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2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
Copyright 2013--2018 James E. McClure, Virginia Polytechnic & State University
Copyright Equnior ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <>.
#include "analysis/TwoPhase.h"
#include "analysis/pmmc.h"
2019-03-18 08:42:44 -05:00
#include "analysis/analysis.h"
#include "common/Domain.h"
#include "common/Communication.h"
#include "common/Utilities.h"
2021-01-04 21:16:58 -06:00
#include "common/MPI.h"
#include "IO/MeshDatabase.h"
#include "IO/Reader.h"
#include "IO/Writer.h"
#include "analysis/filters.h"
2019-03-18 08:42:44 -05:00
#include <memory>
#define BLOB_AVG_COUNT 35
// Array access for averages defined by the following
#define VOL 0
#define TRIMVOL 1
#define PRS 2
#define AWN 3
#define AWS 4
#define ANS 5
#define LWNS 6
#define JWN 7
#define KWN 8
#define CWNS 9
#define KNWNS 10
#define KGWNS 11
#define VX 12
#define VY 13
#define VZ 14
#define VSQ 15
#define VWNX 16
#define VWNY 17
#define VWNZ 18
#define VWNSX 19
#define VWNSY 20
#define VWNSZ 21
#define GWNXX 22
#define GWNYY 23
#define GWNZZ 24
#define GWNXY 25
#define GWNXZ 26
#define GWNYZ 27
#define TRAWN 28
#define TRJWN 29
#define CMX 30
#define CMY 31
#define CMZ 32
#define EULER 33
#define INTCURV 34
#define PI 3.14159265359
// Constructor
TwoPhase::TwoPhase(std::shared_ptr<Domain> dm)
: n_nw_pts(0), n_ns_pts(0), n_ws_pts(0), n_nws_pts(0), n_local_sol_pts(0),
n_local_nws_pts(0), n_nw_tris(0), n_ns_tris(0), n_ws_tris(0),
n_nws_seg(0), n_local_sol_tris(0), nc(0), kstart(0), kfinish(0),
fluid_isovalue(0), solid_isovalue(0), Volume(0), TIMELOG(NULL),
NWPLOG(NULL), WPLOG(NULL), Dm(dm), NumberComponents_WP(0),
NumberComponents_NWP(0), trimdist(0), porosity(0), poreVol(0), awn(0),
ans(0), aws(0), lwns(0), wp_volume(0), nwp_volume(0), As(0), dummy(0),
vol_w(0), vol_n(0), sat_w(0), sat_w_previous(0), pan(0), paw(0),
pan_global(0), paw_global(0), vol_w_global(0), vol_n_global(0),
awn_global(0), ans_global(0), aws_global(0), lwns_global(0), efawns(0),
efawns_global(0), Jwn(0), Jwn_global(0), Kwn(0), Kwn_global(0), KNwns(0),
KNwns_global(0), KGwns(0), KGwns_global(0), trawn(0), trawn_global(0),
trJwn(0), trJwn_global(0), trRwn(0), trRwn_global(0),
nwp_volume_global(0), wp_volume_global(0), As_global(0), wwndnw_global(0),
wwnsdnwn_global(0), Jwnwwndnw_global(0), dEs(0), dAwn(0), dAns(0) {
Nx = dm->Nx;
Ny = dm->Ny;
Nz = dm->Nz;
Volume = (Nx - 2) * (Ny - 2) * (Nz - 2) * Dm->nprocx() * Dm->nprocy() *
Dm->nprocz() * 1.0;
TempID = new char[Nx * Ny * Nz];
wet_morph = std::shared_ptr<Minkowski>(new Minkowski(Dm));
nonwet_morph = std::shared_ptr<Minkowski>(new Minkowski(Dm));
// Global arrays
PhaseID.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
Label_WP.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
Label_NWP.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
SDn.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
SDs.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
Phase.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
Press.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
dPdt.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
MeanCurvature.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
GaussCurvature.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
SDs_x.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
SDs_x.fill(0); // Gradient of the signed distance
SDs_y.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
SDs_z.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
SDn_x.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
SDn_x.fill(0); // Gradient of the signed distance
SDn_y.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
SDn_z.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
DelPhi.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
Phase_tplus.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
Phase_tminus.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
Vel_x.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
Vel_x.fill(0); // Gradient of the phase indicator field
Vel_y.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
Vel_z.resize(Nx, Ny, Nz);
// Allocate cube storage space
CubeValues.resize(2, 2, 2);
nw_tris.resize(3, 20);
ns_tris.resize(3, 20);
ws_tris.resize(3, 20);
nws_seg.resize(2, 20);
local_sol_tris.resize(3, 18);
nw_pts = DTMutableList<Point>(20);
ns_pts = DTMutableList<Point>(20);
ws_pts = DTMutableList<Point>(20);
nws_pts = DTMutableList<Point>(20);
local_nws_pts = DTMutableList<Point>(20);
local_sol_pts = DTMutableList<Point>(20);
tmp = DTMutableList<Point>(20);
if (Dm->rank() == 0) {
TIMELOG = fopen("timelog.tcat", "a+");
if (fseek(TIMELOG, 0, SEEK_SET) == fseek(TIMELOG, 0, SEEK_CUR)) {
// If timelog is empty, write a short header to list the averages
"time rn rw nun nuw Fx Fy Fz iftwn "); // Timestep, Change in Surface Energy
fprintf(TIMELOG, "sw pw pn awn ans aws Jwn Kwn lwns cwns KNwns "
"KGwns "); // Scalar averages
"vawx vawy vawz vanx vany vanz "); // Velocity averages
fprintf(TIMELOG, "vawnx vawny vawnz vawnsx vawnsy vawnsz ");
"Gwnxx Gwnyy Gwnzz Gwnxy Gwnxz Gwnyz "); // Orientation tensors
fprintf(TIMELOG, "Gwsxx Gwsyy Gwszz Gwsxy Gwsxz Gwsyz ");
fprintf(TIMELOG, "Gnsxx Gnsyy Gnszz Gnsxy Gnsxz Gnsyz ");
fprintf(TIMELOG, "trawn trJwn trRwn "); //trimmed curvature,
"wwndnw wwnsdnwn Jwnwwndnw "); //kinematic quantities,
fprintf(TIMELOG, "Vw Aw Jw Xw "); //miknowski measures,
fprintf(TIMELOG, "Vn An Jn Xn\n"); //miknowski measures,
// fprintf(TIMELOG,"Euler Kn Jn An\n"); //miknowski measures,
NWPLOG = fopen("components.NWP.tcat", "a+");
fprintf(NWPLOG, "time label vol pn awn ans Jwn Kwn lwns cwns ");
fprintf(NWPLOG, "vx vy vz vwnx vwny vwnz vwnsx vwnsy vwnsz vsq ");
fprintf(NWPLOG, "Gwnxx Gwnyy Gwnzz Gwnxy Gwnxz Gwnyz Cx Cy Cz trawn "
"trJwn Kn Euler\n");
WPLOG = fopen("components.WP.tcat", "a+");
fprintf(WPLOG, "time label vol pw awn ans Jwn Kwn lwns cwns ");
fprintf(WPLOG, "vx vy vz vwnx vwny vwnz vwnsx vwnsy vwnsz vsq ");
"Gwnxx Gwnyy Gwnzz Gwnxy Gwnxz Gwnyz Cx Cy Cz trawn trJwn\n");
} else {
char LocalRankString[8];
sprintf(LocalRankString, "%05d", Dm->rank());
char LocalRankFilename[40];
sprintf(LocalRankFilename, "%s%s", "timelog.tcat.", LocalRankString);
TIMELOG = fopen(LocalRankFilename, "a+");
fprintf(TIMELOG, "time rn rw nun nuw Fx Fy Fz iftwn ");
; // Timestep,
"sw pw pn awn ans aws Jwn Kwn lwns cwns KNwns KGwns "); // Scalar averages
fprintf(TIMELOG, "vawx vawy vawz vanx vany vanz "); // Velocity averages
fprintf(TIMELOG, "vawnx vawny vawnz vawnsx vawnsy vawnsz ");
"Gwnxx Gwnyy Gwnzz Gwnxy Gwnxz Gwnyz "); // Orientation tensors
fprintf(TIMELOG, "Gwsxx Gwsyy Gwszz Gwsxy Gwsxz Gwsyz ");
fprintf(TIMELOG, "Gnsxx Gnsyy Gnszz Gnsxy Gnsxz Gnsyz ");
fprintf(TIMELOG, "trawn trJwn trRwn "); //trimmed curvature,
fprintf(TIMELOG, "wwndnw wwnsdnwn Jwnwwndnw "); //kinematic quantities,
fprintf(TIMELOG, "Vw Aw Jw Xw "); //miknowski measures,
fprintf(TIMELOG, "Vn An Jn Xn\n"); //miknowski measures,
// fprintf(TIMELOG,"Euler Kn Jn An\n"); //miknowski measures,
// Destructor
TwoPhase::~TwoPhase() {
delete[] TempID;
if (TIMELOG != NULL) {
if (NWPLOG != NULL) {
if (WPLOG != NULL) {
void TwoPhase::ColorToSignedDistance(double Beta, DoubleArray &ColorData,
DoubleArray &DistData) {
/*double factor,temp,value;
2018-05-17 08:43:12 -05:00
// Initialize to -1,1 (segmentation)
2015-11-14 13:28:38 -06:00
for (int k=0; k<Nz; k++){
2015-08-25 16:10:15 -05:00
for (int j=0; j<Ny; j++){
for (int i=0; i<Nx; i++){
value = ColorData(i,j,k);
// Set phase ID field for non-wetting phase
// here NWP is tagged with 1
// all other phases tagged with 0
int n = k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i;
if (value > 0) TempID[n] = 1;
else TempID[n] = 0;
// Distance threshhold
// temp -- distance based on analytical form McClure, Prins et al, Comp. Phys. Comm.
