro = detectdistro self.hasxen = hasxen self.hasbootiso = hasbootiso self.name = name or self.detectdistro urls = {} def _add(*args, **kwargs): _d = _DistroURL(*args, **kwargs) if _d.name in urls: raise RuntimeError("distro=%s url=%s collides with entry in urls, " "set a unique name" % (_d.name, _d.x86_64)) urls[_d.name] = _d # Goal here is generally to cover all tree variants for each distro, # where feasible. Don't exhaustively test i686 trees since most people # aren't using it and it slows down the test, only use it in a couple # places. Follow the comments for what trees to keep around # One old Fedora _add(OLD_FEDORA_URL % ("14", "x86_64"), "fedora14", i686=OLD_FEDORA_URL % ("14", "i386")) # 2 Latest releases _add(FEDORA_URL % ("18", "x86_64"), "fedora18") _add(FEDORA_URL % ("19", "x86_64"), "fedora19") # Any Dev release _add(DEVFEDORA_URL % ("20", "x86_64"), "fedora20") # Rawhide w/ i686 test _add(DEVFEDORA_URL % ("rawhide", "x86_64"), "fedora20", i686=DEVFEDORA_URL % ("rawhide", "i386"), name="fedora-rawhide") # One old and new centos 4. No distro detection since there's no treeinfo _add(OLD_CENTOS_URL % ("4.0", "x86_64"), hasxen=False, name="centos-4.0") _add(OLD_CENTOS_URL % ("4.9", "x86_64"), name="centos-4.9") # One old centos 5 _add(OLD_CENTOS_URL % ("5.0", "x86_64"), name="centos-5.0") # Latest centos 5 w/ i686 _add(CENTOS_URL % ("5", "x86_64"), "rhel5.4", name="centos-5-latest", i686=CENTOS_URL % ("5", "i386")) # Latest centos 6 w/ i686 _add(CENTOS_URL % ("6", "x86_64"), "rhel6", name="centos-6-latest", i686=CENTOS_URL % ("6", "i386")) # Early scientific 5 _add(SCIENTIFIC_URL % ("50", "x86_64"), name="sl-5.0") # Pre-5.4 w/ treeinfo for distro detection _add(SCIENTIFIC_URL % ("52", "x86_64"), "rhel5", name="sl-5.2") # Latest scientific 5 _add(SCIENTIFIC_URL % ("55", "x86_64"), "rhel5.4", name="sl-5latest") # Latest scientific 6 _add(SCIENTIFIC_URL % ("6", "x86_64"), "rhel6", name="sl-6latest") # opensuse 10.0 uses different paths, so keep this around _add(OPENSUSE10, i686=OPENSUSE10, hasxen=False, hasbootiso=False, name="opensuse-10.0") # Latest 10 series _add(OLD_OPENSUSE_URL % ("10.3"), hasbootiso=False, name="opensuse-10.3") # Latest 11 series _add(OLD_OPENSUSE_URL % ("11.4"), hasbootiso=False, name="opensuse-11.4") # Latest 12 series # Only keep i686 for the latest opensuse _add(OPENSUSE_URL % ("12.3"), i686=OPENSUSE_URL % ("12.3"), hasbootiso=False, name="opensuse-12.3") # Debian releases rarely enough that we can just do every release since lenny _add(OLD_DEBIAN_URL % ("lenny", "amd64"), hasxen=False, name="debian-lenny") _add(DEBIAN_URL % ("squeeze", "amd64"), name="debian-squeeze") _add(DEBIAN_URL % ("wheezy", "amd64"), name="debian-wheezy") # And daily builds, since we specially handle that URL _add(DAILY_DEBIAN_URL % ("amd64"), name="debian-daily") # One old ubuntu _add(OLD_UBUNTU_URL % ("hardy", "amd64"), i686=OLD_UBUNTU_URL % ("hardy", "i386"), hasxen=False, name="ubuntu-hardy") # Latest LTS _add(UBUNTU_URL % ("precise", "amd64"), name="ubuntu-precise") # Latest release _add(UBUNTU_URL % ("raring", "amd64"), name="ubuntu-raring") # One old mandriva _add(MANDRIVA_URL % ("2010.2", "x86_64"), i686=MANDRIVA_URL % ("2010.2", "i586"), hasxen=False, name="mandriva-2010.2") testconn = utils.open_testdefault() hvmguest = Guest(testconn) hvmguest.os.os_type = "hvm" xenguest = Guest(testconn) xenguest.os.os_type = "xen" meter = urlgrabber.progress.BaseMeter() if utils.get_debug(): meter = urlgrabber.progress.TextMeter(fo=sys.stdout) def _storeForDistro(fetcher, guest): """ Helper to lookup the Distro store object, basically detecting the URL. Handle occasional proxy errors """ for ignore in range(0, 10): try: return urlfetcher.getDistroStore(guest, fetcher) except Exception, e: if str(e).count("502"): logging.debug("Caught proxy error: %s", str(e)) time.sleep(.5) continue raise raise def _testLocalMedia(fetcher, path): """ Test a local path explicitly requested by the user """ print "\nChecking local path: %s" % path arch = platform.machine() # Make sure we detect _a_ distro hvmguest.os.arch = arch hvmstore = _storeForDistro(fetcher, hvmguest) logging.debug("Local distro detected as: %s", hvmstore) def _testURL(fetcher, distname, arch, distroobj): """ Test that our URL detection logic works for grabbing kernel, xen kernel, and boot.iso """ print "\nTesting %s-%s" % (distname, arch) hvmguest.os.arch = arch xenguest.os.arch = arch hvmstore = _storeForDistro(fetcher, hvmguest) xenstore = None if distroobj.hasxen: xenstore = _storeForDistro(fetcher, xenguest) exp_store = distroClass(distname) for s in [hvmstore, xenstore]: if s and not isinstance(s, exp_store): raise AssertionError("(%s): expected store %s, was %s" % (distname, exp_store, s)) # Make sure the stores are reporting correct distro name/variant if s and distroobj.detectdistro != s.os_variant: raise AssertionError("Store distro/variant did not match " "expected values: store=%s, found=%s expect=%s" % (s, s.os_variant, distroobj.detectdistro)) # Do this only after the distro detection, since we actually need # to fetch files for that part def fakeAcquireFile(filename): logging.debug("Fake acquiring %s", filename) return fetcher.hasFile(filename) fetcher.acquireFile = fakeAcquireFile # Fetch boot iso if not distroobj.hasbootiso: logging.debug("Known lack of boot.iso in %s tree. Skipping.", distname) else: boot = hvmstore.acquireBootDisk(hvmguest) logging.debug("acquireBootDisk: %s", str(boot)) if boot is not True: raise AssertionError("%s-%s: bootiso fetching failed" % (distname, arch)) # Fetch regular kernel kern = hvmstore.acquireKernel(hvmguest) logging.debug("acquireKernel (hvm): %s", str(kern)) if kern[0] is not True or kern[1] is not True: AssertionError("%s-%s: hvm kernel fetching failed" % (distname, arch)) # Fetch xen kernel if not xenstore: logging.debug("acquireKernel (xen): Hardcoded skipping.") else: kern = xenstore.acquireKernel(xenguest) logging.debug("acquireKernel (xen): %s", str(kern)) if kern[0] is not True or kern[1] is not True: raise AssertionError("%s-%s: xen kernel fetching" % (distname, arch)) def _fetch_wrapper(url, cb, *args): fetcher = urlfetcher.fetcherForURI(url, "/tmp", meter) try: fetcher.prepareLocation() return cb(fetcher, *args) finally: fetcher.cleanupLocation() def _make_test_wrapper(url, cb, args): def cmdtemplate(): return _fetch_wrapper(url, cb, *args) return lambda _self: cmdtemplate() # Register tests to be picked up by unittest # If local ISO tests requested, skip all other URL tests class URLTests(unittest.TestCase): pass def _make_tests(): if LOCAL_MEDIA: newidx = 0 for p in LOCAL_MEDIA: newidx += 1 args = (p,) testfunc = _make_test_wrapper(p, _testLocalMedia, args) setattr(URLTests, "testLocalMedia%s" % newidx, testfunc) else: keys = urls.keys() keys.sort() for key in keys: distroobj = urls[key] for arch, url in [("i686", distroobj.i686), ("x86_64", distroobj.x86_64)]: if not url: continue args = (key, arch, distroobj) testfunc = _make_test_wrapper(url, _testURL, args) setattr(URLTests, "testURL%s%s" % (key, arch), testfunc) _make_tests()