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2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
Copyright 2013--2018 James E. McClure, Virginia Polytechnic & State University
Copyright Equnior ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <>.
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
#include "analysis/uCT.h"
#include "analysis/analysis.h"
#include "analysis/distance.h"
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
#include "analysis/filters.h"
#include "analysis/imfilter.h"
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
template <class T> inline int sign(T x) {
if (x == 0)
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
return 0;
return x > 0 ? 1 : -1;
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
inline float trilinear(float dx, float dy, float dz, float f1, float f2,
float f3, float f4, float f5, float f6, float f7,
float f8) {
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
double f, dx2, dy2, dz2, h0, h1;
dx2 = 1.0 - dx;
dy2 = 1.0 - dy;
dz2 = 1.0 - dz;
h0 = (dx * f2 + dx2 * f1) * dy2 + (dx * f4 + dx2 * f3) * dy;
h1 = (dx * f6 + dx2 * f5) * dy2 + (dx * f8 + dx2 * f7) * dy;
f = h0 * dz2 + h1 * dz;
return (f);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
void InterpolateMesh(const Array<float> &Coarse, Array<float> &Fine) {
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Interpolate values from a Coarse mesh to a fine one
// This routine assumes cell-centered meshes with 1 ghost cell
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Fine mesh
int Nx = int(Fine.size(0)) - 2;
int Ny = int(Fine.size(1)) - 2;
int Nz = int(Fine.size(2)) - 2;
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Coarse mesh
int nx = int(Coarse.size(0)) - 2;
int ny = int(Coarse.size(1)) - 2;
int nz = int(Coarse.size(2)) - 2;
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// compute the stride
int hx = Nx / nx;
int hy = Ny / ny;
int hz = Nz / nz;
ASSERT(nx * hx == Nx);
ASSERT(ny * hy == Ny);
ASSERT(nz * hz == Nz);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// value to map distance between meshes (since distance is in voxels)
// usually hx=hy=hz (or something very close)
// the mapping is not exact
// however, it's assumed the coarse solution will be refined
// a good guess is the goal here!
float mapvalue = sqrt(hx * hx + hy * hy + hz * hz);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Interpolate to the fine mesh
for (int k = -1; k < Nz + 1; k++) {
int k0 = floor((k - 0.5 * hz) / hz);
int k1 = k0 + 1;
int k2 = k0 + 2;
float dz = ((k + 0.5) - (k0 + 0.5) * hz) / hz;
ASSERT(k0 >= -1 && k0 < nz + 1 && dz >= 0 && dz <= 1);
for (int j = -1; j < Ny + 1; j++) {
int j0 = floor((j - 0.5 * hy) / hy);
int j1 = j0 + 1;
int j2 = j0 + 2;
float dy = ((j + 0.5) - (j0 + 0.5) * hy) / hy;
ASSERT(j0 >= -1 && j0 < ny + 1 && dy >= 0 && dy <= 1);
for (int i = -1; i < Nx + 1; i++) {
int i0 = floor((i - 0.5 * hx) / hx);
int i1 = i0 + 1;
int i2 = i0 + 2;
float dx = ((i + 0.5) - (i0 + 0.5) * hx) / hx;
ASSERT(i0 >= -1 && i0 < nx + 1 && dx >= 0 && dx <= 1);
float val = trilinear(
dx, dy, dz, Coarse(i1, j1, k1), Coarse(i2, j1, k1),
Coarse(i1, j2, k1), Coarse(i2, j2, k1), Coarse(i1, j1, k2),
Coarse(i2, j1, k2), Coarse(i1, j2, k2), Coarse(i2, j2, k2));
Fine(i + 1, j + 1, k + 1) = mapvalue * val;
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Smooth the data using the distance
void smooth(const Array<float> &VOL, const Array<float> &Dist, float sigma,
Array<float> &MultiScaleSmooth, fillHalo<float> &fillFloat) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < VOL.length(); i++) {
// use exponential weight based on the distance
float dst = Dist(i);
float tmp = exp(-(dst * dst) / (sigma * sigma));
float value = dst > 0 ? -1 : 1;
