Updated the getting started presentation

git-svn-id: http://svn.sintef.no/trondheim/IFEM/trunk@1626 e10b68d5-8a6e-419e-a041-bce267b0401d
This commit is contained in:
kmo 2012-04-27 08:19:56 +00:00 committed by Knut Morten Okstad
parent de60bf281c
commit dc346f215c
2 changed files with 259 additions and 278 deletions

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
\item Edit g2-files (GoTools) by hand
\item Using Rhino and small C++ tools
\item Coming: Interactive volumetric modeler
\item Python-based modeling tool
@ -227,8 +227,6 @@
typedef std::vector<LocalIntegral*> LintegralVec; //!< Local integral container
class ASMbase
@ -236,20 +234,16 @@ public:
//! \param integrand Object with problem-specific data and methods
//! \param glbInt The integrated quantity
//! \param[in] time Parameters for nonlinear/time-dependent simulations
//! \param locInt Vector of element-wise contributions to \a glbInt
virtual bool integrate(Integrand& integrand,
GlobalIntegral& glbInt, const TimeDomain& time,
const LintegralVec& locInt = LintegralVec()) = 0;
GlobalIntegral& glbInt, const TimeDomain& time) = 0;
//! \brief Evaluates a boundary integral over a patch face/edge.
//! \param integrand Object with problem-specific data and methods
//! \param[in] lIndex Local index of the boundary face/edge
//! \param glbInt The integrated quantity
//! \param[in] time Parameters for nonlinear/time-dependent simulations
//! \param locInt Vector of element-wise contributions to \a glbInt
virtual bool integrate(Integrand& integrand, int lIndex,
GlobalIntegral& glbInt, const TimeDomain& time,
const LintegralVec& locInt = LintegralVec()) = 0;
GlobalIntegral& glbInt, const TimeDomain& time) = 0;
@ -259,7 +253,7 @@ public:
needed for nonlinear and/or time-dependent simulations.
\frame %6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frame %5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{Numerical integration method for a 3D spline patch}
@ -267,8 +261,7 @@ public:
\begin{tabbing} bo\=ol\=AS\=Ms\=3D::integrateXX(\= \kill
bool {\color{red}ASMs3D}::{\color{blue}integrate}
({\color{red}Integrand}\& integrand, {\color{red}GlobalIntegral}\& glInt, \\
\>\>\>\>\> const {\color{red}TimeDomain}\& time,
const {\color{red}LintegralVec}\& locInt) \\
\>\>\>\>\> const {\color{red}TimeDomain}\& time) \\
{\rm Compute parameter values (u,v,w)
@ -283,6 +276,8 @@ public:
If {\rm current knot span is non-zero in all three directions} then \\}
{\color{red}LocalIntegral}* A =
{\color{blue}integrand}.getLocalIntegral(iel); \\\>\>\>
{\rm Initialize for numerical integration over the element} \\\>\>\>
{\rm Fetch nodal coordinates (control points) for current element,} Xnod \\}
@ -297,13 +292,14 @@ public:
{\rm and the gradient;} dN/dX = dN/du * J$^{-1}$ \\}
(locInt[iel], time, detJ*weight, N, dN/dX, X); \\}
(*A, time, detJ*weight, N, dN/dX, X); \\}
end do i, j, k \\}
integrand.{\color{blue}finalizeElement}(locInt[iel]); \\}
integrand.{\color{blue}finalizeElement}(*A); \\}
glInt.{\color{blue}assemble}(locInt[iel], MGEL[iel]); \\}
glInt.{\color{blue}assemble}(A->ref(), MGEL[iel]); \\\>\>\>
A->{\color{blue}destruct}(); \\}
end if \\}
@ -313,10 +309,10 @@ public:
\put( 6,207){\line(1,0){290}}
\put( 6,165){\line(1,0){290}}
\put( 6,165){\line(0,1){42}}
\put( 6,224){\line(1,0){290}}
\put( 6,182){\line(1,0){290}}
\put( 6,182){\line(0,1){42}}
@ -371,50 +367,55 @@ class FiniteElement
int iel; //!< Element identifier
size_t iGP; //!< Global integration point counter
double u; //!< First parameter of current point
double v; //!< Second parameter of current point
double w; //!< Third parameter of current point
double xi; //!< First local coordinate of current integration point
double eta; //!< Second local coordinate of current integration point
double zeta; //!< Third local coordinate of current integration point
double h; //!< Characteristic element size
Vector N; //!< Basis function values
Vector Navg; //!< Volume-averaged basis function values
Matrix dNdX; //!< First derivatives (gradient) of the basis functions
Matrix3D d2NdX2; //!< Second derivatives of the basis functions
Matrix G; //!< Matrix used for stabilized methods
double detJxW; //!< Weighted determinant of the coordinate mapping
An object of this class is used to transport all integration point quantities to
the application-dependent integrands.
