Cole Robinson c3e9db5f3a createvm: Tweaks to new UEFI pref
* Make it clear in code and UI that this is x86 only. Other arches
  either require UEFI (aarch64) or don't support it
* Drop the internal 'bios' values since we don't handle them and may
  not want them anyways, since when win11 support lands we will need
  to explicitly throw an error if the user tries to force bios
* Add UI tests

Signed-off-by: Cole Robinson <>
2022-01-31 14:18:42 -05:00

650 lines
22 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2006, 2012-2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2006 Daniel P. Berrange <>
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
from gi.repository import Gio
from gi.repository import GLib
from gi.repository import Gtk
from virtinst import DomainCpu
from virtinst import log
from .lib.inspection import vmmInspection
/* Lighter colored text in some wizard summary fields */
.vmm-lighter {
color: @insensitive_fg_color
/* Text on the blue header in our wizards */
.vmm-header-text {
color: white
/* Subtext on the blue header in our wizards */
.vmm-header-subtext {
color: #59B0E2
/* The blue header */
.vmm-header {
background-color: #0072A8
class _SettingsWrapper(object):
Wrapper class to simplify interacting with gsettings APIs.
Basically it allows simple get/set of gconf style paths, and
we internally convert it to the settings nested hierarchy. Makes
client code much smaller.
def __init__(self, settings_id, gsettings_keyfile):
self._root = settings_id
if gsettings_keyfile:
backend = Gio.keyfile_settings_backend_new(gsettings_keyfile, "/")
backend = Gio.SettingsBackend.get_default()
self._settings = Gio.Settings.new_with_backend(self._root, backend)
self._settingsmap = {"": self._settings}
self._handler_map = {}
for child in self._settings.list_children():
childschema = self._root + "." + child
self._settingsmap[child] = Gio.Settings.new_with_backend(
childschema, backend)
# Private helpers #
def _parse_key(self, key):
value = key.strip("/")
settingskey = ""
if "/" in value:
settingskey, value = value.rsplit("/", 1)
return settingskey, value
def _find_settings(self, key):
settingskey, value = self._parse_key(key)
return self._settingsmap[settingskey], value
# Public APIs #
def make_vm_settings(self, key):
Initialize per-VM relocatable schema if necessary
settingskey = self._parse_key(key)[0]
if settingskey in self._settingsmap:
return True
schema = self._root + ".vm"
path = "/" + self._root.replace(".", "/") + key.rsplit("/", 1)[0] + "/"
self._settingsmap[settingskey] = Gio.Settings.new_with_path(
schema, path)
return True
def make_conn_settings(self, key):
Initialize per-conn relocatable schema if necessary
settingskey = self._parse_key(key)[0]
if settingskey in self._settingsmap:
return True
schema = self._root + ".connection"
path = "/" + self._root.replace(".", "/") + key.rsplit("/", 1)[0] + "/"
self._settingsmap[settingskey] = Gio.Settings.new_with_path(
schema, path)
return True
def notify_add(self, key, cb, *args, **kwargs):
settings, key = self._find_settings(key)
def wrapcb(*ignore):
return cb(*args, **kwargs)
ret = settings.connect("changed::%s" % key, wrapcb, *args, **kwargs)
self._handler_map[ret] = settings
return ret
def notify_remove(self, h):
settings = self._handler_map.pop(h)
return settings.disconnect(h)
def get(self, key):
settings, key = self._find_settings(key)
return settings.get_value(key).unpack()
def set(self, key, value, *args, **kwargs):
settings, key = self._find_settings(key)
fmt = settings.get_value(key).get_type_string()
return settings.set_value(key, GLib.Variant(fmt, value),
*args, **kwargs)
class vmmConfig(object):
