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# Common code for all guests
# Copyright 2006-2009, 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import os
import time
import logging
import signal
import urlgrabber.progress as progress
import libvirt
import libxml2
from virtinst import util
from virtinst import support
import virtinst
from virtinst.xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder, XMLProperty
from virtinst.VirtualDevice import VirtualDevice
from virtinst.VirtualDisk import VirtualDisk
from virtinst.VirtualInputDevice import VirtualInputDevice
from virtinst.VirtualCharDevice import VirtualCharDevice
from virtinst.VirtualController import VirtualControllerUSB
from virtinst.Clock import Clock
from virtinst.Seclabel import Seclabel
from virtinst.CPU import CPU
from virtinst.DomainNumatune import DomainNumatune
from virtinst.DomainFeatures import DomainFeatures
from virtinst import osdict
class Guest(XMLBuilder):
# OS Dictionary static variables and methods
_default_os_type = None
def pretty_os_list():
Return a strip representation of OS list for printing
ret = ""
for t in Guest.list_os_types():
for v in Guest.list_os_variants(t):
ret += "%-20s : %s\n" % (v, Guest.get_os_variant_label(t, v))
return ret
def list_os_types(supported=False, filtervars=None):
@param filtervars: List of only variants we want to show by default
vals = osdict.sort_helper(Guest._OS_TYPES)
for t in vals[:]:
if not Guest.list_os_variants(t, supported=supported,
return vals
def list_os_variants(typ, sortpref=None, supported=False, filtervars=None):
Return a list of sorted os variants for the passed distro type
@param sortpref: An option list of osdict 'distro' tags to
prioritize in the returned list, e.g. passing ["fedora"] will make
the sorted list have all fedora distros first
@param filtervars: List of only variants we want to show by default
vals = osdict.sort_helper(Guest._OS_TYPES[typ]["variants"],
ret = []
for v in vals:
if filtervars:
if v not in filtervars:
elif supported:
if not osdict.lookup_osdict_key(None, None,
typ, v, "supported"):
return ret
def get_os_type_label(typ):
return Guest._OS_TYPES[typ]["label"]
def get_os_variant_label(typ, variant):
return Guest._OS_TYPES[typ]["variants"][variant]["label"]
def cpuset_str_to_tuple(conn, cpuset):
return DomainNumatune.cpuset_str_to_tuple(conn, cpuset)
def generate_cpuset(conn, mem):
Generates a cpu pinning string based on host NUMA configuration.
If host doesn't have a suitable NUMA configuration, a RuntimeError
is thrown.
if conn.caps.host.topology is None:
raise RuntimeError(_("No topology section in capabilities xml."))
cells = conn.caps.host.topology.cells
if len(cells) <= 1:
raise RuntimeError(_("Capabilities only show <= 1 cell. "
"Not NUMA capable"))
# Capabilities tells us about the available memory 'cells' on the
# system. Each 'cell' has associated 'cpu's.
# Use getCellsFreeMemory to determine which 'cell' has the smallest
# amount of memory which fits the requested VM memory amount, then
# pin the VM to that 'cell's associated 'cpu's
cell_mem = conn.getCellsFreeMemory(0, len(cells))
cell_id = -1
for i in range(len(cells)):
if cell_mem[i] < mem:
# Cell doesn't have enough mem to fit, skip it
if len(cells[i].cpus) == 0:
# No cpus to use for the cell
# Find smallest cell that fits
if cell_id < 0 or cell_mem[i] < cell_mem[cell_id]:
cell_id = i
if cell_id < 0:
raise RuntimeError(_("Could not find any usable NUMA "
"cell/cpu combinations."))