An object of this class is used to transport all integration point quantities
to the application-dependent integrands.
\frame %9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frame %6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{Framework for two-field mixed formulations}
\item<1-> Two sets of basis functions --
the first basis should be of one order higher than the second
\item<2-> Current solution: Establish the first basis by order-elevating
the second basis once
\item<3-> The knot-span elements become the same for the two bases,
$\Rightarrow$ simplifies the finite element topology management.
\item<4-> Since the geometry represented by the two bases will be identical,
it suffice to use the second (lowest order) basis only,
when evaluating the Jacobian of the geometry mapping
and the basis function gradients w.r.t.\ Cartesian coordinates.
\item<5-> The user only needs to relate to the lowest-order grid/basis, the
higher order basis is established internally automatically.
\item<6-> But, we only get ${\cal C}^{p-2}$ continuity in the highest-order
solution field ($p$ being the polynomial order of the first basis),
and ${\cal C}^{p-1}$ continuity in the other field.
\item<2-> First approach: Establish the first basis by order-elevating
the second basis (yields only ${\cal C}^{p-2}$ continuity
for the first basis).
\item<2-> Second approach: Add one extra control point for the first basis
in each parameter direction, and then reparameterize (both bases
will posess ${\cal C}^{p-1}$ continuity but will have separate
control point locations).
\item<7-> TODO: Manage bases with ${\cal C}^{p-1}$ continuity in both fields.
\item<3-> The knot-span elements become the same for the two bases,
$\Rightarrow$ simplifies the finite element topology management.
\item<4-> Since the geometry represented by the two bases will be identical,
it suffice to use the second (lowest order) basis only,
when evaluating the Jacobian of the geometry mapping
and the basis function gradients w.r.t.\ Cartesian coordinates.
\item<5-> The user only needs to relate to the lowest-order grid/basis, the
higher order basis is established internally automatically.
\frame %10
\frame %7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{Numerical integration for the two-field mixed method}
@ -422,8 +423,7 @@ the application-dependent integrands.
\begin{tabbing} bo\=ol\=AS\=Ms\=3Dmx::integrateXX(\= \kill
bool {\color{red}ASMs3Dmx}::{\color{blue}integrate}
({\color{red}Integrand}\& integrand, {\color{red}GlobalIntegral}\& glInt, \\
\>\>\>\>\> const {\color{red}TimeDomain}\& time,
const {\color{red}LintegralVec}\& locInt) \\
\>\>\>\>\> const {\color{red}TimeDomain}\& time) \\
{\rm Compute parameter values (u,v,w)
@ -437,6 +437,8 @@ the application-dependent integrands.
{\rm Loop over elements (knot-spans);} do iel=0,nel-1 \+\+\\
If {\rm current knot span is non-zero in all three directions} then \-\-\\}
{\color{red}LocalIntegral}* A =
{\color{blue}integrand}.getLocalIntegral(iel); \\\>\>\>
{\rm Initialize for numerical integration over the element} \\\>\>\>
{\rm Fetch nodal coordinates for current element,} Xnod
{\rm (Note: for }basis2 {\rm only)} \\}
@ -451,14 +453,14 @@ the application-dependent integrands.