// distance should be negative outside the NWP
// distance should be positive inside of the NWP
temp = factor*log((1.0+value)/(1.0-value));
if (value > 0.8) DistData(i,j,k) = 2.94*factor;
else if (value < -0.8) DistData(i,j,k) = -2.94*factor;
else DistData(i,j,k) = temp;
2015-11-04 19:26:17 -06:00
// Basic threshold
// distance to the NWP
// negative inside NWP, positive outside
//if (value > 0) DistData(i,j,k) = -0.5;
//else DistData(i,j,k) = 0.5;
// Initialize directly
// DistData(i,j,k) = value;
for (int k=0; k<Nz; k++){
for (int j=0; j<Ny; j++){
for (int i=0; i<Nx; i++){
DistData(i,j,k) += 1.0;
2015-11-04 19:26:17 -06:00
2017-10-01 10:46:22 -05:00
for (int k = 0; k < Nz; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
DistData(i, j, k) = ColorData(i, j, k);
void TwoPhase::ComputeDelPhi() {
int i, j, k;
double fx, fy, fz;
for (k = 1; k < Nz - 1; k++) {
for (j = 1; j < Ny - 1; j++) {
for (i = 1; i < Nx - 1; i++) {
// Compute all of the derivatives using finite differences
fx = 0.5 * (Phase(i + 1, j, k) - Phase(i - 1, j, k));
fy = 0.5 * (Phase(i, j + 1, k) - Phase(i, j - 1, k));
fz = 0.5 * (Phase(i, j, k + 1) - Phase(i, j, k - 1));
DelPhi(i, j, k) = sqrt(fx * fx + fy * fy + fz * fz);
void TwoPhase::Initialize() {
trimdist = 1.0;
fluid_isovalue = solid_isovalue = 0.0;
// Initialize the averaged quantities
awn = aws = ans = lwns = 0.0;
nwp_volume = wp_volume = 0.0;
As = 0.0;
pan = paw = 0.0;
vaw(0) = vaw(1) = vaw(2) = 0.0;
van(0) = van(1) = van(2) = 0.0;
vawn(0) = vawn(1) = vawn(2) = 0.0;
vawns(0) = vawns(1) = vawns(2) = 0.0;
Gwn(0) = Gwn(1) = Gwn(2) = 0.0;
Gwn(3) = Gwn(4) = Gwn(5) = 0.0;
Gws(0) = Gws(1) = Gws(2) = 0.0;
Gws(3) = Gws(4) = Gws(5) = 0.0;
Gns(0) = Gns(1) = Gns(2) = 0.0;
Gns(3) = Gns(4) = Gns(5) = 0.0;
vol_w = vol_n = 0.0;
KGwns = KNwns = 0.0;
Jwn = Kwn = efawns = 0.0;
trJwn = trawn = trRwn = 0.0;
euler = Jn = An = Kn = 0.0;
wwndnw = 0.0;
wwnsdnwn = 0.0;
Jwnwwndnw = 0.0;
2021-12-15 06:35:10 -06:00
Xwn = Xns = Xws = 0.0;
2015-08-25 16:10:15 -05:00
void TwoPhase::SetParams(double rhoA, double rhoB, double tauA, double tauB,
double force_x, double force_y, double force_z,
double alpha) {
Fx = force_x;
Fy = force_y;
Fz = force_z;
rho_n = rhoA;
rho_w = rhoB;
nu_n = (tauA - 0.5) / 3.f;
nu_w = (tauB - 0.5) / 3.f;
gamma_wn = 5.796 * alpha;
2018-10-24 12:26:37 -05:00
void TwoPhase::SetupCubes(Domain &Dm)
int i,j,k;
kstart = 1;
kfinish = Nz-1;
2018-05-16 19:54:37 -05:00
if (Dm->BoundaryCondition !=0 && Dm->kproc==0) kstart = 4;
if (Dm->BoundaryCondition !=0 && Dm->kproc==Dm->nprocz-1) kfinish = Nz-4;
2015-08-25 16:10:15 -05:00
for (k=kstart; k<kfinish; k++){
for (j=1; j<Ny-1; j++){
for (i=1; i<Nx-1; i++){
cubeList(0,nc) = i;
cubeList(1,nc) = j;
cubeList(2,nc) = k;
ncubes = nc;
void TwoPhase::UpdateSolid() {
// Gradient of the Signed Distance function
pmmc_MeshGradient(SDs, SDs_x, SDs_y, SDs_z, Nx, Ny, Nz);
void TwoPhase::UpdateMeshValues() {
int i, j, k, n;
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
fillHalo<double> fillData(Dm->Comm, Dm->rank_info, {Nx - 2, Ny - 2, Nz - 2},
{1, 1, 1}, 0, 1);
// Compute the gradients of the phase indicator and signed distance fields
pmmc_MeshGradient(SDn, SDn_x, SDn_y, SDn_z, Nx, Ny, Nz);
// Gradient of the phase indicator field
pmmc_MeshGradient(SDs, SDs_x, SDs_y, SDs_z, Nx, Ny, Nz);
// Compute the mesh curvature of the phase indicator field
pmmc_MeshCurvature(SDn, MeanCurvature, GaussCurvature, Nx, Ny, Nz);
// Update the time derivative of non-dimensional density field
// Map Phase_tplus and Phase_tminus
for (int n = 0; n < Nx * Ny * Nz; n++)
dPdt(n) = 0.125 * (Phase_tplus(n) - Phase_tminus(n));
// Initializing the blob ID
for (k = 0; k < Nz; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
n = k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i;
if (!(Dm->id[n] > 0)) {
// Solid phase
PhaseID(i, j, k) = 0;
} else if (SDn(i, j, k) < 0.0) {
// wetting phase
PhaseID(i, j, k) = 2;
} else {
// non-wetting phase
PhaseID(i, j, k) = 1;
void TwoPhase::ComputeLocal() {
int i, j, k, n, imin, jmin, kmin, kmax;
int cube[8][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1}};
// If external boundary conditions are set, do not average over the inlet
kmin = 1;
kmax = Nz - 1;
if (Dm->BoundaryCondition > 0 && Dm->kproc() == 0)
kmin = 4;
if (Dm->BoundaryCondition > 0 && Dm->kproc() == Dm->nprocz() - 1)
kmax = Nz - 4;
imin = jmin = 1;
// If inlet layers exist use these as default
if (Dm->inlet_layers_x > 0)
imin = Dm->inlet_layers_x;
if (Dm->inlet_layers_y > 0)
jmin = Dm->inlet_layers_y;
if (Dm->inlet_layers_z > 0)
kmin = Dm->inlet_layers_z;
for (k = kmin; k < kmax; k++) {
for (j = jmin; j < Ny - 1; j++) {
for (i = imin; i < Nx - 1; i++) {
n_nw_pts = n_ns_pts = n_ws_pts = n_nws_pts = n_local_sol_pts =
n_local_nws_pts = 0;
n_nw_tris = n_ns_tris = n_ws_tris = n_nws_seg =
n_local_sol_tris = 0;
// Compute volume averages
for (int p = 0; p < 8; p++) {
n = i + cube[p][0] + (j + cube[p][1]) * Nx +
(k + cube[p][2]) * Nx * Ny;
if (Dm->id[n] > 0) {
// 1-D index for this cube corner
// compute the norm of the gradient of the phase indicator field
// Compute the non-wetting phase volume contribution
if (Phase(i + cube[p][0], j + cube[p][1],
k + cube[p][2]) > 0) {
nwp_volume += 0.125;
// velocity
van(0) += 0.125 * Vel_x(n);
van(1) += 0.125 * Vel_y(n);
van(2) += 0.125 * Vel_z(n);
// volume the excludes the interfacial region
if (DelPhi(n) < 1e-4) {
vol_n += 0.125;
// pressure
pan += 0.125 * Press(n);
} else {
wp_volume += 0.125;
// velocity
vaw(0) += 0.125 * Vel_x(n);
vaw(1) += 0.125 * Vel_y(n);
vaw(2) += 0.125 * Vel_z(n);
if (DelPhi(n) < 1e-4) {
// volume the excludes the interfacial region
vol_w += 0.125;
// pressure
paw += 0.125 * Press(n);
2018-09-28 15:36:42 -05:00
// Construct the interfaces and common curve
SDs, SDn, solid_isovalue, fluid_isovalue, nw_pts, nw_tris,
Values, ns_pts, ns_tris, ws_pts, ws_tris, local_nws_pts,
nws_pts, nws_seg, local_sol_pts, local_sol_tris,
n_local_sol_tris, n_local_sol_pts, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris,
n_ws_pts, n_ws_tris, n_ns_tris, n_ns_pts, n_local_nws_pts,
n_nws_pts, n_nws_seg, i, j, k, Nx, Ny, Nz);
// wn interface averages
if (n_nw_pts > 0) {
awn += pmmc_CubeSurfaceOrientation(Gwn, nw_pts, nw_tris,
Kwn += pmmc_CubeSurfaceInterpValue(
CubeValues, GaussCurvature, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values, i,
j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris);
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
Jwn += pmmc_CubeSurfaceInterpValue(
CubeValues, MeanCurvature, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values, i,
j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris);
// Compute the normal speed of the interface
wwndnw += pmmc_InterfaceSpeed(
dPdt, SDn_x, SDn_y, SDn_z, CubeValues, nw_pts, nw_tris,
NormalVector, InterfaceSpeed, vawn, i, j, k, n_nw_pts,
//for (int p=0; p <n_nw_tris; p++) wwndnw += InterfaceSpeed(p);
for (int p = 0; p < n_nw_tris; p++)
Jwnwwndnw += InterfaceSpeed(p) * Values(p);
// Integrate the trimmed mean curvature (hard-coded to use a distance of 4 pixels)
CubeValues, MeanCurvature, SDs, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values,
DistanceValues, i, j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris, trimdist,
dummy, trJwn);
CubeValues, MeanCurvature, SDs, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values,
DistanceValues, i, j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris, trimdist,
dummy, trRwn);
// wns common curve averages
if (n_local_nws_pts > 0) {
efawns += pmmc_CubeContactAngle(
CubeValues, Values, SDn_x, SDn_y, SDn_z, SDs_x, SDs_y,
SDs_z, local_nws_pts, i, j, k, n_local_nws_pts);
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
wwnsdnwn += pmmc_CommonCurveSpeed(
CubeValues, dPdt, vawns, SDn_x, SDn_y, SDn_z, SDs_x,
SDs_y, SDs_z, local_nws_pts, i, j, k, n_local_nws_pts);
pmmc_CurveCurvature(SDn, SDs, SDn_x, SDn_y, SDn_z, SDs_x,
SDs_y, SDs_z, KNwns_values,
KGwns_values, KNwns, KGwns, nws_pts,
n_nws_pts, i, j, k);
