b-Nollet dd6c858737
fix(xo-server): replacing wrong param name (#7256)
Introduced by 1da05e239d

When the `Task` class is imported from `@vates/tasks`, `Task.run()` parameter uses `properties` key instead of `data` . This is corrected in this PR.
2023-12-21 17:38:58 +01:00
.npmignore feat(xo-server): initial tasks infrastructure (#6625) 2023-01-17 16:12:04 +01:00
.USAGE.md fix(xo-server): replacing wrong param name (#7256) 2023-12-21 17:38:58 +01:00
combineEvents.js feat(task): remove aborted status and add abortionRequested event 2023-06-09 09:45:46 +02:00
combineEvents.test.js feat(task): remove aborted status and add abortionRequested event 2023-06-09 09:45:46 +02:00
index.js feat(task): remove aborted status and add abortionRequested event 2023-06-09 09:45:46 +02:00
index.test.js feat(task): remove aborted status and add abortionRequested event 2023-06-09 09:45:46 +02:00
package.json feat: technical release (#6921) 2023-06-28 17:10:22 +02:00
README.md fix(xo-server): replacing wrong param name (#7256) 2023-12-21 17:38:58 +01:00


Package Version License PackagePhobia Node compatibility


Installation of the npm package:

npm install --save @vates/task


import { Task } from '@vates/task'

const task = new Task({
  // this object will be sent in the *start* event
  properties: {
    name: 'my task',

  // if defined, a new detached task is created
  // if not defined and created inside an existing task, the new task is considered a subtask
  onProgress(event) {
    // this function is called each time this task or one of it's subtasks change state
    const { id, timestamp, type } = event
    if (type === 'start') {
      const { name, parentId, properties } = event
    } else if (type === 'end') {
      const { result, status } = event
    } else if (type === 'info' || type === 'warning') {
      const { data, message } = event
    } else if (type === 'property') {
      const { name, value } = event
    } else if (type === 'abortionRequested') {
      const { reason } = event

// this field is settable once before being observed

// contains the current status of the task
// possible statuses are:
// - pending
// - success
// - failure

// Triggers the abort signal associated to the task.
// This simply requests the task to abort, it will be up to the task to handle or not this signal.

// if fn rejects, the task will be marked as failed
const result = await task.runInside(fn)

// if fn rejects, the task will be marked as failed
// if fn resolves, the task will be marked as succeeded
const result = await task.run(fn)

Inside a task:

// the abort signal of the current task if any, otherwise is `undefined`

// sends an info on the current task if any, otherwise does nothing
Task.info(message, data)

// sends an info on the current task if any, otherwise does nothing
Task.warning(message, data)

// attaches a property to the current task if any, otherwise does nothing
// the latest value takes precedence
// examples:
// - progress
Task.set(property, value)


Create a consolidated log from individual events.

It can be used directly as an onProgress callback:

import { makeOnProgress } from '@vates/task/combineEvents'

const onProgress = makeOnProgress({
  // This function is called each time a root task starts.
  // It will be called for as many times as there are tasks created with this `onProgress` function.
  onRootTaskStart(taskLog) {
    // `taskLog` is an object reflecting the state of this task and all its subtasks,
    // and will be mutated in real-time to reflect the changes of the task.

    // timestamp at which the task started

    // current status of the task as described in the previous section

    // undefined or a dictionary of properties attached to the task

    // timestamp at which the abortion was requested, undefined otherwise

    // undefined or an array of infos emitted on the task

    // undefined or an array of warnings emitted on the task

    // timestamp at which the task ended, undefined otherwise

    // undefined or the result value of the task

  // This function is called each time a root task ends.
  onRootTaskEnd(taskLog) {},

  // This function is called each time a root task or a subtask is updated.
  // `taskLog.$root` can be used to uncondionally access the root task.
  onTaskUpdate(taskLog) {},

Task.run({ properties: { name: 'my task' }, onProgress }, asyncFn)

It can also be fed event logs directly:

import { makeOnProgress } from '@vates/task/combineEvents'

const onProgress = makeOnProgress({ onRootTaskStart, onRootTaskEnd, onTaskUpdate })



Contributions are very welcomed, either on the documentation or on the code.

You may:

  • report any issue you've encountered;
  • fork and create a pull request.


ISC © Vates SAS