183 lines
4.2 KiB
183 lines
4.2 KiB
'use strict'
const assert = require('node:assert').strict
const { AsyncLocalStorage } = require('node:async_hooks')
// define a read-only, non-enumerable, non-configurable property
function define(object, property, value) {
Object.defineProperty(object, property, { value })
const noop = Function.prototype
const ABORTED = 'aborted'
const FAILURE = 'failure'
const PENDING = 'pending'
const SUCCESS = 'success'
// stored in the global context so that various versions of the library can interact.
const asyncStorageKey = '@vates/task@0'
const asyncStorage = global[asyncStorageKey] ?? (global[asyncStorageKey] = new AsyncLocalStorage())
const getTask = () => asyncStorage.getStore()
exports.Task = class Task {
static get abortSignal() {
const task = getTask()
if (task !== undefined) {
return task.#abortController.signal
static info(message, data) {
const task = getTask()
if (task !== undefined) {
task.#emit('info', { data, message })
static run(opts, fn) {
return new this(opts).run(fn)
static set(name, value) {
const task = getTask()
if (task !== undefined) {
task.#emit('property', { name, value })
static warning(message, data) {
const task = getTask()
if (task !== undefined) {
task.#emit('warning', { data, message })
static wrap(opts, fn) {
// compatibility with @decorateWith
if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
;[fn, opts] = [opts, fn]
return function taskRun() {
return Task.run(typeof opts === 'function' ? opts.apply(this, arguments) : opts, () => fn.apply(this, arguments))
#abortController = new AbortController()
get id() {
return (this.id = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2))
set id(value) {
define(this, 'id', value)
#status = PENDING
get status() {
return this.#status
constructor({ data = {}, onProgress } = {}) {
this.#startData = data
if (onProgress !== undefined) {
this.#onProgress = onProgress
} else {
const parent = getTask()
if (parent !== undefined) {
const { signal } = parent.#abortController
signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
this.#onProgress = parent.#onProgress
this.#startData.parentId = parent.id
} else {
this.#onProgress = noop
const { signal } = this.#abortController
signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
if (this.status === PENDING && !this.#running) {
const status = ABORTED
this.#status = status
this.#emit('end', { result: signal.reason, status })
abort(reason) {
#emit(type, data) {
data.id = this.id
data.timestamp = Date.now()
data.type = type
#maybeStart() {
const startData = this.#startData
if (startData !== undefined) {
this.#startData = undefined
this.#emit('start', startData)
async run(fn) {
const result = await this.runInside(fn)
if (this.status === PENDING) {
this.#status = SUCCESS
this.#emit('end', { status: SUCCESS, result })
return result
#running = false
async runInside(fn) {
assert.equal(this.status, PENDING)
assert.equal(this.#running, false)
this.#running = true
try {
const result = await asyncStorage.run(this, fn)
this.#running = false
return result
} catch (result) {
const { signal } = this.#abortController
const aborted = signal.aborted && result === signal.reason
const status = aborted ? ABORTED : FAILURE
this.#status = status
this.#emit('end', { status, result })
throw result
wrap(fn) {
const task = this
return function taskRun() {
return task.run(() => fn.apply(this, arguments))
wrapInside(fn) {
const task = this
return function taskRunInside() {
return task.runInside(() => fn.apply(this, arguments))