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2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
Copyright 2013--2018 James E. McClure, Virginia Polytechnic & State University
Copyright Equnior ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <>.
2021-12-25 16:03:35 -06:00
/* Flow adaptor class for multiphase flow methods */
#ifndef ScaLBL_Membrane_INC
#define ScaLBL_Membrane_INC
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <fstream>
#include "common/ScaLBL.h"
* \brief Unpack D3Q19 distributions after communication using links determined based on membrane location
* @param q - index for distribution based on D3Q19 discrete velocity structure
* @param list - list of distributions to communicate
* @param recvbuf - memory buffer where recieved values have been stored
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* @param count - number of values to unppack
* @param dist - memory buffer to hold the distributions
* @param N - size of the distributions (derived from Domain structure)
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extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q7_Membrane_Unpack(int q, int *d3q7_recvlist,
double *recvbuf, int count,
double *dist, int N, double *coef);
* \brief Set custom link rules for D3Q19 distribution based on membrane location
* @param q - index for distribution based on D3Q19 discrete velocity structure
* @param list - list of distributions to communicate
* @param links - list of active links based on the membrane location
* @param coef - coefficient to determine the local mass transport for each membrane link
* @param start - index to start parsing the list
* @param offset - offset to start reading membrane links
* @param count - number of values to unppack
* @param recvbuf - memory buffer where recieved values have been stored
* @param dist - memory buffer to hold the distributions
* @param N - size of the distributions (derived from Domain structure)
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extern "C" void Membrane_D3Q19_Transport(int q, int *list, int *links,
double *coef, int start, int offset,
int linkCount, double *recvbuf,
double *dist, int N);
2021-12-25 16:03:35 -06:00
* \class Membrane
* @brief
* The Membrane class operates on ScaLBL data structures to insert membrane
class Membrane {
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int Np;
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int Nx, Ny, Nz, N;
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int membraneLinkCount;
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int BoundaryCondition;
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int *initialNeighborList; // original neighborlist
int *NeighborList; // modified neighborlist
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/* host data structures */
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int *membraneLinks; // D3Q7 links that cross membrane
int *membraneTag; // label each link in the membrane
double *membraneDist; // distance to membrane for each linked site
double *membraneOrientation; // distance to membrane for each linked site
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2022-03-11 04:39:34 -06:00
* Device data structures
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int *MembraneLinks;
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double *MembraneCoef; // mass transport coefficient for the membrane
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double *MembraneDistance;
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double *MembraneOrientation;
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2021-12-25 16:03:35 -06:00
* \brief Create a flow adaptor to operate on the LB model
* @param ScaLBL - originating data structures
* @param neighborList - list of neighbors for each site
//Membrane(std::shared_ptr <Domain> Dm, int *initialNeighborList, int Nsites);
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Membrane(std::shared_ptr<ScaLBL_Communicator> sComm, int *dvcNeighborList,
int Nsites);
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* \brief Destructor
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* \brief Create membrane
* \details Create membrane structure from signed distance function
* @param Dm - domain structure
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* @param Distance - signed distance to membrane
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* @param Map - mapping between regular layout and compact layout
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int Create(DoubleArray &Distance, IntArray &Map);
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* \brief Write membrane data to output file
* @param filename - name of file to save
void Write(string filename);
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* \brief Read membrane data from input file
* @param filename - name of file to save
void Read(string filename);
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void SendD3Q7AA(double *dist);
void RecvD3Q7AA(double *dist, bool BounceBack);
void AssignCoefficients(int *Map, double *Psi, double Threshold,
double MassFractionIn, double MassFractionOut,
double ThresholdMassFractionIn,
double ThresholdMassFractionOut);
void IonTransport(double *dist, double *den);
// Buffers to store data sent and recieved by this MPI process
double *sendbuf_x, *sendbuf_y, *sendbuf_z, *sendbuf_X, *sendbuf_Y,
double *recvbuf_x, *recvbuf_y, *recvbuf_z, *recvbuf_X, *recvbuf_Y,
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2023-10-23 03:18:20 -05:00
Lock; // use Lock to make sure only one call at a time to protect data in transit
int sendtag, recvtag;
int iproc, jproc, kproc;
int nprocx, nprocy, nprocz;
// Give the object it's own MPI communicator
RankInfoStruct rank_info;
Utilities::MPI MPI_COMM_SCALBL; // MPI Communicator for this domain
MPI_Request req1[18], req2[18];
2021-12-27 18:47:49 -06:00
* \brief Set up membrane communication
* \details associate p2p communication links to membrane where necessary
* returns the number of membrane links
* regular communications are stored in the first part of the list
* membrane communications are stored in the last part of the list
* @param Cqx - discrete velocity (x)
* @param Cqy - discrete velocity (y)
* @param Cqz - discrete velocity (z)
* @param d3q19_recvlist - device array with the saved list
* @param count - number recieved values
* @param membraneRecvLabels - sorted list with regular and membrane links
* @param Distance - signed distance to membrane
* @param dvcMap - data structure used to define mapping between dense and sparse representation
* @param Np - number of sites in dense representation
2021-12-27 18:47:49 -06:00
* */
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int D3Q7_MapRecv(int Cqx, int Cqy, int Cqz, int *d3q19_recvlist, int count,
int *membraneRecvLabels, DoubleArray &Distance,
int *dvcMap);
// MPI ranks for all 18 neighbors
// These variables are all private to prevent external things from modifying them!!