MultiScaleSmooth(i) = tmp * VOL(i) + (1 - tmp) * value;
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Segment the data
void segment(const Array<float> &data, Array<char> &ID, float tol) {
ASSERT(data.size() == ID.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
if (data(i) > tol)
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
ID(i) = 0;
ID(i) = 1;
// Remove disconnected phases
void removeDisconnected(Array<char> &ID, const Domain &Dm) {
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Run blob identification to remove disconnected volumes
BlobIDArray GlobalBlobID;
DoubleArray SignDist(ID.size());
DoubleArray Phase(ID.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < ID.length(); i++) {
SignDist(i) = (2 * ID(i) - 1);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
Phase(i) = 1;
ComputeGlobalBlobIDs(ID.size(0) - 2, ID.size(1) - 2, ID.size(2) - 2,
Dm.rank_info, Phase, SignDist, 0, 0, GlobalBlobID,
for (size_t i = 0; i < ID.length(); i++) {
if (GlobalBlobID(i) > 0)
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
ID(i) = 0;
ID(i) = GlobalBlobID(i);
// Solve a level (without any coarse level information)
void solve(const Array<float> &VOL, Array<float> &Mean, Array<char> &ID,
Array<float> &Dist, Array<float> &MultiScaleSmooth,
Array<float> &NonLocalMean, fillHalo<float> &fillFloat,
const Domain &Dm, int nprocx, float threshold, float lamda,
float sigsq, int depth) {
PROFILE_SCOPED(timer, "solve");
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Compute the median filter on the sparse array
Med3D(VOL, Mean);
segment(Mean, ID, threshold);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Compute the distance using the segmented volume
CalcDist(Dist, ID, Dm);
smooth(VOL, Dist, 2.0, MultiScaleSmooth, fillFloat);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Compute non-local mean
2018-06-06 19:34:23 -05:00
// int depth = 5;
// float sigsq=0.1;
int nlm_count =
NLM3D(MultiScaleSmooth, Mean, Dist, NonLocalMean, depth, sigsq);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Refine a solution from a coarse grid to a fine grid
void refine(const Array<float> &Dist_coarse, const Array<float> &VOL,
Array<float> &Mean, Array<char> &ID, Array<float> &Dist,
Array<float> &MultiScaleSmooth, Array<float> &NonLocalMean,
fillHalo<float> &fillFloat, const Domain &Dm, int nprocx, int level,
float threshold, float lamda, float sigsq, int depth) {
PROFILE_SCOPED(timer, "refine");
int ratio[3] = {int(Dist.size(0) / Dist_coarse.size(0)),
int(Dist.size(1) / Dist_coarse.size(1)),
int(Dist.size(2) / Dist_coarse.size(2))};
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Interpolate the distance from the coarse to fine grid
InterpolateMesh(Dist_coarse, Dist);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Compute the median filter on the array and segment
Med3D(VOL, Mean);
segment(Mean, ID, threshold);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// If the ID has the wrong distance, set the distance to 0 and run a simple filter to set neighbors to 0
for (size_t i = 0; i < ID.length(); i++) {
char id = Dist(i) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (id != ID(i))
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
Dist(i) = 0;
std::function<float(int, const float *)> filter_1D = [](int N,
const float *data) {
bool zero = data[0] == 0 || data[2] == 0;
return zero ? data[1] * 1e-12 : data[1];
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
std::vector<imfilter::BC> BC(3, imfilter::BC::replicate);
std::vector<std::function<float(int, const float *)>> filter_set(3,
Dist = imfilter::imfilter_separable<float>(Dist, {1, 1, 1}, filter_set, BC);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Smooth the volume data
float h = 2 * lamda *
sqrt(double(ratio[0] * ratio[0] + ratio[1] * ratio[1] +