lwns +=
pmmc_CubeCurveLength(local_nws_pts, n_local_nws_pts);
2018-09-28 15:36:42 -05:00
// Solid interface averagees
if (n_local_sol_tris > 0) {
As += pmmc_CubeSurfaceArea(local_sol_pts, local_sol_tris,
2015-08-25 16:10:15 -05:00
// Compute the surface orientation and the interfacial area
ans += pmmc_CubeSurfaceOrientation(Gns, ns_pts, ns_tris,
aws += pmmc_CubeSurfaceOrientation(Gws, ws_pts, ws_tris,
// Compute the integral curvature of the non-wetting phase
n_nw_pts = n_nw_tris = 0;
// Compute the non-wetting phase surface and associated area
An +=
geomavg_MarchingCubes(SDn, fluid_isovalue, i, j, k, nw_pts,
n_nw_pts, nw_tris, n_nw_tris);
// Compute the integral of mean curvature
if (n_nw_pts > 0) {
CubeValues, MeanCurvature, SDs, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values,
DistanceValues, i, j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris, trimdist,
trawn, dummy);
2015-08-25 16:10:15 -05:00
Jn += pmmc_CubeSurfaceInterpValue(CubeValues, MeanCurvature,
nw_pts, nw_tris, Values, i, j,
k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris);
// Compute Euler characteristic from integral of gaussian curvature
Kn += pmmc_CubeSurfaceInterpValue(CubeValues, GaussCurvature,
nw_pts, nw_tris, Values, i, j,
k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris);
euler += geomavg_EulerCharacteristic(nw_pts, nw_tris, n_nw_pts,
n_nw_tris, i, j, k);
Array<char> phase_label(Nx, Ny, Nz);
Array<double> phase_distance(Nx, Ny, Nz);
// Analyze the wetting fluid
for (k = 0; k < Nz; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
n = k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i;
if (!(Dm->id[n] > 0)) {
// Solid phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 1;
} else if (SDn(i, j, k) < 0.0) {
// wetting phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 0;
} else {
// non-wetting phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 1;
phase_distance(i, j, k) =
2.0 * double(phase_label(i, j, k)) - 1.0;
CalcDist(phase_distance, phase_label, *Dm);
wet_morph->ComputeScalar(phase_distance, 0.f);
//printf("generating distance at rank=%i \n",Dm->rank());
// Analyze the wetting fluid
for (k = 0; k < Nz; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
n = k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i;
if (!(Dm->id[n] > 0)) {
// Solid phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 1;
} else if (SDn(i, j, k) < 0.0) {
// wetting phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 1;
} else {
// non-wetting phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 0;
phase_distance(i, j, k) =
2.0 * double(phase_label(i, j, k)) - 1.0;
//printf("calculate distance at rank=%i \n",Dm->rank());
CalcDist(phase_distance, phase_label, *Dm);
//printf("morphological analysis at rank=%i \n",Dm->rank());
nonwet_morph->ComputeScalar(phase_distance, 0.f);
//printf("rank=%i completed \n",Dm->rank());
void TwoPhase::ComputeStatic() {
int i, j, k, n, imin, jmin, kmin, kmax;
int cube[8][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1}};
kmin = 1;
kmax = Nz - 1;
imin = jmin = 1;
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
/* set fluid isovalue to "grow" NWP for contact angle measurement */
fluid_isovalue = -1.0;
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
string FILENAME = "ContactAngle";
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
char LocalRankString[8];
char LocalRankFilename[40];
sprintf(LocalRankString, "%05d", Dm->rank());
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
sprintf(LocalRankFilename, "%s%s%s", "ContactAngle.", LocalRankString,
FILE *ANGLES = fopen(LocalRankFilename, "a+");
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
fprintf(ANGLES, "x y z angle\n");
for (k = kmin; k < kmax; k++) {
for (j = jmin; j < Ny - 1; j++) {
for (i = imin; i < Nx - 1; i++) {
n_nw_pts = n_ns_pts = n_ws_pts = n_nws_pts = n_local_sol_pts =
n_local_nws_pts = 0;
n_nw_tris = n_ns_tris = n_ws_tris = n_nws_seg =
n_local_sol_tris = 0;
// Compute volume averages
for (int p = 0; p < 8; p++) {
n = i + cube[p][0] + (j + cube[p][1]) * Nx +
(k + cube[p][2]) * Nx * Ny;
if (Dm->id[n] > 0) {
// 1-D index for this cube corner
// compute the norm of the gradient of the phase indicator field
// Compute the non-wetting phase volume contribution
if (Phase(i + cube[p][0], j + cube[p][1],
k + cube[p][2]) > 0) {
nwp_volume += 0.125;
} else {
wp_volume += 0.125;
// Construct the interfaces and common curve
SDs, SDn, solid_isovalue, fluid_isovalue, nw_pts, nw_tris,
Values, ns_pts, ns_tris, ws_pts, ws_tris, local_nws_pts,
nws_pts, nws_seg, local_sol_pts, local_sol_tris,
n_local_sol_tris, n_local_sol_pts, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris,
n_ws_pts, n_ws_tris, n_ns_tris, n_ns_pts, n_local_nws_pts,
n_nws_pts, n_nws_seg, i, j, k, Nx, Ny, Nz);
// wn interface averages
if (n_nw_pts > 0) {
awn += pmmc_CubeSurfaceOrientation(Gwn, nw_pts, nw_tris,
Kwn += pmmc_CubeSurfaceInterpValue(
CubeValues, GaussCurvature, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values, i,
j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris);
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
Jwn += pmmc_CubeSurfaceInterpValue(
CubeValues, MeanCurvature, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values, i,
j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris);
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
Xwn += geomavg_EulerCharacteristic(
nw_pts, nw_tris, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris, i, j, k);
// Integrate the trimmed mean curvature (hard-coded to use a distance of 4 pixels)
CubeValues, MeanCurvature, SDs, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values,
DistanceValues, i, j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris, trimdist,
dummy, trJwn);
CubeValues, MeanCurvature, SDs, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values,
DistanceValues, i, j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris, trimdist,
dummy, trRwn);
// wns common curve averages
if (n_local_nws_pts > 0) {
efawns += pmmc_CubeContactAngle(
CubeValues, Values, SDn_x, SDn_y, SDn_z, SDs_x, SDs_y,
SDs_z, local_nws_pts, i, j, k, n_local_nws_pts);
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
for (int p = 0; p < n_local_nws_pts; p++) {
// Extract the line segment
Point A = local_nws_pts(p);
double value = Values(p);
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
fprintf(ANGLES, "%.8g %.8g %.8g %.8g\n", A.x, A.y, A.z,
pmmc_CurveCurvature(SDn, SDs, SDn_x, SDn_y, SDn_z, SDs_x,
SDs_y, SDs_z, KNwns_values,
KGwns_values, KNwns, KGwns, nws_pts,
n_nws_pts, i, j, k);
lwns +=
pmmc_CubeCurveLength(local_nws_pts, n_local_nws_pts);
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
2021-12-15 06:35:10 -06:00
/* half contribution for vertices / edges at the common line
* each cube with contact line has a net of undercounting vertices
* each cube is undercounting edges due to internal counts
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
Xwn += 0.25 * n_local_nws_pts - 0.5;
Xws += 0.25 * n_local_nws_pts - 0.5;
Xns += 0.25 * n_local_nws_pts - 0.5;
// Solid interface averagees
if (n_local_sol_tris > 0) {
As += pmmc_CubeSurfaceArea(local_sol_pts, local_sol_tris,
// Compute the surface orientation and the interfacial area
ans += pmmc_CubeSurfaceOrientation(Gns, ns_pts, ns_tris,
aws += pmmc_CubeSurfaceOrientation(Gws, ws_pts, ws_tris,
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
Xws += geomavg_EulerCharacteristic(
ws_pts, ws_tris, n_ws_pts, n_ws_tris, i, j, k);
Xns += geomavg_EulerCharacteristic(
ns_pts, ns_tris, n_ns_pts, n_ns_tris, i, j, k);
// Compute the integral curvature of the non-wetting phase
n_nw_pts = n_nw_tris = 0;
// Compute the non-wetting phase surface and associated area
An +=
geomavg_MarchingCubes(SDn, fluid_isovalue, i, j, k, nw_pts,
n_nw_pts, nw_tris, n_nw_tris);
// Compute the integral of mean curvature
if (n_nw_pts > 0) {
CubeValues, MeanCurvature, SDs, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values,