# Build cpuset string
cpustr = ""
for cpu in cells[cell_id].cpus:
if cpustr != "":
cpustr += ","
cpustr += str(cpu.id)
return cpustr
def __init__(self, conn, type=None,
installer=None, parsexml=None):
# pylint: disable=W0622
# Redefining built-in 'type', but it matches the XML so keep it
self._name = None
self._uuid = None
self._memory = None
self._maxmemory = None
self._hugepage = None
self._vcpus = 1
self._maxvcpus = 1
self._cpuset = None
self._autostart = False
self._clock = None
self._seclabel = None
self._description = None
self._features = None
self._replace = None
self._emulator = None
self._installer = installer
self._os_type = None
self._os_variant = None
self._os_autodetect = False
# General device list. Only access through API calls (even internally)
self._devices = []
# Device list to use/alter during install process. Don't access
# directly, use internal APIs
self._install_devices = []
# The libvirt virDomain object we 'Create'
self.domain = None
self._consolechild = None
self._default_input_device = None
self._default_console_device = None
XMLBuilder.__init__(self, conn, parsexml)
if self._is_parse():
if not self.installer:
i = virtinst.DistroInstaller(conn,
self.installer = i
# Add default devices (if applicable)
inp = self._get_default_input_device()
if inp:
self._default_input_device = inp
con = self._get_default_console_device()
con.virtinst_default = True
self._default_console_device = con
# Need to do this after all parameter init
self._features = DomainFeatures(self.conn)
self._clock = Clock(self.conn)
self._seclabel = Seclabel(self.conn)
self._cpu = CPU(self.conn)
self._numatune = DomainNumatune(self.conn)
# Property accessors #
def get_installer(self):
return self._installer
def set_installer(self, val):
self._installer = val
installer = property(get_installer, set_installer)
def get_clock(self):
return self._clock
clock = property(get_clock)
def get_seclabel(self):
return self._seclabel
seclabel = property(get_seclabel)
def get_cpu(self):
return self._cpu
cpu = property(get_cpu)
def get_numatune(self):
return self._numatune
numatune = property(get_numatune)
def _get_features(self):
return self._features
features = property(_get_features)
# Domain name of the guest
def get_name(self):
return self._name
def set_name(self, val):
util.validate_name(_("Guest"), val, lencheck=True)
do_fail = False
if self.replace is not True:
do_fail = True
# Name not found
if do_fail:
raise ValueError(_("Guest name '%s' is already in use.") % val)
self._name = val
name = XMLProperty(get_name, set_name,
# Memory allocated to the guest. Should be given in MB
def get_memory(self):
return self._memory
def set_memory(self, val):
self._memory = val
if self.maxmemory is None or self.maxmemory < val:
self.maxmemory = val
memory = XMLProperty(get_memory, set_memory, is_int=True,
# Memory allocated to the guest. Should be given in MB
def get_maxmemory(self):
return self._maxmemory
def set_maxmemory(self, val):
self._maxmemory = val
maxmemory = XMLProperty(get_maxmemory, set_maxmemory, is_int=True,
def get_hugepage(self):
return self._hugepage
def set_hugepage(self, val):
if val is None:
return val
self._hugepage = bool(val)
hugepage = XMLProperty(get_hugepage, set_hugepage,
xpath="./memoryBacking/hugepages", is_bool=True)
# UUID for the guest
def get_uuid(self):
return self._uuid
def set_uuid(self, val):
val = util.validate_uuid(val)
self._uuid = val
uuid = XMLProperty(get_uuid, set_uuid,
def __validate_cpus(self, val):
val = int(val)
if val < 1:
raise ValueError(_("Number of vcpus must be a positive integer."))
return val
# number of vcpus for the guest
def get_vcpus(self):
return self._vcpus
def set_vcpus(self, val):
val = self.__validate_cpus(val)
self._vcpus = val
# Don't force set maxvcpus unless already specified
if self.maxvcpus is not None and self.maxvcpus < val:
self.maxvcpus = val
def _vcpus_get_converter(self, val):
# If no current VCPUs, return maxvcpus
if not val:
val = self.maxvcpus
return int(val)
vcpus = XMLProperty(get_vcpus, set_vcpus,
def _get_maxvcpus(self):
return self._maxvcpus
def _set_maxvcpus(self, val):
val = self.__validate_cpus(val)
self._maxvcpus = val
maxvcpus = XMLProperty(_get_maxvcpus, _set_maxvcpus,
xpath="./vcpu", is_int=True)
# set phy-cpus for the guest
def get_cpuset(self):
return self._cpuset
def set_cpuset(self, val):
if val is None or val == "":
self._cpuset = None
DomainNumatune.validate_cpuset(self.conn, val)
self._cpuset = val
cpuset = XMLProperty(get_cpuset, set_cpuset,
# GAH! - installer.os_type = "hvm" or "xen" (aka xen paravirt)
# guest.os_type = "Solaris", "Windows", "Linux"
# FIXME: We should really rename this property to something else,
# change it throughout the codebase for readability sake, but
# maintain back compat.
def get_os_type(self):
return self._os_type
def set_os_type(self, val):
if type(val) is not str:
raise ValueError(_("OS type must be a string."))