{\rm and the gradients;} dN$_1$/dX = dN$_1$/du * J$^{-1}$,
dN$_2$/dX = dN$_2$/du * J$^{-1}$, \\}
(locInt[iel], time, detJ*weight, \\\>\>\>\>\>
integrand.{\color{blue}evalInt}(*A, time, detJ*weight, \\\>\>\>\>\>
N$_1$, dN$_1$/dX, N$_2$, dN$_2$/dX, X); \\}
end do i, j, k \\}
integrand.{\color{blue}finalizeElement}(locInt[iel]); \\\>\>\>
glInt.{\color{blue}assemble}(locInt[iel], MGEL[iel]); \\}
integrand.{\color{blue}finalizeElement}(*A); \\\>\>\>
glInt.{\color{blue}assemble}(A->ref(), MGEL[iel]); \\\>\>\>
A->{\color{blue}destruct}(); \\}
end if \\\>
end do iel \\}
@ -466,7 +468,7 @@ the application-dependent integrands.
\frame %11 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frame %8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{Current Applications - {\color{red}\tt Integrand} sub-classes}
@ -481,36 +483,28 @@ the application-dependent integrands.
\classitem{NonlinearElasticityTL} Finite deformation elasticity, \\
Total Lagrangian formulation, linear elastic material
\classitem{NonlinearElasticityUL} Finite deformation elasticity,
Updated Lagrangian formulation, Neo-Hookean materials
Updated Lagrangian formulation, linear elastic, Neo-Hookean and
plastic materials (linear elastic only in public version)
\classitem{NonlinearElasticityULMX} Incompressible and nearly incompressible
materials, mixed formulation with internal pressure and volumetric change
modes (not in public version)
\classitem{NonlinearElasticityULMixed} ...,
mixed formulation with with continuous pressure and volumetric change fields
\\(work in progress)
mixed formulation with continuous pressure and volumetric change fields
(not public) \\
\classitem{NonlinearElasticityFbar} ...,
$\bar{F}$-formulation for the handling of nearly-incompressible materials
(not public)
\classitem{StabilizedStokes} Pressure-stabilized Stokes, fully coupled
\classitem{NavierStokesG2} G2-stabilized Navier--Stokes solver, \\
Euler time integration
\classitem{NavierStokesG2M2} ..., Mid-point rule time integration
\item Projection-based, decoupled Navier--Stokes solvers (Chorin method)
\item Mixed formulation (work in progress)
\item Navier--Stokes CFD solvers (not part of the {\sl ICADA\/} project)
\frame %12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frame %9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{Implementational issues (integration point level)}
@ -522,10 +516,12 @@ the application-dependent integrands.
rather than inline C++ code
\item<2-> Important to express the nonlinear FE formulation on {\em matrix}
form (Voigt notation) --- not {\em tensor} form
\item<3-> In addition: Integration and assembly of element-level matrices
is done in parallel using multi-threading (OpenMP)
\frame %13 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frame %10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{System-level linear algebra -- equation solving}
@ -540,19 +536,19 @@ the application-dependent integrands.
\item PETSc (iterative methods)
\item Parallelization in progress (based on PETSc and MPI)
\item Parallelization on distributed memory based on PETSc/MPI
\frame %14 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frame %11 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{Detailed source code documentation}
See the doxygen-generated html-pages \url{../html/index.html}
\frame %15 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frame %12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\huge\color{blue} Tutorial: Poisson equation in $R^2$
@ -586,15 +582,8 @@ class Poisson : public Integrand
// Physical properties
double kappa; //!< Conductivity (constant)
VecFunc* fluxFld; //!< Boundary heat flux field
RealFunc* fluxFld; //!< Boundary normal flux field
RealFunc* heatSrc; //!< Interior heat source field
// Finite element quantities
Matrix* eM; //!< Element coefficient matrix
Vector* eS; //!< Element right-hand-side vector
Vector* eV; //!< Element solution vector
mutable ElmMats myMats; //!< Local element matrices
\column{0.4\textwidth} \small
Define the class {\tt Poisson} as an {\tt Integrand} subclass,
@ -605,33 +594,23 @@ protected:
Poisson() : kappa(1.0), fluxFld(0), heatSrc(0)
eM = &myMats.A[0];
eS = &myMats.b[0];
eV = &myMats.b[1];
virtual ~Poisson() {}
Define the class constructor and destructor.