DistanceValues, i, j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris, trimdist,
trawn, dummy);
Jn += pmmc_CubeSurfaceInterpValue(CubeValues, MeanCurvature,
nw_pts, nw_tris, Values, i, j,
k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris);
// Compute Euler characteristic from integral of gaussian curvature
Kn += pmmc_CubeSurfaceInterpValue(CubeValues, GaussCurvature,
nw_pts, nw_tris, Values, i, j,
k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris);
euler += geomavg_EulerCharacteristic(nw_pts, nw_tris, n_nw_pts,
n_nw_tris, i, j, k);
Array<char> phase_label(Nx, Ny, Nz);
Array<double> phase_distance(Nx, Ny, Nz);
// Analyze the wetting fluid
for (k = 0; k < Nz; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
n = k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i;
if (!(Dm->id[n] > 0)) {
// Solid phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 1;
} else if (SDn(i, j, k) < 0.0) {
// wetting phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 0;
} else {
// non-wetting phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 1;
phase_distance(i, j, k) =
2.0 * double(phase_label(i, j, k)) - 1.0;
CalcDist(phase_distance, phase_label, *Dm);
wet_morph->ComputeScalar(phase_distance, 0.f);
//printf("generating distance at rank=%i \n",Dm->rank());
// Analyze the wetting fluid
for (k = 0; k < Nz; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
n = k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i;
if (!(Dm->id[n] > 0)) {
// Solid phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 1;
} else if (SDn(i, j, k) < 0.0) {
// wetting phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 1;
} else {
// non-wetting phase
phase_label(i, j, k) = 0;
phase_distance(i, j, k) =
2.0 * double(phase_label(i, j, k)) - 1.0;
CalcDist(phase_distance, phase_label, *Dm);
nonwet_morph->ComputeScalar(phase_distance, 0.f);
void TwoPhase::AssignComponentLabels() {
//int LabelNWP=1;
//int LabelWP=2;
// NOTE: labeling the wetting phase components is tricky! One sandstone media had over 800,000 components
// NumberComponents_WP = ComputeGlobalPhaseComponent(Dm->Nx-2,Dm->Ny-2,Dm->Nz-2,Dm->rank_info,PhaseID,LabelWP,Label_WP);
// treat all wetting phase is connected
NumberComponents_WP = 1;
for (int k = 0; k < Nz; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
Label_WP(i, j, k) = 0;
//if (SDs(i,j,k) > 0.0) PhaseID(i,j,k) = 0;
//else if (Phase(i,j,k) > 0.0) PhaseID(i,j,k) = LabelNWP;
//else PhaseID(i,j,k) = LabelWP;
// Fewer non-wetting phase features are present
//NumberComponents_NWP = ComputeGlobalPhaseComponent(Dm->Nx-2,Dm->Ny-2,Dm->Nz-2,Dm->rank_info,PhaseID,LabelNWP,Label_NWP);
NumberComponents_NWP = ComputeGlobalBlobIDs(
Dm->Nx - 2, Dm->Ny - 2, Dm->Nz - 2, Dm->rank_info, SDs, SDn,
solid_isovalue, fluid_isovalue, Label_NWP, Dm->Comm);
void TwoPhase::ComponentAverages() {
int i, j, k, n;
int kmin, kmax;
int LabelWP, LabelNWP;
double TempLocal;
int cube[8][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1}};
ComponentAverages_WP.resize(BLOB_AVG_COUNT, NumberComponents_WP);
ComponentAverages_NWP.resize(BLOB_AVG_COUNT, NumberComponents_NWP);
if (Dm->rank() == 0) {
printf("Number of wetting phase components is %i \n",
printf("Number of non-wetting phase components is %i \n",
// If external boundary conditions are set, do not average over the inlet
kmin = 1;
kmax = Nz - 1;
if (Dm->BoundaryCondition > 0 && Dm->kproc() == 0)
kmin = 4;
if (Dm->BoundaryCondition > 0 && Dm->kproc() == Dm->nprocz() - 1)
kmax = Nz - 4;
for (k = kmin; k < kmax; k++) {
for (j = 1; j < Ny - 1; j++) {
for (i = 1; i < Nx - 1; i++) {
LabelWP = GetCubeLabel(i, j, k, Label_WP);
LabelNWP = GetCubeLabel(i, j, k, Label_NWP);
n_nw_pts = n_ns_pts = n_ws_pts = n_nws_pts = n_local_sol_pts =
n_local_nws_pts = 0;
n_nw_tris = n_ns_tris = n_ws_tris = n_nws_seg =
n_local_sol_tris = 0;
// Initialize the averaged quantities
awn = aws = ans = lwns = 0.0;
vawn(0) = vawn(1) = vawn(2) = 0.0;
vawns(0) = vawns(1) = vawns(2) = 0.0;
Gwn(0) = Gwn(1) = Gwn(2) = 0.0;
Gwn(3) = Gwn(4) = Gwn(5) = 0.0;
Gws(0) = Gws(1) = Gws(2) = 0.0;
Gws(3) = Gws(4) = Gws(5) = 0.0;
Gns(0) = Gns(1) = Gns(2) = 0.0;
Gns(3) = Gns(4) = Gns(5) = 0.0;
KGwns = KNwns = 0.0;
Jwn = Kwn = efawns = 0.0;
trawn = trJwn = 0.0;
euler = 0.0;
// Compute volume averages
for (int p = 0; p < 8; p++) {
n = i + cube[p][0] + (j + cube[p][1]) * Nx +
(k + cube[p][2]) * Nx * Ny;
if (Dm->id[n] > 0) {
// 1-D index for this cube corner
// compute the norm of the gradient of the phase indicator field
// Compute the non-wetting phase volume contribution
if (Phase(i + cube[p][0], j + cube[p][1],
k + cube[p][2]) > 0.0 &&
!(LabelNWP < 0)) {
// volume
ComponentAverages_NWP(VOL, LabelNWP) += 0.125;
// velocity
ComponentAverages_NWP(VX, LabelNWP) +=
0.125 * Vel_x(n);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VY, LabelNWP) +=
0.125 * Vel_y(n);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VZ, LabelNWP) +=
0.125 * Vel_z(n);
// center of mass
ComponentAverages_NWP(CMX, LabelNWP) +=
0.125 * (i + cube[p][0] + Dm->iproc() * Nx);
ComponentAverages_NWP(CMY, LabelNWP) +=
0.125 * (j + cube[p][1] + Dm->jproc() * Ny);
ComponentAverages_NWP(CMZ, LabelNWP) +=
0.125 * (k + cube[p][2] + Dm->kproc() * Nz);
// twice the kinetic energy
ComponentAverages_NWP(VSQ, LabelNWP) +=
0.125 *
(Vel_x(n) * Vel_x(n) + Vel_y(n) * Vel_y(n) +
Vel_z(n) * Vel_z(n));
// volume the for pressure averaging excludes the interfacial region
if (DelPhi(n) < 1e-4) {
ComponentAverages_NWP(TRIMVOL, LabelNWP) +=
ComponentAverages_NWP(PRS, LabelNWP) +=
0.125 * Press(n);
} else if (!(LabelWP < 0)) {
ComponentAverages_WP(VOL, LabelWP) += 0.125;
// velocity
ComponentAverages_WP(VX, LabelWP) +=
0.125 * Vel_x(n);
ComponentAverages_WP(VY, LabelWP) +=
0.125 * Vel_y(n);
ComponentAverages_WP(VZ, LabelWP) +=
0.125 * Vel_z(n);
// Center of mass
ComponentAverages_WP(CMX, LabelWP) +=
0.125 * (i + cube[p][0] + Dm->iproc() * Nx);
ComponentAverages_WP(CMY, LabelWP) +=
0.125 * (j + cube[p][1] + Dm->jproc() * Ny);
ComponentAverages_WP(CMZ, LabelWP) +=
0.125 * (k + cube[p][2] + Dm->kproc() * Nz);
// twice the kinetic energy
ComponentAverages_WP(VSQ, LabelWP) +=
0.125 *
(Vel_x(n) * Vel_x(n) + Vel_y(n) * Vel_y(n) +
Vel_z(n) * Vel_z(n));
// volume the for pressure averaging excludes the interfacial region
if (DelPhi(n) < 1e-4) {
ComponentAverages_WP(TRIMVOL, LabelWP) += 0.125;
ComponentAverages_WP(PRS, LabelWP) +=
0.125 * Press(n);
// Construct the interfaces and common curve
SDs, SDn, solid_isovalue, fluid_isovalue, nw_pts, nw_tris,
Values, ns_pts, ns_tris, ws_pts, ws_tris, local_nws_pts,
nws_pts, nws_seg, local_sol_pts, local_sol_tris,
n_local_sol_tris, n_local_sol_pts, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris,
n_ws_pts, n_ws_tris, n_ns_tris, n_ns_pts, n_local_nws_pts,
n_nws_pts, n_nws_seg, i, j, k, Nx, Ny, Nz);
// wn interface averages
if (n_nw_pts > 0 && LabelNWP >= 0 && LabelWP >= 0) {
// Mean curvature
TempLocal = pmmc_CubeSurfaceInterpValue(
CubeValues, MeanCurvature, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values, i,
j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris);
ComponentAverages_WP(JWN, LabelWP) += TempLocal;
ComponentAverages_NWP(JWN, LabelNWP) += TempLocal;
// Trimmed Mean curvature
CubeValues, MeanCurvature, SDs, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values,
DistanceValues, i, j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris, trimdist,
trawn, trJwn);
ComponentAverages_WP(TRAWN, LabelWP) += trawn;
ComponentAverages_WP(TRJWN, LabelWP) += trJwn;
ComponentAverages_NWP(TRAWN, LabelNWP) += trawn;
ComponentAverages_NWP(TRJWN, LabelNWP) += trJwn;
// Gaussian curvature
TempLocal = pmmc_CubeSurfaceInterpValue(
CubeValues, GaussCurvature, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values, i,
j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris);
ComponentAverages_WP(KWN, LabelWP) += TempLocal;
ComponentAverages_NWP(KWN, LabelNWP) += TempLocal;
// Compute the normal speed of the interface
