117 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File
117 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env node
var filter = require('lodash/filter')
var forEach = require('lodash/forEach')
var join = require('path').join
var map = require('lodash/map')
var readDir = require('fs').readdirSync
var writeFile = require('fs').writeFileSync
// Necessary to load messages and locales files which are not in
// ES5.
// Note: must be done after all other requires to avoid impacting too
// much the perfs.
// ===================================================================
function defaultRequire(module) {
var value = require(module)
return value && value.__esModule ? value.default : value
// See https://github.com/joliss/js-string-escape/blob/master/index.js
function quote(string, q) {
string = string.split('')
if (q === undefined) {
q = string.indexOf("'") !== -1 && string.indexOf('"') === -1 ? '"' : "'"
var replacements = {
'\\': '\\\\',
'\n': '\\n',
'\r': '\\r',
'\u2028': '\\u2028',
'\u2029': '\\u2029',
replacements[q] = '\\' + q
forEach(string, function (c, i) {
if (c in replacements) {
string[i] = replacements[c]
return q + string.join('') + q
// ===================================================================
var LOCALES_DIR = join(__dirname, '../src/common/intl/locales/')
var LOCALE_RE = /^(.+)\.js(?:on)?$/
var messages = defaultRequire('../src/common/intl/messages')
function updateLocale(locale) {
var path = join(LOCALES_DIR, locale + '.js')
try {
var translations = defaultRequire(path)
var flags = 'w'
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
console.error('failed to load ' + locale, error)
flags = 'wx'
var content = [
'// See http://momentjs.com/docs/#/use-it/browserify/',
"import 'moment/locale/" + locale + "'",
"import reactIntlData from 'react-intl/locale-data/" + locale + "'",
"import { addLocaleData } from 'react-intl'",
'// ===================================================================',
'export default {',
map(messages, function (message, id) {
var translation = translations && translations[id]
return [
' // Original text: ',
quote(message.defaultMessage, translation && '"'),
' ',
': ',
translation ? quote(translation) : 'undefined',
content.push('}', '')
writeFile(path, content.join('\n'), { flag: flags })
// ===================================================================
;(function main(args) {
var locales = args.length
? args
: filter(
map(readDir(LOCALES_DIR), function (entry) {
var matches = LOCALE_RE.exec(entry)
return matches && matches[1]
forEach(locales, updateLocale)