Class constructor and destructor.
The constructor {\tt Poisson()} initializes the data members.
\frametitle{Tutorial: Poisson equation}
void setMaterial(double K) { kappa = K; }
void setFlux(VecFunc* tf) { fluxFld = tf; }
void setFlux(RealFunc* ff) { fluxFld = ff; }
void setSource(RealFunc* src) { heatSrc = src; }
\column{0.4\textwidth} \small
@ -641,13 +620,17 @@ public:
virtual bool initElement(const std::vector<int>& MNPC);
virtual bool initElementBou(const std::vector<int>& MNPC);
virtual LocalIntegral* getLocalIntegral(size_t nen, size_t,
bool neumann) const;
\column{0.4\textwidth} \small
Virtual methods for element initialization during the numerical integration.
Virtual method returning an element matrix object for the Poisson integrand.
\frametitle{Tutorial: Poisson equation}
@ -678,6 +661,7 @@ public:
virtual NormBase* getNormIntegrand(AnaSol* asol = 0) const;
bool evalSol(Vector& s,
const Vector& eV,
const Matrix& dNdX,
const Vec3& X) const;
bool formCmatrix(Matrix& C, const Vec3& X,
@ -696,39 +680,28 @@ public:
bool Poisson::initElement (const std::vector<int>& MNPC)
LocalIntegral* Poisson::getLocalIntegral (size_t nen, size_t,
bool neumann) const
const size_t nen = MNPC.size();
ElmMats* result = new ElmMats;
result->rhsOnly = neumann;
result->withLHS = !neumann;
result->resize(neumann ? 0 : 1, 1);
if (!result->A.empty())
int ierr = 0;
if (!primsol.front().empty())
if ((ierr = utl::gather(MNPC,1,primsol.front(),*eV)))
std::cerr <<" *** Poisson::initElement: Detected "
<< ierr <<" node numbers out of range."
<< std::endl;
if (!result->b.empty())
myMats.withLHS = true;
return ierr == 0;
bool Poisson::initElementBou (const std::vector<int>& MNPC)
myMats.withLHS = false;
return true;
return result;
Element initialization:
Set the size of the element matrices based on the number of element nodes.
Extract the element solution vector from the global (patch-level) vector.
Allocate an element matrix object and set the size of the matrices
based on the number of element nodes.
Indicate whether the left-hand-side matrices are to be integrated or not.