pmmc_InterfaceSpeed(dPdt, SDn_x, SDn_y, SDn_z, CubeValues,
nw_pts, nw_tris, NormalVector,
InterfaceSpeed, vawn, i, j, k, n_nw_pts,
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNX, LabelWP) += vawn(0);
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNY, LabelWP) += vawn(1);
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNZ, LabelWP) += vawn(2);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNX, LabelNWP) += vawn(0);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNY, LabelNWP) += vawn(1);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNZ, LabelNWP) += vawn(2);
// Interfacial Area
TempLocal = pmmc_CubeSurfaceOrientation(Gwn, nw_pts,
nw_tris, n_nw_tris);
ComponentAverages_WP(AWN, LabelWP) += TempLocal;
ComponentAverages_NWP(AWN, LabelNWP) += TempLocal;
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXX, LabelWP) += Gwn(0);
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNYY, LabelWP) += Gwn(1);
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNZZ, LabelWP) += Gwn(2);
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXY, LabelWP) += Gwn(3);
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXZ, LabelWP) += Gwn(4);
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNYZ, LabelWP) += Gwn(5);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXX, LabelNWP) += Gwn(0);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNYY, LabelNWP) += Gwn(1);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNZZ, LabelNWP) += Gwn(2);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXY, LabelNWP) += Gwn(3);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXZ, LabelNWP) += Gwn(4);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNYZ, LabelNWP) += Gwn(5);
// Common curve averages
if (n_local_nws_pts > 0 && LabelNWP >= 0 && LabelWP >= 0) {
// Contact angle
TempLocal = pmmc_CubeContactAngle(
CubeValues, Values, SDn_x, SDn_y, SDn_z, SDs_x, SDs_y,
SDs_z, local_nws_pts, i, j, k, n_local_nws_pts);
ComponentAverages_WP(CWNS, LabelWP) += TempLocal;
ComponentAverages_NWP(CWNS, LabelNWP) += TempLocal;
// Kinematic velocity of the common curve
CubeValues, dPdt, vawns, SDn_x, SDn_y, SDn_z, SDs_x,
SDs_y, SDs_z, local_nws_pts, i, j, k, n_local_nws_pts);
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSX, LabelWP) += vawns(0);
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSY, LabelWP) += vawns(1);
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSZ, LabelWP) += vawns(2);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSX, LabelNWP) += vawns(0);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSY, LabelNWP) += vawns(1);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSZ, LabelNWP) += vawns(2);
// Curvature of the common curve
pmmc_CurveCurvature(SDn, SDs, SDn_x, SDn_y, SDn_z, SDs_x,
SDs_y, SDs_z, KNwns_values,
KGwns_values, KNwns, KGwns, nws_pts,
n_nws_pts, i, j, k);
ComponentAverages_WP(KNWNS, LabelWP) += KNwns;
ComponentAverages_WP(KGWNS, LabelWP) += KGwns;
ComponentAverages_NWP(KNWNS, LabelNWP) += KNwns;
ComponentAverages_NWP(KGWNS, LabelNWP) += KGwns;
// Length of the common curve
TempLocal =
pmmc_CubeCurveLength(local_nws_pts, n_local_nws_pts);
ComponentAverages_NWP(LWNS, LabelNWP) += TempLocal;
// Solid interface averages
if (n_local_sol_pts > 0 && LabelWP >= 0) {
As += pmmc_CubeSurfaceArea(local_sol_pts, local_sol_tris,
// Compute the surface orientation and the interfacial area
TempLocal = pmmc_CubeSurfaceOrientation(Gws, ws_pts,
ws_tris, n_ws_tris);
ComponentAverages_WP(AWS, LabelWP) += TempLocal;
if (n_ns_pts > 0 && LabelNWP >= 0) {
TempLocal = pmmc_CubeSurfaceOrientation(Gns, ns_pts,
ns_tris, n_ns_tris);
ComponentAverages_NWP(ANS, LabelNWP) += TempLocal;
/* Compute the Euler characteristic
* count all vertices, edges and faces (triangles)
* Euler Number = vertices - edges + faces
* double geomavg_EulerCharacteristic(PointList, PointCount, TriList, TriCount);
if (LabelNWP >= 0) {
// find non-wetting phase interface
// double euler;
n_nw_pts = n_nw_tris = 0;
geomavg_MarchingCubes(SDn, fluid_isovalue, i, j, k, nw_pts,
n_nw_pts, nw_tris, n_nw_tris);
// Compute Euler characteristic from integral of gaussian curvature
euler = pmmc_CubeSurfaceInterpValue(
CubeValues, GaussCurvature, nw_pts, nw_tris, Values, i,
j, k, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris);
ComponentAverages_NWP(INTCURV, LabelNWP) += euler;
// Compute the Euler characteristic from vertices - faces + edges
euler = geomavg_EulerCharacteristic(
nw_pts, nw_tris, n_nw_pts, n_nw_tris, i, j, k);
ComponentAverages_NWP(EULER, LabelNWP) += euler;
if (Dm->rank() == 0) {
printf("Component averages computed locally -- reducing result... \n");
// Globally reduce the non-wetting phase averages
RecvBuffer.resize(BLOB_AVG_COUNT, NumberComponents_NWP);
/* for (int b=0; b<NumberComponents_NWP; b++){
2021-01-04 21:16:58 -06:00
for (int idx=0; idx<BLOB_AVG_COUNT; idx++) ComponentAverages_NWP(idx,b)=RecvBuffer(idx);
BLOB_AVG_COUNT * NumberComponents_NWP);
// Dm->Comm.sumReduce(,,BLOB_AVG_COUNT);
if (Dm->rank() == 0) {
printf("rescaling... \n");
for (int b = 0; b < NumberComponents_NWP; b++) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < BLOB_AVG_COUNT; idx++)
ComponentAverages_NWP(idx, b) = RecvBuffer(idx, b);
for (int b = 0; b < NumberComponents_NWP; b++) {
if (ComponentAverages_NWP(VOL, b) > 0.0) {
double Vn, pn, awn, ans, Jwn, Kwn, lwns, cwns, vsq;
Vn = ComponentAverages_NWP(VOL, b);
awn = ComponentAverages_NWP(AWN, b);
ans = ComponentAverages_NWP(ANS, b);
van(0) = ComponentAverages_NWP(VX, b) / Vn;
van(1) = ComponentAverages_NWP(VY, b) / Vn;
van(2) = ComponentAverages_NWP(VZ, b) / Vn;
vsq = ComponentAverages_NWP(VSQ, b) / Vn;
if (ComponentAverages_NWP(TRIMVOL, b) > 0.0) {
pn = ComponentAverages_NWP(PRS, b) /
ComponentAverages_NWP(TRIMVOL, b);
} else
pn = 0.0;
if (awn != 0.0) {
Jwn = ComponentAverages_NWP(JWN, b) / awn;
Kwn = ComponentAverages_NWP(KWN, b) / awn;
vawn(0) = ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSX, b) / awn;
vawn(1) = ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSY, b) / awn;
vawn(2) = ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSZ, b) / awn;
Gwn(0) = ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXX, b) / awn;
Gwn(1) = ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNYY, b) / awn;
Gwn(2) = ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNZZ, b) / awn;
Gwn(3) = ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXY, b) / awn;
Gwn(4) = ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXZ, b) / awn;
Gwn(5) = ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNYZ, b) / awn;
} else
Jwn = Kwn = 0.0;
trawn = ComponentAverages_NWP(TRAWN, b);
trJwn = ComponentAverages_NWP(TRJWN, b);
if (trawn > 0.0)
trJwn /= trawn;
lwns = ComponentAverages_NWP(LWNS, b);
if (lwns != 0.0) {
cwns = ComponentAverages_NWP(CWNS, b) / lwns;
vawns(0) = ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSX, b) / lwns;
vawns(1) = ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSY, b) / lwns;
vawns(2) = ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSZ, b) / lwns;
} else
cwns = 0.0;
ComponentAverages_NWP(PRS, b) = pn;
ComponentAverages_NWP(VX, b) = van(0);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VY, b) = van(1);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VZ, b) = van(2);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VSQ, b) = vsq;
ComponentAverages_NWP(JWN, b) = Jwn;
ComponentAverages_NWP(KWN, b) = Kwn;
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNX, b) = vawn(0);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNY, b) = vawn(1);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNZ, b) = vawn(2);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXX, b) = Gwn(0);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNYY, b) = Gwn(1);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNZZ, b) = Gwn(2);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXY, b) = Gwn(3);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXZ, b) = Gwn(4);
ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNYZ, b) = Gwn(5);
ComponentAverages_NWP(CWNS, b) = cwns;
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSX, b) = vawns(0);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSY, b) = vawns(1);
ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSZ, b) = vawns(2);
ComponentAverages_NWP(CMX, b) /= Vn;
ComponentAverages_NWP(CMY, b) /= Vn;
ComponentAverages_NWP(CMZ, b) /= Vn;
ComponentAverages_NWP(TRJWN, b) = trJwn;
ComponentAverages_NWP(EULER, b) /= (2 * PI);
if (Dm->rank() == 0) {
printf("reduce WP averages... \n");
// reduce the wetting phase averages
for (int b = 0; b < NumberComponents_WP; b++) {
Dm->Comm.sumReduce(&ComponentAverages_WP(0, b),,
for (int idx = 0; idx < BLOB_AVG_COUNT; idx++)
ComponentAverages_WP(idx, b) = RecvBuffer(idx);
for (int b = 0; b < NumberComponents_WP; b++) {
if (ComponentAverages_WP(VOL, b) > 0.0) {
double Vw, pw, awn, ans, Jwn, Kwn, lwns, cwns, vsq;
Vw = ComponentAverages_WP(VOL, b);
awn = ComponentAverages_WP(AWN, b);
ans = ComponentAverages_WP(ANS, b);
vaw(0) = ComponentAverages_WP(VX, b) / Vw;
vaw(1) = ComponentAverages_WP(VY, b) / Vw;
vaw(2) = ComponentAverages_WP(VZ, b) / Vw;
vsq = ComponentAverages_WP(VSQ, b) / Vw;
if (ComponentAverages_WP(TRIMVOL, b) > 0.0) {
pw = ComponentAverages_WP(PRS, b) /
ComponentAverages_WP(TRIMVOL, b);
} else
pw = 0.0;
if (awn != 0.0) {
Jwn = ComponentAverages_WP(JWN, b) / awn;
Kwn = ComponentAverages_WP(KWN, b) / awn;
vawn(0) = ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSX, b) / awn;
vawn(1) = ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSY, b) / awn;
vawn(2) = ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSZ, b) / awn;
Gwn(0) = ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXX, b) / awn;
Gwn(1) = ComponentAverages_WP(GWNYY, b) / awn;
Gwn(2) = ComponentAverages_WP(GWNZZ, b) / awn;
Gwn(3) = ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXY, b) / awn;
Gwn(4) = ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXZ, b) / awn;
Gwn(5) = ComponentAverages_WP(GWNYZ, b) / awn;
} else
Jwn = Kwn = 0.0;
trawn = ComponentAverages_WP(TRAWN, b);
trJwn = ComponentAverages_WP(TRJWN, b);
if (trawn > 0.0)
trJwn /= trawn;
lwns = ComponentAverages_WP(LWNS, b);
if (lwns != 0.0) {
cwns = ComponentAverages_WP(CWNS, b) / lwns;
vawns(0) = ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSX, b) / lwns;
vawns(1) = ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSY, b) / lwns;
vawns(2) = ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSZ, b) / lwns;
} else
cwns = 0.0;
ComponentAverages_WP(PRS, b) = pw;
ComponentAverages_WP(VX, b) = vaw(0);
ComponentAverages_WP(VY, b) = vaw(1);
ComponentAverages_WP(VZ, b) = vaw(2);
ComponentAverages_WP(VSQ, b) = vsq;
ComponentAverages_WP(JWN, b) = Jwn;
ComponentAverages_WP(KWN, b) = Kwn;
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNX, b) = vawn(0);
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNY, b) = vawn(1);
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNZ, b) = vawn(2);
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXX, b) = Gwn(0);
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNYY, b) = Gwn(1);
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNZZ, b) = Gwn(2);
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXY, b) = Gwn(3);
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXZ, b) = Gwn(4);
ComponentAverages_WP(GWNYZ, b) = Gwn(5);
ComponentAverages_WP(CWNS, b) = cwns;
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSX, b) = vawns(0);
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSY, b) = vawns(1);
ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSZ, b) = vawns(2);
ComponentAverages_WP(TRJWN, b) = trJwn;
void TwoPhase::Reduce() {
int i;
2021-12-14 15:47:27 -06:00
//double iVol_global = 1.0 / Volume;
nwp_volume_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(nwp_volume);
wp_volume_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(wp_volume);
awn_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(awn);
ans_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(ans);
aws_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(aws);
lwns_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(lwns);
As_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(As);
Jwn_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(Jwn);
Kwn_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(Kwn);
KGwns_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(KGwns);
KNwns_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(KNwns);
efawns_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(efawns);
wwndnw_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(wwndnw);
wwnsdnwn_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(wwnsdnwn);
Jwnwwndnw_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(Jwnwwndnw);
// Phase averages
vol_w_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(vol_w);
vol_n_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(vol_n);
paw_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(paw);
pan_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(pan);
for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)
vaw_global(idx) = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(vaw(idx));
for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)
van_global(idx) = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(van(idx));
for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)
vawn_global(idx) = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(vawn(idx));
for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)
vawns_global(idx) = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(vawns(idx));
for (int idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) {
Gwn_global(idx) = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(Gwn(idx));
Gns_global(idx) = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(Gns(idx));
Gws_global(idx) = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(Gws(idx));
trawn_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(trawn);
trJwn_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(trJwn);
trRwn_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(trRwn);
2021-12-15 06:35:10 -06:00
Xwn_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(Xwn);
Xws_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(Xws);
Xns_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(Xns);
An_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(An);
Jn_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(Jn);
Kn_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(Kn);
2021-12-15 06:35:10 -06:00
euler_global = Dm->Comm.sumReduce(euler);
// Normalize the phase averages
// (density of both components = 1.0)
if (vol_w_global > 0.0) {
paw_global = paw_global / vol_w_global;
if (wp_volume_global > 0.0) {
vaw_global(0) = vaw_global(0) / wp_volume_global;
vaw_global(1) = vaw_global(1) / wp_volume_global;
vaw_global(2) = vaw_global(2) / wp_volume_global;
if (vol_n_global > 0.0) {
pan_global = pan_global / vol_n_global;
if (nwp_volume_global > 0.0) {
van_global(0) = van_global(0) / nwp_volume_global;
van_global(1) = van_global(1) / nwp_volume_global;
van_global(2) = van_global(2) / nwp_volume_global;
// Normalize surface averages by the interfacial area
if (awn_global > 0.0) {
Jwn_global /= awn_global;
2021-12-14 15:46:00 -06:00
//Kwn_global /= awn_global;
wwndnw_global /= awn_global;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
vawn_global(i) /= awn_global;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Gwn_global(i) /= awn_global;
2021-12-14 15:46:00 -06:00
if (lwns_global > 0.0) {
efawns_global /= lwns_global;
//KNwns_global /= lwns_global;
//KGwns_global /= lwns_global;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
vawns_global(i) /= lwns_global;
if (trawn_global > 0.0) {
trJwn_global /= trawn_global;
trRwn_global /= trawn_global;
trRwn_global = 2.0 * fabs(trRwn_global);