val = val.lower()
if val in self._OS_TYPES:
if self._os_type != val:
# Invalidate variant, since it may not apply to the new os type
self._os_type = val
self._os_variant = None
raise ValueError(_("OS type '%s' does not exist in our "
"dictionary") % val)
os_type = property(get_os_type, set_os_type)
def get_os_variant(self):
return self._os_variant
def set_os_variant(self, val):
if type(val) is not str:
raise ValueError(_("OS variant must be a string."))
val = val.lower()
if self.os_type:
if val in self._OS_TYPES[self.os_type]["variants"]:
self._os_variant = val
raise ValueError(_("OS variant '%(var)s' does not exist in "
"our dictionary for OS type '%(ty)s'") %
{'var' : val, 'ty' : self._os_type})
found = False
for ostype in self.list_os_types():
if (val in self._OS_TYPES[ostype]["variants"] and
not self._OS_TYPES[ostype]["variants"][val].get("skip")):
logging.debug("Setting os type to '%s' for variant '%s'",
ostype, val)
self.os_type = ostype
self._os_variant = val
found = True
if not found:
raise ValueError(_("Unknown OS variant '%s'" % val))
os_variant = property(get_os_variant, set_os_variant)
def set_os_autodetect(self, val):
self._os_autodetect = bool(val)
def get_os_autodetect(self):
return self._os_autodetect
os_autodetect = property(get_os_autodetect, set_os_autodetect)
# Get the current variants 'distro' tag: 'rhel', 'fedora', etc.
def get_os_distro(self):
return self._lookup_osdict_key("distro")
os_distro = property(get_os_distro)
def get_autostart(self):
return self._autostart
def set_autostart(self, val):
self._autostart = bool(val)
autostart = property(get_autostart, set_autostart,
doc="Have domain autostart when the host boots.")
def _get_description(self):
return self._description
def _set_description(self, val):
self._description = val
description = XMLProperty(_get_description, _set_description,
def _get_emulator(self):
return self._emulator
def _set_emulator(self, val):
self._emulator = val
emulator = XMLProperty(_get_emulator, _set_emulator,
def _get_replace(self):
return self._replace
def _set_replace(self, val):
self._replace = bool(val)
replace = property(_get_replace, _set_replace,
doc=_("Whether we should overwrite an existing guest "
"with the same name."))
# Hypervisor name (qemu, xen, kvm, etc.)
# Deprecated: should be pulled directly from the installer
def get_type(self):
return self._installer.type
def set_type(self, val):
self._installer.type = val
type = property(get_type, set_type)
# Deprecated: should be pulled directly from the installer
def get_arch(self):
return self.installer.arch
def set_arch(self, val):
self.installer.arch = val
arch = property(get_arch, set_arch)
# Deprecated: Should be called from the installer directly
def get_location(self):
return self._installer.location
def set_location(self, val):
self._installer.location = val
location = property(get_location, set_location)
# Deprecated: Should be called from the installer directly
def get_scratchdir(self):
return self._installer.scratchdir
scratchdir = property(get_scratchdir)
# Deprecated: Should be called from the installer directly
def get_extraargs(self):
return self._installer.extraargs
def set_extraargs(self, val):
self._installer.extraargs = val
extraargs = property(get_extraargs, set_extraargs)
# Deprecated: Should set the installer values directly
def get_cdrom(self):
return self._installer.location
def set_cdrom(self, val):
self._installer.location = val
self._installer.cdrom = True
cdrom = property(get_cdrom, set_cdrom)
# Device Add/Remove Public API methods #
def _dev_build_list(self, devtype, devlist=None):
if not devlist:
devlist = self._devices
newlist = []
for i in devlist:
if devtype == "all" or i.virtual_device_type == devtype:
return newlist
def add_device(self, dev, set_defaults=False):
Add the passed device to the guest's device list.