@ -740,36 +713,37 @@ bool Poisson::initElementBou (const std::vector<int>& MNPC)
bool Poisson::evalInt (LocalIntegral*& elmInt,
bool Poisson::evalInt (LocalIntegral& elmInt,
const FiniteElement& fe,
const Vec3& X) const
elmInt = &myMats;
ElmMats& elMat = static_cast<ElmMats&>(elmInt);
Matrix C; C.diag(kappa,2); // Diagonal constitutive matrix
if (!elMat.A.empty())
Matrix C; C.diag(kappa,2); // Diagonal constitutive matrix
Matrix CB;
Matrix CB;
if (heatSrc)
if (heatSrc && !elMat.b.empty())
return true;
bool Poisson::evalBou (LocalIntegral*& elmInt,
const FiniteElement& fe,
const Vec3& X, const Vec3& normal) const
elmInt = &myMats;
if (!fluxFld) return false;
ElmMats& elMat = static_cast<ElmMats&>(elmInt);
if (!fluxFld || elMat.b.empty()) return false;
Vec3 q = (*fluxFld)(X); // heat flux at point X
double h = -(*fluxFld)(X); // normal flux at point X
double flux = -(q*normal);
return true;
@ -785,11 +759,11 @@ bool Poisson::evalBou (LocalIntegral*& elmInt,
[eM] = \sum\left([\partial N/\partial\bm{X}]\cdot[CB]\right)
\{eS\} = \sum\left(h\{N\}|J|w\right)
\{eS\} = \sum\left(f\{N\}|J|w\right)
\{eS\} = \sum\left(-(\bm{q}\cdot\bm{n})\{N\}|J|w \right)
\{eS\} = \sum\left(-h\{N\}|J|w \right)
@ -806,16 +780,15 @@ bool Poisson::evalSol (Vector& q, const Vector&,
if (primsol.front().empty()) return false;
Matrix C;
Vector Dtmp;
int ierr = utl::gather(MNPC,1,primsol.front(),Dtmp);
Vector eV;
int ierr = utl::gather(MNPC,1,primsol.front(),eV);
if (ierr > 0) return false;
Matrix C; C.diag(kappa,2); // Diagonal constitutive matrix
// Evaluate the heat flux vector
Matrix CB;
q *= -1.0;
return true;
@ -832,7 +805,7 @@ bool Poisson::evalSol (Vector& s, const VecFunc& asol,
Secondary solution evaluation:
\bm{q} = [C]\cdot[\partial N/\partial\bm{X}]^T\cdot\{Dtmp\}
\bm{q} = [C]\cdot[\partial N/\partial\bm{X}]^T\cdot\{eV\}
Analytical solution
@ -846,6 +819,27 @@ bool Poisson::evalSol (Vector& s, const VecFunc& asol,
class PoissonNorm : public NormBase
VecFunc* anasol; //!< Analytical heat flux
PoissonNorm(Poisson& p, VecFunc* a = 0)
: NormBase(p), anasol(a) {}
virtual ~PoissonNorm() {}
virtual bool hasBoundaryTerms() const { return true; }
virtual bool evalInt(LocalIntegral*& elmInt,
const FiniteElement& fe,
const Vec3& X) const;
virtual bool evalBou(LocalIntegral& elmInt,
const FiniteElement& fe,
const Vec3& X,
const Vec3& normal) const;
NormBase* Poisson::getNormIntegrand (AnaSol* asol) const
if (asol)
@ -854,30 +848,9 @@ NormBase* Poisson::getNormIntegrand (AnaSol* asol) const
return new PoissonNorm(*const_cast<Poisson*>(this));
class PoissonNorm : public NormBase
Poisson& problem; //!< The problem-specific data
VecFunc* anasol; //!< Analytical heat flux
PoissonNorm(Poisson& p, VecFunc* a = 0)
: problem(p), anasol(a) {}
virtual ~PoissonNorm() {}
virtual bool initElement(const std::vector<int>& MNPC)
return problem.initElement(MNPC);
virtual bool evalInt(LocalIntegral*& elmInt,
const FiniteElement& fe,
const Vec3& X) const;
Accompanying class for solution norm integration
Accompanying class for solution norm integration \vskip\baselineskip
{\tt NormBase} is a sub-class of {\tt Integrand} with a couple of added
methods common to all norm classes.
