#!/usr/bin/env python # pylint: disable=W0201 # Attribute defined outside __init__: custom commands require breaking this import glob import fnmatch import os import sys import unittest from distutils.core import Command, setup from distutils.command.install import install from distutils.command.install_egg_info import install_egg_info from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var sysprefix = get_config_var("prefix") from DistUtilsExtra.auto import sdist_auto from DistUtilsExtra.command.build_i18n import build_i18n from DistUtilsExtra.command.build_extra import build_extra from DistUtilsExtra.command.build_icons import build_icons from virtcli import cliconfig def _generate_potfiles_in(): def find(dirname, ext): ret = [] for root, ignore, filenames in os.walk(dirname): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, ext): ret.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) ret.sort(key=lambda s: s.lower()) return ret scripts = ["virt-manager", "virt-manager-tui", "virt-install", "virt-clone", "virt-image", "virt-convert"] potfiles = "\n".join(scripts) + "\n\n" potfiles += "\n".join(find("virtManager", "*.py")) + "\n\n" potfiles += "\n".join(find("virtManagerTui", "*.py")) + "\n\n" potfiles += "\n".join(find("virtcli", "*.py")) + "\n\n" potfiles += "\n".join(find("virtconv", "*.py")) + "\n\n" potfiles += "\n".join(find("virtinst", "*.py")) + "\n\n" potfiles += "\n".join(["[type: gettext/glade]" + f for f in find("ui", "*.ui")]) return potfiles class my_build_i18n(build_i18n): """ Add our desktop files to the list, saves us having to track setup.cfg """ def finalize_options(self): build_i18n.finalize_options(self) self.desktop_files = ('[("share/applications",' + ' ("data/virt-manager.desktop.in", ))]') def run(self): potfiles = _generate_potfiles_in() potpath = "po/POTFILES.in" try: print "Writing %s" % potpath file(potpath, "w").write(potfiles) build_i18n.run(self) finally: print "Removing %s" % potpath os.unlink(potpath) class my_build(build_extra): """ Create simple shell wrappers for /usr/bin/ tools to point to /usr/share Compile .pod file """ def _make_bin_wrappers(self): cmds = ["virt-manager", "virt-install", "virt-clone", "virt-image", "virt-convert"] if cliconfig.with_tui: cmds += ["virt-manager-tui"] if not os.path.exists("build"): os.mkdir("build") for app in cmds: sharepath = os.path.join(cliconfig.install_asset_dir, app) wrapper = "#!/bin/sh\n\n" wrapper += "exec \"%s\" \"$@\"" % (sharepath) newpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("build", app)) print "Generating %s" % newpath file(newpath, "w").write(wrapper) def _make_man_pages(self): for path in glob.glob("man/*.pod"): base = os.path.basename(path) mantype = "1" newbase = base if base == "virt-image-xml.pod": mantype = "5" newbase = "virt-image.pod" newpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), os.path.splitext(newbase)[0] + "." + mantype) print "Generating %s" % newpath ret = os.system('pod2man --release="" ' '--center "Virtual Machine Manager" ' '< %s > %s' % (path, newpath)) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError("Generating '%s' failed." % newpath) if os.system("grep -IRq 'Hey!' man/") == 0: raise RuntimeError("man pages have errors in them! " "(grep for 'Hey!')") def run(self): self._make_bin_wrappers() self._make_man_pages() build_extra.run(self) class my_build_icons(build_icons): """ Fix up build_icon output to put or private icons in share/virt-manager """ def run(self): data_files = self.distribution.data_files for size in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.icon_dir, "*")): for category in glob.glob(os.path.join(size, "*")): icons = [] for icon in glob.glob(os.path.join(category,"*")): if not os.path.islink(icon): icons.append(icon) if not icons: continue category = os.path.basename(category) dest = ("share/icons/hicolor/%s/%s" % (os.path.basename(size), category)) if category != "apps": dest = dest.replace("share/", "share/virt-manager/") data_files.append((dest, icons)) class my_egg_info(install_egg_info): """ Disable egg_info installation, seems pointless for a non-library """ def run(self): pass class my_install(install): """ Error if we weren't 'configure'd with the correct install prefix """ def finalize_options(self): if self.prefix is None: if cliconfig.prefix != sysprefix: print "Using prefix from 'configure': %s" % cliconfig.prefix self.prefix = cliconfig.prefix elif self.prefix != cliconfig.prefix: print ("Install prefix=%s doesn't match configure prefix=%s\n" "Pass matching --prefix to 'setup.py configure'" % (self.prefix, cliconfig.prefix)) sys.exit(1) install.finalize_options(self) ################### # Custom commands # ################### class my_rpm(Command): user_options = [] description = "Build a non-binary rpm." def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): """ Run sdist, then 'rpmbuild' the tar.gz """ self.run_command('sdist') os.system('rpmbuild -ta dist/virt-manager-%s.tar.gz' % cliconfig.__version__) class configure(Command): user_options = [ ("prefix=", None, "installation prefix"), ("without-tui", None, "don't install virt-manager-tui"), ("qemu-user=", None, "user libvirt uses to launch qemu processes (default=root)"), ("libvirt-package-names=", None, "list of libvirt distro packages virt-manager will check for on " "first run. comma separated string (default=none)"), ("kvm-package-names=", None, "recommended kvm packages virt-manager will check for on first run " "(default=none)"), ("askpass-package-names=", None, "name of your distro's askpass package(s) (default=none)"), ("hide-unsupported-rhel-options", None, "Hide config bits that are not supported on RHEL (default=no)"), ("preferred-distros=", None, "Distros to list first in the New VM wizard (default=none)"), ("default-graphics=", None, "Default graphics type (spice or vnc) (default=vnc)"), ] description = "Configure the build, similar to ./configure" def finalize_options(self): pass def initialize_options(self): self.without_tui = 0 self.qemu_user = "root" self.libvirt_package_names = "" self.kvm_package_names = "" self.askpass_package_names = "" self.hide_unsupported_rhel_options = 0 self.preferred_distros = "" self.default_graphics = "vnc" self.prefix = sysprefix def run(self): template = "" template += "[config]\n" template += "prefix = %s\n" % self.prefix template += "with_tui = %s\n" % int(not self.without_tui) template += "default_qemu_user = %s\n" % self.qemu_user template += "libvirt_packages = %s\n" % self.libvirt_package_names template += "hv_packages = %s\n" % self.kvm_package_names template += "askpass_packages = %s\n" % self.askpass_package_names template += "preferred_distros = %s\n" % self.preferred_distros template += ("hide_unsupported_rhel_options = %s\n" % self.hide_unsupported_rhel_options) template += "default_graphics = %s\n" % self.default_graphics file(cliconfig.cfgpath, "w").write(template) print "Generated %s" % cliconfig.cfgpath tui_files = [ ("share/virt-manager/", ["virt-manager-tui"]), ("share/virt-manager/virtManagerTui", glob.glob("virtManagerTui/*.py")), ("share/virt-manager/virtManagerTui/importblacklist", glob.glob("virtManagerTui/importblacklist/*.py")), ] if not cliconfig.with_tui: tui_files = [] class TestBaseCommand(Command): user_options = [('debug', 'd', 'Show debug output')] boolean_options = ['debug'] def initialize_options(self): self.debug = 0 self._testfiles = [] self._dir = os.getcwd() def finalize_options(self): if self.debug and "DEBUG_TESTS" not in os.environ: os.environ["DEBUG_TESTS"] = "1" def run(self): try: # Use system 'coverage' if available import coverage use_coverage = True except: use_coverage = False tests = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromNames(self._testfiles) t = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1) if use_coverage: coverage.erase() coverage.start() if hasattr(unittest, "installHandler"): try: unittest.installHandler() except: print "installHandler hack failed" try: result = t.run(tests) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) if use_coverage: coverage.stop() sys.exit(int(bool(len(result.failures) > 0 or len(result.errors) > 0))) class TestCommand(TestBaseCommand): description = "Runs a quick unit test suite" user_options = TestBaseCommand.user_options + \ [("testfile=", None, "Specific test file to run (e.g " "validation, storage, ...)"), ("skipcli", None, "Skip CLI tests")] def initialize_options(self): TestBaseCommand.initialize_options(self) self.testfile = None self.skipcli = None def finalize_options(self): TestBaseCommand.finalize_options(self) def run(self): ''' Finds all the tests modules in tests/, and runs them. ''' testfiles = [] for t in glob.glob(os.path.join(self._dir, 'tests', '*.py')): if (t.endswith("__init__.py") or t.endswith("urltest.py")): continue base = os.path.basename(t) if self.testfile: check = os.path.basename(self.testfile) if base != check and base != (check + ".py"): continue if self.skipcli and base.count("clitest"): continue testfiles.append('.'