# key names for saving last used paths
# Metadata mapping for browse types. Prob shouldn't go here, but works
# for now.
browse_reason_data = {
"enable_create": True,
"storage_title": _("Locate or create storage volume"),
"local_title": _("Locate existing storage"),
"dialog_type": Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE,
"choose_button": Gtk.STOCK_OPEN,
"gsettings_key": "image",
"gsettings_key": "screenshot",
"enable_create": False,
"storage_title": _("Locate ISO media volume"),
"local_title": _("Locate ISO media"),
"gsettings_key": "media",
"enable_create": False,
"storage_title": _("Locate floppy media volume"),
"local_title": _("Locate floppy media"),
"gsettings_key": "media",
"enable_create": False,
"storage_title": _("Locate directory volume"),
"local_title": _("Locate directory volume"),
"dialog_type": Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER,
_instance = None
def get_instance(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if not cls._instance:
cls._instance = vmmConfig(*args, **kwargs)
return cls._instance
def is_initialized(cls):
return bool(cls._instance)
def __init__(self, BuildConfig, CLITestOptions):
self.appname = "virt-manager"
self.appversion = BuildConfig.version
self.conf_dir = "/org/virt-manager/%s/" % self.appname
self.ui_dir = BuildConfig.ui_dir
self.conf = _SettingsWrapper("org.virt-manager.virt-manager",
self.CLITestOptions = CLITestOptions
if self.CLITestOptions.xmleditor_enabled:
if self.CLITestOptions.enable_libguestfs:
if self.CLITestOptions.disable_libguestfs:
# We don't create it straight away, since we don't want
# to block the app pending user authorization to access
# the keyring
self._keyring = None
self.default_graphics_from_config = BuildConfig.default_graphics
self.default_hvs = BuildConfig.default_hvs
self.default_storage_format_from_config = "qcow2"
self.default_console_resizeguest = 0
self._objects = []
self.color_insensitive = None
def _init_css(self):
from gi.repository import Gdk
screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default()
css_provider = Gtk.CssProvider()
context = Gtk.StyleContext()
context.add_provider_for_screen(screen, css_provider,
found, color = context.lookup_color("insensitive_fg_color")
if not found: # pragma: no cover
log.debug("Didn't find insensitive_fg_color in theme")
self.color_insensitive = color.to_string()
# General app wide helpers (gsettings agnostic)
def get_appname(self):
return self.appname
def get_appversion(self):
return self.appversion
def get_ui_dir(self):
return self.ui_dir
def embeddable_graphics(self):
ret = ["vnc", "spice"]
return ret
def inspection_supported(self):
if not vmmInspection.libguestfs_installed():
return False # pragma: no cover
return self.get_libguestfs_inspect_vms()
def remove_notifier(self, h):
# Used for debugging reference leaks, we keep track of all objects
# come and go so we can do a leak report at app shutdown
def add_object(self, obj):
def remove_object(self, obj):
def get_objects(self):
return self._objects[:]
# Wrappers for setting per-VM value #
def _make_pervm_key(self, uuid, key):
return "/vms/%s%s" % (uuid.replace("-", ""), key)
def listen_pervm(self, uuid, key, *args, **kwargs):
key = self._make_pervm_key(uuid, key)
return self.conf.notify_add(key, *args, **kwargs)
def set_pervm(self, uuid, key, *args, **kwargs):
key = self._make_pervm_key(uuid, key)
ret = self.conf.set(key, *args, **kwargs)
return ret
def get_pervm(self, uuid, key):
key = self._make_pervm_key(uuid, key)
return self.conf.get(key)
# Wrappers for setting per-conn values #
def _make_perconn_key(self, uri, key):
return "/conns/%s%s" % (uri.replace("/", ""), key)