@ -890,33 +863,35 @@ public:
bool PoissonNorm::evalInt (LocalIntegral*& elmInt,
bool PoissonNorm::evalInt (LocalIntegral& elmInt,
const FiniteElement& fe,
const Vec3& X) const
ElmNorm* eNorm = dynamic_cast<ElmNorm*>(elmInt);
if (!eNorm) return false;
Poisson& problem = static_cast<Poisson&>(myProblem);
ElmNorm& pnorm = static_cast<ElmNorm&>(elmInt);
// Evaluate the inverse constitutive matrix at this point
Matrix Cinv;
if (!problem.formCmatrix(Cinv,X,true)) return false;
// Evaluate the finite element heat flux field
Vector sigmah;
if (!problem.evalSol(sigmah,fe.dNdX,X)) return false;
// Integrate the energy norm a(u^h,u^h)
ElmNorm& pnorm = *eNorm;
pnorm[0] += sigmah.dot(Cinv*sigmah)*fe.detJxW;
if (anasol)
// Integrate the external energy (h,u^h)
double u = pnorm.vec.front().dot(fe.N);
pnorm[1] += problem.getHeat(X)*u*fe.detJxW;
if (anasol) {
// Evaluate the analytical heat flux
Vector sigma((*anasol)(X).ptr(),sigmah.size());
// Integrate the energy norm a(u,u)
pnorm[1] += sigma.dot(Cinv*sigma)*fe.detJxW;
pnorm[2] += sigma.dot(Cinv*sigma)*fe.detJxW;
// Integrate the error in energy norm a(u-u^h,u-u^h)
sigma -= sigmah;
pnorm[2] += sigma.dot(Cinv*sigma)*fe.detJxW;
pnorm[3] += sigma.dot(Cinv*sigma)*fe.detJxW;
return true;
@ -927,6 +902,36 @@ bool PoissonNorm::evalInt (LocalIntegral*& elmInt,
\begin{frame}[fragile] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{Tutorial: Poisson equation}
bool PoissonNorm::evalBou (LocalIntegral& elmInt,
const FiniteElement& fe,
const Vec3& X,
const Vec3& normal) const
Poisson& problem = static_cast<Poisson&>(myProblem);
ElmNorm& pnorm = static_cast<ElmNorm&>(elmInt);
// Evaluate the surface heat flux
double t = problem.getTraction(X,normal);
// Evaluate the temperature field
double u = pnorm.vec.front().dot(fe.N);
// Integrate the external energy (t,u^h)
pnorm[1] += t*u*fe.detJxW;
return true;
Integration of external energy due to boundary flux.
\begin{frame}[fragile] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{Tutorial: Poisson equation}
@ -943,7 +948,7 @@ public:
{ myProblem = &prob; }
virtual ~SIMPoisson2D()
{ myProblem = 0; }
{ myProblem = NULL; }
virtual bool parse(char* keyWord, std::istream& is);
@ -961,9 +966,9 @@ bool SIMPoisson2D::initMaterial (size_t propInd)
bool SIMPoisson2D::initNeumann (size_t propInd)
VecFuncMap::const_iterator tit = myVectors.find(propInd);
if (tit == myVectors.end()) return false;
SclFuncMap::const_iterator sit = myScalars.find(propInd);
if (sit == myVectors.end()) return false;
return true;
@ -976,74 +981,58 @@ bool SIMPoisson2D::initNeumann (size_t propInd)
\frametitle{Tutorial: Poisson equation}
bool SIMPoisson2D::parse (char* keyWord, std::istream& is)
bool SIMPoisson2D::parse (const TiXmlElement* elem)
char* cline = 0;
if (!strncasecmp(keyWord,"ISOTROPIC",9))
int nmat = atoi(keyWord+10);
std::cout <<"\nNumber of isotropic materials: "<< nmat << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < nmat && (cline = utl::readLine(is)); i++)
int code = atoi(strtok(cline," "));
double kappa = atof(strtok(NULL," "));
std::cout <<"\tMaterial code "<< code <<": "<< kappa << std::endl;
if (strcasecmp(elem->Value(),"poisson"))
return this->SIM2D::parse(elem);
const TiXmlElement* child = elem->FirstChildElement();
for (; child; child = child->NextSiblingElement())
if (!strcasecmp(child->Value(),"isotropic")) {
int code = 0;
double kappa = 1000.0;
if (code == 0)
else if (this->setPropertyType(code,Property::MATERIAL,mVec.size()))