.join(['tests', os.path.splitext(base)[0]])) if not testfiles: raise RuntimeError("--testfile didn't catch anything") self._testfiles = testfiles TestBaseCommand.run(self) class TestURLFetch(TestBaseCommand): description = "Test fetching kernels and isos from various distro trees" user_options = TestBaseCommand.user_options + \ [("match=", None, "Regular expression of dist names to " "match [default: '.*']"), ("path=", None, "Paths to local iso or directory or check" " for installable distro. Comma separated")] def initialize_options(self): TestBaseCommand.initialize_options(self) self.match = None self.path = "" def finalize_options(self): TestBaseCommand.finalize_options(self) if self.match is None: self.match = ".*" origpath = str(self.path) if not origpath: self.path = [] else: self.path = origpath.split(",") def run(self): import tests self._testfiles = ["tests.urltest"] tests.urltest.MATCH_FILTER = self.match if self.path: for p in self.path: tests.urltest.LOCAL_MEDIA.append(p) TestBaseCommand.run(self) class CheckPylint(Command): user_options = [] description = "Check code using pylint and pep8" def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): files = ["setup.py", "virt-install", "virt-clone", "virt-image", "virt-convert", "virt-manager", "virt-manager-tui", "virtcli", "virtinst", "virtconv", "virtManager", "virtManagerTui", "tests"] output_format = sys.stdout.isatty() and "colorized" or "text" pylint_skip = [ "Design", # Things like 'too many arguments' "C0103", # C0103: Name doesn't match some style regex "C0111", # C0111: No docstring "C0301", # C0301: Line too long "C0302", # C0302: Too many lines in module "I0011", # I0011: Warn about locally disabled pylint msgs "R0201", # R0201: Method could be a function "W0142", # W0142: Used * or ** magic* "W0603", # W0603: Using the global statement "W0702", # W0702: No exception type specified for 'catch' "W0703", # W0703: Catch 'Exception' "W1401", # W1401: Anomalous backslash in string # May be useful to enable someday "W1001", # Use of 'property' on old style class # pylint can't detect our Gtk subclasses are # new style "W0511", # W0511: FIXME and XXX: messages "Similarities", # Finds duplicate code ] cmd = "pylint " cmd += "--ignore scriptimports " cmd += "--reports=n " cmd += "--output-format=%s " % output_format cmd += "--dummy-variables-rgx=\"ignore.*|.*_ignore\" " cmd += "--additional-builtins=_ " for s in pylint_skip: cmd += "--disable=%s " % s cmd += " ".join(files) os.system(cmd) setup( name = "virt-manager", version = cliconfig.__version__, author = "Cole Robinson", author_email = "virt-tools-list@redhat.com", url = "http://virt-manager.org", license = "GPLv2+", # These wrappers are generated in our custom build command scripts = ([ "build/virt-manager", "build/virt-clone", "build/virt-install", "build/virt-image", "build/virt-convert"] + (cliconfig.with_tui and ["build/virt-manager-tui"] or [])), data_files = [ ("share/virt-manager/", [ "virt-manager", "virt-install", "virt-clone", "virt-image", "virt-convert", ]), ("/etc/gconf/schemas", ["data/virt-manager.schemas"]), ("share/virt-manager/ui", glob.glob("ui/*.ui")), ("share/man/man1", [ "man/virt-manager.1", "man/virt-install.1", "man/virt-clone.1", "man/virt-image.1", "man/virt-convert.1" ]), ("share/man/man5", ["man/virt-image.5"]), ("share/virt-manager/virtManager", glob.glob("virtManager/*.py")), ("share/virt-manager/virtcli", glob.glob("virtcli/*.py") + ["virtcli/cli.cfg"]), ("share/virt-manager/virtinst", glob.glob("virtinst/*.py")), ("share/virt-manager/virtconv", glob.glob("virtconv/*.py")), ("share/virt-manager/virtconv/parsers", glob.glob("virtconv/parsers/*.py")), ] + tui_files, cmdclass = { 'build': my_build, 'build_i18n': my_build_i18n, 'build_icons': my_build_icons, 'sdist': sdist_auto, 'install': my_install, 'install_egg_info': my_egg_info, 'configure': configure, 'pylint': CheckPylint, 'rpm': my_rpm, 'test': TestCommand, 'test_urls' : TestURLFetch, } )