trJwn_global = fabs(trJwn_global);
if (ans_global > 0.0)
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Gns_global(i) /= ans_global;
if (aws_global > 0.0)
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Gws_global(i) /= aws_global;
euler_global /= (2 * PI);
sat_w = 1.0 - nwp_volume_global / (nwp_volume_global + wp_volume_global);
// Compute the specific interfacial areas and common line length (dimensionless per unit volume)
awn_global = awn_global * iVol_global;
ans_global = ans_global * iVol_global;
aws_global = aws_global * iVol_global;
dEs = dEs * iVol_global;
lwns_global = lwns_global * iVol_global;
void TwoPhase::NonDimensionalize(double D, double viscosity, double IFT) {
awn_global *= D;
ans_global *= D;
ans_global *= D;
lwns_global *= D * D;
void TwoPhase::PrintStatic() {
if (Dm->rank() == 0) {
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
STATIC = fopen("geometry.csv", "a+");
if (fseek(STATIC, 0, SEEK_SET) == fseek(STATIC, 0, SEEK_CUR)) {
// If timelog is empty, write a short header to list the averages
fprintf(STATIC, "sw awn ans aws Jwn Kwn lwns cwns KGws "
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
"KGwn Xwn Xws Xns "); // Scalar averages
"Gwnxx Gwnyy Gwnzz Gwnxy Gwnxz Gwnyz "); // Orientation tensors
fprintf(STATIC, "Gwsxx Gwsyy Gwszz Gwsxy Gwsxz Gwsyz ");
fprintf(STATIC, "Gnsxx Gnsyy Gnszz Gnsxy Gnsxz Gnsyz ");
fprintf(STATIC, "trawn trJwn trRwn "); //trimmed curvature,
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
fprintf(STATIC, "Vw Aw Jw Xw "); //miknowski measures,
fprintf(STATIC, "Vn An Jn Xn\n"); //miknowski measures,
//fprintf(STATIC,"Euler Kn2 Jn2 An2\n"); //miknowski measures,
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g ", sat_w); // saturation
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", awn_global, ans_global,
aws_global); // interfacial areas
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g %.5g ", Jwn_global,
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
Kwn_global); // curvature of wn interface
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g ", lwns_global); // common curve length
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g ", efawns_global); // average contact angle
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g %.5g ", KNwns_global,
KGwns_global); // total curvature contributions of common line
2021-12-15 06:35:10 -06:00
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", Xwn_global, Xns_global,
Xws_global); // Euler characteristic
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", Gwn_global(0),
Gwn_global(1), Gwn_global(2), Gwn_global(3), Gwn_global(4),
Gwn_global(5)); // orientation of wn interface
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", Gns_global(0),
Gns_global(1), Gns_global(2), Gns_global(3), Gns_global(4),
Gns_global(5)); // orientation of ns interface
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", Gws_global(0),
Gws_global(1), Gws_global(2), Gws_global(3), Gws_global(4),
Gws_global(5)); // orientation of ws interface
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", trawn_global, trJwn_global,
trRwn_global); // Trimmed curvature
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", wet_morph->V(), wet_morph->A(),
wet_morph->H(), wet_morph->X());
2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
fprintf(STATIC, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g\n", nonwet_morph->V(),
nonwet_morph->A(), nonwet_morph->H(), nonwet_morph->X());
//fprintf(STATIC,"%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g\n",euler_global, Kn_global, Jn_global, An_global); // minkowski measures
void TwoPhase::PrintAll(int timestep) {
if (Dm->rank() == 0) {
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%i %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ",
timestep, rho_n, rho_w, nu_n, nu_w, Fx, Fy, Fz, gamma_wn);
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", sat_w, paw_global,
pan_global); // saturation and pressure
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", awn_global, ans_global,
aws_global); // interfacial areas
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g ", Jwn_global,
Kwn_global); // curvature of wn interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g ", lwns_global); // common curve length
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g ", efawns_global); // average contact angle
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g ", KNwns_global,
KGwns_global); // curvature of wn interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", vaw_global(0), vaw_global(1),
vaw_global(2)); // average velocity of w phase
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", van_global(0), van_global(1),
van_global(2)); // average velocity of n phase
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", vawn_global(0), vawn_global(1),
vawn_global(2)); // velocity of wn interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", vawns_global(0), vawns_global(1),
vawns_global(2)); // velocity of wn interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", Gwn_global(0),
Gwn_global(1), Gwn_global(2), Gwn_global(3), Gwn_global(4),
Gwn_global(5)); // orientation of wn interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", Gns_global(0),
Gns_global(1), Gns_global(2), Gns_global(3), Gns_global(4),
Gns_global(5)); // orientation of ns interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", Gws_global(0),
Gws_global(1), Gws_global(2), Gws_global(3), Gws_global(4),
Gws_global(5)); // orientation of ws interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", trawn_global, trJwn_global,
trRwn_global); // Trimmed curvature
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", wwndnw_global, wwnsdnwn_global,
Jwnwwndnw_global); // kinematic quantities
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", wet_morph->V(), wet_morph->A(),
wet_morph->H(), wet_morph->X());
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g\n", nonwet_morph->V(),
nonwet_morph->A(), nonwet_morph->H(), nonwet_morph->X());
// fprintf(TIMELOG,"%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g\n",euler_global, Kn_global, Jn_global, An_global); // minkowski measures
} else {
sat_w = 1.0 - nwp_volume / (nwp_volume + wp_volume);
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%i %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ",
timestep, rho_n, rho_w, nu_n, nu_w, Fx, Fy, Fz, gamma_wn);
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", sat_w, paw,
pan); // saturation and pressure
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", awn, ans, aws); // interfacial areas
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g ", Jwn, Kwn); // curvature of wn interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g ", lwns); // common curve length
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g ", efawns); // average contact angle
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g ", KNwns,
KGwns); // curvature of wn interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", vaw(0), vaw(1),
vaw(2)); // average velocity of w phase
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", van(0), van(1),
van(2)); // average velocity of n phase
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", vawn(0), vawn(1),
vawn(2)); // velocity of wn interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", vawns(0), vawns(1),
vawns(2)); // velocity of wn interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", Gwn(0), Gwn(1),
Gwn(2), Gwn(3), Gwn(4), Gwn(5)); // orientation of wn interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", Gns(0), Gns(1),
Gns(2), Gns(3), Gns(4), Gns(5)); // orientation of ns interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", Gws(0), Gws(1),
Gws(2), Gws(3), Gws(4), Gws(5)); // orientation of ws interface
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", trawn, trJwn,
trRwn); // Trimmed curvature