def listen_perconn(self, uri, key, *args, **kwargs):
key = self._make_perconn_key(uri, key)
return self.conf.notify_add(key, *args, **kwargs)
def set_perconn(self, uri, key, *args, **kwargs):
key = self._make_perconn_key(uri, key)
ret = self.conf.set(key, *args, **kwargs)
return ret
def get_perconn(self, uri, key):
key = self._make_perconn_key(uri, key)
return self.conf.get(key)
# General helpers #
# Manager stats view preferences
def is_vmlist_guest_cpu_usage_visible(self):
return self.conf.get("/vmlist-fields/cpu-usage")
def is_vmlist_host_cpu_usage_visible(self):
return self.conf.get("/vmlist-fields/host-cpu-usage")
def is_vmlist_memory_usage_visible(self):
return self.conf.get("/vmlist-fields/memory-usage")
def is_vmlist_disk_io_visible(self):
return self.conf.get("/vmlist-fields/disk-usage")
def is_vmlist_network_traffic_visible(self):
return self.conf.get("/vmlist-fields/network-traffic")
def set_vmlist_guest_cpu_usage_visible(self, state):
self.conf.set("/vmlist-fields/cpu-usage", state)
def set_vmlist_host_cpu_usage_visible(self, state):
self.conf.set("/vmlist-fields/host-cpu-usage", state)
def set_vmlist_memory_usage_visible(self, state):
self.conf.set("/vmlist-fields/memory-usage", state)
def set_vmlist_disk_io_visible(self, state):
self.conf.set("/vmlist-fields/disk-usage", state)
def set_vmlist_network_traffic_visible(self, state):
self.conf.set("/vmlist-fields/network-traffic", state)
def on_vmlist_guest_cpu_usage_visible_changed(self, cb):
return self.conf.notify_add("/vmlist-fields/cpu-usage", cb)
def on_vmlist_host_cpu_usage_visible_changed(self, cb):
return self.conf.notify_add("/vmlist-fields/host-cpu-usage", cb)
def on_vmlist_memory_usage_visible_changed(self, cb):
return self.conf.notify_add("/vmlist-fields/memory-usage", cb)
def on_vmlist_disk_io_visible_changed(self, cb):
return self.conf.notify_add("/vmlist-fields/disk-usage", cb)
def on_vmlist_network_traffic_visible_changed(self, cb):
return self.conf.notify_add("/vmlist-fields/network-traffic", cb)
# Keys preferences
def get_keys_combination(self):
ret = self.conf.get("/console/grab-keys")
if not ret:
# Left Control + Left Alt
return "65507,65513"
return ret
def set_keys_combination(self, val):
# Val have to be a list of integers
val = ','.join([str(v) for v in val])
self.conf.set("/console/grab-keys", val)
def on_keys_combination_changed(self, cb):
return self.conf.notify_add("/console/grab-keys", cb)
# Confirmation preferences
def get_confirm_forcepoweroff(self):
return self.conf.get("/confirm/forcepoweroff")
def get_confirm_poweroff(self):
return self.conf.get("/confirm/poweroff")
def get_confirm_pause(self):
return self.conf.get("/confirm/pause")
def get_confirm_removedev(self):
return self.conf.get("/confirm/removedev")
def get_confirm_unapplied(self):
return self.conf.get("/confirm/unapplied-dev")
def get_confirm_delstorage(self):
return self.conf.get("/confirm/delete-storage")
def set_confirm_forcepoweroff(self, val):
self.conf.set("/confirm/forcepoweroff", val)
def set_confirm_poweroff(self, val):
self.conf.set("/confirm/poweroff", val)
def set_confirm_pause(self, val):
self.conf.set("/confirm/pause", val)
def set_confirm_removedev(self, val):
self.conf.set("/confirm/removedev", val)
def set_confirm_unapplied(self, val):
self.conf.set("/confirm/unapplied-dev", val)
def set_confirm_delstorage(self, val):
self.conf.set("/confirm/delete-storage", val)
# System tray visibility
def on_view_system_tray_changed(self, cb):
return self.conf.notify_add("/system-tray", cb)
def get_view_system_tray(self):
return self.conf.get("/system-tray")
def set_view_system_tray(self, val):
self.conf.set("/system-tray", val)
# XML editor enabled
def on_xmleditor_enabled_changed(self, cb):