ratio[2] * ratio[2]));
smooth(VOL, Dist, h, MultiScaleSmooth, fillFloat);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Compute non-local mean
// int depth = 3;
// float sigsq = 0.1;
int nlm_count =
NLM3D(MultiScaleSmooth, Mean, Dist, NonLocalMean, depth, sigsq);
segment(NonLocalMean, ID, 0.001);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ID.length(); i++) {
char id = Dist(i) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (id != ID(i) || fabs(Dist(i)) < 1)
Dist(i) = 2.0 * ID(i) - 1.0;
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Remove disconnected domains
//removeDisconnected( ID, Dm );
// Compute the distance using the segmented volume
if (level > 0) {
CalcDist(Dist, ID, Dm);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Remove regions that are likely noise by shrinking the volumes by dx,
// removing all values that are more than dx+delta from the surface, and then
// growing by dx+delta and intersecting with the original data
void filter_final(Array<char> &ID, Array<float> &Dist,
fillHalo<float> &fillFloat, const Domain &Dm,
Array<float> &Mean, Array<float> &Dist1,
Array<float> &Dist2) {
PROFILE_SCOPED(timer, "filter_final");
int rank = Dm.Comm.getRank();
int Nx = Dm.Nx - 2;
int Ny = Dm.Ny - 2;
int Nz = Dm.Nz - 2;
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Calculate the distance
CalcDist(Dist, ID, Dm);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Compute the range to shrink the volume based on the L2 norm of the distance
Array<float> Dist0(Nx, Ny, Nz);
fillFloat.copy(Dist, Dist0);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
float tmp = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Dist0.length(); i++)
tmp += Dist0(i) * Dist0(i);
tmp =
sqrt(Dm.Comm.sumReduce(tmp) / Dm.Comm.sumReduce<float>(Dist0.length()));
const float dx1 = 0.3 * tmp;
const float dx2 = 1.05 * dx1;
if (rank == 0)
printf(" %0.1f %0.1f %0.1f\n", tmp, dx1, dx2);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Update the IDs/Distance removing regions that are < dx of the range
Dist1 = Dist;
Dist2 = Dist;
Array<char> ID1 = ID;
Array<char> ID2 = ID;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ID.length(); i++) {
ID1(i) = Dist(i) < -dx1 ? 1 : 0;
ID2(i) = Dist(i) > dx1 ? 1 : 0;
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
//Array<float> Dist1 = Dist;
//Array<float> Dist2 = Dist;
CalcDist(Dist1, ID1, Dm);
CalcDist(Dist2, ID2, Dm);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Keep those regions that are within dx2 of the new volumes
Mean = Dist;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ID.length(); i++) {
if (Dist1(i) + dx2 > 0 && ID(i) <= 0) {
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
Mean(i) = -1;
} else if (Dist2(i) + dx2 > 0 && ID(i) > 0) {
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
Mean(i) = 1;
} else {
Mean(i) = Dist(i) > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Find regions of uncertainty that are entirely contained within another region
fillHalo<double> fillDouble(Dm.Comm, Dm.rank_info, {Nx, Ny, Nz}, {1, 1, 1},
0, 1);
fillHalo<BlobIDType> fillInt(Dm.Comm, Dm.rank_info, {Nx, Ny, Nz}, {1, 1, 1},
0, 1);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
BlobIDArray GlobalBlobID;
DoubleArray SignDist(ID.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < ID.length(); i++)
SignDist(i) = fabs(Mean(i)) == 1 ? -1 : 1;
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
DoubleArray Phase(ID.size());
ComputeGlobalBlobIDs(Nx, Ny, Nz, Dm.rank_info, Phase, SignDist, 0, 0,
GlobalBlobID, Dm.Comm);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
int N_blobs = Dm.Comm.maxReduce(GlobalBlobID.max() + 1);
std::vector<float> mean(N_blobs, 0);
std::vector<int> count(N_blobs, 0);