@param dev: VirtualDevice instance to attach to guest
@param set_defaults: Whether to set defaults for the device
if not isinstance(dev, VirtualDevice):
raise ValueError(_("Must pass a VirtualDevice instance."))
if self._is_parse():
xml = dev.get_xml_config()
node = libxml2.parseDoc(xml).children
self._add_child_node("./devices", node)
if set_defaults:
def list_one_dev(devtype):
if dev.virtual_device_type == devtype:
return [dev][:]
return []
self._set_defaults(list_one_dev, None, self.features)
def _add_device(self, dev):
devtype = dev.virtual_device_type
# If user adds a device conflicting with a default assigned device
# remove the default
if (devtype == VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_INPUT and
if self._default_input_device in self.get_all_devices():
self._default_input_device = None
if (devtype in [VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_CONSOLE,
VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_SERIAL] and
if self._default_console_device in self.get_all_devices():
self._default_console_device = None
# Actually add the device
def get_devices(self, devtype):
Return a list of devices of type 'devtype' that will installed on
the guest.
@param devtype: Device type to search for (one of
devlist = self._dev_build_list(devtype)
return self._dev_build_list(devtype, devlist)
def get_all_devices(self):
Return a list of all devices being installed with the guest
retlist = []
for devtype in VirtualDevice.virtual_device_types:
return retlist
def remove_device(self, dev):
Remove the passed device from the guest's device list
@param dev: VirtualDevice instance
found = False
for devlist in [self._devices, self._install_devices]:
if found:
if dev in devlist:
found = True
if not found:
raise ValueError(_("Did not find device %s") % str(dev))
if self._is_parse():
xpath = dev.get_xml_node_path()
if xpath:
# Private xml building methods #
def _parsexml(self, xml, node):
XMLBuilder._parsexml(self, xml, node)
device_mappings = {
"disk" : virtinst.VirtualDisk,
"interface" : virtinst.VirtualNetworkInterface,
"sound" : virtinst.VirtualAudio,
"hostdev" : virtinst.VirtualHostDevice,
"input" : virtinst.VirtualInputDevice,
"serial" : virtinst.VirtualCharDevice,
"parallel" : virtinst.VirtualCharDevice,
"console" : virtinst.VirtualCharDevice,
"channel" : virtinst.VirtualCharDevice,
"graphics" : virtinst.VirtualGraphics,
"video" : virtinst.VirtualVideoDevice,
"watchdog" : virtinst.VirtualWatchdog,
"controller": virtinst.VirtualController,
"filesystem": virtinst.VirtualFilesystem,
"smartcard" : virtinst.VirtualSmartCardDevice,
"redirdev" : virtinst.VirtualRedirDevice,
"memballoon": virtinst.VirtualMemballoon,
"tpm" : virtinst.VirtualTPMDevice,
# Hand off all child element parsing to relevant classes
for node in self._xml_node.children:
if node.name != "devices":
children = [x for x in node.children if
(x.name in device_mappings and
x.parent == node)]
for devnode in children:
devnode.virtinst_root_doc = self._xml_root_doc
objclass = device_mappings.get(devnode.name)
if objclass == virtinst.VirtualCharDevice:
dev = objclass(self.conn, devnode.name,
dev = objclass(self.conn, parsexmlnode=devnode)
self._xml_node.virtinst_root_doc = self._xml_root_doc
self._installer = virtinst.Installer.Installer(self.conn,
self._features = DomainFeatures(self.conn,
self._clock = Clock(self.conn, parsexmlnode=self._xml_node)
self._seclabel = Seclabel(self.conn, parsexmlnode=self._xml_node)
self._cpu = CPU(self.conn, parsexmlnode=self._xml_node)
self._numatune = DomainNumatune(self.conn,
def _get_default_input_device(self):
Return a VirtualInputDevice.