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g ", wwndnw, wwnsdnwn,
Jwnwwndnw); // kinematic quantities
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g ", wet_morph->Vi, wet_morph->Ai,
wet_morph->Ji, wet_morph->Xi);
fprintf(TIMELOG, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g\n", nonwet_morph->Vi,
nonwet_morph->Ai, nonwet_morph->Ji, nonwet_morph->Xi);
// fprintf(TIMELOG,"%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g\n",euler, Kn, Jn, An); // minkowski measures
void TwoPhase::PrintComponents(int timestep) {
if (Dm->rank() == 0) {
printf("PRINT %i COMPONENT AVEREAGES: time = %i \n",
(int)ComponentAverages_NWP.size(1), timestep);
for (int b = 0; b < NumberComponents_NWP; b++) {
//if (ComponentAverages_NWP(TRIMVOL,b) > 0.0){
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%i ", timestep - 5);
if (Label_NWP_map.empty()) {
// print index
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%i ", b);
} else {
// print final global id
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%i ", Label_NWP_map[b]);
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(VOL, b));
// fprintf(NWPLOG,"%.5g ",ComponentAverages_NWP(TRIMVOL,b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(PRS, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(AWN, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(ANS, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(JWN, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(KWN, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(LWNS, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(CWNS, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(VX, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(VY, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(VZ, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNX, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNY, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNZ, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSX, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSY, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(VWNSZ, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(VSQ, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXX, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNYY, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNZZ, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXY, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNXZ, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(GWNYZ, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(CMX, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(CMY, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(CMZ, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(TRAWN, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(TRJWN, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_NWP(INTCURV, b));
fprintf(NWPLOG, "%.5g\n", ComponentAverages_NWP(EULER, b));
// fprintf(NWPLOG,"%.5g ",ComponentAverages_NWP(NVERT,b));
// fprintf(NWPLOG,"%.5g ",ComponentAverages_NWP(NSIDE,b));
// fprintf(NWPLOG,"%.5g\n",ComponentAverages_NWP(NFACE,b));
for (int b = 0; b < NumberComponents_WP; b++) {
if (ComponentAverages_WP(TRIMVOL, b) > 0.0) {
fprintf(WPLOG, "%i ", timestep - 5);
fprintf(WPLOG, "%i ", b);
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(VOL, b));
// fprintf(WPLOG,"%.5g ",ComponentAverages_WP(TRIMVOL,b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(PRS, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(AWN, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(AWS, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(JWN, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(KWN, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(LWNS, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(CWNS, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(VX, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(VY, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(VZ, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(VWNX, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(VWNY, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(VWNZ, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSX, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSY, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(VWNSZ, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(VSQ, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXX, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(GWNYY, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(GWNZZ, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXY, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(GWNXZ, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(GWNYZ, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(CMX, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(CMY, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(CMZ, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g ", ComponentAverages_WP(TRAWN, b));
fprintf(WPLOG, "%.5g\n", ComponentAverages_WP(TRJWN, b));
inline int TwoPhase::GetCubeLabel(int i, int j, int k, IntArray &BlobLabel) {
int label;
label = BlobLabel(i, j, k);
label = max(label, BlobLabel(i + 1, j, k));
label = max(label, BlobLabel(i, j + 1, k));
label = max(label, BlobLabel(i + 1, j + 1, k));
label = max(label, BlobLabel(i, j, k + 1));
label = max(label, BlobLabel(i + 1, j, k + 1));
label = max(label, BlobLabel(i, j + 1, k + 1));
label = max(label, BlobLabel(i + 1, j + 1, k + 1));
return label;
void TwoPhase::SortBlobs() {
//printf("Sorting the blobs based on volume \n");
int TempLabel, a, aa, bb, i, j, k, idx;
double TempValue;
// Sort NWP components by volume
IntArray OldLabel(NumberComponents_NWP);
for (a = 0; a < NumberComponents_NWP; a++)
OldLabel(a) = a;
// Sort the blob averages based on volume
for (aa = 0; aa < NumberComponents_NWP - 1; aa++) {
for (bb = aa + 1; bb < NumberComponents_NWP; bb++) {
if (ComponentAverages_NWP(VOL, aa) <
ComponentAverages_NWP(VOL, bb)) {
// Exchange location of blobs aa and bb
//printf("Switch blob %i with %i \n", OldLabel(aa),OldLabel(bb));
// switch the label
TempLabel = OldLabel(bb);
OldLabel(bb) = OldLabel(aa);
OldLabel(aa) = TempLabel;
// switch the averages
for (idx = 0; idx < BLOB_AVG_COUNT; idx++) {
TempValue = ComponentAverages_NWP(idx, bb);
ComponentAverages_NWP(idx, bb) =
ComponentAverages_NWP(idx, aa);
ComponentAverages_NWP(idx, aa) = TempValue;
IntArray NewLabel(NumberComponents_NWP);
for (aa = 0; aa < NumberComponents_NWP; aa++) {
// Match the new label for original blob aa
bb = 0;
while (OldLabel(bb) != aa)
NewLabel(aa) = bb;
// Re-label the blob ID
// printf("Re-labeling the blobs, now indexed by volume \n");
for (k = 0; k < Nz; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
if (Label_NWP(i, j, k) > -1) {
TempLabel = NewLabel(Label_NWP(i, j, k));
Label_NWP(i, j, k) = TempLabel;
// Sort WP components by volume
for (a = 0; a < NumberComponents_WP; a++)
OldLabel(a) = a;
// Sort the blob averages based on volume
for (aa = 0; aa < NumberComponents_WP - 1; aa++) {
for (bb = aa + 1; bb < NumberComponents_WP; bb++) {
if (ComponentAverages_WP(VOL, aa) < ComponentAverages_WP(VOL, bb)) {
// Exchange location of blobs aa and bb
//printf("Switch blob %i with %i \n", OldLabel(aa),OldLabel(bb));
// switch the label
TempLabel = OldLabel(bb);
OldLabel(bb) = OldLabel(aa);
OldLabel(aa) = TempLabel;
// switch the averages
for (idx = 0; idx < BLOB_AVG_COUNT; idx++) {
TempValue = ComponentAverages_WP(idx, bb);
ComponentAverages_WP(idx, bb) =
ComponentAverages_WP(idx, aa);
ComponentAverages_WP(idx, aa) = TempValue;
for (aa = 0; aa < NumberComponents_WP; aa++) {
// Match the new label for original blob aa
bb = 0;
while (OldLabel(bb) != aa)
NewLabel(aa) = bb;
// Re-label the blob ID
// printf("Re-labeling the blobs, now indexed by volume \n");
for (k = 0; k < Nz; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
if (Label_WP(i, j, k) > -1) {
TempLabel = NewLabel(Label_WP(i, j, k));
Label_WP(i, j, k) = TempLabel;