for (int k = 1; k <= Nz; k++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= Ny; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= Nx; i++) {
int id = GlobalBlobID(i, j, k);
if (id >= 0) {
if (GlobalBlobID(i - 1, j, k) < 0) {
mean[id] += Mean(i - 1, j, k);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
if (GlobalBlobID(i + 1, j, k) < 0) {
mean[id] += Mean(i + 1, j, k);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
if (GlobalBlobID(i, j - 1, k) < 0) {
mean[id] += Mean(i, j - 1, k);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
if (GlobalBlobID(i, j + 1, k) < 0) {
mean[id] += Mean(i, j + 1, k);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
if (GlobalBlobID(i, j, k - 1) < 0) {
mean[id] += Mean(i, j, k - 1);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
if (GlobalBlobID(i, j, k + 1) < 0) {
mean[id] += Mean(i, j, k + 1);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
2021-01-04 22:35:10 -06:00
mean = Dm.Comm.sumReduce(mean);
count = Dm.Comm.sumReduce(count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mean.size(); i++)
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
mean[i] /= count[i];
/*if (rank==0) {
for (size_t i=0; i<mean.size(); i++)
printf("%i %0.4f\n",i,mean[i]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < Mean.length(); i++) {
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
int id = GlobalBlobID(i);
if (id >= 0) {
if (fabs(mean[id]) > 0.95) {
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Isolated domain surrounded by one domain
GlobalBlobID(i) = -2;
Mean(i) = sign(mean[id]);
} else {
// Boarder volume, set to liquid
Mean(i) = 1;
// Perform the final segmentation and update the distance
segment(Mean, ID, 0.01);
CalcDist(Dist, ID, Dm);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Filter the original data
void filter_src(const Domain &Dm, Array<float> &src) {
PROFILE_START("Filter source data");
int Nx = Dm.Nx - 2;
int Ny = Dm.Ny - 2;
int Nz = Dm.Nz - 2;
fillHalo<float> fillFloat(Dm.Comm, Dm.rank_info, {Nx, Ny, Nz}, {1, 1, 1}, 0,
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Perform a hot-spot filter on the data
std::vector<imfilter::BC> BC = {imfilter::BC::replicate,
std::function<float(const Array<float> &)> filter_3D =
[](const Array<float> &data) {
float min1 = std::min(data(0, 1, 1), data(2, 1, 1));
float min2 = std::min(data(1, 0, 1), data(1, 2, 1));
float min3 = std::min(data(1, 1, 0), data(1, 1, 2));
float max1 = std::max(data(0, 1, 1), data(2, 1, 1));
float max2 = std::max(data(1, 0, 1), data(1, 2, 1));
float max3 = std::max(data(1, 1, 0), data(1, 1, 2));
float min = std::min(min1, std::min(min2, min3));
float max = std::max(max1, std::max(max2, max3));
return std::max(std::min(data(1, 1, 1), max), min);
std::function<float(const Array<float> &)> filter_1D =
[](const Array<float> &data) {
float min = std::min(data(0), data(2));
float max = std::max(data(0), data(2));
return std::max(std::min(data(1), max), min);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
//LOCVOL[0] = imfilter::imfilter<float>( LOCVOL[0], {1,1,1}, filter_3D, BC );
std::vector<std::function<float(const Array<float> &)>> filter_set(
3, filter_1D);
src = imfilter::imfilter_separable<float>(src, {1, 1, 1}, filter_set, BC);
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
// Perform a gaussian filter on the data
int Nh[3] = {2, 2, 2};
float sigma[3] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00
std::vector<Array<float>> H(3);
H[0] = imfilter::create_filter<float>({Nh[0]}, "gaussian", &sigma[0]);
H[1] = imfilter::create_filter<float>({Nh[1]}, "gaussian", &sigma[1]);
H[2] = imfilter::create_filter<float>({Nh[2]}, "gaussian", &sigma[2]);
src = imfilter::imfilter_separable(src, H, BC);
PROFILE_STOP("Filter source data");
2016-06-27 10:15:42 -05:00