if self.installer and self.installer.is_container():
return None
dev = VirtualInputDevice(self.conn)
return dev
def _get_default_console_device(self):
dev = VirtualCharDevice.get_dev_instance(self.conn,
return dev
def _get_device_xml(self, devs, install=True):
def do_remove_media(d):
# Keep cdrom around, but with no media attached,
# But only if we are a distro that doesn't have a multi
# stage install (aka not Windows)
return (d.virtual_device_type == VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_DISK and
d.device == VirtualDisk.DEVICE_CDROM
and d.transient
and not install and
not self.get_continue_inst())
def do_skip_disk(d):
# Skip transient labeled non-media disks
return (d.virtual_device_type == VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_DISK and
d.device == VirtualDisk.DEVICE_DISK
and d.transient
and not install)
# Wrapper for building disk XML, handling transient CDROMs
def get_dev_xml(dev):
origpath = None
if do_skip_disk(dev):
return ""
if do_remove_media(dev):
origpath = dev.path
dev.path = None
return dev.get_xml_config()
if origpath:
dev.path = origpath
def get_vscsi_ctrl_xml():
vscsi_class = virtinst.VirtualController.get_class_for_type(
ctrl = vscsi_class(self.conn)
return ctrl.get_xml_config()
xml = self._get_emulator_xml()
# Build XML
for dev in devs:
xml = util.xml_append(xml, get_dev_xml(dev))
if (dev.address.type == "spapr-vio" and
dev.virtual_device_type == VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_DISK):
xml = util.xml_append(xml, get_vscsi_ctrl_xml())
return xml
def _get_emulator_xml(self):
emulator = self.emulator
if self.installer.is_xenpv():
return ""
if (not self.emulator and
self.installer.is_hvm() and
self.type == "xen"):
if self.conn.caps.host.arch in ("x86_64"):
emulator = "/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm"
emulator = "/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm"
emu_xml = ""
if emulator is not None:
emu_xml = " <emulator>%s</emulator>" % emulator
return emu_xml
def _get_features_xml(self, features):
Return features (pae, acpi, apic) xml
if self.installer and self.installer.is_container():
return ""
return features.get_xml_config()
def _get_cpu_xml(self):
Return <cpu> XML
return self.cpu.get_xml_config()
def _get_clock_xml(self):
Return <clock/> xml
return self.clock.get_xml_config()
def _get_seclabel_xml(self):
Return <seclabel> XML
xml = ""
if self.seclabel:
xml = self.seclabel.get_xml_config()
return xml
def _get_osblob(self, install):
Return os, features, and clock xml (Implemented in subclass)
xml = ""
osxml = self.installer.get_xml_config(self, install)
if not osxml:
return None
xml = util.xml_append(xml,
self.installer.get_xml_config(self, install))
return xml
def _get_vcpu_xml(self):
curvcpus_supported = self.conn.check_conn_support(
cpuset = ""
if self.cpuset is not None:
cpuset = " cpuset='%s'" % self.cpuset
maxv = self.maxvcpus
curv = self.vcpus
curxml = ""
if maxv != curv and curvcpus_supported:
curxml = " current='%s'" % curv
maxv = curv
return " <vcpu%s%s>%s</vcpu>" % (cpuset, curxml, maxv)
# Install Helper functions #
def _prepare_install(self, meter, dry=False):
self._install_devices = []
ignore = dry
# Fetch install media, prepare installer devices
# Initialize install device list
for dev in self._installer.install_devices:
def _cleanup_install(self):
def _create_devices(self, progresscb):
Ensure that devices are setup
for dev in self.get_all_devices():
# Public API #
def _get_xml_config(self, install=True, disk_boot=False):
Return the full Guest xml configuration.
@param install: Whether we want the 'OS install' configuration or
the 'post-install' configuration. (Some Installers,
like the LiveCDInstaller may not have an 'install'