else if (!strncasecmp(keyWord,"SOURCE",6))
cline = strtok(keyWord+6," ");
if (!strncasecmp(cline,"SQUARE",6))
double L = atof(strtok(NULL," "));
std::cout <<"\nHeat source function: Square L="<< L << std::endl;
prob.setSource(new Square2DHeat(L));
std::cerr <<" ** SIMPoisson2D::parse: Unknown source function "
<< cline << std::endl;
\begin{frame}[fragile] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{Tutorial: Poisson equation}
else if (!strncasecmp(keyWord,"ANASOL",6))
cline = strtok(keyWord+6," ");
if (!strncasecmp(cline,"SQUARE",6))
double L = atof(strtok(NULL," "));
std::cout <<"\nAnalytical solution: Square L="<< L << std::endl;
mySol = new AnaSol(NULL,new Square2D(L));
else if (!strncasecmp(cline,"LSHAPE",6))
mySol = new AnaSol(NULL,new LshapePoisson());
std::cout <<"\nAnalytical solution: Lshape"<< std::endl;
std::cerr <<" ** SIMPoisson2D::parse: Unknown analytical solution "
<< cline <<" (ignored)"<< std::endl;
return true;
else if (!strcasecmp(child->Value(),"source")) {
int code = -1; // Reserve negative code(s) for the source term function
while (myScalars.find(code) != myScalars.end()) --code;
std::string type;
if (type == "expression" && child->FirstChild()) {
std::cout <<"\tHeat source function: "
<< child->FirstChild()->Value() << std::endl;
myScalars[code] = new EvalFunction(child->FirstChild()->Value());
else {
std::cerr <<" ** SIMPoisson2D::parse: Invalid source function "<< type << std::endl;
// Define the analytical boundary traction field
int code = (cline = strtok(NULL," ")) ? atoi(cline) : 0;
if (code > 0 && mySol->getScalarSecSol())
myVectors[code] = mySol->getScalarSecSol();
else if (!strcasecmp(child->Value(),"anasol")) {
std::string type;
if (type == "expression") {
std::cout <<"\tAnalytical solution: Expression"<< std::endl;
if (!mySol) mySol = new AnaSol(child);
std::cerr <<" ** SIMPoisson2D::parse: Invalid analytical solution "<< type << std::endl;
return this->SIM2D::parse(keyWord,is);
return true;
@ -1097,64 +1086,56 @@ int main (int argc, char** argv)
\frametitle{Tutorial: Poisson equation, sample input files}
PATCHFILE lshape2d.g2
PROPERTYFILE lshape2d.prc
# patch ru rv
1 2 2
<!-- General - geometry definitions !-->
<raiseorder patch="1" u="2" v="2"/>
<refine type="uniform" patch="1" u="7" v="7"/>
<set name="Dirichlet" type="edge">
<item patch="1">4</item>
<set name="Neumann" type="edge">
<item patch="1">3</item>
# patch ru rv
1 7 7
<!-- General - boundary conditions !-->
<dirichlet set="Dirichlet" comp="1"/>
<neumann type="anasol" set="Neumann" comp="1"/>
# code
<!-- Problem-specific block !-->
<source type="expression">PI*PI*cos(PI*x)*(2-y)</source>
<anasol type="expression">
# Analytical solution
# Specifier code
ANASOL Lshape 2
1 0 1 2
2 0 1 0
2 0 1 1
2 0 1 3
\tiny lshape2d.g2:
\tiny square2d.g2:
200 1 0 0
3 0
7 4
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
4 4
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0.000000 -1.000000 0
0.000000 -0.666667 0
0.000000 -0.333333 0
0.000000 -0.000000 0
0.333333 -0.000000 0
0.666667 -0.000000 0
1.000000 -0.000000 0
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0.111111 0.333333 0
0.555556 0.333333 0
1.000000 0.333333 0
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-0.666667 0.666667 0
2 2
0 0 1 1
2 2
0 0 1 1
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2.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 2.0 0.0
2.0 2.0 0.0
\vskip-3mm + 10 more lines