Pierre Donias 321e322492
feat(xo-server/clearHost): pass optional batch size arg (#7107)
Fixes #7105
See https://github.com/xapi-project/xen-api/issues/5202
See https://github.com/xapi-project/xen-api/pull/5203

`host.evacuate`: try passing optional batch size argument.
If not supported: remove it and try again.
2023-10-19 17:03:14 +02:00

203 lines
5.8 KiB

# Vendor config: DO NOT TOUCH!
# See sample.config.toml to override.
datadir = '/var/lib/xo-server/data'
# Delay for which a resource is cached
resourceCacheDelay = '5m'
# Should users be created on first sign in?
# Necessary for external authentication providers.
createUserOnFirstSignin = true
# XAPI does not support chunked encoding in HTTP requests which is necessary
# when the content length is not know which is the case for many backup related
# operations in XO.
# It's possible to work-around this for VHDs because it's possible to guess
# their size just by looking at the beginning of the stream.
# But it is a guess, not a certainty, it depends on how the VHDs are formatted
# by XenServer.
# This has been tested for 5 months, therefore it's enabled by default but can
# be disabled specifically for a user if necessary.
guessVhdSizeOnImport = true
# Whether API logs should contains the full request/response on
# errors.
# This is disabled by default for performance (lots of data) and
# security concerns (avoiding sensitive data in the logs) but can
# be turned for investigation by the administrator.
verboseApiLogsOnErrors = false
# if no events could be fetched during this delay, the server will be marked as disconnected
xapiMarkDisconnectedDelay = '5 minutes'
# https:#github.com/websockets/ws#websocket-compression
perMessageDeflate = { threshold = 524288 } # 512kiB
defaultTokenValidity = '30 days'
maxTokenValidity = '0.5 year'
# 2020-09-29
# Helpful to smoothly transition from old to new LDAP plugin implementation
# See https://github.com/vatesfr/xen-orchestra/pull/5279
# This will be removed in 1 year
# When a user logs in using an authentication provider, but another user with the
# same username is found in XO:
# - if true: the 2 users will be merged
# - if false: the user will not be able to log in.
mergeProvidersUsers = true
# Default to `maxTokenValidity`
#permanentCookieValidity = '30 days'
# Default to `undefined`, ie as long as the browser is not restarted
# https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie#Session_cookie
#sessionCookieValidity = '10 hours'
# This is the page where unauthenticated users will be redirected to.
# For instance, it can be changed to `/signin/saml` if that's the provider that
# should be used by default.
defaultSignInPage = '/signin'
# Minimum delay between two password authentication attempts for a specific user.
# This is used to mitigate bruteforce attacks without being visible to users.
throttlingDelay = '2 seconds'
disableMergeWorker = false
# Mode to use for newly created backup directories
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File-system_permissions#Numeric_notation
dirMode = 0o700
snapshotNameLabelTpl = '[XO Backup {job.name}] {vm.name_label}'
# Delay for which backups listing on a remote is cached
listingDebounce = '1 min'
# settings when using Vhd directories ( s3 , encryption )
# you should use 'none' if your fs is already compressed
# changing this setting will generate new full backups
vhdDirectoryCompression = 'brotli'
# how many block can be merged in parallel per backup running
# increase to increase performance, reduce if you have timeout during merge
mergeBlockConcurrency = 2
# how many block can be uploaded in parallel
# increase to in rease performance, reduce if you have timeout or memory error during transfer
writeBlockConcurrency = 16
# https://github.com/naugtur/blocked-at#params-and-return-value
enabled = false
threshold = 1000
# Helmet handles HTTP security via headers
# https://helmetjs.github.io/docs/
#includeSubDomains = false
# Each `http.listen.<name>` entry defines a specific listening configuration for
# the HTTP server.
# `<name>` can be freely choosen.
# Historically, `http.listen` was an array with the first config for HTTP and
# the second for HTTPS. To avoid breaking existing user configs, this convention
# is kept.
port = 80
# These options are applied to all listen entries.
# Number of milliseconds allowed to receive the entire request.
# The default value changed from no limit to 5 minutes in Node 18.0 to mitigate
# Slowloris attacks.
# This breaks a number of XO use cases, for instance uploading a VDI via the
# REST API, therefore it's changed to 1 day.
# Completely disabled for now because it appears to be broken:
# https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/46574
requestTimeout = 0
'/' = '../xo-web/dist'
# Display all logs matching this filter, regardless of their level
#filter = 'xo:load-balancer'
# Display all logs with level >=, regardless of their namespace
level = 'info'
mountsDir = '/run/xo-server/mounts'
# timeout in milliseconds (set to 0 to disable)
timeout = 600e3
# see https:#github.com/vatesfr/xen-orchestra/issues/3419
# useSudo = false
# If true, a snapshot of a Self Service VM will consume as much resources as a
# normal VM would
ignoreVmSnapshotResources = false
# The duration XO will wait for a host to be live before assuming it failed to
# restart
restartHostTimeout = '20 minutes'
maxUncoalescedVdis = 1
vdiExportConcurrency = 12
vmEvacuationConcurrency = 3
vmExportConcurrency = 2
vmSnapshotConcurrency = 2
poolMarkingInterval = '6 hours'
poolMarkingMaxAge = '48 hours'
poolMarkingPrefix = 'xo:clientInfo:'
callTimeout = '1 min'
channel = 'xo-proxy-appliance-{xoChannel}'
namespace = 'xoProxyAppliance'
proxyName = 'Proxy {date}'
licenseProductId = 'xo-proxy'
vmName = 'XOA Proxy {date}'
# The duration for which we can wait for the VM networks to be defined
vmNetworksTimeout = '5 min'
vmTag = 'XOA Proxy'
# The duration for which we can wait for the XOA to be upgraded
xoaUpgradeTimeout = '5 min'