@type install: C{bool}
@param disk_boot: Whether we should boot off the harddisk, regardless
of our position in the install process (this is
used for 2 stage installs, where the second stage
boots off the disk. You probably don't need to touch
@type disk_boot: C{bool}
# pylint: disable=W0221
# Argument number differs from overridden method
# We do a shallow copy of the device list here, and set the defaults.
# This way, default changes aren't persistent, and we don't need
# to worry about when to call set_defaults
origdevs = self.get_all_devices()
devs = []
for dev in origdevs:
tmpfeat = self.features.copy()
def get_transient_devices(devtype):
return self._dev_build_list(devtype, devs)
def remove_transient_device(device):
# Set device defaults so we can validly generate XML
if install:
action = "destroy"
action = "restart"
osblob_install = install
if disk_boot:
osblob_install = False
osblob = self._get_osblob(osblob_install)
if osblob_install and not self.installer.has_install_phase():
return None
desc_xml = ""
if self.description is not None:
desc = str(self.description)
desc_xml = (" <description>%s</description>" %
xml = ""
add = lambda x: util.xml_append(xml, x)
xml = add("<domain type='%s'>" % self.type)
xml = add(" <name>%s</name>" % self.name)
xml = add(" <uuid>%s</uuid>" % self.uuid)
xml = add(desc_xml)
xml = add(" <memory>%s</memory>" % self.maxmemory)
xml = add(" <currentMemory>%s</currentMemory>" % self.memory)
# <blkiotune>
# <memtune>
if self.hugepage is True:
xml = add(" <memoryBacking>")
xml = add(" <hugepages/>")
xml = add(" </memoryBacking>")
xml = add(self._get_vcpu_xml())
# <cputune>
xml = add(self.numatune.get_xml_config())
# <sysinfo>
# XXX: <bootloader> goes here, not in installer XML
xml = add(" %s" % osblob)
xml = add(self._get_features_xml(tmpfeat))
xml = add(self._get_cpu_xml())
xml = add(self._get_clock_xml())
xml = add(" <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>")
xml = add(" <on_reboot>%s</on_reboot>" % action)
xml = add(" <on_crash>%s</on_crash>" % action)
xml = add(" <devices>")
xml = add(self._get_device_xml(devs, install))
xml = add(" </devices>")
xml = add(self._get_seclabel_xml())
xml = add("</domain>\n")
def cb(doc, ctx):
ignore = ctx
return doc.serialize()
xml = util.xml_parse_wrapper(xml, cb)
return "\n".join(xml.splitlines()[1:]) + "\n"
def get_continue_inst(self):
Return True if this guest requires a call to 'continue_install',
which means the OS requires a 2 stage install (windows)
# If we are doing an 'import' or 'liveCD' install, there is
# no true install process, so continue install has no meaning
if not self.installer.has_install_phase():
return False
return self._lookup_osdict_key("continue")
def connect_console(self, consolecb, wait=True):
Launched the passed console callback for the already defined
domain. If domain isn't running, return an error.
self._consolechild) = self._wait_and_connect_console(consolecb)
# If we connected the console, wait for it to finish
self._waitpid_console(self._consolechild, wait)
def terminate_console(self):
Kill guest console if it is open (and actually exists), otherwise
do nothing
if self._consolechild:
os.kill(self._consolechild, signal.SIGKILL)
def domain_is_shutdown(self):
Return True if the created domain object is shutdown
dom = self.domain
if not dom:
return False
dominfo = dom.info()
state = dominfo[0]
cpu_time = dominfo[4]
if state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:
return True
# If 'wait' was specified, the dom object we have was looked up
# before initially shutting down, which seems to bogus up the
# info data (all 0's). So, if it is bogus, assume the domain is
# shutdown. We will catch the error later.
return state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE and cpu_time == 0
def domain_is_crashed(self):
Return True if the created domain object is in a crashed state
if not self.domain:
return False
dominfo = self.domain.info()
state = dominfo[0]
return state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED
# Actual install methods #
def remove_original_vm(self, force=None):
Remove the existing VM with the same name if requested, or error
if there is a collision.
if force is None:
force = self.replace
vm = None
vm = self.conn.lookupByName(self.name)
except libvirt.libvirtError:
if vm is None:
if not force:
raise RuntimeError(_("Domain named %s already exists!") %
logging.debug("Explicitly replacing guest '%s'", self.name)
if vm.ID() != -1:
logging.info("Destroying guest '%s'", self.name)
logging.info("Undefining guest '%s'", self.name)
except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
raise RuntimeError(_("Could not remove old vm '%s': %s") %
(self.name, str(e)))
def start_install(self, consolecb=None, meter=None, removeOld=None,
wait=True, dry=False, return_xml=False, noboot=False):
Begin the guest install (stage1).
@param return_xml: Don't create the guest, just return generated XML
if self.domain is not None:
raise RuntimeError(_("Domain has already been started!"))
is_initial = True
self._consolechild = None
self._prepare_install(meter, dry)
# Create devices if required (disk images, etc.)
if not dry:
start_xml, final_xml = self._build_xml(is_initial)
if return_xml:
return (start_xml, final_xml)
if dry:
# Remove existing VM if requested
self.domain = self._create_guest(consolecb, meter, wait,
start_xml, final_xml, is_initial,
# Set domain autostart flag if requested
return self.domain
def continue_install(self, consolecb=None, meter=None, wait=True,
dry=False, return_xml=False):
Continue with stage 2 of a guest install. Only required for
guests which have the 'continue' flag set (accessed via
is_initial = False
start_xml, final_xml = self._build_xml(is_initial)
if return_xml:
return (start_xml, final_xml)
if dry:
return self._create_guest(consolecb, meter, wait,
start_xml, final_xml, is_initial, False)
def _build_meter(self, meter, is_initial):
if is_initial:
meter_label = _("Creating domain...")
