78 lines
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78 lines
2.1 KiB
'use strict'
const assert = require('node:assert').strict
const noop = Function.prototype
function omit(source, keys, target = { __proto__: null }) {
for (const key of Object.keys(source)) {
if (!keys.has(key)) {
target[key] = source[key]
return target
const IGNORED_START_PROPS = new Set([
exports.makeOnProgress = function ({ onRootTaskEnd = noop, onRootTaskStart = noop, onTaskUpdate = noop }) {
const taskLogs = new Map()
return function onProgress(event) {
const { id, type } = event
let taskLog
if (type === 'start') {
taskLog = omit(event, IGNORED_START_PROPS)
taskLog.start = event.timestamp
taskLog.status = 'pending'
taskLogs.set(id, taskLog)
const { parentId } = event
if (parentId === undefined) {
Object.defineProperty(taskLog, '$root', { value: taskLog })
// start of a root task
} else {
// start of a subtask
const parent = taskLogs.get(parentId)
assert.notEqual(parent, undefined)
// inject a (non-enumerable) reference to the parent and the root task
Object.defineProperty(taskLog, { $parent: { value: parent }, $root: { value: parent.$root } })
;(parent.tasks ?? (parent.tasks = [])).push(taskLog)
} else {
taskLog = taskLogs.get(id)
assert.notEqual(taskLog, undefined)
if (type === 'info' || type === 'warning') {
const key = type + 's'
const { data, message } = event
;(taskLog[key] ?? (taskLog[key] = [])).push({ data, message })
} else if (type === 'property') {
;(taskLog.properties ?? (taskLog.properties = { __proto__: null }))[event.name] = event.value
} else if (type === 'end') {
taskLog.end = event.timestamp
taskLog.result = event.result
taskLog.status = event.status
if (type === 'end' && taskLog.$root === taskLog) {