int rank;
int rank_x, rank_y, rank_z, rank_X, rank_Y, rank_Z;
int rank_xy, rank_XY, rank_xY, rank_Xy;
int rank_xz, rank_XZ, rank_xZ, rank_Xz;
int rank_yz, rank_YZ, rank_yZ, rank_Yz;
int SendCount, RecvCount, CommunicationCount;
int sendCount_x, sendCount_y, sendCount_z, sendCount_X, sendCount_Y,
int recvCount_x, recvCount_y, recvCount_z, recvCount_X, recvCount_Y,
int linkCount_x[5], linkCount_y[5], linkCount_z[5], linkCount_X[5],
linkCount_Y[5], linkCount_Z[5];
int linkCount_xy, linkCount_yz, linkCount_xz, linkCount_Xy, linkCount_Yz,
int linkCount_xY, linkCount_yZ, linkCount_Xz, linkCount_XY, linkCount_YZ,
// Send buffers that reside on the compute device
int *dvcSendList_x, *dvcSendList_y, *dvcSendList_z, *dvcSendList_X,
*dvcSendList_Y, *dvcSendList_Z;
//int *dvcSendList_xy, *dvcSendList_yz, *dvcSendList_xz, *dvcSendList_Xy, *dvcSendList_Yz, *dvcSendList_xZ;
//int *dvcSendList_xY, *dvcSendList_yZ, *dvcSendList_Xz, *dvcSendList_XY, *dvcSendList_YZ, *dvcSendList_XZ;
// Recieve buffers that reside on the compute device
int *dvcRecvList_x, *dvcRecvList_y, *dvcRecvList_z, *dvcRecvList_X,
*dvcRecvList_Y, *dvcRecvList_Z;
//int *dvcRecvList_xy, *dvcRecvList_yz, *dvcRecvList_xz, *dvcRecvList_Xy, *dvcRecvList_Yz, *dvcRecvList_xZ;
//int *dvcRecvList_xY, *dvcRecvList_yZ, *dvcRecvList_Xz, *dvcRecvList_XY, *dvcRecvList_YZ, *dvcRecvList_XZ;
// Link lists that reside on the compute device
int *dvcRecvLinks_x, *dvcRecvLinks_y, *dvcRecvLinks_z, *dvcRecvLinks_X,
*dvcRecvLinks_Y, *dvcRecvLinks_Z;
//int *dvcRecvLinks_xy, *dvcRecvLinks_yz, *dvcRecvLinks_xz, *dvcRecvLinks_Xy, *dvcRecvLinks_Yz, *dvcRecvLinks_xZ;
//int *dvcRecvLinks_xY, *dvcRecvLinks_yZ, *dvcRecvLinks_Xz, *dvcRecvLinks_XY, *dvcRecvLinks_YZ, *dvcRecvLinks_XZ;
// Recieve buffers for the distributions
int *dvcRecvDist_x, *dvcRecvDist_y, *dvcRecvDist_z, *dvcRecvDist_X,
*dvcRecvDist_Y, *dvcRecvDist_Z;
//int *dvcRecvDist_xy, *dvcRecvDist_yz, *dvcRecvDist_xz, *dvcRecvDist_Xy, *dvcRecvDist_Yz, *dvcRecvDist_xZ;
//int *dvcRecvDist_xY, *dvcRecvDist_yZ, *dvcRecvDist_Xz, *dvcRecvDist_XY, *dvcRecvDist_YZ, *dvcRecvDist_XZ;
// mass transfer coefficient arrays
double *coefficient_x, *coefficient_X, *coefficient_y, *coefficient_Y,
*coefficient_z, *coefficient_Z;
2021-12-25 16:03:35 -06:00