meter_label = _("Starting domain...")
if meter is None:
meter = progress.BaseMeter()
meter.start(size=None, text=meter_label)
return meter
def _build_xml(self, is_initial):
log_label = is_initial and "install" or "continue"
disk_boot = not is_initial
start_xml = self.get_xml_config(install=True, disk_boot=disk_boot)
final_xml = self.get_xml_config(install=False)
logging.debug("Generated %s XML: %s",
(start_xml and ("\n" + start_xml) or "None required"))
logging.debug("Generated boot XML: \n%s", final_xml)
return start_xml, final_xml
def _create_guest(self, consolecb, meter, wait,
start_xml, final_xml, is_initial, noboot):
Actually do the XML logging, guest defining/creating, console
launching and waiting
@param is_initial: If running initial guest creation, else we
are continuing the install
@param noboot: Don't boot guest if no install phase
meter = self._build_meter(meter, is_initial)
doboot = not noboot or self.installer.has_install_phase()
if not doboot:
consolecb = None
if is_initial and doboot:
dom = self.conn.createLinux(start_xml or final_xml, 0)
dom = self.conn.defineXML(start_xml or final_xml)
if doboot:
self.domain = dom
if doboot:
logging.debug("Started guest, connecting to console if requested")
self._consolechild) = self._wait_and_connect_console(consolecb)
self.domain = self.conn.defineXML(final_xml)
if is_initial:
logging.debug("XML fetched from libvirt object:\n%s",
except Exception, e:
logging.debug("Error fetching XML from libvirt object: %s", e)
# if we connected the console, wait for it to finish
self._waitpid_console(self._consolechild, wait)
return self.conn.lookupByName(self.name)
def _wait_and_connect_console(self, consolecb):
Wait for domain to appear and be running, then connect to
the console if necessary
child = None
dom = _wait_for_domain(self.conn, self.name)
if dom is None:
raise RuntimeError(_("Domain has not existed. You should be "
"able to find more information in the logs"))
elif dom.ID() == -1:
raise RuntimeError(_("Domain has not run yet. You should be "
"able to find more information in the logs"))
if consolecb:
child = consolecb(dom)
return dom, child
def _waitpid_console(self, console_child, do_wait):
Wait for console to close if it was launched
if not console_child or not do_wait:
os.waitpid(console_child, 0)
except OSError, (err_no, msg):
logging.debug("waitpid: %s: %s", err_no, msg)
# ensure there's time for the domain to finish destroying if the
# install has finished or the guest crashed
def _flag_autostart(self):
Set the autostart flag for self.domain if the user requested it
if not self.autostart:
except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
if util.is_error_nosupport(e):
logging.warn("Could not set autostart flag: libvirt "
"connection does not support autostart.")
raise e
# Device defaults #
def set_defaults(self):
Public function to set guest defaults. Things like preferred
disk bus (unless one is specified). These changes are persistent.
The install process will call a non-persistent version, so calling
this manually isn't required.