return self.conf.notify_add("/xmleditor-enabled", cb)
def get_xmleditor_enabled(self):
return self.conf.get("/xmleditor-enabled")
def set_xmleditor_enabled(self, val):
self.conf.set("/xmleditor-enabled", val)
# Libguestfs VM inspection
def get_libguestfs_inspect_vms(self):
return self.conf.get("/enable-libguestfs-vm-inspection")
def set_libguestfs_inspect_vms(self, val):
self.conf.set("/enable-libguestfs-vm-inspection", val)
# Stats history and interval length
def get_stats_history_length(self):
return 120
def get_stats_update_interval(self):
if self.CLITestOptions.short_poll:
return .1
interval = self.conf.get("/stats/update-interval")
return max(interval, 1)
def set_stats_update_interval(self, interval):
self.conf.set("/stats/update-interval", interval)
def on_stats_update_interval_changed(self, cb):
return self.conf.notify_add("/stats/update-interval", cb)
# Disable/Enable different stats polling
def get_stats_enable_cpu_poll(self):
return self.conf.get("/stats/enable-cpu-poll")
def get_stats_enable_disk_poll(self):
return self.conf.get("/stats/enable-disk-poll")
def get_stats_enable_net_poll(self):
return self.conf.get("/stats/enable-net-poll")
def get_stats_enable_memory_poll(self):
return self.conf.get("/stats/enable-memory-poll")
def set_stats_enable_cpu_poll(self, val):
self.conf.set("/stats/enable-cpu-poll", val)
def set_stats_enable_disk_poll(self, val):
self.conf.set("/stats/enable-disk-poll", val)
def set_stats_enable_net_poll(self, val):
self.conf.set("/stats/enable-net-poll", val)
def set_stats_enable_memory_poll(self, val):
self.conf.set("/stats/enable-memory-poll", val)
def on_stats_enable_cpu_poll_changed(self, cb, row=None):
return self.conf.notify_add("/stats/enable-cpu-poll", cb, row)
def on_stats_enable_disk_poll_changed(self, cb, row=None):
return self.conf.notify_add("/stats/enable-disk-poll", cb, row)
def on_stats_enable_net_poll_changed(self, cb, row=None):
return self.conf.notify_add("/stats/enable-net-poll", cb, row)
def on_stats_enable_memory_poll_changed(self, cb, row=None):
return self.conf.notify_add("/stats/enable-memory-poll", cb, row)
def get_console_scaling(self):
return self.conf.get("/console/scaling")
def set_console_scaling(self, pref):
self.conf.set("/console/scaling", pref)
def get_console_resizeguest(self):
val = self.conf.get("/console/resize-guest")
if val == -1:
val = self.default_console_resizeguest
return val
def set_console_resizeguest(self, pref):
self.conf.set("/console/resize-guest", pref)
def get_auto_usbredir(self):
return bool(self.conf.get("/console/auto-redirect"))
def set_auto_usbredir(self, state):
self.conf.set("/console/auto-redirect", state)
def get_console_autoconnect(self):
return bool(self.conf.get("/console/autoconnect"))
def set_console_autoconnect(self, val):
return self.conf.set("/console/autoconnect", val)
# Show VM details toolbar
def get_details_show_toolbar(self):
res = self.conf.get("/details/show-toolbar")
if res is None:
res = True # pragma: no cover
return res
def set_details_show_toolbar(self, state):
self.conf.set("/details/show-toolbar", state)
# New VM preferences
def get_graphics_type(self, raw=False):
ret = self.conf.get("/new-vm/graphics-type")
if ret not in ["system", "vnc", "spice"]:
ret = "system" # pragma: no cover
if ret == "system" and not raw:
return self.default_graphics_from_config
return ret
def set_graphics_type(self, gtype):
self.conf.set("/new-vm/graphics-type", gtype.lower())
def get_default_storage_format(self, raw=False):
ret = self.conf.get("/new-vm/storage-format")
if ret not in ["default", "raw", "qcow2"]:
ret = "default" # pragma: no cover
if ret == "default" and not raw:
return self.default_storage_format_from_config
return ret
def set_storage_format(self, typ):
self.conf.set("/new-vm/storage-format", typ.lower())
def get_default_cpu_setting(self):
ret = self.conf.get("/new-vm/cpu-default")
if ret not in DomainCpu.SPECIAL_MODES:
ret = DomainCpu.SPECIAL_MODE_APP_DEFAULT # pragma: no cover
return ret
def set_default_cpu_setting(self, val):
self.conf.set("/new-vm/cpu-default", val.lower())
def get_default_firmware_setting(self):
ret = self.conf.get("/new-vm/firmware")
if ret not in ["default", "uefi"]:
ret = "default" # pragma: no cover
return ret
def set_firmware_setting(self, val):
self.conf.set("/new-vm/firmware", val.lower())
# URL/Media path history
def _url_add_helper(self, gsettings_path, url):
maxlength = 10
urls = self.conf.get(gsettings_path) or []
if urls.count(url) == 0 and len(url) > 0 and not url.isspace():
# The url isn't already in the list, so add it
urls.insert(0, url)
if len(urls) > maxlength:
del urls[len(urls) - 1] # pragma: no cover
self.conf.set(gsettings_path, urls)
def add_container_url(self, url):
self._url_add_helper("/urls/containers", url)
def get_container_urls(self):
return self.conf.get("/urls/containers") or []
def add_media_url(self, url):
self._url_add_helper("/urls/urls", url)
def get_media_urls(self):
return self.conf.get("/urls/urls") or []
def add_iso_path(self, path):
self._url_add_helper("/urls/isos", path)
def get_iso_paths(self):
return self.conf.get("/urls/isos") or []
def on_iso_paths_changed(self, cb):
return self.conf.notify_add("/urls/isos", cb)
# Whether to ask about fixing path permissions
def add_perms_fix_ignore(self, pathlist):
current_list = self.get_perms_fix_ignore() or []
for path in pathlist:
if path in current_list:
continue # pragma: no cover
self.conf.set("/paths/perms-fix-ignore", current_list)
def get_perms_fix_ignore(self):
return self.conf.get("/paths/perms-fix-ignore")
# Manager view connection list
def get_conn_uris(self):
return self.conf.get("/connections/uris") or []
def add_conn_uri(self, uri):
uris = self.get_conn_uris()
if uri not in uris:
uris.insert(len(uris) - 1, uri)
self.conf.set("/connections/uris", uris)
def remove_conn_uri(self, uri):
uris = self.get_conn_uris()
if uri in uris:
self.conf.set("/connections/uris", uris)
if self.get_conn_autoconnect(uri):
uris = self.conf.get("/connections/autoconnect")
self.conf.set("/connections/autoconnect", uris)
# Manager default window size
def get_manager_window_size(self):
w = self.conf.get("/manager-window-width")
h = self.conf.get("/manager-window-height")
return (w, h)
def set_manager_window_size(self, w, h):
self.conf.set("/manager-window-width", w)
self.conf.set("/manager-window-height", h)
# URI autoconnect
def get_conn_autoconnect(self, uri):
uris = self.conf.get("/connections/autoconnect")
return ((uris is not None) and (uri in uris))
def set_conn_autoconnect(self, uri, val):
uris = self.conf.get("/connections/autoconnect") or []
if not val and uri in uris:
elif val and uri not in uris:
self.conf.set("/connections/autoconnect", uris)
# Default directory location dealings
def get_default_directory(self, conn, _type):
ignore = conn
browsedata = self.browse_reason_data.get(_type, {})
key = browsedata.get("gsettings_key", None)
path = None
if key:
path = self.conf.get("/paths/%s-default" % key)
log.debug("directory for type=%s returning=%s", _type, path)
return path
def set_default_directory(self, folder, _type):
browsedata = self.browse_reason_data.get(_type, {})
key = browsedata.get("gsettings_key", None)
if not key:
return # pragma: no cover
log.debug("saving directory for type=%s to %s", key, folder)
self.conf.set("/paths/%s-default" % key, folder)