self._set_defaults(self.get_devices, self.remove_device,
def _set_hvm_defaults(self, devlist_func, features):
disktype = VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_DISK
nettype = VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_NET
disk_bus = self._lookup_device_param(disktype, "bus")
net_model = self._lookup_device_param(nettype, "model")
# Only overwrite params if they weren't already specified
for net in devlist_func(nettype):
if net_model and not net.model:
net.model = net_model
for disk in devlist_func(disktype):
if (disk_bus and not disk.bus and
disk.device == VirtualDisk.DEVICE_DISK):
disk.bus = disk_bus
if self.clock.offset is None:
self.clock.offset = self._lookup_osdict_key("clock")
if features["acpi"] is None:
features["acpi"] = self._lookup_osdict_key("acpi")
if features["apic"] is None:
features["apic"] = self._lookup_osdict_key("apic")
if features["pae"] is None:
features["pae"] = self.conn.caps.support_pae()
if (self.installer.machine is None and
self.conn.caps.host.arch == "ppc64"):
self.installer.machine = "pseries"
def _set_pv_defaults(self, devlist_func, remove_func):
# Default file backed PV guests to tap driver
for d in devlist_func(VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_DISK):
if (d.type == VirtualDisk.TYPE_FILE
and d.driver_name is None
and util.is_blktap_capable(self.conn)):
d.driver_name = VirtualDisk.DRIVER_TAP
for d in devlist_func(VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_INPUT):
if d.type == d.INPUT_TYPE_DEFAULT:
if d.bus == d.INPUT_BUS_DEFAULT:
d.bus = d.INPUT_BUS_XEN
for d in devlist_func(VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_CONSOLE):
if hasattr(d, "virtinst_default"):
def add_usb_ich9_controllers(self):
ctrl = VirtualControllerUSB(self.conn,
ctrl = VirtualControllerUSB(self.conn,
ctrl.get_master().startport = 0
ctrl = VirtualControllerUSB(self.conn,
ctrl.get_master().startport = 2
ctrl = VirtualControllerUSB(self.conn,
ctrl.get_master().startport = 4
def _set_defaults(self, devlist_func, remove_func, features):
for dev in devlist_func("all"):
if self.installer.is_hvm():
self._set_hvm_defaults(devlist_func, features)
if self.installer.is_xenpv():
self._set_pv_defaults(devlist_func, remove_func)
soundtype = VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_AUDIO
videotype = VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_VIDEO
inputtype = VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_INPUT
gfxtype = VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_GRAPHICS
channeltype = VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_CHANNEL
# Set default input values
input_type = self._lookup_device_param(inputtype, "type")
input_bus = self._lookup_device_param(inputtype, "bus")
for inp in devlist_func(inputtype):
if (inp.type == inp.INPUT_TYPE_DEFAULT and
inp.bus == inp.INPUT_BUS_DEFAULT):
inp.type = input_type
inp.bus = input_bus
# Generate disk targets, and set preferred disk bus
used_targets = []
for disk in devlist_func(VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_DISK):
if not disk.bus:
if disk.device == disk.DEVICE_FLOPPY:
disk.bus = "fdc"
if self.installer.is_hvm():
if (self.installer.type == "kvm" and
self.installer.machine == "pseries"):
disk.bus = "scsi"
disk.bus = "ide"
elif self.installer.is_xenpv():
disk.bus = "xen"
if disk.target:
# Set sound device model
sound_model = self._lookup_device_param(soundtype, "model")
for sound in devlist_func(soundtype):
if sound.model == sound.MODEL_DEFAULT:
sound.model = sound_model
# Set video device model
# QXL device (only if we use spice) - safe even if guest is VGA only
def has_spice():
for gfx in devlist_func(gfxtype):
if gfx.type == gfx.TYPE_SPICE:
return True
if has_spice():
video_model = "qxl"
video_model = self._lookup_device_param(videotype, "model")
for video in devlist_func(videotype):
if video.model == video.MODEL_DEFAULT:
video.model = video_model
# Spice agent channel (only if we use spice)
def has_spice_agent():
for chn in devlist_func(channeltype):
if chn.char_type == chn.CHAR_SPICEVMC:
return True
if (has_spice() and
not has_spice_agent() and
agentdev = VirtualCharDevice.get_dev_instance(self.conn,
# Generate UUID
if self.uuid is None:
self.uuid = util.generate_uuid(self.conn)
# Guest Dictionary Helper methods #
def _is_rhel6(self):
emulator = self.emulator or ""
return (self.type in ["qemu", "kvm"] and
def _lookup_osdict_key(self, key):
Using self.os_type and self.os_variant to find key in OSTYPES
@returns: dict value, or None if os_type/variant wasn't set
return osdict.lookup_osdict_key(self.conn, self.type,
self.os_type, self.os_variant,
def _lookup_device_param(self, device_key, param):
Check the OS dictionary for the prefered device setting for passed
device type and param (bus, model, etc.)
return osdict.lookup_device_param(self.conn, self.type,
self.os_type, self.os_variant,
device_key, param)
def _wait_for_domain(conn, name):
# sleep in .25 second increments until either a) we get running
# domain ID or b) it's been 5 seconds. this is so that
# we can try to gracefully handle domain restarting failures
dom = None
for ignore in range(1, int(5 / .25)): # 5 seconds, .25 second sleeps
dom = conn.lookupByName(name)
if dom and dom.ID() != -1:
except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
logging.debug("No guest running yet: " + str(e))
dom = None
return dom